HTYPE_School Administrator Survey_10.3.22

Human Trafficking Youth Prevention Education (HTYPE) Demonstration Grant Program Process Evaluation

HTYPE_School Administrator Survey_10.3.22

OMB: 0970-0600

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Human Trafficking Youth Prevention Education (HTYPE) Demonstration Grant Program Process Evaluation Year 3

School Administrator Survey

Dear HTYPE School Administrator,

The Human Trafficking Youth Prevention Education (HTYPE) Demonstration Grant Program is being evaluated by RTI International, a nonprofit research organization. This evaluation seeks to understand the process of implementing the HTYPE program, from the perspective of all school staff involved, and administrators of the schools in which the programs were implemented. The HTYPE Demonstration Grant Program evaluation is overseen by the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE), in collaboration with the Office on Trafficking in Persons (OTIP), in the Administration for Children and Families (ACF).

As part of this evaluation, we are asking administrators from schools in which HTYPE programs were implemented to complete this online survey. The HTYPE school administrator survey will provide information about the HTYPE program by asking questions regarding the following topics

human trafficking prevention education for educators and other staff, human trafficking prevention curricula for students, and the Human Trafficking School Safety Protocol.

The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes. Your responses are extremely important to the success of this evaluation. While there are no direct benefits to you for participating in this survey, your response will help determine whether the programs supported by the HTYPE Demonstration Grants improve awareness and understanding of human trafficking among school students and staff. There are no identified risks of participating in this evaluation.

Any information you provide will be kept private by RTI to the extent permitted by law and your responses will be stored on a secure network. District/school staff will not see your responses, nor will they know if you have or have not agreed to participate. Your participation in this evaluation is voluntary, and you have the right to refuse to answer any question in the survey. You may withdraw from the evaluation at any time. Your decision to participate or not to participate will not have any impact on your employment or on your school’s relationship with the ACF.

We never identify an individual’s responses in our reports. Your responses will be combined with responses from other people taking part in the evaluation. Our reports will only include the combined information.

In the future, de-identified information from this evaluation may be securely shared with qualified researchers to help understand activities that occurred throughout the grant period.

An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. The OMB # is 0970-0XXX, and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX.

If you have any technical problems with the online implementer survey, please contact Stephanie Halpin (Project Manager at RTI) at 919-485-1305 or by email at If you have any questions or concerns about the evaluation, please contact Dr. Rebecca Pfeffer (Project Director at RTI) at 919-541-7116 or by email at

Thank you very much for contributing to this important evaluation.


Rebecca Pfeffer, Ph.D.

Project Director, RTI International


I have read the information provided above and have freely decided to participate in this research. I understand that by agreeing to participate in this research, I am not giving up any of my legal rights.

Click here to proceed to the survey.


Question and Responses

Follow-up Prompts/Skip Logic

Section 1. Professional Background


Which of the following local education agencies (LEAs) do you work for/receive HTYPE training and resources through? [dropdown list]

  1. Brentwood Union Free School District

  2. DeKalb County School District

  3. Fort Worth Independent School District

  4. Granite School District

  5. Kent Intermediate School District

  6. Los Angeles County Office of Education

  7. Oakland Unified School District

  8. San Diego County Office of Education

Depending on response, fill in

PROGRAM name below.

A: Youth Against Child Trafficking (Y-ACT)

B: Not a Number


F: Empower Youth

G: Let’s Talk About It (LTAI)


What is your school’s name?

[Drop-down menu of school names for selected grant recipient; I work across multiple schools; I am not employed at a school; other (please specify) {text box]]


End survey text: “Thank you for participating. We have no further questions at this time.”


Which of the following best describes your job title at your school?

  1. Principal (or equivalent)

  2. Vice/Assistant Principal (or equivalent)

  3. Dean of Students

  4. Athletic Director

  5. Other (please describe) [text box]


Did you participate in the decision-making process about whether to offer HTYPE programming at your school?

  1. Yes

  2. No

[school engagement]

If NO, skip to Q6


Why was the decision ultimately made for your school to participate in HTYPE programming? [text box]

[school engagement]

Section 2. Staff Training


Some LEAs/districts are mandated to provide human trafficking prevention training to staff. Is your school mandated to provide human trafficking training to staff?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. I’m not sure

If no, skip to Q9



Which of the following best describes the origin of the mandate that school staff receive human trafficking training?

  1. Our state legislation

  2. A local government office

  3. Our local education agency/district

  4. Other (please describe) [text box]

  5. I’m not sure



When did this mandate begin?

  1. Prior to the implementation of the HTYPE Demonstration Grant project (in 2019 or before)

  2. After the implementation of the HTYPE Demonstration Grant project (2020 or beyond)

  3. I’m not sure



During the 2022-2023 school year, how did your school system (or school) deliver human trafficking training to staff?

  1. In-person instruction

  2. Virtual instruction

  3. Both in-person and remote/virtual instruction

  4. Other (please describe) [text box]

[implementation models]


During the 2022-2023 school year, was human trafficking training required for all staff at your school?

  1. Yes

  2. No

If YES, skip to Q12

[implementation models]


During the 2022-2023 school year, was human trafficking training offered (but not required) to all staff at your school?

  1. Yes

  2. No

[implementation models]


Please indicate whether these groups of staff participated in the staff training during the 2022-23 school year.

  1. School administrators (e.g., principals, assistant principals)

  2. Teachers

  3. Instructional/teaching assistants and other classroom support staff

  4. Substitute teachers

  5. Health staff (e.g., nurses, clinicians)

  6. Guidance counselors

  7. Bus drivers

  8. Janitorial/custodial staff

  9. Kitchen/cafeteria staff

  10. Extended learning/afterschool coordinators

  11. Front office administrators

  12. School resource officers

  13. Other (please describe) [text box]

[implementation models]

Matrix with three options:

  • All received training

  • Some received training

  • None received training

  • Unsure


Please briefly describe how decisions were made about which school staff should or should not receive the human trafficking training [text box].

[implementation models]


During the 2022-2023 school year, did COVID-19 have any impact on your school’s implementation of the human trafficking prevention staff training?

  1. Yes

  2. No

[barriers/facilitators to staff training implementation]

If NO, skip to Q16


Please describe what impact COVID-19 had on your school’s implementation of the human trafficking prevention staff training in the 2022-23 school year. [text box]

[barriers/facilitators to staff training implementation]


Were there any other barriers to providing human trafficking prevention training to intended staff recipients during the 2022-23 school year?

  1. Yes

  2. No

[barriers/facilitators to staff training implementation]

If NO, skip to Q18


Please select the barriers that your school faced in providing human trafficking prevention training to all intended staff recipients during the 2022-23 school year.

  1. Time restraints

  2. Social distancing requirements

  3. Delayed approval(s) for training

  4. Competing staff training priorities

  5. Scheduling challenges

  6. Other (please describe) [text box]

[barriers/facilitators to staff training implementation]


Which of the following factors helped to facilitate the human trafficking prevention staff training during the 2022-23 school year? Select all that apply.

  1. Flexible staff training scheduling options

  2. Online/virtual training availability

  3. Embedding staff training in prescheduled professional development activities

  4. Offering continuing education credits

  5. Other (please describe) [text box]

  6. None of these apply to our school.

[barriers/facilitators to staff training implementation]


During the 2022-23 school year, how engaged were staff during the human trafficking prevention staff training?

  1. Not at all engaged/bored

  2. Barely engaged

  3. Somewhat engaged

  4. Almost fully engaged

  5. Fully engaged

  6. I wasn’t there/I’m not sure

[staff training engagement]


Outside of the human trafficking prevention staff training, did any staff members ever reference the training or training content during other interactions you had with them?

  1. Yes, often

  2. Yes, occasionally

  3. Yes, but rarely

  4. No, never

[staff training engagement]

If D, skip to Q22


What type of content did staff members reference or discuss in these interactions? Select all that apply.

  1. General human trafficking knowledge/awareness

  2. Concern about students

  3. Human Trafficking School Safety Protocols (HTSSP)

  4. Other (please describe) [text box]

[staff training engagement]


Were there any concepts that seemed difficult for school staff to understand from the staff training?

  1. Yes

  2. No

[staff training engagement]

If B, skip to Q24


What concepts seemed difficult for school staff to understand? [text box]

[staff training engagement]


How important do you think it is to continue implementing this staff training or a similar program in your school in the future?

  1. Very important

  2. Somewhat important

  3. Not very important

  4. Not at all important

[school engagement]

If A or B, skip to Q26


Please describe why it is not very important to continue implementing this staff training in your school in the future. [text box]

[school engagement]


Does your school plan to continue to offer human trafficking prevention training to staff in the 2023-24 school year?

  1. Yes

  2. Maybe

  3. No, we do not plan to implement human trafficking prevention staff training

  4. I’m not sure


If A, B, or D, skip to Q28


Which of the following are reasons your organization does not plan to continue implementing human trafficking training for staff next year?

  1. Not enough funding to pay staff to be trained

  2. Not enough funding to pay for the training of staff

  3. Training requires too much time

  4. This content is not relevant enough to prioritize again next year

  5. Other (please describe) [text box]

Section 3. Student Curriculum


Some LEAs/districts are mandated to offer a human trafficking prevention curriculum to students. Is your school mandated to provide human trafficking curricula to students?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. I’m not sure

If no, skip to Q31



Which best describes the origin of the mandate that schools offer a human trafficking prevention curriculum to students?

  1. Our state legislation

  2. A local government office

  3. Our local education agency/district

  4. Other (please describe) [text box]

  5. I’m not sure



When did this mandate begin?

  1. Prior to this project’s implementation (in 2019 or before)

  2. After this project’s implementation (2020 or beyond)

  3. I’m not sure



Which of the following best describes the strategy for obtaining parental consent for the administration of [PROGRAM] at your school?

  1. Active Consent: We require parental consent for students to OPT IN to participate in the program

  2. Passive Consent: We require parental request for students to OPT OUT of participation in the program

  3. Other (please describe) [text box]



Of students eligible for [PROGRAM] at your school, what is the approximate rate of student participation?

  1. 0-20%

  2. 21-40%

  3. 41-60%

  4. 61-80%

  5. 81-100%



Which best describes the students who are eligible to receive [PROGRAM] at your school? (select all that apply)

  1. All students in one or more grades

  2. All students in one or more content-specific classes (e.g. health classes)

  3. Other (please describe) [text box]

If A, include Q34

If B, include Q35



Which grades of students are eligible to receive [PROGRAM] at your school? Select all that apply.

[drop-down list from Pre-K to 12]



Which classes of students are eligible to receive [PROGRAM] at your school? [text box]



Is [PROGRAM] offered to students in self-contained special education classes at your school?

  1. Yes

  2. No



Is [PROGRAM] offered to students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) or 504 Plans who are integrated into mainstream classes in which the program is offered?

  1. Yes

  2. No



How was it determined which school staff would be responsible for teaching the human trafficking prevention curriculum to students? [text box]

[implementation models]


Did all staff responsible for delivering [PROGRAM] complete a training on program implementation (e.g. Training of Trainers) prior to delivering lessons to students?

  1. Yes

  2. No

[implementation models]

If YES, skip to Q41


Please describe why some staff who delivered the [PROGRAM] to students did not receive a Training of Trainers? [text box]

[implementation models]


How important do you think it is to continue implementing [PROGRAM] or a similar program to students in your school in the future?

  1. Very important

  2. Somewhat important

  3. Not very important

  4. Not at all important

[school engagement]


Does your school plan to continue to offer [PROGRAM] to students in the 2023-24 school year?

  1. Yes

  2. Maybe

  3. No, but we plan to implement a similar human trafficking prevention program

  4. No, we do not plan to implement [PROGRAM] or something similar

  5. I don’t know


If A,B,C, or E, skip to Q44


Which of the following are reasons why your school does not plan to continue implementing [PROGRAM] in the 2023-24 school year?

  1. Not enough funding

  2. Program is not a good fit for our students

  3. Program required too much time for staff

  4. Program required too much time for students

  5. Other (please describe) [text box]


Section 4. Experience with the Human Trafficking School Safety Protocol (HTSSP)


Each LEA participating in the HTYPE Demonstration Grant Program has created a Human Trafficking School Safety Protocol (HTSSP). Do you know where to access the HTSSP if you need to refer to it (e.g., school safety plan, staff handbook, online)?

  1. Yes

  2. No



Which of the following best describes your awareness of your school district’s HTSSP?

  1. I am aware of the HTSSP and what to do if I have concerns about a student

  2. I am aware there is an HTSSP, but I am not sure/don’t remember what to do if I have concerns about a student

  3. I am aware there is an HTSSP, but I don’t know what it is or how it applies to me

  4. I am not aware of an HTSSP

If D, skip to Q48



Have you ever reviewed the entire HTSSP?

  1. Yes

  2. No

If B, skip to Q48



How clear are the HTSSP’s instructions about what you need to do if you have concerns about the safety or potential victimization of a student?

  1. Extremely clear

  2. Somewhat clear

  3. Not very clear

  4. Not at all clear



Do you have any questions or concerns about what to do if you suspect human trafficking victimization among students that are not clearly addressed in your school district’s HTSSP?

  1. Yes

  2. No

If NO, skip to Q50



If yes, please describe your questions or concerns. [text box]



To your knowledge, has the HTSSP ever been activated at your school in response to suspected student trafficking victimization?

  1. Yes

  2. No



Do you feel like you could effectively carry out your role, according to the HTSSP, if needed?

  1. Yes, and I have. (Please briefly describe) [text box]

  2. Yes, although I haven’t had to yet

  3. No (please briefly describe why not) [text box]



Does your HTSSP have a virtual implementation option for responding to potential disclosures that may occur over online platforms (e.g., Zoom)?

  1. Yes

  2. No


Section 5. Final Thoughts


What do you consider to be the most significant impact the human trafficking prevention training for staff and the program for students since the beginning of the project? [text box]


If you could make one change to the program, what would it be? [Text box]


Would you like to explain any of your responses to this survey or provide us with any additional information? [text box]

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorPfeffer, Rebecca
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2023-08-27

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