Form FEMA Form FF-207-F FEMA Form FF-207-F EMPG Instrument Work Plan Template

Preparedness Grants Portfolio, including Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program (RCPGP), Grants Reporting Tool (GRT), Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG), Intercity Bus Security Gr

FF-207-FY-23-101_EMPG_Instrument_Work Plan Template.xlsx

Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) - Work Plan

OMB: 1660-0156

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Definitions and Guidance
Quick Links
EMPG Program Summary
Grant Investment Strategy
Grant Activities Outline
Detailed Budget - Excl. M&A
Budget Narrative - Excl. M&A
Detailed Budget - M&A Only
Budget Narrative - M&A Only
Implementation Schedule
Training Data Table
Exercise Data Table

Sheet 1: Definitions and Guidance

EMPG Program Work Plan Template

Complete rows 5-8 with the organization's information.


Grant Number:


The table below provides a brief overview of the function of each tab in the EMPG Program Work Plan Template. The tabs colored blue are for reference and require no data entry. The tabs colored green require input.
Page Description Purpose
Definitions and Guidance
(this page)
This page contains supplemental guidance and instructions for completing the Work Plan Template.
This sheet's content cannot be edited.
Quick Links This page contains hyperlinks to all projects on the Grant Activities Outline (GAO) and Implementation Schedule to allow for quick navigating as opposed to scrolling.
This sheet's content cannot be edited.
Grant Investment Strategy This worksheet requires the applicant to provide an overview of the state/territory's preparedness investment strategy. It should serve as the foundation for completing the remainder of the Work Plan. Application
Grant Activities Outline (GAO) This worksheet is used to capture the proposed EMPG Program-funded projects and link them to the FY 2023 EMPG National Priorities and the Regional Administrator (RA) agreed-upon, approved priorities. The information provided in this tab will help populate information in later worksheets. It is intentionally flexible to allow for each applicant/recipient to capture their EMPG Program-funded work most effectively. Official definitions for the terms “build”, “sustain” and “closing capability gaps” are included in the Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 201 Page 27 of the CPG includes definitions for sustaining capability and building capability, and Page 28 includes sets of examples for building capability. Designate if the project (s) includes equity considerations and/or addresses the impact of climate change. Examples of allowable activities and associated core capabilities for projects which address the FY 2022 EMPG National Priorities of equity, climate resilience and readiness can be found in the FY 2023 EMPG NOFO. Application
Detailed Budget - Excl. M&A Fill in this sheet to account for each expenditure on the grant in columns A - O. Itemize non-Management and Administration (M&A) costs related to personnel, fringe benefits, travel, equipment, supplies, contractual services, construction, other, and indirect costs. Assign each line item to its relevant project, if applicable. Associating the line item with the project will allow the information in mission areas, core capabilities, priorities, Emergency Management Accreditation Program (EMAP), and POETE solution areas to populate accordingly.
NOTE: Project numbers listed in the detailed budget must exactly match those listed in the GAO and Implementation Schedule to allow the sheet to populate data correctly.
Budget Narrative - Excl. M&A Provide a narrative for each cost category of the budget. Application
Detailed Budget - M&A Only Fill in this sheet to account for each M&A expenditure ONLY on the grant in columns A - O. Itemize M&A costs related to personnel, fringe benefits, travel, equipment, supplies, contractual services, construction, other, and indirect costs. Assign each line item to its relevant project. Associating the line item with the project will allow the information in mission areas, core capabilities, priorities, EMAP, and POETE solution areas to populate accordingly.
NOTE: Project numbers listed in the detailed budget must exactly match those listed in the GAO to allow the sheet to populate data correctly.
Budget Narrative - M&A Only Provide a narrative for each M&A cost category of the budget. Application
EMPG Program Summary This worksheet will pull a summary of the information from the detailed budget.
This sheet cannot be edited and is for reference ONLY.
Implementation Schedule This worksheet requires outlining key project activities and tasks associated with each project identified in the GAO. For application, the estimated start and completion dates (by calendar quarter) should be included on the schedule. This sheet should also be used for quarterly reporting on grant activities. For progress reporting purposes, the actual start and completion dates (by calendar quarter) should be included on the schedule. If you indicated on the GAO that the project(s) address equity considerations and/or the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided on this schedule. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity and/or the impacts of climate change. Application and Reporting
Training Data Table Complete the table for the training associated with the EMPG Program. Application and Reporting
Exercise Data Table Complete the table for the exercises associated with the EMPG Program. Application and Reporting

Grant Investment Strategy
Purpose: The intent of this worksheet is to provide an overview of the state/territory's preparedness investment strategy. It includes separate sections to explain the most recent Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA)/Stakeholder Preparedness Review (SPR) results; significant risks and capability gaps that currently exist based on THIRA/SPR outputs and other information sources; resulting preparedness priorities; the goals associated with each priority area; and the anticipated impact of the proposed EMPG Program-funded investments relative to the priorities, performance goals, and/or core capabilities supported.

Instructions: Briefly respond to each question. For the Priorities and Goals section, identify the 3-5 priorities that were mutually agreed to and approved by the Regional Administrator.

At least one performance goal should be identified for each priority area. Each goal must be: specific; measurable; achievable within the period of performance; relevant to the priority area; and have a target date for completion (i.e. SMART goal). It should describe how achieving each goal or objective will impact the priority area it supports by the end of the period of performance.

Grant Activities Outline
Purpose: The Grant Activities Outline (GAO) is used to capture the proposed EMPG Program-funded projects and link them to the identified priorities, performance goals, and gaps or needs. Coupled with the Implementation Schedule and EMPG Summary Tab, the GAO supports identification and tracking of EMPG Program-funded project outcomes, which will enable better understanding of the impacts of those investments relative to the performance goals and the associated core capabilities. Per the Preparedness Grants Manual, each goal must include an estimate quantifying the extent to which the supporting investments will close capability gaps. The worksheet includes sections that allow the applicant to identify the performance goals that are supported by each project and the milestones that are critical to accomplishing each goal. Additional guidance on performance goals and milestones, including specific examples of each, are provided below. The worksheet also requires the applicant to explain the objective and anticipated impact of each project relative to the associated priorities, goals, and related core capabilities. The "Project Objective" should explain what the project will accomplish; specifically, how the project will address the identified gap or need and how it supports one or more of the identified Performance Goals. The "Anticipated Project Impact" should explain the expected project outcome relative to the associated priorities and performance goals. The impact statement should include a quantitative estimate of the degree to which the project will contribute to achieving the identified performance goal (see hierarchy example below). All EMPG Program-funded investments must be accounted for in the GAO. However, recognizing that some sustainment activities, such as funding of emergency manager salaries, may not align to a specific priority or performance goal, applicants are not required to identify priorities and performance goals for such investments. However, all other portions of the GAO must be completed as a means to justify the applicable sustainment costs.

New for FY 2022, states and territories are required to identify whether and how each project included in their EMPG Program Work Plan addresses equity-related considerations or the impacts associated with climate change. The GAO includes questions for applicants to select "yes" or "no" to the equity and climate change questions (per project). Continuing for FY 2023, it is a requirement that at least 87.5% of all projects that include Planning, Training, and/or Exercise deliverables align with closing capability gaps identified and documented in the state/territory’s most recent THIRA/SPR submission and other relevant information sources.

Effective completion of the GAO requires an understanding of the established planning hierarchy. Priorities are at the top of the hierarchy, followed by performance goals that define a clear outcome or end-state and provide the basis for addressing each priority. Based on the identified performance goals, project proposals are identified. High-priority capability gaps or needs identified through the THIRA/SPR process and other assessments are also used to inform project selection and to identify specific project objectives. Project objectives, and accompanying impact statements, should complement the performance goals by including similar outcome-focused metrics, as explained above. Lastly, project activities are identified. Project activities are key components and/or milestones that are critical to successful completion of the project. An example of this hierarchy is provided below:

Instructions: The template allows entering up to 80 projects. Ensure that the number assigned to the project title is entered consistently throughout the Template to enable the "auto-populate" features used throughout this spreadsheet. Each project must be given in a name in the "Project Name" space in order for it to be tracked across the template. Enter the requested information or select a choice from the drop-down menu as applicable to your award.

Performance Goals
Term Definition/Guidance
Performance Goal From 2 C.F.R.: Performance goal means a target level of performance expressed as a tangible, measurable objective, against which actual achievement can be compared, including a goal expressed as a quantitative standard, value, or rate. In some instances (e.g., discretionary research awards), this may be limited to the requirement to submit technical performance reports (to be evaluated in accordance with agency policy).

Each goal must be: specific; measurable; achievable within the period of performance; relevant to the priority area; and have a target date for completion (i.e. SMART goals). Each goal must include an estimate quantifying the extent to which the supporting investments will close capability gaps.

The standardized targets included in the Core Capability Development Sheets should be used for developing performance goals, as these standardized targets meet all of the SMART goal requirements. The standardized targets also serve as the basis for setting preparedness goals, identifying capability gaps and approaches for closing those gaps, and tracking efforts to build and sustain capability gaps each year in the state/territory's THIRA/SPR. By using the same goals as those identified in the THIRA/SPR, this enables better understanding and tracking of how EMPG Program-funded investments contribute to building and sustaining capabilities each year, thus yielding a better understanding of investment outcomes and impacts.

Core Capability Metrics Current capability levels associated with the capabilities identified in the performance goals; they provide the baseline for measuring project effectiveness.
Milestones Milestones will identify key project activities and other deliverables or outputs that are critical to accomplishing the identified performance goal and can be tracked to demonstrate progress toward achieving the goal.
Core Capability Development Sheets
Performance Goal Core Capability Metrics Milestones
Increase the number of people who can find and secure long-term housing within 1 year of an incident by 10%. Sheltering for 6,000 people *Update State Housing Strategy Template by June 30, 2024
*Conduct two Housing tabletop exercises; one by Sept. 30, 2024, the other by Sept. 30, 2025
*Prepare After Action Report (AAR) and update State Disaster Housing Plan within 60 days of exercise completion based on lessons-learned identified in the AAR

Within 24 hours of an incident, identify and mobilize life-sustaining commodities, resources, and services to 10,000 people requiring shelter and 100,000 people requiring food and water. Maintain distribution system for at least 30 days. Food & water for 60,000 people *Conduct tabletop exercise focusing on Logistics and Supply Chain Management by June 30, 2024
*Prepare AAR and update Distribution Management Plan within 60 days of exercise completion based on lessons-learned identified in the AAR
*Procure inventory management system by Sept. 30, 2024

Detailed Budget - Excluding M&A
This page allows you track expenditures by line item (excluding costs associated with M&A). Please identify the various aspects of each line item as requested. For Personnel and Fringe costs, applicants may use columns D, E, & F to assist in the calculations of how much to charge to the grant based on the percentage of time a certain employee works on the EMPG Program. Entering a Project Number (from the GAO) in column L will tie the line item to an existing EMPG Program project. Only one project may be selected. Columns Q - AE allow the applicant to view the line item alongside the information reported from the project dropdown menus.

Each line item is flexible to allow applicants to capture budget details in a manner that is useful for their agency. All cost-sharing/match should be recorded in the detailed budget in the "Non-Federal Share" (Column H) and the type of match should be selected under "Match Type" (Column J). The source of the match may be typed into "Match Source" (Column K). Indirect costs do not require a non-federal match portion to be associated with the line item. This page provides the data that will calculate into the EMPG Program Summary tab. It is important that all relevant costs and match are captured. The dollar amounts associated with the EMPG Program must be entered in "Federal Amount" and "Non-Federal Amount" (Columns G & H). The total cost of the line item will be automatically populated in "Total Cost" (Column I). The sum of line items entered in the Detailed Budget will be added by cost category and reflected in the Budget Narrative.

Budget Narrative - Excluding M&A
The purpose of the Budget Narrative is to 1) Justify the need for each line item and justify the cost estimates; 2) Explain how costs relate to the programmatic goals of the project(s); and 3) Supplement other budget information provided on the Detailed Budget. On this page, please list each item from your Detailed Budget-Excl. M&A worksheet and list the costs herein the same order in which they are listed on the budget spreadsheet.
Cost Share: Include a detailed description of the source of the Match/Cost Share. If funds or services are to be provided by a third party for in-kind match, a dated letter of commitment is required to document the donation.

Detailed Budget - M&A Only
This page allows you track M&A expenditures by line item (M&A ONLY). Please identify the various aspects of each line item as requested. For Personnel and Fringe costs, applicants may use columns D, E, & F to assist in the calculations of how much to charge to the grant based on the percentage of time a certain employee works on the EMPG Program. Entering a Project Number (from the GAO) in column L will tie the line item to an existing EMPG Program project. Only one project may be selected. Columns Q - AE allow the applicant to view the line item alongside the information reported from the project dropdown menus.

Each line item is flexible to allow applicants to capture budget details in a manner that is useful for their agency. All cost-sharing/match should be recorded in the detailed budget in the "Non-Federal Share" (Column H) and the type of match should be selected under "Match Type" (Column J). The source of the match may be typed into "Match Source" (Column K). Indirect costs do not require a non-federal match portion to be associated with the line item. This page provides the data that will calculate into the EMPG Program Summary tab. It is important that all relevant costs and match are captured. The dollar amounts associated with the EMPG Program must be entered in "Federal Amount" and "Non-Federal Amount" (Columns G & H). The total cost of the line item will be automatically populated in "Total Cost" (Column I).

The sum of line items entered in the Detailed Budget will be added by cost category and reflected in the Budget Narrative - M&A Only.

Budget Narrative - M&A Only
The purpose of the Budget Narrative is to 1) Justify the need for each line item and justify the cost estimates; 2) Explain how costs relate to the programmatic goals of the project(s); and 3) Supplement other budget information provided on the Detailed Budget. States may use up to 5% of their total EMPG Program award amount for M&A Costs. Characteristics of M&A expenses can include the following: 1) Direct costs that are incurred to administer a particular Federal award; 2) Identifiable and unique to each Federal award; 3) Charged based on the activity performed for that particular Federal award; and, 4) Not duplicative of the same costs that are included in the approved Indirect Cost Rate Agreement. On this page, please list each item from your Detailed M&A Budget worksheet and list the costs herein the same order in which they are listed on the budget spreadsheet.
Cost Share: Include a detailed description of the source of the Match/Cost Share. If funds or services are to be provided by a third party for in-kind match, a dated letter of commitment is required to document the donation.

EMPG Program Summary
REMINDER: The information on this tab automatically populates with data from the GAO and Detailed Budget tabs and cannot be edited. To change any information as it is found in this tab, make edits to the projects in the GAO and/or the line items within the Detailed Budget.

Total Budget Summary What is Measured
This summary table calculates all of the entered budget information on the detailed budget tab(s). All costs included in the detailed budgets.
Budget Summary by Cost Category What is Measured
This summary table calculates the Federal cost and cost match broken down by cost categories. It is based on the information entered in the detailed budget tab(s). All cost categories by Federal share, non-federal share, and total.
Budget Summary by Mission Area and Core Capabilities What is Measured
This summary table calculates the dollar amounts tied to the primary mission area and core capabilities. All dollar amounts associated with primary mission area and primary core capabilities.
Performance Metrics
Metric Methodology
1. Percent of capability-building EMPG Program-funded projects that align to capability gaps identified by states, territories, and urban areas in their SPR submissions. Percentage determined by: [Projects that select "Building" and select "THIRA/SPR" as the reference for identified gaps] / [Projects that select "Building"]
Metric Methodology
2. Percent of EMPG Program dollars spent on capability-building projects that align to capability gaps identified by states, territories, and urban areas in their SPR submissions. Percentage determined by: [Dollar amount tied to projects that select "Building" and select "THIRA/SPR" as the reference for identified gaps] / [Dollar amount tied to projects that select "Building"]
Metric Methodology
3. Percent of capability-building EMPG Program-funded projects that address a core capability that has one or more targets rated as high priority. Percentage determined by: [Projects that select "Building" and select "THIRA/SPR" as the reference for identified gaps and have at least one Core Capability rated as high priority] / [Projects that select "Building"]
Metric Methodology
4a. Percent of funding allocated to build or sustain in RA agreed-upon priority areas.
4b. Percent of funding allocated to build or sustain that support the EMPG National Priority-Equity
4c. Percent of funding allocated to build or sustain that support the EMPG National Priority-Climate Resilience
4d. Percent of funding allocated to build or sustain capabilities that support the EMPG National Priority-Readiness
4a. Percentage determined by: [Dollar amount tied to projects that select "Building" or "Maintaining/Sustaining" and select at least one response under RA Agreed Upon Priority] / [Total grant dollar amount]
4b. Percentage determined by: [Dollar amount tied to projects that select "Building" or "Maintaining/Sustaining" and select Equity as a National Priority] / [Total grant dollar amount]
4c. Percentage determined by: [Dollar amount tied to projects that select "Building" or "Maintaining/Sustaining" and select Climate Resilience as a National Priority] / [Total grant dollar amount]
4d. Percentage determined by: [Dollar amount tied to projects that select "Building" or "Maintaining/Sustaining" and select Readiness as a National Priority] / [Total grant dollar amount]

Metric Methodology
5. Percent of Planning, Training, and/or Exercise related projects that align with closing capability gaps identified and documented in the state/territory’s most recent THIRA/SPR submission, Mitigation Plan, After Action Reports, Audit/Monitoring Finding, or Other Deliberate Plans, and other relevant information sources. Percentage determined by: [Projects that select Planning, Training, and/or Exercise as a POETE solution area and reference a gap] / [Projects that reference a gap]

Implementation Schedule
The Implementation Schedule worksheet should be used as a planning tool for the key activities associated with each project identified in the GAO. For each project, and for each year of the grant award, the applicant/recipient should include the activities necessary to accomplish the goals of each project, as well as the estimated start and completion dates (by calendar quarter) for each activity. Data from the Implementation Schedule should also be completed and submitted to FEMA as a component of quarterly reporting on grant activities. For quarterly reporting, the recipient should enter the Actual Start Date and Actual Completion Date (by calendar quarter) for each activity, as well as the percentage of completion of the planned activities during that quarter only (not cumulative). The “Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred” section should be completed for risks or challenges encountered during the quarter for implementation of the associated activities. If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations and/or the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity and/or the impacts of climate change. Use the “Additional Comments” section to describe plans to alleviate the risks or challenges identified above, as well as plans for how the project will be brought on track to be completed within the Period of Performance.
Identify accomplishments and milestones achieved as they related to building the approved project by POETE.
Describe any potential issues that may affect project completion.
Describe any potential changes to the selected performance measures for the project.

Training Data Table
Complete the table for EMPG Program-funded training activities including scheduled training courses and training that is conducted/completed during the grant Period of Performance (POP). Applicants/recipients are not required to report EMPG Program-funded personnel costs associated with training. Training related to the National Qualification System is not reported on this Training Data Table. Also, data from the Training Data Table should be completed and submitted to FEMA as a component of quarterly reporting on grant activities.

Exercise Data Table
Complete the table for EMPG Program-funded exercises including costs to run the exercise (e.g. planning, materials, props, contractual services for conducting the exercise, AAR and Improvement Plan IP, etc.). Any exercise planned or conducted during the grant POP should be reported on the Exercise Data Table. Applicants/recipients are not required to report EMPG Program-funded personnel costs associated with exercises. Data from the Exercise Data Table should also be completed and submitted to FEMA as a component of quarterly reporting on grant activities.

Sheet 2: Quick Links

Click the corresponding to quickly jump to specific projects in either the GAO or Implementation Schedule without having to scroll.
Project Number Project Name Grant Activities Outline Project Number Implementation Schedule
1 0 Go to GAO 1 Go to Implementation Schedule
2 0 Go to GAO 2 Go to Implementation Schedule
3 0 Go to GAO 3 Go to Implementation Schedule
4 0 Go to GAO 4 Go to Implementation Schedule
5 0 Go to GAO 5 Go to Implementation Schedule
6 0 Go to GAO 6 Go to Implementation Schedule
7 0 Go to GAO 7 Go to Implementation Schedule
8 0 Go to GAO 8 Go to Implementation Schedule
9 0 Go to GAO 9 Go to Implementation Schedule
10 0 Go to GAO 10 Go to Implementation Schedule
11 0 Go to GAO 11 Go to Implementation Schedule
12 0 Go to GAO 12 Go to Implementation Schedule
13 0 Go to GAO 13 Go to Implementation Schedule
14 0 Go to GAO 14 Go to Implementation Schedule
15 0 Go to GAO 15 Go to Implementation Schedule
16 0 Go to GAO 16 Go to Implementation Schedule
17 0 Go to GAO 17 Go to Implementation Schedule
18 0 Go to GAO 18 Go to Implementation Schedule
19 0 Go to GAO 19 Go to Implementation Schedule
20 0 Go to GAO 20 Go to Implementation Schedule
21 0 Go to GAO 21 Go to Implementation Schedule
22 0 Go to GAO 22 Go to Implementation Schedule
23 0 Go to GAO 23 Go to Implementation Schedule
24 0 Go to GAO 24 Go to Implementation Schedule
25 0 Go to GAO 25 Go to Implementation Schedule
26 0 Go to GAO 26 Go to Implementation Schedule
27 0 Go to GAO 27 Go to Implementation Schedule
28 0 Go to GAO 28 Go to Implementation Schedule
29 0 Go to GAO 29 Go to Implementation Schedule
30 0 Go to GAO 30 Go to Implementation Schedule
31 0 Go to GAO 31 Go to Implementation Schedule
32 0 Go to GAO 32 Go to Implementation Schedule
33 0 Go to GAO 33 Go to Implementation Schedule
34 0 Go to GAO 34 Go to Implementation Schedule
35 0 Go to GAO 35 Go to Implementation Schedule
36 0 Go to GAO 36 Go to Implementation Schedule
37 0 Go to GAO 37 Go to Implementation Schedule
38 0 Go to GAO 38 Go to Implementation Schedule
39 0 Go to GAO 39 Go to Implementation Schedule
40 0 Go to GAO 40 Go to Implementation Schedule
41 0 Go to GAO 41 Go to Implementation Schedule
42 0 Go to GAO 42 Go to Implementation Schedule
43 0 Go to GAO 43 Go to Implementation Schedule
44 0 Go to GAO 44 Go to Implementation Schedule
45 0 Go to GAO 45 Go to Implementation Schedule
46 0 Go to GAO 46 Go to Implementation Schedule
47 0 Go to GAO 47 Go to Implementation Schedule
48 0 Go to GAO 48 Go to Implementation Schedule
49 0 Go to GAO 49 Go to Implementation Schedule
50 0 Go to GAO 50 Go to Implementation Schedule
51 0 Go to GAO 51 Go to Implementation Schedule
52 0 Go to GAO 52 Go to Implementation Schedule
53 0 Go to GAO 53 Go to Implementation Schedule
54 0 Go to GAO 54 Go to Implementation Schedule
55 0 Go to GAO 55 Go to Implementation Schedule
56 0 Go to GAO 56 Go to Implementation Schedule
57 0 Go to GAO 57 Go to Implementation Schedule
58 0 Go to GAO 58 Go to Implementation Schedule
59 0 Go to GAO 59 Go to Implementation Schedule
60 0 Go to GAO 60 Go to Implementation Schedule
61 0 Go to GAO 61 Go to Implementation Schedule
62 0 Go to GAO 62 Go to Implementation Schedule
63 0 Go to GAO 63 Go to Implementation Schedule
64 0 Go to GAO 64 Go to Implementation Schedule
65 0 Go to GAO 65 Go to Implementation Schedule
66 0 Go to GAO 66 Go to Implementation Schedule
67 0 Go to GAO 67 Go to Implementation Schedule
68 0 Go to GAO 68 Go to Implementation Schedule
69 0 Go to GAO 69 Go to Implementation Schedule
70 0 Go to GAO 70 Go to Implementation Schedule
71 0 Go to GAO 71 Go to Implementation Schedule
72 0 Go to GAO 72 Go to Implementation Schedule
73 0 Go to GAO 73 Go to Implementation Schedule
74 0 Go to GAO 74 Go to Implementation Schedule
75 0 Go to GAO 75 Go to Implementation Schedule
76 0 Go to GAO 76 Go to Implementation Schedule
77 0 Go to GAO 77 Go to Implementation Schedule
78 0 Go to GAO 78 Go to Implementation Schedule
79 0 Go to GAO 79 Go to Implementation Schedule
80 0 Go to GAO 80 Go to Implementation Schedule

Sheet 3: EMPG Program Summary

REMINDER: This sheet automatically populates with data from the GAO and Detailed Budget tabs and cannot be edited. To change any information as it is found in this tab, make edits to the projects in the GAO and/or the line items within the Detailed Budget.

Total Budget Summary

Total projects 0 Projects addressing equity 0 Projects addressing impacts of climate change 0
Funding Total %

Total Project Cost (includes Federal and Non-Federal) $-

Preliminary Calculations for FY 2023 EMPG Program Performance Measures
Federal Amount (includes M&A) $-

Non-Federal Amount (includes M&A) $-

Disclaimer: Please note that the NOFO performance metrics below are preliminary estimates of scores calculated for the first time using this optional EMPG Program Work Plan Template and are subject to change. The preliminary scores for these metrics can help recipients estimate how they are meeting the intent of these measures in real time. However, these scores are not reflective of national scores for EMPG Program NOFO performance metrics that are officially reported to the Department of Homeland Security and the Office of Management and Budget.

Please use your community’s most recent THIRA/SPR submission to fill out information related to capability gaps identified in the SPR and target priority. For assistance related to the THIRA/SPR, please reach out to the THIRA/SPR Helpdesk: For additional information, please refer to guidance and technical assistance provided by the EMPG Program Office and Regional EMPG Program points of contact.
M&A $-

Budget Summary by Cost Category

Federal Non-Federal Total

Personnel $- $- $-

Fringe Benefits $- $- $-

Travel $- $- $-

Equipment $- $- $-

1. Percent of capability-building EMPG Program-funded projects that align to capability gaps identified by states, territories, and urban areas in their SPR submissions.
Supplies $- $- $-

Contractual $- $- $-

Project Count % of Projects $ Amount Associated
Other $- $- $-

0 % $-
Construction $- $- $-

Indirect Costs $- $- $-

2. Percent of EMPG Program dollars spent on capability-building projects that align to capability gaps identified by states, territories, and urban areas in their SPR submissions.

Totals $- $- $-

Project Count $ Amount Associated % of Dollars Spent

0 $- %

Budget Summary for (Primary) Mission Areas and (Primary) Core Capabilities

3. Percent of capability-building EMPG Program-funded projects that address a core capability that has one or more targets rated as high priority.
Mission Area (Primary Only) Federal Non-Federal Total

Prevention $- $- $-

Project Count % of Projects $ Amount Associated
Protection $- $- $-

0 % $-
Mitigation $- $- $-

Response $- $- $-

4a. Percent of funding allocated to build or sustain capabilities that support RA agreed-upon priority areas.
Recovery $- $- $-

Project Count $ Amount Associated % of Total Award Amount

0 $- %
Core Capability (Primary Only) Federal Non-Federal Total

Access Control and Identity Verification $- $- $-

4b. Percent of funding allocated to build or sustain capabilities that support the EMPG National Priority-Equity.

Project Count $ Amount Associated % of Total Award Amount
Community Resilience $- $- $-

0 $- %

Critical Transportation $- $- $-

4c. Percent of funding allocated to build or sustain capabilities that support the EMPG National Priority-Climate Resilience.

Project Count $ Amount Associated % of Total Award Amount
Cybersecurity $- $- $-

0 $- %

Economic Recovery $- $- $-

4d. Percent of funding allocated to build or sustain capabilities that support the EMPG National Priority-Readiness.

Project Count $ Amount Associated % of Total Award Amount
Environmental Response/Health and Safety $- $- $-

0 $- %

Fatality Management Services $- $- $-

5. Percent of Planning, Training, and/or Exercise related projects that align with closing capability gaps identified and documented in the state/territory’s most recent THIRA/SPR submission, Mitigation Plan, After Action Reports, Audit/Monitoring Finding, or Other Deliberate Plans. and other relevant information sources.

Fire Management and Suppression $- $- $-

Project Count % of Projects $ Amount Associated
Forensics and Attribution $- $- $-

0 % $-

Health and Social Services $- $- $-

Housing $- $- $-

Infrastructure Systems $- $- $-

Intelligence and Information Sharing $- $- $-

Interdiction and Disruption $- $- $-

Logistics and Supply Chain Management $- $- $-

Long-term Vulnerability Reduction $- $- $-

Mass Care Services $- $- $-

Mass Search and Rescue Operations $- $- $-

Natural and Cultural Resources $- $- $-

On-Scene Security, Protection, and Law Enforcement $- $- $-

Operational Communications $- $- $-

Operational Coordination $- $- $-

Physical Protective Measures $- $- $-

Planning $- $- $-

Public Health, Healthcare, and Emergency Medical Services $- $- $-

Public Information and Warning $- $- $-

Risk and Disaster Resilience Assessment $- $- $-

Risk Management for Protection Programs and Activities $- $- $-

Screening, Search, and Detection $- $- $-

Situational Assessment $- $- $-

Supply Chain Integrity and Security $- $- $-

Threats and Hazards Identification $- $- $-

Sheet 4: Grant Investment Strategy

Grant Investment Strategy
Provide a narrative overview of the state/territory's preparedness investment strategy by addressing each of the sections below.

PERFORMANCE GOALS: Identify the 3-5 priority areas that serve as the focus for EMPG Program-funded investments and the performance goals associated with each priority. Per the Preparedness Grants Manual, each goal must include an estimate quantifying the extent to which the supporting investments will close capability gaps.

Provide an overview of your state or territory's Risk Profile based on the most recent THIRA/SPR results, Hazard Mitigation Plan, and/or other information sources used to assess risk.

Provide a BRIEF description of the gaps or areas of need as identified through the THIRA/SPR process and/or other relevant assessments.

Provide a BRIEF overview of the state or territory's investment strategy by identifying proposed EMPG Program-funded investments. Briefly explain how they support the identified priorities and performance goals, along with the state/territory's risks, gaps, and needs identified above; and provide the anticipated impact of the investments relative to the priorities, performance goals, and/or core capabilities supported.

Sheet 5: Grant Activities Outline

Total Grant Summary - Automatically Populates

Project Count 0
Note: Each project MUST be named in order for the Excel formulas to calculate correctly.

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-

Total Project Costs $-

Project 1 Budget Summary
Project Number 1

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Names

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals listed in the Grant Investment Strategy will be displayed in the drop down list.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 2 Budget Summary
Project Number 2

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 3 Budget Summary
Project Number 3

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 4 Budget Summary
Project Number 4

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 5 Budget Summary
Project Number 5

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 6 Budget Summary
Project Number 6

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 7 Budget Summary
Project Number 7

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 8 Budget Summary
Project Number 8

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 9 Budget Summary
Project Number 9

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 10 Budget Summary
Project Number 10

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 11 Budget Summary
Project Number 11

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 12 Budget Summary
Project Number 12

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 13 Budget Summary
Project Number 13

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 14 Budget Summary
Project Number 14

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 15 Budget Summary
Project Number 15

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 16 Budget Summary
Project Number 16

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 17 Budget Summary
Project Number 17

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 18 Budget Summary
Project Number 18

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 19 Budget Summary
Project Number 19

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 20 Budget Summary
Project Number 20

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 21 Budget Summary
Project Number 21

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 22 Budget Summary
Project Number 22

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 23 Budget Summary
Project Number 23

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 24 Budget Summary
Project Number 24

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 25 Budget Summary
Project Number 25

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 26 Budget Summary
Project Number 26

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 27 Budget Summary
Project Number 27

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

National Priority Area

Mission Area



RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below




POETE Solution Area




Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority


Core Capabilities


EMAP Standard Element








Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 28 Budget Summary
Project Number 28

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 29 Budget Summary
Project Number 29

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 30 Budget Summary
Project Number 30

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 31 Budget Summary
Project Number 31

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 32 Budget Summary
Project Number 32

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 33 Budget Summary
Project Number 33

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 34 Budget Summary
Project Number 34

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 35 Budget Summary
Project Number 35

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 36 Budget Summary
Project Number 36

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 37 Budget Summary
Project Number 37

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 38 Budget Summary
Project Number 38

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 39 Budget Summary
Project Number 39

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 40 Budget Summary
Project Number 40

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 41 Budget Summary
Project Number 41

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 42 Budget Summary
Project Number 42

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 43 Budget Summary
Project Number 43

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 44 Budget Summary
Project Number 44

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 45 Budget Summary
Project Number 45

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 46 Budget Summary
Project Number 46

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 47 Budget Summary
Project Number 47

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 48 Budget Summary
Project Number 48

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 49 Budget Summary
Project Number 49

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 50 Budget Summary
Project Number 50

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 51 Budget Summary
Project Number 51

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 52 Budget Summary
Project Number 52

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 53 Budget Summary
Project Number 53

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 54 Budget Summary
Project Number 54

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 55 Budget Summary
Project Number 55

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 56 Budget Summary
Project Number 56

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 57 Budget Summary
Project Number 57

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 58 Budget Summary
Project Number 58

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 59 Budget Summary
Project Number 59

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 60 Budget Summary
Project Number 60

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 61 Budget Summary
Project Number 61

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 62 Budget Summary
Project Number 62

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 63 Budget Summary
Project Number 63

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 64 Budget Summary
Project Number 64

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 65 Budget Summary
Project Number 65

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 66 Budget Summary
Project Number 66

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 67 Budget Summary
Project Number 67

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 68 Budget Summary
Project Number 68

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 69 Budget Summary
Project Number 69

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 70 Budget Summary
Project Number 70

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 71 Budget Summary
Project Number 71

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 72 Budget Summary
Project Number 72

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 73 Budget Summary
Project Number 73

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 74 Budget Summary
Project Number 74

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 75 Budget Summary
Project Number 75

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 76 Budget Summary
Project Number 76

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 77 Budget Summary
Project Number 77

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 78 Budget Summary
Project Number 78

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 79 Budget Summary
Project Number 79

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Project 80 Budget Summary
Project Number 80

Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-
Project Name

Non-Federal Amount Requested (Direct Only) $-

Sub-total of Direct Costs $-

Indirect Costs $-
Brief Description of Project

Total Project Costs $-

This summary auto-populates based on the detailed budget.

Gap or Need Addressed
Reference for Identified Gap or Need

Project Objective

Anticipated Project Impact

Choose 1: Build or Sustain
Does this project address equity considerations?
Does this project address the impacts of climate change?

Mission Area

National Priority Area




RA Agreed Upon Priority Area

If "Other," please enter priority below


POETE Solution Area






Core Capability Has a Target with a Gap Rated as High Priority

Core Capabilities

EMAP Standard Element









Performance Goals

Goals should be based on the capability targets identified in the Core Capability Development Sheets.

For additional guidance on Performance Goals and Measures, please click here.

Performance Goals Current Capability Metrics Milestones

Select the performance goal(s) from the drop down list that applies to this project.
The performance goals are displayed as they are listed in the Grant Investment Strategy.
- Sheltering for 6,000 people
- Food & water for 60,000 people
- Coordinate with key stakeholders to update the State Distribution Management Plan annually by September 30th.
- Conduct a tabletop exercise with state and local emergency management officials and other key stakeholders to test logistics and supply chain management capabilities during a major disaster by May 31, 2023.
- Identify and procure critical emergency supplies needed to support a major disaster and develop a five-year viable inventory management plan by June 30, 2022.
- Procure an inventory management system by June 30, 2022.
- Identify suitable and available facilities for stockpiling of critical emergency supplies and enter into lease agreements by June 30, 2023.

Jump to Implementation Schedule/Quarterly Report

Sheet 6: Detailed Budget - Excl. M&A

Based on the Project Number entered in Column N, this portion of the sheet automatically populates the information included in the GAO. It cannot be edited, but changes can be made in the GAO tab.
Directions: This section of the Work Plan is a detailed description of the budget found in the SF-424A, and must include a detailed discussion of how EMPG Program funds will be used. List each item in sufficient detail for FEMA to determine the reasonableness and allowability of its cost. Applicants must itemize costs related to personnel, fringe benefits, travel, equipment, supplies, contractual costs, other direct costs, indirect costs, and total costs. Select a budget category from the drop down list, choose a POETE solution area for the cost, include the Position Title (no personnel names) or Line Item Name, include the name of the exercise (if applicable), include the name of the training course/event (if applicable), include the Federal Amount, Non-Federal Amount, % of time on the EMPG Program (for personnel and fringe), select Type of Match/Cost Share (hard=cash and soft=in-kind) from the drop down list. Cost Share or Match Source must be the same type of cost which is allowable for Federal dollars in the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). The source of the Match Type must be entered in Column M and a detailed description of the Match Source included on the Budget Narrative. The entries for Federal Amount and Non-Federal Amount will be added together for the Total Project Costs (100%) in Column K. Enter the Project Number from the GAO, which will then automatically populate the Project Name.

Federal Amount (Direct Costs) $-

For more information or guidance on match source requirements, please refer to IBs 458 and 458a. IB 458 IB 458a

Non-Federal Amount (Direct Costs) $-

Total Direct Amount $-

Indirect Amount $-

Total Project Cost (*excluding M&A*) $-

REQUIRED - Drop Down Menu
Manual Entry, if applicable Use ONLY for Personnel/Fringes (if applicable) Manual Entry REQUIRED *Automatically Populates* Manual Entry, if applicable

Associated Mission, Priorities, Capabilities, and Functional Areas - Automatically Populates from GAO
Budget Category POETE Solution Area Line Item Name or Position Title (No Personnel Names) Exercise Name Training Name If Personnel or Fringe, enter annual salary or annual fringe If Personnel or Fringe, % of time on EMPG Program Total $ EMPG Program Personnel or Total $ EMPG Program Fringe Federal Amount Non-Federal Amount Total Cost Match Type Match Source Project Number Project Name
(automatically populates based on Project Number entered in Column N)

Primary Mission Area Secondary Mission Area Tertiary Mission Area Core Capability 1 Core Capability 2 Core Capability 3 Core Capability 4 Core Capability 5 RA Agreed Upon Priority Area - Primary RA Agreed Upon Priority Area - Secondary RA Agreed Upon Priority Area - Tertiary National Priority Area EMAP #1 EMAP #2 EMAP #3


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Select Type
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Enter Project Number


Select Type
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Enter Project Number


Select Type
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Sheet 7: Budget Narrative - Excl. M&A

Budget Narrative - Excluding M&A
The purpose of the Budget Narrative is to 1) Justify the need for each line item and justify the cost estimates; 2) Explain how costs relate to the programmatic goals of the project(s); and 3) Supplement other budget information provided on the Detailed Budget. On this page, list each item from your Detailed Budget worksheet (excluding M&A) and list the costs herein the same order in which they are listed on the budget spreadsheet.

Cost Share: Include a detailed description of the source of the match/cost share. If funds or services are to be provided by a third party for in-kind match, a dated letter of commitment is required to document the donation.

Excel Tip: Pressing Alt + Enter will add a blank line without moving to a different cell.

Budget - Excluding M&A (Auto-populates from Detailed Budget - Excl. M&A)

Total Project Amount $-

Federal Project Amount $-

Non-Federal Project Amount $-

Indirect Costs $-

Federal Non-Federal Total (Auto-populates from Detailed Budget - Excl. M&A)
Personnel $- $- $-
List each position with a brief description of the duties and responsibilities (no personnel names), as well as the salary computation. If a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) increase and/or merit pay increase in salary will be provided for the position, include those costs in calculations for personnel and the associated fringe benefits on the Detailed Budget (excluding M&A) and the Budget Narrative.

Federal Non-Federal Total (Auto-populates from Detailed Budget - Excl. M&A)
Fringe Benefits $- $- $-
List the computation for fringe benefits for each of the personnel listed in the budget worksheet. Estimated rates for fringe are allowable but provide the basis for that estimation in the budget narrative (e.g. average % fringe paid for most employees within the agency). If not using an estimate, list fringe benefit and the associated costs for each employee (not M&A) that will be paid by EMPG Program funding (e.g. Social Security/FICA, Unemployment Compensation, Medicare, Retirement, Health Insurance, Life Insurance, etc.). Fringe benefits on overtime hours should generally be limited to Social Security/FICA, Workers' Compensation, Unemployment Compensation, and Retirement.

Federal Non-Federal Total (Auto-populates from Detailed Budget - Excl. M&A)
Travel $- $- $-
Specify the mileage, per diem, estimated number of trips in-State and out-of-State, number of travelers, and other costs for each type of travel. Travel may be integral to the purpose of the proposed project (e.g. disaster response) or related to proposed project activities (e.g. attendance at training or meetings). Travel costs identified in this section are for employees of the applicant/recipient only. For travel costs related to training, include as many details about each proposed training cost, including the name of the training course(s), training provider, personnel who will attend the training, proposed dates (estimates are accepted), etc. Travel category costs do not include costs for travel of consultants, contractors, consortia members, or other partner organizations, which are included in the “Contractual” category. Travel costs for employees of subrecipient agencies shoud not be included in this category. Instead, subrecipent travel costs should be included in the "Contractual" category with all other subrecipents costs.

Federal Non-Federal Total (Auto-populates from Detailed Budget - Excl. M&A)
Equipment $- $- $-
List each equipment item by Line Item Name and in the same order as it is listed on the Detailed Budget (excluding M&A). Include a brief description of each equipment item (no brand names); per unit cost, quantity and total cost; location of equipment (if other than the direct recipient agency); and, how the equipment will be utilized. Equipment is defined in 2 CFR 200.33.

Federal Non-Federal Total (Auto-populates from Detailed Budget - Excl. M&A)
Supplies $- $- $-
Includes all tangible personal property other than those described in the definition of “equipment” as defined by 2 CFR 200.1. The budget detail should identify categories of supplies to be procured (e.g., printing supplies, office supplies, etc.) and the calculation of those costs (e.g., based on monthly rates or based on an average of previous years’ similar costs). Non-tangible goods and services associated with supplies, such as printing service, photocopy services, and rental costs should be included in the “Other” category. Provide the basis for calculation of supplies including the Line Item Name and list supplies in the Budget Narrative in the same order as they are listed on the Detailed Budget (excluding M&A).

Federal Non-Federal Total (Auto-populates from Detailed Budget - Excl. M&A)
Contractual $- $- $-
Identify each proposed contract and specify its purpose and estimated cost. Contractual/consultant services are those services to be carried out by an individual or organization (do not include company or individual names in budget narrative), other than the applicant, in the form of a procurement relationship. Leased or rented goods (equipment or supplies) should be included in the “Other” category. The applicant should list the proposed contract activities along with a brief description of the scope of work or services to be provided and proposed duration. Include the basis for the calculation of contractual services costs (e.g. contractor training instructor speaking fee, contractor travel costs and contractor instructional materials).

Federal Non-Federal Total (Auto-populates from Detailed Budget - Excl. M&A)
Other $- $- $-
This category should include only those types of direct costs that do not fit in any of the other budget categories. Include a description of each cost by Line Item Name and in the same order as it is listed on the Detailed Budget (excluding M&A). Include the basis for calculation of the costs.
Examples of costs that may be in this category include the following: insurance, rental/lease of equipment or supplies, equipment service or maintenance contracts, printing or photocopying rental, etc. Subrecipient awards (e.g., subgrants) are a distinct type of cost under this category. The term “subaward” means an award of financial assistance (money or property) by any legal agreement made by the recipient to an eligible subrecipient. This term does not include procurement purchases, technical assistance in the form of services instead of money, or other assistance in the form of revenue sharing, loans, loan guarantees, interest subsidies, insurance, or direct appropriations. Subcontracts are not subawards and belong in the contractual category. Applicants must provide the aggregate amount they propose to issue as subaward work and a description of the types of activities to be supported.

Federal Non-Federal Total (Auto-populates from Detailed Budget - Excl. M&A)
Construction $- $- $-
Include construction costs, including renovation projects for a state or territorial government’s principal Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Include a description of the types of construction or renovation services proposed and the calculation of these costs (no company or individual names). Subrecipient construction costs should be included in the Other category.

Federal Non-Federal Total (Auto-populates from Detailed Budget - Excl. M&A)
Indirect Costs (IDC) $- $- $-
If indirect charges are budgeted, indicate the approved rate and base (the cost categories for which this IDC percentage rate will be applied). Indirect Costs are those incurred by the recipient for a common or joint purpose that benefit more than one cost objective or project, and are not readily assignable to specific cost objectives or projects as a direct cost. In order for Indirect Costs to be allowable, the applicant must have a Federal or state negotiated Indirect Cost Rate (e.g., fixed, predetermined, final or provisional), or must have submitted a proposal to the cognizant Federal or state agency. An approved Indirect Cost Rate Agreement signed by the recipient agency and the cognizant agency for the recipient, or a copy of the proposal to the cognizant Federal or state agency for an Indirect Cost Rate, must be included in the submission of the Work Plan Template for application purposes.
Examples of Indirect Cost Rate calculations are shown below:
1. Personnel (Indirect Rate x Personnel = Indirect Costs)
2. Personnel and Fringe (Indirect Rate x Personnel & Fringe = Indirect Costs)
3. Total Direct Costs (Indirect Rate x Total direct costs = Indirect Costs)

(Auto-populates from Detailed Budget - Excl. M&A)
Totals $- $- $-

Sheet 8: Detailed Budget - M&A Only

Based on the Project Number entered in Column N, this portion of the sheet automatically populates the information included in the GAO. It cannot be edited, but changes can be made in the GAO tab.
Directions: This section of the work plan is a detailed description of the budget found in the SF-424A, and must include a detailed discussion of how EMPG Program funds will be used for M&A costs only. The statutory allowance of 5% of the EMPG Program award for M&A purposes is for direct costs only. Applicants must itemize costs related to M&A for personnel, fringe benefits, travel, equipment, supplies, contractual costs, construction and other direct costs. Select a budget category from the drop down list, choose a POETE solution area for the cost, include the Position Title (no personnel names) or Line Item Name, include the name of the exercise (if applicable), include the name of the training course/event (if applicable), include the Federal Amount, Non-Federal Amount, % of time on the EMPG Program (for personnel and fringe), select Type of Match/Cost Share (hard=cash and soft=in-kind) from the drop down list. Cost Share or Match Source must be the type of cost which is allowable for Federal dollars in the NOFO. The source of the Match Type must be entered in Column M and a detailed description of the Match Source included on the Budget Narrative. The entries for Federal Amount and Non-Federal Amount will be added together for the Total Project Costs (100%) in Column K. Enter the Project Number from the GAO, which will then automatically populate the Project Name.

M&A Federal Amount $-

For more information or guidance on match source requirements, please refer to IBs 458 and 458a. IB 458 IB 458a

M&A Non-Federal Amount $-

M&A Total Amount $-

Total Project Amount $-

M&A % of Project Total

REQUIRED - Drop Down Menu
Manual Entry, if applicable Use ONLY for Personnel/Fringes (if applicable) Manual Entry REQUIRED *Automatically Populates* Manual Entry, if applicable

Associated Mission, Priorities, Capabilities, and Functional Areas - Automatically Populates from GAO
Budget Category POETE Solution Area Line Item Name or Position Title (No Personnel Names) Exercise Name Training Name If Personnel or Fringe, enter annual salary or annual fringe If Personnel or Fringe, % of time on EMPG Program Total $ EMPG Program Personnel or Total $ EMPG Program Fringe Federal Amount Non-Federal Amount Total Cost Match Type Match Source Project Number Project Name
(automatically populates based on Project Number entered in Column N)

Primary Mission Area Secondary Mission Area Tertiary Mission Area Core Capability 1 Core Capability 2 Core Capability 3 Core Capability 4 Core Capability 5 RA Agreed Upon Priority Area - Primary RA Agreed Upon Priority Area - Secondary RA Agreed Upon Priority Area - Tertiary National Priority Area EMAP #1 EMAP #2 EMAP #3


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Select Type
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Enter Project Number


Select Type
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Enter Project Number


Select Type
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Sheet 9: Budget Narrative - M&A Only

Budget Narrative - M&A Only
The purpose of the Budget Narrative is to 1) Justify the need for each line item and justify the cost estimates; 2) Explain how costs relate to the programmatic goals of the project(s); and 3) Supplement other budget information provided on the Detailed Budget. States may use up to 5% of their total EMPG Program award amount for M&A Costs. Characteristics of M&A expenses can include the following: 1) Direct costs that are incurred to administer a particular Federal award; 2) Identifiable and unique to each Federal award; 3) Charged based on the activity performed for that particular Federal award; and, 4) Not duplicative of the same costs that are included in the approved Indirect Cost Rate Agreement. On this page, list each item from your Detailed M&A Budget worksheet and list the costs herein the same order in which they are listed on the budget spreadsheet. M&A funding cannot be used for construction or renovation costs. The statutory allowance of 5% of the EMPG Program award for M&A purposes is for direct costs only.

Cost Share: Include a detailed description of the source of the Match/Cost Share. If funds or services are to be provided by a third party for in-kind Match, a dated letter of commitment is required to document the donation.

Excel Tip: Pressing Alt + Enter will add a blank line without moving to a different cell.


Total M&A Amount $-

Federal M&A Amount $-

Non-Federal M&A Amount $-

Federal Non-Federal Total (Auto-populates from Detailed Budget - M&A ONLY)
Personnel $- $- $-
List each position with a brief description of the duties and responsibilities (no personnel names), as well as the salary computation for M&A staff. If a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) increase and/or merit pay increase in salary will be provided for the position, include those costs in calculations for personnel and the associated fringe benefits on the Detailed Budget (M&A) and the Budget Narrative.

Federal Non-Federal Total (Auto-populates from Detailed Budget - M&A ONLY)
Fringe Benefits $- $- $-
List the computation for fringe benefits for each of the M&A personnel listed in the budget worksheet. Estimated rates for fringe are allowable but provide the basis for that estimation in the budget narrative (e.g. average % fringe paid for most employees within the agency). If not using an estimate, list fringe benefit and the associated costs for each employee (not M&A) that will be paid by EMPG Program funding (e.g. Social Security/FICA, Unemployment Compensation, Medicare, Retirement, Health Insurance, Life Insurance, etc.). Fringe benefits on overtime hours should generally be limited to Social Security/FICA, Workers' Compensation, Unemployment Compensation, and Retirement.

Federal Non-Federal Total (Auto-populates from Detailed Budget - M&A ONLY)
Travel $- $- $-
Specify the mileage, per diem, estimated number of trips in-State and out-of-State, number of travelers, and other costs for each type of travel for M&A staff. Travel may be integral to the purpose of the proposed project (e.g. management, monitoring and/or oversight of grant award and/or subrecipients) or related to proposed project activities (e.g. attendance at training or meetings related to management of the EMPG Program award). Travel costs identified in this section are for M&A employees of the applicant/recipient only. For travel costs related to M&A staff training, include as many details about each proposed training cost, including the name of the training course(s), training provider, M&A personnel who will attend the training, proposed dates (estimates are accepted), etc. Travel category costs do not include costs for travel of consultants, contractors, consortia members, or other partner organizations, which are included in the “Contractual” category.

Federal Non-Federal Total (Auto-populates from Detailed Budget - M&A ONLY)
Equipment $- $- $-
List each equipment item for M&A purposes only by Line Item Name and in the same order as it is listed on the Detailed Budget (M&A). Include a brief description of each equipment item (no brand names); per unit cost, quantity and total cost; location of equipment (if other than the direct recipient agency); and, how the equipment will be utilized. Equipment is defined in 2 CFR 200.33.

Federal Non-Federal Total (Auto-populates from Detailed Budget - M&A ONLY)
Supplies $- $- $-
Includes all tangible personal property other than those described in the definition of “equipment” as defined by 2 CFR 200.1. The budget detail should identify categories of supplies to be procured for M&A purposes only (e.g., printing supplies, office supplies, etc.) and the calculation of those costs (e.g., based on monthly rates or based on an average of previous years’ similar costs). Non-tangible goods and services associated with supplies, such as printing service, photocopy services, and rental costs should be included in the “Other” category. Provide the basis for calculation of supplies including the Line Item Name and list supplies in the Budget Narrative in the same order as they are listed on the Detailed Budget (M&A). Subrecipient M&A costs should be included in the ‘Other’ category.

Federal Non-Federal Total (Auto-populates from Detailed Budget - M&A ONLY)
Contractual $- $- $-
Identify each proposed contract related to M&A purposes only and specify its purpose and estimated cost. Contractual/consultant services are those services to be carried out by an individual or organization (do not include company or individual names in budget narrative), other than the applicant, in the form of a procurement relationship. Leased or rented goods (equipment or supplies) for M&A purposes should be included in the “Other” category. The applicant should list the proposed contract activities along with a brief description of the scope of M&A work or services to be provided and proposed duration. Include the basis for the calculation of contractual services costs (e.g. contractor training instructor speaking fee, contractor travel costs and contractor instructional materials).

Federal Non-Federal Total (Auto-populates from Detailed Budget - M&A ONLY)
Other $- $- $-
This category should include only those types of direct costs that do not fit in any of the other budget categories and are related to M&S purposes only. Include a description of each cost by Line Item Name and in the same order as it is listed on the Detailed Budget (M&A). Include the basis for calculation of the costs. Examples of costs for M&A purposes that may be in this category include the following: insurance, rental/lease of equipment or supplies, equipment service or maintenance contracts, printing or photocopying rental, etc. Subrecipient M&A costs from their subawards (e.g., subgrants) are a distinct type of cost under this category. The term “subaward” means an award of financial assistance (money or property) by any legal agreement made by the recipient to an eligible subrecipient. This term does not include procurement purchases, technical assistance in the form of services instead of money, or other assistance in the form of revenue sharing, loans, loan guarantees, interest subsidies, insurance, or direct appropriations. Subcontracts are not subawards and belong in the contractual category. Applicants must provide the aggregate amount they propose to issue as subaward work and a description of the types of M&A activities to be supported.

(Auto-populates from Detailed Budget - M&A ONLY)
Totals $- $- $-

Sheet 10: Implementation Schedule

Implementation Schedule

The Implementation Schedule worksheet should be used as a planning tool for the key activities associated with each project identified in the GAO. For each project and each year of the grant, the applicant/recipient should include the activities necessary to accomplish the goals of each project, as well as the estimated start and completion dates (by calendar quarter) for each activity. Data from the Implementation Schedule should also be completed and submitted to FEMA as a component of Quarterly Reporting on grant activities. For Quarterly Reporting, the recipient should enter the Actual Start Date and Actual Completion Date (by calendar quarter) for each activity, as well as the quarterly (not cumulative) percentage of completion of the activity. The last section should be completed for any risks or challenges identified by the recipient during implementation of the associated activities.
Identify accomplishments and milestones achieved as they related to building the approved project by POETE.
Describe any potential issues that may affect project completion.
Describe any potential changes to the selected performance measures for the project.
NOTE: Dates must be entered in a MM/DD/YYYY format.

Project Number 1

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 2

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 3

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 4

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 5

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 6

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 7

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 8

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 9

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 10

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 11

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 12

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 13

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 14

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 15

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 16

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 17

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 18

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 19

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 20

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 21

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 22

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 23

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 24

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 25

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 26

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 27

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 28

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 29

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 30

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 31

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 32

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 33

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 34

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 35

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 36

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 37

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 38

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 39

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 40

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 41

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 42

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 43

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 44

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 45

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 46

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 47

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 48

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 49

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 50

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 51

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 52

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 53

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 54

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 55

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 56

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 57

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 58

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 59

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 60

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 61

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 62

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 63

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 64

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 65

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 66

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 67

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 68

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 69

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 70

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 71

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 72

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 73

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 74

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 75

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 76

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 77

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 78

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 79

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Project Number 80

Project Name 0

Gap or Need Addressed 0

Return to GAO

Project Objective 0

Build or Sustain? 0

Addresses Equity 0 Addresses Climate Change 0

Key Activity 1: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 2: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 3: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 4: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Key Activity 5: Grant Year 1 2 3
Grant Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 2 (Jan 1 - March 31) 3 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 4 (July 1 - Sep 30) 5 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 6 (Jan 1 - March 31) 7 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 8 (July 1 - Sep 30) 9 (Oct 1 - Dec 31) 10 (Jan 1 - March 31) 11 (Apr 1 - Jun 30) 12 (July 1 - Sep 30)
<Enter Activity Name> Task(s)

For Application-Estimated Start Date

For Application-Estimated Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: Status of Activities

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Start Date

Quarterly Reporting: Actual Completion Date

Quarterly Reporting: % Complete

Quarterly Reporting: Identify any Challenges/Risks incurred while implementing activities

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses equity considerations, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address equity.

If you indicated on the GAO that this project addresses the impacts of climate change, please explain how in the space provided. Include the tasks associated with the project that directly address the impact of climate change.

Additional Comments,
if applicable

Sheet 11: Training Data Table

Training Data Table - EMPG Program Training ONLY
This table automatically populates information based on the Project Number. It cannot be edited, but necessary changes can be made within the GAO tab.
Complete the table for EMPG Program-funded training activities including scheduled training courses and training that is conducted/completed during the grant Period of Performance. Applicants/recipients are not required to report EMPG Program-funded personnel costs associated with training. Training related to the National Qualification System is not reported on this Training Data Table. Also, data from the Training Data Table should be completed and submitted to FEMA as a component of quarterly reporting on grant activities.

Please fill in the information below. Be sure to copy the Project Number EXACTLY as it exists in the GAO tab. This will allow Columns B and K-AB to automatically populate the correct information.
NOTE: Dates must be entered in a MM/DD/YYYY format.

Training Data Table
Associated Mission, Priorities, Capabilities, and Functional Areas
Project Number
(from GAO tab)
Project Name (will populate automatically) Name of Training Scheduled Date Date Training was Conducted/Completed EMPG Program Required Training Number of Personnel Trained NIMS Training Course Number
(if applicable)
Training Identified in the IPP (Y/N)
Primary Mission Area Secondary Mission Area Tertiary Mission Area Core Capability 1 Core Capability 2 Core Capability 3 Core Capability 4 Core Capability 5 RA Agreed Upon Priority Area - Primary RA Agreed Upon Priority Area - Secondary RA Agreed Upon Priority Area - Tertiary National Priority Area EMF #1 EMF #2 EMF #3 Primary POETE Solution Area Secondary POETE Solution Area Tertiary POETE Solution Area

Sheet 12: Exercise Data Table

Exercise Data Table - EMPG Program Exercises ONLY
This table automatically populates information based on the Project Number. It cannot be edited, but necessary changes can be made within the GAO tab.
Complete the table for EMPG Program-funded exercises including costs to run the exercise (e.g. planning, materials, props, contractual services for conducting the exercise, AAR and Improvement Plan (IP), etc.). Any exercise planned or conducted during the grant Period of Performance should be reported on the Exercise Data Table. Applicants/recipients are not required to report EMPG Program-funded personnel costs associated with exercises. Data from the Exercise Data Table should also be completed and submitted to FEMA as a component of quarterly reporting on grant activities.

Please fill in the information below. Be sure to enter the Project Number EXACTLY as it exists in the GAO tab. This will allow Columns B and K-AB to automatically populate the correct information.
NOTE: Dates must be entered in a MM/DD/YYYY format.

Exercise Data Table
Associated Mission, Priorities, Capabilities, and Functional Areas
Project Number
(from GAO tab)
Project Name (will populate automatically) Name of Exercise Scheduled Date Date Exercise Conducted/Completed Type of Exercise Exercise Fulfills Progressive Exercise Requirement (Y/N) Exercise Identified in IPP (Y/N) Date AAR submitted to FEMA
Primary Mission Area Secondary Mission Area Tertiary Mission Area Core Capability 1 Core Capability 2 Core Capability 3 Core Capability 4 Core Capability 5 RA Agreed Upon Priority Area - Primary RA Agreed Upon Priority Area - Secondary RA Agreed Upon Priority Area - Tertiary National Priority Area EMF #1 EMF #2 EMF #3 Primary POETE Solution Area Secondary POETE Solution Area Tertiary POETE Solution Area

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File Modified0000-00-00
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