Burden Calculation Tables


Emission Guidelines for Large Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed on or Before September 20, 1994 (40 CFR part 60, subpart Cb) (Renewal)

Burden Calculation Tables

OMB: 2060-0390

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Table 1a
Table 1b
Table 1c
Table 2
Capital O&M

Sheet 1: Summary

ICR Summary Information
Hours per Response 1,720
Number of Respondents 72
Total Estimated Burden Hours 353,000
Total Estimated Costs $60,700,000
Annualized Capital O&M $1,400,000
Total Annual Responses 206

Sheet 2: Table 1a

Table 1a: Annual Privately-Owned Respondent Burden and Cost – Emission Guidelines for Large Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed on or Before September 20, 1994 (40 CFR Part 60, Subpart Cb) (Renewal)

123.94 157.61 62.52 201.86

Burden Item (A)
Respondent Person Hours Per Occurrence
Contractor Person Hours Per Occurrence
Number of Occurrences Per Respondent Per Year
Hours Per Respondent Per Year
Number of Respondents Per Year a
Technical Hours Per Year
Management Hours Per Year (G=Fx0.05)
Clerical Hours Per Year
Contractor Hours Per Year
Total Costs Per Year b

1.) Applications N/A

2.) Surveys and Studies N/A

3.) Reporting Requirements

A. Familiarize with Regulatory Requirements c

1) New Sources 40 0 1 40 0 0 0 0 0 $0
2) Existing Sources 4 0 1 4 38 152 8 15.2 0 $20,987
B. Required Activities

1) Initial performance tests and reports

a) Initial performance tests and test reports (PM, dioxins/furans, opacity, fugitives, HCI, Cd, Pb, Hg) 24 750 1 24 0 0 0 0 0 $0
b) Repeat of Initial performance tests d 24 750 1 24 0 0 0 0 0 $0
2) CEMS demonstration (SO2, NOx, opacity, CO, CO2, O2)

a) Installation of CEM units 24 200 1 24 0 0 0 0 0 $0
b) Initial demonstration 24 430 1 24 0 0 0 0 0 $0
c) Repeat of initial demonstration d 24 430 1 24 0 0 0 0 0 $0
3) Annual performance tests and test reports (PM, dioxins/furans, opacity, fugitives, HCI, Cd, Pb, Hg) e

a) Plants that do not qualify for reduced D/F testing with 2 units 24 1,500 1 24 1 24 1.2 2.4 1,500 $306,103.74
b) Plants that do not qualify for reduced D/F testing with 3 units 24 2,250 1 24 3 72 3.6 7.2 6,750 $1,372,496.22
c) Plants that qualify for reduced D/F testing with 2 units 24 1,428 1 24 16 384 19.2 38.4 22,848 $4,665,117.12
d) Plants that qualify for reduced D/F testing with 3 units 24 2,106 1 24 18 432 21.6 43.2 37,908 $7,711,756.20
4) Quarterly Appendix F audits of CEMS (SO2, NOx, CO)

a) RATA audit (one per year)f 8 350 1 8 102 816 40.8 81.6 35,700 $7,319,069.16
b) RAA audit (three per year)f 8 130 3 24 102 2,448 122.4 244.8 39,780 $8,367,992.28
c) Daily calibration and operation 1 0 365 365 102 37,230 1,862 3,723 0 $5,140,439.18
C. Create Information See 3B

D. Gather Information See 3E

E. Report Preparation

1) Plant startup

a) Control plan 40 0 1 40 0 0 0 0 0 $0
b) Notification of contract awards 4 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 $0
c) Notification of on-site construction start 4 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 $0
d) Notification of construction completion 4 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 $0
e) Notification of final compliance 4 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 $0
2) Notification of initial performance tests 4 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 $0
3) Initial performance tests reports 40 0 1 40 0 0 0 0 0 $0
4) Notification of CEMS demonstration 4 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 $0
5) Initial CEMS demonstration report 90 0 1 90 0 0 0 0 0 $0
6) Notification of starting or stopping use of the CEMS 4 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 $0
7) Air Curtain incinerator initial performance tests 4 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 $0
8) Annual compliance reports 40 0 1 40 38 1,520 76 152 0 $209,870.20
9) Semi-annual excess emission reports g 40 0 2 80 8 608 30.4 60.8 0 $83,948.08
10) Notification of exemptions 4 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 $0
Subtotal for Reporting

194,725 $35,197,779
4.) Recordkeeping Requirements

A. Familiarize with Regulatory Requirementsc See 3A

B. Plan activities See 3B

C. Implement activities See 3B

D. Develop record system N/A

E. Record information

1) Record startups, shutdowns, and malfunctions h 4 0 47 188 102 19,176 958.8 1,918 0 $2,647,678.26
2) Records of all emission rates, computations, tests h 4 0 47 188 102 19,176 958.8 1,918 0 $2,647,678.26
3) Records of employee review of operations manual 4 0 1 4 38 152 7.6 15.2 0 $20,987.02
4) Record amount of sorbent used for Hg and dioxin/furan control i 4 0 4 16 102 1,632 81.6 163.2 0 $225,334.32
5) Records of emisssion exceedances and periods when emission data not obtained See 3E

6) Records of CEMS drift tests and Appendix F accuracy assessments See 4E 1-4

7) Records of initial performance test See 3E

8) Records of annual performance tests See 3E

9) Records of opacity limits for air curtain incinerators See 3E

F. Personnel training N/A

G. Time for audits N/A

Subtotal for Recordkeeping

46,156 $5,541,678

241,000 $40,700,000
Capital and O&M Cost j




a. There are 146 large MWC units located at 57 MWC plants. Of these, there are 102 large MWC units at 38 plants that are privately owned.
b. This ICR uses the following labor rates: $157.61 per hour for Executive, Administrative, and Managerial labor; $123.94 per hour for Technical labor, and $62.52 per hour for Clerical labor. These rates are from the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of labor Statistics, September 2021, Table 2 Civilian Workers by occupational and industry group, The rates are from column 1, “Total compensation.” The rates have been increased by 110 percent to account for varying industry wage rates and the additional overhead business costs of employing workers beyond their wages and benefits, including business expenses associated with hiring, training, and equipping their employees. The contractor rate was derived by taking the contractor rate used in the previous ICR and multiplying by the average increase in managerial, technical, and clerical rates since the previous ICR.
c. This ICR assumes all respondents will have to familiarize with regulatory requirements.
d. Assume 20 percent of reporting plants must repeat initial tests due to failure at one unit at the plant.
e. Values were adjusted based on the change in respondents since the previous ICR (values in #3 should add up to respondents submitting annual compliance reports)
f. RATA audits are performed for one of the four quarterly audits. RAA tests are performed for three of the four quarterly audits. Audits of the diluent monitor (O2 or CO2) are not required because tests on SO2 and CO monitors will incorporate the use of the diluent monitor.
g. Assume 20 percent of affected plants must submit two semiannual reports per year due to exceeding one or more pollutant emission limits.
h. Based on weekly recordkeeping, we assume 47 weeks of operation (90 percent availability) per year per MWC.
i. Based on quarterly calculation of sorbent use for entire plant, regardless of the number of affected facilities at the plant.
j. Totals have been rounded to 3 significant figures. Figures may not add exactly due to rounding.

Sheet 3: Table 1b

Table 1b: Annual Publicly-Owned Respondent Burden and Cost – Emission Guidelines for Large Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed on or Before September 20, 1994 (40 CFR Part 60, Subpart Cb) (Renewal)

123.94 157.61 62.52 201.86

Burden Item (A)
Respondent Person Hours Per Occurrence
Contractor Person Hours Per Occurrence
Number of Occurrences Per Respondent Per Year
Hours Per Respondent Per Year
Number of Respondents Per Year a
Technical Hours Per Year
Management Hours Per Year (G=Fx0.05)
Clerical Hours Per Year
Contractor Hours Per Year
Total Costs Per Year b

1.) Applications N/A

2.) Surveys and Studies N/A

3.) Reporting Requirements

A. Familiarize with Regulatory Requirements c

1) New Sources 40 0 1 40 0 0 0 0 0 $0
2) Existing Sources 4 0 1 4 19 76 3.8 7.6 0 $10,493.51
B. Required Activities

1) Initial performance tests and reports

a) Initial performance tests and test reports (PM, dioxins/furans, opacity, fugitives, HCI, Cd, Pb, Hg) 24 750 1 24 0 0 0 0 0 $0
b) Repeat of Initial performance tests d 24 750 1 24 0 0 0 0 0 $0
2) CEMS demonstration (SO2, NOx, opacity, CO, CO2, O2)

a) Installation of CEM units 24 200 1 24 0 0 0 0 0 $0
b) Initial demonstration 24 430 1 24 0 0 0 0 0 $0
c) Repeat of initial demonstration d 24 430 1 24 0 0 0 0 0 $0
3) Annual performance tests and test reports (PM, dioxins/furans, opacity, fugitives, HCI, Cd, Pb, Hg) e

a) Plants that do not qualify for reduced D/F testing with 2 units 24 1,500 1 24 1 24 1.2 2.4 1,500 $306,103.74
b) Plants that do not qualify for reduced D/F testing with 3 units 24 2,250 1 24 1 24 1.2 2.4 2,250 $457,498.74
c) Plants that qualify for reduced D/F testing with 2 units 24 1,428 1 24 8 192 9.6 19.2 11,424 $2,332,558.56
d) Plants that qualify for reduced D/F testing with 3 units 24 2,106 1 24 9 216 10.8 21.6 18,954 $3,855,878.10
4) Quarterly Appendix F audits of CEMS (SO2, NOx, CO)

a) RATA audit (one per year)f 8 350 1 8 44 352 17.6 35.2 15,400 $3,157,245.52
b) RAA audit (three per year)f 8 130 3 24 44 1,056 52.8 105.6 17,160 $3,609,722.16
c) Daily calibration and operation 1 0 365 365 44 16,060 803.0 1,606 0 $2,217,444.35
C. Create Information See 3B

D. Gather Information See 3E

E. Report Preparation

1) Plant startup

a) Control plan 40 0 1 40 0 0 0 0 0 $0
b) Notification of contract awards 4 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 $0
c) Notification of on-site construction start 4 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 $0
d) Notification of construction completion 4 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 $0
e) Notification of final compliance 4 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 $0
2) Notification of initial performance tests 4 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 $0
3) Initial compliance reports 40 0 1 40 0 0 0 0 0 $0
4) Notification of CEMS demonstration 4 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 $0
5) Initial CEMS demonstration report 90 0 1 90 0 0 0 0 0 $0
6) Notification of starting or stopping use of the CEMS 4 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 $0
7) Air Curtain incinerator initial performance tests 4 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 $0
8) Annual compliance reports 40 0 1 40 19 760 38 76 0 $104,935.10
9) Semi-annual excess emission reports g 40 0 2 80 4 304 15.2 30.4 0 $41,974.04
10) Notification of exemptions 4 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 $0
Subtotal for Reporting

88,612 $16,093,854
4.) Recordkeeping Requirements

A. Familiarize with Regulatory Requirements See 3A

B. Plan activities See 3B

C. Implement activities See 3B

D. Develop record system N/A

E. Record information

1) Record startups, shutdowns, and malfunctions h 4 0 47 188 44 8272 413.6 827.2 0 $1,142,135.72
2) Records of all emission rates, computations, tests h 4 0 47 188 44 8272 413.6 827.2 0 $1,142,135.72
3) Records of employee review of operations manual 4 0 1 4 19 76 3.8 7.6 0 $10,493.51
4) Record amount of sorbent used for Hg and dioxin/furan control i 4 0 4 16 44 704 35.2 70.4 0 $97,203.04
5) Records of emisssion exceedances and periods when emission data not obtained g See 3E

6) Records of CEMS drift tests and Appendix F accuracy assessments See 4E 1-4

7) Records of initial performance test See 3E

8) Records of annual performance tests See 3E

9) Records of opacity limits for air curtain incinerators See 3E

F. Personnel training N/A

G. Time for audits N/A

Subtotal for Recordkeeping

19,923 $2,391,968

109,000 $18,500,000
Capital and O&M Cost j




a. There are 146 large MWC units located at 57 MWC plants. Of these, there are 44 large MWC units at 19 plants that are publicly owned.
b. This ICR uses the following labor rates: $157.61 per hour for Executive, Administrative, and Managerial labor; $123.94 per hour for Technical labor, and $62.52 per hour for Clerical labor. These rates are from the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of labor Statistics, September 2021, Table 2 Civilian Workers by occupational and industry group, The rates are from column 1, “Total compensation.” The rates have been increased by 110 percent to account for varying industry wage rates and the additional overhead business costs of employing workers beyond their wages and benefits, including business expenses associated with hiring, training, and equipping their employees. The contractor rate was derived by taking the contractor rate used in the previous ICR and multiplying by the average increase in managerial, technical, and clerical rates since the previous ICR.
c. This ICR assumes all respondents will have to familiarize with regulatory requirements
d. Assume 20 percent of reporting plants must repeat initial tests due to failure at one unit at the plant.
e. Values were adjusted based on the change in respondents since the previous ICR (values in #3 should add up to respondents submitting annual compliance reports)
f. RATA audits are performed for one of the four quarterly audits. RAA tests are performed for three of the four quarterly audits. Audits of the diluent monitor (O2 or CO2) are not required because tests on SO2 and CO monitors will incorporate the use of the diluent monitor.
g. Assume 20 percent of affected plants must submit two semiannual reports per year due to exceeding one or more pollutant emission limits.
h. Based on weekly recordkeeping, we assume 47 weeks of operation (90 percent availability) per year per MWC.
i. Based on quarterly calculation of sorbent use for entire plant, regardless of the number of affected facilities at the plant.
j. Totals have been rounded to 3 significant figures. Figures may not add exactly due to rounding.

Sheet 4: Table 1c

Table 1c: Average Annual Designated Administrator Burden and Cost – Emission Guidelines for Large Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed on or Before September 20, 1994 (40 CFR Part 60, Subpart Cb) (Renewal)

52.37 70.56 28.34
Burden Item (A)
Number of Occurences Per Year a
Administrator Hours Per Occurrence
Technical Hours Per Year
Management Hours Per Year (D=Cx0.05)
Clerical Hours Per Year
Administrator Costs Per Year b
1.) Applications N/A

2.) Familiarize with Regulatory Requirementsc 15 4 60 3 6 $3,523.92
3.) Required Activities

A. Develop a state plan 0 2,080 0 0 0 $0
B. Public Hearing on state plan 0 8 0 0 0 $0
A. Observe initial performance tests

1) Initial performance tests and test reports (PM, dioxins/furans, opacity, fugitives, HCI, Cd, Pb, Hg)d 0 48 0 0 0 $0
2) Repeat of initial performance tests e 0 10 0 0 0 $0
B. Excess emissions -- enforcement activities f 10 24 230.4 11.52 23.04 $13,531.85
C. Create Information

D. Gather Information

E. Report Reviews

1) Control plan 0 8 0 0 0 $0
2) Notification of contract awards 0 8 0 0 0 $0
3) Notification of on-site construction start 0 8 0 0 0 $0
4) Notification of construction completion 0 8 0 0 0 $0
5) Notification of final compliance 0 8 0 0 0 $0
6) Review notification of initial performance test 0 8 0 0 0 $0
7) Review notification of initial CEMS demonstration 0 4 0 0 0 $0
8) Review notification of starting or stopping use of the CEMS 0 8 0 0 0 $0
9) Review initial performance test report 0 40 0 0 0 $0
10) Review initial CEMS demonstration report 0 40 0 0 0 $0
11) Review annual compliance report g 48 40 1,920 96 192 $112,765.44
12) Review semi-annual excess emission report f 10 16 153.6 7.68 15.36 $9,021.24
13) Review of notifications of exemption 0 4 0 0 0 $0
F. Prepare annual summary report 0 200 0 0 0 $0

2,720 $139,000


a. Assume 124 affected units as 48 plants in 15 states.
b. This IRC uses the following labor rates: $70.56 Managerial rate (GS-13, Step 5, $44.10 + 60%), $52.37 Technical rate (GS-12, Step 1, $32.73 + 60%), and $28.34 Clerical rate (GS-6, Step 3, $17.17 + 60%). These rates are from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), 2022 General Schedule, which excludes locality rates of pay. The rates have been increased by 60 percent to account for the benefit packages available to government employees.
c. This ICR assumes all respondents will have to familiarize with regulatory requirements
d. Assume EPA personnel attend about 8 percent of tests.
e. Assume a 20 percent failure rate and that EPA personnel attend 10 percent of the retests.
f. Assume 20 percent of affected plants must submit two semiannual reports per year due to exceeding one or more pollutant emission limits.
g. Burden not incurred until second year of operation and later.
h. Totals have been rounded to 3 significant figures. Figures may not add exactly due to rounding

Sheet 5: Table 2

Table 2: Average Annual EPA Burden and Cost – Emission Guidelines for Large Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed on or Before September 20, 1994 (40 CFR Part 60, Subpart Cb) (Renewal)

52.37 70.56 28.34
Burden Item (A)
Number of Occurences Per Year a
Administrator Hours Per Occurrence
Technical Hours Per Year
Management Hours Per Year (D=Cx0.05)
Clerical Hours Per Year
Administrator Costs Per Year b
1.) Applications N/A

2.) Familiarize with Regulatory Requirements 0 4 0 0 0 $0
3.) Required Activities

A. Observe initial performance tests

1) Initial performance tests and test reports (PM, dioxins/furans, opacity, fugitives, HCI, Cd, Pb, Hg)c 0 48 0 0 0 $0
2) Repeat of initial performance tests d 0 10 0 0 0 $0
B. Excess emissions -- enforcement activities e 1.8 24 43.2 2.16 4.32 $2,537.22
C. Create Information

D. Gather Information

E. Report Reviews

1) Control plan 0 8 0 0 0 $0
2) Notification of contract awards 0 8 0 0 0 $0
3) Notification of on-site construction start 0 8 0 0 0 $0
4) Notification of construction completion 0 8 0 0 0 $0
5) Notification of final compliance 0 8 0 0 0 $0
6) Review notification of initial performance test 0 8 0 0 0 $0
7) Review notification of initial CEMS demonstration 0 4 0 0 0 $0
8) Review notification of starting or stopping use of the CEMS 0 8 0 0 0 $0
9) Review initial performance test report 0 40 0 0 0 $0
10) Review initial CEMS demonstration report 0 40 0 0 0 $0
11) Review annual compliance report f 9 40 360 18 36 $21,143.52
12) Review semi-annual excess emission report e 1.8 16 28.8 1.44 2.88 $1,691.48
13) Review of notifications of exemption 0 4 0 0 0 $0
F. Prepare annual summary report 0 200 0 0 0 $0

497 $25,400


a. Assumes 22 affected units at 9 facilities in 4 states without State Plans and thus are subject to the Federal Plan.
b. This IRC uses the following labor rates: $70.56 Managerial rate (GS-13, Step 5, $44.10 + 60%), $52.37 Technical rate (GS-12, Step 1, $32.73 + 60%), and $28.34 Clerical rate (GS-6, Step 3, $17.71 + 60%). These rates are from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), 2022 General Schedule, which excludes locality rates of pay. The rates have been increased by 60 percent to account for the benefit packages available to government employees.
c. Assume EPA personnel attend about 8 percent of tests.
d. Assume a 20 percent failure rate and that EPA personnel attend 10 percent of the retests.
e. Assumes 20 percent of affected plants must submit two semiannual reports per year due to exceeding one or more pollutant emission limits.
f. Burden not incurred until second year of operation and later.
g. Totals have been rounded to 3 significant figures. Figures may not add exactly due to rounding.

Sheet 6: Capital O&M

Capital/Startup vs. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Costs 

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G)

Continuous Monitoring Device Capital/Startup Cost for One Respondent Number of New Respondents a Total Capital/Startup Cost, (B X C) Annual O&M Costs for One Respondent Number of Respondents with O&M b Total O&M,
(E X F)

Private sector- Load monitors, temperature monitors, and carbon feed rate monitors. $100,000 0 $0 $9,600 102 $979,200

Public sector -Load monitors, temperature monitors, and carbon feed rate monitors. $100,000 0 $0 $9,600 44 $422,400

Totals (rounded) c
0 $0
146 $1,400,000

a Since the Emission Guidelines only apply to sources that commenced construction on or before September 20, 1994, no additional MWC units will become subject to the standard over the next three years.

b Approximately 146 sources located at 57 plants are currently subject to the Emissions Guidelines and each source requires continuous monitoring. Of the 146 sources, 102 sources are within the private sector and 44 sources are publicly owned.

c Totals have been rounded to 3 significant digits. Figures may not add exactly due to rounding.

Sheet 7: Responses

Total Annual Responses
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
Information Collection Activity Number of Respondents a Number of Responses Number of Existing Respondents That Keep Records But Do Not Submit Reports Total Annual Responses E=(BxC)+D
Privately owned large MWCs
Increments of Progress (Plant Control Plan, notifications, etc.) 0 3 0 0
Initial Testing Notifications and Reports (Performance Test, CEMS Demonstration, etc. 0 4 0 0
Annual Performance Tests and Reports 38 1 0 38
Annual Compliance Reports 38 1 0 38
Semiannual Excess Emission Reports 8 2 0 16

Total 92
Publicly owned large MWCs
Increments of Progress (Plant Control Plan, notifications, etc.) 0 3 0 0
Initial Testing Notifications and Reports (Performance Test, CEMS Demonstration, etc. 0 4 0 0
Annual Performance Tests and Reports 19 1 0 19
Annual Compliance Reports 19 1 0 19
Semiannual Excess Emission Reports 4 2 0 8

Total 46
Designated State Plan Administrators
Excess Emissions – Enforcement Activities 10 1 0 10
Review Annual Compliance Report 48 1 0 48
Review Semiannual Excess Emissions Report 10 1 0 10

Total 68

a We assume 38 privately owned facilities, 19 privately owned facilities, and 48 facilties subject to designated state plans. We assume 20% of each of these facilities will have to submit or review excess emissions reports. This ICR assumes a facility's report includes information for all units they own/operate.

Sheet 8: Respondents

Number of Respondents

Respondents That Submit Reports Respondents That Do Not Submit Any Reports

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
Year Number of New Respondents a Number of Existing Respondents b Number of Existing Respondents that keep records but do not submit reports Number of Existing Respondents That Are Also New Respondents Number of Respondents (E=A+B+C-D)
1 0 72 0 0 72
2 0 72 0 0 72
3 0 72 0 0 72
Average 0 72 0 0 72
a New respondents include sources with constructed and reconstructed affected facilities.
b An average of 57 large MWC plants (respondents) will be subject to the standards over the next three years. Approximately 38 respondents are privately owned and 19 respondents are publicly owned. Additionally, it is estimated there will be 15 State Designated Administrators. Total number of respondents = (57 + 15) = 72.
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