OMB Number: 0584-XXXX Expiration
Appendix F.4. First Concept Mapping Meeting Facilitator Guide
This guide provides instructions for the facilitators managing the two stakeholder meetings for the concept-mapping study conducted under the Puerto Rico Health and Well-Being Study. It details the objectives, process, and questions the facilitators will use to gather feedback from the stakeholders.
Meeting 1
The objectives of the first meeting are to—
Establish a common frame of reference and starting point for the data collection process using the Discussion Guide distributed to stakeholders prior to the meeting.
Ensure the stakeholders understand the parameters of the study and the process for submitting recommendations via the GroupWisdom online platform.
Collect feedback from the stakeholders on recommendations to improve policies and address research gaps related to food security among NAP recipients.
Introductions and Agenda (15 minutes)
Introduce yourself and ask each stakeholder to introduce themselves by sharing their name, organizational affiliation, and a bit about their background as it relates to this study.
Briefly review the agenda and the meeting process, explaining that the meeting will cover—
A summary of the concept-mapping process
Review of the Discussion Guide to establish the parameters of the study and create a shared frame of reference among the stakeholders
Instructions for and collection of recommendations using the GroupWisdom online platform
Next steps for the concept-mapping process
Summary of the Concept-Mapping Process (20 minutes)
Explain the purpose of the process is to gather feedback from diverse stakeholders on recommendations to improve policies and address research gaps to increase the food security of NAP-eligible individuals and families.
Stakeholders will provide recommendations on policies and research topics during the first meeting.
Insight will synthesize the recommendations, and stakeholders will rank and sort the results using the GroupWisdom online platform.
Stakeholders will meet a second time to review the results and provide additional feedback on the recommendations.
Ask the stakeholders if they have any questions about the process.
Review of the Discussion Guide (45 minutes)
Review the parameters of the study and explain it will focus on policy and research recommendations in three related areas:
Nutrition Assistance Program
Related nutrition programs and services
Human service programs that directly affect food security
Explain that the questions in the Discussion Guide will help provide the stakeholders with a common frame of reference and focus their feedback.
Clarify that the stakeholders do not have to provide feedback on every question and should prioritize the ones they feel match their expertise.
Ask the stakeholders to pull up their copy of the Discussion Guide and explain how to use the annotate function to provide feedback.
Take 2–3 minutes per question and then move on to ensure feedback is gathered across all three areas.
Prompts for “Nutrition Assistance Program” follow:
What policy and administrative issues affect the ability of NAP to address the food security needs of the population eligible for the program?
What policy and administrative issues affect the ability of NAP to address the food security needs of the population eligible for the program during a natural disaster?
What research gaps exist that affect the ability of NAP to address the food security needs of the population eligible for the program?
Prompts for “related nutrition programs and services” follow:
Ask the stakeholders to briefly review the list of programs in the Discussion Guide. What other significant public, nonprofit, and private sector food security programs are available to the population eligible for NAP?
What policy and administrative issues affect the ability of these programs to address the food security needs of the population eligible for NAP?
What policy and administrative issues affect the ability of other public, nonprofit, and private sector food security programs to address the food security needs of the population eligible for NAP during a natural disaster?
What research gaps exist that affect the ability of other public, nonprofit, and private sector food security programs to address the food security needs of the population eligible for NAP?
Prompts for “human service programs that directly affect food security” follow:
Ask the stakeholders to briefly review the list of programs in the Discussion Guide. What other significant public, nonprofit, and private sector human service programs affect the food security of the population eligible for NAP?
What policy and administrative issues affect the ability of these programs to address the food security needs of the population eligible for NAP?
What policy and administrative issues affect the ability of other public, nonprofit, and private sector human service programs to address the food security needs of the population eligible for NAP during a natural disaster?
What research gaps exist that affect the ability of other public, nonprofit, and private sector human service programs to address the food security needs of the population eligible for NAP?
Instructions for Providing Feedback (30 minutes)
Explain that stakeholders will have 30 minutes to provide recommendations via the online GroupWisdom platform. Stakeholders will have another 2 weeks to provide additional recommendations via the online platform, if necessary.
Review the instructions for accessing the online platform and ensure stakeholders are signed in.
Review the instructions for submitting their recommendations:
Explain that recommendations should focus on the three areas described in the Discussion Guide.
Discuss the format for recommendations. Explain that recommendations can range from general to specific, but stakeholders should try to make them as specific as possible.
For example, “Expand eligibility for NAP benefits” works as a recommendation, but “Increase the income threshold for NAP eligibility by $5,000” is better. “Improve data collection on the demographic characteristics of NAP recipients” works, but “Use a Geographic Information System to identify gaps in NAP access at the neighborhood level” is better.
Remind the stakeholders that recommendations can be any policy or administrative change that would improve food security or any suggestion for future research that would do the same.
Ask for volunteers to provide recommendations so that the group can practice together with the format and enter responses to the website. Elicit questions from the group and provide feedback when necessary. The stakeholders will spend 20 minutes on policy recommendations and 10 on research recommendations.
Next Steps (10 minutes)
Thank the stakeholders for their work and remind them they have 2 weeks to enter additional information.
Explain they will receive follow-up instructions with more details about next steps. Insight staff will compile and synthesize the recommendations. Stakeholders will then receive a link via email to access the results. They will have 2 weeks to sort and prioritize the recommendations using the GroupWisdom software.
Burden Statement This
information is being collected to assist the Food and Nutrition
Service (FNS) in understanding food security status and economic
well-being among Puerto Rico residents. This is a voluntary
collection. FNS will use the information as a baseline for future
assessments of food security and the Nutrition Assistance Program,
particularly in the context of natural disasters. This collection
does not request personally identifiable information under the
Privacy Act of 1974. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to, a collection of information unless it
displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number
for this information collection is 0584-XXXX. The time required to
complete this information collection is estimated to average 90
minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions
and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send
comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this
collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this
burden, to: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition
Service, Office of Policy Support, 1320 Braddock Place, Alexandria,
VA 22314. ATTN: PRA (0584-XXXX). Do not return the completed form to
this address.
Food Security Status and Well-Being of NAP Participants in Puerto Rico, Appendix F.4. First Concept Mapping Meeting Facilitator Guide
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Allyson Corbo |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2023-09-02 |