No. 2060-0336 Approval
Expires: MM/DD/YYYY
Federal Operating Permit Program (40 CFR Part 71) GENERAL INFORMATION AND SUMMARY (GIS) |
Facility name ________________________________________________________________
Mailing address: Street or P.O. Box ____________________________________________
City ____________________________________ State _______ ZIP ___________-________
Contact person: __________________________ Title ______________________________
Telephone (______) ________ - ___________ Ext. _________
Facsimile (______) ________ - ___________
Temporary source? ___Yes ___No Plant site location _____________________________________
City ____________________________ State_____ County________________ EPA Region____
Is the facility located within:
Indian lands? ___YES ___ NO An offshore source in federal waters? ___YES ___ NO
Non-attainment area? ___ YES ___NO If yes, for what air pollutants? _______________
Within 50 miles of affected State? __ YES __ NO If yes, What State(s)? _____________
Name ________________________________ Street/P.O. Box _________________________
City _______________________________________ State______ ZIP_________ - ________
Telephone (_____) ______ - __________ Ext_________
Name _______________________________ Street/P.O. Box __________________________
City _______________________________________ State ______ ZIP _________ - _______
Telephone (_____) ______ - __________ Ext_________ |
Mark only one permit application type and answer the supplementary question appropriate for the type marked.
___Initial Permit ___ Renewal ___ Significant Mod ___ Minor Permit Mod(MPM)
___ Group Processing, MPM ___ Administrative Amendment
For initial permits, when did operations commence? _____ /_____ /_____
For permit renewal, what is the expiration date of current permit? _____/____/_____
Mark the types of applicable requirements that apply:
___ SIP ___ FIP/TIP ___ PSD ___Non-attainment NSR ___ Minor source NSR ___ Section 111 ___ Phase I acid rain ___Phase II acid rain
___ Stratospheric ozone ___ OCS regulations ___ NESHAP ___ Sec. 112(d) MACT
___ Sec. 112(g) MACT ___ Early reduction of HAP ___ Sec 112(j) MACT ___ RMP [Sec.112(r)]
___ Section 129 ___ NAAQS, increments or visibility but for temporary sources (This is rare)
Is the source subject to the Deepwater Port Act? ___YES ___NO
Has a risk management plan been registered? ___YES ___NO Agency ____________________
Phase II acid rain application submitted? ___YES ___NO If YES, Permitting Authority ____________ |
Cite and describe any emissions-limiting requirements and/or facility-wide "generic" applicable requirements.
List processes, products, and SIC codes for the facility.
Process |
Products |
Assign an emissions unit ID and describe each emissions unit at the facility. Control equipment and/or alternative operating scenarios associated with emissions units should by listed on a separate line. Applicants may exclude from this list any insignificant emissions units or activities.
Emissions Unit ID |
Description of Unit |
Enter potential to emit (PTE) for the facility as a whole for each regulated air pollutant listed below. Enter the name of the single HAP emitted in the greatest amount and its PTE. For all pollutants, stipulations to major source status may be indicated by entering "major" in the space for PTE. Indicate the total actual emissions for fee purposes for the facility in the space provided. Applications for permit modifications need not include actual emissions information.
NOx ___________ tons/yr VOC ___________ tons/yr SO2 ___________ tons/yr
PM-10 ___________ tons/yr CO ___________ tons/yr Lead ___________ tons/yr
Total HAP ___________ tons/yr
Single HAP with greatest amount ___________________________ PTE _______ tons/yr
Total of regulated pollutants (for fee calculation), Sec. F, line 5 of form FEE _____ tons/yr
Permit number(s) _________________ Permit type _____________ Permitting authority __________
Permit number(s) _________________ Permit type _____________ Permitting authority _________ |
Emission unit(s) subject to general permit _______________________________________________
Check one: ___ Application made ___ Coverage granted
General permit identifier ______________________________ Expiration Date ____/____/____
Does this application cross-reference information? ___ YES ___ NO (If yes, see instructions)
Paperwork Reduction Act Burden Statement: This collection of information is approved by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. (OMB Control No. 2060-0036). Responses to this collection of information are mandatory (40 CFR 71). An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The public reporting and recordkeeping burden for this collection of information is estimated to 268 hours per response. Send comments on the Agency’s need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimates and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden to the Regulatory Support Division Director, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2821T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20460. Include the OMB control number in any correspondence. Do not send the completed form to this address |
Use this form to provide general and summary information about the part 71 source (facility or plant) and to indicate the permitting action requested. Submit this form once for each part 71 source. Several sections of this form ask for information you may not know until you complete other part 71 forms.
Section A - Enter the facility's official or legal name. The contact person should be a person familiar with the day-to-day operation of the facility, such as a plant site manager or similar individual.
Section B – If different from the mailing address, include the plant site location.
Sections C and D - If more than one owner or operator, list them on an attachment.
Section E - Mark initial permit issuance if you are applying for the first time. For all types of permit revisions, applicants must provide a brief narrative description of the changes.
Section F - Indicate the broad categories of applicable requirements that apply to the facility or any emissions units. Note that acid rain requirements must be included in part 71 permits the same as other requirements. Also, see definition of “applicable requirement” in part 71. Offshore sources in Federal waters may be either Outer Continental shelf (OCS) sources or Deepwater Port Act (DPA) sources, but not both. The DPA is not an applicable requirement, but the EPA needs to know if such requirements apply because the EPA coordinates with other Federal agencies on such projects.
Section G – List emission-limiting requirements that apply to the facility as a whole, such as restrictions on potential to emit or applicable requirements that apply identically to all emission units at a facility.
Section H - List, in descending order of priority, the 4-digit standard industrial classification (SIC) code(s) that best describes your facility in terms of its principal products or processes, and provide a brief narrative description for each classification. For a listing of SIC codes, see the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1987 edition, prepared by the Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget, from the Government Printing Office, Washington DC.
Section I - Assign a unique identifier (unit ID) under the "emissions unit ID" column and provide a text description for each significant emissions unit at facility. These IDs will be used in other part 71 forms. A "significant emissions unit" is any unit that is not an insignificant emission unit or activities. Note that unit IDs need only be assigned if they will be referenced in subsequent portions of the application. You may choose any numbering system you wish to assign unit IDs. If a unit ID was previously assigned, use the original ID. If the unit is a new unit, assign a unit ID consistent with the existing units’ IDs.
You may group emissions units, activities, or pieces of equipment together and assign a single unique unit ID when they are subject to the same applicable requirement(s) and will have the same monitoring, record keeping, and reporting requirements in the permit.
In addition, assign a unit ID for each alternative operating scenario and each piece of pollution control equipment. When possible, assign these numbers to show with which emissions units or processes these scenarios or control devices are associated.
Section J – Enter the facility-wide PTE for each listed air pollutant for applicability purposes and enter the facility-wide actual emissions of all pollutants that count for fee purposes. Applications for permit revisions should report PTE after the change for the emissions units affected by the change.
Completion of form PTE is recommended prior to the entry of PTE information in this section.
"NOx" is for nitrogen oxides,
"VOC" is for volatile organic compounds,
"SO2" is for sulfur dioxide,
"PM10" is for particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 10 micrometers or less,
"CO" is for carbon monoxide, and
“Lead” is for elemental lead regulated by a NAAQS (“compounds of lead” are HAP).
Note that the emissions of greenhouse gasses (GHGs) are not counted for major source applicability purposes or for part 71 fee purposes, so no need to enter them anywhere on this form.
Note that a source may be major for a single HAP or any combination of HAP.
Include fugitive emissions when reporting PTE to the extent that they count toward major source applicability. All fugitive emissions of HAP count toward major source applicability.
Sources may also stipulate to major source status for the pollutants indicated on the form by entering "Major" in the space provided for PTE values.
You may use the value for actual emissions from section F, line 5, of form FEE. When totaling actual emissions for fee purposes, include all emissions, including fugitive emissions, regardless of whether they count for applicability purposes.
Section L - If any emissions unit within your facility is applying, has applied, or currently has a general permit, identify the emissions unit ID and name of the unit, consistent with section I of this form.
Section M - Attach copies of any cross-referenced documents that are not publicly available or otherwise available to the permitting authority.
EPA Form 5900-79
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | OMB No |
Author | jeff herring |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2023-08-28 |