USCIS Online Account Access

USCIS Online Account Access

USCIS Online Account Access-006 Screenshots-30dayFRN

USCIS Online Account Access

OMB: 1615-0122

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USCIS Online Account Access


Members of the public seeking immigration benefits utilize the USCIS Online Account Access information collection to create and
login to their USCIS account. The USCIS Online Account maintains identity information and provides authentication services to
users interacting with USCIS Service Providers including:
 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Immigration Records SysTem (FIRST)
 myE-Verify
USCIS Online Account Access operates at National Institute of Standards and Technology Identity Assurance Level 1 and
Authenticator Assurance Level 2.

U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration


USCIS Online Account Access
Graphical User Interface (GUI)

U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration


U.S, Cicizenship
and Immigratmn


Sign In
Email *

Landing Page and Sign In
page for existing users
!Password *

Forgot your Passw ord ?

Sllow Password

One aocount for aII of your USCIS needs.

Create an acco1m .
Didn't re-ceive co ntirmation instructions?

• Deparbnent of HomeIand Security Consent
• DH S Privacy Nolice

U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration.

• Paper Reduction Act B rden Disd osure Notice
• Terms of Use



An o fficial we'bsrt:e o'" the United S ta:es gove.mme.nt

1-iere's hOO"t yo kno-.v


U.S. Cilizenship

I and Immigrau on

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Department of Homelland Security Consent

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“Legal” link on
landing page

You are about t o access a Department of Homeland Security computer system. T his comput er system and data therein are prope rty of the
U.S. Govern ment and provided fo r offi cia l U.S. Government information and use. There is no expectation of priva cy when you use this
computer system. The use of a password or any other security mea sure d oes not establish an exp ectation of privacy. By using this system,
you consent to the terms set forth in this notice. You may not process cl ass ified nationa l security information on this computer system.
A ccess t o this system is restricted to authorized users only. Unauthorized access , use, or modification of this system or of data co ntained
herein, or in transit to/from this system, may co nstitute a violation of section 1030 of title

rn of the U.S. Code and other criminal laws.

A nyone wh o accesses a Federal computer system without aut horization or exceeds access authority, or obtains, alters, damages, destroys,
or discl oses information, or prevents authorized use of info rm ation on the computer system, may be subject to penalties, fines or
imprisonment. T his comput er system and any related eq uipment is subject to monitoring fo r administrative oversight, law enforceme nt,
criminal investigative purposes, inquiries into a[leged wrongdoing or misuse, and to ensure proper performance of applicable security
feat ures and procedures. OHS may conduct mo nitoring activities witho ut further notice .
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OHS Privacy Notice
A Llthiorities
The information requested on th is form is co llected u nder the Immigration and !N ationa lity Act , as amended; the Homeland Security Act of
200 2 (Public Law 107- 296); thee- Govern ment Act of 2002 (Public Law 107-347), the Govern ment Paperwork Elimination A ct (Publi c Law
105-277), and Title 8 of the Code of Federal Reg ulations (CFR).
The primary purpose of providing the requested information on this form is to create or update your USCIS Online Account, also referred to
as MyAcco unt, to give you access to USCIS's online services.
The information you provide is voluntary. However, failure to provide information may prevent you from creating a USCIS Online Account,
wh ich will limit yo ur ability to access and use USC IS' online services .

U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration

Rout ine Us,es
OHS may share the information you provide on this fo rm with oth er Federal, sl ate, local, and foreign government agencies and aut horized
orga nizations. OHS fo llows approved rout ine uses described in the associated published system of records notice [DHS/ALL-0 37 EA uth entication Reco rds System of Records] and specifi c system or program published privacy impact assessments, wh ich you can find at
www.dhs. gov/privacy. DHS may also share this information , as appropriate, for law enfo rcement purposes or in the interest of national


A utn enucauon ros :,;ystem 01 H.ecordsJ an d specmc system or program pu011sneo pnvacy impact assessments, W11 1cn you can nno at
www. dhs .gov/privacy. OHS may also sha re this information, as approp riate , for law enfo rce ment pu rposes or in the interest of national
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Paperwork Reduction Act Burden Disclosure Notice
A n age ncy may not co nduct or sponsor an information coll ection, and a pe rson is not requ ired to respond to a collection of info rmation
unless it displays a currently valid 0 MB contro l number. The pu bli c reporting bu rden for this info rmation collection is estimated at .167 hour
per response. This time burden estimation incl udes the time fo r gath ering the required docum en tation and info rmation, reviewing th e

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linked to under
“Legal,” cont’d

instructions, and completing and subm itting the request. Send comments rega rding the burden estimate or any ot her aspect of this
info rmation co llection, inclu ding suggestions for reduci ng this burden to:
U. S. Cit izen ship and Immigrat ion Serv ices
Regulatory Coord inati on Divis ion, Office of Policy and Strat egy

20 Massa c husetts Av e. N.W.
Washi ngton , D. C 20529-2140
0MB Control No. 1615--0122 .
Expiration Da te: 8/31/2018
Do not mail your completed request to this ad dress.
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Terms of Use - U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Onl ine Electronic Immigration
This document contains th e Term s of Use ("Ten11 s") for the U.S. Citizensh ip an d Immigration Services (USCIS) online electron ic
immigration system accessed using established portals, such as myAcco un t access page, or its successor. Yo u should read these Terms in
their entirety and acknowled ge that by creating an account or accessing or attempting to access systems and se rvices available online
through myA ccount, or its successor, th at you have rea d, understand, and agree to comply with these Terms in order to access an d use
any or all of th ese systems. Th e Term s app ly to every individua l and user, incl uding attorneys and accredited represent atives acting on
behalf of a business, corporation, limited pa rtnership, li mited liability compa ny, or other legal entity, an d any em ployees of such entities , who
accesses , uses, or creates an online accoun t in USCIS' electronic immigration syst em an d information technology resource, which inclu des
the netw ork, applica tion, mana ged access developer porta l, extern al drives that upload, pro cess, store, rece ive or transm it information.
USCIS' electron ic imm igration system is an online, account-based syst em th at allows use rs to submit requests fo r immigration benefits and
ce rtain immigration services, as well as view certain applications, petitions, and req uests; receive electro nic notification of USCIS notices
and decisions ; confirm employment eligibility and lock employ ment eli gibility information aga inst misuse; submit Freedom of Informa tion Act
(FOIA) and Privacy Act requests; receive real-time status updates on pending cases and work eligibility ; and use defin ed roles to access
ce rtain technical specifications within designated interface porta ls. USCIS' electronic immigration system allows individuals, attorneys,

U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration.

accredited representatives, and other authorized users to conveniently and securely set up and manage online accounts; electronically
su bmit certa in applications, reg istrations, petitions, or requests and supporting documents; receive and respond to USCIS notices, requests
fo r evidence, and decis ions electronically; and pa y filing fees, biometric services lees, registration fees, and immigrant fees. Period ica lly,
USCIS will release additional functiona lity tha t will allow individuals, attorneys, an d accredited representatives to perform add itional
functions online, wh ich may include, paying se rvice and pro cessing fees, filing motions to reopen or reconsider, submitting program
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functions online, wh ich may include, pay ing se rvice and pro cessing fees, filing motions to reopen or reconsider, submitting program
reg istrations, engaging in techn ical integrat ion capabilities with programming interfaces, exp osed data, and content manage ment systems,
pay ing ad ministrative appea l fees, confirming em ploymen t eligibility, obtaining FOIA or Privacy Act resp onses, and requesting fee waivers
These Tenns req uire that you use this system only to perfonn lawful immigration-related fu nctions and to communicale with th e
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and any component thereof, incl uding USCIS. Th e Tenns detail the laws, polici es, and
pro cedures you mus t abide by wh en using the system t o submil any appli cation, petition, reg istration, or request to USCIS, submit technical
pro gram ming interface data, access exposed data conten t, or com mun ica te with OHS andlor USCIS. The Terms also detail what actions
are pro hibited when using the system an d the penalties for misuse.
By access ing or using thi s system, you are lega lly bound by the terms an d conditions noted below. If you do not agree with any provision of

Page contents
linked to under
“Legal,” cont’d

these Tenns then you may not access USCIS' online electronic immigration system fo r any purpose inclu ding, but not limited l o, creating
an account, filing an appl ication, petition, reg istrat ion, or request, paying a fil ing andl or biom etric services fee, pay ing a registration fee,
checking a stat us on line, confirming employ ment eligibility, and req uesting assistance with access, use or t echnical iss ues associated with
the USC IS online electronic immigration system, en gaging in tech nical integration with : programming interfaces, exposed data, and co ntent
management systems, or managed tech nica l access to the developer portal. Any violation of t hese Terms may result in immediate
suspension or tennina tion of any access provided to the USCIS online electronic immigration syst em and may result in administrative or
civil actions as allowed by law, or criminal prosecut ion.

I. Govern ing Laws
• These Terms are governed and construed in accordan ce with the laws of th e United States. Any failure by OHS or any componen t
thereof, including USCIS, to enforce any provision in the Tenns will not be considered a waiver of any privileges, immunities, or rights
provided under applicable Federal, state, and foreign laws. These Tenns do not create an y right or benefit, subst antive or pro cedural,
for any individual or entity.
• If any provision of these Tenns is held to be inva lid or unenforceable by a co urt of law, the rema ining provisions of these Terms shall
be seve rable from the inva lid or unenforceable provision and will rema in in effect
• To th e extent permitted by law, USCIS discla ims all warranties whether express or implied, ind uding the implied warranties of
merchantability, fitness, fo r a particular purpose, title, and non-infringement. Acco rdingly, our liab ility shall be limited to the full est extent
pennitted by applicable law, an d under no ci rcu mstance will we be liable to particip ants or others for any lost prof its, revenues,
information, or data, or co nsequential, special, indirect, exempla ry, punitive, or incidental damages arising oul of or related to
pa rticipation and use of the se rvices an d program accessed on line using USCIS myAccount, or its successors .

IL Trademarks and Logos
• DHS is the trade mark owner and authorized user of the myAccount name and logo and the name and logo of the various systems
access ib le from this portal, including, but not limited to, my USC IS, FIRST, E-Verify an d myE-Ve rify, 3PI, and all successors. Users may
not use these trademarked items without th e prior written consent of OHS.
• Nothing in thes e Terms shall be interp reted as authoriza tion to use the offi cial seal, insignia or other visual identities of OHS, USCIS,
E-Verify, myE-Verify, FIRST, myUSCIS, USCIS ELIS, myAcco unt, 3PI, or any other DHS or USCIS se rvice or system, (fo r exam ple,
myE-Ve rify Se-If Check). Participants shall not use the OHS, USCIS, FIRST, rnyUSCIS, USCIS ELIS, myAccount, E-Ve rify, myE-Verify
or Self Check sea l, insignia, or other visual identities in any manner t o imply en dors ement of any commercia l product or activity by

U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration

DHS, USCIS, E-Verify, myE-Verify or the United States government. Use of these sea ls, insignia or other visua l identities withoul
aut horization violates federal law (See, 18 U.S.C. §§ 506, 70 1, 1017). Creation of an on line acco unt and use of these systems an d
services or the receipt of information fro m any USCIIS portal does not grant any licenses to copy rights, patents, any other intell ectua l
property rights , or the rights to any of the materials on the site or sites or materials access ed by use of the site. Users warrant th at
none of the infonnation provided to participate in or use the USCIS online electro nic immigrat ion system (incl uding an individua l,
unique e-mail add ress) infringes any copyright or the intell ectua l property rights of any third parties.


none of the information prov1 e to part1a pate


or use t e

on 1ne e ectro ni c 1mm1grat1on system inc u mg an m 1v1 ua ,

unique e-mail add ress) infringes any copy right or the intellectual property rights of any third parties.

Ill Rules of Behavior
The Rules of Behavior (RoB) noted below are consistent with the purpose of USCIS' onli ne electron ic immigration system.
• I un derstan d that any access granted t o me by DHS or any component thereof, including USCIS, for use of USCIS' electron ic
immigration system is based on my need to perform specific on line tasks an d activities related to t he managed technical access to t he
develop er portal, config urations of programming interfaces, or other specifi cally permitted access, preparation and filing of requests for
immigration be nefits an d services (such as, applications , petitions, reg istrations, and payment of various fees ), relief from removal
(such as, requests filed with USCIS by aliens in exd usion, deportation, or removal proceedings), obtaining or verifying legal st atus,

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“Legal,” cont’d

administrative appea ls, motions to reope n or reconsider any rendered decisions, legal status, confirmation of employ ment eligibility,
FOIA or Privacy A ct response or other associated relief , be nefit, or service .

I agree to the folll owing :

A Use
1. On line Account Holders
• I will only use USCIS' electron ic immigration system as designed an d to perform auth orized U.S. immigration-related functions and
communicate with OHS and USCIS.
• I will not crea te an online accoun t unless I am at least 14 years of age . In the event I am un der 14, a parent or legal guardian must
create an on line account in the ir own name in order to file applications, petitions, check the status of a case or request submitted
on my behalf, or submit other approp riate requests or engage in other authorized use.
• I will only use USCIS' electron ic immigration system lor offi ci al DHS or USCIS-related communications, notices, responses, or
correspondence in relation to any immigration application, petition, registration, or request; request fo r leg al status or deferred
action ; relief from removal proceedings; request for advance pa role or emp loyment authoriz ation; confi rmation of employment
eligibility; request a FOIA or Privacy Act response; pay ment of filing fees, biomet ric services fees, prem ium proces sing fees,
payment of reg ist ration fees, motions to reope n or reconsider or administra tive appeal fees, payment of immigra nt fees or for fil ing
a request for a fee waiver; access to the develope r portal; or for authorized review and co nfiguration of technical pro gramming
interface products.
• I will abide by all applicable laws and regu lat ions that perta in to the submission of an ap plication, petition, registration, or request
to USCIS; request fo r lega l status or deferred action; relief from removal proceedings; request fo r adv ance parole or employment
authoriza tion; confi rmation of employ ment eligibility; payment of filing fees, biomet ric services fees , prem ium proces sing fees,
reg istration fees, request for FOIA or Privacy Act response motions to reopen or reconsider or administrative appeal fees, and/or
immigrant fees or for filing requests for a fe-e waiver online.
• I will also submit any requests fo r immigration benefits un der penalty of perjury an d with a certification that I un derstand the
contents of the filing an d supporting documents su bmitted with any filing.
• I will ab ide by all applicable laws and regu lat ions related to the access and use of any DHS or USC IS govern ment computer
system, including USCIS' online electronic immigration system, designated for the filing, adjudication, commun ication on an y
application, petition, registration, or request for an immigration benefit; request for legal status or deferred action; request fo r
advance pa role or employ ment auth orization; co nfirmation of employ ment eli gibility; request for a FOIA or Privacy A ct response;

U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration

payment of filing fees, biometric services fees, premium processing fees, registration fees, other service fees, motions to reopen or
reconsider or administrative appe al fees, payment of immigrant fees or for filing requests for a fee waiver online; or fo r autho rized
review and configuration of tech nica l programming interfa ce products.
• I understand that DHS reserves the right to monit or usage and activity on the USCIS online electronic immigration system . DHS
may view or scan an y file stored on the electro nic immigration system. I understand that OHS maintains a right to access the


review and configuration of te ch nica l prog ramming interfa ce products.

I u nderstand that OHS reserves the right to monitor usage and activity on the USC IS on line electron ic immigration system. OHS
may view or sca n an y file stored on th e electro nic immigration system. I understand that OHS maintains a right to acces s the
cont ents of any stored data on the USCIS online electronic immigration system at any time , for any p urpose, including th e
enforcement of the imm igration laws an d any law s related to the access and use of gove rn ment systems. All electron ic activity on
the USC IS online electro nic immigration system may be inspected and is subj ect to mon itoring without ad ditional notice, as
deemed necessary, an d to the full extent, unless expres sly pro hibited by applicable statutes . I un derstand t hat th e use of USC IS'
on line electronic imm igration system cons titutes my consent t o collection , mon itoring and auditing of my use of USC IS' online
electron ic immigration system, by OHS an d any of its components an d by any Federal, state or local law enforcement entity, for
implementation, adjudicat ion, investigation, and enfo rce ment of the immigration an d criminal laws . T his do es not ab rogate any
limitations on information disclosure specified under any system of records notice govern in g access an d us e of OHS system s.

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“Legal,” cont’d


I u nderstand that I m us t crea te, provide, and maintain the security of my unique on line account, acco unt pas.sword, authentication
code, other log-in an d accoun t creation features and require ments , as w ell as the an sw ers to security questions for passw ord


I u nderstand that t o access or use USCIS' online electronic immigration system, I must use valid cred entials to access an acco unt
I am aut horized to access by OHS or USC IS. I agree t o use m y online accoun t fo r the purp ose for whi ch it w as created and in the
manner it w as des igned . I agree to use a valid personal and perso nally-controlled , unique em ail addres s or usern ame and other
required aut hen ticat ion credentials with each online access attempt and session . I agree to use a valid unique, online account
password an d the generated access passcode delivered by email or SMS ("Sh ort Message Se rvice"), MMS (Multi-M edia Messag e
Service) text mes sage, or any other provided auth entication cred ential intended for access to an d use of USCIS' online electronic
imm igration system. I agree that each individual user, inclu ding lega l represe ntatives an d authorized agen ts, should h ave an
individual, unique em ail address and online account password for th eir account Each online accoun t is used to certify that any
inform ation subm itted in the online electronic immigration system is true and correct, and that the electronic sign ature shall be
cons idered an affirmation, under pen alty of perjury, that any such informat ion submitted , w as submitted with full knowledge, intent,
and un derstanding, or, ii represented , w as express ly agreed to and authorized by my legal representative or the company's legal
representative, in the event of registration or certain select services an d proces ses .


I agree to use my persona l online account solely fo r fil ing a reques t fo r myself or, in the case of attorneys an d accredited
representatives, on behalf of an individual client or corpo rate entity, as applica ble. In the case of account holders who are
authorized an d registered to particip ate in the developer commu nity of users, I agree to use m y personal online a ccount solely to
access the man aged developer portal and in complian ce with my assigned user ro le and permissions. W hen us ing a registration
accou nt, or account type such as an applicant, petitioner, requestor, or lega l representative account, I agree to us e the account I
created solely to submit required registrations or other required submissions that I am auth orized to submit to USCIS on beh alf of
an employer, agent, or other authorized individual or entity. In the instance ol su bmitting requ ests on behalf ol minor children,
incapacitated or disa bled individuals, if requested by OHS or USC IS, I agree to provide proof of authority su ch as guardianship
orders, proof of recog nized fa mily relationship, or other required information and evidence.


I am res ponsible fo r safeg uarding my unique credentials associated with my on line accou nt, inclu ding m y unique email add ress
associated with my online acco un t, usern ame, account password, and passcod e and not disclosing it to any other p erson . I
un derstand t hat , as a USCIS' online electronic im migration system account holder and user, I am the only perso n authorized to
use my access credentials to access my assigned online accoun t in USC IS' on li ne ele ctron ic immigration system.


If my on line accou nt has been compro mised in an y way. I will n otify USC IS im med iately, by either call ing the Contact Center at
80 0-375-52 83 or sending USCIS an electron ic messag e as instru cted on the us w ebsite.

• My identity will be tied to my access cred entials and the USC IS online electronic immigration system account to which I have
req uested an d been granted access . I un derst and that my ability to electronically sign and sub mit app lications, petitions,

U . S. Citizenship
and Immigration

reg istrations, or various reques ts, including submissions of technical confi gurations , is direcUy tied to my USC IS online electronic
imm igration system account I understand that my legal repres entative, if any, will be able to su bmit an application, p etition, or
requ est on my behalf after I have expressly agreed to his or her represe ntation and autho riz ed him or her to fil e re quests with OHS
or any of its co mpon ents. If submitting registrations or othe r authorized subm issions as an auth orized offi cial for a com pany or
other org anization or entity using a reg istration account or other specialized account, I agree that I can on ly do so if I have
za tion from the comoanv. oraan ization. or entitv to su bmit reaistrat ions or other uthorize subm issions.


other organization or entity usin g a reg istrat ion account or other specialized account, I agree !hat I can only do so if I have
obtained express authoriza tion from the company, organ ization , or entity to submit reg istrat ions or other authorized submissions.
2. Atto rn ey and Accredited Re presentative Onl ine Account Holders
If I am an attorney or accredited representative seeking to represent, representing, or submitting an app lica tion, petition, reg istration ,
or request to USCIS on behalf of an applicant, petitione r, be neficiary, or req uester see king an immigration benefit, immigration
service, legal status or deferred action; relief from removal proceedings; advance pa role or employ ment auth orization; co nfirmation
of employment eligibility; paym ent of fil ing fees, biometric services fees, pay ment of premium processing fees, pay ment of
registration fee, subm itting motio ns to reopen or reconsider or administrative appea l fees, an d/or immigrant fees or for filing requests
for a fee waiver, or any othe r tasks or action on the USCIS online electronic immigration system, I will:

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“Legal,” cont’d

• Abide by the rules of profes siona l conduot prescribed under section 292 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1362)
and Title 8 of the Code of Federal Regulations, parts 292 an d 1003.
• Timely su bmil a signed N otioe of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative, Form G-28, in the man ner and
format, designated by USCIS, to notify USCIS of my appea rance as an Attorney or Accred ited Representative on behalf of the
applicant, petition er, benefi ciary, registra nt or requester.
• Ensure that when representing an individual person, each cl ient I rep resent has created his or her own online accou nt, with unique
credentials pertinent to the established account, such as an email ad dress, username, and online aocount password and that each
cl ient I represent ca n access, review and personally electron ically sign his or her applica tion, petition, or req uest I have prepa red
on his or her beha lf in USCIS' online electronic immigration system, thro ugh !heir own personal unique account.
• Only create, aocess, and use t he represe ntative online acco unt, autho rized by OHS and USCIS, for interaction wit h USCIS' online
electro nic immigration system, lo prepa re an application, petition, request, reg istration , or submit fee pay ments or reg ist ration
payments on beh alf of my cl ient and to electron ically sign the designated fo rm notifying USCIS of my appe ara nce as my client's
online attorney or accredited represe nt ative.
• Be respo nsible for the proper protection and disd osure of any persona lly identifiable info rmation (PII) to USCIS via USC IS' online
electronic immigration system. Any potent ial improper disclosure of PII that occu rs as the result of my intended or ina dvertent
misuse of USCIS's on line electro nic immigrat ion system is my respo nsibility to disclose and remedy. At its discretion, USCIS may
notify me an d/or my cl ients in the event of a suspeoted improper disciosure of PII.

B Proh ibitions
1. Online Account Hol ders
If I am an individual seeking to fi le an application, petition , registration, request, or appeal th rough USCIS' online electronic
immigration system for any immigration benefit, immigration se rvioe , lega l status or deferred action; relief fro m removal proceedings;
advance parole or employment aut horization; confirmation of employment eligibil ity; receipt of FOIA or Privacy Act response;
payment of fil ing fees, biometric services fees, premium processing fees, reg istration fees, immigrant fees, motion or appea l filing
fees, filing requests for a fee waiver online, any other service fee or benefit requ est, or if I am enga ging in authorized review and
confi guration of technical programming interface pro ducts , mana ged technical acoess to the developer portal, content ma nagement
systems, or other specifi ca lly permitted access, I agree that I will not:
• Access any user accounts, data sto res, systems, applications , form typ es, backend data, or technical programming interfaces to
whi ch I have not been granted access and that are not express ly auth orized fo r access to or use by me by OHS or USCIS, or

U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration.

create any online account if I am under the age of 14.
• Attempt to bypass access control, monitoring, or auditing measures instituted by OHI S or USCIS to ensure the integrity and
sernrity of U S govern ment syste ms, including USCIS online electronic immigration system.
• Use anyon e else's online account, secu re aocount password, authentication credentials or answers to security questions fo r
password reset to aocess or use USCIS's online electronic immigration system .
• Share my ema il address, usem ame, seou re acco unt password, online acoess code , or any other user identification or


password reset to access or use 'U SCIS's online electronic immigration system.
• Share my email address, usem ame, secu re account password, online access code, or any other user identification or
authentication crede ntial used to access USCIS's on line electron ic immigration system with anyone else fo r their own use in tile
USCIS online electronic immigration syst em.
• Authorize another person to log into, access, or use my USCIS online electronic immigration system acco un t.
• Allow or perm it anoth er person or legal ent ity to electro nica lly sign any application, petition , registration, or request for me and t hat
I am required to pe rsona lly, electron ically sign any application, petition , registrati on , or request that I am subm itting unless I am
mentally incompetent, have a legally designated gu ardian or surrogate, or am a minor chil d un der 14 yea rs of age.
• Allow anoth er person , attorney, accred ited representative, company, legal entity, orga nization, or authorized agent acting on behalf
of a company, lega l entity, corporation , pa rtners hip, or other organize d business, to setup or manage my on line individua l account,
secure account password, auth entication credentials or answers to security questions for password reset to access USCIS' online
electron ic immigrati on system on my behalf as an individual applicant, petitioner, registrant, requester or technical contributor.

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linked to under
“Legal,” cont’d

Exceptions apply to a lega l guardian, parent (if requestor is of minor age), or other agent expressly authorize-d and permitted to act
on behalf of another individual by OHS or USCIS.
• Use my USC IS online electronic immigration system accoun t or individual authentication credentials to file or electronically sign an
application , petition, reg istration, or request for so meo ne other tha n myself, confirm employment eligibility, submit or access
tech nica l programming interface data without pe rmission , or file or electron ically sign an application, petition, or request for more
than one perso n, unless I am acting as that person 's lega l guardian, parent, or acting pursuant to a lawful grant of power of
atto rn ey on that pers on's be half as recognized and authorized by OHS or USCIS.
2. Atto rn eys and Accredited Representatives On line Account H olders
If I am an atto rney or accred ited representative seeking to represe nt, representing, or submitting an app lica tion, petition, reg istration ,
request, or appea l on behalf of an applica nt, petitioner, benefi ciary, or requester seeking an immigration benefit, lega l status or
deferred action; relief from removal proceed ings; advance parole or employment aut horization; co nfirmation of emp loyment eligibility ;
receipt of FOIA or Privacy Act response; payment of filing fees, biomet ric services fees, prem ium processing fees, registration fees,
immigrant fees, moti on or appea l fees, filing requests for a fee waiver online, or any oth er service fee or benefit request I ag ree that:
• I can not act or appea r on behalf of an applicant, petitioner, requester, employer, or agent until after he or she has consented to my
representation pursua nt to 8 CFR 292.4 and has pe rsona lly executed his or her signature on all req uired docu mentation.
• I will not file an application, petition, request, registration, or oth er submission in USCIS' online electroni c immigration system until I
notify USC IS of my appea rance as an attorney or accredited represent ative on behalf of the applicant, petitione r, or requester I
seek t o represent, and thi s notice is appropriate~• submitted to OHS or USCIS in accordance with laws and regulations.
• I will not electro nica lly sign an applica tion, petition, request, or registr ation fo r an applicant, petitioner, registrant or requester in
USCIS' online electro nic immigrat ion system. I acknowledge that it is til e duty of my client to sign the application, petition ,
reg istra tion, or request under pena lty of perjury, certify ing that he or she understands the contents of the filing and supporting
documents submitted with any filing.
• I will not allow different applicants, petitioners, registrants, or requesters to use or share the sa me on line account or to be link ed or
grant ed access to a USC IS' on li ne electronic immigration system acco unt th at is not theirs and associated to their individual
unique authentication credentials.
• I will only use the authorized representative online account that I created to access and use USC IS' online electro nic immigration
system or obtain any info rmation contained therein.
• I will not access USCIS's online electronic immigration system using an applica nt's, petitioner's, registrant's, or requester's online
account or perfo rm any actions under cover of applica nt's, petitioner's, registrant's, or requester 's online accoun t, including

U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration

executing any required electron ic signatures.
3. Legal Entities, Corp orations, Partnerships, Compan ies, Organized Business , and Agents Acting on Behalf of Such Entities
If I am an authorized offi cial or age nt acting on behalf of a company, lega l entity, corporation, partne rship, or other organized
business, inclu dinq, but not limited to the preparation ol applications, petitions, requests, reqistrations, or other submissions, or


If I am an autho rized offi cial or age nt acting on behalf of a company, legal entity, corporation, partne rship, or other organized
business, includ ing, but not limited to the preparation ol app lications, petitions, requests, registra tions, or other submissions, or
providing inter pretation or translation services for th e filing or submission of an application, petition, requ est, registration, or other
submiss ion, including submiss ions of technical co nfigurations, and programming interface data with the DHS or any component
thereof, incl uding USCIS, U.S. Cus toms and Bo rder Protection, and U.S. Immigration an d Customs Enforcement, I agree that

I may not file any application, petition, request, registration, or other submission with OHS or any component thereof, including
USCIS, without the express conse nt of the applican t, petitioner, registrant, or requester.

• I must abide by all Federal, state, and local laws govern ing the autho rized practice of law and pro hibiting the unauthorized practice
of law in th e jurisdiction in which the compa ny, lega l entity, corporation, partnership, or other organized business or auth orized
age nt acting on behalf ol a company, lega l entity, corporation, partne rship, or other organized business, resides, has a physical
presence, conducts business , or authorizes transactions involving any interactions with USC IS, DHS, or any co mponent th ereof.

Page contents
linked to under
“Legal,” cont’d

C Protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII) - (Applicable to A ll Users)
• I understand, fo r the purpose of access ing USCIS' online electronic immigration system, that I may be handling or upload ing
documents or data that co ntain PII, and I affi rm that I will ad here to all privacy laws and rules governin g the safeguarding and use of
• I agree to safeg uard PII info rmation from accidental, unintentional, or un authorized disclosure at any time and to any pe rso n not
authorized to have access to such information.

D Incident Reporting - (Applicable to A ll Users)
• I will co operate willingly with DHS or USCIS on any investigation of any privacy, secu rity, or cyb er inci dents and, if directed by OHS
or USCIS, I will voluntarily relinquish all access to and use of USCIS on li ne electroni c immigration system during the period of
investiga tion and/or law enfo rce ment action in response to such incidents.
• If my online acco unt has bee n compro mised in any way. I will notify USCIS immed iately, by eith er calling the Contact Center at 800 375-5283 or sending USC IS an electron ic message as instructed on the uscis .gov website.

E. Penalties for Misuse - (Applicable to All User s)
• I understan d tha t any violation of these Terms may result in immed iate suspension or term ination of my acces s to USC IS online
electronic immigration system and may subj ect me to administrative or civil actions as allowed by law, or criminal.
• I agree that I may be held accountable fo r my actions or ina ctions that result in any DHS or USCIS computer security inci dent,
privacy incident, or computer security viol ation. This includes the poss ibility of immed iate suspension or term ination of my access to
USCIS online electronic immigration system, administrative or civil actions as allowed by law, or criminal prosecut ion.

IV. Te rmination of Access or Use of USC IS' Online electronic imm igration System
• USCIS, in its sole discretion, may suspend or terminate account acces s to and use of USC IS on line electro nic immigration system
immediately, without prior notice .
• USCIS also will suspend or terminate service if USCIS determines there has been a privacy or security breach, misuse of the system,
or breach in th e Tenn s by any user.

U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration.

• USCIS reserves the right to reinstate or restore se rvice to any specific user after USC IS has made a determination, in its discretion,
that restoration or reinstatement of service is warran ted.

V. Li nks to other Web Sites
• USCIS' online electronic immioration svstem mav contain links to third oartv web sites or services that are not owned or controlled bv


or breach in th e Tenns by any user_
• USCIS reserves the right to reinstate or restore se rvice lo any specific user afte r USC IS has made a determination, in its discretion ,
that restoration or reinstatement of service is warran ted_

V. Li nks to Other Web Sites
• USCIS' onli ne electron ic immigration system may contain links l o third party web sites or services that are not owned or contro lled by
OHS or USC IS. These may include federal, state, and local government websites of th e United Stales, and may also include websites
owned and operated by private entities .
• USCIS has no control over, and ass umes no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party web sites or

Page contents
linked to under
“Legal,” cont’d

services. I acknowledge and agree that USC IS shall not be responsible or li able, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or
alleged to be cause d by or in co nn eotion with use of or reliance on any such content, goo ds or services availab le on or through any
such web sites or services. OHS an d USCIS stron gly advise individuals who intend on accessing USC IS' online electro nic immigration
syst em an d third party websites to read the terms and conditions and privacy policies of any third party web sites or se rvices.

VI Changes to Terms of Use
• USCIS reserves the right, at its so le discretion, t o modify or replace these Terms at any l ime.
• By continu ing l o access or use USCIS' online electronic immigration system after updated revisions become effective, I agree to be
bound by t he revised fenns .
• If I do not agree t o the new Te rms, I ag ree not t o access USC IS' on line electronic imm igrati on system for any purpose including, but
not limited to, creation of an online account, fi ling of an application, petition, registration, or re-quest, paying a filing an d/or biometric
services fee, checkin g a case status online, requesting assist an ce with access, submitting technical co nfigurations or programmin g
interfaces , accessing specific end user data, or any technical issues as sociated with USC IS online electronic immigration system .

VI I_Acknowledgment
I acknowledge that I have read th e Tenns and understan d an d wil l co mply with them_I agree l o abide by the Terms and un derstan d that
if I do not accept the Terms, I am not eligible to access or use USC IS online electronic immigration syst em . I un derstand that any
violations of these Term s and any criminal activity will res ult in immediate suspension and/or term ination of my access lo and use- of
USCIS on line electro nic immigration system and that I may be subject lo administrative or civil action as allowed by law, or criminal
Return to Top

Return to tOR
FOIA Requests

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and Immigration


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and Immigration


0 0

Contact USCIS

U.S, Cicizenship
and Immigratmn


Sign In
Email *

For existing users:
Sign In page
To log in to an existing
account, user enters email
address + password

!Password *

Forgot your Passw ord ?

Sllow Password

One aocount for aII of your USCIS needs.

Create an acco1m .
Didn't re-ceive co ntirmation instructions?

• Deparbnent of HomeIand Security Consent
• DH S Privacy Nolice

U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration.

• Paper Reduction Act B rden Disd osure Notice
• Terms of Use




For existing users:
Verification Code page
User provides Two-Step
Verification code (provided
via email, SMS, or
Authentication App)

U.S. Cicizenship
I and Immigration
ler )"Our verific atio:n cod e lo 1co:nti1lllu e.

Ente r your verification
If you 11 ave lost access to you r aL.1tl1e11Uca ion
device, enrter you r backup code instead, o:r Contacf


User is logged-in and
directed to originating SP
or USCIS Online Account
Access dashboard
U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration

Secu1re verifica1Ho III oo ae 1irnm you ir au thentLcation

a[Pp *



U. S. Ctcizenshlp
l and Immigrat10n


Sign Up

For new users:
Sign Up page (for new account
User provides email address,
entering it twice for
Email sent to the provided
email address; user must click
on the unique link provided to
continue account creation
U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration

users aocou

t is. only for you. Do not create a shared aocou t V'f.lh

'am ly or friends. I divild al acco nt;; a 10111 s to best serve you and protect
yo r per50 al i ·ormation.
You rn st provide your o\'m em-a~ address be w i' you a•e

e one who is

1 in-g a 'orm on ne , s.ubm1tting a on lin e request , or tracking a case.

Email ~

IEmail confimnation


Your email addres.s is u sed to log in to yo r U SC IS Aocou l A USCIS
em-a~ corn

ni cations

mbe sent to th ·s address.

Already have an account?

Si,g n In



ot Homeland

Security Consent

• OHS Privacy Nolice

Paper Reduction Ad Burden Disdosure Notice

• Terms of Lise




For new users:
Terms of Use page


U.S. CHizenslii,;i
I and Im migration



Terms of Use - U.S. Citiizenship and
lmrnigration Services Onl ine
Electron i c Immigration System


U.S. CHl2en.slll;p
I and Immigrallon



services fee, check ing a c ase on line ,
requ estin g1assistance with ac.oes s, subm itti ng
t echnic al co nfigurations or pro gram rn in gi interfaces,
accessing specific -en d us er data, or any techn ic al
iss ues associated w ith USCIS onlin e electro nic

This dooument contains the Terrms of Use (~Terms") for the

immigration syste m.

U.S. o mzens ip and l mm igratton Services (USCIS) online

User scrolls down to read
terms of use and clicks I
Agree button
(See full text of TOU in
slides 4-12)

electronrc lmmigration system accessed using es ablished
portals, such as myAcoount access page, or its successor. You
should read ~hese Terms in ~heir entirety and aclknoWledge
lhat lby or,eating an account or accessing or attemptin g to

By d "cking "I agree~, I acknowledge that I have read he

access systems and services available online through

Terms and understand and will oomply wi~h them. I ag1ree to

myAccount, or its successor, that you have read, unde rstand,

abide by the Tenns and understand ~at if I do not accept

and agree to comply with these le11ms in order to aa::ess and

lhe Terms, I am not ,eligibJe to access or use USCIS onlrne

use any or all of ~ese systems. The errns apply mevery

electron ic immigrati on system. I understan d ttlat any

in dividua l and u.&er, in cluding attorneys and accredited

violatio s of these Tenms and any crlmina l ac ivity will result

representaUv,es acting on behalf of a business , corporatfon,

in immediate suspension and/or termi ation of my access to

llmited pa rtnersh(p, □mited □ ab i lity company, or other legal

and use of USCIS on line electronic immig rabon system and

entity, and any emp oyees of such entiti es, who acoess,es,

lha.t I may be subject to adm i istrative or civil action as

uses, or creates an online account in USCIS' electronic

allowed by law, or crlm inal prosecuti on.

• ....,.__, • ,......., 1. ...,....,

.,....r...., .f. ....,

..-..-...rl •.,.,r


• •.,.._.. ,1,.,.......,1,..,..,...1....,.,.., ~ _..,.......,...,_ , ._..,....,..

U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration

VI I. Ack nowledgment





U.S, Citi2enshi;p
and Immigration


Create a Password

For new users:
Create password page
User creates a password,
entering it twice for
Click Password Tips for
additional information

Password Tips
The longer and more unusual your password is, the harder ii is to guess. Avoid using

Your password must be between 8 and 64 charaeiters, and can

common phrases or passwords trom olher on line accounts such as banks, email or social

rontain letters, n mb ers, special characters and emojis.

Passi.'lord Tips


Show Password

Password stren gth:
!Password confirmation

User clicks Submit to
U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration

Show Password



Two-Step Verification

For new users:
Two-Step Verification
method selection page
User has choice to
utilize one of three
options to receive a
verification code every
time they log in

Every l ime you log in, you will be given a verification
cod e. What is you r preferred meth od to receive your
verification code?

@ u se 1111 Authentication App
Retrieve codes from an
authentication app (s uch as Authy
or Google Authenticator) on you r
mobile device.


What is an
A uthentication

SMS Text Message
Receive a text message to your
mobile device when signing in .

O Ernail
Receive an Email when signing in.
You ca n use most Tim e-Based, 0ne-Time Passw ord
(T0TP) applications for added security, wh ich will
ask you to enter a unique verification code
generated by the selected application on your
mobile device.

users advises that you rea d the privacy policies of
any application you use, especially if you share any
personal in formation . USCIS is not responsible for
the information collection practices of non-USCIS
applications .

U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration



Using an Authentication Application

Auth enlication apps generale security codes for signing into siles th al require a high level
al secu rily. You can use th ese apps to gel security codes even if you don 't have an inte rn et
conn ection or mo bile siervice.

If you choos e to utmze this option for selling up a lwo-step verificalio n on your account, you
will need to downlo ad and inslall an authentication app on your device . You can use mosl
Time-Based , One-Time Passwo rd (TOTP) apps.

Authentication App
Details available when
user clicks “What is an
authentication app?”

U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration.

Here are a few options to get you started :
Android options: Authy, Go!!!Jle Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator.
iOS options: Authy, Go!!!Jle Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator.



Enter your verification

Authentication App

You requested to use an authentication app to
generate a secure verification code to log into your
USCIS account
An authentication app is a mobile security

application that generates secure verification codes.
You ca n use any authentication app you prefer.

User scans QR code with
mobile device camera
using Authentication App
as described in previous

Scan this QR code with your app. If you can't use
the OR code, enter this text code instead.

Please enter the secure verification code from your
autnenlication application

U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration

Secure verification code f rom you r authentication
app •


App Authentication Manual Entry
Email : rachel 6122b@mai


Authentication App
option, continued


Link to “enter this text
code” instead shows
alphanumeric key for
manual entry if needed

U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration


Please enter the secure verifi cation code from your
authentication application .

Authentication App
option, continued

What is a QR code?

A QR code stores URLs and other information in a

series of black an d white squares Iha! are read by
you r smartt1hone camera.

Link for “Need help?”
expands to display help

If you see the "Pa ssword is inval id." message,
p lease verify:


You are using th e 6-digit nu mer ic verification
code asso ci ate d with your authentica tio n app


You enter the 6-digit num eric v er ification code
exactly as s how n.

User enters code
provided by app + clicks
U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration

If you had a previous QR code for th is account. try
deleting it, an d rescan th e QR code on top of th is
page usin g your authentication app _It is possible
you r app is not time synced correcHy_ Please refer to
you r app for troubleshooting lips .

Secure ver ifi ca tion c ode f rom your autllentication
a pp •


C an cel


U.S. Cicizenshi_p
and lmmigrat10n

Your em ail add ress has been successfu lly confirmed .

Two-Step Verification

SMS Text Message option

Every time you log, in, you will be given a verification
code. What is you r preferred method to receive your
verification code?

User must provide a mobile
phone number if this option
is selected

0 Use an Aut hentication App
Retrieve codes from an
authentication app (s uch as Authy
or Google Authenticator) on you r
mobile device.

Wh at is an

~ SMS Text Message
Receive a text message to your
mobile device 1\ihen signing in.

0 Email
Receive an Email when signing in.
If you select to receive text messag ing notification to
a U.S. mobile phone number listed in you r account
and accept these terms and conditions, you
acknowledge that Standard Messag ing Rates or
other charges related to these notifications may
Mobile Nu mber

U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration.





U.S. CW1.enshlp
I a.nd Immigra:L10n


Your tiu o-step verification method is sel ected. Ptease oonlirrn that ii


SMS Text Message option,
User enters code sent via
text + clicks Submit

Enter your verification
A ve~ificalion oode has been s,ent to +1 (555) 5555555_Pleas,e enter the code that you reoeivect If
you do not receiv,e the code irn 10 minutes, please
request a ne1,,v verification code.
If you a:re s,ettt g up a new ph one number, try
entering it ag ain.
If you have lost access to +1 (555) 555-5555 , enter
your backup code instead, or Contact Us_

Secl!llre v erificartiori co cle "

U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration





U.S. Citizenship
I and Immigrat10n


Yo111r em a.ii adai-ess, has been s.uccess1iully confirmed.

Two-Step Verification

Email option

Every time yo log in , you w ill be given a v erification
code. VI/hat is your preferred method o receive y our
verification code?

0 an .A1!11ihentiratim1 APP
Retrieve codes from an
authentication app (such as Au l'ly
or Goog le Autllenticator) on you r
mobile device.


Wh ait is an
A uthen tica tion

SMS I ext M'essage
Receive a text message to your
mobile device wllen sign[ng in.

~ Email
Receive a.n Email ,!,ijhen sign[ng in.

U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration





U.S, CHizenship
I ,md _Immigratmn

Your 1J/Jo-st ep verific.ali on met od is sel ecled. Ptease oo:nrfirrn that ii
N O'r1cS.

Email option, cont’d
User enters code sent to
email address + clicks

Ente r your verification
A verification code has been w nt to Please enter tile code ~hart
you reoeived. If you do not receive the code in 10
minut,es, p.1ea:s,e regu est a new verification code.
If you have lost access to rach ,
enter your backup code tnsteadl, or Conta ct Us.

Secu1re verificartio:111 o oae "'

U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration


For new users:
Backup Code page

Two-Step Verification Backu1
If you [ose access to your authentication device (you get a new mob ire

User is encouraged to
save the provided
backup code, which will
allow them to access
their account if they lose
access to their two-step
verification method
U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration

device or change your phone number), you can use this backup code
to login to your USCIS account If you change and co n·irm a new twostep verification method preference, your old code will no longer work.
Please priint or save a copy of this code, and store it somewhere
safe so that you are not locked out of your account.

Your backup code is: 76f4b8587f

Export As POF


Provide Password Reset Answers
Se·I · i!le sec urity q u.est ions. You must re
yo111r passw ord .

For new users:
Password Reset
User provides
responses to
questions used
to reset

emb er · i'le ,m s,\v,ers t o t hese qiu estion s

ir y o111 ever need l o re.set


What is tl7 e ast name of your favorite cllild:hood teacher?


Question #-1 Respo 111 se


In wll at city/town did you meet your spouse?

Question #2 Respo 111se


What is til e name of he company of you r first paid job?

Question #3 Respo 111 se

U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration



What is. til e name of the company of your firs paid job?

Question #3 Res.po 111:se

For new users:
Password Reset
Answers, cont’d

Question #4

What was the first earn sport you play,ed?

Question #4 Respo 111:se


What is. til e iirst city you visited !Nithoul your pare · s?

Question #5 Respo 111:se

U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration



Welcome to your USCIS Account
Se, ect what you wan - to do
Editing your pmfHe i'r1cludes making
,charn,ge.s to y<1:uJJIr email, password,
phone miumber, secl.!I rity questions, or
Ute two..step 11er"lfica ·on Imethod and

USCIS Online
Account Access

Log1i11 to a USC I1S Servioe

User only sees
this page if they
did NOT initiate
from one of the
three integrated
U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration

App 1;y mr imm ·omtio 1 benefiits, fi lfl al
too1s and re.sour,ces to assist irn1
prepa ra.1lio f,o r r1aturalizati:on, arn,d
seanr:h for doctors in your local

Sl.!lb:mit, Ima ,1age,and receive Freedom
of ll'lifformatiorn1Aot fFOllA) requesit s .


Confiffiil your records for employment
el iD"bility, track E-Velify or Sielf-CH'leclk
u ise s1tat11J1r.s, and protect your identity by
looking your Social Security Nllll mber


Edit Accou nt

Edit Account page
Accessible from
Dashboard or from
myUSCIS Account
Settings section

Primary Email

rachel6122 b@ma ii. com


IRecov,ery Email

No ne


Tw·o,-Step Verification

Prim a ry Email

Ed ir

Mobile Phone


Ed ir

Password Reset Questions
Backup Code
Acco unit Activity

Done Editing My Account

U.S. Citizenship
and Immigratio11


Cha nge Password

Ed i
®View/Ed it


D-el ete Yo'U r Ac:cm.m


Change Your Email

Change Your Email
Yoiu !!IS provi<:le yom own erna[I a,ddress below it you are · ; e one
o rine req1Jes or tracking ai caise,


is · ling a, for

on l[ne, s 1.1 bmi J11g an

Ema il *

Accessible from the
Edit Account page


C l!J rment pass.w ord *

Update Email


U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration.


Edit Recovery Email
Accessible from the
Edit Account page

Edit Recovery Em1ail
Yo1.1 m a1y provid e atn optional Recovery. Email address, 1.1 1li'lrclil catn be 1.1 sed to resel yom password ilf !fiOIJ lose
access lo your Primary Bmarl account. I~ wm111ot e 1.1 sed fior a . r o· liler comrnunicatio:n · m m USCIS.

IReoo,verJf Em a i I :it



U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration.


Change Your Password
Your password must be betw"een 8 ar1d 64
characters, and car1 contair1 letters, numbers ,
specia l characters ar1d emojis.

Change Your
Password page

Password Tips

New password ..

Accessible from the
Edit Account page

Show Passw ord

Password strength:
Co111iirm your new password ..

Show Passw ord

C 11uent pas·s,w oni"

Cha11ge my passworn

U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration


Two-Step Verification
Every time you log in, you will be given a verifica~ion
code. What is your preferred method to rece ive you r
ve rificatron code?

Two-Step Verification
Method page
Accessible from the
Edit Account page

@ Use an Authentication A pp
!Retrieve codes from an
authenticatiorn app (such as Authy
or Google Authenticator) on your
mobile device.


W hal is an
Authe ntication
App ?

SMS Text Message
IReceiv,e a text message l o your
mobile device when signing in.

O Emai l
IReceiv,e an Emai l when signing in.
You can use mosl Time-Bas ed, One-Time Password
(T0TP) applications for added security, which will
ask you to enter a unique ve rification code
generated by llhe selected application on your
mobile device.

users advises that you read the privacy pol icies of
any application you use, especially if you share any
personal irn fo rmation . USC IS is not respons ible for
the information collec~ion practices of non-USCIS
appl ications.

U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration.




Mobile Phone page
Accessible from the
Edit Account page




1· y ou hav e s elected SM S as your two step e rificatio me m:ll lfl rs
phone wil I receive y o r verification co de when you confirm it
Mobii~e Number *

y ou s etect to rieceive text mess aging notification o a U.S. mobile
pho ne num listed in y our acco unt and accept ese erms andl
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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitlePowerPoint Presentation
AuthorWhitt, Rachel E (CTR)
File Modified2022-09-19
File Created2022-07-11

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