AARO Phase II Webpages / Form Images and Text
As of 09/27/2023
AARO UAP Reporting Information Webpage 3
Reporting Information Page Image 3
What to expect after filing a report: 5
I signed an NDA. Can I still report to AARO? 5
Do I meet the criteria for submitting a report? 6
Submission Qualification Criteria 8
If submitter does NOT meet criteria 9
Current Contact Information 10
U.S. Government UAP Program / Activity Information 13
Prohibition on Reprisal Information 17
Certification and Consent / Submit 18
UAP Report Text and Dropdown Options 21
U.S. Government UAP Programs/Activities Report Form 21
Submission Qualification Criteria 21
Current Contact Information 22
U.S. Government UAP Program / Activity Information 25
Prohibition on Reprisal Information 26
Certification and Consent / Submit 26
Appendix: List of data fields to be collected from submitters 27
A site visitor will click on the “Submit a U.S. Government UAP-Related Program/Activity Report” button that exists (currently disabled) on the AARO Home page to open the new AARO UAP Repoprting Information webpage shown on the following pages.
AARO will be accepting reports from current or former U.S. government employees, service members, or contractors with direct knowledge of USG programs or activities related to UAP dating back to 1945. These reports will be used to inform AARO’s congressionally directed Historical Record Report.
Please do NOT submit any information that is potentially classified.
Please do NOT submit general reports of UAP sightings/encounters. Reporting is limited at this time to current or former U.S. government employees, military personnel, or contractors with direct knowledge of USG programs or activities related to UAP dating back to 1945. In the future, reporting eligibility will be expanded to the general public and include reports of any event related to UAP.
Please do NOT report secondhand information or hearsay regarding UAP programs or activities. Please encourage those with firsthand knowledge to come forward and share their information and experiences with AARO.
Please do NOT submit current operational reports of UAP sightings/encounters in the course of your duties as a Service member or federal employee. Please follow the process established by your Service Branch or federal agency to report the information to AARO.
Following the submission of your report, AARO staff may reach out to request additional detail or arrange for an informational interview.
Yes. Per the James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023,* individuals may report to AARO without fear of violating the terms of current or previous non-disclosure agreements. However, once an authorized disclosure is made to AARO, individuals are expected to continue protecting information in accordance with the original non-disclosure agreement.
By law, AARO may receive all UAP-related information, including any classified national security information involving military, intelligence, and intelligence-related activities, at all levels of classification regardless of any restrictive access controls, special access programs, or compartmented access programs. Moreover, there is no restriction to AARO receiving any past or present UAP-related information, regardless of the organizational affiliation of the original classification authority within DoD, the Intelligence Community, or any other U.S. government department or agency.
* NDAA FY 2023, Section 1673(b)(1): An authorized disclosure shall not be subject to a nondisclosure agreement entered into by the individual who makes the disclosure; shall be deemed to comply with any regulation or order issued under the authority of Executive Order 13526 (50 U.S.C. 31617 note; relating to classified national security information) or chapter 18 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.D. 2271 et seq.); and is not a violation of section 798 of title 11 18, United States Code, or other provision of law relating to the disclosure of information.
Individuals who make authorized disclosures to AARO are explicitly protected from reprisal under law, per the FY23 National Defense Authorization Act.* If you believe you have experienced reprisal for making an authorized disclosure to AARO, please submit a report to the DoD Office of the Inspector General Hotline, Office of the Intelligence Community Inspector General Hotline, Department of Energy Office of the Inspector General Hotline, Department of Homeland Security Inspector General Hotline, or the IG office of your current or former federal agency.
*An employee of a department or agency of the Federal Government, or of a contractor, subcontractor, grantee, sub-grantee, or personal services contractor of such a department or agency, who has authority to take, direct others to take, recommend, or approve any personnel action, shall not, with respect to such authority, take or fail to take, or threaten to take or fails to take, a personnel action, including the revocation or suspension of security clearances, or termination of employment, with respect to any individual as a reprisal for any authorized disclosure.
James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023
- I am a former or current U.S. Government employee, service member, or contractor. Y/N
- I have first-hand knowledge of a U.S. Government program or activity related to UAP. Y/N
If you answer YES to the statements above and you are interested in sharing your personal testimony for our historical investigation, please follow the link below to submit a report when it becomes active.
(Note: the text on the line below is what appears on a button, which is inactive)
U.S. Government UAP-Related Programs or Activities Reporting Form Coming Soon
The images below reflect the use of Google Forms in AARO’s secure Google Enterprise Plus Workspace account to collect reports associated with UAP-related programs / activities.
If an individual clicks on “No” for the combined response to the first two questions, that individual will not be able to proceed with filling out the Google Form to submit a UAP Report to AARO.
If an individual clicks on “Yes” for the combined response to the first two questions, that individual will see the multiple form segments in the Google Form, as shown in the following screenshots, to submit a UAP Report to AARO.
If answer Yes to Referral, these questions will appear
The public reporting burden for this collection of information, 0704-AARO, is estimated to average 5 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering, and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or burden reduction suggestions to the Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, at whs.mc-alex.esd.mbx.dd-dod-information-collections@mail.mil. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number.
AARO is currently accepting reports from current or former U.S. government employees, service members, or contractors with firsthand knowledge of U.S. Government programs or activities related to UAP dating back to 1945. These reports will be used to inform AARO’s congressionally directed Historical Record Report. In the future, reporting eligibility will be expanded to the general public and include reports of any event related to UAP. This form is intended as an initial point of contact with AARO; it is NOT intended for conveying potentially sensitive or classified information. Following the submission of your report, AARO staff may reach out to request additional detail or arrange for an informational interview.
Warning: This form is to be used for official business with the Department of Defense. Knowing and willful false reporting can be punished by fine or imprisonment, or both (18 U.S.C. 1001). Additionally, falsifying information may have a negative effect on your security clearance, employment prospects, or job status, up to and including denial or revocation of your security clearance, or your removal and debarment from Federal service, if applicable.
Former or Current U.S. Government employee, service member, or contractor?
Do you have firsthand knowledge of a U.S. Government program/activity related to UAP?
Your response to these two questions will be used to determine if you meet the criteria to complete and submit a UAP Report at this time.
knowledge' refers to an individual who participated in, was involved
with, or was directly supporting a U.S. Government program or
activity related to UAP.
(If answer above is No, only display this text below and ability to enter any more data ceases)
Sorry, you do not meet the criteria to submit a report at this time
AARO is currently ONLY accepting reports from current or former U.S. Government employees, service members, or contractors with firsthand knowledge of U.S. Government programs or activities related to UAP dating back to 1945. In the future, the ability to submit UAP reports will be available to the general public.
(If answer above is Yes, display all of the UAP Reporting Form content that appears below)
* indicates required question
Providing the information below will assist AARO with potential follow-up.
Do not enter classified information!
U.S. Government employee, service member, or contractor status:*
Dropdown List Options
Your current employment/contract affiliation with the U.S. Government:*
Affiliation Dropdown List Options
Department of Defense
Department of Energy
Department of Homeland Security
Other Federal Agency
Non-Federal Agency
Prefer not to disclose on form
Your current employment/contract role with the U.S. Government:*
Role Dropdown List Options
Service member
Please provide your DoD ID number or Home Agency ID number, if applicable:
DoD ID Number: (text input, up to 15 characters)
To find your DoD ID, look on the back of your CAC or login to DoD ID Card Office Online to view your profile
Agency ID Number: (text input, up to 20 characters)
To find your Agency ID number, open a web browser, navigate to Certificates and under the Personal tab, select your certificate details tab.
Military branch of service (for current/former service members): *
Dropdown List Options
Air Force
Coast Guard
Marine Corps
Space Force
Your highest rank (military) or grade (civilian): *
Dropdown List Options
Military Ranks
Civilian Grades
Other Options
Your preferred salutation: *
Dropdown List Options
(My military rank)
Your First Name: * (text input, up to 20 characters)
Your Middle Initial/Name: (text input, up to 20 characters)
Your Last Name:* (text input, up to 20 characters)
Your Suffix: (text input, up to 5 characters)
Your current Zip Code: * (text, must use this format: #####-####, with last 4 digits optional)
(Enter “00000” if you currently do not have an address with a zip code)
Your Phone number: * (text input, must use this format:###-###-####)
(Use format ###-###-####)
Your Current Email Address: * (text input, must use email format with @)
Your current U.S. security clearance: *
Clearance Status Dropdown List Options
Currently have
Previously had
Never had
Prefer not to disclose on form
Do not enter classified information!
Approximate start date of UAP-related programs/activities: * (datepicker)
Approximate end date of UAP-related programs/activities: * (datepicker)
Your employment/contract affiliation with the U.S. Government during UAP-related programs/activities: *
Affiliation Dropdown List Options
Department of Defense
Department of Energy
Department of Homeland Security
Other Federal Agency
Non-Federal Agency
Prefer not to disclose on form
Your employment/contract role with the U.S. Government during UAP-related programs/activities:*
Role Dropdown List Options
Service member
Are you aware of any supporting photos, files, or other physical evidence? *
Radio Button Options
Your U.S. security clearance during the UAP program/activity: *
Clearance Status Dropdown List Options
Held a clearance during UAP program/activity
Did not hold a clearance during UAP program/activity
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)† signed for security clearance during UAP program/activity? *
Dropdown List Options
†Per the Fiscal Year 2023 National Defense Authorization Act‡, individuals may report to AARO without fear of violating the terms of current or previous non-disclosure agreements. However, once an authorized disclosure is made to AARO, individuals are expected to continue protecting information in accordance with the original non-disclosure agreement.
By law, AARO may receive all UAP-related information, including any classified national security information involving military, intelligence, and intelligence-related activities, at all levels of classification regardless of any restrictive access controls, special access programs, or compartmented access programs. Moreover, there is no restriction to AARO receiving any past or present UAP-related information, regardless of the organizational affiliation of the original classification authority within DoD, the Intelligence Community, or any other U.S. government department or agency.
‡ An authorized disclosure shall not be subject to a nondisclosure agreement entered into by the individual who makes the disclosure; shall be deemed to comply with any regulation or order issued under the authority of Executive Order 13526 (50 U.S.C. 31617 note; relating to classified national security information) or chapter 18 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.D. 2271 et seq.); and is not a violation of section 798 of title 11 18, United States Code, or other provision of law
Were you referred to AARO? *
Radio Button Options
Reference Affiliation: (text input, up to 25 characters)
Name of Reference: (text input, up to 25 characters)
who make authorized disclosures to AARO are explicitly protected from
reprisal under law, per the FY23 National Defense Authorization Act.†
If you believe you have experienced reprisal for making an
authorized disclosure to AARO, please submit a report to the DoD
Office of the Inspector General Hotline,
of the Intelligence Community Inspector General Hotline,
of Energy Office of the Inspector General Hotline,
of Homeland Security Inspector General Hotline,
or the IG office of your current or former federal agency.
† An employee of a department or agency of the Federal Government, or of a contractor, subcontractor, grantee, sub-grantee, or personal services contractor of such a department or agency, who has authority to take, direct others to take, recommend, or approve any personnel action, shall not, with respect to such authority, take or fail to take, or threaten to take or fails to take, a personnel action, including the revocation or suspension of security clearances, or termination of employment, with respect to any individual as a reprisal for any authorized disclosure.
2023 NDAA - National Defense Authorization Act
certify, to the best of my knowledge, that the provided information
consent to being contacted by AARO should additional information be
certify, to the best of my knowledge, that the provided information
is true and accurate.
understand that I am voluntarily providing personal identifiable
information to AARO.
understand that the information I provide may be subject to the
safeguards of the Privacy Act of 1974.
10 U.S.C. 113, Secretary of Defense; 44 U.S.C. 2107, Acceptance of Records for Historical Preservation; Section 1673 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023 (Pub. Law 117-263).
To manage general correspondence and reporting relating to
unidentified anomalous phenomena. Information provided may be
used to contact or seek additional information from individuals
reporting information relating to such phenomena, including but not
limited to any event relating to unidentified anomalous phenomena and
any activity or program by a department or agency of the Federal
Government or a contractor of such a department or agency relating to
such phenomena.
The information solicited may be made available as a “routine
use” to appropriate Federal, State, local, territorial, tribal,
foreign, or international law enforcement authorities to assist the
All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office with authorized reporting of
phenomena, to appropriate Federal, State, local, territorial, tribal,
foreign, or international agencies for the purpose of authorized
scientific study or counterintelligence activities, or for the
purpose of executing or enforcing laws designed to protect the
national security or homeland security of the United States,
including those relating to the sharing of records or information
concerning terrorism, homeland security, or law enforcement. A
complete list and explanation of applicable Routine Uses is included
in SORN DoD-0017, "Privacy and Civil Liberties Complaints and
General Correspondence Records,” accessible
Voluntary; however, failure to provide the information may result in
the inability of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office to evaluate
the information and engage in follow-up communications in furtherance
of the authorized reporting or assessment processes.
AARO Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)
User Input |
Field Input Type |
Required |
Qualify |
Meet criteria to report for Phase II (yes/ no) |
Dropdown List |
Yes |
Current Information |
U.S. Gov. Status (current/former) |
Dropdown List |
Yes |
Current Government Affiliation |
Dropdown List |
Yes |
Current Gov. Role (employee, service member, contractor) |
Dropdown List |
Yes |
DoD ID Number |
Text field |
No |
Agency ID Number |
Text field |
No |
Military branch of service |
Dropdown List |
Yes |
Highest rank (military) / grade(civilian) |
Dropdown List |
Yes |
Preferred salutation |
Dropdown List |
Yes |
First Name |
Text field |
Yes |
Middle Initial / Name |
Text field |
No |
Last Name |
Text field |
Yes |
Suffix |
Text field |
No |
Zip Code |
Text field |
Yes |
Phone Number |
Text field |
Yes |
Email address |
Text field |
Yes |
Current U.S. security clearance status (e.g., have, never had) |
Dropdown List |
Yes |
UAP Related Information |
UAP Program / Activity Start Date |
Date Picker |
Yes |
UAP Program / Activity End Date |
Date Picker |
Yes |
U.S. Government Affiliation |
Dropdown List |
Yes |
U.S. Government Role (employee, service member, contractor) |
Dropdown List |
Yes |
Knowledge of supporting materials (yes/no) |
Dropdown List |
Yes |
U.S. security clearance status (e.g., had, never had) |
Dropdown List |
Yes |
NDA signed (yes, no, unsure, N/A) |
Dropdown List |
Yes |
Referral |
Referred to AARO (yes / no) |
Dropdown List |
Yes |
Reference Affiliation |
Text field |
No |
Name of Reference |
Text field |
No |
Certification Consent |
Information provided not classified |
Checkbox |
Yes |
Contact by AARO consent |
Checkbox |
Yes |
Information provided true & accurate |
Checkbox |
Yes |
Voluntarily providing PII to AARO |
Checkbox |
Yes |
Information provided subject to Privacy Act |
Checkbox |
Yes |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Terry Dykeman |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2023-10-23 |