PR/Award #: S215JXXXXXX
PR/Award #: X(Block 5 of the Grant Award Notification - 11 characters)
Grantee NCES ID #:
(See instructions. Up to 12 characters)
Project Title: X(Enter the same title as on the approved application.)
Grantee Name:
(Block 1 of the Grant Award notification)
Grantee Address:
(See instructions)
Project Director Information1
Name: Title:
Phone #: Extension: Fax #:
Email Address:
Reporting Period (Indicate the six-month period covered by this report. This will also be the Current Budget Period in #8b, below)
From: To:
Budget Expenditures
Federal Grant Funds |
Non-Federal Funds (Match/Cost Share) |
a. Previous Budget Period (six-month period before Reporting Period in #7 above) |
$0 |
$0 |
b. Current Budget Period (same as Reporting Period in #7 above) |
$0 |
$0 |
c. Entire Project Period (for Final Performance Reports only) |
$0 |
$0 |
Indirect Costs
Are you claiming indirect costs under this grant? Yes No
If yes, do you have an Indirect Cost Rate Agreement approved by the Federal Government? Yes No
If yes, provide the following information:
Period Covered by the Indirect Cost Rate Agreement: From (mm/dd/yy): To (mm/dd/yy):
Approving Federal Agency ED Other (please specify):
Type of Rate (for Final Performance Reports only): Provisional Final Other (please specify):
For Restricted Rate programs (check one) – Are you using a restricted indirect cost rate that:
Is included in your approved Indirect Cost Rate Agreement Complies with 34 CFR 76.564(c)(2)?
Is the annual certification Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval attached? Yes No N/A
12.Performance Measures Status
Are complete data on performance measures for the current budget period included in the Project Status Chart? Yes No
If no, when will the data be available and submitted to the Department? Date (mm/dd/yy):
13. By checking the following box, I certify that all data in this performance report are true and correct and the report fully discloses all known weaknesses concerning the accuracy, reliability, and completeness of the data: Date:
Name of authorized representative
Title of authorized representative
Please address each section of the executive summary listed below. Do not exceed two pages.
Describe the inputs (resources and support from Full-Service Community Schools (FSCS) grantee, schools and partners), strategies and activities (pipeline services and strategies) and outputs (impact areas and indicators) for the project during this period.
In accordance with the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR), 34 CFR 75.253, recipients of multi-year discretionary grants must submit an annual performance report (APR) demonstrating that substantial progress has been made towards meeting the approved program objectives. In addition, discretionary grantees are required to report on their progress towards meeting the performance measures established for the Department grant program and any project-specific performance measures that were included in the grantees’ approved grant applications. The Department will consider all of this information and data in determining whether recipients have demonstrated substantial progress.
Specific instructions and guidance for completing and submitting the APR are provided in the accompanying document, “FSCS APR Instructions and Glossary”. Recipients of “forward funded” grants that awarded funds for their entire multi-year project up-front in a single grant award are also required to submit an APR following the instructions contained in the accompanying document. While individual information will typically not be disclosed outside of the U.S. Department of Education, there may be circumstances where information may be shared with a third party, such as a Freedom of Information Act request, court orders or subpoena, or if a breach or security incident occurs that affects information collected through this survey, etc. Failure to provide your contact information may limit the ability of the Department to contact you with questions.
Department performance measure data are measures established for reporting to Congress under34 CFR 75.110. The Full-Service Community Schools performance measure is defined as the percentage of unduplicated individuals targeted for services that receive services during each performance year. This means that each student, family member, and community member who participated in program services is counted only once, no matter how many services they participated in, or how many times they were served.
In this section, report the unduplicated number of individuals targeted for FSCS program participation (target number), and the total unduplicated number that participated in FSCS program services (actual number) in each population during the reporting period.
For additional instructions for completing this section and definitions of terms, see the FSCS APR Instructions and Glossary document, pages 7 and 15.
Population |
Target Number |
Actual Number |
Target Met? |
Students |
Complete all sections. See FSCS APR Instructions and Glossary document for additional information.
Challenges Encountered:
Population |
Target Number |
Actual Number |
Target Met? |
Family Members |
Complete all sections. See FSCS APR Instructions and Glossary document for additional information.
Challenges Encountered:
Population |
Target Number |
Actual Number |
Target Met? |
Community members |
Complete all sections. See FSCS APR Instructions and Glossary document for additional information.
Challenges Encountered:
Section 4625(e) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended (ESEA) requires that FSCS grantees coordinate existing (as of the grant award date) pipeline services in not less than three of the following categories, and provide additional pipeline services in not less than two of the eight categories listed below, at two or more public elementary or secondary schools.
In this section, indicate whether the project provided services in each pipeline category during this reporting period. If the project provided services in a category during the reporting period, provide responses to questions 2-9 in that category.
Please note the following definitions when responding to questions 2-9:
Newly added categories: Did the project add any new service categories during this reporting period? Please indicate which pipeline categories were added to the project during this reporting period.
Number of times each type of service was provided to each population: This is equivalent to the total number of individuals in each population who received each service. These numbers may be duplicative: each individual who participated in multiple services, or in the same service multiple times, may be counted once for each occasion.
Funding sources: Please indicate whether services in each category were provided using FSCS funding only, or braided with other funding sources. If braided, please indicate all other funding sources used to provide services in that category.
Did the FSCS project add any new service categories during this reporting period? Yes No
Did the program provide services in this category during this reporting period? Yes No
Was this category newly added to the project during the reporting period? Yes No
Number of times services in this category were provided to:
Students |
Family Members |
Community Members |
Describe services provided in this category:
List any service partners:
Are services in this category evidence-based? Yes No
If yes, provide a brief description:
Have these services been evaluated? Yes No
If yes, provide a brief description:
Is there evidence of services in category A having substantial impact? Yes No Not Yet Determined
If yes, provide a brief description:
Please indicate funding sources used to provide services in this category: FSCS funds only OR
FSCS funds braided with funding from (check all that apply):
Promise Neighborhoods
Gear Up
Charter Schools
21st CCLC
HUD Choice Neighborhoods
Head Start
Community Health Centers
Health Careers Opportunity Program
Rural Development Initiative
Other (please specify):
Did the program provide services in this category? Yes No
Was this category newly added to the project during the reporting period? Yes No
Number of times services in this category were provided to:
Students |
Family Members |
Community Members |
Describe services provided in this category:
List any service partners:
Are services in this category evidence-based? Yes No
If yes, provide a brief description:
Have these services been evaluated? Yes No
If yes, provide a brief description:
Is there evidence of services in category B having substantial impact? Yes No Not Yet Determined
If yes, provide a brief description:
Please indicate funding sources used to provide services in this category: FSCS funds only OR
FSCS funds braided with funding from (check all that apply):
Promise Neighborhoods
Gear Up
Charter Schools
21st CCLC
HUD Choice Neighborhoods
Head Start
Community Health Centers
Health Careers Opportunity Program
Rural Development Initiative
Other (please specify):
Did the program provide services in this category? Yes No
Was this category newly added to the project during the reporting period? Yes No
Number of times services in this category were provided to:
Students |
Family Members |
Community Members |
Describe services provided in this category:
List any service partners:
Are services in this category evidence-based? Yes No
If yes, provide a brief description:
Have these services been evaluated? Yes No
If yes, provide a brief description:
Is there evidence of services in category C having substantial impact? Yes No Not Yet Determined
If yes, provide a brief description:
Please indicate funding sources used to provide services in this category: FSCS funds only OR
FSCS funds braided with funding from (check all that apply):
Promise Neighborhoods
Gear Up
Charter Schools
21st CCLC
HUD Choice Neighborhoods
Head Start
Community Health Centers
Health Careers Opportunity Program
Rural Development Initiative
Other (please specify):
Did the program provide services in this category? Yes No
Was this category newly added to the project during the reporting period? Yes No
Number of times services in this category were provided to:
Students |
Family Members |
Community Members |
Describe services provided in this category:
List any service partners:
Are services in this category evidence-based? Yes No
If yes, provide a brief description:
Have these services been evaluated? Yes No
If yes, provide a brief description:
Is there evidence of services in category D having substantial impact? Yes No Not Yet Determined
If yes, provide a brief description:
Please indicate funding sources used to provide services in this category: FSCS funds only OR
FSCS funds braided with funding from (check all that apply):
Promise Neighborhoods
Gear Up
Charter Schools
21st CCLC
HUD Choice Neighborhoods
Head Start
Community Health Centers
Health Careers Opportunity Program
Rural Development Initiative
Other (please specify):
Did the program provide services in this category? Yes No
Was this category newly added to the project during the reporting period? Yes No
Number of times services in this category were provided to:
Students |
Family Members |
Community Members |
Describe services provided in this category:
List any service partners:
Are services in this category evidence-based? Yes No
If yes, provide a brief description:
Have these services been evaluated? Yes No
If yes, provide a brief description:
Is there evidence of services in category E having substantial impact? Yes No Not Yet Determined
If yes, provide a brief description:
Please indicate funding sources used to provide services in this category: FSCS funds only OR
FSCS funds braided with funding from (check all that apply):
Promise Neighborhoods
Gear Up
Charter Schools
21st CCLC
HUD Choice Neighborhoods
Head Start
Community Health Centers
Health Careers Opportunity Program
Rural Development Initiative
Other (please specify):
Did the program provide services in this category? Yes No
Was this category newly added to the project during the reporting period? Yes No
Number of times services in this category were provided to:
Students |
Family Members |
Community Members |
Describe services provided in this category:
List any service partners:
Are services in this category evidence-based? Yes No
If yes, provide a brief description:
Have these services been evaluated? Yes No
If yes, provide a brief description:
Is there evidence of services in category F having substantial impact? Yes No Not Yet Determined
If yes, provide a brief description:
Please indicate funding sources used to provide services in this category: FSCS funds only OR
FSCS funds braided with funding from (check all that apply):
Promise Neighborhoods
Gear Up
Charter Schools
21st CCLC
HUD Choice Neighborhoods
Head Start
Community Health Centers
Health Careers Opportunity Program
Rural Development Initiative
Other (please specify):
Did the program provide services in this category? Yes No
Was this category newly added to the project during the reporting period? Yes No
Number of times services in this category were provided to:
Students |
Family Members |
Community Members |
Describe services provided in this category:
List any service partners:
Are services in this category evidence-based? Yes No
If yes, provide a brief description:
Have these services been evaluated? Yes No
If yes, provide a brief description:
Is there evidence of services in category G having substantial impact? Yes No Not Yet Determined
If yes, provide a brief description:
Please indicate funding sources used to provide services in this category: FSCS funds only OR
FSCS funds braided with funding from (check all that apply):
Promise Neighborhoods
Gear Up
Charter Schools
21st CCLC
HUD Choice Neighborhoods
Head Start
Community Health Centers
Health Careers Opportunity Program
Rural Development Initiative
Other (please specify):
Did the program provide services in this category? Yes No
Was this category newly added to the project during the reporting period? Yes No
Number of times services in this category were provided to:
Students |
Family Members |
Community Members |
Describe services provided in this category:
List any service partners:
Are services in this category evidence-based? Yes No
If yes, provide a brief description:
Have these services been evaluated? Yes No
If yes, provide a brief description:
Is there evidence of services in category H having substantial impact? Yes No Not Yet Determined
If yes, provide a brief description:
Please indicate funding sources used to provide services in this category: FSCS funds only OR
FSCS funds braided with funding from (check all that apply):
Promise Neighborhoods
Gear Up
Charter Schools
21st CCLC
HUD Choice Neighborhoods
Head Start
Community Health Centers
Health Careers Opportunity Program
Rural Development Initiative
Other (please specify):
Identify the three most robust service categories provided by this project during the reporting period and provide a brief paragraph describing each.
Service 1:
Service 2:
Service 3:
Have there been any changes to the types of services provided during this project period? Yes No
If yes, please explain.
Please complete the following information for all project objectives and performance measures. If the project has more than five measures, use Appendix I on page 35 to provide this information for each measure. For additional instructions and definitions of terms, please see the FSCS APR Instructions and Glossary document, pages 10-12.
Total Number of Project Objectives: Total Number of Performance Measures:
Project Objective:
Performance Measure: School Climate information, which may come from student, parent, or teacher surveys
Explanation of Progress:
Challenges Faced:
Data Explanation:
Project Objective:
Performance Measure: Provision of integrated student supports and stakeholder services
Explanation of Progress:
Challenges Faced:
Data Explanation:
Project Objective:
Performance Measure: Expanded and enriched learning time and opportunities
Explanation of Progress:
Challenges Faced:
Data Explanation:
Project Objective:
Performance Measure: Family and community engagement efforts and impact
Explanation of Progress:
Challenges Faced:
4e. Data Explanation:
Project Objective:
Performance Measure: Collaborative leadership and practice strategies
Explanation of Progress:
Challenges Faced:
Data Explanation:
6a. Project Objective:
6b. Performance Measure: Regularly convening or engaging all initiative-level partners
6c. Explanation of Progress:
6d. Challenges Faced:
6e. Data Explanation:
7a. Project Objective:
7b. Performance Measure: Organizing school personnel and community partners
7c. Explanation of Progress:
7d. Challenges Faced:
7e. Data Explanation:
8a. Project Objective:
8b. Performance Measure: Organizing school personnel and community partners
8c. Explanation of Progress:
8d. Challenges Faced:
8e. Data Explanation:
9a. Project Objective:
10b. Performance Measure: Regularly assessing program quality and progress
11c. Explanation of Progress:
12d. Challenges Faced:
13e. Data Explanation:
The budget expenditure information must be completed by the project’s business office. For additional information, please see the FSCS APR Instructions and Glossary document.
Budget Categories |
Approved Budget (Entire project year) |
Expenditures (This reporting period) |
Anticipated Costs for remainder of budget period (May 1 – Dec 31)* |
Total (Expenditures plus Anticipated Costs) |
Carryover (At the end of the project year) |
(Lines 1-11) |
* Note: This period of time will change to Jan 1 – Apr 30 .
Budget Categories |
Approved Budget (Entire project year) |
Expenditures (This reporting period) |
Anticipated Costs (Next 6-month reporting period) |
Total (Expenditures plus Anticipated Costs) |
Carryover (At the end of the project year) |
(Lines 1-11) |
Please provide an explanation if funds have not been drawn down from the G5 System to pay for the budget expenditure amounts reported in items 8a. – 8c of the Cover Sheet:
Please provide an explanation if you did not expend funds at the expected rate during the reporting period:
Describe any significant changes to your budget resulting from modification of project activities:
Please describe any changes to your budget that affected your ability to achieve your approved project activities and/or project objectives:
Do you expect to have any unexpended (carryover) funds at the end of the current budget period? Yes No
If yes, please explain why, provide an estimate, and indicate how you plan to use the unexpended funds in the next budget period:
Describe any anticipated changes in your budget for the next budget period that require prior approval from the Department (see EDGAR, 34 CFR 74.25 and 80.30, as applicable):
Provide an itemized budget breakdown, and justification by project year, for each budget category. For grant projects that will be divided into two or more separately budgeted major activities or sub-projects, show for each budget category of a project year the breakdown of the specific expenses attributable to each sub-project or activity.
For non-Federal funds or resources that are used to meet a cost-sharing or matching requirement or provided as a voluntary cost-sharing or matching commitment, you must include:
The specific costs or contributions by budget category;
The source of the costs or contributions; and
In the case of third-party in-kind contributions, a description of how the value was determined for the donated or contributed goods or services.
[Please review the Department’s general cost sharing and matching regulations, which include specific limitations, in 34 CFR 74.23, applicable to non-governmental entities, and 80.24, applicable to governments, and as well as 2 CFR 200.306 of the Uniform Guidance.
If applicable to this program, provide the rate and base on which fringe benefits are calculated.
If you are requesting reimbursement for indirect costs, this information is to be completed by your Business Office. Specify the estimated amount of the base to which the indirect cost rate is applied and the total indirect expense. Depending on the grant program to which you are applying and/or your approved Indirect Cost Rate Agreement, some direct cost budget categories in your grant application budget may not be included in the base and multiplied by your indirect cost rate. For example, you must multiply the indirect cost rates of “Training grants” (34 CFR 75.562) and grants under programs with “Supplement not Supplant” requirements ("Restricted Rate" programs) by a “modified total direct cost” (MTDC) base (34 CFR 75.563 or 76.563). Please indicate which costs are included and which costs are excluded from the base to which the indirect cost rate is applied.
When calculating indirect costs for training grants” or grants under restricted rate programs, you must refer to the information and examples on ED’s website at
You may also contact for additional information regarding calculating indirect cost rates or general indirect cost rate information.
Provide other explanations or comments you deem necessary.
Do not exceed two pages.
School Information
Participating school #1: School name:
School Description (Provide a short description about this school)
Does this school have a full-time FSCS coordinator? Yes No
School location (see instructions for definitions):
Does this school have a Title I designation? Yes No
Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act(ESEA), has this school been identified as eligible for:
Comprehensive Support and Improvement?
Targeted Support and Improvement?
Please indicate school type:
If type is “other” please specify:
Please check all grades served by this school:
Pre-K K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
Provision of Services and School Demographics
Please complete the key demographic data table below for each school. For this reporting period, please provide:
Number of students served - The number of students served by the program in each demographic category.
School enrollment - The number of students in each category in the total school population. (This is the population from which the students receiving FSCS services are drawn. In each category, the number of students served cannot exceed the population number, because all students served are included in the population number. If, for example, the program served students enrolled in the school from April through June, and students enrolled in summer programming, the total school population = total number of students enrolled in school between April and June plus total students enrolled in summer programming.)
Percentage of students served - The percentage of the student population in each category served.
Number of families served - The number of families served by the program.
Number of community members served - The number of community members served by the program.
NOTE: Please provide information for both Hispanic origin and race. For this report, Hispanic origins are not races. Hispanic origin can be viewed as the heritage, nationality, lineage, or country of birth of the person or the person’s parents or ancestors before arriving in the United States. People who identify as Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish may be any race. Total students served in each section (race, ethnicity, gender) should match, as should total school population in each section.
Provision of Services and School Demographics Data
Category |
Number of Students Receiving Services (A) |
School Enrollment (B) |
Percentage of Population Served (C) |
Number of Families Receiving Services (D) |
Number of Community Members Receiving Services (E) |
Total Students |
Race |
White |
Black or African American |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
Two or more Races |
Total (Race) |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Not Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Total (Ethnicity) |
Free/Reduced Lunch |
Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism
Definition – Students are considered chronically absent after missing 10 percent or more of the school year.
Please complete the key chronic absenteeism data table below for each school. For this reporting period, please provide:
(Optional) Average daily attendance – The average daily attendance for students at the school.
Number of students chronically absent - The number of students who were chronically absent in each demographic category.
Percentage of students chronically absent - The percentage of the student population who are chronically absent.
Chronic Absenteeism Data
Category |
Average Daily Attendance (F) |
Number of Students Chronically Absent (G) |
Percentage of Population Chronically Absent (H) |
Total Students |
Race |
White |
Black or African American |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
Two or more Races |
Total (Race) |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Not Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Total (Ethnicity) |
Free/Reduced Lunch |
School Discipline
Definition – Student discipline includes actions that formally or informally remove students from a class, school, or other educational program or activity for violating a school rule or code of conduct. While these practices are often implemented to keep students accountable for their actions and keep schools safe, they can also hinder students’ ability to learn and grow. Student discipline may include detentions, disciplinary transfers, and referrals to law enforcement. For the purposes of performance reporting for FSCS grantees, this indicator focuses on suspensions and expulsions.
Please complete the key school discipline data table below for each school. For this reporting period, please provide:
Number of students suspended - The number of students who received one or more out-of-school suspensions?
Percentage of students suspended - The percent of students who received one or more out-of-school suspensions?
Number of students expelled - The number of students who received one or more expulsions?
Percentage of students expelled - The percent of students who received one or more expulsions?
School Discipline Data
Category |
Number of Students Suspended (I) |
Percent of Students Suspended (J) |
Number of Students Expelled (K) |
Percent of Students Expelled (L) |
Total Students |
Race |
White |
Black or African American |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
Two or more Races |
Total (Race) |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Not Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Total (Ethnicity) |
Free/Reduced Lunch |
Information on the Number, Qualifications, and Retention of School Staff
Definition – This indicator measures key characteristics of education staff that drive student success. All staff members working in schools bring their own unique backgrounds and characteristics, including their preparation, experience, gender, race, and ethnicity. For the purposes of this data collection, staff characteristics will prioritize information on:
the number and percentage of fully certified teachers, as defined by each grantee’s state, disaggregated by race and ethnicity,
rates of teacher turnover and retention, as measured by the number and percentage of teachers returning to the school annually,
teacher experience as measured by the average number of years of experience.
Please complete the key staff characteristic data table below for each school. For this reporting period, please provide:
Number of teachers - What is the number of teachers, disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
Number of certified teachers - What is the number of fully certified teachers, disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
Percentage of certified teachers - What is the percentage of fully certified teachers, disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
Number of teachers leaving - What is the number of teachers who left last school year, disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
Percentage of teachers returning - What is the number of school leaders, disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
Avg. years of teacher experience – What is the average number of years of teacher experience?
Number of school leaders – What is the number of school leaders (principals, school leaders, administrators), disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
(Optional) Number of certified school leaders - What is the number of certified school leaders, disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
(Optional) Number of school leaders returning - What is the number of school leaders who returned to the school last year, disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
Data on the Number, Qualifications, and Retention of School Staff
Category |
Number of teachers (M) |
Number of certified teachers (N) |
Percent of fully certified teachers (O) |
Number of teachers leaving (P) |
Percent of teachers returning (Q) |
Avg. years of teacher experience (R) |
(Optional) Number of school leaders (S) |
(Optional) Number of certified school leaders? (T) |
(Optional) Number of school leaders returning? (U) |
Total Staff |
Race |
White |
Black or African American |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
Two or more Races |
Total (Race) |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Not Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Total (Ethnicity) |
Free/Reduced Lunch |
Students On-track to Graduate and Graduation Rates
Definition – This indicator measures students who are on-track to graduate based on gaining a requisite number of credits or progressing to the next grade on time.
For Non-High Schools
(Optional) What is the number of students who are on-track to graduate?
(Optional) What is the percentage of students who are on-track to graduate?
Definition – This indicator measures the adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR), which according to the National Center for Education Statistics is “the percentage of students in their adjusted cohort who graduate within 4 years with a regular high school diploma. State education agencies calculate the ACGR by identifying the “cohort” of first-time 9th-graders in a particular school year. The cohort is then adjusted by adding any students who immigrate from another country or transfer into the cohort after 9th grade and subtracting any students who transfer out, emigrate to another country, or die.”
For High Schools
What number of students who have graduated using the four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate for each school, disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
What percentage of students have graduated using the four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate for each school, disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
Data on Graduation Rates or Students On-track to Graduate
Category |
For Non-HS: Number of students on-track to graduate (X) |
For Non-HS: Percent of students on-track to graduate (Y) |
For HS: Number of students Graduating - ACGY (V) |
For HS: Percent of students Graduating - ACGY (W) |
Total Students |
Race |
White |
Black or African American |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
Two or more Races |
Total (Race) |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Not Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Total (Ethnicity) |
Free/Reduced Lunch |
Changes in School Spending Information
Definition – School spending and changes in school spending are complex calculations. School spending includes salaries, employee benefits, purchased services, tuition supplies, and other expenditures. For FSCS grantees, changes in school spending information can be calculated using the difference in public school expenditures per pupil year over year as required under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act(ESEA).
What is the difference between per-pupil spending at the school as reported under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act this year compared to the prior year ?
Data on Per-pupil Spending
Category |
Previous year |
Current year |
Change in school spending (Current year – Previous year = Z) |
Per-pupil Spending |
Explanation of Progress
For the measures above explain the accomplishments and challenges encountered below.
Challenges Encountered:
School Information
Participating school #2: School name:
School Information
Participating school #1: School name:
School Description (Provide a short description about this school)
Does this school have a full-time FSCS coordinator? Yes No
School location (see instructions for definitions):
Does this school have a Title I designation? Yes No
Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act(ESEA), has this school been identified as eligible for:
Comprehensive Support and Improvement?
Targeted Support and Improvement?
Please indicate school type:
If type is “other” please specify:
Please check all grades served by this school:
Pre-K K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
School Demographics
Please complete the key demographic data table below for each school. For this reporting period, please provide:
Number of students served - The number of students served by the program in each demographic category.
School enrollment - The number of students in each category in the total school population. (This is the population from which the students receiving FSCS services are drawn. In each category, the number of students served cannot exceed the population number, because all students served are included in the population number. If, for example, the program served students enrolled in the school from April through June, and students enrolled in summer programming, the total school population = total number of students enrolled in school between April and June plus total students enrolled in summer programming.)
Percentage of students served - The percentage of the student population in each category served.
Number of families served - The number of families served by the program.
Number of community members served - The number of community members served by the program.
NOTE: Please provide information for both Hispanic origin and race. For this report, Hispanic origins are not races. Hispanic origin can be viewed as the heritage, nationality, lineage, or country of birth of the person or the person’s parents or ancestors before arriving in the United States. People who identify as Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish may be any race. Total students served in each section (race, ethnicity, gender) should match, as should total school population in each section.
Provision of Services and School Demographics Data
Category |
Number of Students Receiving Services (A) |
School Enrollment (B) |
Percentage of Population Served (C) |
Number of Families Receiving Services (D) |
Number of Community Members Receiving Services (E) |
Total Students |
Race |
White |
Black or African American |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
Two or more Races |
Total (Race) |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Not Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Total (Ethnicity) |
Free/Reduced Lunch |
Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism
Definition – Students are considered chronically absent after missing 10 percent or more of the school year.
Please complete the key chronic absenteeism data table below for each school. For this reporting period, please provide:
(Optional) Average daily attendance – The average daily attendance for students at the school.
Number of students chronically absent - The number of students who were chronically absent in each demographic category.
Percentage of students chronically absent - The percentage of the student population who are chronically absent.
Chronic Absenteeism Data
Category |
Average Daily Attendance (F) |
Number of Students Chronically Absent (G) |
Percentage of Population Chronically Absent (H) |
Total Students |
Race |
White |
Black or African American |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
Two or more Races |
Total (Race) |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Not Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Total (Ethnicity) |
Free/Reduced Lunch |
School Discipline
Definition – Student discipline includes actions that formally or informally remove students from a class, school, or other educational program or activity for violating a school rule or code of conduct. While these practices are often implemented to keep students accountable for their actions and keep schools safe, they can also hinder students’ ability to learn and grow. Student discipline may include detentions, disciplinary transfers, and referrals to law enforcement. For the purposes of performance reporting for FY 22 FSCS grantees, this indicator focuses on suspensions and expulsions.
Please complete the key school discipline data table below for each school. For this reporting period, please provide:
Number of students suspended - The number of students who received one or more out-of-school suspensions?
Percentage of students suspended - The percent of students who received one or more out-of-school suspensions?
Number of students expelled - The number of students who received one or more expulsions?
Percentage of students expelled - The percent of students who received one or more expulsions?
School Discipline Data
Category |
Number of Students Suspended (I) |
Percent of Students Suspended (J) |
Number of Students Expelled (K) |
Percent of Students Expelled (L) |
Total Students |
Race |
White |
Black or African American |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
Two or more Races |
Total (Race) |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Not Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Total (Ethnicity) |
Free/Reduced Lunch |
Information on the Number, Qualifications, and Retention of School Staff
Definition – This indicator measures key characteristics of education staff that drive student success. All staff members working in schools bring their own unique backgrounds and characteristics, including their preparation, experience, gender, race, and ethnicity. For the purposes of this data collection, staff characteristics will prioritize information on:
the number and percentage of fully certified teachers, as defined by each grantee’s state, disaggregated by race and ethnicity,
rates of teacher turnover and retention, as measured by the number and percentage of teachers returning to the school annually,
teacher experience as measured by the average number of years of experience.
Please complete the key staff characteristic data table below for each school. For this reporting period, please provide:
Number of teachers - What is the number of teachers, disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
Number of certified teachers - What is the number of fully certified teachers, disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
Percentage of certified teachers - What is the percentage of fully certified teachers, disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
Number of teachers leaving - What is the number of teachers who left last school year, disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
Percentage of teachers returning - What is the number of school leaders, disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
Avg. years of teacher experience – What is the average number of years of teacher experience?
Number of school leaders – What is the number of school leaders (principals, school leaders, administrators), disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
(Optional) Number of certified school leaders - What is the number of certified school leaders, disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
(Optional) Number of school leaders returning - What is the number of school leaders who returned to the school last year, disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
Data on the Number, Qualifications, and Retention of School Staff
Category |
Number of teachers (M) |
Number of certified teachers (N) |
Percent of fully certified teachers (O) |
Number of teachers leaving (P) |
Percent of teachers returning (Q) |
Avg. years of teacher experience (R) |
(Optional) Number of school leaders (S) |
(Optional) Number of certified school leaders? (T) |
(Optional) Number of school leaders returning? (U) |
Total Staff |
Race |
White |
Black or African American |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
Two or more Races |
Total (Race) |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Not Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Total (Ethnicity) |
Free/Reduced Lunch |
Students On-track to Graduate and Graduation Rates
Definition – This indicator measures students who are on-track to graduate based on gaining a requisite number of credits or progressing to the next grade on time.
For Non-High Schools
(Optional) What is the number of students who are on-track to graduate?
(Optional) What is the percentage of students who are on-track to graduate?
Definition – This indicator measures the adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR), which according to the National Center for Education Statistics is “the percentage of students in their adjusted cohort who graduate within 4 years with a regular high school diploma. State education agencies calculate the ACGR by identifying the “cohort” of first-time 9th-graders in a particular school year. The cohort is then adjusted by adding any students who immigrate from another country or transfer into the cohort after 9th grade and subtracting any students who transfer out, emigrate to another country, or die.”
For High Schools
What number of students who have graduated using the four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate for each school, disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
What percentage of students have graduated using the four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate for each school, disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
Data on Graduation Rates or Students On-track to Graduate
Category |
For Non-HS: Number of students on-track to graduate (X) |
For Non-HS: Percent of students on-track to graduate (Y) |
For HS: Number of students Graduating - ACGY (V) |
For HS: Percent of students Graduating - ACGY (W) |
(Optional) Percent of student postsecondary enrollment (Z) |
Total Students |
Race |
White |
Black or African American |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
Two or more Races |
Total (Race) |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Not Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Total (Ethnicity) |
Free/Reduced Lunch |
Changes in School Spending Information
Definition – School spending and changes in school spending are complex calculations. School spending includes salaries, employee benefits, purchased services, tuition supplies, and other expenditures. For FSCS grantees, changes in school spending information can be calculated using the difference in public school expenditures per pupil year over year as required under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act(ESEA).
What is the difference between per-pupil spending at the school as reported under the Elementary and Secondary Education Actthis year compared to the prior year ?
Data on Per-pupil Spending
Category |
Previous year |
Current year |
Change in school spending (Current year – Previous year = ) |
Per-pupil Spending |
Explanation of Progress
For the measures above explain the accomplishments and challenges encountered below.
Challenges Encountered:
Participating school #3: School name:
School Information
Participating school #1: School name:
School Description (Provide a short description about this school)
Does this school have a full-time FSCS coordinator? Yes No
School location (see instructions for definitions):
Does this school have a Title I designation? Yes No
Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act(ESEA), has this school been identified as eligible for:
Comprehensive Support and Improvement?
Targeted Support and Improvement?
Please indicate school type:
If type is “other” please specify:
Please check all grades served by this school:
Pre-K K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
School Demographics
Please complete the key demographic data table below for each school. For this reporting period, please provide:
Number of students served - The number of students served by the program in each demographic category.
School enrollment - The number of students in each category in the total school population. (This is the population from which the students receiving FSCS services are drawn. In each category, the number of students served cannot exceed the population number, because all students served are included in the population number. If, for example, the program served students enrolled in the school from April through June, and students enrolled in summer programming, the total school population = total number of students enrolled in school between April and June plus total students enrolled in summer programming.)
Percentage of students served - The percentage of the student population in each category served.
Number of families served - The number of families served by the program.
Number of community members served - The number of community members served by the program.
NOTE: Please provide information for both Hispanic origin and race. For this report, Hispanic origins are not races. Hispanic origin can be viewed as the heritage, nationality, lineage, or country of birth of the person or the person’s parents or ancestors before arriving in the United States. People who identify as Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish may be any race. Total students served in each section (race, ethnicity, gender) should match, as should total school population in each section.
Provision of Services and School Demographics Data
Category |
Number of Students Receiving Services (A) |
School Enrollment (B) |
Percentage of Population Served (C) |
Number of Families Receiving Services (D) |
Number of Community Members Receiving Services (E) |
Total Students |
Race |
White |
Black or African American |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
Two or more Races |
Total (Race) |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Not Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Total (Ethnicity) |
Free/Reduced Lunch |
Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism
Definition – Students are considered chronically absent after missing 10 percent or more of the school year.
Please complete the key chronic absenteeism data table below for each school. For this reporting period, please provide:
(Optional) Average daily attendance – The average daily attendance for students at the school.
Number of students chronically absent - The number of students who were chronically absent in each demographic category.
Percentage of students chronically absent - The percentage of the student population who are chronically absent.
Chronic Absenteeism Data
Category |
Average Daily Attendance (F) |
Number of Students Chronically Absent (G) |
Percentage of Population Chronically Absent (H) |
Total Students |
Race |
White |
Black or African American |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
Two or more Races |
Total (Race) |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Not Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Total (Ethnicity) |
Free/Reduced Lunch |
School Discipline
Definition – Student discipline includes actions that formally or informally remove students from a class, school, or other educational program or activity for violating a school rule or code of conduct. While these practices are often implemented to keep students accountable for their actions and keep schools safe, they can also hinder students’ ability to learn and grow. Student discipline may include detentions, disciplinary transfers, and referrals to law enforcement. For the purposes of performance reporting for FY 22 FSCS grantees, this indicator focuses on suspensions and expulsions.
Please complete the key school discipline data table below for each school. For this reporting period, please provide:
Number of students suspended - The number of students who received one or more out-of-school suspensions?
Percentage of students suspended - The percent of students who received one or more out-of-school suspensions?
Number of students expelled - The number of students who received one or more expulsions?
Percentage of students expelled - The percent of students who received one or more expulsions?
School Discipline Data
Category |
Number of Students Suspended (I) |
Percent of Students Suspended (J) |
Number of Students Expelled (K) |
Percent of Students Expelled (L) |
Total Students |
Race |
White |
Black or African American |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
Two or more Races |
Total (Race) |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Not Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Total (Ethnicity) |
Free/Reduced Lunch |
Information on the Number, Qualifications, and Retention of School Staff
Definition – This indicator measures key characteristics of education staff that drive student success. All staff members working in schools bring their own unique backgrounds and characteristics, including their preparation, experience, gender, race, and ethnicity. For the purposes of this data collection, staff characteristics will prioritize information on:
the number and percentage of fully certified teachers, as defined by each grantee’s state, disaggregated by race and ethnicity,
rates of teacher turnover and retention, as measured by the number and percentage of teachers returning to the school annually,
teacher experience as measured by the average number of years of experience.
Please complete the key staff characteristic data table below for each school. For this reporting period, please provide:
Number of teachers - What is the number of teachers, disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
Number of certified teachers - What is the number of fully certified teachers, disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
Percentage of certified teachers - What is the percentage of fully certified teachers, disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
Number of teachers leaving - What is the number of teachers who left last school year, disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
Percentage of teachers returning - What is the number of school leaders, disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
Avg. years of teacher experience – What is the average number of years of teacher experience?
Number of school leaders – What is the number of school leaders (principals, school leaders, administrators), disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
(Optional) Number of certified school leaders - What is the number of certified school leaders, disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
(Optional) Number of school leaders returning - What is the number of school leaders who returned to the school last year, disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
Data on the Number, Qualifications, and Retention of School Staff
Category |
Number of teachers (M) |
Number of certified teachers (N) |
Percent of fully certified teachers (O) |
Number of teachers leaving (P) |
Percent of teachers returning (Q) |
Avg. years of teacher experience (R) |
(Optional) Number of school leaders (S) |
(Optional) Number of certified school leaders? (T) |
(Optional) Number of school leaders returning? (U) |
Total Staff |
Race |
White |
Black or African American |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
Two or more Races |
Total (Race) |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Not Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Total (Ethnicity) |
Free/Reduced Lunch |
Students On-track to Graduate and Graduation Rates
Definition – This indicator measures students who are on-track to graduate based on gaining a requisite number of credits or progressing to the next grade on time.
For Non-High Schools
(Optional) What is the number of students who are on-track to graduate?
(Optional) What is the percentage of students who are on-track to graduate?
Definition – This indicator measures the adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR), which according to the National Center for Education Statistics is “the percentage of students in their adjusted cohort who graduate within 4 years with a regular high school diploma. State education agencies calculate the ACGR by identifying the “cohort” of first-time 9th-graders in a particular school year. The cohort is then adjusted by adding any students who immigrate from another country or transfer into the cohort after 9th grade and subtracting any students who transfer out, emigrate to another country, or die.”
For High Schools
What number of students who have graduated using the four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate for each school, disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
What percentage of students have graduated using the four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate for each school, disaggregated by race and ethnicity?
Data on Graduation Rates or Students On-track to Graduate
Category |
For Non-HS: Number of students on-track to graduate (X) |
For Non-HS: Percent of students on-track to graduate (Y) |
For HS: Number of students Graduating - ACGY (V) |
For HS: Percent of students Graduating - ACGY (W) |
(Optional) Percent of student postsecondary enrollment (Z) |
Total Students |
Race |
White |
Black or African American |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
Two or more Races |
Total (Race) |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Not Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Total (Ethnicity) |
Free/Reduced Lunch |
Changes in School Spending Information
Definition – School spending and changes in school spending are complex calculations. School spending includes salaries, employee benefits, purchased services, tuition supplies, and other expenditures. For FSCS grantees, changes in school spending information can be calculated using the difference in public school expenditures per pupil year over year as required under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act(ESEA).
What is the difference between per-pupil spending at the school as reported under the Elementary and Secondary Education Actthis year compared to the prior year ?
Data on Per-pupil Spending
Category |
Previous year |
Current year |
Change in school spending (Current year – Previous year = ) |
Per-pupil Spending |
Explanation of Progress
For the measures above explain the accomplishments and challenges encountered below.
Challenges Encountered:
Please indicate whether or not changes in activities have occurred or are anticipated.
Please indicate whether or not changes in key personnel are proposed.
Provide any appropriate information about the status of your project including any unanticipated outcomes or benefits from your project.
If you created an evaluation plan, please include information about the design and other critical elements as outlined in the NIA for the competition under which the grantee applied.
If you have additional information to include beyond the space provided, please upload this information in a separate PDF document.
Please include a logic model that includes the inputs/resource, activities/strategies, outputs, and outcomes related to your project. This logic model should also implicitly or explicitly represent the four pillars of community schools, pipeline services, and related indicators.
Please use Section II of this APR form for your first four project objectives and performance measures. For each additional measure, please use this section. For instructions on the tables below. For definitions of each population, term, etc. see pages 15-17 of the FSCS APR Instructions and Glossary document.
Project Objective:
Performance Measure:
Performance Measure Category: Academic Social Health
Target Population:
Measure baseline
Baseline month: Baseline Year: Baseline Value:
Measure Targets
Target eligible population number: Target number to be served: Target for percentage of eligible population served:
Measure Actual Numbers
Actual eligible population number: Actual number served: Actual percentage of population served: Target met? Yes No TBD
Explanation of Progress:
Challenges Faced:
Data Note:
Data Explanation:
Project Objective:
Performance Measure:
Performance Measure Category: Academic Social Health
Target Population:
Measure baseline
Baseline month: Baseline Year: Baseline Value:
Measure Targets
Target eligible population number: Target number to be served: Target for percentage of eligible population served:
Measure Actual Numbers
Actual eligible population number: Actual number served: Actual percentage of population served: Target met? Yes No TBD
Explanation of Progress:
Challenges Faced:
Data Note:
Data Explanation:
Project Objective:
Performance Measure:
Performance Measure Category: Academic Social Health
Target Population:
Measure baseline
Baseline month: Baseline Year: Baseline Value:
Measure Targets
Target eligible population number: Target number to be served: Target for percentage of eligible population served:
Measure Actual Numbers
Actual eligible population number: Actual number served: Actual percentage of population served: Target met? Yes No TBD
Explanation of Progress:
Challenges Faced:
Data Note:
Data Explanation:
Project Objective:
Performance Measure:
Performance Measure Category: Academic Social Health
Target Population:
Measure baseline
Baseline month: Baseline Year: Baseline Value:
Measure Targets
Target eligible population number: Target number to be served: Target for percentage of eligible population served:
Measure Actual Numbers
Actual eligible population number: Actual number served: Actual percentage of population served: Target met? Yes No TBD
Explanation of Progress:
Challenges Faced:
Data Note:
Data Explanation:
Project Objective:
Performance Measure:
Performance Measure Category: Academic Social Health
Target Population:
Measure baseline
Baseline month: Baseline Year: Baseline Value:
Measure Targets
Target eligible population number: Target number to be served: Target for percentage of eligible population served:
Measure Actual Numbers
Actual eligible population number: Actual number served: Actual percentage of population served: Target met? Yes No TBD
Explanation of Progress:
Challenges Faced:
Data Note:
Data Explanation:
Project Objective:
Performance Measure:
Performance Measure Category: Academic Social Health
Target Population:
Measure baseline
Baseline month: Baseline Year: Baseline Value:
Measure Targets
Target eligible population number: Target number to be served: Target for percentage of eligible population served:
Measure Actual Numbers
Actual eligible population number: Actual number served: Actual percentage of population served: Target met? Yes No TBD
Explanation of Progress:
Challenges Faced:
Data Note:
Data Explanation:
Project Objective:
Performance Measure:
Performance Measure Category: Academic Social Health
Target Population:
Measure baseline
Baseline month: Baseline Year: Baseline Value:
Measure Targets
Target eligible population number: Target number to be served: Target for percentage of eligible population served:
Measure Actual Numbers
Actual eligible population number: Actual number served: Actual percentage of population served: Target met? Yes No TBD
Explanation of Progress:
Challenges Faced:
Data Note:
Data Explanation:
Project Objective:
Performance Measure:
Performance Measure Category: Academic Social Health
Target Population:
Measure baseline
Baseline month: Baseline Year: Baseline Value:
Measure Targets
Target eligible population number: Target number to be served: Target for percentage of eligible population served:
Measure Actual Numbers
Actual eligible population number: Actual number served: Actual percentage of population served: Target met? Yes No TBD
Explanation of Progress:
Challenges Faced:
Data Note:
Data Explanation:
Project Objective:
Performance Measure:
Performance Measure Category: Academic Social Health
Target Population:
Measure baseline
Baseline month: Baseline Year: Baseline Value:
Measure Targets
Target eligible population number: Target number to be served: Target for percentage of eligible population served:
Measure Actual Numbers
Actual eligible population number: Actual number served: Actual percentage of population served: Target met? Yes No TBD
Explanation of Progress:
Challenges Faced:
Data Note:
Data Explanation:
Project Objective:
Performance Measure:
Performance Measure Category: Academic Social Health
Target Population:
Measure baseline
Baseline month: Baseline Year: Baseline Value:
Measure Targets
Target eligible population number: Target number to be served: Target for percentage of eligible population served:
Measure Actual Numbers
Actual eligible population number: Actual number served: Actual percentage of population served: Target met? Yes No TBD
Explanation of Progress:
Challenges Faced:
Data Note:
Data Explanation:
Project Objective:
Performance Measure:
Performance Measure Category: Academic Social Health
Target Population:
Measure baseline
Baseline month: Baseline Year: Baseline Value:
Measure Targets
Target eligible population number: Target number to be served: Target for percentage of eligible population served:
Measure Actual Numbers
Actual eligible population number: Actual number served: Actual percentage of population served: Target met? Yes No TBD
Explanation of Progress:
Challenges Faced:
Data Note:
Data Explanation:
Project Objective:
Performance Measure:
Performance Measure Category: Academic Social Health
Target Population:
Measure baseline
Baseline month: Baseline Year: Baseline Value:
Measure Targets
Target eligible population number: Target number to be served: Target for percentage of eligible population served:
Measure Actual Numbers
Actual eligible population number: Actual number served: Actual percentage of population served: Target met? Yes No TBD
Explanation of Progress:
Challenges Faced:
Data Note:
Data Explanation:
Project Objective:
Performance Measure:
Performance Measure Category: Academic Social Health
Target Population:
Measure baseline
Baseline month: Baseline Year: Baseline Value:
Measure Targets
Target eligible population number: Target number to be served: Target for percentage of eligible population served:
Measure Actual Numbers
Actual eligible population number: Actual number served: Actual percentage of population served: Target met? Yes No TBD
Explanation of Progress:
Challenges Faced:
Data Note:
Data Explanation:
Project Objective:
Performance Measure:
Performance Measure Category: Academic Social Health
Target Population:
Measure baseline
Baseline month: Baseline Year: Baseline Value:
Measure Targets
Target eligible population number: Target number to be served: Target for percentage of eligible population served:
Measure Actual Numbers
Actual eligible population number: Actual number served: Actual percentage of population served: Target met? Yes No TBD
Explanation of Progress:
Challenges Faced:
Data Note:
Data Explanation:
Project Objective:
Performance Measure:
Performance Measure Category: Academic Social Health
Target Population:
Measure baseline
Baseline month: Baseline Year: Baseline Value:
Measure Targets
Target eligible population number: Target number to be served: Target for percentage of eligible population served:
Measure Actual Numbers
Actual eligible population number: Actual number served: Actual percentage of population served: Target met? Yes No TBD
Explanation of Progress:
Challenges Faced:
Data Note:
Data Explanation:
Please use Section III of this APR form for your first four participating schools. For each additional school, please use this section. For instructions on the tables below, see page 13 of the FSCS APR Instructions and Glossary document. For definitions of each population, term, etc. see pages 15-17 of the FSCS APR Instructions and Glossary document. In the chart below. Please complete the key demographic data table below for each school. For this reporting period, please provide:
The number of unduplicated students served by the program in each demographic category, and
The number of students in each category in the total school population. This is the population from which the students receiving FSCS services are drawn. In each category, the number of students served cannot exceed the population number, because all students served are included in the population number. If, for example, the program served students enrolled in the school from April through June, and students enrolled in summer programming, the total school population = total number of students enrolled in school between April and June plus total students enrolled in summer programming.
NOTE: Please provide information for both Hispanic origin and race. For this report, Hispanic origins are not races. Hispanic origin can be viewed as the heritage, nationality, lineage, or country of birth of the person or the person’s parents or ancestors before arriving in the United States. People who identify as Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish may be any race. Total students served in each section (race, ethnicity, gender) should match, as should total school population in each section.
School Information
Participating school #5: School name:
Does this school have a full-time FSCS coordinator? Yes No
If yes:
Please describe coordinator successes:
Please describe challenges encountered by coordinator, as well as how these have been or will be overcome:
School location (see instructions for definitions):
Does this school have a Title I designation? Yes No
Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act(ESEA), has this school been identified as eligible for:
Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI)?
Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI)?
Please indicate school type:
If type is “other” please specify:
Please check all grades served by this school:
Pre-K K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
School Demographics
Number of Students Receiving Services (A) |
Total School Population (B) |
Percentage of Population Served ([A/B]x100) |
Total Students |
Race |
White |
Black or African American |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
Two or more Races |
Total (Race) |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Not Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Total (Ethnicity) |
Free/Reduced Lunch |
School Information
Participating school #6: School name:
Does this school have a full-time FSCS coordinator? Yes No
If yes:
Please describe coordinator successes:
Please describe challenges encountered by coordinator, as well as how these have been or will be overcome:
School location (see instructions for definitions):
Does this school have a Title I designation? Yes No
Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act(ESEA), has this school been identified as eligible for:
Comprehensive Support and Improvement?
Targeted Support and Improvement?
Please indicate school type:
If type is “other” please specify:
Please check all grades served by this school:
Pre-K K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
School Demographics
Number of Students Receiving Services (A) |
Total School Population (B) |
Percentage of Population Served ([A/B]x100) |
Total Students |
Race |
White |
Black or African American |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
Two or more Races |
Total (Race) |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Not Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Total (Ethnicity) |
Free/Reduced Lunch |
School Information
Participating school #7: School name:
Does this school have a full-time FSCS coordinator? Yes No
If yes:
Please describe coordinator successes:
Please describe challenges encountered by coordinator, as well as how these have been or will be overcome:
School location (see instructions for definitions):
Does this school have a Title I designation? Yes No
Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act(ESEA), has this school been identified as eligible for:
Comprehensive Support and Improvement?
Targeted Support and Improvement?
Please indicate school type:
If type is “other” please specify:
Please check all grades served by this school:
Pre-K K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
School Demographics
Number of Students Receiving Services (A) |
Total School Population (B) |
Percentage of Population Served ([A/B]x100) |
Total Students |
Race |
White |
Black or African American |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
Two or more Races |
Total (Race) |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Not Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Total (Ethnicity) |
Free/Reduced Lunch |
School Information
Participating school #8: School name:
Does this school have a full-time FSCS coordinator? Yes No
If yes:
Please describe coordinator successes:
Please describe challenges encountered by coordinator, as well as how these have been or will be overcome:
School location (see instructions for definitions):
Does this school have a Title I designation? Yes No
Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act(ESEA), has this school been identified as eligible for:
Comprehensive Support and Improvement?
Targeted Support and Improvement?
Please indicate school type:
If type is “other” please specify: Click here to enter response
Please check all grades served by this school:
Pre-K K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
School Demographics
Number of Students Receiving Services (A) |
Total School Population (B) |
Percentage of Population Served ([A/B]x100) |
Total Students |
Race |
White |
Black or African American |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
Two or more Races |
Total (Race) |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Not Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Total (Ethnicity) |
Free/Reduced Lunch |
School Information
Participating school #9: School name:
Does this school have a full-time FSCS coordinator? Yes No
If yes:
Please describe coordinator successes:
Please describe challenges encountered by coordinator, as well as how these have been or will be overcome:
School location (see instructions for definitions):
Does this school have a Title I designation? Yes No
Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act(ESEA), has this school been identified as eligible for:
Comprehensive Support and Improvement?
Targeted Support and Improvement?
Please indicate school type:
If type is “other” please specify:
Please check all grades served by this school:
Pre-K K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
School Demographics
Number of Students Receiving Services (A) |
Total School Population (B) |
Percentage of Population Served ([A/B]x100) |
Total Students |
Race |
White |
Black or African American |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
Two or more Races |
Total (Race) |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Not Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Total (Ethnicity) |
Free/Reduced Lunch |
School Information
Participating school #10: School name: Click here to enter response
Does this school have a full-time FSCS coordinator? Yes No
If yes:
Please describe coordinator successes: Click here to enter response
Please describe challenges encountered by coordinator, as well as how these have been or will be overcome:
Click here to enter response
School location (see instructions for definitions):
Does this school have a Title I designation? Yes No
Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act(ESEA), has this school been identified as eligible for:
Comprehensive Support and Improvement?
Targeted Support and Improvement?
Please indicate school type:
If type is “other” please specify: Click here to enter response
Please check all grades served by this school:
Pre-K K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
School Demographics
Number of Students Receiving Services (A) |
Total School Population (B) |
Percentage of Population Served ([A/B]x100) |
Total Students |
Race |
White |
Black or African American |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
Two or more Races |
Total (Race) |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Not Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin |
Total (Ethnicity) |
Free/Reduced Lunch |
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1810-new. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average nine hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is required to obtain or retain benefit 34 CFR 75.253. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this individual collection, or if you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual form, application or survey, please contact the Full-Service Community Schools Program Office ( directly.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Full Service Community Schools Annual Performance Report Form |
Subject | FSCS APR data |
Author | Michelle Gaugh |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2023-10-26 |