Charter Online Management and Performance System (COMPS)
Developer (DEV) Program
Annual Performance Report (APR) and School/Subgrant Collection Module User Guide
Release 2.0, January 2024
Public Burden Statement
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 18xx-xxxx. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 25 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is required to obtain or retain benefits (EDGAR, Section 75.720 and 80.40). If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this individual collection, or if you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual form, application or survey, please contact Stephanie Jones, at, directly.
2 Data Introduction 4
2.1 Overview 4
2.2 Purpose 4
3 Data Workflow/Architecture 5
3.1 Workflow 5
3.2 Data Architecture 5
3.3 Logical Data Model 6
4 School/Subgrant Collection 7
4.1 Overview 7
4.2 Data Dictionary 7
4.2.3 Local Education Agencies 8
4.2.5 Charter School Management Information 10
4.2.6 Charter School Characteristics 10
4.2.7 Charter School Characteristics 11
4.2.8 School Award Information 12
4.2.9 Additional Information 12
5 APR Collection 13
5.1 Overview 13
5.2 Data Dictionary 13
5.2.1 APR Reports and Grant Award 13
5.3 Coverpage 14
5.4 Assurances 14
5.5 Executive Summary 15
5.6 Performance Measure Status 15
5.7 Performance Measures and Objectives Reporting 15
5.8 Competition Priorities and Requirements 16
5.9 Priorities and Requirements – Succession Plan 16
5.10 Priorities and Requirements – Charter Information Plan 17
5.11 Priorities and Requirements – Transportation Plan 17
5.12 Priorities and Requirements – Closure Plan 18
5.13 Enrollment and Grade Levels 18
5.14 Lottery 20
5.15 Grant Project Status 21
5.16 Indirect Costs 21
5.17 Budget Details 22
5.18 Budget Implications 23
5.19 Technical Assistance and Support From CSP 23
This document provides a description of the data elements used to describe the implementation and performance of CSP Grantees as part of the Charter School Programs (CSP) Data Collection, Risk Assessment, and Monitoring contract (GS-10F-0288W) and the Charter Online Management and Performance System (COMPS).
The Charter Schools Program (CSP) grant program serves the purpose of Section 5201 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), which seeks to expand the number of high-quality charter schools and increase national understanding of the charter school model.
The Charter Online Management and Performance System (COMPS) is a web-based application designed to assist ED in conducting compliance and performance monitoring activities for CSP Grantees. COMPS accumulates evidence of compliance and performance from Grantees, as well as provides the ability to capture previously reported data in a more secure and efficient manner. The vision is that COMPS will:
Streamline the collection of data relating to the CSP monitoring of DEVs using COMPS.
Provide a comprehensive performance and knowledge management platform.
Collect grant-recipient performance data, import budget data, perform analytics, automate key document and reporting workflows, and enable two-way communication between OESE and Grantees.
Grantees currently submit their Annual Performance Reports through the ED 524B generic form, and report on funding to schools using the Excel-based CSP Data Collection Form. The new collection for Grantees will combine and refine the data elements form each, and provide for reporting via a web-based platform.
Two modules in COMPS are covered within this data guide. They are:
School/Subgrant Data Collection Module: Based on the current CSP Data Collection Form, this module allows the Department to monitor CSP grant performance and analyze data related to accountability for academic performance and financial integrity. Grantees submit data twice per year (Spring and Fall) to update school information, obligations, operational statuses etc.
Annual Performance Reports (APR) Module: Based on the “paper form” that is submitted to the Department today, this module allows Grantees to submit their APRs twice per year (Spring and Fall) to enter narratives on their performance towards meeting performance measures and budget.
Authorized users submit their APRs using this system. In each subsequent reporting period, Grantee users will only be required to update those sections of the performance report that have new activity or outcomes, thereby eliminating the need to re-enter the same static information each year. This is the most efficient way to collect and review performance reports at the Grantee and program level. It also allows for rapid dissemination of data collected as it is collected via the web-based system and stored in a secure database. ED staff can access the data at any time to respond immediately to Congress. Select data elements are made available to authorized Grantee users via the web-based application.
The purpose of this document is to outline the data architecture and key data elements associated with the APR and School/Subgrant Data Collection module for DEV Grantees. This data guide defines the fields collected in the COMPS APR and School/Subgrant Data Collection modules for DEV Grantees. It is to be used in conjunction with the DEV COMPS APR and School/Subgrant Data Collection User Guide for a complete understanding of the system and process.
The following steps depict the high-level workflow:
Grantees will have filled out a Grant Profile for their associated CSP award (see Grant Profile User Guide).
Each reporting period (spring and then the fall), ED will open the system for reporting.
Grantees will enter the School/Subgrant Data Collection Module to submit data associated to their grant award.
Grantees will fill out the requirement information and add a school (if new), or update the data for the school (e.g., obligations made).
Please note: The subsequent sections/screenshots show the “add” school aspect of the process. Grantees can also click to edit prior school submissions. This has the same data fields but would display what they had previously submitted.
Grantees will submit it back to ED/Contractor for review.
ED/Contractor will review, and either approve or reactivate the submission.
If reactivated, the Grantees will add or correct information and resubmit the information back to ED.
Information submitted in the School/Subgrant Data Collection module will feed into the APR module.
Once a data collection form has been submitted within a reporting period (Spring/Fall), Grantees will then be able to access the APR module.
Grantees will fill out the required information in the APR.
Note: After the first APR submission, data is saved and then redisplayed to Grantees for.
Grantees will submit it back to the Department for review.
ED will review, and either approve or reactivated.
If reactivated, Grantees will add or correct information and resubmit.
The process repeats each Spring and Fall until the grant award is closed out.
The database for COMPS is contained in a Microsoft SQL Server instance contained within the virtual machine running the web application.
The following diagram is a simple example of how the User Account Management, Grant Profile modules, School/Subgrant Data Collection and APR modules are linked, with interactions by users.
The School/Subgrant Data Collection module is an online version of the previously used, excel based CSP Data Collection form. This module is used to collect information to ensure compliance and gauge program impact. ED seeks to collect descriptive information about program operation from each Grantee. Also, ED seeks to collect school-level information on the operational statuses of all CSP-funded schools; amounts obligated and paid to CSP-funded schools; CMO and Authorizer information; and other school-level data (Title I status, school type, enrollment, and grade levels served). This module will be utilized twice a year by all CSP Grantees funded through the DEV program. The module is considered part of the reporting requirement for Grantees and, as such, is typically administered in conjunction with the Annual Performance Report (APR) and again six months following (usually as Grantees are submitting updated budget documents to CSP).
The following sections describe the data tables, data fields, data types and descriptions for the School/Subgrant Data Collection module.
This table creates unique forms for each data collection entry across reporting periods.
Field |
Data Type |
DataCollectionFormId |
Unique identifier for each submitted school/subgrant data collection form. |
DueDateUtc |
Due date of the form for the reporting period. |
FormStatus |
The state the form is in. Values can be:
GrantAwardId |
Unique identifier for the Grantee’s award. |
LastModifiedDateUtc |
Data the form/module was last modified. |
This table describes the data elements Grantees view and interact with when adding (or editing) a school award. Specifically, it captures the Charter School Information.
Field |
Description |
CharterSchoolId |
Unique identifier for the individual Charter School. |
Name |
Name of the Charter School that Grantees enter. |
NcesId |
Unique identifier for a school. The first 2 digits identify the state and the last 5 digits identify the school district. Combined, they make a unique 7-digit ID for each school district. |
GrantType |
Type of grant for the school. Grantees can select the following values: “Replication” “Expansion” “New School” “Dissemination” |
Address1 |
Address of the school. |
Address2 |
Address of the school (if needed). |
City |
City where the school is located. |
UsStateId |
Unique identifier for the state the school is located in. |
ZipCode |
Zip code for the school. |
ProjectBeginDate |
Date the Grantee’s project began. |
ProjectEndDate |
Date the Grantee’s project ends. |
This table describes the data elements Grantees view and interact with when adding (or editing) a school award. Specifically, it captures the Local Education Agencies Information.
Field |
Description |
LocalEducationAgencyId |
Unique identifier for the LEA. |
Name |
Name of the LEA. |
NcesId |
Unique NCES ID for the LEA. |
Address1 |
Address of the LEA. |
Address2 |
Address of the LEA (if needed). |
City |
City LEA is located in. |
UsStateId |
State the LEA is located in. |
ZipCode |
Zip code of the LEA. |
HasOnlyCharterSchools |
Yes/No if the LEA only has charter schools. |
ActsAsOwnLea |
If the Charter School acts as its own LEA. |
This table describes the data elements Grantees view and interact with when adding (or editing) a school award. Specifically, it captures the Authorizer Information.
Field |
Description |
AuthorizerId |
Unique identifier for the Authorizer. |
AuthorizerType |
Grantees can select: Local Education Agency (LEA) State Education Agency (SEA) Non-Profit Organization (NPO) Higher Education Institute (HEI) Independent Chartering Board Mayor/Municipal Office |
Name |
Name of the Authorizer. |
HasReligAffiliation |
Yes/No question if the Authorizer has a religious affiliation. |
AuthorizedDate |
Date Authorized or Renewed. |
Address1 |
Address of the Authorizer. |
Address2 |
Address of the Authorizer (if needed). |
City |
City Authorizer is located in. |
UsStateId |
State the Authorizer is located in. |
ZipCode |
Zip code of the Authorizer. |
This table describes the data elements Grantees view and interact with when adding (or editing) a school award. Specifically, it captures the Charter School Management Information.
Field |
Description |
MgmtOrg Affiliation |
Yes/No question if the school is affiliated with a management organization. |
MgmtOrgType |
Grantees can select: Non-profit Charter Management Organization (CMO) For-profit Education Management Organization (EMO) Other |
Name |
Name of the Charter School Management organization. |
Address1 |
Address of the Charter School Management organization. |
Address2 |
Address of the Charter School Management organization (if needed). |
City |
City Charter School Management organization is located in. |
UsStateId |
State the Charter School Management organization is located in. |
ZipCode |
Zip code of the Charter School Management organization. |
RolesandResp |
Text box that Grantees enter to describe the roles and responsibilities of the Charter School Management organization. |
This table describes the data elements Grantees view and interact with when adding (or editing) a school award and its operational information. Specifically, it captures the Charter School Characteristics.
Field |
Description |
OperationalStatus |
Grantees select from the following values: Open Future Closed Will Not open |
YearEnrolled |
Year the school first enrolled students. |
VirtualStatus |
The virtual status of the school. Grantees can select from the following values: Full Virtual Primarily Virtual Supplemental Virtual Not Virtual |
OpeningDate |
The anticipated opening date of the school if “Future” is selected. |
Explanation |
If delayed, closed or non-start is selected, Grantees input a rationale and/or explanation. |
TitleStatus |
Grantees select from the following values: Schoolwide Program Targeted Assistance School Not Title I |
SchoolType |
Grantees select from the following values: Alternative Technical Traditional Special Education |
IsFullService |
Yes/No selection Grantees make if the school is a full-service community school. |
IsMagnet |
Yes/No selection Grantees make if the school is a magnet school. |
IsCEFunded |
Yes/No selection Grantees make if the school has received funding support through the CSP’s Credit Enhancement (CE) program. |
This table describes the data elements Grantees view and interact with when adding (or editing) a school award and its operational information. Specifically, it captures the Lottery, Enrollment and Demographic Information.
Field |
Description |
IsWeightedLottery |
Yes/No selection Grantees make if the charter school used a weighted lottery. |
IsUnifiedSchool |
Yes/No selection Grantees make if the charter school participates in a unified school placement lottery. |
GradesFunded |
Cell Grantees input for the grades funded for expansion. |
GradesOffered |
Cell Grantees input for the grades offered for expansion. |
PlannedEnrollment |
Cell Grantees input for planned enrollment. |
TotalEnrollment |
Cell Grantees input for total enrollment. |
Waitlist |
Cell Grantees input for waitlist numbers. |
This table describes the data elements Grantees view and interact with when adding (or editing) a school award and the individual school (transaction) periods.
Field |
Description |
SubgrantObligationId |
Unique identifier for the specific obligation transaction. |
BudgetPeriodId |
Calendar selection Grantees make for the begin and end date of the budget period for the school. |
ObligationAmount |
The amount of money obligated to the school. |
ObligationDateUtc |
Dates the amount was obligated to the school. |
DollartAmtPaid |
The dollar amount paid to the school. |
This table describes the data elements Grantees view and interact with when adding (or editing) a school award and the final comments they make on it, prior to submission.
Field |
Description |
SubgrantAwardId |
Unique identifier for the award submission. |
Comments |
Text box Grantees can fill out any additional comments/information prior to submission. |
Grantees currently submit their Annual Performance Reports through the ED 524B standard form, and report on funding to schools using the Excel-based CSP Data Collection Form. The new collection for Grantees will combine and refine the data elements form each, and provide for reporting via a web-based platform. DEV Grantees will complete the following sections:
Executive Summary
Performance Measures Reporting
Priorities and Requirements
Enrollment and Grade Levels
Lottery, Recruitment and Retention
Indirect Costs
Budget Details
Budget Implications
The following sections describe the data tables, data fields, and descriptions for the APR module.
This table describes the key data elements associated to the unique grant award and unique APR record that is generated for each APR submission.
Field |
Description |
AnnualPerformanceReportId |
Unique system identifier for the APR record. |
AprGrantAwardId |
Unique system identifier for the referenced Grant Award record. |
FedFiscalYearAwarded |
Year the grant was awarded. |
ProjectTitle |
Title of the grant. |
FedFiscalYearReported |
Current fiscal year the APR record is for. |
LastModifiedDateUtc |
Date there were changes to the APR record. |
ReportingPeriodBeginDateUtc |
Begin date of the reporting period for the APR record. |
ReportingPeriodEndDateUtc |
End date of the reporting period for the APR record. |
ReportStatus |
that identifies the status of the APR: |
ReportTypeId |
that identifies the type of the APR form: |
This table describes the data elements Grantees view and interact with when completing the Coverpage section of the APR. It includes Human Subject and Data Privacy and Security measures.
Field |
Description |
AprId |
Unique identifier for the APR form submission. |
HumanSubjects |
Display for IRB approval not required. |
DataPrivacyUpload |
Document upload Grantees make for their data privacy and security measures documentation. |
DataPrivacyCertifcation |
Yes/No question Grantees respond to if their current data privacy and security measures documentation is up-to-date. If no, they are asked to reupload. |
This table describes the data elements Grantees view and interact with when completing the Assurances section of the APR.
Field |
Description |
AssuranceId |
Unique system identifier for the assurance line-item record. |
AprId |
Unique identifier for the APR form submission. |
RowNo |
System ID used to order the items on screen. A number indicating the order that the priority should be placed in. |
Description |
Specific assurances description that was input by ED for the cohort. |
The following are the line-item data elements for assurances.
Field |
Description |
AssurancesSubLineLitemId |
Unique system identifier for the assurance sub line-item record. |
AssurancesTemplateLineItemId |
Associated the sub-line item to the appropriate assurances template generated by ED. |
Description |
Specific assurances sub-item description that was input by ED for the cohort. |
RowNo |
System ID used to order the items on screen. A number indicating the order that the priority should be placed in. |
This table describes the data elements Grantees view and interact with when completing the executive summary section of the APR.
Field |
Description |
AprId |
Unique identifier for the APR form submission. |
ExecSummaryUpload |
Document upload Grantees make for their executive summary. |
This table describes the data elements Grantees view and interact with when completing the Performance Measures Status section of the APR.
Field |
Description |
AprId |
Unique identifier for the APR form submission. |
CompleteData |
Yes/No question Grantees answer if they have complete data on performance measures. |
Explain |
If Grantees select No, they are prompted to explain the cause of the delays. |
AvailDate |
Calendar selection for when the information will be available and submitted to the Department. |
This table describes the data elements Grantees view and interact with when completing the Performance Measures Reporting section of the APR.
Field |
Description |
AprId |
Unique identifier for the APR form submission. |
AprProjectObjectiveId |
Unique identifier for the project objective. |
AprPerformanceMeasureId |
Unique identifier for the performance measure tied to the project objective. |
RowNo |
System ID used to order the items on screen. A number indicating the order that the performance measures and objectives should be placed in. |
Title |
Display of the title of the performance objective and measure. |
InProgressStatus |
Status of progress selection Grantees make under a performance measure if it is still “in-progress.” |
MetStatus |
Status of progress selection Grantees make under a performance measure if it is still “met.” |
NotMetStatus |
Status of progress selection Grantees make under a performance measure if it is still “not met.” |
TargetValue |
The value imported from the Grant Profile. |
ActualValue |
The actual value at the time of the APR. |
ProgressDesc |
A text box description Grantees use to provide additional information (e.g., challenges faced). |
NotMetDesc |
A text box description Grantees use to provide additional information if a measure has not been met. |
This table describes the data elements Grantees view and interact with when completing the competition priorities and requirements section of the APR.
Field |
Description |
CompetitionPriorityId |
Unique identifier of the competition priority, imported from the Grant Profile. |
AprId |
Unique identifier for the APR form submission. |
RowNum |
System ID used to order the items on screen. A number indicating the order that the priority should be placed in. |
PriorityDescription |
Description of the associated competition priority. |
PriorityChanges |
Yes/No select Grantees make if there have been changes to the competition priorities and requirements since the last submission. |
GranteeResponse |
Input from the Grant Profile/last APR submission. Field becomes editable if Grantees select “yes” to if there have been changes. |
This table describes the data elements Grantees view and interact with when completing the succession plan section of the APR.
Field |
Description |
AprId |
Unique identifier for the APR form submission. |
SuccessionPlanUpload |
Document upload for a Grantee’s succession plan. |
IsSuccessionDeveloped |
Check mark Grantees select if a succession plan has not been developed. |
SuccessionChanges |
Yes/No select Grantees make if there have been changes to key grant personnel during the current budget period. |
SuccessionGranteeResponse |
Description if Grantees need to develop a succession plan. |
SuccessionDate |
Calendar selection Grantees make to mark the anticipated completion date of the succession plan. |
KeyPersonnelChanges |
Yes/No select Grantees make if there have been changes to key grant personnel during the current budget period. |
PersonnelChangeResponse |
Description of the personnel changes. |
This table describes the data elements Grantees view and interact with when completing the charter information plan section of the APR.
Field |
Description |
AprId |
Unique identifier for the APR form submission. |
CharterInfoChanges |
Yes/No select Grantees make if there have been changes to the charter authorization. |
CharterChangeValues |
If yes, Grantees select all the following values that apply: Initial Charter Approved Charter Renewal Charter Amendment Authorizer Change |
CharterChangeResponse |
Description of the changes. |
This table describes the data elements Grantees view and interact with when completing the transportation plan section of the APR.
Field |
Description |
AprId |
Unique identifier for the APR form submission. |
TransportChanges |
Yes/No select Grantees make if there have been changes to the transportation plan. |
TransportChangeResponse |
Description of the changes. |
This table describes the data elements Grantees view and interact with when completing the closure plan section of the APR.
Field |
Description |
AprId |
Unique identifier for the APR form submission. |
ClosurePlanFilePath |
A document Grantees uploaded in their Grant Profile. |
ClosureChanges |
Yes/No select Grantees make if there have been changes to the closure plan. |
ClosureChangeResponse |
Description of the changes. |
This table describes the data elements Grantees view and interact with when entering enrollment and grade level information.
Field |
Description |
AprId |
Unique identifier for the APR form submission. |
BudgetPeriodId |
Unique ID for the Grantees budget periods. |
CohortTemplateLineItemId |
Inputs correct budget period dates for the Grantee based on cohort and grant duration. |
GrantAwardId |
Unique identifier for the Grantee’s award. |
GrantFundedChanges |
Yes/No indicator if Grantees have made any changes to the grade levels supported by the grant. |
KindergartenEnrollmentCount |
Current enrollment (“actuals”), entered by Grantees for each budget period. |
PreKEnrollmentCount |
Current enrollment (“actuals”), entered by Grantees for each budget period. |
CurGrade1EnrollmentCount |
Current enrollment (“actuals”), entered by Grantees for each budget period. |
CurGrade2EnrollmentCount |
Current enrollment (“actuals”), entered by Grantees for each budget period. |
Grade3EnrollmentCount |
Current enrollment (“actuals”), entered by Grantees for each budget period. |
Grade4EnrollmentCount |
Current enrollment (“actuals”), entered by Grantees for each budget period. |
Grade5EnrollmentCount |
Current enrollment (“actuals”), entered by Grantees for each budget period. |
Grade6EnrollmentCount |
Current enrollment (“actuals”), entered by Grantees for each budget period. |
Grade7EnrollmentCount |
Current enrollment (“actuals”), entered by Grantees for each budget period. |
Grade8EnrollmentCount |
Current enrollment (“actuals”), entered by Grantees for each budget period. |
Grade9EnrollmentCount |
Current enrollment (“actuals”), entered by Grantees for each budget period. |
Grade10EnrollmentCount |
Current enrollment (“actuals”), entered by Grantees for each budget period. |
Grade11EnrollmentCount |
Current enrollment (“actuals”), entered by Grantees for each budget period. |
Grade12EnrollmentCount |
Current enrollment (“actuals”), entered by Grantees for each budget period. |
UngradedEnrollmentCount |
Current enrollment (“actuals”), entered by Grantees for each budget period. |
BpKindergartenEnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level. |
BpPreKEnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level. |
BpGrade1EnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level. |
BpGrade2EnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level. |
BpGrade3EnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level. |
BpGrade4EnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level. |
BpGrade5EnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level. |
BpGrade6EnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level. |
BpGrade7EnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level. |
BpGrade8EnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level. |
BpGrade9EnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level. |
BpGrade10EnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level. |
BpGrade11EnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level. |
BpGrade12EnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level. |
BpUngradedEnrollmentCount |
Approved enrollment target by grade level. |
RmdrKindergartenEnrollmentCount |
Projected enrollment numbers for the remainder of the budget period. |
RmdrPreKEnrollmentCount |
Projected enrollment numbers for the remainder of the budget period. |
RmdrGrade1EnrollmentCount |
Projected enrollment numbers for the remainder of the budget period. |
RmdrGrade2EnrollmentCount |
Projected enrollment numbers for the remainder of the budget period. |
RmdrGrade3EnrollmentCount |
Projected enrollment numbers for the remainder of the budget period. |
RmdrGrade4EnrollmentCount |
Projected enrollment numbers for the remainder of the budget period. |
RmdrGrade5EnrollmentCount |
Projected enrollment numbers for the remainder of the budget period. |
RmdrGrade6EnrollmentCount |
Projected enrollment numbers for the remainder of the budget period. |
RmdrGrade7EnrollmentCount |
Projected enrollment numbers for the remainder of the budget period. |
RmdrGrade8EnrollmentCount |
Projected enrollment numbers for the remainder of the budget period. |
RmdrGrade9EnrollmentCount |
Projected enrollment numbers for the remainder of the budget period. |
RmdrGrade10EnrollmentCount |
Projected enrollment numbers for the remainder of the budget period. |
RmdrGrade11EnrollmentCount |
Projected enrollment numbers for the remainder of the budget period. |
RmdrGrade12EnrollmentCount |
Projected enrollment numbers for the remainder of the budget period. |
RmdrUngradedEnrollmentCount |
Projected enrollment numbers for the remainder of the budget period. |
ApprovedBudgetPeriod |
Displays the grant-funded enrollment numbers from the approved application and Grant Profile for the current budget period. |
ActualReportingPeriod |
The actual grant-funded enrollment numbers for the current reporting period. |
RemainderBudgetPeriod |
The projected grant-funded enrollment numbers for the remainder of the current budget period. |
ApprovedBudgetPeriodTotal |
System calculation to sum the total enrollments across approved grades funded for the current budget period. |
ActualReportingPeriod |
System calculation to sum the total enrollments across actual grades funded for the current budget period. |
RemainderBudgetPeriod |
System calculation to sum the total enrollments across the projected grades funded for the remainder of the budget period. |
MeetEnrollment |
Yes/No question Grantees select whether they are on track to meet the enrollment projects for the current budget period. |
MeetApproved |
Yes/No question Grantees select if they expect to meet the approved enrollment projections for the next budget period. |
MeetEnrollmentExplanation |
If no is selected, Grantee is prompted to explain. |
MeetApprovedExplanation |
If no is selected, Grantee is prompted to explain. |
The table below describes the data that is displayed to Grantees, and is required for Grantees to submit, for their lotteries as part of their grant project status submission.
Field |
Description |
GrantAwardId |
Unique ID of the Grantee and award. |
IsLotteryPlanChanged |
Grantee will select yes or no if the lottery plan has changed. |
LotteryPolicyFilePath |
Grantees will then be required to upload the lottery plan document if they select yes. |
IsLotteryWeight |
Grantee will select yes or no if the plan includes weights. |
IsLotteryApproved |
Grantee will select yes or no if the plan is approved. |
PrefersEmployeeChildLottery |
If their lottery plan has an allowable preference for “sibling.” |
PrefersOtherLottery |
If their lottery plan has an allowable preference for “other.” |
PrefersOtherLotteryDesc |
If PrefersOtherLottery is selected, Grantees are required to input data in a text box. |
PrefersSchoolFounderChildLottery |
If their lottery plan has an allowable preference for “Children of school founders.” |
PrefersSiblingLottery |
If their lottery plan has an allowable preference for “Children of employees.” |
The table below describes the data that is displayed to Grantees, and is required for Grantees to submit, for various grant project status questions as part of their APR.
Field |
Description |
RecruitmentResponse |
A text box Grantees respond to, describing their grant-funded school’s student recruitment and retention activities. |
EducProgramChange |
Yes/No question Grantees respond to on whether there are changes to the educational programming at the school. |
EducProgramResponse |
If Grantees select yes, they are prompted to provide a description of the changes and whether they have been approved. |
RacialDiverseSchools |
A text box Grantees respond to, describing the grantee’s continued efforts to address the racially and socio-economically diverse schools application requirement. |
The table below describes the data that is displayed to Grantees, and is required for Grantees to submit, for their indirect costs as part of their APR submission.
Field |
Description |
GrantAwardId |
Unique system identifier for the referenced grant award. |
IndirectCostChanges |
Yes/No question if there have been changes to the Grantee’s indirect cost information. If so, the fields below become editable. |
IsIndirectCost |
Grantees select this action if they claim indirect cost. |
FederalGovtApproved |
If the following applies to a Grantees indirect cost agreement: “The Grantee has an Indirect cost Rate Agreement approved by the Federal Government.” |
DeMinimusRate |
If the following applies to a Grantees indirect cost agreement: “The Grantee is not a State, local government, or Indian tribe, and is using the de minimus rate of 10% of modified total direct costs (MTDC) in compliance with 2 CFR 200.414(f).” |
RestrictedRateProgram |
If the following applies to a Grantees indirect cost agreement: “The Grantee is funded under a Restricted Rate Program and is using a restricted indirect cost rate that either.” |
TrainingRateProgram |
If the following applies to a Grantees indirect cost agreement: “The Grantee is funded under a Training Rate Program and:” |
EdAgencyApproved |
If ED is selected for the approving federal agency. |
OtherAgencyApproved |
If “other” agency is selected. |
OtherApprovingAgencyName |
Description to input another agency name. |
RateAgreementBeginDateUtc |
Period covered by the indirect Cost Rate Agreement. |
RateAgreementEndDateUtc |
Period covered by the indirect Cost Rate Agreement. |
RestrictedRateProgramOptions |
Grantee can select “is included in approved Indirect Cost Rate Agreement” or “Complies with 34 CFR 76.564(c)(2)”. |
TrainingRateProgramOptions |
Grantee can select “recovering indirect cost using 8% of MTDC in compliance with 34 CFR 76.564(c)(2)” or “Recovering indirect cost using its actual negotiated indirect cost rate reflected in 9(b)". |
The table below describes the data that is displayed to Grantees, and is required for Grantees to submit, for their approved budget as part of their Grant Profile submission.
Field |
Description |
ApprovedBudgetId |
Unique system identifier for the approved budget record. |
ApprovedBudgetNarrativeFilePath |
A budget narrative document Grantee’s will upload prior to filling out their approved budgets. |
BudgetPeriodId |
Unique system identifier for the referenced budget period record. |
Category |
to identify the category of the budget amount: |
InitialApprovedBudget |
The approved budget total, broken down by budget category, pulled directly from the Grant Profile. |
IncurredCosts |
Grantees will enter the amount of funds expended during the reporting period for each category. |
AnticipatedCosts |
Grantees will enter the amount of funds before the grant budget year ends for each category. |
Carryover |
Auto generated cell that calculates the amount of funds the grantee will carry over to the next budget period for each category. |
ExpendExplanation |
Grantees provide a description of what the grantee expended or will expand before the end of the budget period. Grantees will fill this text box in for each category. |
CarryExplanation |
Grantees provide a description of what the grantee will carry over and is planning on spending for the next budget period. Grantees will fill this text box in for each category. |
This table describes the data elements Grantees view and interact with when completing the budget implications section of the APR.
Field |
Description |
ApprovedBudgetId |
Unique system identifier for the approved budget record. |
PreviousGrantExpenditures |
Total grant expenditures from the previous budget period. |
TotalGrantExpenditures |
Total grant expenditures for the current budget period. |
ProjectDescription |
Text box question Grantees enter to describe the grantee’s ability to carry out the project as proposed for the next budget period. |
CarryOverDescription |
Text box question Grantees enter to explain any significant carryover anticipated for the next budget period. |
ProjectScopeChanges |
Yes/No question Grantees enter for anticipated changes to the project scope for the next budget period not described elsewhere in the APR. |
AnticipatedCarryOver |
Yes/No question Grantees enter if there are anticipated changes to the budget for the next budget period. |
IfYesResponse |
If Grantees select Yes to ProjectScopeChanges or AnticipatedCarryOver, they are prompted to provide an explanation. |
This table describes the data elements Grantees view and interact with when completing the TA assistance section of the APR.
Field |
Description |
TASupportResponse |
Text box question Grantees enter to identify any areas where Grantees require Technical Assistance. |
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education – COMPS – Data Guide – Release 2.0
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Microsoft Office User |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2023-11-14 |