Teacher Post-Intervention Survey

Efficacy Evaluation of the Mathematics Intervention Toolkit for the Elementary Grades

Teacher Post Intervention Survey rev2

Efficacy Evaluation of the Mathematics Intervention Toolkit for the Elementary Grades

OMB: 1850-0987

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Teacher Post-Intervention Survey


Please complete this brief survey to help us better understand how teachers support students in math intervention classes.* Note that the information you provide here falls under the confidentiality and data protection requirements of the Institute of Education Sciences (The Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, Title I, Part E, Section 183), and the data collected will be securely protected. You may opt out of responding to a question or the entire instrument at any time without any consequences. None of your responses will be individually attributed to you or your school/district. Your responses will be used for statistical purposes only.

Reflect back upon your teaching throughout the current academic year and answer the following questions. 

*Please read this definition of the term, “math intervention class”, which we will use in the survey questions. Your school may use a different name for these classes. We are defining math intervention classes broadly to include the following characteristics:

  • Provide additional math instruction and support to students. The classes are focused solely on mathematics and not on other subjects.

  • Are specifically for students who struggle with mathematics. Students are identified because of low math performance and other factors.

  • Have designated times that meet regularly in the school schedule. These classes may be scheduled in different ways, including a designated intervention block, during an electives block, or during regular math classes that include a specific intervention time

On average throughout the year, approximately how often do you employ the

following teaching strategies during your math lessons?

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree

1a. [Students] share ideas or solve problems with each other in small groups.

1b. [Students] engage in hands-on mathematics activities.

1c. [Students] work on extended mathematics investigations (a week or more in duration).

1d. [Students] Record, represent, or analyze data.

1e. [Teacher] uses open-ended questions.

1f. [Teacher] requires students to explain their reasoning when giving an answer.

1g. [Teacher] encourages students to communicate mathematically.

1h. [Teacher] encourages students to explore alternative methods for solutions.

1i. [Teacher] helps students see connections between mathematics and other disciplines.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree

2a. [Students] engaged in debate/discussion about ways to solve problems.

2b. [Students] restated another student’s ideas in different words.

2c. [Students] demonstrated different ways to solve a problem.

2d. [Students] explored a problem different from any they had solved previously.

2e. [Students] worked on an activity or problem that takes more than one period.

2f. [Students] connected a math topic to another subject (e.g., social studies).

2g. [Teacher] encourages students to communicate mathematically.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree

3a. Proof and justification/verification (e.g., using logical argument to demonstrate correctness of mathematical relationships).

3b. Problem solving (e.g., finding solutions that require more than merely applying rules in a familiar situation).

3c. Communication (e.g., expressing mathematical ideas orally and in writing).

3d. Connections (e.g., linking one mathematical concept with another; applying math ideas in contexts outside of math).

3e. Representations (e.g., using tables, graphs, and other ways of illustrating mathematical relationships).

This next set of questions is designed to gain a better understanding of the kinds of things that create difficulties for teachers in their school activities. Please indicate your opinion about each of the statements below. Your answers are confidential.

Nothing Very Little Some Quite a Lot A Great Deal

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

4a. How much can you do to get through to the most difficult students in your math intervention?

4b. How much can you do to help your math intervention students think critically?

4c. How much can you do to motivate your math intervention students who show low interest in school work?

4d. How much can you do to get your math intervention students to believe they can do well in school work?

4e. How much can you do to foster your math intervention students’ creativity?

4f. How much can you do to improve the understanding of a math intervention student who is failing?

4g. How much can you assist families in helping their children who receive math intervention do well in school?

4h. How much can you do to help your math intervention students value learning?

4i. How well can you respond to difficult questions from your math intervention students ?

4j. How much can you gauge math intervention students’ comprehension of what you have taught?

4k. To what extent can you craft good questions for your math intervention students?

4l. How much can you do to adjust your lessons to the proper level for individual students in your math intervention?

4m. How much can you use a variety of assessment strategies in your math intervention class?

4n. To what extent can you provide an alternative explanation or example when students are confused?

4o. How well can you implement alternative strategies in your math intervention classroom?

4p. How well can you provide appropriate challenges for very capable students in your math intervention class?

Respond to the following question considering all of the PD you participated in during the last school year that was focused specifically on supporting math intervention students (i.e., students who struggle with mathematics), including the summer, and all formats (in-person and online, synchronous and asynchronous). [Intervention teachers only: This includes the PD course provided by EDC and all formats].

How many hours (rounded to the nearest hour) did you spend participating in the following types of professional development activities?

During the last school year, I participated in PD activities that were focused on…



5a. Instructional strategies for teaching students who struggle with mathematics

5b. Teaching math intervention classes in the upper elementary grades

5c. Promoting clear, precise mathematical language for students who struggle with mathematics

5d. Helping students who struggle with mathematics communicate their mathematical thinking

5e. Using manipulatives to help students who struggle with mathematics develop conceptual understanding

5f. Using the number line to build conceptual understanding of fractions for students who struggle with mathematics

5g. Providing strategies to help students who struggle with mathematics solve word problems

*Dropdown, select all that apply: In-person; Online, synchronous; Online, asynchronous

Questions 5-10 Apply to Intervention Teachers Only

This survey has questions about your experiences with the full PD course from the Mathematics Intervention toolkit.

6. In this survey, the term "full PD course" includes all of the following: Introductory Session and full modules (Mathematical Language, Representations, Number Lines, Word Problems, and Systematic Instruction). How useful was the full PD course for your learning?

(1) Not useful

(2) Slightly useful

(3) Somewhat useful

(4) Useful

(5) Very useful

6. Please give reasons for your rating.

8. Reflect on your overall experience with the full PD course. Rate your agreement with the following statements.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree

I was engaged during the PD course.

The PD course was relevant to my role teaching math intervention.

The PD was effective in building my professional knowledge about the What Works Clearinghouse Guide’s recommendations.

The PD was effective in building my teaching practices for math intervention.

The PD course was high-quality.

9. Reflect on your experiences learning about and implementing instructional strategies in the full PD course. Rate your agreement with the following statements.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree

I learned about new instructional strategies in the PD course.

I learned about how to implement strategies effectively with students who struggle with mathematics.

During the course, I implemented instructional strategies with students.

I plan to use instructional strategies from the course with students in the future.

10a. Would you recommend the PD course to other teachers of mathematics intervention classes?

Yes No Unsure

10b. Please give reasons for your answer.

11a. Reflect on your experience as a participant in the PD course. What challenges (if any) have you encountered in participating in the PD course?

11b. What are your suggestions for improving the PD course and/or how it was implemented to address these challenges?

12. Optional: Use this space to write about additional comments, suggestions, or problems with the course.

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1850-xxxx. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 50 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is voluntary. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this individual collection, or if you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual form, application or survey, please contact Janelle Sands at the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) at janelle.sands@ed.gov directly.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorKirk Walters
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2023-08-23

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