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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2022 / Notices
Regulations (18 CFR 385.211 and
385.214) on or before 5:00 p.m. Eastern
time on the specified comment date.
Protests may be considered, but
intervention is necessary to become a
party to the proceeding.
eFiling is encouraged. More detailed
information relating to filing
requirements, interventions, protests,
service, and qualifying facilities filings
can be found at:
docs-filing/efiling/filing-req.pdf. For
other information, call (866) 208–3676
(toll free). For TTY, call (202) 502–8659.
Dated: January 12, 2022.
Debbie-Anne A. Reese,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2022–00929 Filed 1–18–22; 8:45 am]
[Public Notice: 2022–3001]
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Comment Request
Export-Import Bank of the
United States.
ACTION: Submission for OMB review and
comments request.
The Export-Import Bank of
the United States (EXIM), as part of its
continuing effort to reduce paperwork
and respondent burden, invites the
general public and other Federal
Agencies to comment on the proposed
information collection, as required by
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before February 18, 2022 to be
assured of consideration.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be
submitted electronically on (EIB 11–05) or by
email to Donna Schneider at, or by mail
to Donna Schneider, Export-Import
Bank, 811 Vermont Ave NW,
Washington, DC 20571. The information
collection tool can be reviewed at:
request additional information, please
contact Donna Schneider at, or 202–
borrowers, financial institution policy
holders and guaranteed lenders provide
this form to U.S. exporters, who certify
to the eligibility of their exports for
EXIM support. For direct loans and loan
guarantees, the completed form is
required to be submitted at time of
jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with NOTICES1
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disbursement and held by either the
guaranteed lender or EXIM. For MT
insurance, the completed forms are held
by the financial institution, only to be
submitted to EXIM in the event of a
claim filing.
EXIM uses the referenced form to
obtain information from exporters
regarding the export transaction and
content sourcing. These details are
necessary to determine the value and
legitimacy of EXIM financing support
and claims submitted. It also provides
the financial institutions a check on the
export transaction’s eligibility at the
time it is fulfilling a financing request.
Title and Form Number: EIB 11–05
Exporter’s Certificate for Loan
Guarantee & MT Insurance Programs.
OMB Number: 3048–0043.
Type of Review: Regular.
Need and Use: The information
collected will allow EXIM to determine
compliance and content for transaction
requests submitted to the Export-Import
Bank under its insurance, guarantee,
and direct loan programs.
Affected Public: This form affects
entities involved in the export of U.S.
goods and services.
Annual Number of Respondents:
Estimated Time per Respondent: 30
Annual Burden Hours: 1,000 hours.
Frequency of Reporting of Use: As
Government Expenses:
Reviewing Time per Year: 167 hours.
Average Wages per Hour: $42.50.
Average Cost per Year: $7,097.50
(time * wages).
Benefits and Overhead: 20%.
Total Government Cost: $8,517.
Bassam Doughman,
IT Specialist.
Notice of Board Meeting
Notice of the forthcoming
regular meeting of the Board of Directors
of the Farm Credit System Insurance
Corporation (FCSIC), is hereby given in
accordance with the provisions of
Article VI of the Bylaws of the FCSIC.
Time and Date: 10:00 a.m., Thursday,
January 27, 2022.
Place: Because of the COVID–19
pandemic, the public may only virtually
attend the open portions of this meeting.
If you would like to virtually attend, at
least 24 hours in advance, visit
Frm 00039
Fmt 4703
Portions Open to the Public
• Approval of December 8, 2021
• Review and Setting of Insurance
Premium Rates
• Policy Statement—Insurance
• Policy Statement—Internal Controls,
Audit Coverage & Committee Charter
Portions Closed to the Public
• Annual Report on Contracts
• Annual Report on Whistleblower
For More Information Contact: If you
need more information, need assistance
for accessibility reasons, or have
questions, contact Ashley Waldron,
Secretary to the Board. Telephone: 703–
883–4009. TTY: 703–883–4056.
Dated: January 12, 2022.
Ashley Waldron,
Secretary to the Board.
[FR Doc. 2022–00902 Filed 1–18–22; 8:45 am]
[OMB No. 3064–0072]
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Proposed Collection
Renewal; Comment Request
Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (FDIC).
ACTION: Agency Information Collection
Activities: Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request.
[FR Doc. 2022–00949 Filed 1–18–22; 8:45 am]
PO 00000, select ‘‘News & Events,’’ and
then select ‘‘Board Meetings.’’ From
there, access the linked ‘‘Instructions for
board meeting visitors.’’
Status: Parts of this meeting will be
open to the public. The rest of the
meeting will be closed to the public.
Matters To be Considered:
Sfmt 4703
The FDIC, as part of its
obligations under the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, invites the
general public and other Federal
agencies to take this opportunity to
comment on the request to renew the
existing information collections
described below (OMB Control No.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before February 18, 2022.
ADDRESSES: Interested parties are
invited to submit written comments to
the FDIC by any of the following
• Agency Website: https://
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2022 / Notices
• Email: Include
the name and number of the collection
in the subject line of the message.
• Mail: Manny Cabeza (202–898–
3767), Regulatory Counsel, MB–3128,
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation,
550 17th Street NW, Washington, DC
• Hand Delivery: Comments may be
hand-delivered to the guard station at
the rear of the 17th Street building
(located on F Street), on business days
between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be sent
within 30 days of publication of this
notice to
PRAMain. Find this particular
information collection by selecting
‘‘Currently under 30-day Review—Open
for Public Comments’’ or by using the
search function.
Manny Cabeza, Regulatory Counsel,
202–898–3767,, MB–
3128, Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation, 550 17th Street NW,
Washington, DC 20429.
to renew the following currently
approved collections of information:
1. Title: Acquisition Services
Information Requirements.
OMB Number: 3064–0072.
Form Number: None.
Affected Public: Private sector,
business and other for-profit entities.
Burden Estimate:
[OMB No. 3064–0072]
Request for Proposal and Price
Quotation (includes Basic Safeguards)—Solicitation/Award (Form
Request for Information ......................
Background Investigation Questionnaire for Contractor Personnel and
Subcontractors (Form 1600/04).
Background Investigation Questionnaire for Contractors (Form 1600/
Background Investigation Questionnaire for Contractors (Form 1600/
Leasing Representations and Certifications (Form 3700/44).
(Form 3700/57).
jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with NOTICES1
Reporting ....
Required to Obtain
or Retain Benefits.
On Occasion ........
Reporting ....
Reporting ....
Voluntary ..............
Required to Obtain
or Retain Benefits.
Required to Obtain
or Retain Benefits.
Required to Obtain
or Retain Benefits.
Required to Obtain
or Retain Benefits.
Required to Obtain
or Retain Benefits.
Required to Obtain
or Retain Benefits.
Required to Obtain
or Retain Benefits.
Required to Obtain
or Retain Benefits.
Required to Obtain
or Retain Benefits.
Required to Obtain
or Retain Benefits.
Required to Obtain
or Retain Benefits.
On Occasion ........
On Occasion ........
On Occasion ........
On Occasion ........
On Occasion ........
On Occasion ........
On Occasion ........
On Occasion ........
On Occasion ........
On Occasion ........
On Occasion ........
On Occasion ........
Reporting ....
Reporting ....
Reporting ....
Reporting ....
Contractor Representations and Certifications (Form 3700/04A).
Reporting ....
Integrity and Fitness Representations
and Certifications (Form 3700/12).
Reporting ....
Prize Competitions—Application .........
Reporting ....
Prize Competitions—Proposal ............
Reporting ....
Innovation Pilot Programs—Application.
Reporting ....
Innovation Pilot Programs—Proposal
Reporting ....
General Description of Collection:
This information collection involves the
submission of various forms by (1)
contractors who wish to do business
with the FDIC or are currently under
contract with the FDIC; (2) those
vendors and parties participating in
innovation pilot programs and prize
competitions with the possibility of
being awarded a contract; and (3)
government agencies or commercial
businesses that provide FDIC with past
performance information. There is no
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Number of
Time per
change in the method or substance of
the collection. However, the FDIC has
amended this submission to account for
the burdens associated with vendors
and parties participating in innovation
pilot programs and prize competitions.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12
U.S.C. Section 1819) empowers the
FDIC to enter into contracts using
private sector contractors to provide
goods or services. The Act also provides
that the FDIC may promulgate policies
and procedures to administer the
PO 00000
Frm 00040
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
of response
to respond
Total Hourly Burden .....................
Type of
powers granted to it, including the
power to enter into contracts. Pursuant
to such policies, the Acquisition and
Corporate Services Branch of the FDIC’s
Division of Administration has
developed forms and clauses to
facilitate the procurement of goods and
services from private sector contractors.
The information collected through these
forms and clauses fall under the
definition of collection of information
under the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995 (PRA).
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2022 / Notices
jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with NOTICES1
During the review of the renewal of
this Acquisition Services Information
Requirements information collection,
FDIC determined that portions of the
PRA burdens that are currently under
the information collection entitled
Innovation Pilot Programs. (OMB No.
3064–0212) should be transferred to this
information collection (OMB No. 3064–
0072). OMB No. 3064–0212 involves the
collection of information from third
parties (banks and firms in partnership
with banks) who are invited to
voluntarily propose time-limited pilot
programs, which will be collected and
considered by the FDIC on a case-bycase basis. FDIC has determined that the
burdens associated with OMB No.
3064–0212 that contain the possibility
of entering into a contract with the FDIC
should be transferred to OMB No. 3064–
0072. To avoid duplication of burden
hours, OMB No. 3064–0212 will be
separately amended to only contain the
burden on IDIs and third parties that are
involved in the various projects that
third parties may engage in. FDIC
determined that OMB No. 3064–0072
should include the burden involved
with the preparation and submission of
applications to participate in FDICsponsored or co-sponsored prize
competitions if the outcome of those
prize competitions includes the
possibility of entering into a contract
with the FDIC. These burdens are
similar to the burdens currently under
the IC entitled Generic Clearance for
Prize Competition Participation (OMB
No. 3064–0211). However, OMB No.
3064–0211 contains and will continue
to contain those burdens associated
with prize competitions whose
outcomes do not include the possibility
of a entering into a contract with the
New Burden: Prize Competitions—
Estimated Number of Respondents,
Responses and Hourly Burdens
As described above, this ICR adds to
OMB No. 3064–0072 the burdens
involved with the preparation and
submission of applications to
participate in FDIC-sponsored or cosponsored prize competitions if the
outcomes of those prize competitions
include the possibility of entering into
a contract with the FDIC. The
information associated with this burden
are collected from potential and actual
participants (including technologists,
coders, engineers and developers;
consumers of financial services;
consumer advocates; academics;
members of trade groups and other
associations; individuals connected to
financial institutions, community banks,
and financial and bank service and
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technology providers; software, data,
and technology firms; and other
members of the public) of those prize
competitions. The FDIC collects
information from respondents during
both an application phase and during a
proposal phase.
1. Application Phase: The FDIC has
never conducted a prize competition
where outcomes included the
possibility of entering into a contract
with the FDIC. FDIC anticipates that
approximately 100 applications would
be received if the FDIC were to initiate
such a prize competition. For the
purposes of this ICR, FDIC assumes that
each application is submitted by a
distinct respondent. Thus, in the above
burden table, for the line item Prize
Competition—Application, FDIC
assumes that the number of responses
per respondent is one and use a
respondent count of 100 per year.
In order for the FDIC to determine
which applicants will be eligible and
selected to participate in FDIC prize
competitions, the FDIC will request that
potential participants provide their
name, contact information, address, and
such other information that may be
necessary to evaluate applicants’
qualifications and ability to participate
in the event as well as to match the
applicants’ anticipated role to the needs
of the competition. Applicants will also
be asked to acknowledge the terms and
conditions of participating in the prize
competition. Based on their experience
with previous prize competitions, FDIC
estimates that respondents will spend,
on average, one hour to prepare and
submit an application.
2. Proposal Phase: Certain
participants in these prize competitions
may be invited to present a contract
proposal to be considered by the FDIC.
Should such a prize competition occur,
FDIC assumes that it would receive five
contract proposals per year. For the
purposes of this ICR, FDIC assumes that
each proposal is submitted by a distinct
respondent. Thus, for the line item Prize
Competition—Proposal, FDIC assumes
that the number of responses per
respondent is one and use a respondent
count of five per year.
Based on experience with previous
prize competitions, FDIC expects that
respondents will spend, on average, 60
hours to prepare and submit a proposal.
Thus, for the line item Prize
Competition—Proposal, FDIC estimates
a time burden of 60 hours per response.
PO 00000
Frm 00041
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Transferred Burden From OMB No.
3064–0212: Innovation Pilot Program—
Estimated Number of Respondents,
Responses and Hourly Burdens
As described above, this ICR transfers
the burdens that contain the possibility
of entering into a contract with the FDIC
from OMB No. 3064–0212 to OMB No.
3064–0072. The information associated
with this burden are collected from
innovators who are invited to
voluntarily propose time-limited pilot
programs. The program is typically
conducted in four phases, with a
declining number of companies
advancing at each phase. The FDIC
provides fixed monetary awards for the
successful completion of some of these
phases. In order to evaluate potential
contractors, the FDIC collects
information from respondents twice:
During an application phase and during
a proposal phase.
1. Application Phase: The FDIC issues
a call for concept papers as a general
solicitation. Interested parties respond
by submitting concept papers, thus
becoming offerors. The FDIC then
subjectively assesses those papers to
determine its confidence in the
prospective merits of those concept
papers as well as the FDIC’s confidence
in the offeror’s apparent ability to
transform concepts into real-world
solutions. FDIC used its experience with
the first Innovation Pilot Program 1 to
estimate that 50 concept papers are
submitted to the FDIC in response to a
call. Although one company could
submit multiple concept papers to one
call, or different concept papers to
different calls, the FDIC considers a
concept paper submission for each call
to be from a distinct respondent. The
FDIC anticipates issuing three calls per
year. Thus, for purposes of this
information collection item, FDIC
estimates 150 respondents per year and
one response per respondent per year.
FDIC believes that the hourly burden for
preparing concept papers to be similar
to that of RFPs. However, the
applications for pilot programs are
usually more extensive than the average
RFP. Based on the hourly burden
estimated for RFPs, FDIC estimates that
each application will take 20 hours to
1 The first Innovation Pilot Program, Rapid
Phased Prototyping (RPP), began in August 2020.
Details for RPP can be found at https:// (last accessed
September 30, 2021). The proposal submission
phase for RPP is expected to finish in 2021. The
FDIC received 35 applications for RPP; FDIC
conservatively estimates 50 responses per pilot
program to account for the fact that future
collections could receive increased interest. The
FDIC also anticipates holding up to three pilots a
year, for a total of 150 estimated applications per
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2022 / Notices
prepare and submit. Thus, for the line
item Innovation Pilot Program—
Application, FDIC estimates a time
burden of 20 hours per response.
2. Proposal Phase: During a pilot
program, all contractors who are
participating will provide an initial
summary of the terms and conditions
(including price, deliverables,
intellectual property rights, and so
forth) it contemplates proposing for a
follow-on pilot. The FDIC may provide
feedback to the contractor and
contractors may resubmit their proposal
one or more times based on feedback
received. Based on their experience
with rapid Phase Prototyping (RPP),
FDIC estimates that approximately 60
percent of applications received in
response to calls for concept papers, or
90 applications per year,2 will be
invited to submit contract proposal. As
above, the FDIC assumes each response
to be from a distinct respondent. Thus,
for the line item Innovation Pilot
Program—Proposal, FDIC estimates 90
respondents per year and one response
per respondent per year. FDIC believes
that, given the iterative nature of the
RPP process, it is likely that contractors
will go through multiple iterations of
contract proposals. FDIC assumes that
each respondent will have to revise
their submission twice, on average. In
addition, these contract proposals
include pricing, terms, and conditions,
which will require more time than the
concept papers. Given these differences,
FDIC estimates that each response to an
Innovation Pilot Program—Proposal will
take 60 hours to prepare and submit.
jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with NOTICES1
Request for Comment
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the collection of information is
necessary for the proper performance of
the FDIC’s functions, including whether
the information has practical utility; (b)
the accuracy of the estimates of the
burden of the information collection,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including through the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of information
technology. All comments will become
a matter of public record.
2 90 contract proposals = 50 application per call
* 3 calls per year * 60%.
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Dated at Washington, DC, this 12th day of
January 2022.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
James P. Sheesley,
Assistant Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2022–00865 Filed 1–18–22; 8:45 am]
[Notice 2022–01]
Filing Dates for the California Special
Elections in the 22nd Congressional
Federal Election Commission.
Notice of filing dates for special
California has scheduled a
Special General Election on April 5,
2022, to fill the U.S. House of
Representatives seat in the 22nd
Congressional District vacated by
Representative Devin Nunes. Under
California law, a majority winner in a
special election is declared elected.
Should no candidate achieve a majority
vote, a Special Runoff Election will be
held on June 7, 2022, between the top
two vote-getters. Political committees
participating in the California special
elections are required to file pre- and
post-election reports. Filing deadlines
for these reports are affected by whether
one or two elections are held.
Elizabeth S. Kurland, Information
Division, 1050 First Street NE,
Washington, DC 20463; Telephone:
(202) 694–1100; Toll Free (800) 424–
Principal Campaign Committees
All principal campaign committees of
candidates who participate in the
California Special General and Special
Runoff Elections shall file a 12-day PreGeneral Report on March 24, 2022; a 12day Pre-Runoff Report on May 26, 2022;
and a 30-day Post-Runoff Report on July
7, 2022. (See charts below for the
closing date for each report.)
If both elections are held, all principal
campaign committees of candidates who
participate only in the California
Special General Election shall file a 12day Pre-General Report on March 24,
2022. (See charts below for the closing
date for each report.)
PO 00000
Frm 00042
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
If only one election is held, all
principal campaign committees of
candidates in the Special General
Election shall file a 12-day Pre-General
Report on March 24, 2022; and a 30-day
Post-General Report on May 5, 2022.
(See charts below for the closing date for
each report.)
Note that these reports are in addition
to the campaign committee’s regular
quarterly filings. (See charts below for
the closing date for each report).
Unauthorized Committees (PACs and
Party Committees)
Political committees not filing
monthly are subject to special election
reporting if they make previously
undisclosed contributions or
expenditures in connection with the
California Special General and/or
Special Runoff Elections by the close of
books for the applicable report(s). (See
charts below for the closing date for
each report.)
Committees filing monthly that make
contributions or expenditures in
connection with the California Special
General or Special Runoff Elections will
continue to file according to the
monthly reporting schedule.
Additional disclosure information for
the California special elections may be
found on the FEC website at https://
Disclosure of Lobbyist Bundling
Principal campaign committees, party
committees and leadership PACs that
are otherwise required to file reports in
connection with the special elections
must simultaneously file FEC Form 3L
if they receive two or more bundled
contributions from lobbyists/registrants
or lobbyist/registrant PACs that
aggregate in excess of the lobbyist
bundling threshold during the special
election reporting periods. (See charts
below for closing date of each period.)
11 CFR 104.22(a)(5)(v), (b), 110.17(e)(2),
The lobbyist bundling disclosure
threshold for calendar year 2021 was
$19,300. This threshold amount may
change in 2022 based upon the annual
cost of living adjustment (COLA). As
soon as the adjusted threshold amount
is available, the Commission will
publish it in the Federal Register and
post it on its website. 11 CFR 104.22(g)
and 110.17(e)(2).
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File Modified | 2022-01-19 |
File Created | 2022-01-19 |