FSA-2592 Invitation, Bid, and Acceptance Sale of Real Property by

Farm Loan Programs - Inventory Property Management


OMB: 0560-0234

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Form Approved - OMB NO. 0560-0234
(See Page 4 for Privacy Act and Public Burden Statements)
Position 5
Farm Service Agency

This form is available electronically.



1. Sealed bids and the highest acceptable bid at public sale are invited for property with Advice Number (a)
located at or near (b)


consisting of

and more particularly described in the attached Exhibit A and made part of this invitation for bid. The bids are subject to
all conditions and instructions stated in Part D. Sealed bids will be publicly opened as follows:
(d) Room Number

(e) Street Address

(f) City

(g) State

(h) Until

(i) Date

Local time

Envelopes containing sealed bids with bid deposit in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the bid shall have the hour and
date of bid opening indicated thereon, and must be received by the bid receiving office at the above address prior to the
time of the opening specified above. Bids not submitted in accordance with these instructions will not be considered.
is not (b) subject to taxation while owned by the Agency
in accordance with Part D, is (c) is not (d)
subject to deed restrictions concerning nondiscrimination, conversion of
use, redemption, flood, mudslide hazard, wetland or coastal barrier areas or historic preservation conditions, and is
available for bid in accordance with Payment Plan A only (e)
either Payment Plan A or Payment Plan B, (f)
stipulated in Part B.

Special stipulations or deed restrictions are attached hereto as Exhibit B, and made a part hereof by reference.

4A. Name

4B. Title

4C. Signature

4D. Date

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its program and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age,
disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs,
reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information ( Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact
USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400
Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity
provider and employer.

FSA-2592 (12-31-07)

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1. Name and Address

2. Amount of Bid Deposit
3. Date

4. The undersigned bidder offers to purchase from the United States of America, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Farm Service Agency (Government), the property described on Exhibit A attached hereto, for the sum of
dollars (b) ($
based on the payment plan indicated below and with full knowledge of and subject to the deed restrictions, if any and
all conditions enumerated in Part D provided that this proposal is accepted by the Government within thirty (30) days
after the date specified in the invitation for bids, by notice of such acceptance to the undersigned bidder.
The bidder will select and sign only one of the following Payment Plans.

Payment Plan A: Cash payment in full upon receipt of quitclaim deed.

6. Bidder Signature


Payment Plan B: A downpayment in the amount of (a)
(%) of the amount of the bid in cash
will be paid at closing of this sale with the balance payable in no more than (b)
monthly or (c)
annual amortized installments, unless Purchaser elects a shorter term, with
interest on the unpaid balance calculated at the interest rate in effect at the time the sale is approved.
The bid deposit of the successful bidder will be applied first to the bidder's closing costs with any balance applied to
the down-payment. The bidder will furnish financial information upon request of the Government.

8. Bidder Signature


1. This bid is accepted on the basis of Payment Plan (a)
for the total principal sum
of (b)
dollars ($
subject to the conditions and instructions in Part D and to the approval of credit if Payment Plan B is elected.
2A. Name

2B. Title

2C. Signature

2D. Date



1. Bid Deposit. All bids must be accompanied by certified check, cashier's check, postal money order, bank money
order, or bank draft, payable to the Farm Service Agency, for at least 10 percent (10%) of the total bid. Deposits
of unsuccessful bidders will be returned or refunded. The Government may retain any or all deposits until a final
acceptance is made. The deposit of the successful bidder will be retained for any earnest money deposit subject to
paragraph 12 of this part.
2. Bid Modification. Any sealed bids may be modified or withdrawn by written request received by the Government
prior to the time fixed for opening the bids. Negligence of the bidder in preparing the bid confers no right to
withdraw the bid after the time fixed for opening in the case of sealed bids or after the time of submission in the
case of bids in writing in conjunction with the highest acceptable bid at a public sale.

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3. Deed to Property. Within thirty (30) days after acceptance of the bid, the Agency shall prepare for the successful
bidder a quitclaim deed to the property, and if payment is under Payment Plan B, will also provide the note and
security instruments required. The bidder shall deliver the executed instruments to the Government at the time of
delivery of the quitclaim deed to the purchaser.
4. Encumbrances or Defects. If the Purchaser, before receiving a deed and within thirty (30) days after the
Government's acceptance of the bid, submits proof of any encumbrances or title defects, the Government may take
any necessary remedial action. If the Government does not elect to exercise the right, the Purchaser may, if such
encumbrance or title defect affects the marketability of the title, rescind the purchase obligation and recover all
amounts paid by the Purchaser to the Government on account of the purchase price. However, neither the
Purchaser nor parties claiming under Purchaser shall be entitled, under any circumstances, to recover from the
Government any damages, interest, or costs on account of any encumbrances or defect affecting the title of the
property. Unless proof of encumbrances or defects, other than any enumerated on Exhibit A, is submitted by the
Purchaser within the time specified above, any and all encumbrances and defects shall be conclusively presumed
waived, and the Purchaser and any parties claiming under the Purchaser shall be forever barred from asserting
them against the Government.
5. Abstracts or Title Evidence. The Government is not obligated to furnish any abstracts or other title evidence but
will permit bidders to inspect its title papers at a place selected by, and at no expense to, the Government.
6. Accepting the Property. The Purchaser agrees to accept the property as is, in its present condition. No warranty
is given on the property or the title thereto.
7. Loss or Damage to Property. If, through no fault of either party, the property is destroyed or damaged as a result
of fire, vandalism or an act of God between the time of acceptance of bid and the time the title of the property is
conveyed by the Government, the Government will reappraise the property. When the property is reappraised, the
reappraised value of the property will serve as the amount the Government will accept from the bidder. However,
if the actual loss as determined is less than $500, payment of the full purchase price is required. In the event the
parties cannot agree upon an adjusted price, either party, by mailing notice in writing to the other, may terminate
this contract of sale, and the bid deposit shall be returned to bidder.
8. Possession Rights. The Purchaser will accept the property subject to the rights of any person or persons in
possession of or presently occupying the property or claiming a right to occupy the property.
9. Payment of Taxes. If the property while in Government inventory is subject to taxation, the taxes will be prorated
between the Government and the Purchaser as the of the date title is conveyed. If the property is not subject to
taxation while in Government inventory, the Purchaser will pay all taxes on the property which become due and
payable on or after the date the title of the property is conveyed by the Government.
10. Mineral Rights. The Government will convey to the Purchaser all mineral rights to which it has title.
11. Acceptance or Rejection of Bids. The Government may accept any bid or reject any or all bids and may waive
any defects therein.
12. Liquidated Damages. If the Purchaser fails to comply with any of the terms or conditions of this contract, the
Government, by mailing notice in writing, may terminate the contract for sale. The earnest money deposit shall
be retained by the Government as full liquidated damages except where offer to purchase was contingent on credit
being received from the Government, and a determination of non-approval of credit has been made by the

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13. Representations Regarding Property. Representations or statements regarding the property made by any
representative of the Government shall not be binding on the Government or considered as grounds for any claim
for adjustment in or rescission of any resulting contract. The Purchaser expressly waives any claim for
adjustment or rescission based upon any representation or statement not expressly included herein.
14. Subject to Government regulations. All bids and resulting contracts shall be subject to the regulations of the
Government, now or hereafter in effect.
15. Documentary Stamps. The Purchaser will be required to purchase and place upon the deed the necessary
documentary stamps.
16. Chattel Property. Where this form is utilized for invitation, bid and acceptance of real and chattel property or
chattel property the term "real property" as used herein shall mean real and chattel property or chattel property
respectively. Chattel property shall be conveyed by bill of sale.
1. Security Instruments. All deeds and mortgages or other security instruments incident to the sale shall be on
Government forms and upon closing shall immediately be filed for record by the Government at the expense of the
2. Credit Contingency. The Government's obligations to convey the property to the Purchaser is contingent upon
its approval of the Purchaser's creditworthiness for the amount to be borrowed. The Purchaser agrees to furnish
financial information and necessary loan application documents and closing procedures requested by the
Government within 30 days of the request. Any loan made incident to the sale is subject to all applicable
Government regulations and closing procedures.


The following statements are made in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 USC 552a): the Farm Service Agency (FSA) is authorized
by the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act, as amended (7 USC 1921 et seq.), or other Acts, and the regulations promulgated
thereunder, to solicit the information requested on its application forms. The information requested is necessary for FSA to determine
eligibility for credit or other financial assistance, service your loan, and conduct statistical analyses. Supplied information may be furnished to
other Department of Agriculture agencies, the Internal Revenue Service, the Department of Justice or other law enforcement agencies, the
Department of Defense, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of Labor, the United States Postal Service, or
other Federal, State, or local agencies as required or permitted by law. In addition, information may be referred to interested parties under the
Freedom of Information Act, to financial consultants, advisors, lending institutions, packagers, agents, and private or commercial credit
sources, to collection or servicing contractors, to credit reporting agencies, to private attorneys under contract with FSA or the Department of
Justice, to business firms in the trade area that buy chattel or crops or sell them for commission, to Members of Congress or Congressional
staff members, or to courts or adjudicative bodies. Disclosure of the information requested is voluntary. However, failure to disclose certain
items of information requested, including Social Security Number or Federal Tax Identification Number, may result in a delay in the processing
of an application or its rejection.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a
collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is
0560-0234. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the

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File Modified2007-12-20
File Created2007-12-20

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