Questionnaire ID_Question 39_2022 Monitoring Data_2023.11.02_To EPA.xlsx

Chromium Finishing Industry Data Collection (New)

Questionnaire ID_Question 39_2022 Monitoring Data_2023.11.02_To EPA.xlsx

OMB: 2040-0308

Document [xlsx]
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Data Table
Field Descriptions

Sheet 1: Instruction

Title: Template Excel Workbook for Question 39 of the Chromium Finishing Questionnaire
Author: United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of Water
OMB Control No.: 2040-NEW
OMB Approval Date: 8/1/2023
OMB Approval Expires: 8/1/2023

Questionnaire ID: [enter your Questionnaire ID here]

Instruction: 1) Enter your Questionnaire ID (provided to you in the notification letter from EPA) into the yellow cell above (Cell B13).

2) Complete the Data Table worksheet by entering all pollutant monitoring data for PFAS and non-PFAS pollutants for samples collected at the facility in calendar year 2022. List each individual sampling result in a separate row on the Data Table worksheet. The table below specifies what data should be included in your response. See the Field Descriptions worksheet for a description of each field. See the Example worksheet for an example of how to report sample results in the Data Table worksheet.


- All individual sample results for PFAS and non-PFAS parameters. - Average or aggregated sample results.

- Results for wastewater samples collected at any location within the facility and at permitted wastewater outfalls during calendar year 2022. This includes in-plant sampling points and samples of untreated wastewater, wastewater treatment unit influent, wastewater treatment unit effluent, and wastewater that is discharged or transferred off site. - Results for source water samples or groundwater monitoring samples. Only wastewaters that were reported in Section 3 should be included.

- Results for non-PFAS parameters that are analyzed with a laboratory method/procedure approved in 40 CFR Part 136. - Results for non-PFAS parameters that are analyzed with a laboratory method/procedure not approved in 40 CFR Part 136.

- Results for PFAS and aggregated fluorine parameters (e.g., absorbable organic fluorine, total fluorine) regardless of laboratory method/procedure used to analyze the sample (the analytical method need not be an EPA approved method). - Results for samples collected and analyzed for purposes of process control.

- Detection and nondetection results.

3) When you have completed entering all applicable data into the Data Table worksheet, save and close this file. Update the file name to replace the "Questionnaire ID" with your facility's assigned Questionnaire ID (e.g., "CRF####_Question 39_2022 Monitoring Data.xlsx").

4) Upload the completed, renamed file in the file upload/response field for Question 39 in Qualtrics. See the General Instructions file for guidance on submitting electronic copies of workbooks documents and other attachments via Qualtrics.

Sheet 2: Data Table

Parameter Name Parameter Type CAS Registry Number Sample Collection Date
Detection Indicator Measured Value Reporting Limit (RL) Value Unit of Measure Analytical Method Name Sample Collection Location Type Sample Collection Location Name Is Data Representative of Typical Wastewater Conditions?
Sampling or Analysis Notes

Sheet 3: Field Descriptions

Parameter Name Name of chemical substance measured, as reported in the original data source. Also known as analyte.
Parameter Type Indicates whether the parameter is a non-PFAS, PFAS, or an aggregated fluorine analyte.
CAS Registry Number Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) number specific to each chemical substance (analyte) measured.
Sample Collection Date Date the sample was collected. Reported as mm/dd/yyyy.
Detection Indicator Indicates whether the sample was detected at or above the sample-specific RL, below the sample-specific RL, or was not detected.
Measured Value Quantifiable concentration of analyte in the sample. Also known as sampling result. If the value was not detected at or above the sample-specific RL, leave this field blank.
Reporting Limit (RL) Value Reporting limit. Lowest concentration of an analyte that produces a quantitative result within specified limits of precision and bias. Sometimes referred to as the quantification limit or limit of quantification.
Unit of Measure Indicate the unit of measure for the Measured Value and Reporting Limit (RL) Value fields.
Analytical Method Name Analytical method used to measure/quantify the amount of the specified analyte in the sample.
Sample Collection Location Type Indicates whether the sample was collected from an in-plant location or at a permitted outfall.
Sample Collection Location Name Sample point identifier or specific location of sample collected as identified in the wastewater flow diagram (Section 4).
Is Data Representative of Typical Wastewater Conditions?
Indicates whether the data result provided is representative of typical wastewater conditions. Respondents may also use this flag to identify sample results that are outliers or have quality issues (e.g., includes a quality control flag in the laboratory analytical report. If no is selected, please provide an explanation in the Sampling or Analysis Notes field.
Sampling or Analysis Notes Any additional information describing the individual sample result.

Sheet 4: Example

Parameter Name Parameter Type CAS Registry Number Sample Collection Date
Detection Indicator Measured Value Reporting Limit (RL) Value Unit of Measure Analytical Method Name Sample Collection Location Type Sample Collection Location Name Is Data Representative of Typical Wastewater Conditions?
Sampling or Analysis Notes
Chromium, total (Cr) Non-PFAS 7440-47-3 1/15/2022 Detection above RL 225 1 mg/l EPA 200.8 In-plant (prior to discharge) SP-1 Yes Untreated process wastewater
Chromium, total (Cr) Non-PFAS 7440-47-3 1/15/2022 Detection above RL 30 1 mg/l EPA 200.8 In-plant (prior to discharge) SP-2 Yes Effluent from GAC units (prior to commingling with nonprocess wastewaters)
Chromium, total (Cr) Non-PFAS 7440-47-3 1/15/2022 Detection above RL 15 1 mg/l EPA 200.8 Permitted outfall (final discharge) SP-3 Yes Final effluent from wastewater treatment
Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) PFAS 45298-90-6 1/15/2022 Detection above RL 25 10 ng/l EPA 1633 In-plant (prior to discharge) SP-1 Yes Untreated process wastewater
Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) PFAS 45298-90-6 1/15/2022 Detection below RL
10 ng/l EPA 1633 In-plant (prior to discharge) SP-2 Yes Effluent from GAC units (prior to commingling with nonprocess wastewaters)
Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) PFAS 45298-90-6 1/15/2022 Non-detection
10 ng/l EPA 1633 Permitted outfall (final discharge) SP-3 Yes Final effluent from wastewater treatment
Absorbable organic fluorine (AOF) Aggregated Fluorine
1/15/2022 Detection above RL 5000 100 ng/l EPA 1621 In-plant (prior to discharge) SP-1 Yes Untreated process wastewater.
Absorbable organic fluorine (AOF) Aggregated Fluorine
1/15/2022 Detection above RL 250 100 ng/l EPA 1621 In-plant (prior to discharge) SP-2 Yes Effluent from GAC units (prior to commingling with nonprocess wastewaters)
Absorbable organic fluorine (AOF) Aggregated Fluorine
1/15/2022 Detection below RL
100 ng/l EPA 1621 Permitted outfall (final discharge) SP-3 Yes Final effluent from wastewater treatment

Sheet 5: Dropdowns

Parameter Type Detection Indicator Units of Measure Sample Collection Location Type Is Data Representative of Typical Wastewater Conditions?
Non-PFAS Non-detection mg/l In-plant (prior to discharge) Yes
PFAS Detection below RL µg/l Permitted outfall (final discharge) No (specify why in Sampling or Analysis Notes field)
Aggregated Fluorine Detection above RL ng/l

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