Form 1 NIH Grnats Conference feedback

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery (NIH)

FEEDBACK FORM_Survey_NIHGrantsConference_2022_2023

2023 Virtual NIH Grants Conference Overall Feedback Form (OD)

OMB: 0925-0648

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OMB#: 0925-0648, Exp. date: 06/30/2024

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average (6 minutes) to complete, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to NIH, Project Clearance Branch, 6705 Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD 20892-7974, ATTN: PRA (0925-0648). Do not return the completed form to this address.

2023 Virtual NIH Grants Conference

Tell Us What You Think! Overall Feedback Form

Tell us about yourself

  • What best describes your professional role?

 Investigator Research Trainee or Postdoc Grant Writer

 Department Administrator Office of Sponsored Programs Finance Officer

Other ___________

  • List your total years of experience working with NIH grants:

 Less than 1 year 2-4 years 5-10 years

 10+ years

  • What best describes your primary institutional affiliation?

 University - Large NIH Portfolio University - Small NIH Portfolio University – No NIH grants

 Small Business Non-profit Hospital

 Not from a research institution

How was your overall virtual experience?

  • Were your expectations met with this online seminar? Yes No

  • Was this online seminar valuable and worth your time? Yes No

  • Would you recommend the seminar to others? Yes No

  • Did the communications effective prepare you for the seminar? Yes No

  • In the future, would you prefer the virtual experience for a seminar like this one over an in-person event?

Yes No

If you answered “No” to any of the questions above, please specify why: ________________________________________________________________________________________

To improve future events, please rate your experience with the following seminar components:






Needs Improvement

Overall Experience with the NIH Program Agenda

Session Options

Online delivery: Balance of content and engagement.

Overall usefulness of information in sessions

Agenda schedule format






Needs Improvement

Overall Experience with the Exhibit Hall & Booths

Ease of identifying booths of interest

Accessibility of NIH experts

Utility of Resources

Swag Bag & Video Vault Options






Needs Improvement

Networking Lounge

Social Media Wall







Needs Improvement

Overall Experience with the vFAIRS Platform

Registration process

Website navigation

Visual Experience

Technology effectiveness (Zoom, vFairs chat, etc.)

Technical Assistance (if applicable)

  • If you were the coordinator for next seminar, what would you change to improve the attendee experience? ___________________________________ _________ ________________________


  • Do you prefer in-person or virtual format for seminars such as these?

 Virtual In-person

  • Let us know the 3 most useful sessions you attended:



Advanced Administrative Topics: Post-Award Issues

Advanced Administrative Topics: Pre-Award

After-Hours Conversation – Developing and Optimizing Your Mentor Relationships

All About Costs: A Post-Award Primer

Compliance Pitfalls & Strategies for Success

Current Issues at NIH: Grants Policy Updates

Developing your Budget

eRA Commons: Interacting with NIH Electronically Post-Submission

FCOI and Other Support: NIH and Grantees Working together

Fundamentals of the NIH Grants Process and Need-to-Know Resources

Grant Writing for Success

Keynote with Dr. Michael Lauer

Let’s Look at Peer Review

NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy in Effect….Are you Prepared?

NIH Next Generation Research Initiative: Training Future Biomedical Researchers

NIH Peer Review: "Live" Mock Study Section with Q&A

Notice of Award Arrives….Now What?

Open Mike with Dr. Michael Lauer

Planning Your Career Path: NIH Experts Share Their Perspectives

Ready! Set! Submit! Application Preparation & Submission

Roles, Responsibilities and Partnerships Throughout the Grant Life Cycle

Supporting Transitions from Academia to Product Development

Understanding NIH Programs

If you utilized the On-Demand Library, which of the following did you find most useful:

eRA Overview

eRA: Streamlining Administrative Supplements

Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI): What You Need to Know

Finding & Understanding Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs)

How NIH Processes and Assigns Your Application

Master Class on Review Integrity

R&D Contracts (Part 1 of 2): Contract Administration and Getting Paid for Your Work

R&D Contracts (Part 2 of 2): Finding Opportunities and Writing Proposals –

Registering & Reporting Results to ClinicalTrials.Gov

NIH Grants Administration Take 5: NOSIs

xTRACT & xTrain: Your Tickets to Managing NIH Training and Career Award Documents

Thank you for your time to help us evaluate this seminar and the effectiveness of the program and platform.

If you have any questions or suggestions following the conclusion of this seminar, please contact us at

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorDawn Holt
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2023-08-26

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