4A NHHSP Program Application (User Guide)

The National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program, Students to Service Loan Repayment Program, and the Native Hawaiian Health Scholarship Program

NHHSP Program Application (User Guide)

OMB: 0915-0146

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OMB Number: 0915-0146
Expiration Date: XX/XX/20XX

Bureau of Health Workforce
NHHSP Applicant Information Screen User Guide

Health Resources & Services Administration
BHW Management Information System Solution (BMISS)
Native Hawaiian Health Scholarship Program (NHHSP)
Applicant Information Screen User Guide
March 2019

Public Burden Statement: The purpose of the NHSC SP, NHSC S2S LRP, and the NHHSP is to provide
scholarships or loan repayment to qualified students who are pursuing primary care health professions
education and training. In return, students agree to provide primary health care services at approved
facilities located in designated Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) once they are fully trained and
licensed health professionals. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB
control number for this information collection is 0915-0146 and it is valid until XX/XX/202X. This
information collection is required to obtain or retain a benefit (NHSC SP: Section 338A of the PHS Act and
Section 338C-H of PHS Act; NHSC S2S LRP: Section 338B of the PHS Act and Section 331(i) of the PHS Act;
NHHSP: The Native Hawaiian Health Care Improvement Act of 1992, as amended [42 U.S.C. 11709]. Public
reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average xx hours per response,
including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, and completing and
reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other
aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to HRSA Reports
Clearance Officer, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 14N136B, Rockville, Maryland, 20857 or paperwork@hrsa.gov.

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NHHSP Applicant Information Screen User Guide

Table of Contents
Introduction: NHHSP Applicant Information Screen User Guide.................................................................. 4
Section 1: NHHSP Applicant to Participant Process Flow ............................................................................. 5
Section 2: NHHSP Data Collection Worksheet .............................................................................................. 6
Section 3: Secure File Transfer of Applicant Data from POL to HRSA ......................................................... 10
Section 4: Standard File Naming Convention ............................................................................................. 12
Section 5: Applicant Data - CSV File Fields .................................................................................................. 13
Section 6: Applicant Data - CSV File Format ............................................................................................... 15
Section 7: Applicant Data - NHHSP Disciplines & Degrees.......................................................................... 16
Section 8: Applicant Data Transfer in BMISS .............................................................................................. 17
Section 9: Applicant Data Transfer – Validation Flags ................................................................................ 21
Section 10: Applicant Data Transfer – Continuations ................................................................................. 26
Section 11: Task Dashboard ........................................................................................................................ 28
Section 12: New NHHSP Award - Upload Supporting Documents.............................................................. 29
Section 13: New NHHSP Award - Personal Information ............................................................................. 31
Section 14: New NHHSP Award - School Information ................................................................................ 32
Section 15: New NHHSP Award - Financial Information ............................................................................. 35
Section 16: New NHHSP Award - Award Information................................................................................. 36
Section 17: New NHHSP Award - Preview PAW.......................................................................................... 38
Section 18: New NHHSP Award - Save and Close ....................................................................................... 40
Section 19: New NHHSP Award - Cancel Award Task ................................................................................. 41
Section 20: New NHHSP Award - Submit Applicant Data ........................................................................... 42
Section 21: New NHHSP Award - Manual Input of Applicant Data............................................................. 44
Section 22: NHHSP Participant Profile and Obligation ............................................................................... 45
Section 23: Resolving Issues........................................................................................................................ 47

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NHHSP Applicant Information Screen User Guide

Document Version History

Asad Saqib



Asad Saqib
Chris Hester


Created new version of NHHSP user guide with reference
to previous version created in June 2012
Minor language updates
Minor language updates

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Bureau of Health Workforce
NHHSP Applicant Information Screen User Guide

Introduction: NHHSP Applicant Information Screen User Guide
Overview: NHHSP is a merit based scholarship program that recruits participants focused within primary
care health disciplines and dedicated to providing primary health services to Native Hawaiians and their
families in Hawaii. The NHHSP is administered by the BHW program NURSE Corps and is also currently
administered in conjunction with the Grantee, Papa Ola Lokahi (POL), which is located in Hawaii. The
NHHSP is currently managed within the BHW Management Information System Solution (BMISS)
Goal: The goal of the NHHSP Applicant Information Screen User Guide is to provide guidance on
entering NHHSP applicant information into BMISS.
Roles: NHHSP Analysts

Applicant has applied to the NHHSP
Applicant is deemed eligible


Applicant information has been saved in BMISS
Applicant is converted to Participant

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NHHSP Applicant Information Screen User Guide

Section 1: NHHSP Applicant to Participant Process Flow
Overview: The high level process flow for NHHSP applicant selection and is below:

NHHSP - Participant Selection Process


POL Reviews
Applciations and
Makes Selections

NHHSP Application / DCW / Participant Selection

Final Selections for
Awards are Made/
POL Sends COI to
potential Awardees

Other additional required
paperwork may be completed
at this time as needed.

POL Conducts
Orientations Potential Awardees
Sign Contracts

POL sends application pdf and
Analysts electronically through

POL creates pdf
packages of award
documents and CSV
data and sends to

DHCFS reviews and
inputs award
information in

CSV file is downloaded from SEFT
and uploaded to BMISS along with
uploaded pdf application

HRSA solicits DCW
Information from
Selected Schools

Collected DCW information is
used to determine the availability
of funds for awards

Awardees are
approved and
converted to
participants and
obligations in BMISS

POL performs
NHHSP participant
monitoring activites

HRSA countersigns
awardee contracts
and sends to POL
through SEFT

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NHHSP Applicant Information Screen User Guide

Section 2: NHHSP Data Collection Worksheet
Overview: Users assigned School POCs roles within the BMISS Extranet can create and submit NHHSP
Data Collection Worksheet (DCW) data for school Tuition, Fees, and Other Reasonable Costs (ORC) for
their respective schools during the annual DCW open cycle. NURSE Corps personnel will alert school
POC’s when the DCW period is open, underway, and closed. They will also notify the Grantee, (POL)
about the statuses of the DCWs for awareness and POC outreach if needed.
Users assigned School Analyst roles within BMISS Extranet can create, edit, and approve previously
submitted DCWs.
Business Rules: User must have a School Analyst role within the BMISS Extranet School Representative
1. School Analyst navigates to the BMISS Extranet > School Representative Portal and logs in with
their School Analyst credentials via the link:

Figure 1: DCW School Representative Link
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2. Search for any NHHSP DCW by searching for the NHHSP Program and any other criteria such as
School Name

Figure 2: DCW Search for Analysts
3. To create a DCW simply click on the Create link under the Action column for any DCW

Figure 3: Create DCW Link
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4. When adding the financial data for a NHHSP DCW please note that Resident and Non-Resident
fields for all four years are required fields. Also, please note that the ‘$’ symbol must be included
in the financial data fields.

Figure 4: DCW Form

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5. To submit the DCW enter a required comment and click on the Save button. This will update the
DCW to a ‘Submitted’ status (not Approved). You can then search for the DCW again and it will
display a ‘View/Edit’ link under the Action column. In order to approve the DCW click on the
check box ‘I approve the Data Colllection Worksheet’ either during the initial input of data or
return back to the ‘Submitted’ DCW by clicking on the ‘View/Edit’ link and select the checkbox
and save the DCW.

Figure 5: Submit and Approve DCW

Figure 6: DCW Status: Approved vs Submitted

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Section 3: Secure File Transfer of Applicant Data from POL to HRSA
Overview: The Grantee, (POL) will provide HRSA with NHHSP application data through SFTP of various
files. These files will include a scanned pdf of application documents for each individual applicant, as
well as a CSV file of the applicant data that needs to be uploaded to BMISS.
Business Rules: User must have an account with SEFT and access to the specific NHHSP folder space in
order to upload and/or download files.
1. User navigate and log in to SEFT at the following link: https://secureemail.nih.gov/bds/Login.do

Figure 7: SEFT Sign In Page

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2. The folder structure within the NHHSP SEFT space is the following:
>Cohort (e.g., POL 2019 Cohort Packages)
>Application Docs
>Signed Contract

Figure 8: SEFT Folder Structure
3. The Grantee, (POL) will upload the scanned PDF applications to the ‘Applicant Docs’ folder, and
will upload the applicant CSV data file to the ‘CSV’ folder. The NHHSP Analyst will be able to
navigate to these folders to download these respective files to their H:\ drives in order to upload
them into BMISS.
4. The NHHSP Analyst will later upload a countersigned applicant contract to the ‘Signed Contract’
folder in order for the Grantee, (POL) to download.
5. SEFT will notify users with access when a folder is updated with new files; however, the analyst
can also directly notify POL when the countersigned contracts have been uploaded to the Signed
Contract folder so POL can download as needed.

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NHHSP Applicant Information Screen User Guide

Section 4: Standard File Naming Convention
Overview: A standard file naming convention has been provided in the table below for various
documents and files that are required during the processing of NHHSP applicants within BMISS. Please
following the guidelines below to ensure accurate and consistent formatting and version control for all
applicant documents.

Document Type
Application PDF
Award Letter

Standard Format




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NHHSP Applicant Information Screen User Guide

Section 5: Applicant Data - CSV File Fields
Overview: The Grantee, (POL) will send a NHHSP CSV file with applicant data that will be uploaded to
BMISS and used to auto-populate data fields within the New NHHSP Award page. The CSV file can
include data for one or more applicants and the data will be exported from the POL source system
(currently FileMaker Pro). Below is a table that lists the specific CSV BMISS data fields expected to be
included in the file and characteristics of each.
Business Rules: The current BMISS values are intended to be used in any fields in the table below that
include the note “Provided POL BMISS Values”. If/when there are any updates in BMISS to those fields
they will need to be provided to POL to update their source system for the CSV data export. If those
values aren’t updated prior to the CSV file being populated/downloaded, BMISS will not include those
fields in the import process. BMISS will process default blank values in those fields that can be later
edited, either manually or via a file updated by either POL or the analyst during the CSV upload process.

Personal Information
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Middle Initial

BMISS Required

Data Type / Limits


String / 100 characters
String / 100 characters
String / 1 character
String / 4 characters



String / 5 characters



Number / 9 digits
String / 10 characters


String/ 250 characters
String/ 250 characters
String/ 100 characters
String/ 2 characters


String/ 20 characters
String/ 50 characters


String/ 250 characters
String/ 250 characters
String/ 100 characters

Home Address
Home Street Address 1
Home Street Address 2
Home City
Home State or Territory
Home Zip Code
Home Country

Mailing Address
Mailing Street Address 1
Mailing Street Address 2
Mailing City

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Field Type / Notes

Text box
Text box
Text box (1 character limit)
Dropdown (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr.)
Provided POL BMISS values
Provided POL BMISS values
Text box
Date picker (MM/DD/YYYY)

Text box
Text box
Text box
Provided POL BMISS values
Text box
Prepopulated with 'United
Provided POL BMISS values

Text box
Text box
Text box

Bureau of Health Workforce
NHHSP Applicant Information Screen User Guide
Mailing State


String/ 2 characters

Mailing Zip Code
Mailing Country


String/ 20 characters
String/ 50 characters


bit / 0 or 1



String / 50 characters
String / 10 characters
bit / 0 or 1
String / 50 characters
bit / 0 or 1
String / 50 characters
String / 250 characters
String / 250 characters

Text box
Text box
Text box
Text box
Text box
Text box

School Information
Year In School
Graduation Date
Funding Start Date
Funding End Date


Number/ 9999
String / 1 or 2 or 3 or 4
String / 10 characters
String / 10 characters
String / 10 characters

Read only text
Dropdown (1, 2, 3, 4)
Date picker (MM/DD/YYYY)
Date picker (MM/DD/YYYY)
Date picker (MM/DD/YYYY)

School Details
University Name


String / 250 characters

University Address 1


String/ 250 characters

University Address 2


String/ 250 characters

University City


String/ 100 characters

University State


String/ 2 characters

University Zip


String/ 20 characters



String / 250 characters



String / 250 characters

Read Only Text
Provided POL BMISS values
Read Only Text
Provided POL BMISS values
Read Only Text
Provided POL BMISS values
Read Only Text
Provided POL BMISS values
Read Only Text
Provided POL BMISS values
Read Only Text
Provided POL BMISS values
Provided POL BMISS values
Provided POL BMISS values


Number/ NULL(blank),
1, 2, 3


Number/ 0 or 1

Phone and Email
Daytime Non-US
Home Non-US Number
Mobile Non-US Number
Personal (Email)
Work (Email)

Continuation Yrs Req

In State / Out of State

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Provided POL BMISS values
Text box
Provided POL BMISS values

Will only be used as a validation
from the CSV and will
not be displayed in BMISS
In State = 1
Out of State = 0

Bureau of Health Workforce
NHHSP Applicant Information Screen User Guide

Section 6: Applicant Data - CSV File Format
Overview: The NHHSP CSV file provided by the Grantee, (POL) will be required to have a very specific file
format and order of fields in order to auto-populate the data in the New NHHSP Award page. Below is
the CSV file format and order expected.
Business Rules:

The CSV file must only include applicant data for the upcoming cohort.
The CSV file must following the specific format of fields and the order of fields listed below.
Required fields must be included in the CSV.
Blank values are permitted for non-required fields, however comma separated values are still
required for all fields.
The CSV file can contain one or more rows of applicant data, however each applicant requires a
unique row.
Leading zeros must be included in the CSV file for all fields such as Date, ZIP, and SSN (e.g.,
01/01/2020 vs 1/1/2010).

Expected NHHSP CSV File Format:
First Name, Last Name, Middle Name, Title, Suffix, SSN, DOB, Home Street Address 1, Home Street
Address 2, Home City, Home State, Home Zip, Home Country, Mailing Street Address 1, Mailing Street
Address 2, Mailing City, Mailing State, Mailing Zip, Mailing Country, Daytime Non-US Number, Daytime
Phone, Ext, Home Non-US Number, Home Phone, Mobile Non-US Number, Mobile Phone, Personal
Email, Work Email, Cohort, Year in School, Graduation Date, Funding Start Date, Funding End Date,
University Name, University Address 1, University Address 2, University City, University State, University
Zip, Degree, Discipline, Rank, Continuations Yrs Req, In State / Out of State
Sample CSV Data for a Single NHHSP Applicant:
"John","Smith","H","Mr.","Sr.","031987893","01/15/1985","771 Lucky Dr","Suite
2","Centreville","VA","22052","United States","888 Happy Dr","Suite
mail.com","2019","2","05/24/2022","07/01/2019","06/30/2020","University of Virginia", "388 Memory
Ln","Suite 200","Charlottesville","VA","22802","MD","Allopathic Physician","1","1","0"

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NHHSP Applicant Information Screen User Guide

Section 7: Applicant Data - NHHSP Disciplines & Degrees
Overview: The NHHSP program currently has a specific list of disciplines and corresponding degrees that
are accepted and can be used when submitting applicant data to BMISS. Below is a list of the NHHSP
discipline and degree combinations:
BMISS NHHSP Disciplines


Allopathic Physician


Clinical Psychology

Doctorate (non-MD or Ph.D)

Clinical Psychology


Dental Hygiene


Dental Hygiene








Marriage and Family Therapist


Nurse Mid-Wife


Nurse Practitioner


Nurse Practitioner

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


Doctorate (non-MD or Ph.D)

Osteopathic Physician



Doctorate (non-MD or Ph.D)

Physician Assistant


Physician Assistant

Doctorate (non-MD or Ph.D)

Public Health


Public Health

Doctorate (non-MD or Ph.D)

Registered Nurse


Registered Nurse


Registered Nurse


Social Work


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NHHSP Applicant Information Screen User Guide

Section 8: Applicant Data Transfer in BMISS
Overview: The NHHSP Analyst can upload the applicant CSV file for initial review in BMISS through the
NHHSP Applicant Data Transfer page within BMISS Intranet.
Please note that this initial process of CSV data upload will only result in creating Tasks within Task
Manager and does not create the official NHHSP participant profile and corresponding financial
obligations in BMISS. Further steps are needed within the submission of the New NHHSP Award in order
to create the NHHSP participant profile and financial obligations.
Business Rules: Analyst must have BMISS Intranet access and a NHHSP Reviewer role
1. NHHSP Analyst navigates to the NHHSP Application Data Transfer page in the following location
within BMISS Intranet: Programs > NHHSP > Applicant Data Transfer

Figure 9: Applicant Data Transfer Navigation
2. A manual CSV upload feature is available in which the analyst can select a file from their local
machine or network to upload awardee data to the page for review. A data table with the
following columns headers, that are a subset of the data from the CSV, will populate the
associated data in the table with the CSV uploaded data:

Checkbox (Select All and select individual rows)
First Name
Last Name
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Figure 10: NHHSP Applicant Data Transfer Page
3. After the CSV file is uploaded a successful banner message will be displayed. The analyst will
then be able to review the rows of data which each correspond to a single NHHSP applicant
within the CSV file. The analyst will be able to select the specific row(s) of data to submit to
create a Task within Task Dashboard.

Figure 11: Successful CSV Upload

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4. After the analyst clicks on the Submit button a pop-up will display to confirm that the specific
rows selected are correct and that Tasks should be created for the awardee(s).

Figure 12: Applicant Data Transfer Submission
5. A banner message will be displayed to confirm successful submission and task creation for the
awardee(s) selected. Additionally, a flag will be displayed for each row. The analyst can click on
the View Details button next to the flag to review the reason for the flag, which in this case will
be to indicate that a Task now exists for the awardee and the analyst will now be unable to
select and re-submit that row to create another Task.

Figure 13: CSV Data Successful Submission Banner
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6. If any of the rows selected for Task creation are unsuccessfully processed an error banner
message will be displayed for each individual awardee. The analyst will be able to re-select
those specific rows and re-submit.

Figure 14: CSV Data Failed Submission Banner

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NHHSP Applicant Information Screen User Guide

Section 9: Applicant Data Transfer – Validation Flags
Overview: The NHHSP Applicant Data Transfer page has a Flagged column designated to display
warnings and errors for each of the individual rows of data. For each flag the analyst can click on the
View Details button to view a pop-up with information about the reason for the flag. Additionally,
banner error messages can be displayed at the top of the page when an error occurs after the analyst
either uploads a CSV to the page or after a failed submission of selected data rows occurs. The analyst is
able to update the CSV data and upload the file again, or request that the Grantee, (POL) make the
correction and resubmit the file, so the analyst can repeat the import/upload process.
Business Rules: Analyst must have BMISS Intranet access and a NHHSP Reviewer role
CSV Validation Examples:
1. An error banner message will be displayed if any individual row does not included the required
number of comma separated values. In this case those specific rows will be identified by the row
number within the CSV file and will not be uploaded to the table on the page for possible
selection and submission.

Figure 15: CSV Validations Banner

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2. A flag will be displayed for a row that already has a Task within the BMISS Task Manager with a
matching SSN value. The analyst will be unable to select and submit that row for re-submission.

Figure 16: Existing Task Flag

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3. A flag will be displayed if a required field does not have data populated within the CSV file row.

Figure 17: Required Field Missing Flag

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4. A warning flag will be displayed if the CSV has a row with a SSN that already exists within BMISS
for a participant. However, in this case this flag only acts as a warning and the analyst will still be
able to select that particular row for submission to create a Task.

Figure 18: Duplicate SNN in BMISS Flag

Figure 19: Select Row with Duplicate SSN
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5. If two awardee rows within the same CSV have the same SSN an error flag will be displayed for
both and the analyst will not be able to select either until the CSV is updated and re-uploaded.

Figure 20: Duplicate SSN in CSV Flag
6. An error flag will be displayed and the analyst will be unable to select the row if a continuation is
requested but the awardee within the CSV is not an existing participant within BMISS.

Figure 21: Continuation Without Participant Flag
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Section 10: Applicant Data Transfer – Continuations
Overview: A ‘Continuations Years Requested’ field is included within each row of the CSV file. In the
event that the value for this field is 1, 2, or 3 (NULL(blank) is allowed, but 0 is not) and the awardee
requesting the continuation is an existing participant within BMISS, a flag will be displayed in the
Applicant Data Transfer page for that row. The analyst will not be able to submit that row to create a
Task for a New NHHSP Award. However, the View Details pop-up will contain a ‘Create Continuation’
link that will redirect the analyst to the continuation page in which the analyst can enter the required
data to submit the continuation request.
Business Rules: Analyst must have BMISS Intranet access and a NHHSP Reviewer role
1. Analyst clicks on the ‘Create Continuation’ link within the View Details pop-up.

Figure 22: Create Continuation Flag with Link

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2. Analyst submits all required documentation and data for the continuation request for the
existing BMISS participant.

Figure 23: Continuation Redirect

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Section 11: Task Dashboard
Overview: The Task Dashboard will contain all of the individual NHHSP Tasks created from the Applicant
Data Transfer page. Analysts can Run each task to auto-populate the CSV data for that awardee in the
New NHHSP Award page.
Business Rules: Analyst must have BMISS Intranet access and a NHHSP Reviewer role
1. Analyst navigates to Task Dashboard by clicking on the Task Dashboard link in the top right
corner of the BMISS Intranet portal.
2. Within Task Dashboard the analyst navigates to the NHHSP Tasks by clicking on Filter by Process
> Application Review > NHHSP Award Review > NHHSP Analyst Review.
3. Click on the Run button for the specific Task that needs to be run.

Figure 24: Task Dashboard Link

Figure 25: NHHSP Applicant Review Tasks

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Section 12: New NHHSP Award - Upload Supporting Documents
Overview: Once the analyst has navigated to the New NHHSP Awards Screen, the first section at the top
of the page will request that the analyst upload the required supporting documents. These include the

Award Letter
W-4 Form

Business Rules:
 Analyst must have BMISS Intranet access and a NHHSP Reviewer role.
 The system shall only accept documents in PDF format.
 The system shall require all three documents to be uploaded in order for analyst to submit the
page for participant conversion.
 The system shall allow the analyst to view the uploaded documents by clicking on the document

Analyst selects Browse under the document they wish to upload.
Analyst selects the appropriate document.
Analyst clicks the Upload button
The system displays the date, time, document, and document type at the top of the page (see
screenshot on the next page).
5. Analyst repeats these steps for all three documents.
6. Analyst scrolls down to the next section: Personal Information.

Figure 26: New NHHSP Supporting Documents
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Figure 27: New NHHSP Supporting Documents Upload Confirmation

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Section 13: New NHHSP Award - Personal Information
Overview: After uploading the required supporting documents, the analyst will review data autouploaded from the CSV and subsequent Task in the Personal Information section. For any missing data
the analyst can enter in the applicant’s personal information. This is divided into four sections of Full
Name, Phone and Email, Home Address, and Mailing Address. This information is needed for creating
the participant profile in BMISS.
Business Rules: System shall require the analyst to enter all required fields (fields with an *)
Analyst reviews all data auto-uploaded from the CSV and selected Task
2. Analyst enters data manually for any missing required fields

Figure 28: Personal Information

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Section 14: New NHHSP Award - School Information
Overview: The School Information section includes a read only University Details from CSV section of
data that can be used by the analyst to manually search and add a School ID # within the School Details
section. The Degree Details section has fields that can be auto-uploaded from the CSV or can be
manually updated as well by the analyst. The School ID, Discipline, Degree, and Cohort fields are
required to do a verification that a DCW exists within BMISS in order to process a NHHSP award
Business Rules: System shall require the analyst to enter all required fields (fields with an *)

Analyst reviews the read only data in the University Details from CSV section and can use this to
search BMISS for the associated School ID #.

Figure 29: School Information

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The analyst can click on the School Search link to open a separate BMISS tab to perform a

Figure 30: School Search Link


Enter the corresponding school, program, discipline, and degree details to perform a school
search. Copy the School ID to be entered in the previous page.

Figure 31: School ID

Enter the School ID # and click Update School. The School ID, Name, and State fields should be
displayed, along with a banner message at the top of the page.
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Figure 32: Update School ID

Figure 33: School ID Update Confirmation

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Section 15: New NHHSP Award - Financial Information
Overview: The CSV file does not include any data fields for the Financial Information section and will
require that the analyst manually input this section data.
Business Rules: System shall require the analyst to enter all required fields (fields with an *).

Analyst enters data manually for the Financial Information section

Figure 34: Financial Information

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Section 16: New NHHSP Award - Award Information
Overview: The Award Information section is intended to determine the award breakdown and total for
the participant. The Requested Funding Start Date, Requested Funding End Date, and In State / Out of
State selection can be auto-populated from the CSV data or can be manually updated by the analyst.
Additionally, the analyst will need to select a Fiscal Year and Funding Type to determine the source of
funding, and the specific years to fund the award. The system will validate to confirm that an existing
approved DCW is available in BMISS that matches the School/Discipline/Degree/Cohort combination
selected previously, and will then auto-calculate the award. The award can by dynamically updated if
the analyst changes the values for In State / Out of State selection or the specific years funded.
Business Rules:


System shall require the analyst to enter all required fields (fields with an *)
Fiscal Year and Funding Type must have sufficient budget for the award
The Requested Funding Start Date must start on or after 07/01/YYYY
The Requested Funding End Date must be after the Requested Funding Start Date and must end
on 06/30/YYYY
The Years with Funding Requested table will start with the selected Year in School value and will
have a maximum of four (4) years total. This table will have four rows for selection but will
disable any rows beyond four years
The Years with Funding Requested selected must begin with the first year available and must be
The Verified Start Date will default to 07/01/YYYY
The Verified End Date will default to 06/30/YYYY

1. Analyst reviews or selects values for all required fields:
 Fiscal Year and Funding Type
 Requested Funding Start Date
 Requested Funding End Date
 In State / Out of State

Figure 35: Award Information
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NHHSP Applicant Information Screen User Guide
2. Analyst selects the specific years to provide funding from the Years with Funding Requested

Figure 36: Years with Funding Requested Table
3. In the event in which the DCW validation errors are present the analyst must verify that an
approved DCW exists with the correct School / Discipline / Degree combination

Figure 37: DCW Validations
4. The system will auto-calculate the Award Breakdown and enable the Preview PAW button.

Figure 38: Award Breakdown

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NHHSP Applicant Information Screen User Guide

Section 17: New NHHSP Award - Preview PAW
Overview: After the auto-generated Award calculations are complete the system will enable a Preview
PAW button below the Award Breakdown. The analyst will be able to click on that button and download
an auto-generated PDF version of the NHHSP PAW in order to review the full break down of the award
and the DCW values that contributed to the Tuition, Stipend, and ORCs. Additionally, the PAW will
reflect the number of years of funding requested and will have a separate column of award data for
each year requested.
Business Rules: The Preview PAW functionality will be enabled once the Award calculation criteria are
1. Ensure that all criteria for the Award calculations are complete and click on the enabled Preview
PAW button.

Figure 39: Preview PAW Button

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NHHSP Applicant Information Screen User Guide
2. The analyst will be able to view the auto-generated NHHSP PAW in a separate browser tab or

Figure 40: PAW Preview

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NHHSP Applicant Information Screen User Guide

Section 18: New NHHSP Award - Save and Close
Overview: The system will allow the analyst to save the New NHHSP Award page prior to submission
without having all of the required fields completed. The analyst will then be able to return to complete
and submit at a later date by navigating to the Task Dashboard and selecting Run for the given Task.
Business Rules:

The Save functionality is only available for Tasks within Task Dashboard and will not be available
if an analyst creates a New NHHSP Award manually (Programs > NHHSP > New Award)
Data must be entered into one or more of the fields within the New NHHSP Award page to
enable Save

1. Analyst clicks on the Save and Close button

Figure 41: Save and Close
2. The analyst is redirected to Task Dashboard. The analyst can navigate back to Task Dashboard at
any time and click on the Run button to continue making updates and submit the Task

Figure 42: Run Task
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Section 19: New NHHSP Award - Cancel Award Task
Overview: Analysts are able to cancel NHHSP Award Tasks and remove them from the Task Dashboard.
Business Rules: Analysts can only cancel existing Tasks
1. Analyst clicks on the Cancel Award button on the New NHHSP Award page

Figure 43: Cancel Award
2. A confirmation pop-up is displayed and the analyst can click Yes to cancel the Award Task and
remove it from Task Dashboard

Figure 44: Cancel Award Task Confirmation

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NHHSP Applicant Information Screen User Guide

Section 20: New NHHSP Award - Submit Applicant Data
Overview: When the analyst is ready to submit the New NHHSP Award data to create the Participant
Profile and Financial Obligation they will be required to enter in comments, select Submit, and confirm.
Business Rules:

Analyst must enter comments to Submit.
After the analyst selects Submit, the system shall ask the analyst to Confirm Award.
When confirming, the system shall display all information as “Read Only.”
When confirming after selecting Submit, the analyst can select to go back and edit any
information. The analyst will need to then Submit again.
5. Analyst must select Confirm Award in order for the applicant information to be saved in BMISS.
1. Analyst enters in comments
2. Analyst selects Submit

Figure 45: Submit Button

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NHHSP Applicant Information Screen User Guide
3. System will ask the analyst to confirm the information entered on the page

Figure 46: Verify NHHSP Award Data
4. Analyst reviews the information and selects Confirm
5. Analyst is directed to the Participant Profile page in BMISS

Figure 47: Confirm NHHSP Award Data

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NHHSP Applicant Information Screen User Guide

Section 21: New NHHSP Award - Manual Input of Applicant Data
Overview: Analysts are also able to manually enter and submit New NHHSP Award data in order to
create a Participant Profile and Obligation without uploading a CSV in the NHHSP Applicant Data
Transfer page.
Business Rules:

System shall require the analyst to enter all required fields (fields with an *)
The analyst will not be able to Save data through this process since it is not a Task within Task

1. Analyst navigates to the New NHHSP Award screen (Programs > NHHSP > New Award)
2. Analyst manually enters all required fields and uploads documents
3. Analyst submits data for participant conversion

Figure 48: New NHHSP Award Navigation for Manual Input

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Section 22: NHHSP Participant Profile and Obligation
Overview: Once all NHHSP Applicant information has been submitted and confirmed, a participant
profile will automatically be created for the person based on the information that was entered. The
analyst will be automatically taken to the person’s participant profile page upon submission of the
applicant information. The applicant will not have been awarded and converted to participant at this
point, although their participant profile will have been created. The applicant will be ready for batching
after submission of applicant information.
Business Rules:

Basic participant information will be captured at the top of the page within the header section
System will pre-populate the person’s information on their participant profile page based on the
information that was entered on the New NHHSP Award screen

1. The analyst will be automatically redirected to the Participant Profile after submitting the New
NHHSP Award data. Additionally the analyst can navigate to this page through a Participant
Search (Participant > Participant Search)

Figure 49: NHHSP Participant Profile

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NHHSP Applicant Information Screen User Guide
2. The Financial Information section will display the Contract, Award Letter, and PAW documents
which can be viewed and downloaded

Figure 50: Financial Information Documents
3. The analyst will be able to navigate to all of the sections within the Participant Profile to view
and edit data fields

Figure 51: Participant Profile Section Navigation
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NHHSP Applicant Information Screen User Guide

Section 23: Resolving Issues
Please follow the instructions to resolve any problems a NHHSP Analyst might have:
For Technical Issues:
When a technical issue is encountered, e.g. Analyst cannot upload the supporting documents, the issue
should be logged in JIRA with a detailed description of the problem. At this point, the BMISS Production
Support Team would define and resolve the issue as well as notify the analyst of the resolution.
Logging Issues:
 When logging tickets into JIRA:
o Log tickets as a Defect within the BMISS DBO Partners (BDP) project
o Attach a screenshot to the ticket (if applicable)
o Include the following details in the Description section:
 The page that the issue was found on = New NHHSP Award Screen
 Applicant information: BMISS unique ID, email, phone number, and Full name
 The Web Browser the analyst was using
 The frequency of the issue

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2020-05-12
File Created2019-03-27

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