eZ-Audit: Electronic Submission of Financial Statements and Compliance Audits

eZ-Audit: Electronic Submission of Financial Statements and Compliance Audits


eZ-Audit: Electronic Submission of Financial Statements and Compliance Audits

OMB: 1845-0072

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Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

Table of Contents

eZ-Audit Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 3

Frequently Asked Questions….......................................................................................3
eZ-Audit Technical Requirements .................................................................................4

School Group Submissions ........................................................................................................... 5
eZ-Audit Submission Requirements ............................................................................................. 6
eZ-Audit Rules of Behavior .......................................................................................................... 7

Questions/Concerns .....................................................................................................11

eZ-Audit Registration ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Administrative Tasks/Security............................................................................................................................. 14

Login ........................................................................................................................................... 14

New User Login ...........................................................................................................16
Update My Profile Page ..............................................................................................18
Forgot Password .........................................................................................................19
Logout ..........................................................................................................................22
My Profile ....................................................................................................................24
Change Challenge Questions ......................................................................................26
Change Password ........................................................................................................27
Navigation ...................................................................................................................28
Data Edits ....................................................................................................................29

Manage Users ..................................................................................................................................................... 30

Types of Users and Responsibilities ........................................................................................... 30

Institution Administrator Homepage ...........................................................................30
Creating/Deleting Data Entry/Submitter Users ..........................................................32

Institution Profile Page/Status ............................................................................................................................ 34

Institution Profile .........................................................................................................34

Historical Submissions ............................................................................................................... 36
Annual Submission ............................................................................................................................................. 37

Funding Gateway Question ........................................................................................................ 37
Annual Submissions .................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

FSA Annual Submission Financial Statements ........................................................................ 48

PRIMARY RESERVE RATIO ...................................................................................................................... 51
EQUITY RATIO........................................................................................................................................... 56
NET INCOME RATIO................................................................................................................................. 58
STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION ................................................................................................ 59
STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................................... 62

FSA Annual Submission Compliance Audit Information ........................................................ 64
FSA Annual Submission Completeness Checklist..................................................................... 67
FSA Annual Submission Upload Attachments .......................................................................... 71
FSA Annual Submission-Submit ............................................................................................... 74

Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
Merger/Change in Ownership............................................................................................................................. 76

Financial Statement .................................................................................................................... 76

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION ................................................................................................ 78

Merger/Change in Ownership Submission Upload Attachments ............................................. 81
Merger/Change in Ownership Submission-Submit ................................................................... 83
Change in FY End ............................................................................................................................................... 85

Change in FY END Submission ................................................................................................. 85
Closeout Audit Submission ................................................................................................................................. 86

Closeout Audit Compliance Audit Information ......................................................................... 87
Closeout Audit Submission Completeness Checklist ................................................................. 90
Closeout Audit Submission Upload Attachments ...................................................................... 92
Closeout Audit Submission-Submit ............................................................................................ 95
New Institution/ReinstatementSubmission .......................................................................................................... 96

New Institution/Reinstatement Submission Financial Statement............................................. 96
Primary Reserve Ratio ................................................................................................................ 98
Equity Ratio................................................................................................................................. 98
Net Income Ratio ........................................................................................................................ 98
Statement of Financial Position ................................................................................................. 98
Statement of Activities................................................................................................................. 98
New Institution/Reinstatement Submission Completeness Checklist ....................................... 99
New Institution/Reinstatement Submission Upload Attachments ........................................... 101
New Institution/Reinstatement Submission-Submit ................................................................ 104
Stub Audit Submission ...................................................................................................................................... 106

Stub Audit Submission Compliance Audit Information .......................................................... 106
Stub Audit Submissions Completeness Checklist .................................................................... 108
Stub Audit Submissions Upload Attachments.......................................................................... 110
Stub Audit Submission-Submit................................................................................................. 112
Waiver/Exemption Request ............................................................................................................................... 114
Additional Information...................................................................................................................................... 115

Additional Information Submission ......................................................................................... 115
Letters/ Notifications ........................................................................................................................................ 117
Notifications ..................................................................................................................................................... 117
Resubmission/ Incomplete Letter ...................................................................................................................... 118
Delinquent Letter .............................................................................................................................................. 120
Reminder Email ................................................................................................................................................ 122


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

eZ-Audit Overview
Frequently Asked Questions…
What is eZ-Audit?
eZ-Audit is a web based paperless single point of submission for financial statements and compliance
audits. A designee from your entity simply signs on to eZ-Audit, enters summary audit and financial data
directly from your report into a web form, attaches an electronic version of the report, and hits the submit
button. Your submission through eZ-Audit will allow for more rapid and efficient processing by the
Department of Education (ED) and therefore provide you with immediate feedback.
How does eZ-Audit work?
1. Your school submits its compliance audit data and summary financial data via
an internet web form (follow this manual for complete instructions).
2. Your school also attaches an electronic copy of your financial statement and
compliance audit in a non- editable pdf format (using Adobe Acrobat).
3. The eZ-Audit system automatically forwards flagged financials and deficient
audits to FSA’s School Participation Management Team for resolution.
4. School Participation Teams communicate with you to reach resolution.
5. As desired, you can periodically check eZ-Audit for the status of your report.
How does eZ-Audit Benefit You?
You will receive instant acknowledgement of receipt – no more lost reports!
You will no longer need to make any copies or send reports in the mail to ED.
Processing times will be greatly reduced, thus allowing for quicker remediation of findings.
Web forms will contain pre-populated fields.
There are no new reporting requirements – data entry will be limited to the same data already
contained in the reports.
The time spent submitting these forms should be less than 1 hour.
Status of your submissions will be accessible to you online at any time.
eZ-Audit Help Desk assistance is available at fsaezaudit@ed.gov or by calling 1-877-263-0780,
Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. ET.
Who at my entity will use eZ-Audit?
eZ-Audit Institution/Entity Administrator, selected by your entity, is responsible for:
Registering your entity with eZ-Audit
Providing/managing access to data entry and submission approval personnel, as identified by your
Maintaining security information regarding entity’s users as required
eZ-Audit Data Entry Users, selected by your entity, are responsible for:
Entering data into the eZ-Audit system
Attaching non-editable, pdf files of financial statements and compliance audits
eZ-Audit Submission Approvers, selected by your entity, are responsible for:
Reviewing the submission prior to “submit”
Approving the submission via the “submit” action

What role should my auditor play in eZ-Audit?
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Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
You may choose to ask your auditor to serve in all roles listed above. It your auditor is not selected as a
Data Entry/Submitter User; you may request that your auditor electronically sends you your financial
statements and compliance audits in the non-editable pdf format using Adobe Acrobat. Please note that
the pdf files containing your financial statements and compliance audits will be included as attachments to
your eZ-Audit submission – all signature pages in the financial statements and compliance audits, as well
as the entity’s corrective action plan, must be scanned.

eZ-Audit Technical Requirements

eZ-Audit is a web-based application. This means you will not need to load a new application
on your computer. You will simply need to ensure that you have an Internet browser –
Internet Explorer 11.0 or higher.
If you receive an error that does not allow you to access eZ-Audit when you type in
the URL from your Internet browser, please contact your network administrator and
request that he/she do one of the following:


Open your firewall to allow all 165.224.xxx.xxx addresses through, which would
allow your entity access to all ed.gov sites
Conduct a lookup on ezaudit.ed.gov which will allow your entity access to eZ-Audit

eZ-Audit requires you to attach a non-editable pdf version of your annual submissions. Adobe Acrobat must
be used to create this attachment.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
School Group Submissions

ED considers a school group as a collection of schools whereby a single school within the group
(what ED calls the submitting institution (Locator) or a designated representative (such as a
State Auditor) submits a single consolidated financial statement and compliance audit together to
The submitting institution (Locator) must be located in the same state/region as the Corporate
Headquarters. If there are no schools located in the same state/region, the lowest OPEID in the group
will continue to be the submitting institution (Locator).
Foreign Schools that submit consolidated (covering more than one OPEID) financial
statements and multiple compliance audits will complete the Compliance Audit
Information, Checklist and Upload pages for each (OPEID) school in the group. The
submitting institution (Locator) can submit for all OPEIDs or the member school can
complete and submit their own information. The member school must be registered (See
Registration Instructions).
School Group Compliance Audit Information Page:


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When more than one OPEID is covered ED considers this to be a school group.
The school group should designate one of the OPEIDs as the submitting
institution. The submitting institution registers with the eZ-Audit and does the
submission for all of the schools in the school group. As part of the eZ-Audit
submission, the submitting institution has to complete the Compliance Audit
Information page. This should be done only once, covering all of the schools in
the school group. In answering the questions on the page, the submitting
institution should answer ‘Yes” if the condition applies to any of the schools. For
example, if any of the schools participates in FFEL programs, the answer for the
school group would be ‘Yes’.
If you have additional questions regarding school groups, please send
an email to fsaezaudit@ed.gov or contact the eZ-Audit Help Desk at

Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
eZ-Audit Submission Requirements

Effective June 16, 2003, all Title IV participating schools are required to submit audited
financial statements and compliance audits electronically, via eZ-Audit, to the Department
of Education. (Please see May 16, 2003 Federal Register)
When must an institution submit financial statements and/or compliance audit?
 All participating institutions must submit financial statements and
compliance audits annually. (34 CFR 668.23)
Foreign For-Profit institutions’ financial statements and compliance
audit is due six months after the end of the fiscal year (34 CFR
o All Foreign For-Profit institutions will have to answer a question “Have
you disbursed Title IV funds?” before starting a submission.
** If your school did not disburse any Title IV funds, then you
answer NO to the question “Have you disbursed Title IV funds?”
and you only have to submit financial statements portion of the
Annual Submission known as “No Title IV Activity Financial
Statement Submission.”
** If your school did disburse any Title IV funds then you answer
YES to the question “Have you disbursed Title IV funds?” and you
have to submit both financial statements and compliance Audit
portion of the Annual Submission known as “Annual Submission.”
 If you are seeking initial participation in the Title IV Program.
o Please note that an Application for Approval to Participate in Federal
Student Aid Programs (https://eligcert.ed.gov) should be filed at the
time of your submission.
 If you undergo a change in ownership, merger or change in structure.
o Please note that an Application for Approval to Participate in Federal
Student Aid Programs (https://eligcert.ed.gov) should be filed at the
time of your submission.
 If you wish to be reinstated to participate in Title IV program(s).
o Please note that an Application for Approval to Participate in Federal
Student Aid Programs (https://eligcert.ed.gov) should be filed at the
time of your submission.
 If your institution closes or loses eligibility to participate in the Title IV
o Please note that you need only submit a close out audit.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
eZ-Audit Rules of Behavior

eZ-Audit is a Department of Education system. Department of Education computer systems are provided
for the processing of Official U.S. Government information only. All data contained on Department of
Education computer systems is owned by the Department of Education and may be monitored,
intercepted, recorded, read, copied or captured in any manner and disclosed in any manner, by
authorized personnel. THERE IS NO RIGHT OF PRIVACY IN THIS SYSTEM. System personnel may
give to law enforcement officials any potential evidence of crime found on Department of Education
computer systems. Unauthorized use of this system is a violation of Federal law and can be punished
with fines or imprisonment (P.L. 99-474). “Use of this system by any user, authorized or unauthorized,
constitutes consent to this monitoring, interception, recording, reading, copying, and disclosure.”
You may decide to send FSA information, including personally identifying information. The information
you supply
– whether through a secure Web form, a standard Web form, or by sending an electronic mail message –
is maintained by FSA for the purpose of processing your request or inquiry. Various employees of FSA
may see the information you submit in the course of their official duties. The information may also be
shared by FSA with third parties to advance the purpose for which you provide the information, including
other federal or state government agencies. For example, if you file a complaint, it may be sent to a
financial institution for action, or information may be supplied to the Department of Justice in the event it
appears that federal criminal statutes have been violated by an entity you are reporting to FSA.
The primary use of personally identifying information will be to enable the government to contact you in
the event we have questions regarding the information you have reported. If you are concerned about
how information about you may have been used in connection with the eZ-Audit web site, or you have
questions about FSA’s privacy policy and information practices, you should e-mail us at
webmaster@fsa.ed.gov. Electronic mail is not necessarily secure. You are advised to be cautious when
sending electronic mail containing sensitive, confidential information. As an alternative, we advise users
to give consideration to using postal mail.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools


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Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

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Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools


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Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
1. Rules of Behavior to view the detail rules
2. Accept & Continue
3. webmaster@fsa.ed.gov
All eZ-Audit users are required to carefully read the eZ-Audit Rules of Behavior
document that can be accessed via the web at https://ezaudit.ed.gov.



June 2021

eZ-Audit will continue to post updates and critical information to the eZ-Audit website and the
Knowledge Center at https://fsapartners.ed.gov.
Contact the eZ-Audit help desk at fsaezaudit@ed.gov or by calling 1-877-263-0780.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

eZ-Audit Registration
All institutions must submit a registration request letter to the Department of Education
in order to gain access to eZ-Audit. If you are a new owner (Merger/Change In
Ownership) please see the eZ-Audit Welcome Page and click on Registration
Instructions for details.
To register, please mail a letter on your school’s letterhead that includes the following:

First and Last Name of appropriate person in authority (e.g. President/CEO/Chancellor)
Signature of person named in #1 above
First and Last Name of eZ-Audit Institution Administrator
Signature of designated eZ-Audit Institution Administrator
e-mail address of eZ-Audit Institution Administrator
Phone number and extension (if necessary) of eZ-Audit Institution Administrator
Fax Number
Fiscal Year End Date

If you are a State Auditor, please mail a letter on your state’s letterhead that includes the following:

First and Last Name of appropriate person in authority
Signature of person named in #1 above
First and Last Name of eZ-Audit Institution Administrator
Signature of designated eZ-Audit Institution Administrator
e-mail address of eZ-Audit Institution Administrator
Phone number and extension (if necessary) of eZ-Audit Institution Administrator
Fax Number
Fiscal Year End Date
Attach list of all schools covered in the Statewide Audit. The list should include the
name of school and OPE ID.

Note: This data is requested for information purposes only, and will help eZ-Audit provide
better Customer Service.
How will I receive my registration confirmation and eZ-Audit Institution Administrator user ID
and password? Your registration confirmation and eZ-Audit Institution Administrator user ID
and temporary password will be sent to the email address provided in the registration request
letter that you mailed to the Department of Education.
You will receive two registration confirmation emails. The first email from eZ-Audit will
include your user name and instructions for accessing the eZ-Audit website. For security
purposes, your temporary password will be delivered in a second email from eZ-Audit.
Once I have sent in my Registration Request letter and have received my registration
confirmation emails, when and how do I begin using eZ-Audit?
To access eZ-Audit simply type in the URL, www.ezaudit.ed.gov in your internet browser, and
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Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
when the eZ- Audit login screen appears, type in the user name and temporary password you
received through email from eZ- Audit.
Please be sure to log on to the eZ-Audit system immediately, in order to change your
temporary password and ensure your access to the site is secure.
What if I need to change my Institution Administrator?
To change your Institution Administrator a new registration letter, following registration
instructions, must be submitted. The new Institution Administrator will receive a username and
password within 48 hours of receipt.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

Administrative Tasks/Security

After typing in the URL https://ezaudit.ed.gov in your Internet browser, the “Welcome to eZAudit” screen below should appear:

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Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
1. Enter the username provided to you by email during the registration process.
2. Enter in your password or your temporary password if this is your first time using this site.
3. Single click the LOGIN button-this will take you to your institution’s homepage.


Your user name will be the first letter of your first name, the first five letters of
your last name and 2 numeric characters. Your username and password are
case sensitive. If you are locked out after 3 unsuccessful attempts at login
you must wait 30 minutes then try again.

**If you have an existing user logging in for the first time, you will be presented
with the challenge questions and answers page where you will select the
questions and answer them accordingly.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
New User Login
If you are a new eZ-Audit user and have successfully logged into eZ-Audit for the first time, you will
be presented with the following screen after the Password Reset Functionality has been

There are two sets of challenge questions to choose and answer accordingly.
1. Select a challenge question from the first drop down list. You will have the
following selection: Challenge Question List 1:
What month is your mother born?
What is your father’s middle name?
In what city was your mother born?
Which hospital where you born in?
Who is your favorite author?
2. Type your answer to the question you have selected.
3. Select a challenge question from the first drop down list. You will have the
following selection: Challenge Question List 2:
What is your favorite color?
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Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

What is your favorite flower?
What is your child’s middle name?
Who is your favorite athlete?
What is your favorite movie?

4. Type your answer to the question you have selected.
5. Click on the SUBMIT button. This will take you to the Update My Profile page where you will
type in your new password.


All answers are case sensitive. You will not be able to view the answers as you
type them in.

1. Click the SAVE button to ensure all changes are successfully captured by the system.
Please note by selecting the save button you are also accepting the Rules of Behavior.
2. Click the RESET button to cancel entries and begin again.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
Update My Profile Page
After you successfully login by clicking on the Submit button from the Challenge Questions
page the following screen will appear on the screen. Enter your new password:


1. Type in your new password.
2. Re-type in your new password.


June 2021

The password must be 12-40 characters in length and must include uppercase,
lowercase letters and numeric values. Each password shall contain each of the
following four types of characters: English uppercase letters (A-Z). English
lowercase letters (a-z). Westernized Arabic numerals (0-9). Non-alphanumeric
special characters (such as !,@,#,$,&,*). Clicking the SAVE button ensures all
information has been saved by the system. Please note that the system will
automatically prompt you to change your password every 90 days. Follow the same
process described above to make this change. If you require additional help, contact
the Help Desk at 1-877-263- 0780.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
Forgot Password
If you forget your password, click on the “Forgot Password?” link from the login page.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
By clicking on “Forgot Password?” link, the Password Reset page should appear
requesting your user information:


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Click on the check box to indicate that you are an institution user.
Enter your username.
Enter the OPEID of your institution.
Click the SUBMIT button. This will take to the Password Reset page with the challengequestions.
Click the RESET button to cancel current entries and begin again.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
Challenge Questions
After eZ-Audit validates your username, the questions you initially chose will appear:

1. Please type your answer to the first question.
2. Please type your answer to the second question.
3. Click the SUBMIT button. This will take you to a page that informs you a temporary password
has been sent to your email.
4. Click the RESET button to cancel current entries and begin again.


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The answers are case sensitive.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

If you clicked on the LOGIN button from the page above, this will bring you to your institution’s
homepage. The screen below should appear with your institution’s name:


1. To logout of the eZ-Audit system, click on the LOGOUT button at the top of this
page. The screen shown on the next page should appear if you have successfully
logged out of thesystem.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

2. To log back into the eZ-Audit system click on the underlined link above and repeat the LOGIN


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Your eZ-Audit session will automatically expire after 30 minutes of
inactivity. If you have not saved your work when the session expires, data
will be lost.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
My Profile

To update your profile (i.e. username, email address, phone number, password, etc.), repeat the
LOGIN step. This will take you to your institution’s eZ-Audit homepage. The screen below should
appear with your institution’s name:


1. Click on the underlined text “Update My User profile” located on the lower left-hand side
of the screen. This will take you to the Update My Profile page shown on the next page.


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This page is used to update your user profile information such as name, email
address, phone, password, etc.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
If you clicked on the underlined text “Update My User profile” on your institution’s homepage, the
screen below should appear:

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Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

Take a moment to review the information on this screen for accuracy. If
changes need to be made, update the information as necessary and enter
any missing information. Remember to SAVE your changes!!!

Change Challenge Questions
To change your challenge questions, repeat the My Profile step, taking you to the Update My
Profile page. The screen shown below appears at the bottom of that page:



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Select a question from the first dropdown list.
Select a question from the second drop down list.
Enter your answer to the first question you have selected.
Enter your answer to the second question you have selected.
Click the SAVE button to ensure all changes are successfully captured by the system.
Click the RESET button to cancel current entries and begin again.
All answers are case sensitive. You will not be able to view the answers as you type
them in.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
Change Password

To change your password, repeat the My Profile step. This will take you to the Update My Profile page.
The screen shown below should appear at the midsection of that page:



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Type your old or temporary password.
Type your new password.
Retype your new password.
Click the SAVE button to ensure all changes are successfully captured by the system.
Click the RESET button to cancel current entries and begin again.
The password must be 8-15 characters in length and must include at least 3 of
the following: Uppercase, lowercase letters and numeric values. Clicking the
SAVE button ensures all information has been saved by the system. Please note
that the system will automatically prompt you to change your password every 90
days. Follow the same process described above to make this change. If you
require additional help, contact the eZ-Audit Help desk at 1-877-263-0780.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

To move from field to field in the eZ-Audit system, simply press the Tab button on your computer.
This takes you from one field to the next.



1. To go back to a previous screen or action, simply click on the back or forward button.
2. To move across forms or sections in the system, click the underlined text of interest.
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Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
Data Edits

Edit checks will be automatically performed on each page when you click on any of the transaction
buttons such as the “SAVE or SAVE and PROCEED” buttons. If any invalid data entries are
detected, the page will redisplay with error message(s) at the top indicating the field that needs to
be corrected and the correction to be made. To continue, make the changes indicated by the
message(s) displayed and click the “SAVE or SAVE and PROCEED” buttons. This will allow for
the submission process to continue. The system will not allow you to submit to the Department of
Education without correcting the errors. See sample screens below:


June 2021

The eZ-Audit system does not allow punctuation marks in the fields. For example, “$”
dollar, “:”colon and “,” comma signs input into the system will result in an error
message. All fields on the Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Activities
must be completed. Enter zero (0) for any null/non applicable responses. When
entering auditor TIN do not use hyphen.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

Manage Users
Types of Users and Responsibilities
1. The eZ-Audit Institution Administrator, selected by your school, is responsible for:

Registering your school with eZ-Audit
Providing/managing access to data entry and submission approval
personnel, as identified by your school
o Maintaining security information regarding schools’ users as required
2. The eZ-Audit Data Entry Users, selected by your school at registration are responsible
o Entering data into the eZ-Audit system
o Attaching non-editable, pdf files of audited financial statements and compliance
3. The eZ-Audit Submission Approvers, selected by your school, are responsible for:
o Reviewing the submission prior to “submit”
o Approving the submission via the “submit” action

Institution Administrator Homepage

To log into the eZ-Audit system as your institution’s administrator, repeat the LOGIN step.
The screen below should appear once your administrator’s username and password has
been entered and verified by the system. This screen below is different between persons
having administrator or user’s rights:

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Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools


1. The MANAGE USERS button should be displayed if you have administrator’s
rights to this system. Click on it to perform any of the manage users’ tasks
such as adding or deleting a user. The screen on the next page should appear.
2. This should read the name of your institution. Confirm that this is correct.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
Creating/Deleting Data Entry/Submitter Users

If you clicked on the “Manage Users” button, the screen below should appear:

1. Click on the DELETE USER button to delete a user from the system.
2. Click on the “ADD USER” button to add a user to the system.

3. Complete all required fields providing the name and contact information for the “New User”.
4. Do not forget to specify the New User’s role(s) (see “Manage Users” for role definition).
5. Remember to click on the “ADD USER” button to save all entries. NOTE: If you
are adding “submitter” or “data entry” as a user role and the user is currently logged
in, they must logout and login again for the roles to take effect.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools


June 2021

Each registered institution’s administrator will have the capability to add or delete
a user for their institution. When a new user is added, the user will receive 2 email
notifications, one containing their username and the other containing the user’s
temporary password.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

Institution Profile Page/Status
Institution Profile

This is a sample of what an institution’s profile page should look like. Institutions should
confirm that the information is correct.


1. To view the Institution Profile, click on the Institution Name:


June 2021

Each Institution Profile can be viewed from Home page and any submission
Page when clicked on the Institution Name.
Changes to the Institution’s Profile can only be made via the eAPP. School group listings are
also listed on this page. If there is a discrepancy with the school group listing please contact the
eZ-Audit Help Desk at1-877-263-0780.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
Historical Submissions

This page provides a history of the institution’s past transactions as available in the eZ-Audit system.
You may view prior submissions at any time. Please note that you will have “read” only access to
these historical submissions.

1. To view a historical submission, click on the type of submission link.

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

Annual Submission
Funding Gateway Question

The user will be asked about the type of funding before proceeding to the corresponding

Based on DL Student Account Statement (SAS) Disbursement Detail on Demand
Report from COD web, identify your funding total for the fiscal year.

a. Foreign Private Funding Received $0 (No Funding)

When the user hovers on $0 (No Funding radio button) to the initial gateway
question, the system will display the following as a hover message before the user
selects the radio button.
“You are required to submit No Title IV Financial Statements (home country) for FYE
mm/dd/yyyy and Compliance Audit Report is not required”

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools


When the user selects the radio button and hits submit button, the system should
navigate the user to the No Title IV submission page. (Please see reference to
Non-Title IV Submission)
b. Foreign Private Funding Received<500,000($1-$499,999.99)
- Financial Statements (Non-Exception)
- Compliance Audit (Alternative or Standard Engagement CA Report)


When the user hovers over $1-$499,999.99 to the initial gateway question, and if their
previous (most recent) submission was NOT a New Institution submission, then the
system will display the following as a hover message before the user selects the radio
“You are Not required to submit a financial statement, however, required to submit an
Alternative or Standard Engagement Compliance Audit Report for FYE mm/dd/yyyy”

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools


When the user selects the radio button and hits submit button, the system will navigate
the user to submit Annual Compliance Audit Report and upon submission, system will
display the following message on school’s homepage.
“Your Compliance Audit Report has been received by the Department of Education for
FYE mm/dd/yyyy and No submission of Financial Statement is required”
c. Foreign Private - Funding Received<500,000 ($1 to $499,999.99)
- Financial Statements (Exception)
- Compliance Audit (Alternative or Standard Engagement CA Report)


When the user hovers over the funding level <500,000 ($1 to $499,999.99) to the initial
gateway question, and if their previous (most recent) submission submitted was a
completed New Institution submission, then the system will display the following as a
hover message before the user selects the radio button.
“You are required to submit the home country financial statements for fiscal years
included within the initial provisional period, i.e., prior to your first re-certification, for
any volume level and an Alternative or Standard Engagement Compliance Audit
Report for FYE mm/dd/yyyy.”

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools


When the user selects the radio button and hits submit button, the system should
navigate the user to the annual submission page. (Please see reference to Financial
and Compliance Submission)
d. Foreign Private - Funding Received between 500K<3M (2.999,999)


When the user hovers over the funding level 500K<3M (2.999,999) to the initial
gateway question, then the system should display the following as a hover message
before the user selects the radio button.
“You are required to submit the home country financial statement and a Standard
Engagement Compliance Audit Report”

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools


When the user selects the radio button and hits submit button, the system will navigate to
the applicable Financial Statements and Compliance Audit Report submission page.
(Please see reference to Financial and Compliance Submission)
e. Foreign Private - Funding Received between 3M<10M (9,999,999)

When the user selects the funding level 3M to<10M to the initial gateway question, the system
will display the following questions for FINANCIAL STATEMENTS:

“Has your institution provided a US GAAP/GAGAS audited financial statements for
either of the preceding two Fiscal year ends?” Yes/ No (radio buttons)

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools


If the user hovers over No, the system will display the following as a hover message
before the user selects the radio button.
“You are required to submit financial statements (US GAAP/GAGAS and
home country) and a Standard Engagement Compliance Audit Report”

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools


When the user selects the radio button and hits submit button, the system
will navigate to the applicable Financial Statements and Compliance Audit
submission page. (Please see reference to Financial and Compliance


If the user hovers over Yes, the system will display the following as a hover
message before the user selects the radio button.
“You are required to submit only the home country financial statements and
a Standard Engagement Compliance Audit Report.


If the user selects the radio button Yes, the system should display the following
question: “Are you still submitting US GAAP/GAGAS financial statement for this
current FYE?” Yes/ No (radio buttons)

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools


If the user hovers over No, the system will hover over the following message before
the user selects the radio button
“You are required to submit only the home country financial statement
and a Standard Engagement Compliance Audit Report”

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

When the user selects the radio button and hits submit button, the system will
navigate to the applicable Financial Statements and Compliance Audit submission
page. (Please see reference to Financial and Compliance Submission)



If the user hovers over Yes, the system will hover over the following message
before the user selects the submit button
“You are required to submit financial statements (US GAAP/GAGAS and
home country) and a Standard Engagement Compliance Audit

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

When the user selects Yes and hits the submit button, the system should navigate to
the applicable Financial Statements and Compliance Audit submission page. (Please
see reference to Financial and Compliance Submission)



Foreign Private - Funding Received >10M
When the user hovers over the funding level >10M to the initial gateway question, the
system should display the following as a hover message before the user selects the
radio button.
“You are required to submit the home country financial statement, US GAAP/GAGAS
and a Standard Engagement Compliance Audit Report”

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools


When the user selects the radio button and hits submit button, the system should
navigate to the applicable Financial Statements and Compliance Audit submission
page. (Please see reference to Financial and Compliance Submission)

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
FSA Annual Submission Financial Statements

To complete your institution’s annual submission, complete the LOGIN step. This will take
you to your institution’s eZ-Audit homepage. On the upper left-hand side of the page, you
will see a section “Create Annual Submissions”. Please check to see that the FYE on the
link matches the FYE of the submission that you wish to create. If it does not, please
contact the help desk at 1-877-263-0780 so that this problem can be rectified. Please note
that submissions created on the incorrect link cannot be accepted. If the link for the correct
FYE appears, click on the underlined text “Create FYE Annual Submission” and then the
screen below should appear with your institution’s name:
If you are submitting for a school group (your financial statements covers
more than one OPEID) only one institution (OPEID) in the group should
be used to satisfy the reporting requirement for all institutions that are
part of the school group. Remember, do not use commas or other
punctuation and place a “0” in any fields with a null value.


a. When the user selects Funding Received $0 (No Funding) the system will display the
No Title IV Activity Submission Financial Statement page.

b. When you user selects the funding level other than $0 or $1- $499,999.99, then the
Financial Statement Information page will be displayed.

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools








June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

Confirm that the information displayed is correct.
Begin date is the beginning of the audit period.
End date is the end of the audit period.
This is the auditor information on file with the Department of Education.
If the auditor’s information is correct, select Yes . If incorrect or new, please select NO
and update auditor information.
Auditor’s TIN is optional unless the country is United States. Please enter the
state’s Tax Identification Number (TIN) if this information is incorrect or missing.
Refer to Section I – Summary of Auditor’s Results in the Schedule of Findings and
Questioned Costs of the annual Uniform Guidance report.
Refer to Part II, Question 2 of the Federal Audit Clearinghouse Data Collection Form
SF-FAC (3-20- 2001).
Choose “YES” or “NO” if the Financial Statements are presented with the
Supplemental Schedule according to the new format per Borrower Defense
If “Yes” is chosen for the financial statements according to the new format per
Borrower Defense Regulations, the following links will appear:




10. Primary Reserve Ratio – (see section on completing the PRIMARY RESERVE RATIO).
11. Equity Ratio – (see section on completing the EQUITY RATIO
12. Net Income Ratio – (see section on completing the NET INCOME RATIO).
If “No” is chosen for the financial statements according to the new format per
Borrower Defense Regulations, you the following links will appear:

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools




13. Statement of Financial Position – (see section on completing the STATEMENT OF
14. Statement of Activities – (see section on completing the STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES).
15. Click the CANCEL button to erase/deletes all entries since the last time you saved
your work.
16. Click the SAVE button to ensure all entries are successfully stored by the system on this page.
17. Click the SAVE and PROCEED button to go to the Compliance Audit Information page.
This is the next stage in the submission process.


Do not leave any field blank.

If you clicked on the underlined text “Primary Reserve Ratio” on the Financial Statements page, the
screen below should appear. This page can also be reached by repeating the LOGIN step. This will
take you to your institution’s eZ- Audit homepage. On the upper left hand side of the page, you will
see a section “Create Annual Submissions”. Click on the underlined text “Financial Statements”, and
then choose “Yes” for question #5 (according to Borrower Defense Schedule), and then click on the
underlined text “Primary Reserve Ratio” on the lower part of the page. The screen below should


All data entered on this page should come directly from the financial responsibility
supplemental schedule, statement of financial position, and/or notes that will be
attached with your submission. Remember, do not use commas or other punctuation
and place a “0” in any fields with a null value. Because the system times out every 30
minutes, it is advisable to print these screens out in advance and prepare your answers
on paper, then when you return to the system, you simply have to type in the figures.
Alternatively, click save at the base of this page if you need more time, while this will
return error messages if the work is not complete, it will save your work and start the
30-minute clock again.

June 2021

Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools








June 2021



Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools



Please review the final regulations that were published on September 23, 2019
(https://fsapartners.ed.gov/knowledge-center/library/federal-registers/2019-0923/final-regulation-borrower-defense-repayment) that in part establish new Financial
Responsibility requirements for requirements for the elements of the composite score.
Also, please review the Electronic Announcement posted on April 9, 2020
(https://knowledgecenter.ed.gov/electronicannouncements/040920FinancialResponsibilityQuestionsAnswers) for additional guidance on
the new Financial Responsibility requirements.
The Department intends to supplement the above Electronic Announcement with Q&A’s on
other Financial Responsibility issues, as needed, please review the Knowledge Center
website (https://fsapartners.ed.gov/home/) for additional guidance.

Primary Reserve Ratio Information
Expendable Net Assets:

1. Net assets without donor restrictions – This is taken directly from the
Statement of Financial Position.
2. Net Assets with donor restrictions – This is taken directly from the Statement
of Financial Position.
3. Annuities with donor restrictions
4. Term endowments with donor restrictions
5. Life income funds with donor restrictions
6. Net assets with donor restrictions: restricted in perpetuity
7. Net assets with donor restrictions: Other for purpose or time
8. Secured and Unsecured related party receivable- This should be the
total of related party assets included in assets on the Statement of Financial

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
Position. This number is not used to compute your composite score, it is

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools




June 2021

just the total amount disclosed in the financial statements and notes to
ensure that all related party amounts have been identified in the financial
statements. See 34 C.F.R.§ 668.23(d). Only the amounts included in lines
9 and 10 are used for the related party adjustment in the composite score.
Unsecured related party receivable
Unsecured other related party assets
Property, plant and equipment, net (includes Construction in progress
and Capital leases) – This number is not used to compute your composite
score, it is just used to reconcile that all property, plant and equipment is
included in lines 12-15.
Property, plant and equipment – pre-implementation (includes Capital
Property, plant and equipment- post-implementation with outstanding debt
for original purchase (includes Capital leases)
Property, plant and equipment -post implementation without outstanding
debt for original purchase
Construction in Process
Lease right-of-use asset, net -This number is not used to compute your
composite score as it is just used to reconcile that lease right of use assets are
included in lines 17 and 18.
Lease right-of-use asset pre-implementation - This should be lease
agreements that were entered into prior to December 15, 2018 that have not
been modified.
Lease right-of-use asset post-implementation - This should be agreements
that were entered into on or after December 15, 2018 or agreements that
were modified on or after December 15, 2018.
Intangible assets- This should include all intangible assets on the Statement
of Financial Position. For example, purchased intangibles including
patents, franchises, copyrights, trademarks, brand names, covenants not to
compete, accreditation costs, program development costs; and any
advertising costs not resulting from direct response advertising.
Post-employment and pension liabilities
Long-term debt - for long term purposes - This should be the total all longterm debt- for long-term purposes including the current part of that debt and any
construction in process debt. The total should be equal to or greater than the
total of lines 22 – 24. This number is not used in the composite score it is just to
reconcile long-term debt to the financial statements as not all long-term debt
qualifies for the composite score adjustment.
Long-term debt - for long term purposes pre-implementation Long-term debt - for long term purposes post-implementation
Line of Credit for Construction in Process
Lease right-of-use asset liability - This number is not used in the composite
score it is just to reconcile lease right-of-use asset liabilities. The total should
equal lines 26 and 27.
Pre-implementation right-of-use leases liabilities - This would be leases
that were entered into prior to December 15, 2018 that have not been
Post-implementation right-of-use leases liabilities - This would be leases
that were entered into on or after December 15, 2018 or leases that have

Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
been modified.
Total Expenses and Losses:
28. Total expenses without donor restrictions –taken directly from Statement of
29. Non-Operating and Net Investment (loss)
30. Other components of net periodic pension costs
31. Change in value of split-interest agreements
32. Other losses
33. Net investment losses
34. Pension -related changes other than net periodic costs
36. SAVE

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
If you clicked on the underlined text “Equity Ratio” on the Financial Statements page, the screen
below should appear. This page can also be reached by repeating the LOGIN step. This will take you
to your institution’s eZ- Audit homepage. On the upper left hand side of the page, you will see a
section “Create Annual Submissions”. Click on the underlined text “Financial Statements”, and then
choose “Yes” for question #5 (according to Borrower Defense Schedule), and then click on the
underlined text “Equity Ratio” on the lower part of the page. The screen below should appear:



June 2021




Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
Equity Ratio Information
38. Total assets

40. SAVE

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
If you clicked on the underlined text “Net Income Ratio” on the Financial Statements page, the screen
below should appear. This page can also be reached by repeating the LOGIN step. This will take you to
your institution’s eZ- Audit homepage. On the upper left hand side of the page, you will see a section
“Create Annual Submissions”. Click on the underlined text “Financial Statements”, and then choose
“Yes” for question #5 (according to Borrower Defense Schedule), and then click on the underlined text
“Net Income Ratio” on the lower part of the page. The screen below should appear:






June 2021



Net Income Ratio:
Change in Net Assets Without Donor Restrictions
Change in Net Assets Without Donor Restrictions
Total Revenues and Gains
Total Operating Revenue and Other Additions (Gains)
Investment return appropriated for spending
Non-Operating Revenue and Other Gains


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
If you clicked on the underlined text “Statement of Financial Position” on the Financial Statements
page, the screen below should appear. This page can also be reached by repeating the LOGIN
step. This will take you to your institution’s eZ-Audit homepage. On the upper left hand side of the
page, you will see a section “Create Annual Submissions”. Click on the underlined text “Financial
Statements”, and then click on the underlined text “Statement of Financial Position” on the lower
part of the page. The screen below should appear:
Entering Statement of Financial Position:


When completing the eZ-Audit templates, it is expected that institutions provide the
information requested from information currently in its possession. Institutions are not
required to perform additional audit work to provide the requested information. However,
information needed to calculate the Institution’s composite score ration under the
Department’s regulations should generally be available in the school’s annual audited
financial statement. To the extent that additional information is needed to complete the
Department’s review and composite score calculation, it is requested under 34 CFR
Please enter whole amounts including zeros (Example 999999999)
To enter negative amounts, use “-“ (Example –100000)

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools





1. Accounts Receivable Employees – Unsecured - All amounts due from employee
borrowings from the institution or employee advances
June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
2. Accounts Receivable–Related Parties - Unsecured - All amounts due from related
parties [affiliates] on account that are not collateralized or subject to a security
3. Notes Receivable-Related Party Unsecured – All amounts due from related parties
[affiliates] on account in the form of promissory notes that are not collateralized or
subject to a security agreement.
4. Contributions/Pledges Receivable – Unsecured Related Party – All amounts
due from related parties [affiliates] on account that are not collateralized or subject
to a securityagreement.
5. Total of All Related Party Assets (both secured and unsecured):
6. Property, Plant and Equipment, net (including capitalized lease assets and CIP)
– Property, Plant and Equipment used in operations, including leases and
construction in progress and Cumulative total of all depreciation expense incurred on
property, plant and equipment including amortization of capital leases
7. Construction in Progress – All costs involved in the construction that is not yet completed.
8. Pre-Implementation right-of-use-assets:
9. Post-Implementation right-of-use-assets:
10. Intangible Assets, net of amortization (excluding goodwill) – All intangibles
including parents’ franchises, copyrights, trademarks, brand names, covenants not to
compete, etc. excluding goodwill.
11. Goodwill, net – Amount paid for an entity in excess of Fair market Value less impairment.
12. Total Assets – Please enter Total Assets. Check this total against the information in
your submission will not be accepted if this total does not match the attached PDF.
13. Long-Term Line of Credit (including the short term portion) – Amounts owed on
lines of credit with banks.
14. Long Term Debt (including the short term portion) - All formal long-term debt
instruments in the form of promissory notes, mortgages, bonds and other debt
instruments, exclusive portion maturing within the next fiscal year and the portion of
long-term debt that is expected to mature within the next fiscal year.
15. Capital Lease Obligations (including the short term portion) – The portion of the
capital lease obligation that is expected to mature within the next fiscal year and net
present value of minimum lease payments not maturing during the next fiscal year.
16. Pre-Implementation right-of-use-liabilities:
17. Post-Implementation right-of-use-liabilities:
18. Post-Employment and Retirement Benefits– All amounts owed on plans that pay
employees or their beneficiaries for post-employment or post-retirement benefits
other than pensions.
19. Total Liabilities – Please enter Total Liabilities. Check this total against the
information in your submission will not be accepted if this total does not match
the attached PDF.
20. Net Assets with donor restrictions – Split Interest Agreements, Annunities
and Term Endowments: – Components of temporarily restricted assets that
arise from transactions with owners via split interest agreements.
21. Total New Assets with donor restrictions: – Net assets of the institution
permanently subject to donor’s restrictions as to time and purpose.
22. Net Assets with donor restrictions in perpetuity:
23. Total Net Assets without donor restrictions:
24. IMPORTANT WARNING: Click the CANCEL button to erase/delete all entries since the
last time you saved your work.
June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
25. Click the SAVE button to have eZ-Audit save the values.
26. Click the SAVE and PROCEED button to capture all entries and to go to the
Statement of Activities page, to complete the next step in your submission process.
End of Statement of Financial Position. Continue to the next page for the Statement of


If you clicked on the underlined text “Statement of Activities” from the Financial
Statements page, the screen below should appear. This page can also be reached by
repeating the LOGIN step. This will take you to your institution’s eZ-Audit homepage. On
the upper left hand side of the page, you will see a section “Create Annual
Submissions”. Click on the underlined text “Financial Statements”, and then click on the
underlined text “Statement of Activities” on the lower part of the page. The screen below
should appear:






Entering Statement of Activities Data:
When completing the eZ-Audit templates, it is expected that institutions provide the
information requested from information currently in its possession. Institutions are not
required to perform additional audit work to provide the requested information. However,
information needed to calculate the Institution’s composite score ration under the
Department’s regulations should generally be available in the school’s annual audited
financial statement. To the extent that additional information is needed to complete the
Department’s review and composite score calculation, it is requested under 34 CFR
Please enter whole amounts including zeros (Example 999999999)
To enter negative amounts, use “-“ (Example –100000)
1. Total Revenues and Gains without donor restrictions: – Sum total of unrestricted

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
2. Total Expenses and Losses without donor restrictions: – Total of all unrestricted
3. IMPORTANT WARNING: Click the CANCEL button to erase/delete all entries since
the last time you saved your work.
4. Click the SAVE button for eZ-Audit to save all the values.
5. Click the SAVE and PROCEED button to save all entries and then take you back to
the Financial Statements page.

June 2021

Do not leave any field blank.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
FSA Annual Submission Compliance Audit Information
If you successfully entered or saved the information inputted on the Financial Statements
page by clicking on the SAVE and PROCEED button, the screen below should appear.
This page can also be reached by repeating the LOGIN step. This will take you to your
institution’s eZ-Audit homepage. On the upper left hand side of the page, you will see a
section “Create Annual Submissions”. Click on the underlined text “Create FYE Annual
Submission”, and then click on the underlined text “Compliance Audit Info”. The screen
below should appear:


June 2021

If you are submitting for a school group (i.e. you are the submitting institution
for multiple schools), please complete a Compliance Audit Information page
for each school in the group. Click on the name of the school to access the
appropriate Compliance Audit Information Page.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools





June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
1. This should read your institution’s name and OPE ID number. Confirm that this is
2. Begin date is the beginning of the audit period.
3. End date is the end of the audit period.
4. This is the auditor on file with the Department of Education.
5. If the auditor’s information is correct, select Yes . If incorrect or new, please select NO and
update auditor information.
6. Auditor’s TIN is optional unless the country is United States. Please enter the state’s Tax
Identification Number (TIN) if this information is incorrect or missing. DO NOT USE HYPHENS.
7. Indicate whether the Student Financial Aid Cluster was audited as a major program in the
Uniform Guidance audit.
8. If your Uniform Guidance audit submission contains any findings related to the FSA Title IV
programs (If the Uniform Guidance report covers multiple institutions, this applies to all
institutions covered) click Yes. Refer to the Scheduled of Findings and Questioned Costs
included in the annual Uniform Guidance submission; Section II – financial Statement Findings
and Section III – Schedule of Federal Award Findings and Questioned Costs
9. Refer to Section I - Summary of Auditor’s Results in the Schedule of Findings and Questioned
Costs of the annual Uniform Guidance report. Note: Only indicate the opinion type for Title IV
programs if the SFA cluster was audited as a major program.
10. MPORTANT WARNING: Click CANCEL button to erase/delete all entries sine the last time you
saved your work.
11. Click the SAVE button to ensure all entries are successfully stored by the system for this page.
12. Click the SAVE and PROCEED button to go to the Public Annual Submission-Completeness
Checklist page. This is the next stage in the submission process.
School Group Submissions:

June 2021

To complete the Compliance Audit Information page for member school(s),
click on the name of the school.
Complete the Compliance Audit Information page following the steps above.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
FSA Annual Submission Completeness Checklist
If you successfully entered or saved the information inputted on the Compliance Audit
Information page by clicking on the SAVE AND PROCEED button, the screen below should
appear. This page can also be reached by repeating the LOGIN step. This will take you to your
institution’s eZ-Audit homepage. On the upper left-hand side of the page, you will see a section
“Create Annual Submissions”. Click on the underlined text “Create FYE xx/xx/xxxx Annual
Submission”, and then click on the underlined text “Completeness Checklist”. The screen
below should appear:


June 2021

If you are submitting for a school group (i.e. you are the submitting institution for
multiple schools), please complete Checklist page for each school in the group.
Click on the name of the school to access the appropriate Checklist page.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
Provide contact information



1. Ensure all applicable documents are included with your Uniform Guidance
audit report submission.
2. Ensure that all the documents uploaded are in English
3. Ensure that the document do not have any Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
Completeness Checklist Continues:



4. Provide contact information (name, phone, email) for who should be contacted
regarding the submission and/or additional notes as necessary. Please feel free to
attach any additional document(s). If you do attach these additional documents, please
write a note in this field advising that you have attached additional information not
required in this process.
5. IMPORTANT WARNING: Click the CANCEL button to erase/delete all entries since the
last time you saved your work.
6. Click the SAVE button to save all entries currently on screen. To complete the
Checklist page for member school(s), click on the name of the school. Complete
the Checklist page following the steps above.
7. Click the SAVE and PROCEED button to save all entries and to take you to the
Upload Attachment page. If you are a school group this will take you to the
Upload page for the school you have selected.


June 2021

Change in Equity documentation may be included as part of the Income
Statement, or may be included as a separate document. Consolidated
Statements will only be included with the submission if the financial statements
reflect totals.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
School Group Submissions:


June 2021

To complete the Checklist page for member school(s), click on the name of theschool.
Complete the Checklist page following the steps above.
Independent Auditors Report on Financial Statements, Report on Compliance
and Internal Controls Over Financial Reporting Based on an Audit of Financial
Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards,
Report on Internal Control Over Compliance, Report on Compliance with
Specified Requirements Applicable to the SFA Programs must be prepared and
presented on auditor letterhead. Signatures created using a word processing
application are not acceptable.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
FSA Annual Submission Upload Attachments

If you successfully entered or saved the information inputted on the Completeness Checklist page
by clicking on the SAVE and PROCEED button, the screen below should appear. This page can
also be reached by repeating the LOGIN step. This will take you to your institution’s eZ-Audit
homepage. On the upper left hand side of the page, you will see a section “Create Annual
Submissions”. Click on the underlined text “Create FYE xx/xx/xxxx Annual Submission”, and then
click on the underlined text “Upload Attachments”. The screen below should appear:








1. This should read the name of your institution and OPE ID number. Confirm that this is correct.
2. Click on the Choose File button to search for document(s) to be attached. Then follow
instructions on the next page on searching and attaching document(s).
June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

3. Check all appropriate documents attached are in English and do not contain any Personally
Identified Information (PII). To view what is included in PII please hover the mouse over the
word PII.
(Please note: When uploading another document, please deselect the previous upload type
and then reselect the document type.)
4. After the document has been attached and the file type identified by checking the box, click
the “ADD” button to ensure that the document has been successfully attached to your
compliance audit submission.
5. Click the CANCEL button to erase all entries.
6. Click the SAVE button to save all entries currently on screen. To Upload the Compliance
Audit and/or Corrective Action Plan for member school(s), click on the name of the
school. Follow steps above.
7. Click the SAVE and PROCEED button to take you to the Foreign Private Annual Submissionsubmit page.
School Group Submissions:

June 2021

To Upload the Compliance Audit and/or Corrective Action Plan for member
school(s), click on the name of the school.
Follow the steps above.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

June 2021

As part of your annual submission, you must include an electronic copy of your
complete Uniform Guidance report. Please note that all files must be in a non
editable PDF format and NO personal information such as Social Security
Numbers should be contained in attachments. Remember, you can attach
additional information not required during this process. If you do attach
additional information, please make a note in the “Contact Information/Notes”
field on the Completeness Checklist page.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
FSA Annual Submission-Submit
If you successfully entered, saved and attached an electronic copy of your submissions by clicking on
the SAVE and PROCEED button, the screen below should appear. This page can also be reached by
repeating the LOGIN step. This will take you to your institution’s eZ-Audit homepage. On the upper left
hand side of the page, you will see a section “Create Annual Submissions”. click on the underlined text
“Create FYE xx/xx/xxxx Annual Submission”, and then click on the underlined text “Submit”. The
screen below should appear:




1. This should read the name of your institution and OPE ID number. Confirm that this is correct.
2. Read to understand and attest that you have met all requirements.
3. Click on the SUBMIT TO ED button to complete your Public Annual Submission
process. This will then take you to your institution’s homepage with a displayed
confirmation of your submission. If you do not have the SUBMIT TO ED button please
verify that “submitter” is selected as a user role. See Manage Users for details.
4. The following confirmation of receipt will be displayed on your home page.


June 2021

You will have “read” access only once submitted. Please note that only the financial
statements and audit sections for the period audited should be completed and must be

Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
If you are submitting for a school group the following screen on the next page will appear.
FSA Annual Submission-Submit continued:

1. To submit for all schools in the group click Select All.
2. Click the Submit indicator to submit for individual schools.
3. Click on the “SUBMIT TO ED” button to complete your FSA Annual Submission process. This
will then take you to your institution’s homepage with a displayed confirmation of your audit
submission(s). If you do not see the “Submit To ED” button, please verify that submitter
is selected as a user role.


June 2021

You will have “read” access only once submitted.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

Merger/Change in Ownership

Merger/Change in Ownership Submission Financial Statement

To complete a Change in Ownership Submission, complete the LOGIN step. This will take you to
your institution’s eZ-Audit homepage. On the upper left hand side of the page, you will see a
section “Other Submissions”. Click on the underlined text “Create Merger/Change in Ownership
Submission”, and then the screen below should appear:

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools








June 2021

This should read your institution’s name and OPEID number. Confirm that this is correct.
Enter date of day one balance sheet.
Provide a reason. Enter “Change in Ownership”.
Enter contact information.
Click on Statement of Financial Position - (see section on completing the Statement of

Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
6. IMPORTANT WARNING: Click the CANCEL button to erase/delete all entries
since the last time you saved your work.
7. Click the SAVE button to ensure all entries currently on the screen are successfully stored by the
8. Click the SAVE and PROCEED button to go to the Upload Attachments page. This is
the next stage in the submission process.
If you clicked on the underlined text “Statement of Financial Position” on the Financial
Statements page, the screen below should appear. This page can also be reached by repeating
the LOGIN step. This will take you to your institution’s eZ-Audit homepage. On the upper left
hand side of the page, you will see a section “Create Merger / Change in Ownership
Submission”. Click on the underlined text “Financial Statements”, and then click on the
underlined text “Statement of Financial Position” on the lower part of the page. The screen in the
next page should appear:

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools



June 2021

Cash and Cash Equivalents - Cash balances held to meet payments arising in the
ordinary course of operations. Cash & Cash Equivalents consist of, in addition to
currency on hand and deposits held by financial institutions that can be added to or
withdrawn without limitations, such as demand deposits, Short Term, highly liquid
investments that are both readily convertible to known amounts of cash and so near
their maturity that they present insignificant risk of change in value.
Current Total Net Accounts Receivable - Net accounts receivable equals
gross accounts receivable less the allowance for doubtful accounts [line items
3 thru 7 minus 8]. This field is automatically calculated by the eZ-Audit system.
Investments (convertible within 90 days) – Debt and equity securities, real
property, land and other long-term investments.
Accounts Receivable – Related Parties – Unsecured – All amounts due from
related parties [affiliates] on account that are not collateralized or subject to a
Current Liabilities – All amounts owed to suppliers or providers of services from
normal operations, all amounts owed to students and/or financial partners

Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools



June 2021

subject to Title IV programs, all amounts owed to students from deposits and
advance payments, current liabilities that result from the consumption of an asset
or service during the fiscal year prior to payment, receipts on tuition not
recognized as revenue and deferred based upon the institution’s revenue
recognition policy, amounts owed on lines of credit with banks, the portion of
long-term debt that is expected to mature within the next fiscal year, the portion
of the capital lease obligation that is expected to mature within the next fiscal
year and other current liabilities.
Total Assets – Sum of all assets included in line items 1 thru 25 above. This will be
automatically calculated by the eZ-Audit system.
Total Intangible Assets ( as defined by GAAP ) – All intangibles including
parents’ franchises, copyrights, trademarks, brand names, covenants not to
compete, good will accreditation costs, program development costs, etc.
Total Liabilities - Sum of all liabilities included in line items 27 thru 42
above. This will be automatically calculated by the eZ-Audit system.
Click the CANCEL button to erase all entries
Click the SAVE button for eZ-Audit to save the entries
Click the SAVE and PROCEED button to save all entries and then take you back to
the Financial Statement Info page.

With a Merger/Change in Ownership, Foreign Private schools are required only to
complete the Statement of Financial Position. Remember, do not use commas or
other punctuation and place a “0” in any fields with a null value


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
Merger/Change in Ownership Submission Upload Attachments
If you successfully entered or saved the information inputted on the Create Merger/Change in
Ownership Submission-Financial Statements page by clicking on the SAVE and PROCEED button,
the screen below should appear. This page can also be reached by repeating the LOGIN step. This
will take you to your institution’s eZ- Audit homepage. On the upper left hand side of the page, you
will see a section “Other Submissions”. Click on the underlined text “Create Merger/Change in
Ownership Submission”, and then click on the underlined text “Upload Attachments”. The screen
below should appear:








1. This should read the name of your institution and OPEID number. Confirm that this is correct.
2. Read and follow instructions accordingly.

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
3. Click on the Choose File button to search for document(s) to be attached. Then follow
instructions on the next page on searching for and attaching document(s).



Check all appropriate documents attached are in English and do not contain any Personally Identified
Information (PII). To view what is included in PII please hover the mouse over the word PII.
(Please note: When uploading another document, please deselect the previous upload type and then
reselect the document type.)
After the document has been selected and the file type identified by checking the box, click the “ADD”
button to ensure that the document has been successfully attached to your submission.
Click the CANCEL button to erase all entries.
Click the SAVE button to ensure all entries are successfully stored by the system on this page.
Click the SAVE and PROCEED button to save all entries and to take you to the Merger/Change in
Ownership Submission page. This is the next stage in the submission process.


June 2021

Please note that all files must be in a non-editable PDF format and no personal
information such as Social Security Numbers should be contained in attachments.
As part of your Merger/Change in ownership submission, you must include an
electronic copy of your day one balance sheet and/or complete audited financial


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit For Foreign Private Schools

Merger/Change in Ownership Submission-Submit
If you successfully entered, saved and attached an electronic copy of your complete audited
financial statements by clicking on the SAVE and PROCEED button, the screen below
should appear. This page can also be reached by repeating the LOGIN step. This will take
you to your institution’s eZ-Audit homepage. On the upper left hand side of the page, you
will see a section “Other Submissions”. Click on the underlined text “Merger/Change in
Ownership”, and then click on the underlined text “Submit”. The screen below should




1. This should read the name of your institution and OPE ID number. Confirm that this is correct.
2. Read to understand and attest that you have met all requirements.
3. Click on the SUBMIT TO ED button to complete your submission process. This will
then take you to your institution’s homepage with a displayed confirmation of your
audit submission. If you do not have the “SUBMIT TO ED” button please verify that

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit For Foreign Private Schools
“submitter” is selected as a user role. See Manage Users for details.
4. The following confirmation of receipt will be displayed on your home page.


June 2021

You will have “read” access only once submitted. Please note that only the financial
statements and audit sections for the period audited should be completed and must
be attached.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit For Foreign Private Schools

Change in FY End
Change in FY END Submission
This page can be reached by repeating the LOGIN step. This will take you to your
institutions eZ-Audit homepage. On the upper left hand side of the page, you will see
a section “Other Submissions”. Click on the underlined text “Change Fiscal Year End
Date”. The screen below should appear:







June 2021

Confirm the information displayed is correct.
This represents information on file with ED concerning current fiscal year.
Click on the drop down list to change month as desired.
Click on the “SUBMIT TO ED” button to ensure that date change is captured by the eZ-Audit
system. If you do not have the “SUBMIT TO ED” button please verify that
“submitter” is selected as a user role. See Manage Users for details.
When notifying ED of a change in fiscal year end, please submit
change 90 days prior to your current fiscal year end date. Contact


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit For Foreign Private Schools
your School Participation Team Representative for information
regarding additional submission requirements.

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit For Foreign Private Schools

Closeout Audit Submission
Closeout Audit Compliance Audit Information
This page can also be reached by repeating the LOGIN step. This will take you to your
institution’s eZ-Audit homepage. On the upper left hand side of the page, you will see a
section “Other Submission”. Click on the underlined text “Closeout Audit Submission”, and
then click on the underlined text “Compliance Audit Info”. The screen below should appear:

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit For Foreign Private Schools





June 2021





Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit For Foreign Private Schools



This should read your institution’s name and OPE ID number. Confirm that this is correct.
Please indicate period audited in specified format.
Begin date is the beginning of the audit period.
End date is the end of the audit period.
If the auditor’s information is correct, select Yes . If incorrect or new, please select NO and
update auditor information Enter audit firm’s TIN (Tax Identification Number). DO NOT USE
Auditor’s TIN is optional unless the country is United States. Please enter the state’s Tax
Identification Number (TIN) if this information is incorrect or missing. DO NOT USE HYPHENS
Indicate whether your audit contains any findings.
Select appropriate opinion from the drop down list based on your auditor’s opinion.
This information is contained within the Report on Compliancewith Specified
Requirements Applicable to SFA Programs.
IMPORTANT WARNING: Click the CANCEL button to erase/delete all entries since
the last time you saved your work.
Click the SAVE button to ensure all entries are successfully stored by the system for
this page. To complete Compliance Audit Information page for member
school(s), click on the name of the school. Complete the Compliance Audit
Information page following the stepsabove.
Click the SAVE and PROCEED button to go to the FSA Annual SubmissionCompleteness Checklist page. This is the next stage in the submission process. If you
are a school group this will take you to the Checklist page for the school you have

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit For Foreign Private Schools
Closeout Audit Submission Completeness Checklist

If you successfully entered or saved the information inputted on the Financial Statements page
by clicking on the SAVE AND PROCEED button, the screen below should appear. This page
can also be reached by repeating the LOGIN step. This will take you to your institution’s eZAudit homepage. On the upper left hand side of the page, you will see a section “Other
Submissions”. Click on the underlined text “Closeout Audit Submission”, and then click on the
underlined text “Completeness Checklist”. The screen below should appear:








June 2021

Please confirm that the information displayed is correct.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit For Foreign Private Schools
2. Ensure all applicable documents are included with your audit report submission.
3. Provide contact information (name, phone, email) of who should be contacted
regarding submission and additional notes as necessary. Please feel free to attach
any additional document(s). If you do attach these additional documents, please
write a note in this field advising that you have attached additional information not
required in this process
4. Click the CANCEL button to erase/delete all entries since the last time you saved your work.
5. Click the SAVE button to save all entries currently on screen.
6. Click the SAVE and PROCEED button to take you to the Upload Attachment page.

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit For Foreign Private Schools
Closeout Audit Submission Upload Attachments

If you successfully entered or saved the information inputted on the Completeness Checklist
page by clicking on the SAVE and PROCEED button, the screen below should appear. This
page can also be reached by repeating the LOGIN step. This will take you to your institution’s
eZ-Audit homepage. On the upper left hand side of the page, you will see a section “Other
Submissions”. Click on the underlined text “Closeout Audit Submission”, and then click on the
underlined text “Upload Attachments”. The screen below should appear:







1. This should read the name of your institution and OPEID number. Confirm that this is correct.
2. Click on the Choose File button to search for document(s) to be attached. Then follow instructions on
the next page on searching and attaching document.

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit For Foreign Private Schools

3. Check all appropriate documents attached are in English and do not contain any Personally Identified
Information (PII). To view what is included in PII please hover the mouse over the word PII.
(Please note: When uploading another document, please deselect the previous upload type and then
reselect the document type.)
4. After the document has been selected and the file type identified by checking the box, click the “ADD”
button to ensure that the document has been successfully attached to your compliance audit
5. Click the CANCEL button to erase all entries since the last time you saved your work.
6. Click the SAVE button to save all entries currently on the screen.
7. Click the SAVE and PROCEED button to take you to the Stub Audit Submission-submit page.

June 2021

As part of your stub audit submission, you must include an electronic copy of
your audit and/or complete audited financial statements. Please note that all
files must be in a non editable. PDF format and no personal information such as
Social Security Numbers should be contained in attachments. Remember, you


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit For Foreign Private Schools
can attach additional information not required during this process. If you do
attach additional information, please make a note in the “Notes” field on the
Completeness Checklist page.

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit For Foreign Private Schools
Closeout Audit Submission-Submit

If you successfully entered, saved and attached an electronic copy of your submission by clicking
on the SAVE and PROCEED button, the screen below should appear. This page can also be
reached by repeating the LOGIN step. This will take you to your institution’s eZ-Audit homepage.
On the upper left hand side of the page, you will see a section “Other Submissions”. Click on the
underlined text “Stub Audit Submission”. Click “Submit” from the menu. The screen below should



1. Confirm the information displayed is correct.
2. Please read to understand and attest that you have met all requirements.
3. Click on the “SUBMIT TO ED” button to complete your Stub Audit Submission process.
If you do not have the “SUBMIT TO ED” button please verify that “submitter” is selected
as a user role. See Manage Users for details.
4. The following confirmation of receipt will be displayed on your home page.


June 2021

You will have read access only once submitted. Please note that only the
financial statements and audit sections for the period audited should be
completed and the Audit must be attached.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

New Institution/Reinstatement Submission
New Institution/Reinstatement Submission Financial Statement

To submit your institution’s New Institution/Reinstatement Submission audit, complete the LOGIN
step. This will take you to your institution’s eZ-Audit homepage. On the upper left-hand side of the
page, you will see a section “Other Submissions”. Click on the underlined text “Create New
Institution Submission” (for institutions that have not previously participated in Title IV programs) or
“Create Reinstatement Submission” (for institutions that have previously participated in Title IV
programs), and then the screen below should appear with your institution’s name:







June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools







June 2021

Confirm the information displayed is correct.
Auto Populated to exactly one year from the entered Fiscal Year End 1 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Text Indicating to provide responses for most current Fiscal Year End (Fiscal Year End 2)
Begin date is the beginning of the audit period.
End date is the end of the audit period.
Enter the auditor firm’s Tax Identification Number (TIN) if the country is United States.
Refer to Section I – Summary of Auditor’s Results in the Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs
of the annual Uniform Guidance report.
Refer to Part II, Question 2 of the Federal Audit Clearinghouse Data Collection Form SF-FAC (3-202001).
Choose “yes” or “no” if the Financial Statements are presented with the
Supplemental Schedule according to the new format per Borrower Defense
If “Yes” is chosen for the financial statements according to the new format per Borrower
Defense Regulations, the following links will appear:
Primary Reserve Ratio– (see section on completing the PRIMARY RESERVE RATIO).
Equity Ratio – (see section on completing the EQUITY RATIO).
Net Income Ratio – (see section on completing the NET INCOME RATIO).
If “No” is chosen for the financial statements according to the new format per Borrower
Defense Regulations, you the following links will appear:
Statement of Financial Position – (see section on completing the STATEMENT OF
Statement of Activities – (see section on completing the STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES)
Click the CANCEL button to erase/delete all entries.
Click the SAVE button to ensure all entries are successfully stored by the system on this page.
Click the SAVE and PROCEED button to go to the Completeness Checklist. This is the
next stage in the submission process.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
Primary Reserve Ratio

See PRIMARY RESERVE RATIO on the Financial Statements page under Annual Submissions for
details in completing all data fields. Please complete using current completed fiscal yearend
financial statements data.

Equity Ratio

See EQUITY RATIO on the Financial Statements page under Annual Submissions for details in
completing all data fields. Please complete using current completed fiscal yearend financial
statements data.

Net Income Ratio

See NET INCOME RATIOon the Financial Statements page under Annual Submissions for details
in completing all data fields. Please complete using current completed fiscal yearend financial
statements data.

Statement of Financial Position

See STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION on the Financial Statements page under Annual
Submissions for details in completing all data fields. Please complete using current completed
fiscal yearend financial statements data.

Statement of Activities

See STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES on the Financial Statements page under Annual
Submissions for details in completing all data fields. Please complete using current
completed fiscal yearend financial statements data.

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
New Institution/Reinstatement Submission Completeness Checklist

If you successfully entered or saved the information inputted on the Income Statement page by
clicking on the SAVE AND PROCEED button, the screen below should appear. This page can also be
reached by repeating the LOGIN step. This will take you to your institution’s eZ-Audit homepage. On
the upper left-hand side of the page, you will see a section “Other Submissions”. Click on the
underlined text “New Institution Submission” or “Reinstatement Submission”, and then click on the
underlined text “Completeness Checklist”. The screen below should appear:

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
1. Confirm the information displayed is correct.
2. Ensure all applicable documents are included with your Uniform Guidance audit report submission .
3. Provide the contact information (name, phone, email) for who should be contacted
regarding the submission and/or additional notes as necessary. Please feel free to attach
any additional document(s). If you do attach these additional documents, please write a
note in this field advising that you have attached additional information not required in this
4. Click the CANCEL button to erase all entries.
5. Click the SAVE button to save all entries currently on screen.
6. Click the SAVE and PROCEED button to save all entries and to take you to the Upload Attachment

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
New Institution/Reinstatement Submission Upload Attachments

If you successfully entered or saved the information inputted on the Completeness Checklist page by
clicking on the SAVE and PROCEED button, the screen below should appear. This page can also
be reached by repeating the LOGIN step. This will take you to your institution’s eZ-Audit homepage.
On the upper left-hand side of the page, you will see a section “Other Submissions”. Click on the
underlined text “Create New Institution Submission” or “Reinstatement Submission” and then click on
the underlined text “Upload Attachments”. The screen below should appear:





1. This should read the name of your institution and OPE ID number. Confirm that this is correct.
2. Click on the Choose File button to search for document(s) to be attached. Then follow instructions on the
next page on searching and attaching document.

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools


Audited Financial statements for the previous two fiscal years should be submitted.

3. Check all appropriate documents attached are in English and do not contain any Personally Identified
Information (PII). To view what is included in PII please hover the mouse over the word PII.
(Please note: When uploading another document, please deselect the previous upload type and then
reselect the document type.)
4. After the document has been selected and the file type identified by checking the box, click the “ADD”
button to ensure that the document has been successfully attached to your submission.
5. Click the CANCEL button to erase all entries.
6. Click the SAVE button to save all entries currently on the screen.
7. Click the SAVE and PROCEED button to take you to the New Institution Submission-submit page.


June 2021

As part of your initial submission, you must include an electronic copy of your
complete audited financial statements. Please note that all files must be in a noneditable PDF and no personal information such as Social Security Numbers should
be contained in attachments. Remember, you can attach additional information not


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
required during this process. If you do attach additional information, please make a
note in the “Notes” field on the Completeness Checklist page.

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

New Institution/Reinstatement Submission-Submit

If you successfully entered, saved and attached an electronic copy of your submission by clicking on
the SAVE and PROCEED button, the screen below should appear. This page can also be reached by
repeating the LOGIN step. This will take you to your institutions eZ-Audit homepage. On the upper left
hand side of the page, you will see a section “Other Submissions”. Click on the underlined text “New
Institution Submission” or “Reinstatement Submission”, and then click on the underlined text “Submit”.
The screen below should appear:




1. This should read the name of your institution and OPE ID number. Confirm that this is correct.
2. Please read to understand and attest that you have met all requirements.
3. Click on the “SUBMIT TO ED” button to complete your New Institution Submission process.
If you do not have the “Submit To ED” button please verify that “submitter” is selected as a
user role. See Manage Users for details.
4. The following confirmation of receipt will be displayed on your home page.

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools


June 2021

You will have read access only once submitted. Please note that only the
financial statements and audit sections for the period audited should be
completed and the Audit must be attached.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

Stub Audit Submission
Stub Audit Submission Compliance Audit Information

If you successfully entered or saved the information inputted on the Financial Statements page by
clicking on the SAVE and PROCEED button, the screen below should appear. This page can also
be reached by repeating the LOGIN step. This will take you to your institution’s eZ-Audit homepage.
On the upper left hand side of the page, you will see a section “Create Annual Submissions”. Click
on the underlined text “ Create Stub Audit Submission”, and then click on the underlined text
“Compliance Audit”. The screen in the next page should appear:









June 2021



Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools



June 2021

This should read your institution’s name and OPE ID number. Confirm that this is correct.
Begin date is the beginning of the audit period.
End date is the end of the audit period.
Enter Reason for Stub Audit.
If the auditor’s information is correct, select Yes . If incorrect or new, please select NO and update
auditor information.
Auditor’s TIN is optional unless the country is United States. Please enter the state’s Tax Identification
Number (TIN) if this information is incorrect or missing. DO NOT USE HYPHENS.
If the auditor’s information is correct, no action is required. If incorrect or new, select NO
and update with current auditor information.
This field should be pre-populated. Please enter the state’s Tax Identification
Number (TIN) if this information is incorrect or missing. DO NOT USE HYPHENS.
If your Uniform Guidance audit submission contains any findings related to the FSA Title
IV programs (If the Uniform Guidance report covers multiple institutions, this applies to all
institutions covered) click Yes. Refer to the Scheduled of Findings and Questioned Costs
included in the annual Uniform Guidance submission; Section II – financial Statement
Findings and Section III – Schedule of Federal Award Findings and QuestionedCosts.
Refer to Section I - Summary of Auditor’s Results in the Schedule of Findings and
Questioned Costs of the annual Uniform Guidance report. Note: Only indicate the
opinion type for Title IV programs if the SFA cluster was audited as a major program.
Select appropriate opinion from the drop-down list based on your auditor’s opinion. This
information is contained within the Report on Compliancewith Specified Requirements
Applicable to SFA Programs.
IMPORTANT WARNING: Click the CANCEL button to erase/delete all entries sine the
last time you saved your work.
Click the SAVE button to ensure all entries are successfully stored by the system for this page.
Click the SAVE and PROCEED button to go to the Foreign Private Annual
Submission-Completeness Checklist page.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
Stub Audit Submissions Completeness Checklist

If you successfully entered or saved the information inputted on the Financial Statements page by
clicking on the SAVE AND PROCEED button, the screen below should appear. This page can also be
reached by repeating the LOGIN step. This will take you to your institution’s eZ-Audit homepage. On
the upper left hand side of the page, you will see a section “Other Submissions”. Click on the
underlined text “ Stub Audit Submission”, and then click on the underlined text “Completeness
Checklist ”. The screen below should appear:





June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

1. This should read your institution’s name and OPEID number. Confirm that this is correct.
2. Ensure all applicable documents are included with your audit report submission. Check all appropriate
documents attached are in English and do not contain any Personally Identified Information (PII). To
view what is included in PII please hover the mouse over the work PII.
3. Enter contact information. Provide additional notes as necessary. Please feel free to
attach any additional document(s). If you do attach these additional documents, please
write a note in this field advising that you have attached additional information not
required in this process.
4. Click the CANCEL button to erase all entries.
5. Click the SAVE button to save all entries currently on screen.
6. Click the SAVE and PROCEED button to take you to the Upload Attachment page.

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
Stub Audit Submissions Upload Attachments

If you successfully entered or saved the information inputted on the Completeness Checklist page
by clicking on the SAVE and PROCEED button, the screen below should appear. This page can
also be reached by repeating the LOGIN step. This will take you to your institution’s eZ-Audit
homepage. On the upper left hand side of the page, you will see a section “Other Submissions”.
Click on the underlined text “Stub Audit Submission”, and then click on the underlined text “Upload
Attachments”. The screen in the next page should appear:








1. This should read the name of your institution and OPEID number. Confirm that this is correct.
2. Click on the Chose File button to search for document(s) to be attached. Then follow

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
instructions on the next page on searching and attaching document.

1. Check all appropriate documents attached are in English and do not contain any Personally Identified
Information (PII). To view what is included in PII please hover the mouse over the work PII.
(Please note: When uploading another document, please deselect the previous upload type and then
reselect the document type.)
2. After the document has been selected and the file type identified by checking the box, click the “ADD”
button to ensure that the document has been successfully attached to your submission.
3. IMPORTANT WARNING: Click the CANCEL button to erase/delete all entries since the last time you
saved your work.
4. Click the SAVE button to save all entries currently on the screen.
5. Click the SAVE and PROCEED button to take you to the Lender-Stub Audit Submission-submit page.


June 2021

As part of your stub audit submission, you must include an electronic copy of
your complete audited financial statements and compliance audit. Please note
that all files must be in a non-editable. PDF format and no personal information
such as Social Security Numbers should be contained in attachments.
Remember, you can attach additional information not required during this
process. If you do attach additional information, please make a note in the
“Notes” field on the Completeness Checklist page.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools
Stub Audit Submission-Submit

If you successfully entered, saved and attached an electronic copy of your submission by clicking on
the SAVE and PROCEED button, the screen below should appear. This page can also be reached by
repeating the LOGIN step. This will take you to your institution’s eZ-Audit homepage. On the upper
left-hand side of the page, you will see a section “Other Submissions”. Click on the underlined text
“Stub Audit Submission”, and then click on the underlined text “Submit”. The screen below should




1. This should read the name of your institution and OPEID number. Confirm that this is correct.
2. Please read to understand and attest that you have met all requirements.
3. Click on the “SUBMIT TO ED” button to complete your Stub Audit Submission process. If you do not
have the “SUBMIT TO ED” button please verify that “submitter” is selected as a user role. See
Manage Users for details.
4. The following confirmation of receipt will be displayed on your home page.

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools


June 2021

You will have read access only once submitted. Please note that only the
financial statements and audit sections for the period audited should be
completed and the Stub Audit must be attached.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

Waiver/Exemption Request
(Placeholder for future release)

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

Additional Information
Additional Information Submission

This page can be reached by repeating the LOGIN step. This will take you to your
institution’s eZ-Audit homepage. On the upper left hand side of the page, you will see a
section “Other Submissions”. Click on the underlined text “Other Submissions”, and then
click on the underlined text “Submit Additional Information”. The screen below should





1. This should read the name of your institution and OPE ID number. Confirm that this is correct.
2. Select submission to associate the additional information with. If the submission was
not submitted via eZ-Audit it will not be listed. If the review is completed you cannot
submit additional information. Please check your Institution Homepage
Notification section the status of your submission.
3. Click on the Choose File button to search for document to be attached. The screen below

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

4. After the document has been attached and the file type identified by checking the box, click the
“ADD” button to ensure that the document has been successfully attached to your submission.


June 2021

To submit additional information the submission must still be under FSA review.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

Letters/ Notifications

At any time, you will be able to view your institution’s review status by viewing the
notification section of your homepage. This can be reached by repeating the step LOGIN.
This will bring you to your institution’s eZ-Audit homepage and the screen below should



1. This should read the name of your institution and OPEID number. Confirm that this
is correct.
2. This is the Notification section. Most recent institution’s submission status and
other notifications will be displayed. (Examples: Your Fiscal Year End 10/31/2002
Annual Submission was received on 4/30/2003, FAD sent 5/30/2003, Request
for Letter of Credit sent 5/15/2003)


June 2021

Users should periodically check the Institution Home Page for an up to date status of
their submissions. If ED has deemed a submission incomplete, the Incomplete Letter
will be posted to Notifications. The incomplete letter needs to be opened before
there-submission link will appear.


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

Resubmission/ Incomplete Letter
If your submission has been deemed incomplete you will be required to Resubmit. An email will be
sent to the person(s) as listed on the Checklists page in Contacts informing them that the
submission has been deemed incomplete. A copy will also be sent to the Institution’s President and
Financial Aid Administrator.
Resubmissions should be submitted 7 calendar days from receipt of email/letter.
To resubmit you must first view your incomplete letter posted to the Notifications section of
your Institution Home Page. To begin your resubmission, follow steps below.
1. Login to eZ-Audit. This will take you to your Institution’s Home Page. The screen below
should appear. Verify the name on your institution and OPEID.



2. Click link to view Incomplete Letter. Incomplete letter will provide information regarding
the reason(s) your submission was deemed incomplete. Letter will open in separate

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

3. Return to your home page.


4. Click the Resubmit link from left navigation area.
5. Correct submission as directed in Incomplete Letter. Portions of submission deemed
complete will be read-only.

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

Delinquent Letter
If your submission is not received by its due date, a Delinquent Email will be sent to the
Institution’s President, CFO, and Institution’s Financial Aid Administrator. The email will
indicate that a Delinquent Letter has been posted to the Notifications section of your
Institution’s Home Page. Once the Delinquent Email is received, you will be directed to
logon onto eZ-Audit to view the Delinquent Letter. The Delinquent Letter will disappear
once you have submitted the submission.


1. Click link to view Delinquent Letter. Delinquent letter will provide information
regarding whichannual submission is overdue. Letter will open in separate window.

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

2. Close or minimize the browser to return to your home page.

3. Click on the Create Annual Submission link to submit your annual submission.

June 2021


Step-by-Step Guide to Using eZ-Audit for Foreign Private Schools

Reminder Email
A Reminder email will be sent 60 and/or 30 days prior the submission due date. The
Reminder Email will be sent to the Institution’s President, CFO, Financial Aid Administrator
and eZ-Audit Institution Administrator to remind them that the Compliance Audit and/or
Financial Statement due date is approaching.

June 2021


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleeZ-Audit Proprietary School Users Manual
AuthorOlayinka Ola
File Modified2021-07-14
File Created2021-07-14

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