2023 Status of Forces Survey of Reserve Component Members
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1. Were you a member of a Reserve component (National Guard or Reserve member) on May XX, 2023?
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2. What is your current paygrade?
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3. Have you served on active duty, not as a member of the Reserve components, for a cumulative 24 months or more?
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4. What is the highest degree or level of school that you have completed? Mark the one answer that describes the highest grade or degree that you have completed.
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5. What is your marital status?
6. [Ask if Q5 = "Divorced" OR Q5 = "Widowed" OR Q5 = "Never married"] Do you have a significant other?
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For the next questions, the definition of “child, children, or other legal dependents“ includes anyone in your family, except your spouse, who has, or is eligible to have, a Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card (also called a military ID card) or is eligible for military health care benefits, and is enrolled in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS). 7. Do you have a child, children, or other legal dependents based on the definition above?
8. [Ask if Q7 = "Yes"] How many children or other legal dependents do you have in each age group specified below? To indicate none, select “0.” To indicate nine or more, select “9.”
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9. Are you Spanish/Hispanic/Latino?
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10. What is your race? Mark one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be.
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Please read the following definition carefully. In this survey, the term “activation“ refers to the involuntary or voluntary call to active duty of a Reserve Component member (Reserve or National Guard) under the following Title 10 USC statute authorities: §12301(a) (Full Mobilization), §12301(b) (15-Day Statute), §12302 (Partial Mobilization), §12304 (Presidential Reserve Call-up), §12304(a) (Reserve Emergency Call-up), §12304(b) (Reserve Call-Up), §12301(d) (Active Duty for Operational Supporting). It also applies to National Guard members who perform duties under 32 USC 502(f) for the purposes of supporting a Declaration of National Emergency. It does NOT apply to members on full-time active duty or members serving on full-time National Guard Duty in an AGR/FTS/AR status, active duty for operational support, active duty for training, or members serving on State Active Duty. 11. Have you been activated in the past 24 months? This includes activations that started more than 24 months ago and continued into the past 24 months. If you have been an AGR/FTS/AR for the past 24 months, select “No.”
12. [Ask if Q11 = "Yes"] Was at least one of your activations in the past 24 months longer than 30 consecutive days?
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13. [Ask if Q12 = "Yes"] In the past 24 months, has (have) your activation(s) of more than 30 consecutive days been voluntary, involuntary, or both?
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14. [Ask if Q11 = "Yes"] Are you currently activated?
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In the survey, the term “deployment“ refers to the performance of duties at a location that would be considered outside normal commuting distance or time from the member's permanent work site (i.e., an armory or reserve center). Deployments can be to a location within the contiguous 48 states (CONUS) or to a location outside the contiguous 48 states (OCONUS). 15. [Ask if Q12 = "Yes"] Did any of your activations of more than 30 consecutive days in the past 24 months result in deployment?
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16. [Ask if Q15 = "Yes"] In the past 24 months, after processing in the mobilization station, were you deployed within the contiguous 48 states (CONUS), outside the contiguous 48 states (OCONUS), or both?
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17. [Ask if Q14 = "Yes" AND Q15 = "Yes"] Are you currently deployed?
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18. Are you working toward or did you receive a new credential(s) or certification, in the last 12 months? Mark all that apply.
19. [Ask if AGRFLAG = 2 AND (Q11 = "No" OR Q14 = "No")] Are you currently enrolled in a civilian school? Mark “Yes” if you were enrolled in the most recent academic semester or if you are enrolled for the next semester.
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20. [Ask if Q19 = "Yes"] Are you currently a full-time student or part-time student? Full-time is considered an equivalent of 12 credit hours or more per semester. Part-time is considered an equivalent of less than 12 credit hours per semester.
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21. [Ask if MTFLAG = 2 AND (Q11 = "No" OR Q14 = "No")] Are you currently a military technician?
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22. [Ask if (RPROGCIV = "IMA" OR (AGRFLAG = 2 AND (RORG_CD = "Navy Reserve" OR RORG_CD = "Marine Corps Reserve" OR Q21 = "No"))) AND (Q11 = "No" OR Q14 = "No")] Last week, did you do any work for pay or profit? Mark “Yes” even if you worked only one hour, or helped without pay in a family business or farm for 15 hours or more.
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23. [Ask if Q22 = "No"] Last week, were you temporarily absent from a job or business?
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24. [Ask if Q23 = "No"] Have you been looking for work during the last 4 weeks?
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25. [Ask if Q24 = "Yes"] Last week, could you have started a job if offered one, or returned to work if recalled?
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26. [Ask if Q22 = "Yes" OR Q23 = "Yes, on vacation, temporary illness, labor dispute, etc."] Do you have a full-time civilian job (of 35 hours or more per week) that includes benefits, as well as pay or salary?
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27. [Ask if Q26 = "No"] What is the main reason you do not currently have a full-time civilian job?
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28. [Ask if (QRefError = "An employee of a PRIVATE/PUBLIC company, business or individual, working for wages, salary, or commission" OR QRefError = "An employee of a NOT-FOR-PROFIT, tax-exempt, or charitable organization" OR QRefError = "A FEDERAL government employee" OR QRefError = "A STATE government employee" OR QRefError = "A LOCAL government employee (e.g., county, city, town)" OR QRefError = "Self-employed in OWN business, professional practice, or farm" OR QRefError = "Working WITHOUT PAY in a family business or farm" OR QRefError = "Working WITH PAY in a family business or farm")] Counting all locations where your current principal employer operates in the United States, what is the total number of persons who work for this employer?
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29. [Ask if Q14 = "No" AND (QRefError = "An employee of a PRIVATE/PUBLIC company, business or individual, working for wages, salary, or commission" OR QRefError = "An employee of a NOT-FOR-PROFIT, tax-exempt, or charitable organization" OR QRefError = "A FEDERAL government employee" OR QRefError = "A STATE government employee" OR QRefError = "A LOCAL government employee (e.g., county, city, town)" OR QRefError = "Self-employed in OWN business, professional practice, or farm" OR QRefError = "Working WITHOUT PAY in a family business or farm" OR QRefError = "Working WITH PAY in a family business or farm")] Is your current principal civilian employment the same as before your most recent activation?
30. [Ask if AGRFLAG = 2 AND Q14 = "Yes"] At the time of your most recent activation, were you enrolled in a civilian school? Mark “Yes” if you were enrolled in the most recent academic semester or if you were enrolled for the next semester.
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31. [Ask if Q30 = "Yes"] At the time of your most recent activation, were you a full-time student or part-time student? Full-time is considered an equivalent of 12 credit hours or more per semester. Part-time is considered an equivalent of less than 12 credit hours per semester.
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32. [Ask if MTFLAG = 2 AND Q14 = "Yes"] In the week prior to your current activation, were you a military technician?
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33. [Ask if (RPROGCIV = "IMA" OR (AGRFLAG = 2 AND (RORG_CD = "Navy Reserve" OR RORG_CD = "Marine Corps Reserve" OR Q32 = "No"))) AND Q14 = "Yes"] In the week prior to your most recent activation, did you do any work for pay or profit? Mark “Yes” even if you worked only one hour, or helped without pay in a family business or farm for 15 hours or more.
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34. [Ask if Q33 = "No"] In the week prior to your most recent activation, were you temporarily absent from a job or business?
A |
35. [Ask if Q34 = "No"] Were you looking for work during the 4 weeks prior to your most recent activation?
A |
36. [Ask if Q35 = "Yes"] In the week prior to your most recent activation, could you have started a job if offered one, or returned to work if recalled?
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37. [Ask if Q33 = "Yes" OR Q34 = "Yes, on vacation, temporary illness, labor dispute, etc."] In the week prior to your most recent activation, did you have a full-time civilian job (of 35 hours or more per week) that included benefits, as well as pay or salary?
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38. [Ask if (QRefError = "An employee of a PRIVATE/PUBLIC company, business or individual, working for wages, salary, or commission" OR QRefError = "An employee of a NOT-FOR-PROFIT, tax-exempt, or charitable organization" OR QRefError = "A FEDERAL government employee" OR QRefError = "A STATE government employee" OR QRefError = "A LOCAL government employee (e.g., county, city, town)" OR QRefError = "Self-employed in OWN business, professional practice, or farm" OR QRefError = "Working WITHOUT PAY in a family business or farm" OR QRefError = "Working WITH PAY in a family business or farm")] Counting all locations where your principal employer operated in the United States, what is the total number of persons who worked for this employer?
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39. In what career field is your current or most recent civilian employment?
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40. What barriers have you faced in entering your most recent or current career field? Mark all that apply.
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41. [Ask if (QRefError = "An employee of a PRIVATE/PUBLIC company, business or individual, working for wages, salary, or commission" OR QRefError = "An employee of a NOT-FOR-PROFIT, tax-exempt, or charitable organization" OR QRefError = "A FEDERAL government employee" OR QRefError = "A STATE government employee" OR QRefError = "A LOCAL government employee (e.g., county, city, town)") OR (Q14 = "Yes" AND (QRefError = "An employee of a PRIVATE/PUBLIC company, business or individual, working for wages, salary, or commission" OR QRefError = "An employee of a NOT-FOR-PROFIT, tax-exempt, or charitable organization" OR QRefError = "A FEDERAL government employee" OR QRefError = "A STATE government employee" OR QRefError = "A LOCAL government employee (e.g., county, city, town)"))] In general, how supportive is your principal civilian employer of your National Guard/Reserve obligations?
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42. [Ask if (Q11 = "Yes" AND Q12 = "Yes" AND Q14 = "No") OR Q17 = "No"] Consider your income and benefits in the year prior to your most recent activation/deployment and your income and benefits during your most recent activation/deployment. In general, how did your overall income and benefits change while you were activated/deployed?
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43. [Ask if (Q11 = "Yes" AND Q12 = "Yes" AND Q14 = "No") OR Q17 = "No"] During your most recent activation/deployment, did you or your family have any additional expenses because of any of the following items? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
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44. [Ask if (Q11 = "Yes" AND Q12 = "Yes" AND Q14 = "No") OR Q17 = "No"] Which of the following was your biggest concern about returning from your most recent activation/deployment? Select one item from the list below.
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45. [Ask if Q15 = "Yes" AND (Q14 = "No" OR Q17 = "No")] After returning home from your most recent deployment, to what extent have you seemed to... Mark one answer for each item.
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46. Taking all things into consideration, how satisfied are you, in general, with each of the following aspects of being in the National Guard/Reserve? Mark one answer for each item.
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47. Overall, how satisfied are you with the military way of life?
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48. How many years have you spent in military service? Do not count partial years. To indicate less than 1 year, enter “0”. To indicate 35 years or more, enter “35”. Include in military service years:
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49. Suppose that you have to decide whether to continue to participate in the National Guard/Reserve. Assuming you could stay, how likely is it that you would choose to do so?
50. [Ask if Q5 = "Married" OR Q5 = "Separated" OR Q6 = "Yes"] In your opinion, how does your spouse/significant other view your participation in the National Guard/Reserve?
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51. In your opinion, how does your family view your participation in the National Guard/Reserve?
52. [Ask if Q22 = "Yes" OR Q23 = "Yes, on vacation, temporary illness, labor dispute, etc." OR Q33 = "Yes" OR Q34 = "Yes, on vacation, temporary illness, labor dispute, etc."] In your opinion, how does your supervisor at your principal civilian job view your participation in the National Guard/Reserve?
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53. [Ask if Q22 = "Yes" OR Q23 = "Yes, on vacation, temporary illness, labor dispute, etc." OR Q33 = "Yes" OR Q34 = "Yes, on vacation, temporary illness, labor dispute, etc."] In your opinion, how do your coworkers at your principal civilian job view your participation in the National Guard/Reserve?
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54. [Ask if AGRFLAG = 2] In the past 12 months, how many days (full days, not drill periods) did you spend in a compensated (pay or points) National Guard/Reserve status?
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55. [Ask if AGRFLAG = 2] In an average month when not activated, how many unpaid hours, off duty, do you spend on your unit's business? For none, enter “0”.
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56. In the past 12 months, how many nights did you spend away from your home because of your military duties? Do not include nights spent away from home before out-of-town drills.
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57. In the past 12 months, have you spent more or less time away from your home than you expected when you first entered the National Guard/Reserve?
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58. What impact has time away (or lack thereof) from your home in the past 12 months had on your military career intentions?
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59. Overall, how well prepared are you to perform your wartime job?
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60. Overall, how well prepared is your unit to perform its wartime mission?
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61. How well has your training prepared you to perform your wartime job?
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62. Overall, how would you rate the current level of stress in your military life?
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63. Overall, how would you rate the current level of stress in your personal life?
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64. [Ask if Q7 = "Yes" AND QRefError = "Yes"] To what extent do you feel that child care issues will impact whether you stay in the National Guard/Reserve?
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65. [Ask if Q5 = "Married" OR Q5 = "Separated"] Is your spouse currently serving in the military?
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66. [Ask if (Q5 = "Married" OR Q5 = "Separated") OR Q6 = "Yes"] To what extent do you and your spouse/significant other agree on your National Guard/Reserve career plans?
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67. [Ask if (Q5 = "Married" OR Q5 = "Separated") OR Q6 = "Yes"] To what extent does your spouse/significant other have a choice in whether you stay in the National Guard/Reserve?
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68. [Ask if (Q5 = "Married" OR Q5 = "Separated" OR Q6 = "Yes") AND Q15 = "Yes"] Were any of your deployments in the past 24 months longer than your spouse/significant other expected?
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The following are statements that people have made about their food situation. 69. How often were each of the following statements true for you and your household in the past 12 months—that is, since last [name of current month]? Mark one answer for each item.
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70. In the past 12 months, since last [name of current month], did you or other adults in your household ever cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there was not enough money for food?
71. [Ask if Q70 = "Yes"] In the past 12 months, how often did you or other adults in your household cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there was not enough money for food?
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72. In the past 12 months, did you ever eat less than you felt you should because there was not enough money for food?
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73. In the past 12 months, were you ever hungry but did not eat because there was not enough money for food?
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74. Choose the best statement that represents your home/barracks/dorm/ship TODAY (where you are living now): Mark all that apply.
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75. In a typical week, how many meals do you get at the military dining facility (DFAC)/galley?
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76. When you don't eat at the military dining facility (DFAC)/galley, what are the reasons? Mark all that apply.
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77. Are you currently receiving support from any of the following nutrition assistance resources? Mark all that apply.
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78. Do you have any additional feedback related to access to quality food for you and your family? Please do not include any personally identifiable information (e.g., names, addresses).
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79. Which of the following best describes your (and/or your spouse's) financial condition?
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80. Compared to 12 months ago, is your financial situation better, worse, or has it stayed the same?
81. [Ask if Q80 = "Much better" OR Q80 = "Somewhat better"] Which of the following are reasons why your financial situation is better than it was 12 months ago? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
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82. [Ask if Q80 = "Much worse" OR Q80 = "Somewhat worse"] Which of the following are reasons why your financial situation is worse than it was 12 months ago? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
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83. Which of the following activities do you do routinely in order to manage your finances? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
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84. From which of the following resources have you received information, training, or counseling on any financial topic? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
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85. Which of the following statements best describes your (and your spouse's, if applicable) saving or investment habits?
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86. Please indicate whether the following are financial goals for you (and your spouse, if applicable). If a goal does not apply to you, please select “No, this is not a goal for me/us.” Mark one answer for each item.
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87. In the past 12 months, which of the following options best describes how you most frequently pay credit card debt?
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88. How much do you (and your spouse, if applicable) have in an emergency savings fund, in terms of your average monthly expenses?
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89. Suppose that you have an emergency expense that costs $400. Based on your current financial situation, how would you pay for this expense? If you would use more than one method to dover this expense, please select all that apply.
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90. In the past 12 months, did any of the following happen to you (and/or your spouse, if applicable)? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
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91. In the past 12 months, have you (and/or your spouse, if applicable) used any of the following financial products or services? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
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92. How well does each statement describe you or your situation? Mark one answer for each item.
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93. How often does each of the following statements apply to you? Mark one answer for each item.
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The Department of Defense is interested in assessing the overall financial literacy and preparedness of military members. By completing the next set of items, you will help the Department determine how well military members understand a variety of financial-related topics. For each question or statement, please select the BEST response. If you are not sure about an answer, please select “Don't know.” 94. Suppose you had $100 in a savings account and the interest rate was 2% per year. After five years, how much do you think you would have in the account if you left the money to grow?
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95. Imagine that the interest rate on your savings account was 1% per year and inflation was 2% per year. After 1 year, how much would you be able to buy with the money in this account?
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96. Is the following statement true or false?
A 15-year mortgage typically requires higher monthly payments than a 30-year mortgage, but the total interest paid over the life of the loan will be less.
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97. Is the following statement true or false?
Buying a single company's stock usually provides a safer return than a stock mutual fund.
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98. Is the following statement true or false?
An insurance deductible is an amount you are responsible for paying before the insurance company will pay on your insurance claim.
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99. Which of the following does not impact your credit score?
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100. Under the Blended Retirement System (BRS), the government will contribute 1% of your base pay to your Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) account and match up to an additional ___ percent based on your TSP contribution after you are vested in TSP.
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101. In managing your personal budget, what is discretionary income?
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102. Thinking about your experiences over the last year, which of the following did you or your household members use to meet your spending needs? Mark all that apply.
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103. In 2022, what was your total household income before taxes?
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104. How much does your income contribute toward your total household income?
105. [Ask if Q5 = "Married" OR Q5 = "Separated" OR Q6 = "Yes"] How much does your spouse/significant other's income contribute toward your total household income?
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The next several questions ask about a time period in your life when you may have faced some challenges. We understand these are sensitive issues, but the Department wants to know more about members' experiences so they can help others who face similar challenges. Responses to these items are completely voluntary and confidential. Your responses will only be reported in aggregate form. Your individual data will not be reported. 106. Have you ever wished you were dead or wished you could go to sleep and never wake up?
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107. Have you actually had any thoughts of killing yourself
108. [Ask if Q107 = "Yes, within the last year" OR "Yes, not within the last year"] Have you ever done anything, started to do anything, or prepared to do anything to end your life?
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109. [Ask if Q107 = "Yes, within the last year" OR "Yes, not within the last year"] Have you made an actual suicide attempt that required you to seek medical attention or treatment?
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110. Have you ever intentionally hurt yourself (e.g., cut or hit yourself) to relieve stress, feel better, get sympathy, or get something else to happen without any intention of killing yourself?
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111. Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements.
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112. Since joining the military, have you known a fellow Service member, or a family member of a fellow Service member, who died by suicide?
113. [Ask if Q112 = "Yes, within the last year"] You indicated that you knew a fellow Service member, or family member of a fellow Service member, who died by suicide within the past year. Did you recieve support or counseling from any of the following sources to help you with this loss?
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114. [Ask if Q113 = "Yes, I received support from someone within the military community"] In general, taking all the sources of military support into consideration, how helpful was the support or counseling you received?
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115. What is your level of awareness of each of the following support services?
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116. Please indicate whether any of the following concerns have prevented you from seeking, or made it hard for you to access, support for personal problems (e.g., relationship, financial, mental health, or other stresses). Mark all that apply.
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117. Have you attended any of the following Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program (YRRP) events? If you have attended an event, please indicate when you attended (you can provide multiple answers). If you have not attended an event, please mark “No, I have not attended this event.”
118. [Ask if Q117 a = "Yes, within the past 12 months" OR Q117 b = "Yes, within the past 12 months" OR Q117 c = "Yes, within the past 12 months"] In the past 12 months, has your awareness increased in the following areas? Mark one answer for each item.
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119. [Ask if Q117 a <> "In the past 12 months" AND Q117 b <> "In the past 12 months" AND Q117 c <> "In the past 12 months"] In the past 12 months, has your awareness increased in the following areas? Mark one answer for each item.
120. [Ask if Q117 a = "Yes, within the past 12 months" OR Q117 b = "Yes, within the past 12 months" OR Q117 c = "Yes, within the past 12 months"] In the past 12 months, have you used any of the following? Mark one answer for each item.
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121. [Ask if Q117 a <> "In the past 12 months" AND Q117 b <> "In the past 12 months" AND Q117 c <> "In the past 12 months"] In the past 12 months, have you used any of the following? Mark one answer for each item.
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122. [Ask if Q117 a = "Yes, within the past 12 months" OR Q117 b = "Yes, within the past 12 months" OR Q117 c = "Yes, within the past 12 months"] As a result of attending a Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program event in the past 12 months, indicate how you have changed in the following areas. Mark one answer for each item.
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123. [Ask if Q117 a <> "In the past 12 months" AND Q117 b <> "In the past 12 months" AND Q117 c <> "In the past 12 months"] In the past 12 months, indicate how you have changed in the following areas. Mark one answer for each item.
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124. [Ask if Q117 a <> "No, I have not attended this event" AND Q117 b <> "No, I have not attended this event" AND Q117 c <> "No, I have not attended this event"] Would you recommend the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program to others?
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A “military survey” is defined as a survey regarding military topics (e.g., readiness, programs/services, tempo, benefits). 125. Excluding this survey, how many military surveys have you been asked to complete in the past 12 months? To indicate none, select “0.” To indicate 10 or more, select “10.”
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126. Thank you for participating in the survey. There are no more questions on this survey. If you have comments or concerns that you were not able to express in answering this survey, please enter them in the space provided. Your comments will be viewed and considered as policy deliberations take place. Do not include any personally identifiable information (PII) in your comments. If OPA or its data collection contractor perceives comments as a direct threat to yourself or others, out of concern for your welfare, OPA may contact an office in your area for appropriate action. Your feedback is useful and appreciated.
127. [Ask if Q1 = "No, I separated or retired"] Based on your answer to the previous question, you are ineligible to take this survey. If you feel you have encountered this message in error, click the Previous button and check your answer(s).
To submit your answers, click the Submit button. For further help, please call our Survey Processing Center toll-free at 1-800-881-5307 or e-mail RC-Survey@mail.mil.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 0000-00-00 |