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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 184 / Friday, September 23, 2022 / Notices
require that Navistar implement a
corporate drug and alcohol testing
program substantially equivalent to the
testing requirements in part 382.
Based on the information provided by
Navistar, as described in section IV,
including the driver’s experience and
safety record, FMCSA concludes that
the exemption, subject to the terms and
conditions set forth in section VIII,
would likely achieve a level of safety
that is equivalent to, or greater than, the
level that would be achieved absent
such exemption, in accordance with 49
U.S.C. 31315(b)(1).
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
VIII. Terms and Conditions for the
This exemption applies only to
Navistar driver Anders Bjo¨rkman. This
driver is granted an exemption from the
CDL requirement in 49 CFR 383.23 to
allow him to drive CMVs in the United
States without a State-issued CDL.
Consequently, this driver is not subject
to the requirements of 49 CFR part 382.
When operating under this exemption,
Navistar and Mr. Bjo¨rkman are subject
to the following terms and conditions:
(1) The driver and Navistar must
comply with all other applicable
provisions of the Federal Motor Carrier
Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) (49 CFR
parts 350–399);
(2) The driver must be in possession
of the exemption document and a valid
Swedish commercial license;
(3) The driver must be employed by
and operate the CMV within the scope
of his duties for Navistar or its partner
(4) At all times while operating a
CMV under this exemption, the driver
must be accompanied by a holder of a
State-issued CDL who is familiar with
the routes traveled;
(5) Navistar must notify FMCSA in
writing within 5 business days of any
accident, as defined in 49 CFR 390.5,
involving Mr. Bjo¨rkman; and
(6) Navistar must notify FMCSA in
writing if Mr. Bjo¨rkman is convicted of
a disqualifying offense under § 383.51 or
§ 391.15 of the FMCSRs; and
(7) Navistar must implement a drug
and alcohol testing program
substantially equivalent to the
applicable requirements in 49 CFR part
382, subparts A–F, and require that Mr.
Bjo¨rkman be subject to those
In accordance with 49 U.S.C.
31315(d), as implemented by 49 CFR
381.600, during the period this
exemption is in effect, no State shall
enforce any law or regulation applicable
to interstate or intrastate commerce that
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conflicts with or is inconsistent with
this exemption with respect to a firm or
person operating under the exemption.
States may, but are not required to,
adopt the same exemption with respect
to operations in intrastate commerce.
Notification to FMCSA
Under the exemption, Navistar must
notify FMCSA within 5 business days of
any crash (as defined in 49 CFR 390.5),
involving Anders Bjo¨rkman while
operating a CMV under the terms of this
exemption. The notification about
crashes must include the following
a. Identifier of the Exemption:
b. Name of operating carrier and
USDOT number;
c. Date of the crash;
d. City or town, and State, in which
the accident occurred, or closest to the
crash scene;
e. Driver’s name and license number;
f. Co-driver’s name (if any) and
license number;
g. Vehicle number and State license
h. Number of individuals suffering
physical injury;
i. Number of fatalities;
j. The police-reported cause of the
crash, if provided by the enforcement
k. Whether the driver was cited for
violation of any traffic laws, motor
carrier safety regulations; and
l. The total on-duty time accumulated
during the 7 consecutive days prior to
the date of the crash, and the total onduty time and driving time in the work
shift prior to the crash.
IX. Termination
FMCSA has no reason to believe the
motor carrier and driver covered by this
exemption will experience any
deterioration of their safety records.
However, should this occur, FMCSA
will take all steps necessary to protect
the public interest, including revocation
of the exemption. FMCSA will
immediately revoke the exemption for
failure to comply with its terms and
Robin Hutcheson,
Deputy Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2022–20642 Filed 9–22–22; 8:45 am]
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Maritime Administration
[Docket No. DOT–MARAD–2022–0195]
Request for Comments on the Renewal
of a Previously Approved Information
Collection: Regulations for Making
Excess or Surplus Federal Property
Available to the U.S. Merchant Marine
Academy, State Maritime Academies
and Non-Profit Maritime Training
Maritime Administration, DOT.
Notice and request for
The Maritime Administration
(MARAD) invites public comments on
our intention to request the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB)
approval to renew an information
collection. The information to be
collected will be used to determine
compliance with applicable statutory
requirements regarding surplus
government property. We are required
to publish this notice in the Federal
Register by the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before October 24, 2022.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
identified by Docket No. DOT–MARAD–
2022–0195 through one of the following
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Search using the
above DOT docket number and follow
the online instructions for submitting
• Fax: 1–202–493–2251
• Mail or Hand Delivery: Docket
Management Facility, U.S. Department
of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, West Building, Room W12–
140, Washington, DC 20590, between 9
a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through
Friday, except on Federal holidays.
Instructions: All submissions must
include the agency name and docket
number for this rulemaking.
Note: All comments received will be
posted without change to including any
personal information provided.
Comments are invited on: (a) whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the Department’s
performance; (b) the accuracy of the
estimated burden; (c) ways for the
Department to enhance the quality,
utility and clarity of the information
collection; and (d) ways that the burden
could be minimized without reducing
the quality of the collected information.
The agency will summarize and/or
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 184 / Friday, September 23, 2022 / Notices
include your comments in the request
for OMB’s clearance of this information
Electronic Access and Filing
[Docket No. MARAD–2022–0196]
A copy of the notice may be viewed
online at using the
docket number listed above. A copy of
this notice will be placed in the docket.
Electronic retrieval help and guidelines
are available on the website. It is
available 24 hours each day, 365 days
each year. An electronic copy of this
document may also be downloaded
from the Office of the Federal Register’s
website at and
the Government Publishing Office’s
website at
Coastwise Endorsement Eligibility
Determination for a Foreign-Built
Vessel: SWEET DREAMS (Motor);
Invitation for Public Comments
Katrina McRae, Vessel Transfer
Specialist, Office of Sealift Support,
U.S. Department of Transportation,
Maritime Administration, 1200 New
Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC
20590, (202) 366–3198, katrina.mcrae@
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Title: Regulations for Making Excess
or Surplus Federal Property Available to
the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy,
State Maritime Academies and NonProfit Maritime Training Facilities.
OMB Control Number: 2133–0504.
Type of Request: Renewal of a
Previously Approved Information
Abstract: The Maritime
Administration requires approved
maritime training institutions seeking
excess or surplus government property
to provide a statement of need/
justification prior to acquiring the
Respondents: Maritime training
institutions such as the U.S. Merchant
Marine Academy, State Maritime
Academies and non-profit maritime
Affected Public: State, Local, or Tribal
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Number of Responses: 40.
Estimated Hours per Response: 1.
Annual Estimated Total Annual
Burden Hours: 40.
Frequency of Response: Annually.
(Authority: The Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995; 44 U.S.C. chapter 35, as amended; and
49 CFR 1.93.)
By Order of the Maritime Administrator.
T. Mitchell Hudson, Jr.,
Secretary, Maritime Administration.
[FR Doc. 2022–20568 Filed 9–22–22; 8:45 am]
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Maritime Administration
Maritime Administration, DOT.
The Secretary of
Transportation, as represented by the
Maritime Administration (MARAD), is
authorized to issue coastwise
endorsement eligibility determinations
for foreign-built vessels which will carry
no more than twelve passengers for hire.
A request for such a determination has
been received by MARAD. By this
notice, MARAD seeks comments from
interested parties as to any effect this
action may have on U.S. vessel builders
or businesses in the U.S. that use U.S.flag vessels. Information about the
requestor’s vessel, including a brief
description of the proposed service, is
listed below.
DATES: Submit comments on or before
October 24, 2022.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
identified by DOT Docket Number
MARAD–2022–0196 by any one of the
following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to Search
MARAD–2022–0196 and follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Mail or Hand Delivery: Docket
Management Facility is in the West
Building, Ground Floor of the U.S.
Department of Transportation. The
Docket Management Facility location
address is: U.S. Department of
Transportation, MARAD–2022–0196,
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, West
Building, Room W12–140, Washington,
DC 20590, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, except on
Federal holidays.
Note: If you mail or hand-deliver your
comments, we recommend that you include
your name and a mailing address, an email
address, or a telephone number in the body
of your document so that we can contact you
if we have questions regarding your
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the agency name and
specific docket number. All comments
received will be posted without change
to the docket at,
including any personal information
provided. For detailed instructions on
submitting comments, or to submit
comments that are confidential in
PO 00000
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nature, see the section entitled Public
James Mead, U.S. Department of
Transportation, Maritime
Administration, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, Room W23–459,
Washington, DC 20590. Telephone 202–
366–5723, Email
described in the application, the
intended service of the vessel SWEET
—Intended Commercial Use of Vessel:
‘‘I would like to have a 6–12 person
charter business in Newport Beach,
California, and I would like to have
this vessel coastwise for 6–12
—Geographic Region Including Base of
Operations: ‘‘California.’’ (Base of
Operations: Newport Beach, CA)
—Vessel Length and Type: 51.9′ Motor
The complete application is available
for review identified in the DOT docket
as MARAD 2022–0196 at http:// Interested parties
may comment on the effect this action
may have on U.S. vessel builders or
businesses in the U.S. that use U.S.-flag
vessels. If MARAD determines, in
accordance with 46 U.S.C. 12121 and
MARAD’s regulations at 46 CFR part
388, that the employment of the vessel
in the coastwise trade to carry no more
than 12 passengers will have an unduly
adverse effect on a U.S.-vessel builder or
a business that uses U.S.-flag vessels in
that business, MARAD will not issue an
approval of the vessel’s coastwise
endorsement eligibility. Comments
should refer to the vessel name, state the
commenter’s interest in the application,
and address the eligibility criteria given
in section 388.4 of MARAD’s
regulations at 46 CFR part 388.
Public Participation
How do I submit comments?
Please submit your comments,
including the attachments, following the
instructions provided under the above
heading entitled ADDRESSES. Be advised
that it may take a few hours or even
days for your comment to be reflected
on the docket. In addition, your
comments must be written in English.
We encourage you to provide concise
comments and you may attach
additional documents as necessary.
There is no limit on the length of the
Where do I go to read public comments,
and find supporting information?
Go to the docket online at http://, keyword search
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2022-09-23 |
File Created | 2022-09-23 |