NMFS - Elwha Ecosystem Restoration - CS Monitoring

Generic Clearance for Citizen Science and Crowdsourcing Projects

HOBOconnect User's Guide with screenshots

NMFS - Elwha Ecosystem Restoration - CS Monitoring

OMB: 0648-0828

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HOBOconnect® User’s Guide

Getting Started...............................................................................2
Viewing Devices .............................................................................3
Checking Device Information ..........................................................4
Using Bulk Download .....................................................................5
Connecting to a Device ...................................................................6
Working with a Connected Logger ..................................................7
Configuring a Logger .......................................................................9
Updating Water Parameters for an MX2001 Water Level Logger .. 18
Calibrating an MX2501 pH and Temperature Logger ..................... 18
Configuring a Gateway ................................................................. 20
Reading Out a Logger ................................................................... 21
Using the HOBOfile Viewer........................................................... 21
Working with a Dashboard ........................................................... 23
HOBOconnect Settings ................................................................. 24
Frequently Asked Questions ......................................................... 24

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© 2022 Onset Computer Corporation. All rights reserved. Onset, HOBO, HOBOconnect, HOBOware, and HOBOlink
are registered trademarks of Onset Computer Corporation. Apple, Mac, App Store, iPhone, iPad, and iPadOS, are
service marks or registered trademarks of Apple Inc. Android and Google Play are trademarks of Google LLC.
Windows and Excel are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Bluetooth is a registered trademark of
Bluetooth SIG, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies.
Patent #: 8,860,569


HOBOconnect User’s Guide

Getting Started
HOBOconnect is software designed to work with Bluetooth® Low Energy-enabled HOBO® MX devices.

Supports the following:

Mobile Device or

Android™ 10.0 or later, iOS 13 or later, iPadOS® 13 or later, Windows®
10 or later, Bluetooth 4.0 or later. Note: The Windows app requires a
native BLE adapter or supported BLE dongle. For details, see

Compatible HOBO

MX100, MX1101, MX1102A, MX1104, MX1105, MX2001, MX2200,
MX2300, MX2501, MX Gateway

For specifications and detailed information about your MX device, refer to the product manual at www.onsetcomp.com/support/manuals.

Where to Download HOBOconnect
• Download the app from the App Store® or Google Play™ to your Android or Apple® phone or tablet. When installing the app, you
must allow access to both the phone or tablet’s location and to files on your device.
• Download the Windows app from www.onsetcomp.com/products/software/hoboconnect. When installing the app, you must
grant permission for the app to access your computer’s file system.

Introduction to the Main Icons
All the features within HOBOconnect are accessed through these three icons:
Tap this icon:

To do this:
View and connect to loggers and gateways within range of your phone
or tablet. Configure loggers, check status, view live data, read out
logger data, set up gateways, and more.
View logger readouts in a graph, export the files, and share them with
Set up a dashboard to quickly see the latest measurements for
in-range loggers.
Change the app settings and access information about the app.

Usage Note: The examples in this guide are from the Android version of the HOBOconnect app. Screens in the iOS/iPadOS and Windows
version of the app may vary slightly from the examples shown. In addition, if you are using a Windows computer and it does not have
touchscreen capabilities, then use your mouse to click an icon instead of tapping as directed in this guide.

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HOBOconnect User’s Guide

Viewing Devices
HOBOconnect uses Bluetooth Low Energy to communicate with all loggers and gateways within broadcast range of your phone, tablet, or
computer (refer to the device manual for range specifications). Loggers that are awake and gateways will “advertise” or regularly send
out a Bluetooth signal for the app to find. Tap Devices to view the devices within range. Information about each logger or gateway is
shown in a tile, which can change color and may also have a bar on the left side depending on the logger state as detailed below.
Tap to change the device order

Tap to filter the devices shown

Tile color:
Bar color:


What it means:
An alarm has tripped for
the logger (also indicated
by the alarm icon).
The device is in a recovery
state, most likely because
a firmware update was not



What it means:
A button was pressed on
the logger to bring it to the
top of the list (not available
for all logger models).
Normal state:
advertisements are being
received regularly.
Stale state: no
advertisements have been
received recently.

Tap to view the list of Devices

Loggers with tripped alarms are listed first. If you’ve pressed a button on a logger to wake it up (not available on all logger models), then
that logger will be at the top of the list. By default, all other loggers are listed in ascending order by name.

To change the order of the devices:

at the top right of the Devices screen, select one of the following, and tap Ok.
Select this:

To order devices by:


Device name in ascending or alphabetical order. Serial numbers are used if
the device was not configured with a name.


Group name in alphabetical order. Devices not assigned to a group are
listed after all devices in groups.

Serial #

Device serial number in ascending order. Even if the device was configured
with a name, it will still be sorted by serial number.


Device model number in ascending order (e.g., MX1101, MX2301, etc.).

Discovery time

When the app first received a Bluetooth advertisement from a device. The
devices are ordered from the first discovered by the app to the last.

Note that the order selected can change slightly if a logger alarm trips or if no Bluetooth advertisements have been received.

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HOBOconnect User’s Guide

To filter the devices shown:

at the top left of the Devices screen, select All or one or more of the following, and tap Ok.
Select this:

To display the following devices within range:


All loggers and gateways.


Only gateways.


Only loggers.


Loggers that have been marked as favorite (see Logger Details and Actions
for details on favorites).

My Devices

Loggers and gateways that you have connected to with your phone or
tablet. Note: You can clear this list by selecting Clear My Devices List in the
app settings.


All loggers that are not assigned to groups.

Only loggers that have been configured with the selected group name (see
Configuring a Logger for details on groups).

To search for a device:
Tap in the search field at the top of the Devices screen and enter one or more characters. You can search by serial number, logger or
group name, or model number. The list will automatically be refined as each character is entered. Click X in the search field to cancel a

Checking Device Information
Each tile includes the following information about the logger:

Remaining battery power

Name for the logger; the serial
number is shown if no other
name has been entered

Bluetooth signal strength

An alarm has tripped (see
Viewing Devices for more
information on bar color

One or more alarms
have tripped

Photo of logger model
Logger model number

Current logger status
Current sensor readings (displayed even if the logger is not logging); on some
models, these are updated at a different rate than the logging interval and may
not match what is currently displayed on the logger LCD (if applicable).

• MX1104 and MX1105 loggers: If the external sensor channel is disabled, the sensor reading is displayed as “- -”. Values from
previously connected external sensors may display until the new sensors are configured and logging begins.
• MX2001 loggers: Sensor readings are displayed as “—” when the logger is stopped. Once logging begins, the readings shown are
based on the reference water level and water density you entered.

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HOBOconnect User’s Guide

Each tile includes the following information about the gateway:

Internet connection status

Name for the gateway; the
serial number is shown if no
other name has been entered

Bluetooth signal strength

Photo of gateway model
Current gateway status

Gateway product name

Using Bulk Download
The Bulk Download feature saves you time and allows you to download data easily and efficiently. You can download data from up to 20
loggers at a time, without having to connect to each logger.
On the Devices tab:

Click Bulk Download in the upper right corner of the screen.


The screen changes to Bulk Download mode. This changes the way the screen behaves when you tap on a logger tile. Tap on a
tile to select it for Bulk Download. You can select up to 20 loggers. Text at the bottom of the page updates to indicate how
many loggers are selected.

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HOBOconnect User’s Guide

Click on Download X Loggers to begin the download. The downloads begin and run one after another. The screen displays the
download queue.


Click Cancel to cancel the downloads and return to the Devices screen, not in Bulk Download mode.


The screen displays Done when all the loggers are downloaded.

Connecting to a Device
To connect to a device:
1. Tap Devices.
2. Find the logger or gateway to connect to by searching or scrolling through the tiles (wake up the logger first, if applicable).
3. Tap the tile to connect to the logger or gateway. Enter your password if prompted. For MX2501 loggers, you may be prompted to
calibrate the logger before configuring it.

Tips for connecting to a device:
• Make sure Bluetooth is enabled on the phone, tablet, or computer.
• MX100, MX1104, MX1105, MX2200, MX2300, or MX2501 loggers: If the logger is in Bluetooth power saving mode, press the button
on the logger to wake it up or remove the MX2203, MX2204, or MX2501 logger from the water if it is configured with Bluetooth Off
Water Detect.
• A logger or gateway must be within range of the phone, tablet, or computer to connect to it (refer to the product manual for range
specifications). Check the signal strength for the logger of gateway if you are having trouble connecting to it. If the signal strength
shows only one or two blue bars, move the phone or tablet closer to the device.
• Check the batteries in the logger. Make sure the batteries are installed properly in new loggers and replace batteries in old loggers if
battery voltage is low.

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HOBOconnect User’s Guide
• Change the orientation of the phone, tablet, computer, or computer dongle to ensure the antenna is pointed toward the logger or
gateway (refer to the device manual for the antenna location). Obstacles between the antenna in your device and the logger or
gateway may result in intermittent connections.
• If the phone, tablet, or computer will not connect to a logger or gateway that appears in the list or if devices are not appearing in the
list as expected, close the app and reopen it. If that still does not work, try closing the app and then powering down your device to
force the Bluetooth connection to reset.
• MX1102A loggers: You cannot use HOBOconnect to connect to an MX1102A logger while a live USB session with HOBOware® is
underway. Disconnect the USB cable if you want to use the app to connect to the logger.
• Gateways: If the gateway is currently undergoing an automatic firmware update, then the phone, tablet, or computer will not be
able to connect to it. The LED on the gateway will blink yellow during a firmware update and then resume normal operation after a
few minutes.

Working with a Connected Logger
When the logger is connected to the phone, tablet, or computer, a screen like this example displays.
Tap this arrow to
disconnect and
return to the list
of devices.
View the current
logger status and
sensor readings. On
some models,
current readings
are updated at a
different rate than
the logging interval
and may not match
what is currently
displayed on the
logger LCD (if

View the current or
most recent logger

Tap this icon to read out the logger
(see Reading out a Logger for details).

On iPhones®, iPads®, or Android
devices, tap to view more details
about the logger and access
logger password, stop logging,
and other features (see Logger
Details and Actions). Note: These
features are all on the main
screen in the Windows version.
Tap to view a graph of
live data updated
every 10 seconds. On
iPhones, iPads, or
Android devices, press
and hold anywhere
within the axes to
view specific points.
Note that these may
differ from the logged
data points; view the
graph from a HOBO
file to see logged

Tap this icon to configure the logger
(see Configuring a Logger for details).

Note for MX2001 loggers: When the logger is stopped, the water level reading shown does not
reflect any reference water level and water density values you have entered (it reverts to a
reference water level of zero and a water density of “Fresh Water adjusted for Temperature”).
Once logging begins, the readings shown are then based on the reference water level and
water density you entered.

Logger Details and Actions
When connected to a logger, you can view the following information about the logger (tap this icon

in the upper right corner first if

• Logger serial number, model number, and firmware version
• Percentage of memory used (if applicable, not available for all loggers)

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HOBOconnect User’s Guide
• Remaining battery power
• Bluetooth signal strength
You can also access the following features described in this table.
Tap this

To do this:
Make the logger beep one time to help you locate it (MX1101, MX1102A, MX1104, and MX1105).
Illuminate the logger LEDs for several seconds (MX100, MX2200, MX2300, and MX2501).

Stop a beeping alarm when it trips on the logger (MX1101, MX1102A, MX1104, and MX1105). See
Configuring a Logger for details on the Audible Alarm configuration setting.
Update the firmware on the logger (only appears when new firmware is available). A logger readout
will be completed automatically at the beginning of the firmware update process. If there is a
communication failure during the firmware update process, some loggers may revert to the previous
firmware. Note for MX2501 loggers: You will need to recalibrate the logger after updating the
Important: Before updating the firmware on the logger, check the remaining battery level and
make sure it is no less than 30%. Make sure you have the time to complete the entire update,
which requires that your device remains within range of the logger during the update process. Do
not switch to another app, turn off Bluetooth, or disturb the logger while the update is underway.
Set a password for the logger so that it is not mistakenly stopped or reconfigured. Tap the icon, enter a
password, and then tap Set. Once a password is entered on phone or tablet, that mobile device will be
the only one to “remember” it. This means you can connect to the logger without entering a password
on that mobile device, but you will be required to enter a password on all other mobile devices. For
example, if you set the password for the logger with your tablet and then try to connect to the device
later with your phone, you will be required to enter the password on the phone but not with your
tablet. Similarly, if others attempt to connect to the logger with different devices, then they would
also be required to enter the password. To reset a password:
• Simultaneously press both the Start/Stop button and the Alarm/Stats button (MX1101), the
Start/Stop button and the Next/Clear button (MX1102A), or the top and bottom buttons (MX1104
and MX1105) on the logger for 3 seconds;
• Press the reset button between the batteries on the MX2001 logger;
• Press the button on the MX100, MX2200, or MX2300 for 10 seconds; or
• Tap this icon

and then tap Reset.

Mark the logger as a favorite. You can then filter the list of devices to only show loggers marked as
favorites. Tap this icon

to unmark the logger as a favorite.

Start or resume logging. This is available If the logger was configured to start logging On Button Push
or if the logger was configured to stop logging On Button Push and to Allow Button Restart (see
Configuring a Logger).
Stop logging.

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HOBOconnect User’s Guide

Configuring a Logger
To configure a logger:
1. Tap Devices.
2. Find the logger by searching or scrolling through the tiles (wake up the logger first, if applicable).
3. Tap the tile to connect to the logger and then tap

towards the bottom of the screen. Read out the logger if prompted.

4. Make changes to the configuration settings by tapping a row (see the tables in this section for details on each setting).

5. Tap

to save the new configuration settings to the logger.

• MX2501 loggers must be calibrated. You may be prompted to calibrate the logger automatically or you can tap
Calibrating an MX2501 pH and Temperature Logger for details.
• You can update the water parameters for a MX2001 logger after it has been configured by tapping
Parameters for an MX2001 Water Level Logger for details.

. See

. See Updating Water

Deployment Information
Information Setting



Type a name for the logger, which will also be used as the default data file name. If no
name is entered, the logger serial number will be used as the name.


Assign a logger to a group to help identify it. For example, if you have loggers deployed on
three floors of a building, you can create a group for each of the three floors and then add
each of the loggers to the appropriate group. Tap Group and then select an existing group
or type a new group and tap Add. Tap Save.
To delete a group: Tap Group, press and hold the group you want to delete, and tap


To remove a logger from a group: tap Group, select None, and then tap Save.

This is how many times the logger has been configured; it cannot be edited.

Deployment Date

This is the date and time the logger was last configured; it cannot be edited. If you need to
change the time zone for your next deployment, change the settings on your phone or

Reference Water
Level and Water

MX2001 loggers only: When the logger is stopped or you are configuring the logging, tap
these two rows. If you tap Reference Water Level, enter the reference water level for the
logger deployment, select the unit type, and tap Save. If you tap Water Density, select the
water density, or enter your own value next to Manual Input and select the unit type, and
then tap Save. You can also update these values during the deployment as needed (see
Updating Water Parameters for an MX2001 Water Level Logger) or in the HOBO file (see
Using the HOBOfile Viewer).

pH Calibration

MX2501 loggers only: This shows the slope, offset, calibration points, and calibration time
in place after calibrating the logger. See Calibrating an MX2501 pH and Temperature
Logger for details.

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HOBOconnect User’s Guide

Logger Setup
Logger Setup
Logging Interval

Select the rate at which the logger will take measurements in hours, minutes, and seconds.
Note that the faster the logging interval, the greater the impact on battery life and the
shorter the logging duration. Note: If the logger is in burst logging mode, then
measurements are taken at the burst logging interval (described later in this section).
Important note for MX1102A loggers: Battery life for MX1102A loggers is less than 6
months when logging CO2 and selecting a logging or sampling interval faster than 5
minutes. Select logging and sampling intervals of 5 minutes or slower when the carbon
dioxide sensor is enabled to prolong battery life. If you select intervals faster than 5
minutes, you will need to replace the batteries more frequently.
MX1104, MX1105, MX2200, MX2300, and MX2501 loggers: If you configure an alarm, the
logger will use the logging interval you selected as the rate to check for alarm conditions. If
burst logging is configured, however, the logger will use the burst logging interval as the
rate to check for burst trigger conditions instead of the logging interval.
MX2001 loggers only: You can set a total of 8 logging intervals. Tap Logging Intervals, enter
a rate in hours, minutes, and seconds for Interval 1. Tap Add to set up additional logging
intervals. For each interval, enter the rate and select the number of samples that will be
recorded for the selected rate. Tap Save. Note: You cannot change the number of samples
if you are only using one logging interval. Tap

to delete a logging interval if needed.

Logging Duration

This is the approximate time it will take to fill the logger memory based on the logging
interval and other factors, such as logging mode and sensors currently selected (if
applicable). This is an estimate only and cannot be edited; battery life and other factors,
such as the number of readouts performed, audible alarms (if applicable), and paging (if
applicable) will also affect the deployment.

Start Logging

Tap Start Logging, choose one of the following and then tap Save:
• Now. Logging will begin immediately after saving the configuration settings.
• On Next Logging Interval. Logging will begin at the next even interval as determined
by the selected logging interval. This is useful if you want the logger to start and then
subsequently log data on an even minute.
• On Button Push. Logging will begin once you tap
button on the logger (if applicable).

in the app or you press the

• On Date/Time. Logging will begin on the date and time you specify. Select the date
and time. Note that if you need to change the selected time zone, you must change
your phone, tablet, or computer time zone settings and restart the app.
Stop Logging

Tap Stop Logging, choose your options described below, and then tap Save. Note:
Regardless of the options you select, you can stop the logger at any time by connecting to
it, tapping

in the upper right corner (if applicable), and tapping


Memory Options
• When Memory Fills. The logger will continue recording data until the memory is full.
• Never (Wrap When Full). The logger will continue recording data indefinitely, with
newest data overwriting the oldest. This option is not available for loggers in which
the logging mode is set to Burst.
Button Options
• Select On Button Push if you want to be able to stop logging by pressing the Start
button on the logger for 3 or 4 seconds (not available for MX2001 loggers).
• MX1101, MX1104, and MX1105 loggers: If you select the On Button Push setting for
Stop Logging, then you also have the option to select Allow Button Restart. This

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HOBOconnect User’s Guide

Logger Setup

allows you to pause and resume logging by pushing the Start/Stop button on the
MX1101 logger or the top button on the MX1104 or MX1105 logger for 3 seconds.
Important: When Allow Button Restart is selected and you press the button, logging
will restart on the next even logging interval. For example, a logger started logging
at 7:00 AM with a logging interval set to 1 hour. If you press the button to stop the
logger at 8:45 AM and then press the button again at 10:15 AM, logging will not
begin immediately at 10:15 AM. Instead, logging will begin again at 11:00 AM, which
is the next even interval time based on your 1-hour logging interval. Therefore,
depending on the logging interval, the gap between the time you press the button
to resume logging and the time actual logging begins could be significant. The faster
the logging interval, the less time will elapse before logging resumes.
Time Options
• Never. Select this if you do not want the logger to stop at any predetermined time
• On Date/Time. Select this to set the date and time you want the logger to stop
logging. Note that if you need to change the selected time zone, you must change
your phone or tablet’s time zone settings and restart the app.
• After. Select this to set how long the logger should continue logging once it starts in
days, hours, minutes, and/or seconds. For example, select 30 days if you want the
logger to stop logging after for 30 days.

Logging Mode

Tap Logging Mode, select Fixed or Burst Logging Mode and choose any applicable setting,
and tap Save (all models except MX100). MX2001 loggers only: You cannot change the
logging mode if you have multiple logging intervals configured.
Fixed Logging Mode
The logger records data for enabled sensors and/or selected statistics at the logging
interval selected. Any selected statistics are calculated at a sampling rate you specify with
the results recorded at each logging interval.
1. Select Normal to record the current reading for each enabled sensor at each logging
interval. Do not select this if you only want to log statistics. MX2001 loggers only: You
must select Normal if you want to log water level and barometric pressure data. If you
deselect Normal, the logger will only record statistics series for the enabled sensors. It
will not be able to calculate water level or barometric pressure.
2. Select the statistics you want the logger to record for all enabled sensors at each logging
• Maximum, the highest value from the sampling period
• Minimum, the lowest value from the sampling period
• Average, the mean of all values during the sampling period
• Standard deviation from the average for all sampled values (requires average).
3. Set the Statistics Sampling Interval, which is the rate used for calculating statistics and
must be a factor of the logging interval. For example, if the logging interval is 1 minute
and you select 5 seconds for the sampling rate, then the logger will take 12 sample
readings between each logging interval (one sample every 5 seconds for a minute) and
use the 12 samples to record the resulting statistics at each 1-minute logging interval.
Note that the more frequent the sampling rate, the greater the impact on battery life.

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HOBOconnect User’s Guide

Logger Setup

Important note for MX1102A loggers: Battery life for MX1102A loggers is less than 6
months when logging CO2 and selecting a logging or sampling interval faster than 5
minutes. Select logging and sampling intervals of 5 minutes or slower when the carbon
dioxide sensor is enabled to prolong battery life. If you select intervals faster than 5
minutes, you will need to replace the batteries more frequently.
Burst Logging Mode
The logger records data for enabled sensors at the normal logging interval until the
readings rise above or fall below specific limits, at which time the logger switches to a faster
burst logging rate until the readings return to normal. For example, the logger is configured
with a logging interval of 5 minutes and burst logging is configured to log every 30 seconds
when the temperature rises above 85°F (the high limit) or falls below 32°F (the low limit).
This means the logger will record data every 5 minutes if the temperature remains between
32°F and 85°F. Once the temperature rises above 85°F, for example, the logger will switch
to the faster logging rate and record data every 30 seconds until the temperature falls back
to 85°F. At that time, logging then resumes every minute at the normal logging interval.
Similarly, if the temperature falls below 32°F, for example, then the logger would switch to
burst logging mode again and record data every 30 seconds. Once the temperature rises
back to 32°F, the logger will then return to normal mode, logging every 5 minutes.
1. Select the burst logging interval, which must be faster than the logging interval.
2. Select Low and/or High for each sensor and either type or drag the slider to set the low
and/or high values.
• Sensor alarms, statistics, and the Stop Logging option Wrap When Full are not
available in burst logging mode.
• The actual values for the high and low burst limits are set to the closest value
supported by the logger.
• MX1101, MX1102A, and MX2001 loggers: Once the logger is configured, the high
and low burst logging limits are only checked once every 15 seconds. Therefore, if
you set the logging interval to less than 15 seconds and the sensor reading falls
outside the limits, the burst logging will not begin until the next 15-second cycle.
• MX1104, MX1105, MX2200, MX2300, and MX2501 loggers: The high and low burst
limits are checked at the burst logging interval rate whether the logger is in normal or
burst mode. For example, if the logging interval is set to 1 hour and the burst logging
interval is set to 10 minutes, the logger will always check for burst limits every 10
• Once the high or low condition clears, the logging interval time will be calculated
using the last recorded data point in burst logging mode, not the last data point
recorded in normal mode. For example, a logger has a 10-minute logging interval and
logged a data point at 9:05. Then, the high level was surpassed and burst logging
began at 9:06. Burst logging then continued until 9:12 when the sensor reading fell
back below the high level. Now back in normal mode, the next logging interval will be
10 minutes from the last burst logging point, or 9:22 in this case. If burst logging had
not occurred, the next data point would have been at 9:15.
• If the logger is stopped with a button push while in burst logging mode, then a New
Interval event is automatically logged and the burst condition is cleared, even if the
actual high or low condition has not cleared. The logger will check the high and low
conditions when logging resumes (if the logger was configured with Allow Button
Restart selected; MX1101, MX1104, and MX1105 loggers only).

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HOBOconnect User’s Guide

Logger Setup
Audible Alarm

Tap the toggle to turn the audible alarm for the logger off or on (MX1101, MX1102A,
MX1104, and MX1105 loggers only). If the audible alarm is on, then the logger will beep
once every 30 seconds when an alarm trips until one of the following happens (whichever
occurs first):
• The alarm is cleared from app (connect to the logger, tap
(if applicable), and tap

in the upper right corner


• One of the buttons on the logger is pressed.
• Seven days have passed.
• Once cleared, an audible alarm will start beeping again if the sensor values go out of
the normal range. Even if an audible alarm is cleared, a visual alarm may remain on
the logger LCD and in the app depending on the settings selected for maintaining
visual alarms or because the alarm condition may still be in effect. In addition, an
audible alarm will continue beeping when the sensor values have returned to the
normal range until it is cleared.
• It is recommended that you only enable this feature if you have regular access to the
logger so that you can easily turn off the beeping. Note that battery life will be
slightly reduced each time the audible alarm sounds.
Maintain Visual
Alarms Until

Select one of the following options and tap Save to determine how long the alarm icon will
remain visible in the app (and illuminated on the logger LCD screen if applicable) after an
alarm trips:
• Logger Reconfigured (all models except MX100 and MX2001). The alarm icon will
remain visible until the next time the logger is reconfigured.
• Sensor in Limits (all models except MX100). The alarm icon will remain visible until
the sensor reading returns to the normal range between any configured high and low
alarm limits.
• Alarm Button Pressed (MX1101, MX1102A, MX1104, and MX1105 loggers). The
alarm icon will remain visible until you press the Alarm/Stats button (MX1101), the
Clear/Next button (MX1102A), or the bottom button (MX1104 and MX1105) on the
• MX100 loggers: The Maintain Visual Alarms Until setting is selected automatically
when an alarm is configured. When an alarm trips, the logger alarm LED blinks every
4 seconds (unless Show LED is disabled), an alarm icon appears in the app, and an
Alarm Out of Range event is logged. Even if the temperature reading returns to a
normal range, the alarm indicator will not clear in the app and the alarm LED will
continue to blink.
• MX1101, MX1102A, MX1104, and MX1105 loggers: Although an audible alarm and a
visual alarm can occur at the same time when a sensor alarm is tripped, they are
cleared in different ways. The audible alarm can be cleared as described under the
Audible Alarms section. Meanwhile, a visual alarm is cleared as determined by the
three settings above. You may clear a beeping audible alarm, but the visual alarm
remains on the LCD (if applicable) and in the app until the logger is reconfigured, the
sensor is in limits, or the button is pressed (if applicable) -- whichever setting you
selected. If the logger was configured to stop logging with a button push, any tripped
alarms will be cleared automatically when logging is stopped and no Alarm Cleared
event will be logged in the data file. This ensures that the logger will start checking
for alarm conditions when logging resumes (if the logger was configured with Allow
Button Restart selected; MX1101, MX1104, and MX1105 loggers only).

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HOBOconnect User’s Guide

Logger Setup


Show LCD

Tap the toggle to control whether the LCD on the logger will remain illuminated during
logging (MX1101, MX1102A, MX1104, and MX1105 loggers). When Show LCD is set to off,
the LCD on the logger will not show the current reading, status, or other information during
logging. You can temporarily turn the LCD screen on by pressing the button on the logger
for 1 second. The LCD will then remain on for 10 minutes. In addition, you can view the
status of any in-range logger on your phone or tablet regardless of the logger’s LCD setting.

Show LED

Tap the toggle to control whether the LEDs on the logger are visible during logging (MX100,
MX2200, MX2300, and MX2501 models). When Show LED is set to off, the alarm and status
LEDs on the logger will not be illuminated during logging (the alarm LED will not blink if an
alarm trips). You can temporarily turn on LEDs by pressing the button on the logger for 1

Bluetooth Always

Tap the toggle to control whether the logger will “advertise” or regularly send out a
Bluetooth signal for the app to receive (MX100, MX1104, MX1105, MX2201, MX2202, and
MX2300 loggers). When Bluetooth Always On is set to off, the logger will only advertise
when you press the button on the logger to wake it up, thereby preserving as much logger
battery power as possible.
Note: If you are using an MX Gateway, Bluetooth is automatically enabled to ensure regular
gateway uploads can occur.

Power Saving Mode

Select one of the following options and tap Save (MX2203, MX2204, and MX2501 models):
• Bluetooth Always Off. The logger will only “advertise” or regularly send out a Bluetooth
signal for the app to receive when you press the HOBO button on the protective logger
boot (MX2203 and MX2204) or press the switch (MX2501) to wake it up. This option
uses the least logger battery power.
• Bluetooth Off Water Detect. The logger will not advertise when the presence of water
is detected. Once the logger is removed from the water, Bluetooth advertising will
automatically resume. This option preserves some battery power. Note: The logger will
check for the presence of water every 15 seconds when this option is selected.
• Bluetooth Always On. The logger will always advertise. This option uses the most
battery power.

Soil Type

Select one of the following options and tap Save:
• Mineral. For common soils, with EC values up to 8 dS/m.
• Soilless. For potting soils, perlite, and peat moss with EC values up to 8 dS/m.
• Apparent Dielectric Permittivity. Raw measurements that can be used in published
equations such as the Topp equation to derive soil moisture data.

Enable Percent of
Field Capacity

Select Enable to see soil moisture as the percent of field capacity.

Upload Data via

Select how data from the logger is offloaded (If you upload data using HOBOconnect, you
do not need a HOBOlink account.)

Enter the Field Capacity for the soil at the site in Volumetric Water Content on a scale of
0.01 to 1.00. Note that the Percent of Field Capacity values reported will be limited to the
range of 0% to 200%. If you selected Apparent Dielectric Permittivity as your soil type, the
option for Percent of Field Capacity is disabled.

• Gateway. The gateway automatically uploads data from the logger to HOBOlink on a
regular basis (see Configuring a Gateway for details on setting up a gateway). Note:
MX100 series loggers are not supported by the gateway. Contact Onset Technical
Support for questions on MX100 logger compatibility with the gateway.
• HOBOconnect. Offload data with any device running the HOBOconnect app. The data is
stored on the device. You can configure HOBOconnect to automatically upload the data
to HOBOlink every time you read out the logger with the app see (HOBOconnect
Settings) or you can share the data using email or messaging apps.
Note: If “Upload Data via” is grayed out, then the Upload Data setting in the app has been
disabled. See HOBOconnect Settings for details.

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HOBOconnect User’s Guide

Sensors and Alarm Setup
Sensors & Alarm
Setup Setting

Follow these steps for general sensor and alarm setup. See the sections on MX1102A and
MX1104/MX1105 sensor setup for additional instructions for those models.
1. Tap a sensor or channel. Tap the toggle to Enable Logging (if necessary).
2. Enter a name for the sensor or channel.
3. If you want to set an alarm for the sensor, select Low and/or High for each sensor and either
type or drag the slider to set the low and/or high values.
4. Under Duration, select how many hours and/or minutes you want to elapse before the alarm
is tripped and select one of the following:
• Cumulative. The alarm will trip once the sensor reading is out of the acceptable range for
the selected duration any time during logging. For example, if the high alarm is set to 85°F
and the duration is set to 30 minutes, then the alarm will trip once the sensor readings
have been above 85°F for a total of 30 minutes since the logger was configured.
• Consecutive. The alarm will trip once the sensor reading is out of the acceptable range
continuously for the selected duration. For example, the high alarm is set to 85°F and the
duration is set to 30 minutes, then the alarm will only trip if all sensor readings are 85°F or
above for a continuous 30-minute period.
5. Tap Save. Repeat the steps for another sensor if applicable.
• If Temperature and RH measurements are being logged, then a dew point series will also
be calculated and available in the data file upon readout or when viewing live data.
• MX2001: Differential pressure must be enabled to calculate water level. Temperature
must be enabled to log absolute pressure. Temperature must also be enabled if you
selected the water density option “Fresh Water adjusted for Temp.”
• The actual values for the high and low alarm limits are set to the closest value supported
by the logger.
• For MX1101 and MX2001 loggers and for MX1102A loggers powered by USB, alarm limits
are checked every 15 seconds. For MX1102A loggers powered by batteries, CO2 alarm
limits are checked every 5 minutes (temperature and RH alarm limits are still checked
every 15 seconds). If you are configuring a CO2 sensor alarm for a battery-powered logger,
it is recommended that the duration you select is divisible by 5 and a minimum of 5
• For MX1104, MX1105, MX2200, MX2300, and MX2501 loggers, alarm limits are checked at
each logging interval. If burst logging is configured, however, the logger will use the burst
logging interval as the rate to check for burst trigger conditions instead of the logging
• The alarm icon will be illuminated on the logger LCD (if applicable) when the alarm trips.
You can also press the Alarms/Stats button (MX1101), Clear/Next button (MX1102A), or
the bottom button (MX1104 and MX1105) on the logger to view the value that triggered
the alarm. The LCD (if applicable) displays the farthest out-of-range sample during the
MX1102A Sensor Setup
When configuring the CO2 sensor for the MX1102A logger, these settings are also available:
• Altitude Compensation. If the logger will be deployed at a location above or below 305
meters (1,000 feet), select Enable Altitude Compensation. Enter the altitude above sea
level in meters or feet. Note: In normal use, the CO2 measurement will vary by
approximately 0.135% of the reading for each mbar change in barometric pressure (the

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HOBOconnect User’s Guide

Sensors & Alarm
Setup Setting

sensor is calibrated at 1,013 mbar). Use altitude compensation when deploying the logger
for the best CO2 accuracy possible.
• Manual Calibration. Manual calibration is the best way to calibrate your logger. Use this
option if you want to manually calibrate the logger to 400 ppm using the Calibrate button
on the logger. This requires taking the logger outside in fresh air on a dry day or to an
indoor location that is unoccupied and has no connection to a ventilation system for five
minutes on a regular basis. This is recommended if the logger is deployed in a building that
is always occupied, if you want the logger to be calibrated more frequently than every
eight days (the normal auto calibration schedule), or if you want to calibrate the logger
immediately after logging begins. Note: Every time the logger is started, auto calibration
will occur after 24 hours and then again after eight days unless a manual calibration is
performed first.
• Auto Calibration. Tap Automatic if you want the logger to automatically calibrate within
the first 24 hours after logging begins and then every eight days thereafter. The logger will
be calibrated based on the average of the three CO2 measurements that follow the lowest
CO2 value identified during the 24-hour or 8-day time period as applicable.
Important: Accurate auto calibration requires the building or location where the logger is
deployed to be empty at least once during the eight-day period (for example, an empty
office building during the weekend or overnight will typically have background CO2 levels
of 400 to 450 ppm).
If the logger is deployed in an area where the CO2 level does not go down to 400 ppm
during the eight-day time period, then manual calibration should be performed regularly
instead, or inaccurate CO2 readings will be reported. If you plan on using auto calibration
but the building will be occupied during the first day after logging begins, then you can use
the manual calibration option as well. You can manually calibrate the logger immediately
after logging begins and use auto calibration thereafter. Note: Once a manual calibration
is performed, the 24-hour auto calibration is canceled, and an auto calibration will be
performed eight days from the time the manual calibration occurred. (Restarting the
logger resets the 24-hour/8-day auto calibration routine).
Refer to the manual www.onsetcomp.com/support/manuals/22504-mx1102a-manual for
additional details on calibrating the logger.
MX1104/MX1105 Sensor Setup
When configuring external sensors for the MX1104 and MX1105 loggers, follow the instructions
and guidelines in this section.
• For self-describing sensors: The sensor type will automatically be detected when you plug
it in (i.e. 200 Amp CT as in the example below).
Tap the toggle to enable
logging for this sensor

sensor plugged
in, listed as

Tap this
The selected sensor type is
automatically detected;
add a name, set up scaling
(if applicable), set alarm
ranges, and tap Save

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HOBOconnect User’s Guide

Sensors & Alarm
Setup Setting

• For other external sensors: The app will detect that a sensor is connected when you plug
it in, but it will not automatically detect the sensor. You must select the correct sensor or
cable type as shown in the following example.
Tap the toggle to enable
logging for this sensor

sensor (not
plugged in and listed
as “Connected”

Tap this arrow

the list,
select the
sensor or
cable, and
click OK

Tap here
to select
the sensor

The selected sensor is
displayed here; add a name,
set up scaling (if applicable),
set alarm ranges, and tap Save

Notes on all external sensors:
• If custom scaling is available, enter the Series Name, Unit, and values for High and Low
under the selected sensor.
• For MX1104 loggers, the external sensor is channel 1. For MX1105 loggers, the sensor
channel number is listed above the analog sensor port where the external sensor is
• The app will display “Connected” in green text if the sensor is plugged in correctly and
“Disconnected” in red text if a sensor has been unplugged. If “Sensor Error” in red text is
displayed, make sure the sensor or cable is fully seated and installed properly in the logger
analog sensor port.
• If you plug in a self-describing sensor in a port that was previously configured for a
different sensor, “Connected: ” is displayed in orange text until you
reconfigure that channel for the new sensor.

• Make sure you select the correct sensor type in the app if you are not using self-describing
sensors. If you select the wrong type, then incorrect data will be logged. In addition, if you
unplug a sensor, the app will still display the last selected sensor type for that channel. If
you plug in an external sensor other than a self-describing sensor, the previously selected
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HOBOconnect User’s Guide

Sensors & Alarm
Setup Setting

sensor type will still be selected. Be sure to choose the correct sensor type for the new
sensor that you plugged in.
• If you disconnect a sensor or if it is not fully inserted into the analog sensor port while the
logger is logging, a warning icon appears on the LCD for that channel and the logger will
beep once. Use the top button on the logger to view the channel with the warning, which
also displays dashes instead of a valid current reading. Erroneous readings will be
displayed in the app and logged depending on the logging interval while the sensor is
disconnected (e.g., if a sensor is disconnected for 5 minutes and the logging interval is set
to 1 minute, then there will be 5 erroneous data points while the sensor was
disconnected). When the sensor is reconnected, the warning icon will clear, the correct
value will replace the dashes for the channel on the LCD, and the correct readings will be
• Be sure to disable logging for any channels without external sensors installed. If logging is
enabled for a channel without a sensor, then a warning icon appears on the LCD for that
channel and the logger will beep once.
• Do not swap out sensors or move sensors to empty ports while the logger is logging. Stop
the logger before making any physical changes to the sensors.
• Refer to the product manual at www.onsetcomp.com/support/manuals/23968-mx1104and-mx1105-manual for additional details on installing external sensors.

Updating Water Parameters for an MX2001 Water Level Logger
To update the reference water level and water density for an MX2001 water level logger while the logger is logging:
1. Tap Devices.
2. Find the logger by searching or scrolling through the tiles and tap the tile to connect to the logger.

3. Tap


4. Enter a new reference water level and select the unit type.
5. Select a different water density if needed or enter your own next to Manual Input.
6. Tap Save. Changes will take effect immediately. This will also result in reference water level and water density events in the HOBO
Note: You can also edit the water parameters after the logger is downloaded by tapping
HOBOfile Viewer for details.

when viewing a HOBO file. See Using the

Calibrating an MX2501 pH and Temperature Logger
The MX2501 pH and temperature logger needs to be calibrated for accurate pH readings using pH 7, 4 and/or 10 buffers. To calibrate the
logger, you will need:
• Deionized or distilled water and a squirt bottle to rinse the pH sensor.
• The logger with the pH electrode installed and the copper guard removed.
• Calibration solution (also called buffer solution) poured into beakers. You must calibrate the logger using two solutions: pH 7 and
either 4 or 10. You also have the option to calibration using all three.
Notes before starting calibration:
• pH values of calibration buffers and samples will vary depending on their temperature. It is important that the logger is calibrated
in buffers that have the same temperature as that of the sample. Refer to the chart on the calibration buffer bottles or in the logger
manual for the effect of temperature on the buffer pH values.
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HOBOconnect User’s Guide
• When placing the logger in a buffer solution, make sure the sensor end cap, temperature sensor, and closure cap are submerged in
the solution.
• This section provides an overview on calibrating the logger. For additional details, refer to the product manual at
To calibrate the MX2501 logger:
1. Tap Devices. Push the button on the mounting end of the logger to wake it up (if necessary). Find the logger by searching or
scrolling through the tiles.
2. Tap the tile to connect to the logger. You may be automatically prompted to calibrate the logger if pH electrode has never been
calibrated, if the last calibration is more than seven days old, or if the firmware was updated. If you are not automatically
prompted, then tap


3. Use a squirt bottle to rinse the pH sensor with deionized or distilled water.
4. Place the sensor end of the logger in the pH 7 solution and tap Start.
5. Once the pH reading is stable, tap Confirm.
6. Rinse the pH sensor with deionized or distilled water.
7. If you are using the pH 4 buffer, place the sensor end in the pH 4 solution and tap Start. If you are not using the pH 4 buffer, tap
Skip and go to step 9.
8. Once the pH reading is stable, tap Confirm. Rinse the pH sensor with deionized or distilled water.
9. If you are using the 10 buffer, place the sensor end in the pH 10 solution and then tap Start. Once the pH reading is stable, tap
Confirm. If you are not using the pH 10 buffer, tap Skip.
10. Verify that the slope and offset are acceptable, and tap Save. If the slope and offset are not acceptable, then tap the back arrow
and repeat the calibration steps in this section as needed.
Important: After the calibration is complete, be sure to rinse the pH sensor with deionized or distilled water. Select any configuration
settings as described in Configuring a Logger. If you will not be deploying the logger within the next 10 minutes, attach the logger to
the storage solution.
• The date of the last calibration, the slope and offset values, and the buffers used for the calibration are listed under the Deployment
Information in the Configuration screen for reference.
• If the status message during calibration indicates the reading is invalid or it never stabilizes, try the following:
 Make sure the sensor is in the correct buffer solution or try rinsing the sensor and restarting the calibration.
 Remove the sensor from the calibration solution and clean it (refer to the product manual at
www.onsetcomp.com/support/manuals/22511-mx2501-manual for details). Restart the entire calibration process.
 Inspect the sensor to make sure it is not damaged. Note: There could be microcracks on the glass bulb of the electrode that
may not be visible to the human eye.
 Replace the pH electrode if it older than 6 months. A pH electrode has a 6-month expected life and will produce unstable
readings if it is older than 6 months.
• If the reading reported in the app is acceptable for your deployment even though it is reported as unstable, you can tap Stop and
then Confirm and proceed with the calibration.
• You can calibrate the logger while it is logging. After the calibration is saved, any new data logged will use the new calibration. Data
logged before the new calibration was saved will use the old calibration data. If you do not want data in a single file to be based on
more than one calibration, then stop the logger and read it out. You can then calibrate it and reconfigure it.

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HOBOconnect User’s Guide

Configuring a Gateway
Note: These instructions require that the gateway is powered, completely booted up, and an Ethernet cable is already plugged in (if
applicable). See the product manual at www.onsetcomp.com/support/manuals/23470-mxgtw1-gateway-manual for details on initial
gateway setup.
To configure a gateway:
1. Tap Devices.
2. Find the gateway by searching or scrolling through the tiles.
3. Tap the tile to connect to the gateway.
4. Once connected, tap

at the bottom of the screen as shown below to configure the gateway. You can also view more

information about the gateway (tap

Tap this arrow to
disconnect and
return to the list
of devices

in the upper right corner if

On iPhones, iPads, or
Android devices, tap
here to view more
details about the
gateway, including the
serial number,
firmware version, and
the information in the
table at right. Note:
These features are all
on the main screen in
the Windows version.

This icon:

Connected via Ethernet
Connected via Wi-Fi
The network status is unknown
The gateway is running

Tap this icon to
configure the gateway

The gateway is not configured
There is a problem with the
gateway; check the gateway settings
The signal strength from the
gateway to the phone, tablet, or

5. Enter a name for the gateway. If no name is entered, the gateway serial number will be used as the name.
6. If the Ethernet connection is using DHCP (dynamic IP addresses), then skip to step 7.
• To set up Ethernet with static IP addresses, tap Ethernet Configuration, tap DHCP toggle to disable DHCP. Fill in the networking
fields and tap Save. Consult your Network Administrator as needed.
• To set up Wi-Fi, tap Wi-Fi Configuration, tap Current Network, or type a network name. Enter the password for the network and
tap Save.

7. Tap

to save the new configuration settings to the gateway.

The gateway will regularly check loggers within range and upload data to HOBOlink (requires an active HOBOlink account; see
HOBOconnect Settings). Loggers must be configured to upload data via the gateway (see Configuring a Logger). Note: MX100 series
loggers are not supported by the gateway. Contact Onset Technical Support for questions on MX100 logger compatibility with the

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HOBOconnect User’s Guide

Reading Out a Logger
To read out or offload the data from a logger to a phone, tablet, or computer:
1. Tap Devices and then tap a tile with the logger to connect to it (wake up the logger if necessary or remove it from the water if
2. Once the logger is connected, tap

towards the bottom of the screen. Wait until the readout completes.

3. Tap HOBO Files to view or export the data (see Using the HOBOfile Viewer).
Once the readout is complete, the data will be uploaded to HOBOlink automatically if the logger was configured to upload data via
HOBOconnect (requires an active HOBOlink account; see HOBOconnect Settings). If the logger was configured to upload data via a
gateway instead, then the gateway will continue uploading data regularly independently of this readout.

Using the HOBOfile Viewer
Use the HOBOfile Viewer to view and export data that has been offloaded from the logger. Tap HOBO Files and select a file to open.
On iPhones, iPads, or Android
devices, tap to change the time
zone, export the file, hide or
show series, and view details
about the configuration (see
HOBOfile Viewer Actions). Note:
These features are all on the main
screen in the Windows version.
Tap here to select a different file; navigate to
the Onset or HOBOconnect folder if needed
To work with the graph:
• Swipe (or press and hold the mouse button) up and down to scroll
along the Y axis
• Swipe (or press and hold the mouse button) left and right to scroll
along the X axis
• Pinch or stretch the graph (or spin the mouse wheel) to zoom in or
• Press and hold anywhere on the graph (or press and hold the
mouse button and drag the red vertical line) to view the nearest
logged data point
• Double-tap (or double-click) the graph to return to the original view
Tap to view a logger file plotted in a graph

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HOBOconnect User’s Guide

HOBOfile Viewer and Actions
The following options are available when working with the HOBOfile Viewer (tap this icon
Tap this icon:

in the upper right corner first if

To do this:
This is the time zone setting in place on the phone, tablet, or computer when the logger was
configured. Tap the time zone, select a different one, and tap Save to change the time zone that is
displayed on the graph and used when exporting the data to XLSX or CSV. Note that a change to the
time zone only applies while the file is open in the HOBOfile Viewer. If you close the file and reopen it,
it will revert to the original time zone used when the logger was configured.
Tap to export and share the file that is currently open in the HOBOfile Viewer. Select one of the
• XLSX. This generates an Excel® file with data points from all series on one tab and logged events
on a second tab.
• CSV. This generates a comma-separated values file with data points from all series and logged
events on one spreadsheet.
• HOBO. Share the .hobo file that you have opened in the HOBOfile Viewer.
• PNG. This generates an image of the graph as it currently appears in the HOBOfile Viewer. Note
that if you export to PNG more than once from the same HOBO file, the existing .png file will be
overwritten with the latest one. Therefore, if you want to save multiple views of the graph (e.g.,
one default view and one zoomed in view), make sure you share the first PNG you export before
exporting another.
You can use export and share on Windows, Apple®, and Android devices.
On Apple devices, exported files are saved to the phone or tablet regardless of whether you share
them immediately upon export. To access the files, navigate to the HOBOconnect folder. Any exported
XLSX, CSV, and PNG (image) files are stored in subfolders.
On Windows computers, select one of the Export options described above to save a file in the selected
format to the computer at a location that you choose. You can then email or share that file as needed
using your preferred method.
On Android devices, you must use export and share; external file access is prohibited by Android
Tap here to show or hide sensors, channels, and logger events and tap OK. By default, logger events
(such as Alarm Tripped or Alarm Cleared), derived series (such as dew point), and statistics are not
displayed on the graph.
Tap here to view the configuration settings selected for the logger. For MX2001 loggers only: You can
also edit the reference water level, water density, and reference time when tapping this icon. Under
Deployment Information, tap Reference Water Level or Water Density to edit those settings in the
Water Parameters screen. In the same Water Parameters screen, tap Reference Time and select a time
associated with a logged data point and tap Save. Tap Save in the Water Parameter screen to apply
these new settings to the HOBO file.

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HOBOconnect User’s Guide

Working with a Dashboard
Set up a dashboard to quickly view the latest readings from loggers within range of the phone or tablet without having to connect to
them. This requires the logger to be awake with Bluetooth enabled (see Configuring a Logger).
To set up a dashboard:
1. Tap Dashboard.
2. Tap

in the upper right corner.

3. Set up the widget to add to your dashboard:
Select the
type of
widget: line
graph or

Select the channels
to display in the

Tap Add

Tap to add
another widget

Tap to delete
the widget

Tap Next if you want to
change the default channel
name or tap Done.

Edit the name that
will display on the
dashboard for any
of the channels and
then tap Done.

Tap to edit the
widget type or

Example of
line graph

Example of

Measurements are updated every second when the logger is within range. Note that measurements displayed in the dashboard may
differ from logged data points, which are recorded at the logging interval selected when configuring the logger. When a logger is out of
range, the graph widget will not display any measurements and the odometer widget will display the most recent measurement from
when the logger last communicated with the phone, tablet, or computer.

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HOBOconnect User’s Guide

HOBOconnect Settings
Tap Settings to change the following settings in HOBOconnect:



Connect a HOBOlink account to the app so that logged data can be automatically uploaded to
www.hobolink.com, where you can further analyze the data, set up dashboards, and more.
Tap Connect Account. Enter your HOBOlink username and password and tap Connect. (If you don’t
have a HOBOlink account, tap Create New Account first).
Once your account is connected, the following additional options are available:
• Tap Log Out if you want to disconnect your HOBOlink account from the app. You can then
connect another account or reconnect to the same one.
• Tap the Upload Data toggle to enable or disable the ability to automatically upload logged data
from the gateway or the app. When this option is disabled, then the option to upload data will be
grayed out when configuring the logger. When this option is enabled, then you can select
whether to upload the data via the gateway or HOBOconnect when configuring the logger.
• Tap the Wi-Fi Only toggle to enable or disable whether the app uses Wi-Fi only to upload data. If
Wi-Fi Only is enabled, then the app will only upload data when a Wi-Fi connection is available. If
Wi-Fi Only is disabled, then the app will use a cellular connection to upload data when a Wi-Fi
connection is unavailable.
• Readout Queue Status indicates whether there are any HOBO files that were read out from
loggers waiting to be uploaded to HOBOlink (i.e. the app was unable to connect to the internet
and will try again later). Tap the status to see a list of current and pending file uploads.

User Settings

• Select either US or SI units. Any changes to units will take effect immediately throughout the app.
The units displayed on the logger LCD (if applicable) will be updated the next time the logger is
• Tap to enable or disable Dark Mode, which changes the app color scheme. When Dark Mode is
enabled, the app displays bright text on a black background. When Dark Mode is disabled, the
app displays dark text on a white background.


Clear My Devices List works in conjunction with the My Devices filter (see Viewing Devices) in which
only the devices that your phone or tablet has connected to are shown in the Devices screen. Tap
Clear My Devices List if you want to remove all the devices that you have connected to from the My
Devices filtered view. You will then need to switch to a different filter to view any devices within

Diagnostics &

These settings control the information that is gathered and shared with Onset.
• Tap the Share Diagnostics with Onset toggle to enable or disabled sharing of information about
the software for troubleshooting and for future enhancements.
• Tap the Enable Logging toggle and enable this setting only when directed by Onset Technical
Support. When you enable this setting, the Share Logs with Onset option appears. Use this as
directed by Onset Technical Support.

Frequently Asked Questions
The following questions can help with troubleshooting issues with the app. For additional help, tap About HOBOconnect in the settings to
view a list of resources, or contact Onset Technical Support at 1-800-LOGGERS, 508-759-9500, or www.onsetcomp.com/support/contact.
Why isn’t my logger appearing in the list of devices?
• The logger may need new batteries (if applicable). Symbols will appear on the logger LCD (if applicable) if the batteries have
enough voltage remaining and are installed properly.
• The logger is not within range of the phone, tablet, computer, or computer dongle or something is obstructing the
communication. Move closer to the logger. The range for successful wireless communication is approximately 30.5 m (100 ft) with
full line-of-sight.
• The MX100, MX1104, MX1105, MX2200, MX2300, or MX2501 logger may be asleep. Press the button on the logger to wake it up.

1-508-759-9500 (U.S. and International)
1-800-LOGGERS (U.S. only)



HOBOconnect User’s Guide
• Remove the MX2203, MX2204, or MX2501 logger from the water if it was configured with Bluetooth Off Water Detect.
• Make sure Bluetooth is enabled in your phone, tablet, or computer settings.
• Check the filter settings to make sure the logger isn’t being filtered out of view.
Why isn’t my gateway appearing in the list of devices?
• The gateway may not be finished powering up. When plugged in for the first time, the gateway will not be ready to configure—
and will not appear in the app—for several minutes.
• The gateway is not within range of the phone, tablet, computer, or computer dongle, or something is obstructing the
communication. Move closer to the gateway. The range for successful wireless communication is approximately 30.5 m (100 ft)
with full line-of-sight.
• Make sure Bluetooth is enabled in your phone, tablet, or computer settings.
• Check the filter settings to make sure the gateway isn’t being filtered out of view.
I see my logger in the list of devices, but I can’t connect to it. What can I do?
• Close the app and then reopen it.
• Power down the phone, tablet, or computer, and try connecting again once it powers back up.
I was configuring my logger and then lost the connection. Will my configuration settings be saved?
If you did not tap
before the connection was lost, then the configuration settings were not saved to the logger. Connect to the
logger again and re-enter your settings.
How do I lock my logger so that no one else can configure it?
Connect to the logger, tap
in the upper right corner (if applicable), and tap
. Enter a password and tap Set. The password will
then be required any time another device attempts to connect to the logger. The device that configured the logger, however, will
automatically retain the password so you do not have to type in a password each time that device connects to the logger.
How do I reset the password on a logger?
Connect to the logger, tap
in the upper right corner (if applicable), tap
, and tap Reset. You can also simultaneously press both
the Start/Stop button and the Alarm/Stats button (MX1101) or Next/Clear button (MX1102A) on the top of the logger, or both the top
and bottom button (MX1104 and MX1105) for 3 seconds. Press the button on the MX100, MX2200, MX2300, or MX2501 for 10 seconds
or press the reset button between the batteries on the MX2001 logger.
An alarm was tripped on the logger. How do I clear it?
Visual alarms on the logger LCD (if applicable) and within the app (all models except MX100 and MX2001) are cleared based on the
settings selected under “Maintain Visual Alarms Until” when configuring the logger. This means the visual alarm will clear when the
logger is reconfigured, when the sensor is back within limits, or when the button on the logger is pressed (if applicable) depending on
which option you selected. MX100 alarm indicators are only cleared when you reconfigure the logger.
If an audible alarm is sounding, press the button on the logger to stop it or connect to the logger and tap

(if applicable).

How do I offload my logger?
Connect to the logger and tap

. Once the readout is complete, tap HOBO files to view or export the offloaded data.

It is taking more than a minute to read out my logger. Is this normal?
A logger with a full memory should take a minute or less to read out (all models except the MX1104 and MX1105). If the readout is taking
longer than a minute, move the mobile device closer to the logger, within a few feet if possible. The further away the mobile device is
from the logger, the longer the readout can take. MX1104 and MX1105 loggers have a larger memory capacity than other models so it
may take a few minutes to read them out.

1-508-759-9500 (U.S. and International)
1-800-LOGGERS (U.S. only)



HOBOconnect User’s Guide
I zoomed in on a graph in the HOBOfile Viewer. How do I return it to the original view?
Double-tap the graph to return to the original view.
How do I view the individual data points in a list instead of a graph?
Export the file from the HOBOfile Viewer. Tap
in the top right corner (if applicable) and then tap
which creates a spreadsheet with all the data points.

. Select either XLSX or CSV,

How do I add or remove series or events from the graph?
In the HOBOfile Viewer, tap
in the top right corner (if applicable) and tap
wish to show or hide on the graph and tap OK.

. Select or deselect the sensors, statistics, and events you

Is there a way to copy all my data files to my computer?
You no longer have access to data files outside of HOBOconnect due to a Google Play Store policy. Use the Export and Share feature to
have access to files outside of HOBOconnect.
For Apple devices, use Files to copy the files from the HOBOconnect folder to iCloud, which you can access from your computer. You can
also use the File Sharing feature in iTunes on Windows® or Finder to transfer files to a Mac®.
For Windows computers, files are stored in your Documents folder under HOBOconnect. Copy the files to another folder.
My device is showing too many loggers. How can I view my devices only?

at the top left of the screen and select My Devices. Only the devices that your logger connected to will be shown in the list.

If my logger is configured to upload data to HOBOlink from a gateway, then will it also upload data to HOBOlink if I read it out with
the app?
No. Data can only be uploaded to HOBOlink either by a gateway or by the app, not both. When you read out a logger that was configured
to upload data from a gateway, then the file will be available in the app only and not uploaded to HOBOlink. The gateway will continue to
monitor the logger and upload data regularly to HOBOlink regardless of when you read out the logger with app.

1-508-759-9500 (U.S. and International)
1-800-LOGGERS (U.S. only)



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleHOBOconnect User's Guide
AuthorOnset Computer Corporation
File Modified2023-01-24
File Created2022-03-30

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