1810-new_COMPS User Guide - DEV APR and SchoolSubgrant Data Collection

Charter Online Management and Performance System (COMPS) Developer Annual Performance Report

1810-new_COMPS User Guide - DEV APR and SchoolSubgrant Data Collection

OMB: 1810-0787

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Charter Online Management and Performance System

Developer (DEV) Program
Annual Performance Report (APR) and School/Subgrant
Collection Module User Guide
Release 2.0, January 2024

Public Burden Statement
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless
such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 18xxxxxx. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 25 hours per response, including time
for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and
reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is required to obtain or retain benefits
(EDGAR, Section 75.720 and 80.40). If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for
improving this individual collection, or if you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual form,
application or survey, please contact Stephanie Jones, at stephanie.jones@ed.gov, directly.

Office of Elementary and Secondary Education – COMPS – User Guide – Release 2.0

1 Table of contents



INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................. 4

SYSTEM OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................ 4


PURPOSE........................................................................................................................................................... 4

SCHOOL/SUBGRANT DATA COLLECTION ..................................................................................................... 6

OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................................................................... 6


REPORTING STEPS............................................................................................................................................. 6


TASKS AND SCREENSHOTS ................................................................................................................................. 7


Homepage ............................................................................................................................................... 7


School Award Page ................................................................................................................................. 8


Add School – Contact Information Page ................................................................................................. 9


Add School – LEA Information Page..................................................................................................... 10


Add School – Authorization & Management Page ................................................................................ 11


Add School – Charter Management Info Page ..................................................................................... 12


Add School – Operational Info – Charter School Characteristics ......................................................... 14


Add School – Operational Info – Lottery, Enrollment, and Demographics Info .................................... 16


Add School –School Award Info ............................................................................................................ 17


Add School –Additional Information .................................................................................................. 18


Submit ............................................................................................................................................... 19

ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT (APR) .................................................................................................... 20

OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................................................... 20


REPORTING STEPS ........................................................................................................................................... 20


TASKS AND SCREENSHOTS ............................................................................................................................... 21


Homepage ............................................................................................................................................. 21


System Intro .......................................................................................................................................... 22


Coverpage – Human Subjects .............................................................................................................. 23


Coverpage – Data Privacy & Security Measures .................................................................................. 24


Assurances............................................................................................................................................ 26


Executive Summary .............................................................................................................................. 27


Grant Project Status – Performance Measure Status ........................................................................... 28


Grant Project Status – Performance Measure Reporting ..................................................................... 29


Grant Project Status – Priorities and Requirements – Competition Priorities ....................................... 31



Grant Project Status – Priorities and Requirements – Governance and Management .................... 33



Grant Project Status – Priorities and Requirements – Succession Plan .......................................... 34


Grant Project Status – Priorities and Requirements – Charter Information...................................... 35


Grant Project Status – Priorities and Requirements – Transportation ............................................. 36


Grant Project Status – Priorities and Requirements – Closure Plans .............................................. 37


Grant Project Status – Enrollment and Grade Levels ....................................................................... 38


Grant Project Status – Lottery .......................................................................................................... 40


Grant Project Status –Recruitment and Retention ........................................................................... 41


Grant Project Status –Educational Program ..................................................................................... 42


Grant Project Status –Educational Program – Racially and Socio-Economically Diverse Schools . 43


Budget – Indirect Costs..................................................................................................................... 44


Budget – Budget Details ................................................................................................................... 45


Budget – Implications........................................................................................................................ 47


Technical Assistance and Support From CSP ................................................................................. 49


Signature and Submission ................................................................................................................ 50

2 Introduction
2.1 System Overview
This document provides a description of the executed tasks and associated screenshots that are used to describe
the implementation and performance of CSP grantees as part of the Charter School Programs (CSP) Data
Collection, Risk Assessment, and Monitoring contract (GS-10F-0288W) and the Charter Online Management and
Performance System (COMPS). Where applicable, this document provides explicit detail on the logic patterns of
response options which show the full range of experiences Grantees may have as they use the system based on
their responses as they go.
The Charter School Programs (CSP) grant program serves the purpose of Section 5201 of the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), which seeks to expand the number of high-quality charter schools and
increase national understanding of the charter school model. Developers (DEV) are one of the key recipients of
Federal CSP funds.
As CSP grant recipients, DEV grantees have to follow certain Federal and U.S. Department of Education (ED) laws
and regulations, as well as adhere to the project objectives and measures the grantee outlined in their grant
applications. The APR is required under EDGAR §§ 74.51, 75.118, 75.590, and 80.40. The annual report provides
data on the status of the funded project that corresponds to the scope and objectives established in the approved
application and any amendments. Under EDGAR § 75.118, the report must provide the most current performance
and financial information. The CSP collected additional data on schools funded through their grants using the CSP
Data Collection Form, which supplemented the annual performance data and was first approved by OMB on
November 21, 2016 (OMB Control Number 1855-0016).
Each Spring and Fall, these grantees are required to submit information related to the schools funded by their CSP
grant award and progress towards meeting their grant objectives through the APR and school/subgrant data
collection. These current requirements are being adapted and converted into an online data and reporting system
to help streamline the process and collection of information from grantees.

2.2 Purpose
The Charter Online Management and Performance System (COMPS) is a web-based application designed to assist
ED in conducting compliance and performance monitoring activities for CSP grantees. COMPS accumulates
evidence of compliance and performance from grantees, as well as provides the ability to capture previously
reported data in a more secure and efficient manner. The vision is that COMPS will:


Streamline the collection of data relating to the CSP monitoring of DEVs using COMPS.
Provide a comprehensive performance and knowledge management platform.


Collect grant-recipient performance data, import budget data, perform analytics, automate key document
and reporting workflows, and enable two-way communication between OESE and grantees.

Grantees currently submit their Annual Performance Reports through the ED 524B generic form, and report on
funding to schools using the Excel-based CSP Data Collection Form. The new collection for grantees will combine
and refine the data elements form each, and provide for reporting via a web-based platform.
Two modules in COMPS are covered within this user guide. They are:


School/Subgrant Data Collection Module: Based on the current CSP Data Collection Form, this module
allows the Department to monitor CSP grant performance and analyze data related to accountability for
academic performance and financial integrity. Grantees submit data twice per year (Spring and Fall) to
update school information, obligations, operational statuses etc.
Annual Performance Reports (APR) Module: Based on the “paper form” that is submitted to the
Department today, this module allows grantees to submit their APRs twice per year (Spring and Fall) to
enter narratives on their performance towards meeting performance measures and budget.

Authorized users submit their APRs using this system. In each subsequent reporting period, grantee users will only
be required to update those sections of the performance report that have new activity or outcomes, thereby
eliminating the need to re-enter the same static information each year. This is the most efficient way to collect
and review performance reports at the grantee and program level. It also allows for rapid dissemination of data
collected as it is collected via the web-based system and stored in a secure database. ED staff can access the data
at any time to respond immediately to Congress. Select data elements are made available to authorized grantee
users via the web-based application.
The purpose of this document is to outline the key tasks Grantees undergo to complete the required activities in
COMPS for the Spring and Fall reporting cycles, using the School/Subgrant and APR modules.


3 School/Subgrant Data Collection
3.1 Overview
The School/Subgrant Data Collection module is an online version of the previously used, excel based CSP Data
Collection form. This module is used to collect information to ensure compliance and gauge program impact. ED
seeks to collect descriptive information about program operation from each grantee. Also, ED seeks to collect
school-level information on the operational statuses of all CSP-funded schools; amounts obligated and paid to
CSP-funded schools; CMO and Authorizer information; and other school-level data (Title I status, school type,
enrollment, and grade levels served). This module will be utilized twice a year by all CSP grantees funded through
the DEV program. The module is considered part of the reporting requirement for grantees and, as such, is
typically administered in conjunction with the Annual Performance Report (APR) and again six months following
(usually as grantees are submitting updated budget documents to CSP).

3.2 Reporting Steps
At a high-level, Developer Grantees will interact with the system as follows:
1. Grantees will have filled out a Grant Profile for their associated CSP award (see Grant Profile User Guide).
2. Each reporting period, ED will open the system for reporting.
3. Grantees will enter the School/Subgrant Data Collection Module to submit data associated to their grant
4. Grantees will fill out the requirement information and add their school (if new), or update school funding
data (e.g., obligations made).
a. Please note: The subsequent sections/screenshots show the “add” school aspect of the process.
Grantees can also click to edit prior submissions. This has the same data fields but would display
what they had previously submitted.
5. Grantees will submit it back to ED/Contractor for review.
6. ED/Contractor will review, and either approve or reactivate the submission.
7. If reactivated, the grantees will add or correct information and resubmit the information back to ED.
8. Information submitted in the School/Subgrant Data Collection module will feed into the APR module (see
section 4).
9. The process repeats each Spring and Fall until the grant award is closed out.


3.3 Tasks and Screenshots


1. Grantees will enter
COMPS and click on the
School Award Data
Collection Module.
2. Grantees will see their
associated award(s).
3. Grantees will click the
action button to be able
to view/edit.



School Award Page

1. Grantees will enter the school
dashboard, which displays key
information about their school.
2. Grantees will click the “Add School”
button to add school award
3. Note: if this is a subsequent
reporting period (screenshot below),
the Grantee will see previously
added schools as rows under the
School Award Information table and
be able to click to update
information tied to that school



Add School – Contact Information Page

1. After clicking “add school” or
“edit” on a previously entered
school, Grantees will enter
specific Charter School
Information as listed to the right.
2. The required information
includes: School Name, NCES ID,
Grant Type, School address and
the project period dates for the
3. Note: There are dropdowns and
auto fills to speed the entry of
this information.
4. They will then click save.



Add School – LEA Information Page

1. Grantees will submit information
regarding their Local Education
Agency (LEA).
2. The required information
includes: LEA Name, NCES ID,
Address, and two questions as
depicted to the right.
3. They will then click save and



Add School – Authorization & Management Page

1. Grantees will submit information
pertaining to the Authorization and
Management of the school.
2. The required information includes:
Authorizer Type, Authorizer Name,
Religious Affiliation, Date, and
Authorizer Address.
3. The Authorizer Type selections
include LEA, SEA, NPO, HEI,
Independent Chartering Board, and
Mayor/Municipal Office.
4. They will then click save and



Add School – Charter Management Info Page

1. Grantees will fill out
information regarding the
Charter School Management.
2. If Grantees select No, they will
move to the next section.
3. If Grantees select Yes, as
displayed in the screenshots
below, they will fill out
information pertaining to the
management organization such
as management organization
type, address and its
4. Grantees can add multiple
management organizations as
needed and will be prompted to
fill in the same fields listed
above for the organization.




Add School – Operational Info – Charter School Characteristics

1. Grantees will then fill out
the specific School
2. This includes school
operational status and the
year students were first
3. Grantees will fill in the
schools’ virtual status (Full
Virtual, Primarily Virtual,
Supplemental Virtual, Not
Virtual); they Title I Status,
and School Type
(Alternative, Technical,
Traditional, and Special
4. Grantees will also fill in
three questions, displayed
at the bottom of the
If Future is selected, Grantees fill in a date and explanation.

Fully Virtual
Primarily Virtual
Supplemental Virtual
Not Virtual


Special Education



Add School – Operational Info – Lottery and Enrollment Info

1. Grantees will then fill out the
Operational Information related
to Lottery, Enrollment and
Demographic Information.
2. This includes specific questions
as displayed in the screenshot
as well as grades funded,
offered, planned/total
enrollment and waitlist.



Add School –School Award Info

1. Grantees fill out individual
school obligations, including the
budget period for the school,
dollar amount obligated, date
funds were obligated and dollar
amount paid to the school.
2. Grantees will update the school
obligations each reporting
period (Spring and Fall) for each
subgrant they have.


3.3.10 Add School –Additional Information
1. Finally, Grantees can enter any
additional information related
to the reporting period that
might be important for ED to


3.3.11 Submit
1. Once Grantees have added the
their school record and/or
completed all data for the
School/Subgrant Data module,
they can submit the data
collection information to ED.
2. As mentioned above, ED will
review and accept the
information, or ask the grantee
to correct/resubmit
3. Once the grantee submits the
School/Subgrant Data module,
they will move on to submitting
their APR.


4 Annual Performance Report (APR)
4.1 Overview
Grantees currently submit their Annual Performance Reports through the ED 524 standard form, and report on
funding to schools using the Excel-based CSP Data Collection Form. The new collection for grantees will combine
and refine the data elements form each, and provide for reporting via a web-based platform. State entity grantees
will complete the following sections:

Executive Summary
Performance Measures Reporting
Priorities and Requirements
Enrollment and Grade Levels
Lottery, Recruitment and Retention
Indirect Costs
Budget Details
Budget Implications

4.2 Reporting steps
At a high-level, Developer Grantees will interact with the system as follows:
1. Once a data collection form has been submitted within a reporting period (Spring/Fall), the Grantees will
then be able to access the APR module.
2. Grantees will fill out the required information in the APR.
a. Note: After the first APR submission, data is saved and then redisplayed to Grantees for.
3. Grantees will submit it back to the Department for review.
4. ED will review, and either approve or reactivated.
5. If reactivated, the grantee will add or correct information and resubmit.


4.3 Tasks and Screenshots


1. Once Grantees have
submitted their
School/Subgrant data,
they will click on the APR
module and enter the APR
2. The dashboard will display
their active grant Awards
and an active APR record.
3. Grantees will click Edit on
the action menu on the
associated grant award





System Intro

1. Grantees will see an
introduction page with
instructions to help orient
them to submitting the

System Introduction
Grantees under the Expanding Opportunity Through
Quality Charter Schools Program (CSP) are expected to
report on grant project status, including but not limited to
topics related to project implementation and achievement
of grant objectives, on at least an annual basis. The CSP
Office uses APR data to inform continuation award
decisions, and to determine project effectiveness, as well as
to report on the general health of the CSP.

Instructions: Before you begin, please read the Dear
Colleague Letter and Charter Schools Program Guide to
Annual Performance Reporting (APR Guide). To access
these documents and to find the COMPS User Guide,
which has information about using the system’s features,
click on the icon in the Resources box below.



Cover page – Human Subjects

1. On the next page,
Grantees will review the
Human Subjects entry
from the Grant Profile.



Cover page – Data Privacy & Security Measures

1. Next, they will be
prompted to attach their
latest Data Privacy and
Security Measures
Statement, which will be
in the form of a PDF or
Word document.
2. For the Fall reporting
periods, Grantees will be
asked to update the files
if needed. If it’s up to
date, no additional
action is needed.
3. If updates are needed,
they will be asked to
upload a new file.





1. Grantees will then enter
the Assurances section
and certify each
statement by clicking on
the checkboxes.
2. The assurances are
entered in the Grant
Profile and are pulled
into this section.
3. This content show here
is illustrative and
depends on the cohort
(fiscal year and



Executive Summary

1. Grantees will then
upload an Executive
Summary to provide an
overview of the grant
project implementation.
2. Grantees will adhere to
the instructions listed in
the screenshot to the

Explanation: Grantees complete an Executive Summary with each APR and Ad-Hoc submission.
Grantees will draft their responses to the Executive Summary questions in a document outside of
COMPS and upload the document as a .doc, .docx, or PDF to the system with each submission.
This narrative helps the program office by providing a summary of the project implementation.
Grantees should provide an overview of the status of grant project implementation in the
Executive Summary. Please draft a brief response to each of the prompts below. The Executive
Summary should be between 1-2 pages total.






Provide a summary of the overall project, including a brief description of key
components and objectives described in the application.
Describe activities related to new school implementation (84.282B) or replication or
expansion (84.282E) (as applicable), including authorization and facilities status,
staffing, and grades served.
If the grantee has amended its original approved application since the grant was
awarded or since submission of the last APR (as appropriate), describe the changes, the
progress, and the impact on the grant.
Describe any successes and challenges in the project planning and implementation, to
Describe the status of any key partnerships (new or existing), including all partnerships
described in the original approved application.
Provide a summary of any overall project and/or local context changes that have
impacted or may impact the grantee's ability to carry out the project effectively.
Describe any changes at the State or local level, including legislative or regulatory
changes or authorizer policies, that have impacted the implementation of the project,
either positively or negatively.
Describe any changes to key personnel since the grant award or last APR (as
appropriate). Provide a resume for new staff (if not previously submitted to the
Program Officer).
If applicable, describe any anticipated or proposed changes to the project in the
current budget period.

Note: Submission of proposed changes via the APR does not equate to approval of
the changes by the CSP Office.
This doesn’t really seem necessary since it otherwise begins with “If”.



Grant Project Status – Performance Measure Status

1. Grantees will then
indicate if they have
complete data on
performance measures.
If not, they have to
indicate the date when
the data will be available
and the reason for the
2. If the select No, they
have to submit the
following information.



Grant Project Status – Performance Measure Reporting

1. Grantees will then
review their project and
performance measures
that were submitted
within the Grant profile.
2. If they have the data,
Grantees will indicate
the status of progress
(met, not met, in
progress), the actual
numbers, and provide
additional details.
3. Grantees will provide
this information for each
performance measure
under a grant objective.
4. They will click save and
then continue to the
next page.


Explanation: Grantees have approved project-level objectives and performance
measures prepopulated in the COMPS APR from the Grant Profile. When
grantees enter the Performance Measures Reporting section in the APR module,
they see a list of their project objectives and associated performance measures
they entered into their Grant Profiles. In each APR and Ad-Hoc submission,
grantees update the status of progress and associated data for each of their
performance measures. These data help the program office track the project’s
progress in meeting grantees’ approved performance measures.
Instructions: Provide data for each performance measure and describe findings
or outcomes to demonstrate that the grantee has met or is making progress
toward meeting the performance measure, and explain how such performance
measure data demonstrate that the grantee has met or is making progress
toward meeting the project objective.

If the grantee has not met this measure, describe how and when it will be met, and outline any
steps and/or strategies the grantee plans to help ensure continued progress.



Grant Project Status – Priorities and Requirements – Competition Priorities

1. On the subsequent page, Grantees
will see and review the competition
priorities from their approved grant
application that were entered in
the Grant Profile.
2. If there have been changes since
they were first entered, Grantees
will click Yes and then be able to
edit the information on the page.
3. If Grantees click Yes, then the fields
will become editable as shown

Explanation: In this section, grantees provide narrative responses to the
key priorities and requirements governing the CSP, including those
established by the final rule published in the Federal Register on July 6,
2022, and their applicable notice inviting applications (NIA). Grantees
will have entered in their initial responses how they are meeting the
competition priorities for which they received points in their Grant
Profiles and will have the opportunity to update and amend their
responses in each APR and Ad-Hoc submission. For all other questions
within the Priorities and Requirements section, grantees will submit
their initial response in their first APR and will have the opportunity to
update and amend their responses in each subsequent APR and Ad-Hoc
submission. These data help the program office track the project’s
alignment with the priorities and requirements established in the final
rule and applicable NIA.

Competition Priorities
Grantees must continue to meet applicable priorities and application requirements throughout the grant funding period.
Please review the Competition Priorities from the grantee’s approved grant application selected in the Grant Profile.
Have there been any changes to how the grantee addresses these priorities in the current budget period?

If yes, describe the change, including whether the CSP Office approved it.
Note: Submission of proposed changes via the APR does not equate to approval of the changes by the
CSP Office.



4.3.10 Grant Project Status – Priorities and Requirements – Governance and Management
1. On the subsequent page,
Grantees will enter their
governance and
management policies.
2. If they do not have any
changes, they will move to
the next section.
3. If they do, they will describe
the changes and upload a
recent board policy file.


Explanation: Grantees uploaded key grant-related
documentation related to their organization
governance and management of the grant. In each
APR and Ad-Hoc submission, grantees will have an
opportunity to provide updated information on
their governance and management to ensure
COMPS is up to date as a knowledge management

4.3.11 Grant Project Status – Priorities and Requirements – Succession Plan
1. On the subsequent page,
Grantees will upload their
succession plan.
2. If they click that they have
not developed a succession
plan, then they are
prompted to explain and
provide a date of anticipated
closure (see second
3. If there have been changes
to key personnel, they are
prompted to explain the
changes (third screenshot).

If the grantee still needs to develop a Succession Plan, please explain,
and provide the anticipated completion date (MM/DD/YYYY).
Anticipated completion date

Were there any changes to the Project Director, Authorizing Representative, or any
other key grant personnel during the current budget period?


4.3.12 Grant Project Status – Priorities and Requirements – Charter Information
1. On the subsequent page, Grantees
will provide charter information.
2. If Grantees click No, they will move
to the next section.
3. If Grantee click Yes, they will specify
the change and provide a brief


4.3.13 Grant Project Status – Priorities and Requirements – Transportation
1. On the subsequent page,
Grantees will provide
transportation information.
2. If Grantees click No, they
will move to the next
3. If Grantees click Yes, they
will specify the change and
provide a brief explanation.


4.3.14 Grant Project Status – Priorities and Requirements – Closure Plans
1. On the subsequent page,
Grantees will provide closure plan
information and see their
previously submitted plan (if this
isn’t their first APR submission).
2. If Grantee click No, they will
move to the next section.
3. If Grantees click Yes, they will
specify the change and provide a
brief explanation.


4.3.15 Grant Project Status – Enrollment and Grade Levels
1. On the subsequent
page, Grantees will
provide information
on enrollment and
grade levels.


Explanation: Grantees’ approved grant-funded enrollment for the applicable APR
submission budget period (column 1) will come from the Grant Profile. The grantfunded enrollment data for the current reporting period (column 2) will come
directly from the data submitted in the School Data Collection module in COMPS.
Grantees will only be responsible for entering in data for the projected grantfunded enrollment by grade for the remainder of the current budget period in
each APR submission (column 3). Grantees will not need to enter any enrollment
data into the table for their Ad-Hoc reports since the data from the School Data
Collection module at the Ad-Hoc submission would be inclusive of the entire
budget period. Grantees must answer all applicable narrative questions in each
APR and Ad-Hoc submission. These data help the program office track the number
of students supported by the grant.

If they click No to either of the above questions, they are prompted to provide information around extenuating
circumstances, as displayed in the screenshot below.


4.3.16 Grant Project Status – Lottery
1. On the subsequent
page, Grantees will
provide information
lottery and upload
updated lottery
policy documents.
Explanation: This section shows back grantees’ responses to the
Lottery section in the Grant Profile, which collects information on the
lottery requirements grantees must meet, and asks whether there
have been any updates. Grantees will have an opportunity to update
and amend their responses to the Lottery section in each APR and
Ad-Hoc submission.
Grantees must ensure that lottery policies comply with Federal and
State requirements.

Does the grantee's Lottery Plan include weights?
Is the grantee's Lottery Plan approved?


4.3.17 Grant Project Status –Recruitment and Retention
1. On the subsequent
page, Grantees will
provide information
on recruitment and


4.3.18 Grant Project Status –Educational Program
1. On the subsequent page,
Grantees will provide
information on changes to
their educational


Were there any changes to the educational programming (e.g., the instructional practices that
will be used ) at the grant-funded school during the current budget period?

4.3.19 Grant Project Status –Educational Program – Racially and Socio-Economically Diverse Schools
1. On the subsequent
page, Grantees will
provide information
on their efforts to
address the racially
and socioeconomically
diverse schools


Racially and Socio-Economically Diverse Schools or Schools that Serve
Primarily Underserved Students
Explanation: The grantee’s response to this prompt from the Grant Profile will be
shown back to them in each APR and Ad-Hoc submission. Grantees will be asked to
provide an update on their continued efforts to increase the availability of highquality public school options for underserved students, promote racial and socioeconomic diversity in such community or have an educational mission to serve
primarily underserved students, and not increase racial or socioeconomic
segregation or isolation in the school districts from which students would be drawn
to attend the charter school (consistent with applicable laws).
Describe the grantee’s continued efforts to address this application

4.3.20 Budget – Indirect Costs
1. In the next section,
Grantees will see the
indirect costs input from
their Grant Profile.
2. If they select Yes that there
have been changes to
Grantee’s indirect cost
information, the fields
displayed to the right
become editable.


4.3.21 Budget – Budget Details
1. Grantees will enter
Budget Details for
various components of
a Grantee’s budget.
2. They will click a drop
down under each row
and fill out the
following information
for each row. The
below screenshots
show what they fill out
for the first year.

Explanation: Grantees provide updates on their incurred and anticipated costs for each reporting period in each APR and
Ad-Hoc submission. The approved budget, and any carryover from the prior budget period, is pre-populated in the budget
table. Grantees enter their incurred costs, anticipated costs, and expected carryover to the next budget period for all
budget categories. These data help the program office track the grantees’ progress in making use of available funds.
Grantees already report these data in the APR.
Provide budget information, including the approved budget for the current budget period, incurred costs during the
reporting period, anticipated spending during the remainder of the budget period, and estimated carryover. Report
these amounts by budget category and whether the funds were for administrative purposes or technical assistance
Initial award or Non-Competing Continuation (NCC) Award’s approved budget: The approved budget total, broken down
by budget category. These totals are pulled directly from what the grantee entered in the Grant Profile.
Incurred costs: Enter the amount of funds expended during the reporting period.
Anticipated costs: Enter the amount of funds encumbered that the grantee will expend before the grant budget year
ends. This row should be empty if this report covers the entire budget year.
Carryover to next budget period: The COMPS system will calculate the amount of funds the grantee will carry over to
the next budget period according to the following formula: [Approved Budget] – [(Incurred costs) + (Anticipated costs)]



4.3.22 Budget – Implications
1. Grantees will fill in budget
implications section for the
current reporting period.

Current Budget Period

If they click Yes to any of the radio buttons, they will have to answer the following questions.


Note: The inclusion of this information is for reporting purposes only. Any requests to modify the scope of
the project will need to be submitted separately to the assigned Program Officer.

Note: The inclusion of this information is for reporting purposes only. Any requests to modify the scope of
the project will need to be submitted separately to the assigned Program Officer.


4.3.23 Technical Assistance and Support From CSP
1. Grantees will submit
one final question
about TA and support
from CSP.


Technical Assistance and Support from the CSP
Based on project implementation to date, please identify the
areas in which the grantee requires additional technical
assistance and support.

4.3.24 Signature and Submission
1. Lastly, Grantees will review
the information they
entered and sign and
submit the APR for review
by ED.



File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorMicrosoft Office User
File Modified2023-08-24
File Created2023-08-08

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