National Household Education Survey 2023 (NHES:2023) Full-scale Data Collection

National Household Education Survey 2023 (NHES:2023) Full-scale Data Collection

Appendix 4 NHES 2023 Virtual Education Debriefing Interview v20

National Household Education Survey 2023 (NHES:2023) Full-scale Data Collection

OMB: 1850-0768

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National Household Education Survey 2023 (NHES:2023)

Full-scale Data Collection

OMB# 1850-0768 v.20

Appendix 4 - Debriefing Interviews for Parents of Students Taking Virtual Courses

February 2022

revised May 2023

NHES 2023 Debriefing Interviews for Parents of Students Taking Virtual Courses

  1. Description and Justification

While enrollment in traditional, brick-and-mortar public and private schools is the main arrangement for K-12 education in the United States, the expansion of internet access has made virtual education a more accessible education option. More recently, virtual education has become more prominent because of schools’ shift to remote instruction due to the COVID-19 pandemic. During the 2020-21 pandemic year, full- and part-time virtual enrollment dramatically increased, accounting for nearly 40% of enrollment declines in traditional brick-and-mortar public schools (Erwin 2021). This recent expansion of virtual education and the comingling of homeschooling, brick-and-mortar, and virtual schooling necessitates a renewed examination of these education models along a number of dimensions. These dimensions include motivations for opting out of brick-and-mortar schools; reasons for parents’ choosing full-time or part-time virtual education; populations of students served in virtual education courses; patterns of teaching, learning, and curriculum in virtual education; and outcomes for students in full-time and part-time virtual education. Currently, research on these virtual education topics faces several challenges, including the overlap between virtual education and homeschooling options and the limited administrative data available on these topics.

The 2019 National Household Education Survey (NHES:2019) was the first administration of the NHES to collect extensive data on children’s virtual education experiences. These items were mostly unchanged between the 2019 and 2023 NHES administrations to ensure that there were two consistent data points for a time series. With a potential change in the virtual education landscape due to COVID-19, an examination of these NHES virtual education items and how they intersect with the homeschooling and “enrolled” (brick-and-mortar schooling) items will be useful to determine if and how the educational landscape has changed since 2019, and to ensure that the NHES measures educational enrollments in a way that best reflects how the provision of education is changing.

This request is to conduct debriefing interviews during the NHES:2023 data collection with respondents to the Parent and Family Involvement (PFI) questionnaire who reported that their child was taking at least some of their courses virtually. These debriefing interviews will be used to gain greater insight into children’s experiences with virtual education. The debriefing interviews will provide information that will assist NCES in understanding the current virtual education landscape and in the development or revision of survey items, response options, and data collection methods to measure virtual education in future NHES administrations.

The main goal of this debriefing study is to gain a deeper understanding of the NHES:2023 virtual education items and how they relate to the respondents’ experiences with virtual education, including how accurately and thoroughly the items reflect those experiences. Some specific questions this study will examine are:

  • Why did the parent choose to enroll their child in virtual education and what does that virtual education look like?

  • What do parents like or dislike about their child’s virtual education? How has virtual education helped their child?

  • What types of classes are homeschooled respondents considering virtual (e.g., classes that supplement their homeschool curriculum or classes that are a part of their homeschool curriculum)?

  • Are homeschooling parents able to distinguish between virtual education and homeschooling, and between who provides their child’s virtual instruction and who provides their child’s homeschooling instruction?

  • Are homeschooling parents able to differentiate between reasons for enrolling in virtual education and reasons for homeschooling?

  • Do homeschooling parents and enrolled brick-and-mortar parents have different reasons for enrolling their child in virtual education?

  • How are parents of students who are homeschooled part-time and enrolled in school answering the virtual education items if the virtual education is part of their enrolled school? Are they considering the online courses for enrolled school as homeschooling?

  • Are parents of enrolled brick-and-mortar students able to distinguish between who their child’s virtual education and who provides the in-person instruction?

  • Of those who report that their child is enrolled in brick-and-mortar and in virtual education, does the virtual education occur only occasionally for things like snow days or health emergencies, or does it occur on a weekly basis?

  • Are the items on the NHES instrument comprehensively measuring the full virtual education experience, or are critical items missing?

  1. Design, Recruitment, and Data Collection


The debriefing interview will explore parents’ responses to the virtual education items on the NHES:2023 PFI questionnaire and will discuss their child’s virtual education experience. Seventy-five debriefing interviews will be completed concurrently with the NHES:2023 data collection administration. Interviews will occur concurrently to ensure that the parent’s responses to the PFI questionnaire are fresh in their memory and that there will be minimal changes to the sampled child’s educational experience from what was reported in the PFI questionnaire. The interviews will begin in February 2023 (a month after the NHES:2023 administration starts) and go through August 2023 (the month the NHES:2023 administration ends). The interviews will be conducted by staff from the American Institutes for Research (AIR) and Activate Research who are experienced with qualitative interviewing techniques, open-ended probes, and semi-structured interview protocols. If participants consent, the interviews will be recorded in order to ensure the development of complete and accurate interview summaries.

The debriefing interviews will be one-on-one interviews in which the respondent is asked a series of questions about their child’s educational experiences and to provide further details about the items they completed on the NHES:2023 PFI questionnaire. In these interviews, questions will be used to:

  • examine respondents’ virtual education experiences, including the type of school the child attends, why the child is taking virtual courses, and whether COVID-19 affected the child’s school experience in 2023;

  • verify respondents’ interpretation of the PFI survey questions (e.g., parents’ reasons for choosing virtual courses or homeschooling, the tuition and fees for virtual courses); and

  • determine if there are items the NHES is not measuring that the respondent feels would be important for educators and policymakers to know about their child’s virtual education experience.

Each interview is expected to last about 1 hour and will be conducted remotely via Zoom by trained interviewers. Spanish-language debriefing interviews will be conducted by bilingual Spanish-speaking interviewers. This appendix includes the recruitment materials, consent form, and frequently asked questions1 (all in Attachment 4-A), and the interview protocols that will be used to conduct the interviews (Attachment 4-B). The research will be iterative, in that the debriefing questions may change during the testing period in response to issues identified during the interviews.

The interviews will be conducted in three rounds, with revisions to the protocols being made between the rounds based on the results of interviews conducted up to that point.

To be eligible for this study, respondents will have to have completed the NHES:2023 PFI web instrument and to have reported at least one of the following:

  • their child is enrolled in full-time virtual education only,

  • their child is homeschooled and enrolled in all or some virtual education, or

  • their child is enrolled in a brick-and-mortar school and in some virtual education.

Interviews will be conducted with eligible respondents who are age 18 or older2 and who reported, as part of completing the NHES:2023 instrument, that they were interested in participating in this study.


The first recruitment step will occur through the NHES:2023 PFI web instrument. If the respondent reports in this instrument that the sampled child is enrolled in virtual education courses or a virtual education school in any of the three items on the PFI that ask about virtual education,3 they will receive (at the end of the survey) three follow-up items. The first item will ask if they would like to participate in the debriefing study. If they answer “yes,” they will be asked two additional items: one item that asks for their name and contact information and another that asks for their preferred contact method (email or phone). These items are included in Attachment 4-A.

The Census Bureau (NCES’s data collection agency for NHES:2023) will provide AIR with preliminary data files on a weekly basis throughout the data collection period (January-August 2023). Once AIR receives each NHES:2023 preliminary data file, they will review the responses to these three recruitment survey items, in addition to the age of the respondent (reported age on the first-parent questions if the respondent reports they are the child’s parent), to generate the list of those individuals AIR will reach out to in order to schedule an interview.

NCES expects that the number of individuals who indicate they are interested in the debriefing study after the first four weeks of data collection will be sufficient to begin reaching out to them to schedule an interview, and that, across the overall data collection, there will be more eligible respondents than needed in order to obtain the 75 completed interviews. NCES expects there will be more eligible respondents whose child is enrolled in a brick-and-mortar school than eligible respondents in other enrollment categories. If there are too many cases in the brick-and-mortar school enrollment category, AIR will stratify the sample and randomly select eligible cases within each stratum so that there is a balanced number of recruited cases from those who are enrolled in full-time virtual education, those who are homeschooled with some virtual education, and those who are enrolled in a brick-and-mortar school with some virtual education. See table 1 for details on the number of individuals that will be interviewed by language and virtual education type.

The scheduling will be ongoing as more respondents complete the NHES:2023. As soon as AIR receives a new data file, eligible individuals from the file will be added to the interview list. All eligible respondents will be added to the list (beyond the requisite 75), to compensate for unreachable cases, refusals, no-shows, and other issues that may reduce the number of completed interviews. AIR will contact respondents at their reported preferred contact method to schedule the interviews.

If the respondent provides a phone number as their preferred method of contact, AIR will attempt to call them up to three times over the course of two weeks (business days only) to schedule an interview. If respondents do not answer the call, the recruiter will leave a voicemail message. Repeated attempts to contact a participant by phone are necessary as the participant may not be available at the time of the call; leaving a voicemail will be important to inform the participant that the call is part of a study they had volunteered for and is not spam. After the third phone attempt, AIR will move on to email scheduling, as described below (assuming an email address has been provided).

If the respondent provides an email address as their preferred method of contact, AIR will send up to three emails over the course of two weeks (business days only). Repeated attempts to contact a participant by email are necessary in case the email bounces back, gets filtered as spam, or is missed or ignored by the respondent. After the third email attempt or email bounce-back, AIR will move on to phone scheduling (if that has not been completed yet), as described above (assuming a phone number has been provided). If AIR does not hear back from the respondent after these phone and email attempts, they will move on to the next eligible case in the list until the targeted number of interviews has been completed.

Participants scheduled for a debriefing interview will be emailed the Informed Consent document (Attachment 4-A). Schedule participants who were contacted by phone first will be asked to confirm that they received their informed consent document during the scheduling conversation. All scheduled participants will be asked if they consent to receive reminders about their scheduled interview via text, and, if so, to provide a text-capable phone number. Copies of the phone, email, and text recruitment materials, along with the Informed Consent document, are included in Attachment 4-A of this appendix. In addition to these materials, Attachment 4-A includes a frequently asked questions (FAQ) document that was developed for both the recruiters and interviewers, to assist them in answering any questions the participant may have during scheduling or the interview.

For this study, AIR will recruit from those who are eligible for the study based on the criteria provided above, in addition to whether the respondent reported they would like to participate in this study. In addition to these eligibility criteria, AIR will, to the extent possible, seek to obtain a mix of different participants who vary along the characteristics listed below:

  • Education levels

  • Race and ethnicity

  • Child’s grade level

The study proposes to conduct a total of 75 interviews, with at least 60 interviews in English and up to 15 interviews in Spanish. More interviews will be conducted in English than in Spanish due to the lower number of Spanish-speaking respondents from the NHES:2019 who reported that their child was in at least one virtual course (about 40 Spanish-speaking respondents reported some type of virtual education versus about 1,400 English-speaking respondents). Although completing up to 15 interviews in Spanish is proportionally higher than the number of respondents who completed the NHES:2019 in Spanish (about 3 percent), this allocation allows the study to have 5 Spanish interviews per round, which will help determine if changes need to be made to the debriefing questions based on Spanish interviewees’ responses.

Table 1 provides the distribution of the interviews by round, language, and virtual education type.

Table 1: Estimated overall distribution of debriefing interview participants by round, language, and virtual education type

Round and language

Virtual Education


Full-time only

Homeschool and virtual

Brick-and-mortar and virtual

Round 1















Round 2















Round 3




















Note: These numbers are aspirational; the distribution could vary depending on respondents’ interest in participating in this debriefing study.

The objective of these debriefing interviews is to understand the virtual education experiences of children and how parents understood the items around virtual education on the NHES:2023 PFI. The debriefing interviews should result in a deeper understanding of the virtual education experience and how to improve the items on this topic for future NHES administrations. The primary deliverable from this study will be a report that will provide recommendations for revising NHES items and processes to better capture the scope and nature of virtual education.

  1. Debriefing Interview Mode

All interviews will be conducted via Zoom. Participants will be able to join Zoom either by using the Zoom Web App through their Internet browser or by downloading Zoom to their computer. At least one day prior to the interview, the recruiter will have a 15-minute phone call with the participant to confirm that they are able to access Zoom with working audio and video. These will be short meetings to ensure that all technical questions are answered prior to the formal interview. The protocol for this software testing session was developed during the NHES:2023 spring 2020 cognitive testing session (OMB# 1850-0803 v.290) and was found to be integral to the success of the virtual interviews. Consequently, the total burden for these software testing sessions--and for the debriefing interviews themselves--is included in the estimate of respondent burden in Part A of this package.

If participants consent, the debriefing interviews will be audio-recorded, for the purpose of supplementing the analysis if details are missing from notes. Interviews will be conducted primarily during regular work hours (9 am–6 pm EDT, Monday through Friday) but will be scheduled outside of work hours, as needed.

  1. Consultations Outside the Agency

AIR and Activate Research will conduct these cognitive interviews on behalf of NCES. AIR will recruit participants and conduct some of the English debriefing interviews and all of the Spanish interviews. Activate Research will conduct some of the English interviews. AIR and Activate Research will write the debriefing interview findings report.

  1. Justification for Sensitive Questions

Throughout the debriefing question development process, effort has been made to ensure that there are no sensitive questions. NCES does not consider any of the debriefing questions to be sensitive in nature.

  1. Paying Respondents

To assure that participants agree to take part in the interviews and to thank them for their time, each respondent will be offered $40 in cash. In the recruitment items as part of the NHES:2023 PFI web instrument (Attachment 4-A) and in the interview protocol (Attachment 4-B), participants will be notified about how they will receive this payment. At the end of the session, AIR will send the money using certified mail. This requires the participant to answer the door and sign the certified mail that the postal worker hands them. If the participant is not available to sign for the mail, it is possible that the USPS will require that the participant go to their local post office to pick up the certified mail. Identification will be required to verify identity for pick up. If there are complaints from respondents in rounds 1 or 2 with regards to the delivery method to receive the incentive, we will switch to using Amazon gift cards in the remaining round. However, during prior cognitive testing (OMB# 1850-0803 v.290 and OMB# 1850-0803 v.296), there were no complaints from respondents using certified mail to receive the incentive, so we do not anticipate having to make this switch.

  1. Assurance of Confidentiality

Participation is voluntary, and respondents will read a confidentiality statement prior to completing the debriefing interview. In addition, a consent form that explains the purpose and duration of the interview will be sent to participants via e-mail, to be signed and returned prior to their interview.4 The confidentiality statement and consent form are provided in Attachment 4-A in both English and Spanish. No personally identifiable information will be maintained after the debriefing interview analyses are completed.

Participants will be assigned a unique identifier (ID) for this study, which will be created solely for data file management and used to keep all participant materials together. The participant ID will not be linked to the participant’s name. With the participant’s consent, the interviews will be audio-recorded. Data recordings will be stored on AIR’s secure data servers and will be destroyed after completion of the testing and analysis.

Interviews may also be observed by key project staff by listening to and/or watching the Zoom session. In such cases, the project staff will not be visible to the participant, but the interviewer will inform the participant that someone is observing the interview. At the end of the interview, the interviewer will allow for the observer to ask the participant questions if they have any.

  1. Project Schedule

The project schedule calls for recruitment to begin as soon as each eligible participant is identified from the NHES:2023 data files (delivery of which will begin in February 2023). The interviews are expected to be completed by August 2023.

After the interviews are completed, a report will be developed. Table 2 provides the NHES debriefing interview activities schedule.

Table 2: Schedule for NHES:2023 virtual education debriefing interviews


Start Date

End Date

Case identification for scheduling participants



Scheduling of participants



Debriefing Interviews – Round 1



Debriefing Interviews – Round 2



Debriefing Interviews – Round 3



Final debriefing interview report



  1. Reference

Erwin, B. (2021). A Policymaker’s Guide to Virtual Schools. Education Commission of the States. Retrieved on 12/1/2021 at

Attachment 4-A. NHES 2023: PFI Debriefing Interview Recruitment Materials and Consent Form

Recruitment Questions

The following items are the recruitment items included in the NHES:2023 PFI web instrument for respondents who are eligible for the debriefing study based on their answers to items 2, 9, and 41 (EDCINTK12, HSINTNET, EINTNET).

Item: PFI Debrief Request (PFIC_DEBRIEF)

English Text Reads

We would like to know more about the experiences of homeschooled students, virtual school students, and students in online courses. Would you be interested in participating in a one-on-one virtual interview to help us understand your survey responses in greater detail? We offer a $40 cash incentive for participation in the interview. The interview will be conducted via Zoom and will last approximately 1 hour.

Spanish Text Reads

Nos gustaría saber más sobre las experiencias de los estudiantes educados en el hogar, los estudiantes de escuelas virtuales y los estudiantes en cursos online. ¿Estaría interesado en participar en una entrevista virtual individual para ayudarnos a entender las respuestas de su encuesta con mayor detalle? Ofrecemos un incentivo en efectivo de $40 por la participación en la entrevista. La entrevista tendrá lugar en Zoom y durará aproximadamente 1 hora.

English Answer

1 = Yes, I am interested.

2 = No, I am not interested, and please do not contact me further.

Spanish Answer

1 = Sí, me interesa.

2 = No, no estoy interesado y por favor no me contacte más.

Item: PFI Debrief Request – preferred contact method (PFIC_DEBRIEFmd)

English Text Reads

Do you prefer to be contacted by email or by phone?

NOTE: You will not at any time be solicited, nor will your email address or phone number be shared, traded, or sold.

Spanish Text Reads

¿Prefiere ser contactado por correo electrónico o por teléfono?

NOTA: En ningún momento se le ofrecerán servicios, ni se compartirá, comercializará ni venderá su dirección de correo electrónico o número de teléfono.

English Answer

1 = Email

2 = Phone

Spanish Answer

1 = Correo electrónico

2 = Teléfono

Item: PFI Debrief Request – contact information (PFIC_DEBRIEFcntct)

English Text Reads

Please provide the following information so that we may contact you about the study.

Spanish Text Reads

Por favor, proporcione la siguiente información para que podamos ponernos en contacto con usted acerca del estudio.

English Answer

Title: (dbrf _title)

First Name: _____________________ (dbrf _gvname)

Last Name: _____________________ (dbrf _lstname)

Email: _________________________(dbrf_email)


Spanish Answer

Título: (dbrf _title)

Nombre de pila: _____________________ (dbrf _gvname)

Apellido: ____________________________(dbrf _lstname)

Correo electrónico:____________________(dbrf_email)


Recruitment Contact Materials

The following are the recruitment contact materials that will be used to schedule participants who indicated that they were interested in the debriefing study via the recruitment items in the NHES:2023 PFI web instrument.

Recruitment Email – First Contact


Subject: Make your voice heard - Study for the U.S. Department of Education

Dear <Title First Name> <Last Name>:

Recently, you completed the National Household Education Survey, conducted by the Census Bureau for the U.S. Department of Education.

In that survey, you indicated that you may be interested in contributing to a follow up study in which you will have the opportunity to share more about your child’s unique virtual educational experiences and how those may have affected your survey responses. We hope to have a member of our team interview you about your experiences and survey responses.

At a time convenient to you, we would like to conduct a Zoom interview lasting 60 minutes or less in which you will have the opportunity to elaborate on your responses and share additional details that may not have been captured in the original survey.

We are offering you a $40 cash incentive that will be mailed to you at the conclusion of your interview as a thank you for your participation.

Your input is essential to improving our understanding of the choices that students and parents make regarding education in the U.S.

If you are still interested in contributing to this effort or have any further questions, please contact me at <<recruiter email>> or <<phone number>>.

Thank you for your time and support.


<Recruiter Name>

American Institutes for Research

The U.S. Office of Management and Budget has approved this data collection under OMB #1850-0768. Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary. The data provided may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S. Code, Section 9573). Reports of the findings from the study will not identify you individually. Individual responses will be combined with those from other participants to produce summary statistics and reports.


Subject: Alce su voz - Estudio para el Departamento de Educación de EE. UU.

Estimado(a) <First Name> <Last Name>:

Recientemente, usted completó la Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación online realizada por la Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. para el Departamento de Educación.

En esta encuesta, usted indicó que estaría interesado(a) en participar en un estudio de seguimiento en donde tendrá la oportunidad de compartir más acerca de las experiencias únicas de su hijo(a) en su educación virtual y como las mismas pudieron afectar sus respuestas en la encuesta. Esperamos que un miembro de nuestro equipo le entreviste acerca de sus experiencias y respuestas a la encuesta.

Cuando le venga bien a usted, nos gustaría realizar una entrevista a través de Zoom que no durará más de 60 minutos en la que tendrá la oportunidad de elaborar más acerca de sus respuestas y compartir detalles adicionales los cuales que no fueron capturados en la encuesta original.

Le ofrecemos $40 en efectivo como muestra de nuestro agradecimiento que le enviaremos por correo postal después de finalizar su entrevista.

Su contribución es esencial para mejorar nuestro entendimiento acerca de las decisiones que toman los estudiantes y padres de familia acera de la educación en los EE.UU.

Si sigue interesado(a) en contribuir a este esfuerzo o tiene alguna pregunta, por favor póngase en contacto conmigo al <<recruiter email>> o en el <<phone number>>.

Muchas gracias por su tiempo y apoyo.


<Recruiter Name>

American Institutes for Research

La Oficina de Administración y Presupuesto de los EE. UU. ha aprobado esta recolección de datos bajo el número de OMB #1850-0768. Su participación en este estudio es completamente voluntaria. Toda la información que proporcione puede ser utilizada solo con fines estadísticos y no puede divulgarse ni usarse de forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando lo exija la ley (Título 20 del Código de los EE. UU., Sección 9573). Informes con los resultados del estudio no le identificarán de manera individual. Las respuestas individuales se combinarán con las de otros participantes para generar estadísticas resumidas e informes.

Recruitment Email – 2nd attempt and 3rd attempt


Subject: Reminder – Tell us more about your child’s educational experiences

Dear <First Name> <Last Name>:

Recently, we sent you an email regarding your participation in a research interview for the U.S. Department of Education. You had initially indicated to us that you would be interested in sharing more when you completed the National Household Education Survey online.

The interview would be conducted on Zoom at a time convenient for you and would last 60 minutes or less. In this time, you will have the opportunity to share more details about your child’s educational experiences and how those experiences are reflected in your survey responses.

To thank you for your participation, we offer a $40 cash incentive that will be mailed to you at the conclusion of your interview.

If you would still like to contribute to this effort of have any questions, please contact me at <<recruiter email>> or <<phone number>>.

Thank you for your time and support.


<Recruiter Name>

American Institutes for Research

Full address, work phone, email, logo

The U.S. Office of Management and Budget has approved this data collection under OMB #1850-0768. Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary. The data provided may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S. Code, Section 9573). Reports of the findings from the study will not identify you individually. Individual responses will be combined with those from other participants to produce summary statistics and reports.


Subject: Recordatorio: Cuéntenos más acerca de la educación de su hijo

Estimado(a) < First Name> <Last Name>:

Recientemente le enviamos un correo electrónico en referencia a una entrevista online para el Departamento de Educación de los EE. UU. Usted indicó interés en una entrevista para compartir más información cuando completó la encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación.

Esta entrevista se realizará a través de Zoom cuando le venga bien a usted y durará 60 minutos o menos. Durante este tiempo, tendrá la oportunidad de compartir más detalles acerca de las experiencias educativas de su hijo(a) y como se reflejan en sus respuestas a la encuesta.

Como muestra de agradecimiento, recibirá $40 en efectivo que le enviaremos por correo después de finalizar su entrevista.

Si quisiera contribuir a este esfuerzo o tiene alguna pregunta, por favor póngase en contacto conmigo al <<recruiter email>> o en el <<phone number>>.

Muchas gracias por su tiempo y apoyo.


<Recruiter Name>

American Institutes for Research

Full address, work phone, email, logo

La Oficina de Administración y Presupuesto ha aprobado esta colección de datos bajo OMB#1850-0768. Su participación en este estudio es completamente voluntaria. Los datos proveidos serán utilizados solamente para propósitos estadísticos y no podrán ser compartidos o utilizados de una forma identificable o para otros propósitos como requerido por la ley (20 U.S. Code, Section 9573). Los reportes de los resultados del estudio no identificaran a los participantes. Las respuestas individuales serán combinados con los de los demás participantes para elaborar los reportes y resúmenes estadísticos.

Recruitment Phone Script (all call attempts)


Hello, my name is <Interviewer name>. I am a researcher with ([American Institutes for Research]/[Activate Research]). May I please speak to <<Respondent’s First and Last Name>>?

[If not respondent, say] Is <<Respondent’s First and Last Name>> available? [If not available, say that you are following up on a survey for the National Center for Education Statistics. Leave your name and number and ask that they return your call at their earliest convenience.]

[If respondent, say] Recently, you participated in an online survey conducted by the Census Bureau for the U.S. Department of Education. I am part of a team that is conducting follow-up research to better understand children’s educational experiences and how well the survey captures those experiences. You indicated that you may be interested in our follow-up study. You would receive $40 as a token of our appreciation. Would you be willing to participate in an online interview? It would be conducted on Zoom at a time convenient for you and would last no more than 60 minutes.

[If no, say] I understand. Thank you very much for your time. [Terminate call.]

[If yes, say] Thank you very much. I appreciate it. What days and times would be most convenient for you? [Use the confidential online tracker to record the time and date of the interview.] Great. I have you scheduled for <<date and time>>. <<AIR/Activate staff name>> will be your interviewer. We will send a calendar invitation with the Zoom link to you now. I will also send a few documents that will give you more information about the interview. May I have an email address? [Use the confidential online tracker to record the email.]

[For respondents that we have only contacted via phone] I’m sending the calendar invite, and it may take me a bit of time to organize that. Please be patient. I’ve sent the calendar invite. Do you see it in your email inbox?

I would also like to set up a time to do a quick tech check to troubleshoot any issues with Zoom. This check should take no more than 10 minutes. When would be a convenient time for you? [Use the confidential online tracker to record time and date]

To help you remember the times when we’ve agreed to meet, we would like to be able to text you to remind you about your interview. We would text you a couple of times as a reminder before your appointment. Text charges from your phone carrier may apply. May I have a phone number where you can accept text messages? [Use the confidential online tracker to record the phone number.]

Thank you so much. I will send the calendar invitation out shortly. We look forward to speaking with you on <<date and time of tech check>>.


Hola, mi nombre es <Interviewer name>. Trabajo para ([American Institutes for Research]/[Activate Research]). ¿Podría hablar con <<Respondent’s First and Last Name>>?

[If not respondent, say] ¿Está <<Respondent’s First and Last Name>> disponible? [If not available, say that you are following up on a survey for the National Center for Education Statistics. Leave your name and number and ask that they return your call at their earliest convenience.]

[If respondent, say] Recientemente, usted participó en una encuesta online realizada por la Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. para el Departamento de Educación. Soy parte del equipo que está realizando el seguimiento para entender mejor las experiencias de educación de los niños y qué tan bien las captura la encuesta. Recibiría $40 como muestra de nuestro agradecimiento.

¿Estaría dispuesto(a) a participar en una entrevista online? Se realizaría a través de Zoom cuando le venga bien a usted y no duraría más de 60 minutos.

[If no, say] Lo entiendo. Muchas gracias por su tiempo. [Terminate call.]

[If , say] Muchísimas gracias. ¿Qué días y horas serían más convenientes para usted? [Use the confidential online tracker to record the time and date of the interview.] Estupendo. Le he apuntado para <<date and time>>. <<<AIR/Activate staff name>> será su entrevistador(a). Le enviaremos una invitación electrónica con el link de Zoom ahora [ahorita]. También le enviaré unos documentos con más información sobre la entrevista. ¿Podría darme una dirección de correo electrónico? [Use the confidential online tracker to record the email.]

[For respondents that we have only contacted via phone] Voy a enviarle la invitación ahorita, por favor tenga paciencia conmigo mientras la organizo. Le envié la invitación a su correo. ¿Lo puede ver en su bandeja de entrada?

También quisiera programar una llamada para hacer un chequeo rápido de su conexión y comprobar que puede conectarse a Zoom. Esta llamada no llevará más de 10 minutos. ¿Cuándo le vendría bien? [Use the confidential online tracker to record time and date]

Para ayudarle recordar las horas que hemos acordado, me gustaría poder enviarle un mensaje de texto como recordatorio de su entrevista. Nos gustaría textearle un par de veces para recordarle de su cita, y cargos de mensajes de su compañía telefónica pueden aplicar. ¿Podría darme un número de teléfono donde puede aceptar mensajes? [Use the confidential online tracker to record the pone number.]

Muchas gracias. Le enviaré la invitación enseguida. Esperamos hablar con usted el <<date and time of tech check>>.

Recruitment Voicemail (all call attempts)


Hello, my name is <Interviewer name>. I am a researcher with ([American Institutes for Research]/[Activate Research]). I am trying to reach <<Respondent’s First and Last Name>> to follow-up on an online survey conducted by the Census Bureau for the U.S. Department of Education. In that survey, <<Respondent’s First Name>> indicated interest in participating in a follow-up study. Please return my call at << Recruiter’s Phone Number>> at your earliest convenience. You would receive $40 as a token of our appreciation.


Hola, mi nombre es <Interviewer name> y trabajo para ([American Institutes for Research]/[Activate Research]). Estoy intentando contactarme con <<Respondent’s First and Last Name>> como seguimiento a una encuesta online realizada por la Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. para el Departamento de Educación. En esa encuesta, <<Respondent’s First and Last Name>> indicó interés en participar en un estudio de seguimiento. Llámeme por favor al << Recruiter’s Phone Number>> tan pronto le sea posible. Como agradecimiento, usted recibiría $40 por su participación.

Reminder Text Messages (all text attempts)

Text messages will be sent to consenting participants using RingCentral, a cloud-based communications service that lets businesses send and receive texts messages using a regular business phone number, 6 to 12 hours before their tech check and their interview appointments.


Hello, this is <Interviewer name>. I am a texting you to remind you that are scheduled to meet <day of the week, date and time>. I’m looking forward to speaking with you soon!


Hola, mi nombre es <Interviewer name>. Este mensaje es para server de recordatorio que hemos programado su entrevista para el <day of the week, date and time>. Espero conversar con Ud. hoy/manana!

Frequently Asked Questions

The following are frequently asked questions that recruiters and interviewers can use as a reference to answer questions from participants.


How did you get my name?

Recently, you completed the National Household Education Survey, conducted by the Census Bureau for the U.S. Department of Education. At the conclusion of the survey, you indicated that you may be interested in participating in follow-up research, and provided us with your contact information.

What is the goal of the follow-up study?

The goal of the study is to better understand your child’s educational experiences and how well your child’s educational experiences are captured in the survey.

Who is doing the interview?

Two companies--American Institutes for Research and Activate Research--have been hired by the U.S. Department of Education to conduct this study on behalf of the Department.

Where will the interview take place?

The interview will take place online using the web-based conference platform Zoom. It will last no longer than 60 minutes and will be scheduled for a time that is convenient for you.

Do I have to participate?

Your participation is completely voluntary. Reports of the findings from the study will not identify you individually. Individual responses will be combined with those from other participants to produce summary statistics and reports.

What are the benefits to me for participating?

By participating in the study, you will help the U.S. Department of Education improve the survey for future respondents. As a token of our appreciation, you will receive $40 for your time. The $40 will be mailed to you at the completion of the interview.

Do I have to use my camera when we are on Zoom?

No, the use of your camera is optional. The interviewer will use his or her camera during the interview and will also share their desktop screen to display certain survey items. If you consent, the interview will be audio-recorded, but no video will be recorded.

What do I need to do before the interview?

Please review the Informed Consent document; we will ask if you consent to the information in the form just before we start the interview. Please contact us at <<email address>> if you have any questions or concerns. Also, prior to the interview we will do a 10-minute tech check to troubleshoot any issues with Zoom. This will ensure minimal technical difficulties during the interview.


¿Cómo consiguió mi nombre?

Recientemente, usted completó la Encuesta Nacional Sobre Hogares para la Educación, realizada por la Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. para el Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos. Al finalizar la encuesta, usted indicó que estaría interesado(a) en participar en un estudio de seguimiento, y nos proporcionó su información de contacto.

¿Cuál es el objetivo del estudio de seguimiento?

El objetivo del estudio es entender mejor las experiencias de educación de su niño(a) y qué tan bien se recogen en la encuesta.

¿Quién realiza la entrevista?

Dos compañías—American Institutes for Research and Activate Research—han sido contratadas por el Departamento de Educación para realizar este estudio en nombre del Departamento.

¿Dónde se realizarán las entrevistas?

Las entrevistas tendrán lugar online usando Zoom, un software de conferencias online. No durará más de 60 minutos y se programará un día y hora que le venga bien a usted.

¿Tengo que participar?

Su participación es completamente voluntaria. Los informes sobre los resultados del estudio no le identificarán de manera individual. Las respuestas individuales se combinarán con las de otros participantes para generar resúmenes estadísticos e informes.

¿Cuáles son los beneficios por participar?

Al participar en este estudio, ayudará al Departamento de Educación de los EE. UU. a mejorar la encuesta para futuros participantes. Como muestra de nuestro agradecimiento, recibirá $40 por su tiempo. Los $40 se le enviarán por correo después de completar la entrevista.

¿Tengo que usar mi cámara cuando estemos en Zoom?

No, el uso de su cámara es opcional. El entrevistador(a) usará su cámara y también compartirá su pantalla para enseñarle ciertas preguntas de la encuesta. Si usted consiente, la entrevista será grabada, pero el vídeo no se grabará.

¿Qué necesito antes de la entrevista?

Por favor revise el document de Consentimiento Informado; le preguntaremos si consiente a la información en ese document antes de empezar la entrevista. Puede contactarnos al si tiene preguntas o ducas. También haremos una llamada corta de chequeo técnico para comprobar su conexión a Zoom. Esto asegurará que no surgen problemas durante la entrevista.

Study Participation Consent Form


The U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is conducting this study to understand how to make the National Household Education Survey more informative for NCES and others who use the survey data (educators, researchers, and policymakers). NCES has hired American Institutes for Research (AIR) and Activate Research to carry out this study.

  • We are asking you to participate in a 60-minute virtual interview via Zoom. During this time, we will ask about your household’s experiences with virtual education and other educational activities.

  • Your participation will help us improve this important NCES survey; however, your participation is completely voluntary, and there are no penalties should you choose not to participate. You may stop the interview at any time without penalty.

  • The information you share with us will be combined with the responses of other participants in a summary report that will not identify you individually. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151).

  • If you have any questions or concerns related to your participation in this interview, please contact Michelle McNamara at the National Center for Education Statistics. You can reach her at 202-245-7033 or at

  • During the interview, you will be asked if you agree to participate in the study. If you agree to participate, you will be asked to say, “Yes, I agree to participate.” If you do not agree to participate, you will be asked to say, “No, I do not agree to participate.”

  • We would like to record the interview to make sure we accurately capture the details that you provide. However, if you do not agree to be recorded, we will not record the interview. If you agree to be recorded, only AIR, Activate Research, and NCES employees working on this study will be able to listen to the recording. All recordings will be destroyed at the end of the study. At the start of the interview, we will ask for your permission to record the interview. You will be asked to respond yes or no.


El Centro Nacional de Estadísticas de la Educación (NCES, por sus siglas en inglés), dentro del Departamento de Educación de los EE. UU., está realizando un estudio para entender cómo hacer la Encuesta Nacional sobre Hogares para la Educación más informativas para NCES y otros que utilizan los datos de la encuesta (educadores, investigadores y legisladores). NCES ha contratado a American Institutes for Research (AIR) y Activate Research para llevar a cabo este estudio.

  • Le pedimos que participe en una entrevista virtual de 60 minutos a través de Zoom. Durante este tiempo, le preguntaremos acerca de las experiencias de su hogar con educación virtual y otras actividades educativas.

  • Su pariticipación nos ayudará a mejorar esta importante encuesta del NCES; Sin embargo, su participación es totalmente voluntaria, y no hay penalizaciones si decidiera no participar. Puede parar la entrevista en cualquier momento sin penalización.

  • La información que comparta con nosotros se combinará con las respuestas de otros participantes en un informe resumido y no se le identificará individualmente. Toda la información que nos proporcione se usará para fines estadísticos solamente, y no puede divulgarse ni usarse de forma identificable para ningún otro fin, excepto cuando lo exija la ley (Título 20 del Código de los EE. UU., Sección 9543 y Título 6 del Código de los EE. UU., Sección 15120 U.S.C. §9573 y 6 U.S.C. §151).

  • Si tiene alguna pregunta o duda relacionadas con esta entrevista, por favor contacte Michelle McNamara En el Centro Nacional de Estadísticas de la Educación. La puede contactar en el 202-245-7033 o

  • Durante esta entrevista, se le preguntará si consiente en participar en el estudio. Si consiente, se le pedirá que diga “Sí, consiento en participar”. Si no consiente en participar, se le pedirá que diga “No, no consiento en participar”.

  • Nos gustaría grabar la entrevista para asegurarnos que capturamos todos los detalles que usted nos proporcione. Sin embargo, si usted no consiente a ser grabado, no grabaremos la entrevista. Si consiente a ser grabado, solo los empleados de AIR, Activate Research y NCES que trabajan en este estudio podrán escuchar la grabación. Todas las grabaciones se destruirán al finalizar el estudio. Al principio de la entrevista le pediremos por su permiso para grabar la entrevista. Se le preguntará que diga sí o no.

Attachment 4-B. NHES:2023 PFI Virtual Education Debriefing Interview Protocol

The following is the interview protocol that will be used for the NHES:2023 PFI virtual education debriefing interviews. Items from the NHES:2023 PFI are referenced throughout this instrument. Please see Appendix 2 (NHES 2023 Screener & Topical Surveys) and Appendix 3 (NHES 2023 Web Screener & Topical Surveys) for those items.



Prior to the interview, the interviewer should make sure that all fields in the protocol are pre-populated with the respondent’s NHES 2023 PFI answers for referenced items. Interviewers should also have a copy of the Informed Consent document, screen shots of respondent’s answers for the referenced items, and a blank NHES 2023 PFI survey available to screen share.

I. Introduction

Thank you for agreeing to talk with me today. My name is <name> and I am with a research firm called ([American Institutes for Research or AIR] or [Activate Research]). Before we begin, we emailed you an Informed Consent document. Have you had a chance to read it?

[If NO, say] Let me share my screen to show you the document. I can also read it aloud if that would be easier. It is important that you read and understand the Informed Consent document before we begin. [Interviewer should be prepared to share their desktop to show the Informed Consent document. Give the participant time to read the document and be prepared to read the document aloud if that is their preference. When the participant is done, follow the instructions in the next paragraph.]

[If YES, say] Great. Do you have any questions or concerns? [Interviewer should pause and address any questions or concerns that are raised. The interview should then ask] Do you consent to participate in this interview?

[If NO, say] I understand. Thank you for your time. [Terminate the interview.]

[If YES, say] Great. Thank you. Do you consent for the interview to be recorded? Only the research team has access to the recordings, and you will never be identified in any reports.

[If NO, say] I understand. We will not record this interview. I will take notes while you are speaking so we can capture your responses.

[If YES, say] Great. I appreciate it. We will begin recording now. [Interviewer will start recording the Zoom meeting.]

II. Interview Protocol

A few weeks ago, you completed the National Household Education Survey. I am going to ask some follow-up questions about your responses so I can better understand your child’s educational experiences.

Part I

  1. You indicated that <<CHILD’S NAME>> currently takes at least some classes online. Can you walk me through what a typical day looks like when your child is taking online classes?

[The interviewer should allow ample time to answer the question in detail. The follow-up questions should be asked to help the participant flesh out their response. The interviewer only needs to ask these follow-up questions (a through g) if the participant does not provide the answers when answering the first question.]

Optional follow-up questions:

    1. When the survey asked if <<CHILD’S NAME>> was enrolled in online, virtual, or cyber courses you said <<HSINTNET/Q9 or EINTNET/Q41>> [all, more than half, or less than half] of their courses were online, virtual, or cyber. Why did you choose that response?

    2. In the survey, you said that <<CHILD’S NAME>>’s online, virtual, or cyber courses were provided by <<HSINTPUB/Q12 or SPBSCH/Q44>> [schools, institutions, independent instructors]. What are your impressions of that provider?

    3. How did you decide on the number of courses that <<CHILD’s NAME>> takes?

    4. You indicated in the survey that in a typical week, <<CHILD’s NAME>> spends << HSINTHRS/Q15 or INTHRS/Q47>> [fewer than 10 hours in that week; 10-24 hours in that week; more than 24 hours in that week] in online, virtual, or cyber classes. What do they do during that time?

    5. (If enrolled in a brick-and-mortar school and <<INTHRS/Q47>> is “fewer than 10 hours in that week”) Are the online courses <<CHILD’s NAME>> takes only online occasionally for things like snow days or health emergencies, or are the classes taken on a weekly basis?

    6. You stated that total tuition and fees for online, virtual or cyber courses were << HSINTFEE/Q14 or SINSTFEE/Q46>>. What does that money cover? What educational expenses does it not cover?

    7. Under what circumstances, if any, would you discontinue online classes for <<CHILD’s NAME>>?

  1. [For homeschooling parents only <<Q5 = 1 or 2>>] You indicated in the survey that you homeschool <<CHILD’S NAME>>. Can you describe the teaching style used for that homeschooling--how formal or informal is the curriculum you use?

[If the participant uses “teaching style” please use “teaching style” in the follow-up questions. If the participant uses “curriculum” us that in the follow-up questions.]

    1. How did you decide on that <<teaching style or curriculum>>?

    2. What specifically do you like about this <<teaching style or curriculum>>?

    3. How did you learn about this <<teaching style or curriculum>>?

  1. Can you tell me a bit about what kinds of online courses your child takes? What subjects do they cover?

    1. Do all of the online courses <<CHILD’S NAME>> takes come from the same source? [If no]: Can you tell me about the different providers for these courses? [If yes]: Can you tell me who provides these courses? [Either response]: For example, are they provided by an online school, or by a school district, state, or other organization? Are they part of a public, private, or charter school?

    1. Can you tell me about how your child receives these online courses? Does a teacher provide the instruction live? Does a pre-recorded teacher provide the instruction? Do the online courses not have an instructor, but instead let the student view materials at their own pace?

    2. Does your child interact with other students who take the same online classes? [If “yes”]: What are those interactions like?

    3. Do you know about how many other students are in your child online class(es)?

    4. Do the online classes have requirements for parents? For example, are you required to meet with the teachers? Supervise your child while taking the classes?

  1. Prior to March 2020, or the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, what did schooling for <<CHILD’s NAME>> look like?

    1. When did <<CHILD’s NAME>> begin taking online courses? Was it prior to, during, or after the COVID-19 pandemic? [If during the pandemic]: How much say did you have over the online courses <<CHILD’s NAME>> took during the pandemic? How did <<CHILD’S NAME>> experience with online learning during the pandemic influence your current decisions about online course taking?

    2. How much online course taking did your child receive prior to the pandemic?

    3. How did you decide on the type of schooling your child received prior to the pandemic?

    4. If online classes were new to <<CHILD’s NAME>, how well did they adjust to the change when they first encountered the online courses?

  1. What are the benefits to <<CHILD’s NAME>> taking classes online? What are the drawbacks?

  1. In your opinion, what is the difference, if any, between a child being homeschooled and a child taking online classes at home?

Part II

Next, I’d like to turn to a few specific questions on the survey. I will share my screen, which will have each question as it appeared on the survey as well as the answers you selected.

[Interviewer: for each question, share the screenshot the corresponds to the correct item. Please note that not all participants will have all questions.]

  1. On the survey, when asked about the reasons you chose online, virtual or cyber courses for your child, you selected <<ONLNAP/Q10 or ADVCCRSE/Q42>>. Can you tell me why you selected that reason/those reasons? Are there other reasons the survey should list? Why did you choose << HSIMPONLI/Q11 or MOSTIMPT/Q43>> as the most important reason?

  1. [For homeschooling parents only <<Q5> = 1 or 2>], when asked about why you homeschool <<CHILD’S NAME>>, you selected << HSSAFETYX/Q20>>. Can you tell me why you selected that reason/those reasons? Are there other reasons the survey should list? Why did you choose << HSMOSTX/Q21>> as the most important reason?

  1. [For homeschooling parents only <<Q5 = 1 or 2>>], to what degree do your reasons for homeschooling <<CHILD’s NAME>> overlap with your reasons for choosing online courses?

  1. [For homeschooling parents only <<Q5 = 1 or 2>>], when did you decide to enroll <<CHILD’S NAME>> in online, virtual or cyber courses? Was it the same time you decided to homeschool?

  1. When asked if you agree with the statement “This child enjoys school” you selected <<SEENJOY/Q48>>. Can you tell why you selected that? How much does the online aspect of the schooling influence, <<CHILD’S NAME>> enjoyment?

  1. [For parents where school absence question is not missing <<Q52 not equal to missing>>], You selected that your child has been absent <<SEABSNT/Q52>> days since the beginning of the school year. Does participating in online schooling increase, decrease, or not affect your child’s absences?

  1. The last question on the survey asks you to select the school your child attends <<RSCHOOL/Q144>>. How easy or hard was it to select a school or to provide your child’s school information?

Part III

Thank you for walking through your responses with me. I just have a few more questions.

  1. Why did you decide to complete the National Household Education Survey?

  1. How easy or hard was it to complete? Do you remember any parts of the survey being difficult or confusing? How would you describe the length of the survey?

  1. Thinking back, are there questions you wished we had asked about your child’s education but didn’t? [Please give participant a few minutes to look through the electronic copy of the survey, which was emailed to them during the recruitment process.]

  1. Are there other things we haven’t covered today that you think are important for us to know about your child’s education?

Part IV

Thank you very much for taking the time to speak with me. Your contribution is much appreciated and will be very useful in helping us understand the choices parents make about schooling.

You should expect to receive $40 within two weeks through certified mail. Do you have any questions before we end the call? [Listen for and answer questions.] If you have any questions later, feel free to email me. Thanks again and have a wonderful day.

Spanish interview protocol


Prior to the interview, the interviewer should make sure that all fields in the protocol are pre-populated with the respondent’s NHES 2023 PFI answers for referenced items. Interviewers should also have a copy of the Informed Consent document, screen shots of respondent’s answers for the referenced items, and a blank NHES 2023 PFI survey available to screen share.5

I. Introduction

Gracias por aceptar a hablar hoy conmigo. Mi nombre es <name> y trabajo para ([American Institutes for Research or AIR] or [Activate Research]). Antes de que comencemos, le enviamos un documento de informe informado. ¿Ha podido leerlo?

[If NO, say] Voy a compartir mi pantalla para enseñarle el documento. También puedo leerlo en voz alta si lo prefiere. Es importante que usted lea y entienda el document de consentimiento informado antes de que comencemos. [Interviewer should be prepared to share their desktop to show the Informed Consent document. Give the participant time to read the document and be prepared to read the document aloud if that is their preference. When the participant is done, follow the instructions in the next paragraph.]

[If SÍ, say] Estupendo. ¿Tiene alguna pregunta o duda? [Interviewer should pause and address any questions or concerns that are raised. The interview should then ask] ¿Consiente a participar en esta entrevista?

[If NO, say] Lo entiendo. Muchas gracias por su tiempo. [Terminate the interview.]

[If SÍ, say] Estupendo. Muchas gracias. ¿Consiente a que grabemos la entrevista? Solo el equipo de investigación tendrá acceso a las grabaciones, y no se le identificará en los informes.

[If NO, say] Lo entiendo. No grabaremos esta entrevista. Tomaré notas mientras habla para poder capturar sus respuestas.

[If SÍ, say] Estupendo, muchas gracias. Empezaremos a grabar ahora. [Interviewer will start recording the Zoom meeting.]

II. Interview Protocol

Hace unas semanas, usted completó la Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación. Voy a hacerle algunas preguntas de seguimiento sobre sus respuestas para entender mejor las experiencias educativas de su niño(a).

Part I

  1. Usted indicó que <<CHILD’S NAME>> asiste al menos a una clase online en este momento. ¿Podría describir un día típico cuando su niño(a) asiste a clases online?

[The interviewer should allow ample time to answer the question in detail. The follow-up questions should be asked to help the participant flesh out their response. The interviewer only needs to ask these follow-up questions (a through g) if the participant does not provide the answers when answering the first question.]

Optional follow-up questions:

    1. Cuando la encuesta le preguntó si <<CHILD’S NAME>> estaba inscrito(a) enc lases online, virtuales o cyber, usted contestó <<HSINTNET/Q9 or EINTNET/Q41>> [todas, más de la mitad, menos de la mitad] de sus clases eran online, virtuales, o cyber. ¿Por qué eligió esa respuesta?

    2. En la encuesta, usted dijo que las clases online, virtuales o cyber de <<CHILD’S NAME>> fueron proporcionadas por <<HSINTPUB/Q12 or SPBSCH/Q44>> [escuelas, instituciones, instructores independientes]. ¿Cuáles son sus impresiones de ese proveedor?

    3. ¿Cómo decidió el número de clases que recibe <<CHILD’s NAME>>?

    4. En la encuesta usted indicó que, en una semana típica, <<CHILD’s NAME>> pasa << HSINTHRS/Q15 or INTHRS/Q47>> [menos de 10 horas en esa semana; 10-24 horas en esa semana; más de 24 horas en esa semaana] en clases online, virtuales o cyber. ¿Qué hace durante ese tiempo?

    5. (If enrolled in a brick-and-mortar school and <<INTHRS/Q47>> is “fewer than 10 hours in that week”) ¿Son las clases que recibe <<CHILD’s NAME>> online de manera occasional debido a cosas como días de nieve o emergencias de salud, o son las clases online todas las semanas?

    6. Usted dijo que la cantidad total de matrícula y cargos por cursos online, virtuales o cyber fue << HSINTFEE/Q14 or SINSTFEE/Q46>>. ¿Qué cubre esa cantidad? ¿Qué gastos de educación no cubre?

    7. ¿Bajo qué circunstancias, si es que las hay, interrumpiría las clases online de <<CHILD’s NAME>>?

  1. [For homeschooling parents only <<Q5 = 1 or 2>>] Usted indicó en la encuesta que da a <<CHILD’S NAME>> la educación escolar en el hogar. ¿Podría describer el estilo de enseñanza que se usa para la enseánza escolar en el hogar? ¿Qué tan formal o informal es el currículo que usa?

[If the participant uses “estilo de enseñanza” please use “estilo de enseñanza” in the follow-up questions. If the participant uses “currículo” use that in the follow-up questions.]

    1. ¿Cómo decidió usar ese <<estilo de enseñanza or currículo>>?

    2. ¿Qué es lo que le gusta específicamente de este <<estilo de enseñanza or currículo>>?

    3. ¿Cómo se enteró de este <<estilo de enseñanza or currículo>>?

  1. ¿Podría contarme un poco sobre los tipos de cursos online que recibe su niño(a)? Qué tipos de asignaturas cubren?

    1. ¿Provee todos los cursos online que recibe <<CHILD’S NAME>> la misma persona o entidad? [If no]: ¿Puede decirme un poco más sobre los diferentes proveedores de estos cursos? [If ]: ¿Quién provee estos cursos? [Either response]: Por ejemplo, ¿es el proveedor una escuela online, un distrito escolar, estado y otra organización? ¿Son parte de una escula pública, privada o charter?

    2. ¿Podría contarme cómo recibe su nió estos cursos online? ¿Hay un maestro que provee la instrucción en directo? ¿Es una grabación del maestro dando la instrucción? ¿Ven los estudiantes los materiales a su propio ritmo en vez de tener un maestro en los cursos?

    3. ¿Se relaciona su niño con otros estudiantes que reciben las mismas clases online? [If “sí”]: ¿Cómo son esos encuentros?

    4. ¿Sabe más o menos cuántos estudiantes hay en la(s) clase(s) online de si niño?

    5. ¿Hay requisites para los padres en estas clases online? Por ejemplo, ¿se requiere que se reúna con los maestros o que supervise a su niño mientras recibe las clases?

  1. Antes de marzo de 2020, o al principio de la pandemia de COVID-19, ¿cómo era la enseñanza de <<CHILD’s NAME>>?

    1. ¿Cuándo comenzó <<CHILD’s NAME>> a recibir cursos online? ¿Fue antes, durante o después de la pandemia de COVID-19? [If during the pandemic]: ¿Qué papel tuvo en decider los cursos online que <<CHILD’s NAME>> recibió durante la pandemia? ¿Cómo influyó la experiencia que tuvo <<CHILD’S NAME>> with la enseñanza online durante la pandemia en su decision de que recibiera cursos online en la actualidad?

    2. ¿Cuántos cursos online recibía su niño(a) antes de la pandemia?

    3. ¿Cómo decidió el tipo de enseñanza que su niño(a) recibía antes de la pandemia?

    4. Si recibir clases online fue una experiencia nueva para <<CHILD’s NAME>, ¿qué tan bien se ajustó al cambio la primera vez que recibió clases online?

  1. ¿Cuáles son los beneficios de recibir clases online para <<CHILD’s NAME>>? ¿Cuáles son los inconvenientes?

  1. En su opinion, ¿cuál es la diferencia, si es que la hay, entre un niño(a) que recibe la enseñanza escolar en el hogar y un niño(a) que recibe clases online en el hogar?

Part II

A continuación, me gustaría centrarme en preguntas concretas de la encuesta. Voy a compartir mi pantalla, que tendrá cada pregunta como apareció en la encuesta, así como las respuestas que seleccionó.

[Interviewer: for each question, share the screenshot that corresponds to the correct item. Please note that not all participants will have all questions.]

  1. En la encuesta, cuando se le preguntó por las razones por las cuales usted eligión cursos online, virtuales o cyber para su niño(a), usted seleccionó <<ONLNAP/Q10 or ADVCCRSE/Q42>>. ¿Podría decirme por qué eligió esa(s) razón(es)? ¿Hay alguna otra razón que incluiría en la encuesta? ¿Por qué eligió << HSIMPONLI/Q11 or MOSTIMPT/Q43>> la razón más importante?

  1. [For homeschooling parents only <<Q5> = 1 or 2>], cuando se le preguntó por qué <<CHILD’S NAME>> recibe la enseñanza escolar en el hogar, usted seleccionó << HSSAFETYX/Q20>>. ¿Podría decirme por qué eligió esa(s) razón(es)? ¿Hay alguna otra razón que incluiría en la encuesta? ¿Por qué eligió << HSMOSTX/Q21>> la razón más importante?

  1. [For homeschooling parents only <<Q5 = 1 or 2>>], ¿hasta qué punto las razones por las cuales <<CHILD’s NAME>> recibe la enseñanza escolar en el hogar coinciden con las razones por las cuales eligió cursos online?

  1. [For homeschooling parents only <<Q5 = 1 or 2>>], ¿cuándo decidió inscribir a <<CHILD’S NAME>> en cursos online, virtuales o cyber? ¿Fue al mismo tiempo que decidió que él/ella recibiera la enseñanza escolar en el hogar?

  1. Cuando se le preguntó si estaba de acuerdo con la frase “Este niño(a) disfruta de la escuela”, usted seleccionó <<SEENJOY/Q48>>. ¿Podría decirme por qué seleccionó esa opción? ¿En qué medida influye el aspecto online de la instrucción al disfrute de <<CHILD’S NAME>>?

  1. [For parents where school absence question is not missing <<Q52 not equal to missing>>], Usted seleccionó que su niño(a) ha estado ausente <<SEABSNT/Q52>> días desde el comienzo del curso escolar. El hecho de participar en instrucción online, ¿aumenta, reduce o no afecta las ausencias de su niño(a)?

  1. La última pregunta de la encuesta le pide que seleccione la escuela que atiende su niño(a) <<RSCHOOL/Q144>>. ¿Qué tan fácil o difícil fue seleccionar una escuela o proporcionar la información de la escuela de su niño(a)?

Part III

Gracias por revisar sus respuestas conmigo. Nada más que tengo unas pocas preguntas.

  1. ¿Por qué decidió completar la Encuesta Nacional en Hogares sobre Educación?

  1. ¿Qué tan fácil o difícil fue completarla? ¿Recuerda alguna parte de la encuesta que fuera difícil o confusa? ¿Cómo describiría la duración de la encuesta?

  1. Pensando en cuando completó la encuesta, ¿hay alguna pregunta que le hubiera gustado contestar sobre la educación de su niño(a) pero que no le preguntamos? [Please give participant a few minutes to look through the electronic copy of the survey, which was emailed to them during the recruitment process.]

  1. ¿Hay algo de lo que no hayamos hablado hoy que cree que es importante que sepamos acerca de la educación de su niño(a)?

Part IV

Muchas gracias por tomarse el tiempo de hablar hoy conmigo. Apreciamos su contribución y va a ser de gran ayuda para que entendamos las decisiones que padres y madres como usted toman en cuanto a la enseñanza de sus niños.

Recibirá $40 en dos semanas por correo certificado. ¿Tiene alguna pregunta antes de que terminemos la llamada? [Listen for and answer questions.] Si tiene alguna pregunta más adelante, por favor no dude en mandarme un correo electrónico. Muchas gracias de nuevo y que tenga un lindo día.

1 The frequently asked questions document is intended as a supplemental document that recruiters and interviewers can reference to provide answers to questions the participant may ask during the recruitment or interview process.

2 There is a low likelihood a respondent will be younger than 18, but it is possible; age will be confirmed through the respondent’s reported age on the PFI instrument.

3 The three items are item 2, the child’s education setting (full-time online, virtual, or cyber school (EDCINTK12)); item 9, homeschooled child’s enrollment in online courses (HSINTNET)); and item 41, enrolled child’s enrollment in online courses (EINTNET)). Participants will not be selected if they report the child is enrolled in virtual education in item 2 but report the child is not in virtual education in item 9 or 41. Please see Appendix A and Appendix B in this submission for the full item wording.

4 If an email address is not received through the recruitment items in the PFI web instrument, an email will be acquired during the phone scheduling conversation.

5 The Spanish-language interviewers will be bilingual. The instructions for the Spanish protocol are not translated to Spanish because English instructions work best for the bilingual interviewers.

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