Teacher End-of-Module Reflection Survey

Efficacy Evaluation of the Mathematics Intervention Toolkit for the Elementary Grades

Teacher End of Module Reflection Survey rev2

OMB: 1850-0987

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Teacher End-of-Module Reflection Survey


Please complete this brief survey to help us improve the professional development course. Reflect back upon your PD course module you most recently completed and answer the following questions. Note that the information you provide here falls under the confidentiality and data protection requirements of the Institute of Education Sciences (The Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, Title I, Part E, Section 183), and the data collected will be securely protected. You may opt out of responding to a question or the entire instrument at any time without any consequences. None of your responses will be individually attributed to you or your school/district. Your responses will be used for statistical purposes only.

1. How useful was the full module on the [Module 1-4* topic] recommendation for your learning?  (The full module includes the online activities, two PLC sessions, and the Try It! Instructional routine.)

[Not useful, Slightly useful, Somewhat useful, Useful, Very useful] 

*NOTE: There will not be an instructional log given after Module 5, since Module 5 will be an abbreviated module.

2. What was most useful or relevant to you in this module? Please describe 1-2 things. 

3. Rate your agreement with the following statements about the [Module 1 – 4 topic]

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree

I was engaged during this PD module.

The module was relevant to my role teaching math intervention.

The module was effective in building my professional knowledge about the recommendation and strategies for [Module 1- 4 topic].

The module helped me strengthen my teaching practices for [Module 1-4 topic.] 

The module activities and resources were high-quality.

I plan to use instructional strategies from this module with students in the future.

4a.  Online Activities: Please indicate how much of the Explore-A and B activities you completed in [Module 1- 4 topic]. All modules have an Explore-A and Explore-B tab.  Each tab will have about 4-6 steps but the exact number and the specific activities will vary by module. This survey question will provide a specific description for each module. The example below is for the Mathematical language module.


ALL activities

Completed MOST but not all activities 

Completed LESS THAN HALF of activities

Completed NONE of the activities

Explore-A Tab

This tab has 5 steps,* including an introductory video, adding ideas to a Reference Sheet, a reading about strategies, an activity handout on graphic organizers, and a check for understanding activity

Explore-B Tab

This tab has 4 steps, including sorting mathematical terms, watching a classroom video, a check for understanding activity, and a journal reflection

*NOTE: There is some variation across modules in the number of steps and activities, so this will be customized by module.

4b. [If they selected NONE or less than 50% 🡪 ask for their reasons].  

You selected that you did not complete some or all online activities. Which of these reasons apply to your situation?  Select ALL that apply.

  1. Plan to complete them in the future

  2. Did not have time to do these activities

  3. Had technology issues that prevented me from using the online component

  4. Do not find these online activities to be useful for my learning

  5. Already familiar with the content on [Module 1-4 topic

  6. Do not feel comfortable with the online component of the module

  7. Do not like doing online learning activities

  8. Other (please describe)

4c. Did you use the module’s Try-It instructional routine with students?   

Yes  No

4d. [If they selected No 🡪 ask for their reasons].  You responded that you did not use the routine.  Which of these reasons apply to your situation?  Select ALL that apply. 

  1. I plan to use the routine in the future.

  2. I did not have time to use the routine with students.

  3. The math content of the routine was not a good fit to my instructional program.

  4. The routine is not a good fit to my students’ learning needs.

  5. I do not feel comfortable using the routine.

  6. Other (please describe)

5. Challenges: What challenges (if any) have you encountered in participating in this PD module on [Module 1-4 topic] and/or during the implementation of the strategies with students? 

6. Suggestions. Provide suggestions for the following:

6a. What are ways to improve the [Module 1-4 topic] module to better fit your professional learning needs?  

6b. What additional supports would you like to have for implementing strategies with students?

Reflect upon the intervention class sessions you have been teaching during the past PD course module when you answer the following questions. Focus on one math intervention class section for grade 4 or 5 to answer these questions. (We are using “section” to refer to the same group of students.)

7. To what extent did you use the following instructional strategies from the [Module 1-4 topic(s)] in your targeted class?

7a. - After Module 1

 [Not at all in my target class

Some of the time in my target class

About half the time in my target class

Almost or all of the time in my target class

Using graphic organizers to support students’ development of math vocabulary (e.g., to link definitions, characteristics, examples, and/or non-examples).

Using card sort activities, such as sorting examples and non-examples, to reinforce the meaning of vocabulary terms. 

Providing opportunities for students to show and explain their approaches to solving problems.

Providing sentence starters and/or sentence frames to support students in communicating their explanations.

Using concrete representations, such as manipulatives, and/or semi-concrete. representations, such as drawings, to build an understanding of vocabulary terms.

Providing vocabulary charts to support students in using math vocabulary terms.

7b. - After Module 2 (plus previous Module(s) questions)

 [Not at all in my target class

Some of the time in my target class

About half the time in my target class

Almost or all of the time in my target class

Having students use concrete representations, such as manipulatives, to help build an understanding of math concepts and processes

Having students use semi-concrete representations, such as making drawings, to help build understanding of math concepts and processes

Making explicit connections between concrete and semi-concrete representations to help students develop an understanding of mathematical ideas, such as connecting manipulatives to drawings.

Connecting concrete and semi-concrete representations to abstract representations, such as numbers or equations, to help students develop an understanding of mathematical ideas.

Using visuals to show connections between representations, such as drawing circles and arrows to connect the same quantities in a word problem, drawing, and equation.

Asking students to explain their solution or approach by using a representation that they created, such as pointing to a drawing or model that they made

7c. - After Module 3 (plus previous Module(s) questions)

 [Not at all in my target class

Some of the time in my target class

About half the time in my target class

Almost or all of the time in my target class

Connecting concrete representations, such as fraction tiles, with number lines to help students position fractions on a number line.

Folding strips of paper into equal parts to build an understanding of partitions on a number line.

Using number lines to help students build an understanding of the relative magnitude of fractions.

Using benchmark numbers to help students locate fractions on the number line.

Having students use estimation to locate fractions on a number line.

Having students use the number line to solve fraction addition problems.

Having students use the number line to solve fraction subtraction problems.

7d. - After Module 4 (plus previous Module(s) questions)

 [Not at all in my target class

Some of the time in my target class

About half the time in my target class

Almost or all of the time in my target class

Teaching students to identify one or more types of word problems (e.g., a change or compare problem.)

Using role-playing to help students visualize and understand word problems. 

Using concrete and/or semi-concrete representations to help students visualize and understand word problems.

Having students draw simple sketches to represent a problem type.

8. (Optional). Use this space to write additional comments, suggestions, or concerns about the PD module.

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1850-xxxx. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 50 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is voluntary. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this individual collection, or if you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual form, application or survey, please contact Janelle Sands at the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) at janelle.sands@ed.gov directly.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorKirk Walters
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2023-11-17

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