OD2A-LOCAL Annual Performance Report and Work Plan
Form Approved
OMB NO: 0920-1283
Exp. Date: XXX
Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 9 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering, and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, GA 30333; Attn: PRA (0920-1283).
PREVENTION STRATEGIES: Please answer the following question with consideration of all of your prevention strategies.
P1: Priority Populations
Please select the priority populations for your prevention strategies.
(A priority population is a population that would benefit from an intervention in terms of reduced risk of overdose. For example, if a stigma reduction training for law enforcement officers is implemented, the officers would be the audience for the intervention, but the priority population might be the persons who use drugs in that community that may benefit from less stigmatizing interactions with law enforcement.) (select all that apply)
Race and ethnicity
Age group
Persons involved in the criminal justice setting
People experiencing homelessness
Persons who recently experienced an overdose
Urban populations
Rural populations
Other priority populations
Please answer the follow questions for each priority population selected above:
Which data sources are you using to inform this choice of priority population? (select all that apply, adding to and revising from prior year’s response)
Hospital discharge data
Emergency department syndromic surveillance data
Electronic health record (EHR) data
EMS data
Biosurveillance data
PDMP data
Public safety data
Data from community partners
Evaluation data
Survey data
Other data source (please specify):
Why was this population chosen? (free-text response adding to and revising from prior year’s response)
How will the interventions lead to improved health equity? (free-text response adding to and revising from prior year’s response)
Please select all prevention strategies that will focus on this population. (select all that apply from drop down)
Linkage to and Retention in Care
Harm reduction
Stigma reduction
Clinician and Health Systems Best Practices
Health IT Enhancements
For each strategy identified above:
How do the data, or evidence, show that the priority population can be impacted through this strategy (why was this strategy chosen for this population)? (free-text response)
P2: Partnerships
Please identify the partners with whom you will work to conduct your prevention strategies.
(Partners should include all internal and external partners such as subrecipients/contractors, community partners, public safety partners, health care system partners, and other partners you will work with to conduct prevention strategies. Partners can be grouped if they are part of one program, for example, you are funding multiple sub-awardees to complete similar work.)
Name of Partner/s |
Sector |
Strategies in which the partner will be involved. (select from drop down)
Linkage to and Retention in Care
Harm reduction
Stigma reduction
Clinician and Health Systems Best Practices
Health IT enhancements
For each strategy, specify the interventions in which the partner will be involved. (drop-down options of interventions with free-text response)
Please answer the follow questions for EACH priority population selected above:
Describe how you will engage with this partner (for each strategy/intervention selected) and how this partnership will facilitate implementation efforts. (free-text response)
Describe how you will share key data (e.g., morbidity, mortality, programmatic, evaluation) with this partner to facilitate the implementation of prevention interventions. . (free-text response)
By engaging this partner, how does both your work and their work improve overall efforts to prevent overdoses? (free-text response)
Work Plan
Component A: Strategy 1 (Prevention): Linkage to and Retention in Care
Please select data source types that will be used to inform this strategy. (select all that apply)
Hospital discharge data
Emergency department syndromic surveillance data
Electronic health record (EHR) data
EMS data
Biosurveillance data
PDMP data
Public safety data
Data from community partners
Evaluation data
Survey data
Other data source (please specify):
Describe partners that would be involved with data interpretation (e.g., persons with lived experience, community partners), and describe how they will play a role in using these data to inform, prioritize, and make changes to program implementation. (free-text response)
Describe how you plan on using these data to ensure that interventions within this strategy are feasible, evidence-based, and address high priority needs. (free-text response)
Intervention Level Questions: Intervention level questions will need to be answered for each intervention specified. |
Describe the following information for EACH step: (These are the steps necessary to complete the intervention selected above. Steps include planning to conducting the intervention to dissemination of findings to evaluation. Recipients will be able to add several steps per intervention.) |
Work Plan
Component A: Strategy 2 (Prevention): Harm Reduction
Please select data source types that will be used to inform this strategy. (select all that apply)
Hospital discharge data
Emergency department syndromic surveillance data
Electronic health record (EHR) data
EMS data
Biosurveillance data
PDMP data
Public safety data
Data from community partners
Evaluation data
Survey data
Other data source (please specify):
Describe partners would be involved with data interpretation (e.g., persons with lived experience, community partners), and describe how they will play a role in using these data to inform, prioritize, and make changes to program implementation. (free-text response)
Describe how you plan on using these data to ensure that interventions within this strategy are feasible, evidence-based, and address high priority needs. (free-text response)
Intervention Level Questions: Intervention level questions will need to be answered for each intervention specified. |
Describe the following information for EACH step: (These are the steps necessary to complete the intervention selected above. Steps include planning to conducting the intervention to dissemination of findings to evaluation. Recipients will be able to add several steps per intervention.) |
Work Plan
Component A: Strategy 3 (Prevention): Stigma Reduction
Please select data source types that will be used to inform this strategy. (select all that apply)
Hospital discharge data
Emergency department syndromic surveillance data
Electronic health record (EHR) data
EMS data
Biosurveillance data
PDMP data
Public safety data
Data from community partners
Evaluation data
Survey data
Other data source (please specify):
Describe partners would be involved with data interpretation (e.g., persons with lived experience, community partners), and describe how they will play a role in using these data to inform, prioritize, and make changes to program implementation. (free-text response)
Describe how you plan on using these data to ensure that interventions within this strategy are feasible, evidence-based, and address high priority needs. (free-text response)
Intervention Level Questions: Intervention level questions will need to be answered for each intervention specified. |
Describe the following information for EACH step: (These are the steps necessary to complete the intervention selected above. Steps include planning to conducting the intervention to dissemination of findings to evaluation. Recipients will be able to add several steps per intervention.) |
Work Plan
Component A: Strategy 4 (Prevention): Clinician and Health Systems Best Practices
Please select data source types that will be used to inform this strategy (select all that apply)
Hospital discharge data
Emergency department syndromic surveillance data
Electronic health record (EHR) data
EMS data
Biosurveillance data
PDMP data
Public safety data
Data from community partners
Evaluation data
Survey data
Other data source (please specify):
Describe partners would be involved with data interpretation (e.g., persons with lived experience, community partners), and describe how they will play a role in using these data to inform, prioritize, and make changes to program implementation. (free-text response)
Describe how you plan on using these data to ensure that interventions within this strategy are feasible, evidence-based, and address high priority needs. (free-text response)
Intervention Level Questions: Intervention level questions will need to be answered for each intervention specified. |
Describe the following information for EACH step: (These are the steps necessary to complete the intervention selected above. Steps include planning to conducting the intervention to dissemination of findings to evaluation. Recipients will be able to add several steps per intervention.) |
Component A: Strategy 5 (Prevention): Health IT Enhancements
Please select data source types that will be used to inform this strategy (select all that apply)
Hospital discharge data
Emergency department syndromic surveillance data
Electronic health record (EHR) data
EMS data
Biosurveillance data
PDMP data
Public safety data
Data from community partners
Evaluation data
Survey data
Other data source (please specify):
Describe partners would be involved with data interpretation (e.g., persons with lived experience, community partners), and describe how they will play a role in using these data to inform, prioritize, and make changes to program implementation. (free-text response)
Describe how you plan on using these data to ensure that interventions within this strategy are feasible, evidence-based, and address high priority needs. (free-text response)
Intervention Level Questions: Intervention level questions will need to be answered for each intervention specified. |
Describe the following information for EACH step: (These are the steps necessary to complete the intervention selected above. Steps include planning to conducting the intervention to dissemination of findings to evaluation. Recipients will be able to add several steps per intervention.) |
Work Plan
Component A: Strategy 6 (Surveillance): Surveillance Infrastructure Building
Please describe each of your surveillance infrastructure building objectives. (free-text response written as specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timebound [SMART] objectives). Please describe no more than 10 objectives.
For each surveillance infrastructure building objective identified above:
What are the expected outputs of this objective during the upcoming funding year? (free-text response)
How are outputs of this objective anticipated to improve drug overdose surveillance? (free-text response)
During the upcoming funding year, what is the expected time frame for achieving this objective (specifying the number of months)? (free-text response)
Please describe the key partners involved in helping you engage in surveillance infrastructure building. (free-text response)
Work Plan
Component B (Surveillance): Drug Product and Paraphernalia Testing
B.1 Implement surveillance system
Describe your efforts to identify all laboratory(ies) performing testing. For each laboratory identified, provide the following information:
Please provide the name(s) of the laboratory(ies) conducting testing.
Please describe the type of testing conducting by each laboratory conducting testing.
Identify an annual goal for the number of samples that will be tested in a free text field.
Describe the types of samples that you plan to test during the upcoming funding year (select all that apply from drop-down)
Drug product samples (e.g., pills, powders)
Plastic bags containing drugs
Other drug paraphernalia
Other (provide text)
Briefly describe the plan for obtaining drug products and/or drug paraphernalia samples tested in a free text field. This should include descriptions of:
How the samples are being obtained (e.g., SSP, ME/C, law enforcement)?
The sampling plan (e.g., test all samples or test a random sample of specimens).
B.2 CDC data reporting and workgroup participation requirements
List the people or job positions that will participate in the CDC workgroup for this component. (free-text response)
B.3 Disseminate data
Describe plans for data dissemination, including proposed product descriptions and how they will be shared with key partners. (free-text response)
Work Plan
Component C (Surveillance): Linkage to and Retention in Care Surveillance
C.1 Implement surveillance system
Identify the entry point(s) for which your jurisdiction plans to collect linkage to and retention in care surveillance indicators during the upcoming funding year (select all that apply from drop-down, including option for other)
Emergency department
Other hospital department
Emergency medical services (EMS)
Community partners
Public safety partners
Other (provide text)
Describe the data sources that your jurisdiction plans to use to support linkage to and retention in care surveillance during the reporting period. (free-text response)
Describe how your jurisdiction plans to obtain and maintain access to key data sources to support linkage to and retention in care surveillance during the reporting period, including anticipated challenges and plans to address them.
Describe how your jurisdiction plans to establish and maintain data systems to support linkage to and retention in care surveillance during the reporting period, including anticipated challenges and plans to address them.
Is your jurisdiction planning to collect individual-level data that are linked across indicators during the reporting period? (check box – Y/N)
If no, what are the barriers to collecting individual-level data and how do you plan to address them?
C.2 CDC data reporting and workgroup participation requirements
List the people or job positions that will participate in the CDC workgroup for this strategy. (free-text response)
C.3 Disseminate data
Describe plans for data dissemination, including descriptions of planned products and how they will be shared with key partners. (free-text response)
OD2A-LOCAL Annual Performance Report and Work Plan
Annual Performance Report
Annual Performance Report
PREVENTION STRATEGIES: Please answer the following question with consideration of all of your prevention strategies.
(Recipients are encouraged to follow guidance developed by NCCDPHP).
Success stories are particularly important tools that: Allow CDC to elevate the work of jurisdictions, foster connections and sharing of promising practices among jurisdictions, and inform areas/ideas where TA could be introduced/enhanced.
Title (Let your readers know what to expect from the story)
Describe the public health problem that you sought to address.
List all the data sources that were used to identify the problem and the priority population.
Describe the priority population.
Describe how data were used to inform the intervention implemented.
WHERE and WHEN did the intervention take place?
HOW did the intervention address the Challenge?
WHO was involved, including major partners?
WHAT innovative approaches and culturally tailored activities were used to address health equity?
What happened as a result of the work you did?
Why is that result important? (Describe the “so what?”)
What are short-term, intermediate, or long-term outcomes that demonstrate how the intervention had an impact (e.g., how many people were reached, what practices/behaviors changed, how much money was saved, if any policies were changed or developed, how was the Challenge addressed)? Please refer back to your logic model and quantify your outcomes when possible.
Annual Performance Report
Component A: Strategy 1 (Prevention): Linkage to and Retention in Care
1.1 Describe all data analyzed to inform interventions for this strategy and any partner involvement with analysis, interpretation, and program refinement (provide examples of relevant analysis). (Data sources prepopulated workplan with write-in option)
1.2 How did implementation of interventions change as a result of the use of these data? (Describe how these data were used to improve/adapt or reprioritize the interventions selected within this strategy and to be responsive to changes in the drug overdose epidemic, including changing patterns in health disparities).
What were the impacts or results from the implementation change?
What additional data gaps, if any, did you identify?
Provide examples of how you used/shared near real-time data (e.g., ODMAP, syndromic) to inform rapid community responses to spikes in drug overdoses or dangerous drug supplies. (Question would only appear if recipient responded to the relevant strategy-level question in the data sources tab of the workplan.)
Describe your approach, including the use of data, to address the role of health inequities and social determinants of health in overdose prevention activities, including interventions you are implementing that focus on populations disproportionately affected by substance use and overdose.
Intervention Level Questions: Intervention level questions will need to be answered for each intervention specified. |
Step Level Questions: (These are the steps necessary to complete the intervention selected above. Steps include planning to conducting the intervention to dissemination of findings to evaluation.) |
Evaluation Questions
For each outcome identified for interventions evaluated in this strategy (pre-populated from workplan), please describe your evaluation short-term outcome indicators and progress toward achieving short-term outcomes (please include descriptions of progress in developing your evaluation questions, specifying indicators, identifying data sources, conducting analyses, and sharing evaluation findings):
For each outcome identified for interventions evaluated in this strategy (pre-populated from workplan), please describe your evaluation short-term outcome indicators and progress toward achieving intermediate-term outcomes (please include descriptions of progress in developing your evaluation questions, specifying indicators, identifying data sources, conducting analyses, and sharing evaluation findings):
How have individuals from priority populations and people with lived experience been engaged in the evaluation of the intervention (e.g., needs assessment, planning for evaluation, interpreting evaluation findings, implications for program improvement)?
Share a successful example for how you’ve shared your evaluation findings with partners.
Share one or more example of how you have used your evaluation findings to inform program improvements.
Technical Assistance
Would technical assistance be helpful in the implementation of your interventions within this strategy? (check box – Yes/No)
If yes, what type of support may be needed? (free-text response)
Recipients should provide an estimate of the OD2A: LOCAL funds obligated towards the linkage to care and retention to care interventions above, across all settings, in the current budget year. These estimates should be reported as an approximate percentage of the total award that is obligated towards the activities listed above.
Intervention |
Amount |
% of OD2A: LOCAL Funds |
Funding for navigator interventions |
Other linkage to and retention in care interventions |
Annual Performance Report
Component A: Strategy 2 (Prevention): Harm Reduction
Describe all data analyzed to inform interventions for this strategy and any partner involvement with analysis, interpretation, and program refinement (provide examples of relevant analysis). (Data sources prepopulated workplan with write-in option)
How did implementation of interventions change as a result of the use of these data? (Describe how these data were used to improve/adapt or reprioritize the interventions selected within this strategy and to be responsive to changes in the drug overdose epidemic, including changing patterns in health disparities).
What were the impacts or results from the implementation change?
What additional data gaps, if any, did you identify?
Provide examples of how you used/shared near real-time data (e.g., ODMAP, syndromic) to inform rapid community responses to spikes in drug overdoses or dangerous drug supplies. (Question would only appear if recipient responded to the relevant strategy-level question in the data sources tab of the workplan.)
Describe your approach, including the use of data, to address the role of health inequities and social determinants of health in overdose prevention activities, including interventions you are implementing that focus on populations disproportionately affected by substance use and overdose.
Intervention Level Questions: Intervention level questions will need to be answered for each intervention specified. |
Step Level Questions: (These are the steps necessary to complete the intervention selected above. Steps include planning to conducting the intervention to dissemination of findings to evaluation.) |
Evaluation Questions
For each outcome identified for interventions evaluated in this strategy (pre-populated from workplan), please describe your evaluation short-term outcome indicators and progress toward achieving short-term outcomes (please include descriptions of progress in developing your evaluation questions, specifying indicators, identifying data sources, conducting analyses, and sharing evaluation findings):
For each outcome identified for interventions evaluated in this strategy (pre-populated from workplan), please describe your evaluation short-term outcome indicators and progress toward achieving intermediate-term outcomes (please include descriptions of progress in developing your evaluation questions, specifying indicators, identifying data sources, conducting analyses, and sharing evaluation findings):
How have individuals from priority populations and people with lived experience been engaged in the evaluation of the intervention (e.g., needs assessment, planning for evaluation, interpreting evaluation findings, implications for program improvement)?
Share a successful example for how you’ve shared your evaluation findings with partners.
Share one or more example of how you have used your evaluation findings to inform program improvements.
Technical Assistance
Would technical assistance be helpful in the implementation of your interventions within this strategy? (check box – Yes/No)
If so, what type of support may be needed? (free-text response)
Recipients should provide an estimate of the OD2A: LOCAL funds obligated towards the harm reduction interventions above, across all settings, in the current budget year. These estimates should be reported as an approximate percentage of the total award that is obligated towards the activities listed above.
Intervention |
Amount |
% of OD2A: LOCAL Funds |
Funding for navigator interventions |
Funding for naloxone distribution interventions |
Other harm reduction interventions |
Annual Performance Report
Component A: Strategy 3 (Prevention): Stigma Reduction
Describe all data analyzed to inform interventions for this strategy and any partner involvement with analysis, interpretation, and program refinement (provide examples of relevant analysis). (Data sources prepopulated workplan with write-in option)
How did implementation of interventions change as a result of the use of these data? (Describe how these data were used to improve/adapt or reprioritize the interventions selected within this strategy and to be responsive to changes in the drug overdose epidemic, including changing patterns in health disparities).
What were the impacts or results from the implementation change?
What additional data gaps, if any, did you identify?
Provide examples of how you used/shared near real-time data (e.g., ODMAP, syndromic) to inform rapid community responses to spikes in drug overdoses or dangerous drug supplies. (Question would only appear if recipient responded to the relevant strategy-level question in the data sources tab of the workplan.)
Describe your approach, including the use of data, to address the role of health inequities and social determinants of health in overdose prevention activities, including interventions you are implementing that focus on populations disproportionately affected by substance use and overdose.
Intervention Level Questions: Intervention level questions will need to be answered for each intervention specified. |
Step Level Questions: (These are the steps necessary to complete the intervention selected above. Steps include planning to conducting the intervention to dissemination of findings to evaluation.) |
Evaluation Questions
For each outcome identified for interventions evaluated in this strategy (pre-populated from workplan), please describe your evaluation short-term outcome indicators and progress toward achieving short-term outcomes (please include descriptions of progress in developing your evaluation questions, specifying indicators, identifying data sources, conducting analyses, and sharing evaluation findings):
For each outcome identified for interventions evaluated in this strategy (pre-populated from workplan), please describe your evaluation short-term outcome indicators and progress toward achieving intermediate-term outcomes (please include descriptions of progress in developing your evaluation questions, specifying indicators, identifying data sources, conducting analyses, and sharing evaluation findings):
How have individuals from priority populations and people with lived experience been engaged in the evaluation of the intervention (e.g., needs assessment, planning for evaluation, interpreting evaluation findings, implications for program improvement)?
Share a successful example for how you’ve shared your evaluation findings with partners.
Share one or more example of how you have used your evaluation findings to inform program improvements.
Technical Assistance
Would technical assistance be helpful in the implementation of your interventions within this strategy? (check box – Yes/No)
If so, what type of support may be needed? (free-text response)
Recipients should provide an estimate of the OD2A: LOCAL funds obligated towards the stigma reduction interventions above, across all settings, in the current budget year. These estimates should be reported as an approximate percentage of the total award that is obligated towards the activities listed above.
Intervention |
Amount |
% of OD2A: LOCAL Funds |
Stigma reduction interventions |
Annual Performance Report
Component A: Strategy 4 (Prevention): Clinician and Health Systems Best Practices
Describe all data analyzed to inform interventions for this strategy and any partner involvement with analysis, interpretation, and program refinement (provide examples of relevant analysis). (Data sources prepopulated workplan with write-in option)
How did implementation of interventions change as a result of the use of these data? (Describe how these data were used to improve/adapt or reprioritize the interventions selected within this strategy and to be responsive to changes in the drug overdose epidemic, including changing patterns in health disparities).
What were the impacts or results from the implementation change?
What additional data gaps, if any, did you identify?
Provide examples of how you used/shared near real-time data (e.g., ODMAP, syndromic) to inform rapid community responses to spikes in drug overdoses or dangerous drug supplies. (Question would only appear if recipient responded to the relevant strategy-level question in the data sources tab of the workplan.)
Describe your approach, including the use of data, to address the role of health inequities and social determinants of health in overdose prevention activities, including interventions you are implementing that focus on populations disproportionately affected by substance use and overdose.
Intervention Level Questions: Intervention level questions will need to be answered for each intervention specified. |
Step Level Questions: (These are the steps necessary to complete the intervention selected above. Steps include planning to conducting the intervention to dissemination of findings to evaluation.) |
Evaluation Questions
For each outcome identified for interventions evaluated in this strategy (pre-populated from workplan), please describe your evaluation short-term outcome indicators and progress toward achieving short-term outcomes (please include descriptions of progress in developing your evaluation questions, specifying indicators, identifying data sources, conducting analyses, and sharing evaluation findings):
For each outcome identified for interventions evaluated in this strategy (pre-populated from workplan), please describe your evaluation short-term outcome indicators and progress toward achieving intermediate-term outcomes (please include descriptions of progress in developing your evaluation questions, specifying indicators, identifying data sources, conducting analyses, and sharing evaluation findings):
How have individuals from priority populations and people with lived experience been engaged in the evaluation of the intervention (e.g., needs assessment, planning for evaluation, interpreting evaluation findings, implications for program improvement)?
Share a successful example for how you’ve shared your evaluation findings with partners.
Share one or more example of how you have used your evaluation findings to inform program improvements.
Technical Assistance
Would technical assistance be helpful in the implementation of your interventions within this strategy? (check box – Yes/No)
If so, what type of support may be needed? (free-text response)
Recipients should provide an estimate of the OD2A: LOCAL funds obligated towards the clinician and health systems best practices interventions above, across all settings, in the current budget year. These estimates should be reported as an approximate percentage of the total award that is obligated towards the activities listed above.
Intervention |
Amount |
% of OD2A: LOCAL Funds |
Advancing guideline concordant care |
Other clinician and health systems best practices interventions |
Annual Performance Report
Component A: Strategy 5 (Prevention): Health IT Enhancements
Describe all data analyzed to inform interventions for this strategy and any partner involvement with analysis, interpretation, and program refinement (provide examples of relevant analysis). (Data sources prepopulated workplan with write-in option)
How did implementation of interventions change as a result of the use of these data? (Describe how these data were used to improve/adapt or reprioritize the interventions selected within this strategy and to be responsive to changes in the drug overdose epidemic, including changing patterns in health disparities).
What were the impacts or results from the implementation change?
What additional data gaps, if any, did you identify?
Provide examples of how you used/shared near real-time data (e.g., ODMAP, syndromic) to inform rapid community responses to spikes in drug overdoses or dangerous drug supplies. (Question would only appear if recipient responded to the relevant strategy-level question in the data sources tab of the workplan.)
Describe your approach, including the use of data, to address the role of health inequities and social determinants of health in overdose prevention activities, including interventions you are implementing that focus on populations disproportionately affected by substance use and overdose.
Intervention Level Questions: Intervention level questions will need to be answered for each intervention specified. |
Step Level Questions: (These are the steps necessary to complete the intervention selected above. Steps include planning to conducting the intervention to dissemination of findings to evaluation.) |
Evaluation Questions
For each outcome identified for interventions evaluated in this strategy (pre-populated from workplan), please describe your evaluation short-term outcome indicators and progress toward achieving short-term outcomes (please include descriptions of progress in developing your evaluation questions, specifying indicators, identifying data sources, conducting analyses, and sharing evaluation findings):
For each outcome identified for interventions evaluated in this strategy (pre-populated from workplan), please describe your evaluation short-term outcome indicators and progress toward achieving intermediate-term outcomes (please include descriptions of progress in developing your evaluation questions, specifying indicators, identifying data sources, conducting analyses, and sharing evaluation findings):
How have individuals from priority populations and people with lived experience been engaged in the evaluation of the intervention (e.g., needs assessment, planning for evaluation, interpreting evaluation findings, implications for program improvement)?
Share a successful example for how you’ve shared your evaluation findings with partners.
Share one or more example of how you have used your evaluation findings to inform program improvements.
Technical Assistance
Would technical assistance be helpful in the implementation of your interventions within this strategy? (check box – Yes/No)
If so, what type of support may be needed? (free-text response)
Recipients should provide an estimate of the OD2A: LOCAL funds obligated towards the health IT enhancement interventions above, across all settings, in the current budget year. These estimates should be reported as an approximate percentage of the total award that is obligated towards the activities listed above.
Intervention |
Amount |
% of OD2A: LOCAL Funds |
Health IT enhancement interventions |
Annual Performance Report
SURVEILLANCE STRATEGIES: Please answer the following question with consideration of all of your surveillance strategies.
(Recipients are encouraged to follow guidance developed by NCCDPHP).
Success stories are particularly important tools that: Allow CDC to elevate the work of jurisdictions, foster connections and sharing of promising practices among jurisdictions, and inform areas/ideas where TA could be introduced/enhanced.
Title (Let your readers know what to expect from the story)
Describe the public health problem that you sought to address.
Provide the data sources that were used to identify the problem and the priority population.
Describe the priority population.
How were the data used?
WHERE and WHEN did the intervention take place?
HOW did the intervention address the Challenge?
WHO was involved, including major partners?
WHAT innovative approaches and culturally tailored activities were used to address health equity (if applicable)?
What happened as a result of the work you did?
Why is that result important? (Describe the “so what?”)
Annual Performance Report
Component A: Strategy 6 (Surveillance): Surveillance Infrastructure Building
For each objective proposed in the workplan (prepopulated from the workplan):
Describe progress on the objective proposed in workplan, including accomplishments and barriers. (free-text response)
List major outputs produced (e.g., data cube created, staff hired, or analyses/data products disseminated), including providing web links to data products when available. (free-text response)
Annual Performance Report
Component B (Surveillance): Drug Product and Paraphernalia Testing
B.1 Implement surveillance system
Identify all laboratory(ies) performing testing. (free-text response)
For each laboratory identified, provide the following information in free text field:
Confirm all specimens were tested for drugs required by CDC. If not, why.
If laboratory(ies) used for testing were changed during the funding year, please explain the changes and why the change was made.
Report total drug product and paraphernalia specimens tested during the funding year (in Year 1, the recipient may report 0; during Year 2 – Year 5, the recipient must describe how they are working to increase the number of samples testing if they tested < 500 samples per year.) (free-text response)
Describe the types of samples that have been tested during the reporting period (select all that apply from drop-down):
Drug product samples (e.g., pills, powders)
Plastic bags containing drugs
Other drug paraphernalia
Other (provide text)
Briefly describe where and how the samples were collected using a free text field. This should include a description of:
How the samples were obtained (e.g., SSP, ME/C, law enforcement)?
The number of different agencies or sites that provided samples (e.g., multiple SSPs or ME/Cs compared to a single SSP).
Whether all samples or a subset of samples were tested. If a subset were tested, please briefly describe the sampling plan.
Describe any major challenges with sample collection, including how you addressed or are addressing these challenges.
B.2 CDC data reporting and workgroup participation requirements
Report whether you submitted test findings to CDC on time during the reporting period. (check-box--Yes/No/Year 1: Not applicable)
If no, please describe the actions you are taking to report the testing data on-time in the future using a free text field.
Report whether CDC certified testing results were submitted to CDC for public reporting during the funding year. (check-box--Yes/No/Year 1: Not applicable)
If test results were not certified for public reporting during Year 2 – Year 5, describe how you are addressing data collection or quality issues identified by CDC.
Report the number of workgroup meetings attended during the fiscal year using a free text field.
If you missed 2 or more meetings, please describe why and how this will be prevented in the future.
B.3 Disseminate data
Describe progress towards disseminating data products and identify key accomplishments and barriers using a free text field.
List data products, using bullet points, released during the funding year including reports, alerts, and key presentations. Web links should be included if available.
B.4 Would technical assistance be helpful in the implementation of your surveillance objectives within this strategy? (check box – Yes/No)
If yes, what type of support may be needed? (free-text response)
Annual Performance Report
Component C (Surveillance): Linkage to and Retention in Care Surveillance
C.1 Implement surveillance system
Select the entry point(s) for which your jurisdiction collected linkage to and retention to care surveillance indicators during the reporting period (select all that apply from drop-down, including option for other)
Emergency department
Other hospital department
Emergency medical services (EMS)
Community partners
Public safety partners
Other (provide text)
Describe the data sources that your jurisdiction used to support linkage to and retention in care surveillance during the reporting period.
Describe progress made in obtaining and/or maintaining access to key data sources to support linkage to and retention in care surveillance during the reporting period, including key challenges and strategies used to address these challenges.
Describe progress made in establishing or maintaining data systems to support linkage to and retention in care surveillance during the reporting period, including key challenges and strategies used to address these challenges.
C.2 CDC data reporting and workgroup participation requirements
Were all required linkage to and retention in care surveillance indicators submitted to CDC on time during the reporting period? (Check box – Yes/No/Year 1: Not applicable)
Were any optional linkage to and retention in care surveillance indicators submitted to CDC during the reporting period? (Check box – Yes/No/Year 1: Not applicable)
Were all requirements met, as outlined in the linkage to and retention in care surveillance technical guidance? (Check box – Yes/No/Year 1: Not applicable)
If no, describe the barriers to meeting these requirements and how you plan to address them. (Question only appears if “No” is selected above)
Report the number of workgroup meetings attended during the reporting period. (free-text response)
If you missed 2 or more meetings, please describe why and how this will be prevented in the future.
C.3 Disseminate data
Did you develop at least one data product using linkage to and retention in care surveillance data during the reporting period? (Check box – Yes/No)
If no, describe the barriers and how you plan to address them. (Question only appears if “No” is selected above)
Were any of these data products shared with key local partners and/or the public to support drug overdose response and prevention efforts in your jurisdiction during the reporting period? (Check box – Yes/No)
If no, describe why and how you plan to improve dissemination in the future. (Question only appears if “No” is selected above)
If yes, how were the data products disseminated and used to guide prevention activities? (Question only appears if “Yes” is selected above)
Please provide a list of relevant data products that were produced and disseminated using data from this activity, including key details and links to products where possible.
C.4 Would technical assistance be helpful in the implementation of your surveillance objectives within this strategy? (check box – Yes/No)
If yes, what type of support may be needed? (free-text response)
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Scholl, Lawrence (CDC/DDNID/NCIPC/DOP) |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2023-08-19 |