Justification - FISHstory

00 - Justification - SAFMC FISHstory Project.docx

Generic Clearance for Citizen Science and Crowdsourcing Projects

Justification - FISHstory

OMB: 0648-0828

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Project Title: SAFMC FISHstory Project

Program Office Sponsoring or Conducting this CSC Project: NMFS/South Atlantic Fishery Management Council (SAFMC)

Authority for this CSC Project: MSA and CCSA

Purpose of this CSC Project: The SAFMC is responsible for the conservation and management of federal fisheries resources in the South Atlantic US. Its Citizen Science Program aims to develop and support projects that address research needs. This project addresses one of the SAFMC's citizen science research priorities to use historic fishing photos to improve historic recreational and for-hire catch and size composition information.

Type(s) of Information Collected and From Whom It Is Collected: The FISHstory project has three components: photo archiving, photo classification in Zooniverse, and measuring fish in photos. Historic fishing photos are compiled and archived from members of the South Atlantic fisheries community. Data collected on the photos via archiving include photo date, vessel name, captain name, photo location (e.g., dock, city, state). Photos are classified by volunteers in the Zooniverse crowdsourcing platform. Data collected for individual photos include total count of people, total count of fish, and count of fish by species or species group. Volunteers may also help gather fish measurements within the photos using the free Image J software and an excel spreadsheet. The data collected include volunteer name or Zooniverse user name, length measurements for lumber, length measurements for fish, species, total count of fish species of interest in photo, whether photo was taken at an angle, and percent of fish unable to measure.

Use of the Information: Information gained from the historic photos, including species composition, catch rates, and length composition data will complement other data sources to inform relevant stock assessments and management measures in the South Atlantic.

Method(s) of Information Collection: electronically

Affected Public: Individuals, business or other for-profit organizations, not-for-profit organizations/institutions, state and federal government.

Estimated Average Annual Number of Participants: 2200

Estimated Average Annual Number of Responses per Participant: 11

Estimated Average Minutes per Response: 8.9

Estimated Average Annual Burden Hours: 3,590

Estimated Total Annual Cost to Participants in this CSC Project: $0

Estimated Average Annual Costs to the Federal Government: $96,428

Estimated Average Annual Number of Federal Government Employees (FTEs): 0.20

Recruitment and Retention Methods for Voluntary Participants (SSA item 1): The FISHstory project will recruit participants using a variety of methods. Information on the project will be sent out via the SAFMC’s communication platforms (e.g., social media, biweekly newsletter, press release) and via in-person SAFMC meetings and events. Information will be sent via the Zooniverse platform’s communication platforms (newsletters, email distribution list, etc.) to recruit participants. Staff will work with partners, such as state and federal agencies, Sea Grant, and SciStarter to share information about the project. Additionally the FISHstory pilot project was recently completed – so staff will contact past participants via Zooniverse communication platforms. Current retention methods include monthly newsletters for participants, social media posts, and regular communication via FISHstory Zooniverse talk boards and via email with photo providers and/or length analysts when the project is active, and periodic summary reports of the data collected.

Gifts or Payments (SSA Item 9): We do not plan to provide a gift or payment to the voluntary participants.

Annual and Multi-Year Schedules (SSA Item 16): The FISHstory pilot project began collecting data in May 2020 and was completed in February 2022. We are working to expand the project from a pilot to a full-scale project. We are currently working to compile and archive additional historical photos and plan to begin image analyses in mid to late 2023. Photo archiving and image analyses will continue into the future as funding allows.

Display OMB Control No. and Expiration Date (SSA Item 17): This information will be provided when individuals sign up to participate in this CSC project.

Statistical Methods: This CSC project will not employ statistical methods.

Approval for Pretesting: This CSC project will not require additional pretesting with more than nine members of the public.

Supplemental Documents: One supplemental document is provided for this CSC project. It contains screenshots highlighting data collection in the current FISHstory project in the Zooniverse platform (multiple screenshots are included to show all current data collection fields) and column names with their descriptions.

CERTIFICATION: I certify the following are true.

  1. The collection is voluntary.

  2. The collection is low-burden for respondents and low-cost for the Federal Government.

  3. The collection is non-controversial and does not raise issues of concern to other federal agencies.

  4. The collection will not include highly influential scientific information, ,which is information NOAA or OMB determines: (i) could have a potential impact of more than $500 million in any year, or (ii) is novel, controversial, or precedent setting or has significant interagency interest.

  5. The collection complies with 5 CFR 1320.9 and the related provisions of 5 CFR 1320.8(b)(3).

  6. The collection will provide qualitative and quantitative data that help inform scientific research and monitoring, validate models or tools, support STEM learning, and enhance the quantity and quality of data collected to support NOAA’s mission.

Name: Julia Byrd

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2023-09-22

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