Form 1 Content of Survey

Generic Clearance for Census Bureau Field Tests and Evaluations

Attachment B - Content_11232022.xlsx

ECON - Annual Integrated Economic Survey (AIES) Phase II Pilot Research Program

OMB: 0607-0971

Document [xlsx]
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All Qs together
Years 2+

Sheet 1: All Qs together

Row ID
Topic/Q group Jamie Back (CENSUS/EWD FED): AIES Universe = NAICS Universe except 111, 112, 491, 54112, 814 and 92. Who gets it at each level? Company Level
Industry Level
Prelisted Establishment Level
Added Establishment Level
Draft Question Title Question Instructions
Draft Variable Names for AIES
Response Options [Threaded comment] Your version of Excel allows you to read this threaded comment; however, any edits to it will get removed if the file is opened in a newer version of Excel. Learn more: Comment: @Heidi M St Onge (CENSUS/ADEP FED) I updated this column to reflect more questions that appeared to be "Correctable", left the radio buttons as "N/A", and the ones that specified no changes can be made, left as "Not Correctable. I have a comment about the autosum? Is that one correctable? Reply: @Shannon Eileen Lancaster (CENSUS/EID CTR) that is a good question. @Jamie Back (CENSUS/ADEP FED) could we talk through this so we can provide an answer? Reply: @Shannon Eileen Lancaster (CENSUS/EID CTR) and @Heidi M St Onge (CENSUS/ADEP FED) We can schedule a meeting Friday, 11/4, if everyone is working. Reply: @Jamie Back (CENSUS/ADEP FED) yes I'm here this afternoon. @Shannon Eileen Lancaster (CENSUS/EID CTR) can you meet? Reply: @Shannon Eileen Lancaster (CENSUS/EID CTR) - Was there a reason we were updating this? I don't think this field was part of the assigned work for QDM. Reply: @Heidi M St Onge (CENSUS/ADEP FED) Good question! I probably expanded the field accidentally. If this is not a field, you can disregard that question. I saw there was an answer in another row and thought that I needed to complete it as well. But I am happy to disregard. Reply: @Shannon Eileen Lancaster (CENSUS/EID CTR) This was a reference row for your task. The updates you made are now showing that non-prefilled responses are correctable, which is not what we want here. Please ask before making any changes to parts of the Legend that are outside of your assignment area if you think there are errors. Correctable if pre-filled?

(restored 11/7/22-JB)

Apply Logic?
ACES Annual Variable Name ACES Census Variable Name ARTS Annual Variable Name ARTS Census Variable Name ASM Annual Variable Name ASM Census Variable Name AWTS Annual Variable Name AWTS Census Variable Name COS Annual Variable Name COS Census Variable Name SAS Annual Variable Name SAS Census
Variable Name (EC17)
M3UFO Annual Variable Name M3UFO Census Variable Name Comments Heidi Response Response Option - Min Length (Lora's column J) Response Option - Max Length (Lora's column J) Screen Name (Lora's column R) Screen Sequence Question Name (column H) (Lora's Column BV) Question Sequence Response Name (Question Name + "response") (Lora's column DP) Response Type Name (Lora's column DR) Response Validation Type (Lora's column ED) In Answer List Spreadsheet (SHANNON) Checkbox/Dropdown/RADIOBUTTON

60 New/Added Establishment Information Added Estab. Level:
ACES -Employers, ARTS, AWTS, SAS, ASM, Const., MI, select AG, Pub Admin & out of scope NAICS (i.e. the AIES universe)

113110, 113210, 113310, 114111, 114112, 114119, 114210, 115111, 115112, 115113, 115114, 115115, 115116, 115210, 115310, 211120, 211130, 211130, 212111, 212112, 212113, 212210, 212221, 212222, 212230, 212291, 212299, 212311, 212312, 212313, 212319, 212321, 212322, 212324, 212325, 212391, 212392, 212393, 212399, 213111, 213112, 213113, 213114, 213115, 221111, 221112, 221113, 221114, 221115, 221116, 221117, 221118, 221121, 221122, 221210, 221310, 221320, 221330, 236115, 236116, 236117, 236118, 236210, 236220, 237110, 237120, 237130, 237210, 237310, 237990, 238110, 238120, 238130, 238140, 238150, 238160, 238170, 238190, 238210, 238220, 238290, 238310, 238320, 238330, 238340, 238350, 238390, 238910, 238990, 311111, 311119, 311211, 311212, 311213, 311221, 311224, 311225, 311230, 311313, 311314, 311340, 311351, 311352, 311411, 311412, 311421, 311422, 311423, 311511, 311512, 311513, 311514, 311520, 311611, 311612, 311613, 311615, 311710, 311811, 311812, 311813, 311821, 311824, 311830, 311911, 311919, 311920, 311930, 311941, 311942, 311991, 311999, 312111, 312112, 312113, 312120, 312130, 312140, 312230, 313110, 313210, 313220, 313230, 313240, 313310, 313320, 314110, 314120, 314910, 314994, 314999, 315110, 315190, 315210, 315220, 315240, 315280, 315990, 316110, 316210, 316992, 316998, 321113, 321114, 321211, 321212, 321213, 321214, 321219, 321911, 321912, 321918, 321920, 321991, 321992, 321999, 322110, 322121, 322122, 322130, 322211, 322212, 322219, 322220, 322230, 322291, 322299, 323111, 323113, 323117, 323120, 324110, 324121, 324122, 324191, 324199, 325110, 325120, 325130, 325180, 325193, 325194, 325199, 325211, 325212, 325220, 325311, 325312, 325314, 325320, 325411, 325412, 325413, 325414, 325510, 325520, 325611, 325612, 325613, 325620, 325910, 325920, 325991, 325992, 325998, 326111, 326112, 326113, 326121, 326122, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160, 326191, 326199, 326211, 326212, 326220, 326291, 326299, 327110, 327120, 327211, 327212, 327213, 327215, 327310, 327320, 327331, 327332, 327390, 327410, 327420, 327910, 327991, 327992, 327993, 327999, 331110, 331210, 331221, 331222, 331313, 331314, 331315, 331318, 331410, 331420, 331491, 331492, 331511, 331512, 331513, 331523, 331524, 331529, 332111, 332112, 332114, 332117, 332119, 332215, 332216, 332311, 332312, 332313, 332321, 332322, 332323, 332410, 332420, 332431, 332439, 332510, 332613, 332618, 332710, 332721, 332722, 332811, 332812, 332813, 332911, 332912, 332913, 332919, 332991, 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996, 332999, 333111, 333112, 333120, 333131, 333132, 333241, 333242, 333243, 333244, 333249, 333314, 333316, 333318, 333413, 333414, 333415, 333511, 333514, 333515, 333517, 333519, 333611, 333612, 333613, 333618, 333912, 333914, 333921, 333922, 333923, 333924, 333991, 333992, 333993, 333994, 333995, 333996, 333997, 333999, 334111, 334112, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334412, 334413, 334416, 334417, 334418, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334512, 334513, 334514, 334515, 334516, 334517, 334519, 334613, 334614, 335110, 335121, 335122, 335129, 335210, 335220, 335311, 335312, 335313, 335314, 335911, 335912, 335921, 335929, 335931, 335932, 335991, 335999, 336111, 336112, 336120, 336211, 336212, 336213, 336214, 336310, 336320, 336330, 336340, 336350, 336360, 336370, 336390, 336411, 336412, 336413, 336414, 336415, 336419, 336510, 336611, 336612, 336991, 336992, 336999, 337110, 337121, 337122, 337124, 337125, 337127, 337211, 337212, 337214, 337215, 337910, 337920, 339112, 339113, 339114, 339115, 339116, 339910, 339920, 339930, 339940, 339950, 339991, 339992, 339993, 339994, 339995, 339999, 423110, 423120, 423130, 423140, 423210, 423220, 423310, 423320, 423330, 423390, 423410, 423420, 423430, 423440, 423450, 423460, 423490, 423510, 423520, 423610, 423620, 423690, 423710, 423720, 423730, 423740, 423810, 423820, 423830, 423840, 423850, 423860, 423910, 423920, 423930, 423940, 423990, 424110, 424120, 424130, 424210, 424310, 424320, 424330, 424340, 424410, 424420, 424430, 424440, 424450, 424460, 424470, 424480, 424490, 424510, 424520, 424590, 424610, 424690, 424710, 424720, 424810, 424820, 424910, 424920, 424930, 424940, 424950, 424990, 425110, 425120, 441110, 441120, 441210, 441222, 441228, 441310, 441320, 442110, 442210, 442291, 442299, 443141, 443142, 444110, 444120, 444130, 444190, 444210, 444220, 445110, 445120, 445210, 445220, 445230, 445291, 445292, 445299, 445310, 446110, 446120, 446130, 446191, 446199, 447110, 447190, 448110, 448120, 448130, 448140, 448150, 448190, 448210, 448310, 448320, 451110, 451120, 451130, 451140, 451211, 451212, 452210, 452311, 452319, 453110, 453210, 453220, 453310, 453910, 453920, 453930, 453991, 453998, 454110, 454210, 454310, 454390, 481111, 481112, 481211, 481212, 481219, 482111, 482112, 483111, 483112, 483113, 483114, 483211, 483212, 484110, 484121, 484122, 484210, 484220, 484230, 485111, 485112, 485113, 485119, 485210, 485310, 485320, 485410, 485510, 485991, 485999, 486110, 486210, 486910, 486990, 487110, 487210, 487990, 488111, 488119, 488190, 488210, 488310, 488320, 488330, 488390, 488410, 488490, 488510, 488991, 488999, 492110, 492210, 493110, 493120, 493130, 493190, 511110, 511120, 511130, 511140, 511191, 511199, 511210, 512110, 512120, 512131, 512132, 512191, 512199, 512230, 512240, 512250, 512290, 515111, 515112, 515120, 515210, 517311, 517312, 517410, 517911, 517919, 518210, 519110, 519120, 519130, 519190, 521110, 522110, 522120, 522130, 522190, 522210, 522220, 522291, 522292, 522293, 522294, 522298, 522310, 522320, 522390, 523110, 523120, 523130, 523140, 523210, 523910, 523920, 523930, 523991, 523999, 524113, 524114, 524126, 524127, 524128, 524130, 524210, 524291, 524292, 524298, 525110, 525120, 525190, 525910, 525920, 525990, 531110, 531120, 531130, 531190, 531210, 531311, 531312, 531320, 531390, 532111, 532112, 532120, 532210, 532281, 532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 532310, 532411, 532412, 532420, 532490, 533110, 541110, 541191, 541199, 541211, 541213, 541214, 541219, 541310, 541320, 541330, 541340, 541350, 541360, 541370, 541380, 541410, 541420, 541430, 541490, 541511, 541512, 541513, 541519, 541611, 541612, 541613, 541614, 541618, 541620, 541690, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 541810, 541820, 541830, 541840, 541850, 541860, 541870, 541890, 541910, 541921, 541922, 541930, 541940, 541990, 551111, 551112, 551114, 561110, 561210, 561311, 561312, 561320, 561330, 561410, 561421, 561422, 561431, 561439, 561440, 561450, 561491, 561492, 561499, 561510, 561520, 561591, 561599, 561611, 561612, 561613, 561621, 561622, 561710, 561720, 561730, 561740, 561790, 561910, 561920, 561990, 562111, 562112, 562119, 562211, 562212, 562213, 562219, 562910, 562920, 562991, 562998, 611110, 611210, 611310, 611410, 611420, 611430, 611511, 611512, 611513, 611519, 611610, 611620, 611630, 611691, 611692, 611699, 611710, 621111, 621112, 621210, 621310, 621320, 621330, 621340, 621391, 621399, 621410, 621420, 621491, 621492, 621493, 621498, 621511, 621512, 621610, 621910, 621991, 621999, 6221101, 6221102, 6222101, 6222102, 6223101, 6223102, 623110, 623210, 623220, 623311, 623312, 623990, 624110, 624120, 624190, 624210, 624221, 624229, 624230, 624310, 624410, 711110, 711120, 711130, 711190, 7112111, 7112112, 7112119, 7112121, 7112122, 7112123, 7112191, 7112192, 711310, 711320, 711410, 711510, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713110, 713120, 713210, 713290, 713910, 713920, 713930, 713940, 713950, 713990, 721110, 721120, 721191, 721199, 721211, 721214, 721310, 722310, 722320, 722330, 722410, 722511, 722513, 722514, 722515, 811111, 811112, 811113, 811118, 811121, 811122, 811191, 811192, 811198, 811211, 811212, 811213, 811219, 811310, 811411, 811412, 811420, 811430, 811490, 812111, 812112, 812113, 812191, 812199, 812210, 812220, 812310, 812320, 812331, 812332, 812910, 812921, 812922, 812930, 812990, 813110, 813211, 813212, 813219, 813311, 813312, 813319, 813410, 813910, 813920, 813930, 813940, 813990 New Establishment ID Please use the instructions to give your added establishment an identification number To add locations:
Data for new locations should be entered into blank rows.
Use the following 10-character format: ADD_000001, ADD_000002, ADD_000003, etc. Do NOT use ADD_000000.
Numbers must be unique for each added location
For example, if you add a location ADD_000001, that code may not be used again, instead the next location should be ADD_000002
REPORTING_ID Numeric (set limit based on ID convention) N/A No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A RECORD_CFN RECORD_CFN N/A ADD_000001
only for spreadsheet reporters

Numeric (set limit based on ID convention) AIES_PHYSLOC_REPORTING_ID
AIES Newly Added Establishment ID Number
AIES Newly Added Establishment ID Number Response TEXT Number N/A N/A

61 New/Added Establishment Information Added Estab. Level:
ACES -Employers, ARTS, AWTS, SAS, ASM, Const., MI, select AG, Pub Admin & out of scope NAICS (i.e. the AIES universe)

113110, 113210, 113310, 114111, 114112, 114119, 114210, 115111, 115112, 115113, 115114, 115115, 115116, 115210, 115310, 211120, 211130, 211130, 212111, 212112, 212113, 212210, 212221, 212222, 212230, 212291, 212299, 212311, 212312, 212313, 212319, 212321, 212322, 212324, 212325, 212391, 212392, 212393, 212399, 213111, 213112, 213113, 213114, 213115, 221111, 221112, 221113, 221114, 221115, 221116, 221117, 221118, 221121, 221122, 221210, 221310, 221320, 221330, 236115, 236116, 236117, 236118, 236210, 236220, 237110, 237120, 237130, 237210, 237310, 237990, 238110, 238120, 238130, 238140, 238150, 238160, 238170, 238190, 238210, 238220, 238290, 238310, 238320, 238330, 238340, 238350, 238390, 238910, 238990, 311111, 311119, 311211, 311212, 311213, 311221, 311224, 311225, 311230, 311313, 311314, 311340, 311351, 311352, 311411, 311412, 311421, 311422, 311423, 311511, 311512, 311513, 311514, 311520, 311611, 311612, 311613, 311615, 311710, 311811, 311812, 311813, 311821, 311824, 311830, 311911, 311919, 311920, 311930, 311941, 311942, 311991, 311999, 312111, 312112, 312113, 312120, 312130, 312140, 312230, 313110, 313210, 313220, 313230, 313240, 313310, 313320, 314110, 314120, 314910, 314994, 314999, 315110, 315190, 315210, 315220, 315240, 315280, 315990, 316110, 316210, 316992, 316998, 321113, 321114, 321211, 321212, 321213, 321214, 321219, 321911, 321912, 321918, 321920, 321991, 321992, 321999, 322110, 322121, 322122, 322130, 322211, 322212, 322219, 322220, 322230, 322291, 322299, 323111, 323113, 323117, 323120, 324110, 324121, 324122, 324191, 324199, 325110, 325120, 325130, 325180, 325193, 325194, 325199, 325211, 325212, 325220, 325311, 325312, 325314, 325320, 325411, 325412, 325413, 325414, 325510, 325520, 325611, 325612, 325613, 325620, 325910, 325920, 325991, 325992, 325998, 326111, 326112, 326113, 326121, 326122, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160, 326191, 326199, 326211, 326212, 326220, 326291, 326299, 327110, 327120, 327211, 327212, 327213, 327215, 327310, 327320, 327331, 327332, 327390, 327410, 327420, 327910, 327991, 327992, 327993, 327999, 331110, 331210, 331221, 331222, 331313, 331314, 331315, 331318, 331410, 331420, 331491, 331492, 331511, 331512, 331513, 331523, 331524, 331529, 332111, 332112, 332114, 332117, 332119, 332215, 332216, 332311, 332312, 332313, 332321, 332322, 332323, 332410, 332420, 332431, 332439, 332510, 332613, 332618, 332710, 332721, 332722, 332811, 332812, 332813, 332911, 332912, 332913, 332919, 332991, 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996, 332999, 333111, 333112, 333120, 333131, 333132, 333241, 333242, 333243, 333244, 333249, 333314, 333316, 333318, 333413, 333414, 333415, 333511, 333514, 333515, 333517, 333519, 333611, 333612, 333613, 333618, 333912, 333914, 333921, 333922, 333923, 333924, 333991, 333992, 333993, 333994, 333995, 333996, 333997, 333999, 334111, 334112, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334412, 334413, 334416, 334417, 334418, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334512, 334513, 334514, 334515, 334516, 334517, 334519, 334613, 334614, 335110, 335121, 335122, 335129, 335210, 335220, 335311, 335312, 335313, 335314, 335911, 335912, 335921, 335929, 335931, 335932, 335991, 335999, 336111, 336112, 336120, 336211, 336212, 336213, 336214, 336310, 336320, 336330, 336340, 336350, 336360, 336370, 336390, 336411, 336412, 336413, 336414, 336415, 336419, 336510, 336611, 336612, 336991, 336992, 336999, 337110, 337121, 337122, 337124, 337125, 337127, 337211, 337212, 337214, 337215, 337910, 337920, 339112, 339113, 339114, 339115, 339116, 339910, 339920, 339930, 339940, 339950, 339991, 339992, 339993, 339994, 339995, 339999, 423110, 423120, 423130, 423140, 423210, 423220, 423310, 423320, 423330, 423390, 423410, 423420, 423430, 423440, 423450, 423460, 423490, 423510, 423520, 423610, 423620, 423690, 423710, 423720, 423730, 423740, 423810, 423820, 423830, 423840, 423850, 423860, 423910, 423920, 423930, 423940, 423990, 424110, 424120, 424130, 424210, 424310, 424320, 424330, 424340, 424410, 424420, 424430, 424440, 424450, 424460, 424470, 424480, 424490, 424510, 424520, 424590, 424610, 424690, 424710, 424720, 424810, 424820, 424910, 424920, 424930, 424940, 424950, 424990, 425110, 425120, 441110, 441120, 441210, 441222, 441228, 441310, 441320, 442110, 442210, 442291, 442299, 443141, 443142, 444110, 444120, 444130, 444190, 444210, 444220, 445110, 445120, 445210, 445220, 445230, 445291, 445292, 445299, 445310, 446110, 446120, 446130, 446191, 446199, 447110, 447190, 448110, 448120, 448130, 448140, 448150, 448190, 448210, 448310, 448320, 451110, 451120, 451130, 451140, 451211, 451212, 452210, 452311, 452319, 453110, 453210, 453220, 453310, 453910, 453920, 453930, 453991, 453998, 454110, 454210, 454310, 454390, 481111, 481112, 481211, 481212, 481219, 482111, 482112, 483111, 483112, 483113, 483114, 483211, 483212, 484110, 484121, 484122, 484210, 484220, 484230, 485111, 485112, 485113, 485119, 485210, 485310, 485320, 485410, 485510, 485991, 485999, 486110, 486210, 486910, 486990, 487110, 487210, 487990, 488111, 488119, 488190, 488210, 488310, 488320, 488330, 488390, 488410, 488490, 488510, 488991, 488999, 492110, 492210, 493110, 493120, 493130, 493190, 511110, 511120, 511130, 511140, 511191, 511199, 511210, 512110, 512120, 512131, 512132, 512191, 512199, 512230, 512240, 512250, 512290, 515111, 515112, 515120, 515210, 517311, 517312, 517410, 517911, 517919, 518210, 519110, 519120, 519130, 519190, 521110, 522110, 522120, 522130, 522190, 522210, 522220, 522291, 522292, 522293, 522294, 522298, 522310, 522320, 522390, 523110, 523120, 523130, 523140, 523210, 523910, 523920, 523930, 523991, 523999, 524113, 524114, 524126, 524127, 524128, 524130, 524210, 524291, 524292, 524298, 525110, 525120, 525190, 525910, 525920, 525990, 531110, 531120, 531130, 531190, 531210, 531311, 531312, 531320, 531390, 532111, 532112, 532120, 532210, 532281, 532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 532310, 532411, 532412, 532420, 532490, 533110, 541110, 541191, 541199, 541211, 541213, 541214, 541219, 541310, 541320, 541330, 541340, 541350, 541360, 541370, 541380, 541410, 541420, 541430, 541490, 541511, 541512, 541513, 541519, 541611, 541612, 541613, 541614, 541618, 541620, 541690, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 541810, 541820, 541830, 541840, 541850, 541860, 541870, 541890, 541910, 541921, 541922, 541930, 541940, 541990, 551111, 551112, 551114, 561110, 561210, 561311, 561312, 561320, 561330, 561410, 561421, 561422, 561431, 561439, 561440, 561450, 561491, 561492, 561499, 561510, 561520, 561591, 561599, 561611, 561612, 561613, 561621, 561622, 561710, 561720, 561730, 561740, 561790, 561910, 561920, 561990, 562111, 562112, 562119, 562211, 562212, 562213, 562219, 562910, 562920, 562991, 562998, 611110, 611210, 611310, 611410, 611420, 611430, 611511, 611512, 611513, 611519, 611610, 611620, 611630, 611691, 611692, 611699, 611710, 621111, 621112, 621210, 621310, 621320, 621330, 621340, 621391, 621399, 621410, 621420, 621491, 621492, 621493, 621498, 621511, 621512, 621610, 621910, 621991, 621999, 6221101, 6221102, 6222101, 6222102, 6223101, 6223102, 623110, 623210, 623220, 623311, 623312, 623990, 624110, 624120, 624190, 624210, 624221, 624229, 624230, 624310, 624410, 711110, 711120, 711130, 711190, 7112111, 7112112, 7112119, 7112121, 7112122, 7112123, 7112191, 7112192, 711310, 711320, 711410, 711510, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713110, 713120, 713210, 713290, 713910, 713920, 713930, 713940, 713950, 713990, 721110, 721120, 721191, 721199, 721211, 721214, 721310, 722310, 722320, 722330, 722410, 722511, 722513, 722514, 722515, 811111, 811112, 811113, 811118, 811121, 811122, 811191, 811192, 811198, 811211, 811212, 811213, 811219, 811310, 811411, 811412, 811420, 811430, 811490, 812111, 812112, 812113, 812191, 812199, 812210, 812220, 812310, 812320, 812331, 812332, 812910, 812921, 812922, 812930, 812990, 813110, 813211, 813212, 813219, 813311, 813312, 813319, 813410, 813910, 813920, 813930, 813940, 813990 New Establishment: Open date Date the location opened or is expected to open N/A ADD_OPEN_DATE MM/DD/YYYY N/A No N/A N/A N/A N/A ADD_DATE_OPEN N/A N/A N/A N/A ADD_DATE_OPEN ADD_DATE_OPEN N/A N/A N/A N/A

AIES Newly Added Establishment ID Number
AIES Newly Added Establishment ID Number Response TEXT Date N/A N/A

62 New/Added Establishment Information Added Estab. Level:
ACES -Employers, ARTS, AWTS, SAS, ASM, Const., MI, select AG, Pub Admin & out of scope NAICS (i.e. the AIES universe)

113110, 113210, 113310, 114111, 114112, 114119, 114210, 115111, 115112, 115113, 115114, 115115, 115116, 115210, 115310, 211120, 211130, 211130, 212111, 212112, 212113, 212210, 212221, 212222, 212230, 212291, 212299, 212311, 212312, 212313, 212319, 212321, 212322, 212324, 212325, 212391, 212392, 212393, 212399, 213111, 213112, 213113, 213114, 213115, 221111, 221112, 221113, 221114, 221115, 221116, 221117, 221118, 221121, 221122, 221210, 221310, 221320, 221330, 236115, 236116, 236117, 236118, 236210, 236220, 237110, 237120, 237130, 237210, 237310, 237990, 238110, 238120, 238130, 238140, 238150, 238160, 238170, 238190, 238210, 238220, 238290, 238310, 238320, 238330, 238340, 238350, 238390, 238910, 238990, 311111, 311119, 311211, 311212, 311213, 311221, 311224, 311225, 311230, 311313, 311314, 311340, 311351, 311352, 311411, 311412, 311421, 311422, 311423, 311511, 311512, 311513, 311514, 311520, 311611, 311612, 311613, 311615, 311710, 311811, 311812, 311813, 311821, 311824, 311830, 311911, 311919, 311920, 311930, 311941, 311942, 311991, 311999, 312111, 312112, 312113, 312120, 312130, 312140, 312230, 313110, 313210, 313220, 313230, 313240, 313310, 313320, 314110, 314120, 314910, 314994, 314999, 315110, 315190, 315210, 315220, 315240, 315280, 315990, 316110, 316210, 316992, 316998, 321113, 321114, 321211, 321212, 321213, 321214, 321219, 321911, 321912, 321918, 321920, 321991, 321992, 321999, 322110, 322121, 322122, 322130, 322211, 322212, 322219, 322220, 322230, 322291, 322299, 323111, 323113, 323117, 323120, 324110, 324121, 324122, 324191, 324199, 325110, 325120, 325130, 325180, 325193, 325194, 325199, 325211, 325212, 325220, 325311, 325312, 325314, 325320, 325411, 325412, 325413, 325414, 325510, 325520, 325611, 325612, 325613, 325620, 325910, 325920, 325991, 325992, 325998, 326111, 326112, 326113, 326121, 326122, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160, 326191, 326199, 326211, 326212, 326220, 326291, 326299, 327110, 327120, 327211, 327212, 327213, 327215, 327310, 327320, 327331, 327332, 327390, 327410, 327420, 327910, 327991, 327992, 327993, 327999, 331110, 331210, 331221, 331222, 331313, 331314, 331315, 331318, 331410, 331420, 331491, 331492, 331511, 331512, 331513, 331523, 331524, 331529, 332111, 332112, 332114, 332117, 332119, 332215, 332216, 332311, 332312, 332313, 332321, 332322, 332323, 332410, 332420, 332431, 332439, 332510, 332613, 332618, 332710, 332721, 332722, 332811, 332812, 332813, 332911, 332912, 332913, 332919, 332991, 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996, 332999, 333111, 333112, 333120, 333131, 333132, 333241, 333242, 333243, 333244, 333249, 333314, 333316, 333318, 333413, 333414, 333415, 333511, 333514, 333515, 333517, 333519, 333611, 333612, 333613, 333618, 333912, 333914, 333921, 333922, 333923, 333924, 333991, 333992, 333993, 333994, 333995, 333996, 333997, 333999, 334111, 334112, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334412, 334413, 334416, 334417, 334418, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334512, 334513, 334514, 334515, 334516, 334517, 334519, 334613, 334614, 335110, 335121, 335122, 335129, 335210, 335220, 335311, 335312, 335313, 335314, 335911, 335912, 335921, 335929, 335931, 335932, 335991, 335999, 336111, 336112, 336120, 336211, 336212, 336213, 336214, 336310, 336320, 336330, 336340, 336350, 336360, 336370, 336390, 336411, 336412, 336413, 336414, 336415, 336419, 336510, 336611, 336612, 336991, 336992, 336999, 337110, 337121, 337122, 337124, 337125, 337127, 337211, 337212, 337214, 337215, 337910, 337920, 339112, 339113, 339114, 339115, 339116, 339910, 339920, 339930, 339940, 339950, 339991, 339992, 339993, 339994, 339995, 339999, 423110, 423120, 423130, 423140, 423210, 423220, 423310, 423320, 423330, 423390, 423410, 423420, 423430, 423440, 423450, 423460, 423490, 423510, 423520, 423610, 423620, 423690, 423710, 423720, 423730, 423740, 423810, 423820, 423830, 423840, 423850, 423860, 423910, 423920, 423930, 423940, 423990, 424110, 424120, 424130, 424210, 424310, 424320, 424330, 424340, 424410, 424420, 424430, 424440, 424450, 424460, 424470, 424480, 424490, 424510, 424520, 424590, 424610, 424690, 424710, 424720, 424810, 424820, 424910, 424920, 424930, 424940, 424950, 424990, 425110, 425120, 441110, 441120, 441210, 441222, 441228, 441310, 441320, 442110, 442210, 442291, 442299, 443141, 443142, 444110, 444120, 444130, 444190, 444210, 444220, 445110, 445120, 445210, 445220, 445230, 445291, 445292, 445299, 445310, 446110, 446120, 446130, 446191, 446199, 447110, 447190, 448110, 448120, 448130, 448140, 448150, 448190, 448210, 448310, 448320, 451110, 451120, 451130, 451140, 451211, 451212, 452210, 452311, 452319, 453110, 453210, 453220, 453310, 453910, 453920, 453930, 453991, 453998, 454110, 454210, 454310, 454390, 481111, 481112, 481211, 481212, 481219, 482111, 482112, 483111, 483112, 483113, 483114, 483211, 483212, 484110, 484121, 484122, 484210, 484220, 484230, 485111, 485112, 485113, 485119, 485210, 485310, 485320, 485410, 485510, 485991, 485999, 486110, 486210, 486910, 486990, 487110, 487210, 487990, 488111, 488119, 488190, 488210, 488310, 488320, 488330, 488390, 488410, 488490, 488510, 488991, 488999, 492110, 492210, 493110, 493120, 493130, 493190, 511110, 511120, 511130, 511140, 511191, 511199, 511210, 512110, 512120, 512131, 512132, 512191, 512199, 512230, 512240, 512250, 512290, 515111, 515112, 515120, 515210, 517311, 517312, 517410, 517911, 517919, 518210, 519110, 519120, 519130, 519190, 521110, 522110, 522120, 522130, 522190, 522210, 522220, 522291, 522292, 522293, 522294, 522298, 522310, 522320, 522390, 523110, 523120, 523130, 523140, 523210, 523910, 523920, 523930, 523991, 523999, 524113, 524114, 524126, 524127, 524128, 524130, 524210, 524291, 524292, 524298, 525110, 525120, 525190, 525910, 525920, 525990, 531110, 531120, 531130, 531190, 531210, 531311, 531312, 531320, 531390, 532111, 532112, 532120, 532210, 532281, 532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 532310, 532411, 532412, 532420, 532490, 533110, 541110, 541191, 541199, 541211, 541213, 541214, 541219, 541310, 541320, 541330, 541340, 541350, 541360, 541370, 541380, 541410, 541420, 541430, 541490, 541511, 541512, 541513, 541519, 541611, 541612, 541613, 541614, 541618, 541620, 541690, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 541810, 541820, 541830, 541840, 541850, 541860, 541870, 541890, 541910, 541921, 541922, 541930, 541940, 541990, 551111, 551112, 551114, 561110, 561210, 561311, 561312, 561320, 561330, 561410, 561421, 561422, 561431, 561439, 561440, 561450, 561491, 561492, 561499, 561510, 561520, 561591, 561599, 561611, 561612, 561613, 561621, 561622, 561710, 561720, 561730, 561740, 561790, 561910, 561920, 561990, 562111, 562112, 562119, 562211, 562212, 562213, 562219, 562910, 562920, 562991, 562998, 611110, 611210, 611310, 611410, 611420, 611430, 611511, 611512, 611513, 611519, 611610, 611620, 611630, 611691, 611692, 611699, 611710, 621111, 621112, 621210, 621310, 621320, 621330, 621340, 621391, 621399, 621410, 621420, 621491, 621492, 621493, 621498, 621511, 621512, 621610, 621910, 621991, 621999, 6221101, 6221102, 6222101, 6222102, 6223101, 6223102, 623110, 623210, 623220, 623311, 623312, 623990, 624110, 624120, 624190, 624210, 624221, 624229, 624230, 624310, 624410, 711110, 711120, 711130, 711190, 7112111, 7112112, 7112119, 7112121, 7112122, 7112123, 7112191, 7112192, 711310, 711320, 711410, 711510, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713110, 713120, 713210, 713290, 713910, 713920, 713930, 713940, 713950, 713990, 721110, 721120, 721191, 721199, 721211, 721214, 721310, 722310, 722320, 722330, 722410, 722511, 722513, 722514, 722515, 811111, 811112, 811113, 811118, 811121, 811122, 811191, 811192, 811198, 811211, 811212, 811213, 811219, 811310, 811411, 811412, 811420, 811430, 811490, 812111, 812112, 812113, 812191, 812199, 812210, 812220, 812310, 812320, 812331, 812332, 812910, 812921, 812922, 812930, 812990, 813110, 813211, 813212, 813219, 813311, 813312, 813319, 813410, 813910, 813920, 813930, 813940, 813990 New Establishment Physical Address: Name1 What is Name 1 of this added establishment? N/A PHYSLOC_ADDR_NAME1_TXT Text
Maximum length is 36 characters

AIES Newly Added Establishment Mailing Address_01
AIES Newly Added Establishment Mailing Address_01 Response TEXT Character N/A N/A

63 New/Added Establishment Information Added Estab. Level:
ACES -Employers, ARTS, AWTS, SAS, ASM, Const., MI, select AG, Pub Admin & out of scope NAICS (i.e. the AIES universe)

113110, 113210, 113310, 114111, 114112, 114119, 114210, 115111, 115112, 115113, 115114, 115115, 115116, 115210, 115310, 211120, 211130, 211130, 212111, 212112, 212113, 212210, 212221, 212222, 212230, 212291, 212299, 212311, 212312, 212313, 212319, 212321, 212322, 212324, 212325, 212391, 212392, 212393, 212399, 213111, 213112, 213113, 213114, 213115, 221111, 221112, 221113, 221114, 221115, 221116, 221117, 221118, 221121, 221122, 221210, 221310, 221320, 221330, 236115, 236116, 236117, 236118, 236210, 236220, 237110, 237120, 237130, 237210, 237310, 237990, 238110, 238120, 238130, 238140, 238150, 238160, 238170, 238190, 238210, 238220, 238290, 238310, 238320, 238330, 238340, 238350, 238390, 238910, 238990, 311111, 311119, 311211, 311212, 311213, 311221, 311224, 311225, 311230, 311313, 311314, 311340, 311351, 311352, 311411, 311412, 311421, 311422, 311423, 311511, 311512, 311513, 311514, 311520, 311611, 311612, 311613, 311615, 311710, 311811, 311812, 311813, 311821, 311824, 311830, 311911, 311919, 311920, 311930, 311941, 311942, 311991, 311999, 312111, 312112, 312113, 312120, 312130, 312140, 312230, 313110, 313210, 313220, 313230, 313240, 313310, 313320, 314110, 314120, 314910, 314994, 314999, 315110, 315190, 315210, 315220, 315240, 315280, 315990, 316110, 316210, 316992, 316998, 321113, 321114, 321211, 321212, 321213, 321214, 321219, 321911, 321912, 321918, 321920, 321991, 321992, 321999, 322110, 322121, 322122, 322130, 322211, 322212, 322219, 322220, 322230, 322291, 322299, 323111, 323113, 323117, 323120, 324110, 324121, 324122, 324191, 324199, 325110, 325120, 325130, 325180, 325193, 325194, 325199, 325211, 325212, 325220, 325311, 325312, 325314, 325320, 325411, 325412, 325413, 325414, 325510, 325520, 325611, 325612, 325613, 325620, 325910, 325920, 325991, 325992, 325998, 326111, 326112, 326113, 326121, 326122, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160, 326191, 326199, 326211, 326212, 326220, 326291, 326299, 327110, 327120, 327211, 327212, 327213, 327215, 327310, 327320, 327331, 327332, 327390, 327410, 327420, 327910, 327991, 327992, 327993, 327999, 331110, 331210, 331221, 331222, 331313, 331314, 331315, 331318, 331410, 331420, 331491, 331492, 331511, 331512, 331513, 331523, 331524, 331529, 332111, 332112, 332114, 332117, 332119, 332215, 332216, 332311, 332312, 332313, 332321, 332322, 332323, 332410, 332420, 332431, 332439, 332510, 332613, 332618, 332710, 332721, 332722, 332811, 332812, 332813, 332911, 332912, 332913, 332919, 332991, 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996, 332999, 333111, 333112, 333120, 333131, 333132, 333241, 333242, 333243, 333244, 333249, 333314, 333316, 333318, 333413, 333414, 333415, 333511, 333514, 333515, 333517, 333519, 333611, 333612, 333613, 333618, 333912, 333914, 333921, 333922, 333923, 333924, 333991, 333992, 333993, 333994, 333995, 333996, 333997, 333999, 334111, 334112, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334412, 334413, 334416, 334417, 334418, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334512, 334513, 334514, 334515, 334516, 334517, 334519, 334613, 334614, 335110, 335121, 335122, 335129, 335210, 335220, 335311, 335312, 335313, 335314, 335911, 335912, 335921, 335929, 335931, 335932, 335991, 335999, 336111, 336112, 336120, 336211, 336212, 336213, 336214, 336310, 336320, 336330, 336340, 336350, 336360, 336370, 336390, 336411, 336412, 336413, 336414, 336415, 336419, 336510, 336611, 336612, 336991, 336992, 336999, 337110, 337121, 337122, 337124, 337125, 337127, 337211, 337212, 337214, 337215, 337910, 337920, 339112, 339113, 339114, 339115, 339116, 339910, 339920, 339930, 339940, 339950, 339991, 339992, 339993, 339994, 339995, 339999, 423110, 423120, 423130, 423140, 423210, 423220, 423310, 423320, 423330, 423390, 423410, 423420, 423430, 423440, 423450, 423460, 423490, 423510, 423520, 423610, 423620, 423690, 423710, 423720, 423730, 423740, 423810, 423820, 423830, 423840, 423850, 423860, 423910, 423920, 423930, 423940, 423990, 424110, 424120, 424130, 424210, 424310, 424320, 424330, 424340, 424410, 424420, 424430, 424440, 424450, 424460, 424470, 424480, 424490, 424510, 424520, 424590, 424610, 424690, 424710, 424720, 424810, 424820, 424910, 424920, 424930, 424940, 424950, 424990, 425110, 425120, 441110, 441120, 441210, 441222, 441228, 441310, 441320, 442110, 442210, 442291, 442299, 443141, 443142, 444110, 444120, 444130, 444190, 444210, 444220, 445110, 445120, 445210, 445220, 445230, 445291, 445292, 445299, 445310, 446110, 446120, 446130, 446191, 446199, 447110, 447190, 448110, 448120, 448130, 448140, 448150, 448190, 448210, 448310, 448320, 451110, 451120, 451130, 451140, 451211, 451212, 452210, 452311, 452319, 453110, 453210, 453220, 453310, 453910, 453920, 453930, 453991, 453998, 454110, 454210, 454310, 454390, 481111, 481112, 481211, 481212, 481219, 482111, 482112, 483111, 483112, 483113, 483114, 483211, 483212, 484110, 484121, 484122, 484210, 484220, 484230, 485111, 485112, 485113, 485119, 485210, 485310, 485320, 485410, 485510, 485991, 485999, 486110, 486210, 486910, 486990, 487110, 487210, 487990, 488111, 488119, 488190, 488210, 488310, 488320, 488330, 488390, 488410, 488490, 488510, 488991, 488999, 492110, 492210, 493110, 493120, 493130, 493190, 511110, 511120, 511130, 511140, 511191, 511199, 511210, 512110, 512120, 512131, 512132, 512191, 512199, 512230, 512240, 512250, 512290, 515111, 515112, 515120, 515210, 517311, 517312, 517410, 517911, 517919, 518210, 519110, 519120, 519130, 519190, 521110, 522110, 522120, 522130, 522190, 522210, 522220, 522291, 522292, 522293, 522294, 522298, 522310, 522320, 522390, 523110, 523120, 523130, 523140, 523210, 523910, 523920, 523930, 523991, 523999, 524113, 524114, 524126, 524127, 524128, 524130, 524210, 524291, 524292, 524298, 525110, 525120, 525190, 525910, 525920, 525990, 531110, 531120, 531130, 531190, 531210, 531311, 531312, 531320, 531390, 532111, 532112, 532120, 532210, 532281, 532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 532310, 532411, 532412, 532420, 532490, 533110, 541110, 541191, 541199, 541211, 541213, 541214, 541219, 541310, 541320, 541330, 541340, 541350, 541360, 541370, 541380, 541410, 541420, 541430, 541490, 541511, 541512, 541513, 541519, 541611, 541612, 541613, 541614, 541618, 541620, 541690, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 541810, 541820, 541830, 541840, 541850, 541860, 541870, 541890, 541910, 541921, 541922, 541930, 541940, 541990, 551111, 551112, 551114, 561110, 561210, 561311, 561312, 561320, 561330, 561410, 561421, 561422, 561431, 561439, 561440, 561450, 561491, 561492, 561499, 561510, 561520, 561591, 561599, 561611, 561612, 561613, 561621, 561622, 561710, 561720, 561730, 561740, 561790, 561910, 561920, 561990, 562111, 562112, 562119, 562211, 562212, 562213, 562219, 562910, 562920, 562991, 562998, 611110, 611210, 611310, 611410, 611420, 611430, 611511, 611512, 611513, 611519, 611610, 611620, 611630, 611691, 611692, 611699, 611710, 621111, 621112, 621210, 621310, 621320, 621330, 621340, 621391, 621399, 621410, 621420, 621491, 621492, 621493, 621498, 621511, 621512, 621610, 621910, 621991, 621999, 6221101, 6221102, 6222101, 6222102, 6223101, 6223102, 623110, 623210, 623220, 623311, 623312, 623990, 624110, 624120, 624190, 624210, 624221, 624229, 624230, 624310, 624410, 711110, 711120, 711130, 711190, 7112111, 7112112, 7112119, 7112121, 7112122, 7112123, 7112191, 7112192, 711310, 711320, 711410, 711510, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713110, 713120, 713210, 713290, 713910, 713920, 713930, 713940, 713950, 713990, 721110, 721120, 721191, 721199, 721211, 721214, 721310, 722310, 722320, 722330, 722410, 722511, 722513, 722514, 722515, 811111, 811112, 811113, 811118, 811121, 811122, 811191, 811192, 811198, 811211, 811212, 811213, 811219, 811310, 811411, 811412, 811420, 811430, 811490, 812111, 812112, 812113, 812191, 812199, 812210, 812220, 812310, 812320, 812331, 812332, 812910, 812921, 812922, 812930, 812990, 813110, 813211, 813212, 813219, 813311, 813312, 813319, 813410, 813910, 813920, 813930, 813940, 813990 New Establishment Physical Address: Name2 What is Name 2 of this added establishment? N/A PHYSLOC_ADDR_NAME2_TXT Text
Maximum length is 36 characters

AIES Newly Added Establishment Mailing Address_02
AIES Newly Added Establishment Mailing Address_02 Response TEXT Character N/A N/A

65 New/Added Establishment Information Added Estab. Level:
ACES -Employers, ARTS, AWTS, SAS, ASM, Const., MI, select AG, Pub Admin & out of scope NAICS (i.e. the AIES universe)

113110, 113210, 113310, 114111, 114112, 114119, 114210, 115111, 115112, 115113, 115114, 115115, 115116, 115210, 115310, 211120, 211130, 211130, 212111, 212112, 212113, 212210, 212221, 212222, 212230, 212291, 212299, 212311, 212312, 212313, 212319, 212321, 212322, 212324, 212325, 212391, 212392, 212393, 212399, 213111, 213112, 213113, 213114, 213115, 221111, 221112, 221113, 221114, 221115, 221116, 221117, 221118, 221121, 221122, 221210, 221310, 221320, 221330, 236115, 236116, 236117, 236118, 236210, 236220, 237110, 237120, 237130, 237210, 237310, 237990, 238110, 238120, 238130, 238140, 238150, 238160, 238170, 238190, 238210, 238220, 238290, 238310, 238320, 238330, 238340, 238350, 238390, 238910, 238990, 311111, 311119, 311211, 311212, 311213, 311221, 311224, 311225, 311230, 311313, 311314, 311340, 311351, 311352, 311411, 311412, 311421, 311422, 311423, 311511, 311512, 311513, 311514, 311520, 311611, 311612, 311613, 311615, 311710, 311811, 311812, 311813, 311821, 311824, 311830, 311911, 311919, 311920, 311930, 311941, 311942, 311991, 311999, 312111, 312112, 312113, 312120, 312130, 312140, 312230, 313110, 313210, 313220, 313230, 313240, 313310, 313320, 314110, 314120, 314910, 314994, 314999, 315110, 315190, 315210, 315220, 315240, 315280, 315990, 316110, 316210, 316992, 316998, 321113, 321114, 321211, 321212, 321213, 321214, 321219, 321911, 321912, 321918, 321920, 321991, 321992, 321999, 322110, 322121, 322122, 322130, 322211, 322212, 322219, 322220, 322230, 322291, 322299, 323111, 323113, 323117, 323120, 324110, 324121, 324122, 324191, 324199, 325110, 325120, 325130, 325180, 325193, 325194, 325199, 325211, 325212, 325220, 325311, 325312, 325314, 325320, 325411, 325412, 325413, 325414, 325510, 325520, 325611, 325612, 325613, 325620, 325910, 325920, 325991, 325992, 325998, 326111, 326112, 326113, 326121, 326122, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160, 326191, 326199, 326211, 326212, 326220, 326291, 326299, 327110, 327120, 327211, 327212, 327213, 327215, 327310, 327320, 327331, 327332, 327390, 327410, 327420, 327910, 327991, 327992, 327993, 327999, 331110, 331210, 331221, 331222, 331313, 331314, 331315, 331318, 331410, 331420, 331491, 331492, 331511, 331512, 331513, 331523, 331524, 331529, 332111, 332112, 332114, 332117, 332119, 332215, 332216, 332311, 332312, 332313, 332321, 332322, 332323, 332410, 332420, 332431, 332439, 332510, 332613, 332618, 332710, 332721, 332722, 332811, 332812, 332813, 332911, 332912, 332913, 332919, 332991, 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996, 332999, 333111, 333112, 333120, 333131, 333132, 333241, 333242, 333243, 333244, 333249, 333314, 333316, 333318, 333413, 333414, 333415, 333511, 333514, 333515, 333517, 333519, 333611, 333612, 333613, 333618, 333912, 333914, 333921, 333922, 333923, 333924, 333991, 333992, 333993, 333994, 333995, 333996, 333997, 333999, 334111, 334112, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334412, 334413, 334416, 334417, 334418, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334512, 334513, 334514, 334515, 334516, 334517, 334519, 334613, 334614, 335110, 335121, 335122, 335129, 335210, 335220, 335311, 335312, 335313, 335314, 335911, 335912, 335921, 335929, 335931, 335932, 335991, 335999, 336111, 336112, 336120, 336211, 336212, 336213, 336214, 336310, 336320, 336330, 336340, 336350, 336360, 336370, 336390, 336411, 336412, 336413, 336414, 336415, 336419, 336510, 336611, 336612, 336991, 336992, 336999, 337110, 337121, 337122, 337124, 337125, 337127, 337211, 337212, 337214, 337215, 337910, 337920, 339112, 339113, 339114, 339115, 339116, 339910, 339920, 339930, 339940, 339950, 339991, 339992, 339993, 339994, 339995, 339999, 423110, 423120, 423130, 423140, 423210, 423220, 423310, 423320, 423330, 423390, 423410, 423420, 423430, 423440, 423450, 423460, 423490, 423510, 423520, 423610, 423620, 423690, 423710, 423720, 423730, 423740, 423810, 423820, 423830, 423840, 423850, 423860, 423910, 423920, 423930, 423940, 423990, 424110, 424120, 424130, 424210, 424310, 424320, 424330, 424340, 424410, 424420, 424430, 424440, 424450, 424460, 424470, 424480, 424490, 424510, 424520, 424590, 424610, 424690, 424710, 424720, 424810, 424820, 424910, 424920, 424930, 424940, 424950, 424990, 425110, 425120, 441110, 441120, 441210, 441222, 441228, 441310, 441320, 442110, 442210, 442291, 442299, 443141, 443142, 444110, 444120, 444130, 444190, 444210, 444220, 445110, 445120, 445210, 445220, 445230, 445291, 445292, 445299, 445310, 446110, 446120, 446130, 446191, 446199, 447110, 447190, 448110, 448120, 448130, 448140, 448150, 448190, 448210, 448310, 448320, 451110, 451120, 451130, 451140, 451211, 451212, 452210, 452311, 452319, 453110, 453210, 453220, 453310, 453910, 453920, 453930, 453991, 453998, 454110, 454210, 454310, 454390, 481111, 481112, 481211, 481212, 481219, 482111, 482112, 483111, 483112, 483113, 483114, 483211, 483212, 484110, 484121, 484122, 484210, 484220, 484230, 485111, 485112, 485113, 485119, 485210, 485310, 485320, 485410, 485510, 485991, 485999, 486110, 486210, 486910, 486990, 487110, 487210, 487990, 488111, 488119, 488190, 488210, 488310, 488320, 488330, 488390, 488410, 488490, 488510, 488991, 488999, 492110, 492210, 493110, 493120, 493130, 493190, 511110, 511120, 511130, 511140, 511191, 511199, 511210, 512110, 512120, 512131, 512132, 512191, 512199, 512230, 512240, 512250, 512290, 515111, 515112, 515120, 515210, 517311, 517312, 517410, 517911, 517919, 518210, 519110, 519120, 519130, 519190, 521110, 522110, 522120, 522130, 522190, 522210, 522220, 522291, 522292, 522293, 522294, 522298, 522310, 522320, 522390, 523110, 523120, 523130, 523140, 523210, 523910, 523920, 523930, 523991, 523999, 524113, 524114, 524126, 524127, 524128, 524130, 524210, 524291, 524292, 524298, 525110, 525120, 525190, 525910, 525920, 525990, 531110, 531120, 531130, 531190, 531210, 531311, 531312, 531320, 531390, 532111, 532112, 532120, 532210, 532281, 532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 532310, 532411, 532412, 532420, 532490, 533110, 541110, 541191, 541199, 541211, 541213, 541214, 541219, 541310, 541320, 541330, 541340, 541350, 541360, 541370, 541380, 541410, 541420, 541430, 541490, 541511, 541512, 541513, 541519, 541611, 541612, 541613, 541614, 541618, 541620, 541690, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 541810, 541820, 541830, 541840, 541850, 541860, 541870, 541890, 541910, 541921, 541922, 541930, 541940, 541990, 551111, 551112, 551114, 561110, 561210, 561311, 561312, 561320, 561330, 561410, 561421, 561422, 561431, 561439, 561440, 561450, 561491, 561492, 561499, 561510, 561520, 561591, 561599, 561611, 561612, 561613, 561621, 561622, 561710, 561720, 561730, 561740, 561790, 561910, 561920, 561990, 562111, 562112, 562119, 562211, 562212, 562213, 562219, 562910, 562920, 562991, 562998, 611110, 611210, 611310, 611410, 611420, 611430, 611511, 611512, 611513, 611519, 611610, 611620, 611630, 611691, 611692, 611699, 611710, 621111, 621112, 621210, 621310, 621320, 621330, 621340, 621391, 621399, 621410, 621420, 621491, 621492, 621493, 621498, 621511, 621512, 621610, 621910, 621991, 621999, 6221101, 6221102, 6222101, 6222102, 6223101, 6223102, 623110, 623210, 623220, 623311, 623312, 623990, 624110, 624120, 624190, 624210, 624221, 624229, 624230, 624310, 624410, 711110, 711120, 711130, 711190, 7112111, 7112112, 7112119, 7112121, 7112122, 7112123, 7112191, 7112192, 711310, 711320, 711410, 711510, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713110, 713120, 713210, 713290, 713910, 713920, 713930, 713940, 713950, 713990, 721110, 721120, 721191, 721199, 721211, 721214, 721310, 722310, 722320, 722330, 722410, 722511, 722513, 722514, 722515, 811111, 811112, 811113, 811118, 811121, 811122, 811191, 811192, 811198, 811211, 811212, 811213, 811219, 811310, 811411, 811412, 811420, 811430, 811490, 812111, 812112, 812113, 812191, 812199, 812210, 812220, 812310, 812320, 812331, 812332, 812910, 812921, 812922, 812930, 812990, 813110, 813211, 813212, 813219, 813311, 813312, 813319, 813410, 813910, 813920, 813930, 813940, 813990 New Establishment Physical Address: Street What is the number and street of this added establishment? N/A PHYSLOC_ADDR_STREET_TXT Text
Maximum length is 36 characters

AIES Newly Added Establishment Physical Address Street
AIES Newly Added Establishment Physical Address Street Response TEXT Character N/A N/A

66 New/Added Establishment Information Added Estab. Level:
ACES -Employers, ARTS, AWTS, SAS, ASM, Const., MI, select AG, Pub Admin & out of scope NAICS (i.e. the AIES universe)

113110, 113210, 113310, 114111, 114112, 114119, 114210, 115111, 115112, 115113, 115114, 115115, 115116, 115210, 115310, 211120, 211130, 211130, 212111, 212112, 212113, 212210, 212221, 212222, 212230, 212291, 212299, 212311, 212312, 212313, 212319, 212321, 212322, 212324, 212325, 212391, 212392, 212393, 212399, 213111, 213112, 213113, 213114, 213115, 221111, 221112, 221113, 221114, 221115, 221116, 221117, 221118, 221121, 221122, 221210, 221310, 221320, 221330, 236115, 236116, 236117, 236118, 236210, 236220, 237110, 237120, 237130, 237210, 237310, 237990, 238110, 238120, 238130, 238140, 238150, 238160, 238170, 238190, 238210, 238220, 238290, 238310, 238320, 238330, 238340, 238350, 238390, 238910, 238990, 311111, 311119, 311211, 311212, 311213, 311221, 311224, 311225, 311230, 311313, 311314, 311340, 311351, 311352, 311411, 311412, 311421, 311422, 311423, 311511, 311512, 311513, 311514, 311520, 311611, 311612, 311613, 311615, 311710, 311811, 311812, 311813, 311821, 311824, 311830, 311911, 311919, 311920, 311930, 311941, 311942, 311991, 311999, 312111, 312112, 312113, 312120, 312130, 312140, 312230, 313110, 313210, 313220, 313230, 313240, 313310, 313320, 314110, 314120, 314910, 314994, 314999, 315110, 315190, 315210, 315220, 315240, 315280, 315990, 316110, 316210, 316992, 316998, 321113, 321114, 321211, 321212, 321213, 321214, 321219, 321911, 321912, 321918, 321920, 321991, 321992, 321999, 322110, 322121, 322122, 322130, 322211, 322212, 322219, 322220, 322230, 322291, 322299, 323111, 323113, 323117, 323120, 324110, 324121, 324122, 324191, 324199, 325110, 325120, 325130, 325180, 325193, 325194, 325199, 325211, 325212, 325220, 325311, 325312, 325314, 325320, 325411, 325412, 325413, 325414, 325510, 325520, 325611, 325612, 325613, 325620, 325910, 325920, 325991, 325992, 325998, 326111, 326112, 326113, 326121, 326122, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160, 326191, 326199, 326211, 326212, 326220, 326291, 326299, 327110, 327120, 327211, 327212, 327213, 327215, 327310, 327320, 327331, 327332, 327390, 327410, 327420, 327910, 327991, 327992, 327993, 327999, 331110, 331210, 331221, 331222, 331313, 331314, 331315, 331318, 331410, 331420, 331491, 331492, 331511, 331512, 331513, 331523, 331524, 331529, 332111, 332112, 332114, 332117, 332119, 332215, 332216, 332311, 332312, 332313, 332321, 332322, 332323, 332410, 332420, 332431, 332439, 332510, 332613, 332618, 332710, 332721, 332722, 332811, 332812, 332813, 332911, 332912, 332913, 332919, 332991, 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996, 332999, 333111, 333112, 333120, 333131, 333132, 333241, 333242, 333243, 333244, 333249, 333314, 333316, 333318, 333413, 333414, 333415, 333511, 333514, 333515, 333517, 333519, 333611, 333612, 333613, 333618, 333912, 333914, 333921, 333922, 333923, 333924, 333991, 333992, 333993, 333994, 333995, 333996, 333997, 333999, 334111, 334112, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334412, 334413, 334416, 334417, 334418, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334512, 334513, 334514, 334515, 334516, 334517, 334519, 334613, 334614, 335110, 335121, 335122, 335129, 335210, 335220, 335311, 335312, 335313, 335314, 335911, 335912, 335921, 335929, 335931, 335932, 335991, 335999, 336111, 336112, 336120, 336211, 336212, 336213, 336214, 336310, 336320, 336330, 336340, 336350, 336360, 336370, 336390, 336411, 336412, 336413, 336414, 336415, 336419, 336510, 336611, 336612, 336991, 336992, 336999, 337110, 337121, 337122, 337124, 337125, 337127, 337211, 337212, 337214, 337215, 337910, 337920, 339112, 339113, 339114, 339115, 339116, 339910, 339920, 339930, 339940, 339950, 339991, 339992, 339993, 339994, 339995, 339999, 423110, 423120, 423130, 423140, 423210, 423220, 423310, 423320, 423330, 423390, 423410, 423420, 423430, 423440, 423450, 423460, 423490, 423510, 423520, 423610, 423620, 423690, 423710, 423720, 423730, 423740, 423810, 423820, 423830, 423840, 423850, 423860, 423910, 423920, 423930, 423940, 423990, 424110, 424120, 424130, 424210, 424310, 424320, 424330, 424340, 424410, 424420, 424430, 424440, 424450, 424460, 424470, 424480, 424490, 424510, 424520, 424590, 424610, 424690, 424710, 424720, 424810, 424820, 424910, 424920, 424930, 424940, 424950, 424990, 425110, 425120, 441110, 441120, 441210, 441222, 441228, 441310, 441320, 442110, 442210, 442291, 442299, 443141, 443142, 444110, 444120, 444130, 444190, 444210, 444220, 445110, 445120, 445210, 445220, 445230, 445291, 445292, 445299, 445310, 446110, 446120, 446130, 446191, 446199, 447110, 447190, 448110, 448120, 448130, 448140, 448150, 448190, 448210, 448310, 448320, 451110, 451120, 451130, 451140, 451211, 451212, 452210, 452311, 452319, 453110, 453210, 453220, 453310, 453910, 453920, 453930, 453991, 453998, 454110, 454210, 454310, 454390, 481111, 481112, 481211, 481212, 481219, 482111, 482112, 483111, 483112, 483113, 483114, 483211, 483212, 484110, 484121, 484122, 484210, 484220, 484230, 485111, 485112, 485113, 485119, 485210, 485310, 485320, 485410, 485510, 485991, 485999, 486110, 486210, 486910, 486990, 487110, 487210, 487990, 488111, 488119, 488190, 488210, 488310, 488320, 488330, 488390, 488410, 488490, 488510, 488991, 488999, 492110, 492210, 493110, 493120, 493130, 493190, 511110, 511120, 511130, 511140, 511191, 511199, 511210, 512110, 512120, 512131, 512132, 512191, 512199, 512230, 512240, 512250, 512290, 515111, 515112, 515120, 515210, 517311, 517312, 517410, 517911, 517919, 518210, 519110, 519120, 519130, 519190, 521110, 522110, 522120, 522130, 522190, 522210, 522220, 522291, 522292, 522293, 522294, 522298, 522310, 522320, 522390, 523110, 523120, 523130, 523140, 523210, 523910, 523920, 523930, 523991, 523999, 524113, 524114, 524126, 524127, 524128, 524130, 524210, 524291, 524292, 524298, 525110, 525120, 525190, 525910, 525920, 525990, 531110, 531120, 531130, 531190, 531210, 531311, 531312, 531320, 531390, 532111, 532112, 532120, 532210, 532281, 532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 532310, 532411, 532412, 532420, 532490, 533110, 541110, 541191, 541199, 541211, 541213, 541214, 541219, 541310, 541320, 541330, 541340, 541350, 541360, 541370, 541380, 541410, 541420, 541430, 541490, 541511, 541512, 541513, 541519, 541611, 541612, 541613, 541614, 541618, 541620, 541690, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 541810, 541820, 541830, 541840, 541850, 541860, 541870, 541890, 541910, 541921, 541922, 541930, 541940, 541990, 551111, 551112, 551114, 561110, 561210, 561311, 561312, 561320, 561330, 561410, 561421, 561422, 561431, 561439, 561440, 561450, 561491, 561492, 561499, 561510, 561520, 561591, 561599, 561611, 561612, 561613, 561621, 561622, 561710, 561720, 561730, 561740, 561790, 561910, 561920, 561990, 562111, 562112, 562119, 562211, 562212, 562213, 562219, 562910, 562920, 562991, 562998, 611110, 611210, 611310, 611410, 611420, 611430, 611511, 611512, 611513, 611519, 611610, 611620, 611630, 611691, 611692, 611699, 611710, 621111, 621112, 621210, 621310, 621320, 621330, 621340, 621391, 621399, 621410, 621420, 621491, 621492, 621493, 621498, 621511, 621512, 621610, 621910, 621991, 621999, 6221101, 6221102, 6222101, 6222102, 6223101, 6223102, 623110, 623210, 623220, 623311, 623312, 623990, 624110, 624120, 624190, 624210, 624221, 624229, 624230, 624310, 624410, 711110, 711120, 711130, 711190, 7112111, 7112112, 7112119, 7112121, 7112122, 7112123, 7112191, 7112192, 711310, 711320, 711410, 711510, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713110, 713120, 713210, 713290, 713910, 713920, 713930, 713940, 713950, 713990, 721110, 721120, 721191, 721199, 721211, 721214, 721310, 722310, 722320, 722330, 722410, 722511, 722513, 722514, 722515, 811111, 811112, 811113, 811118, 811121, 811122, 811191, 811192, 811198, 811211, 811212, 811213, 811219, 811310, 811411, 811412, 811420, 811430, 811490, 812111, 812112, 812113, 812191, 812199, 812210, 812220, 812310, 812320, 812331, 812332, 812910, 812921, 812922, 812930, 812990, 813110, 813211, 813212, 813219, 813311, 813312, 813319, 813410, 813910, 813920, 813930, 813940, 813990 New Establishment Physical Address: City What is the city, town, village, etc. of this added establishment? N/A PHYSLOC_ADDR_CITY_TXT Text
Maximum length is 20 characters

AIES Newly Added Establishment Physical Address City
AIES Newly Added Establishment Physical Address City Response TEXT Character N/A N/A

67 New/Added Establishment Information Added Estab. Level:
ACES -Employers, ARTS, AWTS, SAS, ASM, Const., MI, select AG, Pub Admin & out of scope NAICS (i.e. the AIES universe)

113110, 113210, 113310, 114111, 114112, 114119, 114210, 115111, 115112, 115113, 115114, 115115, 115116, 115210, 115310, 211120, 211130, 211130, 212111, 212112, 212113, 212210, 212221, 212222, 212230, 212291, 212299, 212311, 212312, 212313, 212319, 212321, 212322, 212324, 212325, 212391, 212392, 212393, 212399, 213111, 213112, 213113, 213114, 213115, 221111, 221112, 221113, 221114, 221115, 221116, 221117, 221118, 221121, 221122, 221210, 221310, 221320, 221330, 236115, 236116, 236117, 236118, 236210, 236220, 237110, 237120, 237130, 237210, 237310, 237990, 238110, 238120, 238130, 238140, 238150, 238160, 238170, 238190, 238210, 238220, 238290, 238310, 238320, 238330, 238340, 238350, 238390, 238910, 238990, 311111, 311119, 311211, 311212, 311213, 311221, 311224, 311225, 311230, 311313, 311314, 311340, 311351, 311352, 311411, 311412, 311421, 311422, 311423, 311511, 311512, 311513, 311514, 311520, 311611, 311612, 311613, 311615, 311710, 311811, 311812, 311813, 311821, 311824, 311830, 311911, 311919, 311920, 311930, 311941, 311942, 311991, 311999, 312111, 312112, 312113, 312120, 312130, 312140, 312230, 313110, 313210, 313220, 313230, 313240, 313310, 313320, 314110, 314120, 314910, 314994, 314999, 315110, 315190, 315210, 315220, 315240, 315280, 315990, 316110, 316210, 316992, 316998, 321113, 321114, 321211, 321212, 321213, 321214, 321219, 321911, 321912, 321918, 321920, 321991, 321992, 321999, 322110, 322121, 322122, 322130, 322211, 322212, 322219, 322220, 322230, 322291, 322299, 323111, 323113, 323117, 323120, 324110, 324121, 324122, 324191, 324199, 325110, 325120, 325130, 325180, 325193, 325194, 325199, 325211, 325212, 325220, 325311, 325312, 325314, 325320, 325411, 325412, 325413, 325414, 325510, 325520, 325611, 325612, 325613, 325620, 325910, 325920, 325991, 325992, 325998, 326111, 326112, 326113, 326121, 326122, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160, 326191, 326199, 326211, 326212, 326220, 326291, 326299, 327110, 327120, 327211, 327212, 327213, 327215, 327310, 327320, 327331, 327332, 327390, 327410, 327420, 327910, 327991, 327992, 327993, 327999, 331110, 331210, 331221, 331222, 331313, 331314, 331315, 331318, 331410, 331420, 331491, 331492, 331511, 331512, 331513, 331523, 331524, 331529, 332111, 332112, 332114, 332117, 332119, 332215, 332216, 332311, 332312, 332313, 332321, 332322, 332323, 332410, 332420, 332431, 332439, 332510, 332613, 332618, 332710, 332721, 332722, 332811, 332812, 332813, 332911, 332912, 332913, 332919, 332991, 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996, 332999, 333111, 333112, 333120, 333131, 333132, 333241, 333242, 333243, 333244, 333249, 333314, 333316, 333318, 333413, 333414, 333415, 333511, 333514, 333515, 333517, 333519, 333611, 333612, 333613, 333618, 333912, 333914, 333921, 333922, 333923, 333924, 333991, 333992, 333993, 333994, 333995, 333996, 333997, 333999, 334111, 334112, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334412, 334413, 334416, 334417, 334418, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334512, 334513, 334514, 334515, 334516, 334517, 334519, 334613, 334614, 335110, 335121, 335122, 335129, 335210, 335220, 335311, 335312, 335313, 335314, 335911, 335912, 335921, 335929, 335931, 335932, 335991, 335999, 336111, 336112, 336120, 336211, 336212, 336213, 336214, 336310, 336320, 336330, 336340, 336350, 336360, 336370, 336390, 336411, 336412, 336413, 336414, 336415, 336419, 336510, 336611, 336612, 336991, 336992, 336999, 337110, 337121, 337122, 337124, 337125, 337127, 337211, 337212, 337214, 337215, 337910, 337920, 339112, 339113, 339114, 339115, 339116, 339910, 339920, 339930, 339940, 339950, 339991, 339992, 339993, 339994, 339995, 339999, 423110, 423120, 423130, 423140, 423210, 423220, 423310, 423320, 423330, 423390, 423410, 423420, 423430, 423440, 423450, 423460, 423490, 423510, 423520, 423610, 423620, 423690, 423710, 423720, 423730, 423740, 423810, 423820, 423830, 423840, 423850, 423860, 423910, 423920, 423930, 423940, 423990, 424110, 424120, 424130, 424210, 424310, 424320, 424330, 424340, 424410, 424420, 424430, 424440, 424450, 424460, 424470, 424480, 424490, 424510, 424520, 424590, 424610, 424690, 424710, 424720, 424810, 424820, 424910, 424920, 424930, 424940, 424950, 424990, 425110, 425120, 441110, 441120, 441210, 441222, 441228, 441310, 441320, 442110, 442210, 442291, 442299, 443141, 443142, 444110, 444120, 444130, 444190, 444210, 444220, 445110, 445120, 445210, 445220, 445230, 445291, 445292, 445299, 445310, 446110, 446120, 446130, 446191, 446199, 447110, 447190, 448110, 448120, 448130, 448140, 448150, 448190, 448210, 448310, 448320, 451110, 451120, 451130, 451140, 451211, 451212, 452210, 452311, 452319, 453110, 453210, 453220, 453310, 453910, 453920, 453930, 453991, 453998, 454110, 454210, 454310, 454390, 481111, 481112, 481211, 481212, 481219, 482111, 482112, 483111, 483112, 483113, 483114, 483211, 483212, 484110, 484121, 484122, 484210, 484220, 484230, 485111, 485112, 485113, 485119, 485210, 485310, 485320, 485410, 485510, 485991, 485999, 486110, 486210, 486910, 486990, 487110, 487210, 487990, 488111, 488119, 488190, 488210, 488310, 488320, 488330, 488390, 488410, 488490, 488510, 488991, 488999, 492110, 492210, 493110, 493120, 493130, 493190, 511110, 511120, 511130, 511140, 511191, 511199, 511210, 512110, 512120, 512131, 512132, 512191, 512199, 512230, 512240, 512250, 512290, 515111, 515112, 515120, 515210, 517311, 517312, 517410, 517911, 517919, 518210, 519110, 519120, 519130, 519190, 521110, 522110, 522120, 522130, 522190, 522210, 522220, 522291, 522292, 522293, 522294, 522298, 522310, 522320, 522390, 523110, 523120, 523130, 523140, 523210, 523910, 523920, 523930, 523991, 523999, 524113, 524114, 524126, 524127, 524128, 524130, 524210, 524291, 524292, 524298, 525110, 525120, 525190, 525910, 525920, 525990, 531110, 531120, 531130, 531190, 531210, 531311, 531312, 531320, 531390, 532111, 532112, 532120, 532210, 532281, 532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 532310, 532411, 532412, 532420, 532490, 533110, 541110, 541191, 541199, 541211, 541213, 541214, 541219, 541310, 541320, 541330, 541340, 541350, 541360, 541370, 541380, 541410, 541420, 541430, 541490, 541511, 541512, 541513, 541519, 541611, 541612, 541613, 541614, 541618, 541620, 541690, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 541810, 541820, 541830, 541840, 541850, 541860, 541870, 541890, 541910, 541921, 541922, 541930, 541940, 541990, 551111, 551112, 551114, 561110, 561210, 561311, 561312, 561320, 561330, 561410, 561421, 561422, 561431, 561439, 561440, 561450, 561491, 561492, 561499, 561510, 561520, 561591, 561599, 561611, 561612, 561613, 561621, 561622, 561710, 561720, 561730, 561740, 561790, 561910, 561920, 561990, 562111, 562112, 562119, 562211, 562212, 562213, 562219, 562910, 562920, 562991, 562998, 611110, 611210, 611310, 611410, 611420, 611430, 611511, 611512, 611513, 611519, 611610, 611620, 611630, 611691, 611692, 611699, 611710, 621111, 621112, 621210, 621310, 621320, 621330, 621340, 621391, 621399, 621410, 621420, 621491, 621492, 621493, 621498, 621511, 621512, 621610, 621910, 621991, 621999, 6221101, 6221102, 6222101, 6222102, 6223101, 6223102, 623110, 623210, 623220, 623311, 623312, 623990, 624110, 624120, 624190, 624210, 624221, 624229, 624230, 624310, 624410, 711110, 711120, 711130, 711190, 7112111, 7112112, 7112119, 7112121, 7112122, 7112123, 7112191, 7112192, 711310, 711320, 711410, 711510, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713110, 713120, 713210, 713290, 713910, 713920, 713930, 713940, 713950, 713990, 721110, 721120, 721191, 721199, 721211, 721214, 721310, 722310, 722320, 722330, 722410, 722511, 722513, 722514, 722515, 811111, 811112, 811113, 811118, 811121, 811122, 811191, 811192, 811198, 811211, 811212, 811213, 811219, 811310, 811411, 811412, 811420, 811430, 811490, 812111, 812112, 812113, 812191, 812199, 812210, 812220, 812310, 812320, 812331, 812332, 812910, 812921, 812922, 812930, 812990, 813110, 813211, 813212, 813219, 813311, 813312, 813319, 813410, 813910, 813920, 813930, 813940, 813990 New Establishment Physical Address: ST What is the state of this added establishment? N/A PHYSLOC_ADDR_ST_TXT Use 2-letter state abbreviation

or a Drop down?

AIES Newly Added Establishment Physical Address State
AIES Newly Added Establishment Physical Address State Response DROPDOWN DROPDOWN N/A [Threaded comment] Your version of Excel allows you to read this threaded comment; however, any edits to it will get removed if the file is opened in a newer version of Excel. Learn more: Comment: @Lora Rosenberger (CENSUS/ADEP FED) This is for the 2-letter State abbreviation that I removed, so should this be "Dropdown" or "N/A"? N/A

68 New/Added Establishment Information Added Estab. Level:
ACES -Employers, ARTS, AWTS, SAS, ASM, Const., MI, select AG, Pub Admin & out of scope NAICS (i.e. the AIES universe)

113110, 113210, 113310, 114111, 114112, 114119, 114210, 115111, 115112, 115113, 115114, 115115, 115116, 115210, 115310, 211120, 211130, 211130, 212111, 212112, 212113, 212210, 212221, 212222, 212230, 212291, 212299, 212311, 212312, 212313, 212319, 212321, 212322, 212324, 212325, 212391, 212392, 212393, 212399, 213111, 213112, 213113, 213114, 213115, 221111, 221112, 221113, 221114, 221115, 221116, 221117, 221118, 221121, 221122, 221210, 221310, 221320, 221330, 236115, 236116, 236117, 236118, 236210, 236220, 237110, 237120, 237130, 237210, 237310, 237990, 238110, 238120, 238130, 238140, 238150, 238160, 238170, 238190, 238210, 238220, 238290, 238310, 238320, 238330, 238340, 238350, 238390, 238910, 238990, 311111, 311119, 311211, 311212, 311213, 311221, 311224, 311225, 311230, 311313, 311314, 311340, 311351, 311352, 311411, 311412, 311421, 311422, 311423, 311511, 311512, 311513, 311514, 311520, 311611, 311612, 311613, 311615, 311710, 311811, 311812, 311813, 311821, 311824, 311830, 311911, 311919, 311920, 311930, 311941, 311942, 311991, 311999, 312111, 312112, 312113, 312120, 312130, 312140, 312230, 313110, 313210, 313220, 313230, 313240, 313310, 313320, 314110, 314120, 314910, 314994, 314999, 315110, 315190, 315210, 315220, 315240, 315280, 315990, 316110, 316210, 316992, 316998, 321113, 321114, 321211, 321212, 321213, 321214, 321219, 321911, 321912, 321918, 321920, 321991, 321992, 321999, 322110, 322121, 322122, 322130, 322211, 322212, 322219, 322220, 322230, 322291, 322299, 323111, 323113, 323117, 323120, 324110, 324121, 324122, 324191, 324199, 325110, 325120, 325130, 325180, 325193, 325194, 325199, 325211, 325212, 325220, 325311, 325312, 325314, 325320, 325411, 325412, 325413, 325414, 325510, 325520, 325611, 325612, 325613, 325620, 325910, 325920, 325991, 325992, 325998, 326111, 326112, 326113, 326121, 326122, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160, 326191, 326199, 326211, 326212, 326220, 326291, 326299, 327110, 327120, 327211, 327212, 327213, 327215, 327310, 327320, 327331, 327332, 327390, 327410, 327420, 327910, 327991, 327992, 327993, 327999, 331110, 331210, 331221, 331222, 331313, 331314, 331315, 331318, 331410, 331420, 331491, 331492, 331511, 331512, 331513, 331523, 331524, 331529, 332111, 332112, 332114, 332117, 332119, 332215, 332216, 332311, 332312, 332313, 332321, 332322, 332323, 332410, 332420, 332431, 332439, 332510, 332613, 332618, 332710, 332721, 332722, 332811, 332812, 332813, 332911, 332912, 332913, 332919, 332991, 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996, 332999, 333111, 333112, 333120, 333131, 333132, 333241, 333242, 333243, 333244, 333249, 333314, 333316, 333318, 333413, 333414, 333415, 333511, 333514, 333515, 333517, 333519, 333611, 333612, 333613, 333618, 333912, 333914, 333921, 333922, 333923, 333924, 333991, 333992, 333993, 333994, 333995, 333996, 333997, 333999, 334111, 334112, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334412, 334413, 334416, 334417, 334418, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334512, 334513, 334514, 334515, 334516, 334517, 334519, 334613, 334614, 335110, 335121, 335122, 335129, 335210, 335220, 335311, 335312, 335313, 335314, 335911, 335912, 335921, 335929, 335931, 335932, 335991, 335999, 336111, 336112, 336120, 336211, 336212, 336213, 336214, 336310, 336320, 336330, 336340, 336350, 336360, 336370, 336390, 336411, 336412, 336413, 336414, 336415, 336419, 336510, 336611, 336612, 336991, 336992, 336999, 337110, 337121, 337122, 337124, 337125, 337127, 337211, 337212, 337214, 337215, 337910, 337920, 339112, 339113, 339114, 339115, 339116, 339910, 339920, 339930, 339940, 339950, 339991, 339992, 339993, 339994, 339995, 339999, 423110, 423120, 423130, 423140, 423210, 423220, 423310, 423320, 423330, 423390, 423410, 423420, 423430, 423440, 423450, 423460, 423490, 423510, 423520, 423610, 423620, 423690, 423710, 423720, 423730, 423740, 423810, 423820, 423830, 423840, 423850, 423860, 423910, 423920, 423930, 423940, 423990, 424110, 424120, 424130, 424210, 424310, 424320, 424330, 424340, 424410, 424420, 424430, 424440, 424450, 424460, 424470, 424480, 424490, 424510, 424520, 424590, 424610, 424690, 424710, 424720, 424810, 424820, 424910, 424920, 424930, 424940, 424950, 424990, 425110, 425120, 441110, 441120, 441210, 441222, 441228, 441310, 441320, 442110, 442210, 442291, 442299, 443141, 443142, 444110, 444120, 444130, 444190, 444210, 444220, 445110, 445120, 445210, 445220, 445230, 445291, 445292, 445299, 445310, 446110, 446120, 446130, 446191, 446199, 447110, 447190, 448110, 448120, 448130, 448140, 448150, 448190, 448210, 448310, 448320, 451110, 451120, 451130, 451140, 451211, 451212, 452210, 452311, 452319, 453110, 453210, 453220, 453310, 453910, 453920, 453930, 453991, 453998, 454110, 454210, 454310, 454390, 481111, 481112, 481211, 481212, 481219, 482111, 482112, 483111, 483112, 483113, 483114, 483211, 483212, 484110, 484121, 484122, 484210, 484220, 484230, 485111, 485112, 485113, 485119, 485210, 485310, 485320, 485410, 485510, 485991, 485999, 486110, 486210, 486910, 486990, 487110, 487210, 487990, 488111, 488119, 488190, 488210, 488310, 488320, 488330, 488390, 488410, 488490, 488510, 488991, 488999, 492110, 492210, 493110, 493120, 493130, 493190, 511110, 511120, 511130, 511140, 511191, 511199, 511210, 512110, 512120, 512131, 512132, 512191, 512199, 512230, 512240, 512250, 512290, 515111, 515112, 515120, 515210, 517311, 517312, 517410, 517911, 517919, 518210, 519110, 519120, 519130, 519190, 521110, 522110, 522120, 522130, 522190, 522210, 522220, 522291, 522292, 522293, 522294, 522298, 522310, 522320, 522390, 523110, 523120, 523130, 523140, 523210, 523910, 523920, 523930, 523991, 523999, 524113, 524114, 524126, 524127, 524128, 524130, 524210, 524291, 524292, 524298, 525110, 525120, 525190, 525910, 525920, 525990, 531110, 531120, 531130, 531190, 531210, 531311, 531312, 531320, 531390, 532111, 532112, 532120, 532210, 532281, 532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 532310, 532411, 532412, 532420, 532490, 533110, 541110, 541191, 541199, 541211, 541213, 541214, 541219, 541310, 541320, 541330, 541340, 541350, 541360, 541370, 541380, 541410, 541420, 541430, 541490, 541511, 541512, 541513, 541519, 541611, 541612, 541613, 541614, 541618, 541620, 541690, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 541810, 541820, 541830, 541840, 541850, 541860, 541870, 541890, 541910, 541921, 541922, 541930, 541940, 541990, 551111, 551112, 551114, 561110, 561210, 561311, 561312, 561320, 561330, 561410, 561421, 561422, 561431, 561439, 561440, 561450, 561491, 561492, 561499, 561510, 561520, 561591, 561599, 561611, 561612, 561613, 561621, 561622, 561710, 561720, 561730, 561740, 561790, 561910, 561920, 561990, 562111, 562112, 562119, 562211, 562212, 562213, 562219, 562910, 562920, 562991, 562998, 611110, 611210, 611310, 611410, 611420, 611430, 611511, 611512, 611513, 611519, 611610, 611620, 611630, 611691, 611692, 611699, 611710, 621111, 621112, 621210, 621310, 621320, 621330, 621340, 621391, 621399, 621410, 621420, 621491, 621492, 621493, 621498, 621511, 621512, 621610, 621910, 621991, 621999, 6221101, 6221102, 6222101, 6222102, 6223101, 6223102, 623110, 623210, 623220, 623311, 623312, 623990, 624110, 624120, 624190, 624210, 624221, 624229, 624230, 624310, 624410, 711110, 711120, 711130, 711190, 7112111, 7112112, 7112119, 7112121, 7112122, 7112123, 7112191, 7112192, 711310, 711320, 711410, 711510, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713110, 713120, 713210, 713290, 713910, 713920, 713930, 713940, 713950, 713990, 721110, 721120, 721191, 721199, 721211, 721214, 721310, 722310, 722320, 722330, 722410, 722511, 722513, 722514, 722515, 811111, 811112, 811113, 811118, 811121, 811122, 811191, 811192, 811198, 811211, 811212, 811213, 811219, 811310, 811411, 811412, 811420, 811430, 811490, 812111, 812112, 812113, 812191, 812199, 812210, 812220, 812310, 812320, 812331, 812332, 812910, 812921, 812922, 812930, 812990, 813110, 813211, 813212, 813219, 813311, 813312, 813319, 813410, 813910, 813920, 813930, 813940, 813990 New Establishment Physical Address: ZIP What is the ZIP Code of this added establishment? N/A PHYSLOC_ADDR_ZIP_NUM Use 5- or 9-digit ZIP Code N/A No N/A N/A N/A N/A PHYSLOC_ADDR_ZIP ZIP ZIP N/A N/A ADDR_ZIP ADDR_ZIP N/A PHYSLOC_ADDR_ZIP N/A N/A

9 AIES_PhysLoc_Addr_Zip_Num
AIES Newly Added Establishment Physical Address Zip Code
AIES Newly Added Establishment Physical Address Zip Code Response TEXT Number N/A N/A

69 New/Added Establishment Information Added Estab. Level:
ACES -Employers, ARTS, AWTS, SAS, ASM, Const., MI, select AG, Pub Admin & out of scope NAICS (i.e. the AIES universe)

113110, 113210, 113310, 114111, 114112, 114119, 114210, 115111, 115112, 115113, 115114, 115115, 115116, 115210, 115310, 211120, 211130, 211130, 212111, 212112, 212113, 212210, 212221, 212222, 212230, 212291, 212299, 212311, 212312, 212313, 212319, 212321, 212322, 212324, 212325, 212391, 212392, 212393, 212399, 213111, 213112, 213113, 213114, 213115, 221111, 221112, 221113, 221114, 221115, 221116, 221117, 221118, 221121, 221122, 221210, 221310, 221320, 221330, 236115, 236116, 236117, 236118, 236210, 236220, 237110, 237120, 237130, 237210, 237310, 237990, 238110, 238120, 238130, 238140, 238150, 238160, 238170, 238190, 238210, 238220, 238290, 238310, 238320, 238330, 238340, 238350, 238390, 238910, 238990, 311111, 311119, 311211, 311212, 311213, 311221, 311224, 311225, 311230, 311313, 311314, 311340, 311351, 311352, 311411, 311412, 311421, 311422, 311423, 311511, 311512, 311513, 311514, 311520, 311611, 311612, 311613, 311615, 311710, 311811, 311812, 311813, 311821, 311824, 311830, 311911, 311919, 311920, 311930, 311941, 311942, 311991, 311999, 312111, 312112, 312113, 312120, 312130, 312140, 312230, 313110, 313210, 313220, 313230, 313240, 313310, 313320, 314110, 314120, 314910, 314994, 314999, 315110, 315190, 315210, 315220, 315240, 315280, 315990, 316110, 316210, 316992, 316998, 321113, 321114, 321211, 321212, 321213, 321214, 321219, 321911, 321912, 321918, 321920, 321991, 321992, 321999, 322110, 322121, 322122, 322130, 322211, 322212, 322219, 322220, 322230, 322291, 322299, 323111, 323113, 323117, 323120, 324110, 324121, 324122, 324191, 324199, 325110, 325120, 325130, 325180, 325193, 325194, 325199, 325211, 325212, 325220, 325311, 325312, 325314, 325320, 325411, 325412, 325413, 325414, 325510, 325520, 325611, 325612, 325613, 325620, 325910, 325920, 325991, 325992, 325998, 326111, 326112, 326113, 326121, 326122, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160, 326191, 326199, 326211, 326212, 326220, 326291, 326299, 327110, 327120, 327211, 327212, 327213, 327215, 327310, 327320, 327331, 327332, 327390, 327410, 327420, 327910, 327991, 327992, 327993, 327999, 331110, 331210, 331221, 331222, 331313, 331314, 331315, 331318, 331410, 331420, 331491, 331492, 331511, 331512, 331513, 331523, 331524, 331529, 332111, 332112, 332114, 332117, 332119, 332215, 332216, 332311, 332312, 332313, 332321, 332322, 332323, 332410, 332420, 332431, 332439, 332510, 332613, 332618, 332710, 332721, 332722, 332811, 332812, 332813, 332911, 332912, 332913, 332919, 332991, 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996, 332999, 333111, 333112, 333120, 333131, 333132, 333241, 333242, 333243, 333244, 333249, 333314, 333316, 333318, 333413, 333414, 333415, 333511, 333514, 333515, 333517, 333519, 333611, 333612, 333613, 333618, 333912, 333914, 333921, 333922, 333923, 333924, 333991, 333992, 333993, 333994, 333995, 333996, 333997, 333999, 334111, 334112, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334412, 334413, 334416, 334417, 334418, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334512, 334513, 334514, 334515, 334516, 334517, 334519, 334613, 334614, 335110, 335121, 335122, 335129, 335210, 335220, 335311, 335312, 335313, 335314, 335911, 335912, 335921, 335929, 335931, 335932, 335991, 335999, 336111, 336112, 336120, 336211, 336212, 336213, 336214, 336310, 336320, 336330, 336340, 336350, 336360, 336370, 336390, 336411, 336412, 336413, 336414, 336415, 336419, 336510, 336611, 336612, 336991, 336992, 336999, 337110, 337121, 337122, 337124, 337125, 337127, 337211, 337212, 337214, 337215, 337910, 337920, 339112, 339113, 339114, 339115, 339116, 339910, 339920, 339930, 339940, 339950, 339991, 339992, 339993, 339994, 339995, 339999, 423110, 423120, 423130, 423140, 423210, 423220, 423310, 423320, 423330, 423390, 423410, 423420, 423430, 423440, 423450, 423460, 423490, 423510, 423520, 423610, 423620, 423690, 423710, 423720, 423730, 423740, 423810, 423820, 423830, 423840, 423850, 423860, 423910, 423920, 423930, 423940, 423990, 424110, 424120, 424130, 424210, 424310, 424320, 424330, 424340, 424410, 424420, 424430, 424440, 424450, 424460, 424470, 424480, 424490, 424510, 424520, 424590, 424610, 424690, 424710, 424720, 424810, 424820, 424910, 424920, 424930, 424940, 424950, 424990, 425110, 425120, 441110, 441120, 441210, 441222, 441228, 441310, 441320, 442110, 442210, 442291, 442299, 443141, 443142, 444110, 444120, 444130, 444190, 444210, 444220, 445110, 445120, 445210, 445220, 445230, 445291, 445292, 445299, 445310, 446110, 446120, 446130, 446191, 446199, 447110, 447190, 448110, 448120, 448130, 448140, 448150, 448190, 448210, 448310, 448320, 451110, 451120, 451130, 451140, 451211, 451212, 452210, 452311, 452319, 453110, 453210, 453220, 453310, 453910, 453920, 453930, 453991, 453998, 454110, 454210, 454310, 454390, 481111, 481112, 481211, 481212, 481219, 482111, 482112, 483111, 483112, 483113, 483114, 483211, 483212, 484110, 484121, 484122, 484210, 484220, 484230, 485111, 485112, 485113, 485119, 485210, 485310, 485320, 485410, 485510, 485991, 485999, 486110, 486210, 486910, 486990, 487110, 487210, 487990, 488111, 488119, 488190, 488210, 488310, 488320, 488330, 488390, 488410, 488490, 488510, 488991, 488999, 492110, 492210, 493110, 493120, 493130, 493190, 511110, 511120, 511130, 511140, 511191, 511199, 511210, 512110, 512120, 512131, 512132, 512191, 512199, 512230, 512240, 512250, 512290, 515111, 515112, 515120, 515210, 517311, 517312, 517410, 517911, 517919, 518210, 519110, 519120, 519130, 519190, 521110, 522110, 522120, 522130, 522190, 522210, 522220, 522291, 522292, 522293, 522294, 522298, 522310, 522320, 522390, 523110, 523120, 523130, 523140, 523210, 523910, 523920, 523930, 523991, 523999, 524113, 524114, 524126, 524127, 524128, 524130, 524210, 524291, 524292, 524298, 525110, 525120, 525190, 525910, 525920, 525990, 531110, 531120, 531130, 531190, 531210, 531311, 531312, 531320, 531390, 532111, 532112, 532120, 532210, 532281, 532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 532310, 532411, 532412, 532420, 532490, 533110, 541110, 541191, 541199, 541211, 541213, 541214, 541219, 541310, 541320, 541330, 541340, 541350, 541360, 541370, 541380, 541410, 541420, 541430, 541490, 541511, 541512, 541513, 541519, 541611, 541612, 541613, 541614, 541618, 541620, 541690, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 541810, 541820, 541830, 541840, 541850, 541860, 541870, 541890, 541910, 541921, 541922, 541930, 541940, 541990, 551111, 551112, 551114, 561110, 561210, 561311, 561312, 561320, 561330, 561410, 561421, 561422, 561431, 561439, 561440, 561450, 561491, 561492, 561499, 561510, 561520, 561591, 561599, 561611, 561612, 561613, 561621, 561622, 561710, 561720, 561730, 561740, 561790, 561910, 561920, 561990, 562111, 562112, 562119, 562211, 562212, 562213, 562219, 562910, 562920, 562991, 562998, 611110, 611210, 611310, 611410, 611420, 611430, 611511, 611512, 611513, 611519, 611610, 611620, 611630, 611691, 611692, 611699, 611710, 621111, 621112, 621210, 621310, 621320, 621330, 621340, 621391, 621399, 621410, 621420, 621491, 621492, 621493, 621498, 621511, 621512, 621610, 621910, 621991, 621999, 6221101, 6221102, 6222101, 6222102, 6223101, 6223102, 623110, 623210, 623220, 623311, 623312, 623990, 624110, 624120, 624190, 624210, 624221, 624229, 624230, 624310, 624410, 711110, 711120, 711130, 711190, 7112111, 7112112, 7112119, 7112121, 7112122, 7112123, 7112191, 7112192, 711310, 711320, 711410, 711510, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713110, 713120, 713210, 713290, 713910, 713920, 713930, 713940, 713950, 713990, 721110, 721120, 721191, 721199, 721211, 721214, 721310, 722310, 722320, 722330, 722410, 722511, 722513, 722514, 722515, 811111, 811112, 811113, 811118, 811121, 811122, 811191, 811192, 811198, 811211, 811212, 811213, 811219, 811310, 811411, 811412, 811420, 811430, 811490, 812111, 812112, 812113, 812191, 812199, 812210, 812220, 812310, 812320, 812331, 812332, 812910, 812921, 812922, 812930, 812990, 813110, 813211, 813212, 813219, 813311, 813312, 813319, 813410, 813910, 813920, 813930, 813940, 813990 New Establishment: EIN What is the Employer Identification Number (EIN) of this added establishment? N/A EIN_NUM Enter 9-digit EIN N/A No N/A N/A N/A N/A EIN_NUM EIN EIN N/A N/A EIN_NUM EIN_NUM N/A EIN_NUM N/A N/A

AIES Newly Added Establishment EIN
AIES Newly Added Establishment EIN Response TEXT EIN N/A N/A

70 Tax Status Added Estab. Level:
ACES -Employers, ARTS, AWTS, SAS, ASM, Const., MI, select AG, Pub Admin & out of scope NAICS (i.e. the AIES universe)
Prelisted Estab. Level:
Select SAS (NAICS that can be tax-exempt from forms SA-54011E, SA-54170E, SA-61000, SA-62000, SA-62190, SA-62200, SA-62300, SA-62400E, SA-71002E, SA-71110E, SA-81300)

519120, 519130, 519190, 521110, 522110, 522120, 522130, 522190, 522210, 522220, 522291, 522292, 522293, 522294, 522298, 522310, 541110, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 611410, 611420, 611430, 611511, 611512, 611513, 611519, 611610, 611620, 611630, 611691, 611692, 611699, 611710, 621410, 621420, 621491, 621492, 621493, 621498, 621610, 621910, 621991, 621999, 6221101, 6221102, 6222101, 6222102, 6223101, 6223102, 623110, 623210, 623220, 623311, 623312, 623990, 624110, 624120, 624190, 624210, 624221, 624229, 624230, 624310, 624410, 711110, 711120, 711130, 711190, 711310, 711320, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713910, 713940, 713990, 813211, 813212, 813219, 813311, 813312, 813319, 813410, 813910, 813920, 813990 113110, 113210, 113310, 114111, 114112, 114119, 114210, 115111, 115112, 115113, 115114, 115115, 115116, 115210, 115310, 211120, 211130, 211130, 212111, 212112, 212113, 212210, 212221, 212222, 212230, 212291, 212299, 212311, 212312, 212313, 212319, 212321, 212322, 212324, 212325, 212391, 212392, 212393, 212399, 213111, 213112, 213113, 213114, 213115, 221111, 221112, 221113, 221114, 221115, 221116, 221117, 221118, 221121, 221122, 221210, 221310, 221320, 221330, 236115, 236116, 236117, 236118, 236210, 236220, 237110, 237120, 237130, 237210, 237310, 237990, 238110, 238120, 238130, 238140, 238150, 238160, 238170, 238190, 238210, 238220, 238290, 238310, 238320, 238330, 238340, 238350, 238390, 238910, 238990, 311111, 311119, 311211, 311212, 311213, 311221, 311224, 311225, 311230, 311313, 311314, 311340, 311351, 311352, 311411, 311412, 311421, 311422, 311423, 311511, 311512, 311513, 311514, 311520, 311611, 311612, 311613, 311615, 311710, 311811, 311812, 311813, 311821, 311824, 311830, 311911, 311919, 311920, 311930, 311941, 311942, 311991, 311999, 312111, 312112, 312113, 312120, 312130, 312140, 312230, 313110, 313210, 313220, 313230, 313240, 313310, 313320, 314110, 314120, 314910, 314994, 314999, 315110, 315190, 315210, 315220, 315240, 315280, 315990, 316110, 316210, 316992, 316998, 321113, 321114, 321211, 321212, 321213, 321214, 321219, 321911, 321912, 321918, 321920, 321991, 321992, 321999, 322110, 322121, 322122, 322130, 322211, 322212, 322219, 322220, 322230, 322291, 322299, 323111, 323113, 323117, 323120, 324110, 324121, 324122, 324191, 324199, 325110, 325120, 325130, 325180, 325193, 325194, 325199, 325211, 325212, 325220, 325311, 325312, 325314, 325320, 325411, 325412, 325413, 325414, 325510, 325520, 325611, 325612, 325613, 325620, 325910, 325920, 325991, 325992, 325998, 326111, 326112, 326113, 326121, 326122, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160, 326191, 326199, 326211, 326212, 326220, 326291, 326299, 327110, 327120, 327211, 327212, 327213, 327215, 327310, 327320, 327331, 327332, 327390, 327410, 327420, 327910, 327991, 327992, 327993, 327999, 331110, 331210, 331221, 331222, 331313, 331314, 331315, 331318, 331410, 331420, 331491, 331492, 331511, 331512, 331513, 331523, 331524, 331529, 332111, 332112, 332114, 332117, 332119, 332215, 332216, 332311, 332312, 332313, 332321, 332322, 332323, 332410, 332420, 332431, 332439, 332510, 332613, 332618, 332710, 332721, 332722, 332811, 332812, 332813, 332911, 332912, 332913, 332919, 332991, 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996, 332999, 333111, 333112, 333120, 333131, 333132, 333241, 333242, 333243, 333244, 333249, 333314, 333316, 333318, 333413, 333414, 333415, 333511, 333514, 333515, 333517, 333519, 333611, 333612, 333613, 333618, 333912, 333914, 333921, 333922, 333923, 333924, 333991, 333992, 333993, 333994, 333995, 333996, 333997, 333999, 334111, 334112, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334412, 334413, 334416, 334417, 334418, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334512, 334513, 334514, 334515, 334516, 334517, 334519, 334613, 334614, 335110, 335121, 335122, 335129, 335210, 335220, 335311, 335312, 335313, 335314, 335911, 335912, 335921, 335929, 335931, 335932, 335991, 335999, 336111, 336112, 336120, 336211, 336212, 336213, 336214, 336310, 336320, 336330, 336340, 336350, 336360, 336370, 336390, 336411, 336412, 336413, 336414, 336415, 336419, 336510, 336611, 336612, 336991, 336992, 336999, 337110, 337121, 337122, 337124, 337125, 337127, 337211, 337212, 337214, 337215, 337910, 337920, 339112, 339113, 339114, 339115, 339116, 339910, 339920, 339930, 339940, 339950, 339991, 339992, 339993, 339994, 339995, 339999, 423110, 423120, 423130, 423140, 423210, 423220, 423310, 423320, 423330, 423390, 423410, 423420, 423430, 423440, 423450, 423460, 423490, 423510, 423520, 423610, 423620, 423690, 423710, 423720, 423730, 423740, 423810, 423820, 423830, 423840, 423850, 423860, 423910, 423920, 423930, 423940, 423990, 424110, 424120, 424130, 424210, 424310, 424320, 424330, 424340, 424410, 424420, 424430, 424440, 424450, 424460, 424470, 424480, 424490, 424510, 424520, 424590, 424610, 424690, 424710, 424720, 424810, 424820, 424910, 424920, 424930, 424940, 424950, 424990, 425110, 425120, 441110, 441120, 441210, 441222, 441228, 441310, 441320, 442110, 442210, 442291, 442299, 443141, 443142, 444110, 444120, 444130, 444190, 444210, 444220, 445110, 445120, 445210, 445220, 445230, 445291, 445292, 445299, 445310, 446110, 446120, 446130, 446191, 446199, 447110, 447190, 448110, 448120, 448130, 448140, 448150, 448190, 448210, 448310, 448320, 451110, 451120, 451130, 451140, 451211, 451212, 452210, 452311, 452319, 453110, 453210, 453220, 453310, 453910, 453920, 453930, 453991, 453998, 454110, 454210, 454310, 454390, 481111, 481112, 481211, 481212, 481219, 482111, 482112, 483111, 483112, 483113, 483114, 483211, 483212, 484110, 484121, 484122, 484210, 484220, 484230, 485111, 485112, 485113, 485119, 485210, 485310, 485320, 485410, 485510, 485991, 485999, 486110, 486210, 486910, 486990, 487110, 487210, 487990, 488111, 488119, 488190, 488210, 488310, 488320, 488330, 488390, 488410, 488490, 488510, 488991, 488999, 492110, 492210, 493110, 493120, 493130, 493190, 511110, 511120, 511130, 511140, 511191, 511199, 511210, 512110, 512120, 512131, 512132, 512191, 512199, 512230, 512240, 512250, 512290, 515111, 515112, 515120, 515210, 517311, 517312, 517410, 517911, 517919, 518210, 519110, 519120, 519130, 519190, 521110, 522110, 522120, 522130, 522190, 522210, 522220, 522291, 522292, 522293, 522294, 522298, 522310, 522320, 522390, 523110, 523120, 523130, 523140, 523210, 523910, 523920, 523930, 523991, 523999, 524113, 524114, 524126, 524127, 524128, 524130, 524210, 524291, 524292, 524298, 525110, 525120, 525190, 525910, 525920, 525990, 531110, 531120, 531130, 531190, 531210, 531311, 531312, 531320, 531390, 532111, 532112, 532120, 532210, 532281, 532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 532310, 532411, 532412, 532420, 532490, 533110, 541110, 541191, 541199, 541211, 541213, 541214, 541219, 541310, 541320, 541330, 541340, 541350, 541360, 541370, 541380, 541410, 541420, 541430, 541490, 541511, 541512, 541513, 541519, 541611, 541612, 541613, 541614, 541618, 541620, 541690, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 541810, 541820, 541830, 541840, 541850, 541860, 541870, 541890, 541910, 541921, 541922, 541930, 541940, 541990, 551111, 551112, 551114, 561110, 561210, 561311, 561312, 561320, 561330, 561410, 561421, 561422, 561431, 561439, 561440, 561450, 561491, 561492, 561499, 561510, 561520, 561591, 561599, 561611, 561612, 561613, 561621, 561622, 561710, 561720, 561730, 561740, 561790, 561910, 561920, 561990, 562111, 562112, 562119, 562211, 562212, 562213, 562219, 562910, 562920, 562991, 562998, 611110, 611210, 611310, 611410, 611420, 611430, 611511, 611512, 611513, 611519, 611610, 611620, 611630, 611691, 611692, 611699, 611710, 621111, 621112, 621210, 621310, 621320, 621330, 621340, 621391, 621399, 621410, 621420, 621491, 621492, 621493, 621498, 621511, 621512, 621610, 621910, 621991, 621999, 6221101, 6221102, 6222101, 6222102, 6223101, 6223102, 623110, 623210, 623220, 623311, 623312, 623990, 624110, 624120, 624190, 624210, 624221, 624229, 624230, 624310, 624410, 711110, 711120, 711130, 711190, 7112111, 7112112, 7112119, 7112121, 7112122, 7112123, 7112191, 7112192, 711310, 711320, 711410, 711510, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713110, 713120, 713210, 713290, 713910, 713920, 713930, 713940, 713950, 713990, 721110, 721120, 721191, 721199, 721211, 721214, 721310, 722310, 722320, 722330, 722410, 722511, 722513, 722514, 722515, 811111, 811112, 811113, 811118, 811121, 811122, 811191, 811192, 811198, 811211, 811212, 811213, 811219, 811310, 811411, 811412, 811420, 811430, 811490, 812111, 812112, 812113, 812191, 812199, 812210, 812220, 812310, 812320, 812331, 812332, 812910, 812921, 812922, 812930, 812990, 813110, 813211, 813212, 813219, 813311, 813312, 813319, 813410, 813910, 813920, 813930, 813940, 813990 Tax Status Is this establishment operated on a not-for-profit basis? N/A NONPROFT_STAT 1= Yes
2= No
N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A SAS_0031_1

AIES Nonprofit Status
AIES Nonprofit Status Response RADIOBUTTON RADIOBUTTON Yes equals 1 or No equals 2 RADIOBUTTON

71 Tax Status Added Estab. Level:
ACES -Employers, ARTS, AWTS, SAS, ASM, Const., MI, select AG, Pub Admin & out of scope NAICS (i.e. the AIES universe)
Prelisted Estab. Level:
Select SAS (NAICS that can be tax-exempt from forms SA-54011E, SA-54170E, SA-61000, SA-62000, SA-62190, SA-62200, SA-62300, SA-62400E, SA-71002E, SA-71110E, SA-81300)

519120, 519130, 519190, 521110, 522110, 522120, 522130, 522190, 522210, 522220, 522291, 522292, 522293, 522294, 522298, 522310, 541110, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 611410, 611420, 611430, 611511, 611512, 611513, 611519, 611610, 611620, 611630, 611691, 611692, 611699, 611710, 621410, 621420, 621491, 621492, 621493, 621498, 621610, 621910, 621991, 621999, 6221101, 6221102, 6222101, 6222102, 6223101, 6223102, 623110, 623210, 623220, 623311, 623312, 623990, 624110, 624120, 624190, 624210, 624221, 624229, 624230, 624310, 624410, 711110, 711120, 711130, 711190, 711310, 711320, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713910, 713940, 713990, 813211, 813212, 813219, 813311, 813312, 813319, 813410, 813910, 813920, 813990 113110, 113210, 113310, 114111, 114112, 114119, 114210, 115111, 115112, 115113, 115114, 115115, 115116, 115210, 115310, 211120, 211130, 211130, 212111, 212112, 212113, 212210, 212221, 212222, 212230, 212291, 212299, 212311, 212312, 212313, 212319, 212321, 212322, 212324, 212325, 212391, 212392, 212393, 212399, 213111, 213112, 213113, 213114, 213115, 221111, 221112, 221113, 221114, 221115, 221116, 221117, 221118, 221121, 221122, 221210, 221310, 221320, 221330, 236115, 236116, 236117, 236118, 236210, 236220, 237110, 237120, 237130, 237210, 237310, 237990, 238110, 238120, 238130, 238140, 238150, 238160, 238170, 238190, 238210, 238220, 238290, 238310, 238320, 238330, 238340, 238350, 238390, 238910, 238990, 311111, 311119, 311211, 311212, 311213, 311221, 311224, 311225, 311230, 311313, 311314, 311340, 311351, 311352, 311411, 311412, 311421, 311422, 311423, 311511, 311512, 311513, 311514, 311520, 311611, 311612, 311613, 311615, 311710, 311811, 311812, 311813, 311821, 311824, 311830, 311911, 311919, 311920, 311930, 311941, 311942, 311991, 311999, 312111, 312112, 312113, 312120, 312130, 312140, 312230, 313110, 313210, 313220, 313230, 313240, 313310, 313320, 314110, 314120, 314910, 314994, 314999, 315110, 315190, 315210, 315220, 315240, 315280, 315990, 316110, 316210, 316992, 316998, 321113, 321114, 321211, 321212, 321213, 321214, 321219, 321911, 321912, 321918, 321920, 321991, 321992, 321999, 322110, 322121, 322122, 322130, 322211, 322212, 322219, 322220, 322230, 322291, 322299, 323111, 323113, 323117, 323120, 324110, 324121, 324122, 324191, 324199, 325110, 325120, 325130, 325180, 325193, 325194, 325199, 325211, 325212, 325220, 325311, 325312, 325314, 325320, 325411, 325412, 325413, 325414, 325510, 325520, 325611, 325612, 325613, 325620, 325910, 325920, 325991, 325992, 325998, 326111, 326112, 326113, 326121, 326122, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160, 326191, 326199, 326211, 326212, 326220, 326291, 326299, 327110, 327120, 327211, 327212, 327213, 327215, 327310, 327320, 327331, 327332, 327390, 327410, 327420, 327910, 327991, 327992, 327993, 327999, 331110, 331210, 331221, 331222, 331313, 331314, 331315, 331318, 331410, 331420, 331491, 331492, 331511, 331512, 331513, 331523, 331524, 331529, 332111, 332112, 332114, 332117, 332119, 332215, 332216, 332311, 332312, 332313, 332321, 332322, 332323, 332410, 332420, 332431, 332439, 332510, 332613, 332618, 332710, 332721, 332722, 332811, 332812, 332813, 332911, 332912, 332913, 332919, 332991, 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996, 332999, 333111, 333112, 333120, 333131, 333132, 333241, 333242, 333243, 333244, 333249, 333314, 333316, 333318, 333413, 333414, 333415, 333511, 333514, 333515, 333517, 333519, 333611, 333612, 333613, 333618, 333912, 333914, 333921, 333922, 333923, 333924, 333991, 333992, 333993, 333994, 333995, 333996, 333997, 333999, 334111, 334112, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334412, 334413, 334416, 334417, 334418, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334512, 334513, 334514, 334515, 334516, 334517, 334519, 334613, 334614, 335110, 335121, 335122, 335129, 335210, 335220, 335311, 335312, 335313, 335314, 335911, 335912, 335921, 335929, 335931, 335932, 335991, 335999, 336111, 336112, 336120, 336211, 336212, 336213, 336214, 336310, 336320, 336330, 336340, 336350, 336360, 336370, 336390, 336411, 336412, 336413, 336414, 336415, 336419, 336510, 336611, 336612, 336991, 336992, 336999, 337110, 337121, 337122, 337124, 337125, 337127, 337211, 337212, 337214, 337215, 337910, 337920, 339112, 339113, 339114, 339115, 339116, 339910, 339920, 339930, 339940, 339950, 339991, 339992, 339993, 339994, 339995, 339999, 423110, 423120, 423130, 423140, 423210, 423220, 423310, 423320, 423330, 423390, 423410, 423420, 423430, 423440, 423450, 423460, 423490, 423510, 423520, 423610, 423620, 423690, 423710, 423720, 423730, 423740, 423810, 423820, 423830, 423840, 423850, 423860, 423910, 423920, 423930, 423940, 423990, 424110, 424120, 424130, 424210, 424310, 424320, 424330, 424340, 424410, 424420, 424430, 424440, 424450, 424460, 424470, 424480, 424490, 424510, 424520, 424590, 424610, 424690, 424710, 424720, 424810, 424820, 424910, 424920, 424930, 424940, 424950, 424990, 425110, 425120, 441110, 441120, 441210, 441222, 441228, 441310, 441320, 442110, 442210, 442291, 442299, 443141, 443142, 444110, 444120, 444130, 444190, 444210, 444220, 445110, 445120, 445210, 445220, 445230, 445291, 445292, 445299, 445310, 446110, 446120, 446130, 446191, 446199, 447110, 447190, 448110, 448120, 448130, 448140, 448150, 448190, 448210, 448310, 448320, 451110, 451120, 451130, 451140, 451211, 451212, 452210, 452311, 452319, 453110, 453210, 453220, 453310, 453910, 453920, 453930, 453991, 453998, 454110, 454210, 454310, 454390, 481111, 481112, 481211, 481212, 481219, 482111, 482112, 483111, 483112, 483113, 483114, 483211, 483212, 484110, 484121, 484122, 484210, 484220, 484230, 485111, 485112, 485113, 485119, 485210, 485310, 485320, 485410, 485510, 485991, 485999, 486110, 486210, 486910, 486990, 487110, 487210, 487990, 488111, 488119, 488190, 488210, 488310, 488320, 488330, 488390, 488410, 488490, 488510, 488991, 488999, 492110, 492210, 493110, 493120, 493130, 493190, 511110, 511120, 511130, 511140, 511191, 511199, 511210, 512110, 512120, 512131, 512132, 512191, 512199, 512230, 512240, 512250, 512290, 515111, 515112, 515120, 515210, 517311, 517312, 517410, 517911, 517919, 518210, 519110, 519120, 519130, 519190, 521110, 522110, 522120, 522130, 522190, 522210, 522220, 522291, 522292, 522293, 522294, 522298, 522310, 522320, 522390, 523110, 523120, 523130, 523140, 523210, 523910, 523920, 523930, 523991, 523999, 524113, 524114, 524126, 524127, 524128, 524130, 524210, 524291, 524292, 524298, 525110, 525120, 525190, 525910, 525920, 525990, 531110, 531120, 531130, 531190, 531210, 531311, 531312, 531320, 531390, 532111, 532112, 532120, 532210, 532281, 532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 532310, 532411, 532412, 532420, 532490, 533110, 541110, 541191, 541199, 541211, 541213, 541214, 541219, 541310, 541320, 541330, 541340, 541350, 541360, 541370, 541380, 541410, 541420, 541430, 541490, 541511, 541512, 541513, 541519, 541611, 541612, 541613, 541614, 541618, 541620, 541690, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 541810, 541820, 541830, 541840, 541850, 541860, 541870, 541890, 541910, 541921, 541922, 541930, 541940, 541990, 551111, 551112, 551114, 561110, 561210, 561311, 561312, 561320, 561330, 561410, 561421, 561422, 561431, 561439, 561440, 561450, 561491, 561492, 561499, 561510, 561520, 561591, 561599, 561611, 561612, 561613, 561621, 561622, 561710, 561720, 561730, 561740, 561790, 561910, 561920, 561990, 562111, 562112, 562119, 562211, 562212, 562213, 562219, 562910, 562920, 562991, 562998, 611110, 611210, 611310, 611410, 611420, 611430, 611511, 611512, 611513, 611519, 611610, 611620, 611630, 611691, 611692, 611699, 611710, 621111, 621112, 621210, 621310, 621320, 621330, 621340, 621391, 621399, 621410, 621420, 621491, 621492, 621493, 621498, 621511, 621512, 621610, 621910, 621991, 621999, 6221101, 6221102, 6222101, 6222102, 6223101, 6223102, 623110, 623210, 623220, 623311, 623312, 623990, 624110, 624120, 624190, 624210, 624221, 624229, 624230, 624310, 624410, 711110, 711120, 711130, 711190, 7112111, 7112112, 7112119, 7112121, 7112122, 7112123, 7112191, 7112192, 711310, 711320, 711410, 711510, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713110, 713120, 713210, 713290, 713910, 713920, 713930, 713940, 713950, 713990, 721110, 721120, 721191, 721199, 721211, 721214, 721310, 722310, 722320, 722330, 722410, 722511, 722513, 722514, 722515, 811111, 811112, 811113, 811118, 811121, 811122, 811191, 811192, 811198, 811211, 811212, 811213, 811219, 811310, 811411, 811412, 811420, 811430, 811490, 812111, 812112, 812113, 812191, 812199, 812210, 812220, 812310, 812320, 812331, 812332, 812910, 812921, 812922, 812930, 812990, 813110, 813211, 813212, 813219, 813311, 813312, 813319, 813410, 813910, 813920, 813930, 813940, 813990 Tax Status: Exempt Income Status Was all or part of the income of this establishment exempt from federal income taxes under section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code? N/A TAX_EXEMPT_STAT 1= Yes
2= No
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A SAS_0030_1
(sectors 61, 62, 54)



1 AIES_Tax_Exempt_Status AIES Tax
Exempt Income Status
Exempt Income Status
Exempt Income Status Response

72 Line of Business Added Estab. Level:
ACES -Employers, ARTS, AWTS, SAS, ASM, Const., MI, select AG, Pub Admin & out of scope NAICS (i.e. the AIES universe)

113110, 113210, 113310, 114111, 114112, 114119, 114210, 115111, 115112, 115113, 115114, 115115, 115116, 115210, 115310, 211120, 211130, 211130, 212111, 212112, 212113, 212210, 212221, 212222, 212230, 212291, 212299, 212311, 212312, 212313, 212319, 212321, 212322, 212324, 212325, 212391, 212392, 212393, 212399, 213111, 213112, 213113, 213114, 213115, 221111, 221112, 221113, 221114, 221115, 221116, 221117, 221118, 221121, 221122, 221210, 221310, 221320, 221330, 236115, 236116, 236117, 236118, 236210, 236220, 237110, 237120, 237130, 237210, 237310, 237990, 238110, 238120, 238130, 238140, 238150, 238160, 238170, 238190, 238210, 238220, 238290, 238310, 238320, 238330, 238340, 238350, 238390, 238910, 238990, 311111, 311119, 311211, 311212, 311213, 311221, 311224, 311225, 311230, 311313, 311314, 311340, 311351, 311352, 311411, 311412, 311421, 311422, 311423, 311511, 311512, 311513, 311514, 311520, 311611, 311612, 311613, 311615, 311710, 311811, 311812, 311813, 311821, 311824, 311830, 311911, 311919, 311920, 311930, 311941, 311942, 311991, 311999, 312111, 312112, 312113, 312120, 312130, 312140, 312230, 313110, 313210, 313220, 313230, 313240, 313310, 313320, 314110, 314120, 314910, 314994, 314999, 315110, 315190, 315210, 315220, 315240, 315280, 315990, 316110, 316210, 316992, 316998, 321113, 321114, 321211, 321212, 321213, 321214, 321219, 321911, 321912, 321918, 321920, 321991, 321992, 321999, 322110, 322121, 322122, 322130, 322211, 322212, 322219, 322220, 322230, 322291, 322299, 323111, 323113, 323117, 323120, 324110, 324121, 324122, 324191, 324199, 325110, 325120, 325130, 325180, 325193, 325194, 325199, 325211, 325212, 325220, 325311, 325312, 325314, 325320, 325411, 325412, 325413, 325414, 325510, 325520, 325611, 325612, 325613, 325620, 325910, 325920, 325991, 325992, 325998, 326111, 326112, 326113, 326121, 326122, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160, 326191, 326199, 326211, 326212, 326220, 326291, 326299, 327110, 327120, 327211, 327212, 327213, 327215, 327310, 327320, 327331, 327332, 327390, 327410, 327420, 327910, 327991, 327992, 327993, 327999, 331110, 331210, 331221, 331222, 331313, 331314, 331315, 331318, 331410, 331420, 331491, 331492, 331511, 331512, 331513, 331523, 331524, 331529, 332111, 332112, 332114, 332117, 332119, 332215, 332216, 332311, 332312, 332313, 332321, 332322, 332323, 332410, 332420, 332431, 332439, 332510, 332613, 332618, 332710, 332721, 332722, 332811, 332812, 332813, 332911, 332912, 332913, 332919, 332991, 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996, 332999, 333111, 333112, 333120, 333131, 333132, 333241, 333242, 333243, 333244, 333249, 333314, 333316, 333318, 333413, 333414, 333415, 333511, 333514, 333515, 333517, 333519, 333611, 333612, 333613, 333618, 333912, 333914, 333921, 333922, 333923, 333924, 333991, 333992, 333993, 333994, 333995, 333996, 333997, 333999, 334111, 334112, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334412, 334413, 334416, 334417, 334418, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334512, 334513, 334514, 334515, 334516, 334517, 334519, 334613, 334614, 335110, 335121, 335122, 335129, 335210, 335220, 335311, 335312, 335313, 335314, 335911, 335912, 335921, 335929, 335931, 335932, 335991, 335999, 336111, 336112, 336120, 336211, 336212, 336213, 336214, 336310, 336320, 336330, 336340, 336350, 336360, 336370, 336390, 336411, 336412, 336413, 336414, 336415, 336419, 336510, 336611, 336612, 336991, 336992, 336999, 337110, 337121, 337122, 337124, 337125, 337127, 337211, 337212, 337214, 337215, 337910, 337920, 339112, 339113, 339114, 339115, 339116, 339910, 339920, 339930, 339940, 339950, 339991, 339992, 339993, 339994, 339995, 339999, 423110, 423120, 423130, 423140, 423210, 423220, 423310, 423320, 423330, 423390, 423410, 423420, 423430, 423440, 423450, 423460, 423490, 423510, 423520, 423610, 423620, 423690, 423710, 423720, 423730, 423740, 423810, 423820, 423830, 423840, 423850, 423860, 423910, 423920, 423930, 423940, 423990, 424110, 424120, 424130, 424210, 424310, 424320, 424330, 424340, 424410, 424420, 424430, 424440, 424450, 424460, 424470, 424480, 424490, 424510, 424520, 424590, 424610, 424690, 424710, 424720, 424810, 424820, 424910, 424920, 424930, 424940, 424950, 424990, 425110, 425120, 441110, 441120, 441210, 441222, 441228, 441310, 441320, 442110, 442210, 442291, 442299, 443141, 443142, 444110, 444120, 444130, 444190, 444210, 444220, 445110, 445120, 445210, 445220, 445230, 445291, 445292, 445299, 445310, 446110, 446120, 446130, 446191, 446199, 447110, 447190, 448110, 448120, 448130, 448140, 448150, 448190, 448210, 448310, 448320, 451110, 451120, 451130, 451140, 451211, 451212, 452210, 452311, 452319, 453110, 453210, 453220, 453310, 453910, 453920, 453930, 453991, 453998, 454110, 454210, 454310, 454390, 481111, 481112, 481211, 481212, 481219, 482111, 482112, 483111, 483112, 483113, 483114, 483211, 483212, 484110, 484121, 484122, 484210, 484220, 484230, 485111, 485112, 485113, 485119, 485210, 485310, 485320, 485410, 485510, 485991, 485999, 486110, 486210, 486910, 486990, 487110, 487210, 487990, 488111, 488119, 488190, 488210, 488310, 488320, 488330, 488390, 488410, 488490, 488510, 488991, 488999, 492110, 492210, 493110, 493120, 493130, 493190, 511110, 511120, 511130, 511140, 511191, 511199, 511210, 512110, 512120, 512131, 512132, 512191, 512199, 512230, 512240, 512250, 512290, 515111, 515112, 515120, 515210, 517311, 517312, 517410, 517911, 517919, 518210, 519110, 519120, 519130, 519190, 521110, 522110, 522120, 522130, 522190, 522210, 522220, 522291, 522292, 522293, 522294, 522298, 522310, 522320, 522390, 523110, 523120, 523130, 523140, 523210, 523910, 523920, 523930, 523991, 523999, 524113, 524114, 524126, 524127, 524128, 524130, 524210, 524291, 524292, 524298, 525110, 525120, 525190, 525910, 525920, 525990, 531110, 531120, 531130, 531190, 531210, 531311, 531312, 531320, 531390, 532111, 532112, 532120, 532210, 532281, 532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 532310, 532411, 532412, 532420, 532490, 533110, 541110, 541191, 541199, 541211, 541213, 541214, 541219, 541310, 541320, 541330, 541340, 541350, 541360, 541370, 541380, 541410, 541420, 541430, 541490, 541511, 541512, 541513, 541519, 541611, 541612, 541613, 541614, 541618, 541620, 541690, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 541810, 541820, 541830, 541840, 541850, 541860, 541870, 541890, 541910, 541921, 541922, 541930, 541940, 541990, 551111, 551112, 551114, 561110, 561210, 561311, 561312, 561320, 561330, 561410, 561421, 561422, 561431, 561439, 561440, 561450, 561491, 561492, 561499, 561510, 561520, 561591, 561599, 561611, 561612, 561613, 561621, 561622, 561710, 561720, 561730, 561740, 561790, 561910, 561920, 561990, 562111, 562112, 562119, 562211, 562212, 562213, 562219, 562910, 562920, 562991, 562998, 611110, 611210, 611310, 611410, 611420, 611430, 611511, 611512, 611513, 611519, 611610, 611620, 611630, 611691, 611692, 611699, 611710, 621111, 621112, 621210, 621310, 621320, 621330, 621340, 621391, 621399, 621410, 621420, 621491, 621492, 621493, 621498, 621511, 621512, 621610, 621910, 621991, 621999, 6221101, 6221102, 6222101, 6222102, 6223101, 6223102, 623110, 623210, 623220, 623311, 623312, 623990, 624110, 624120, 624190, 624210, 624221, 624229, 624230, 624310, 624410, 711110, 711120, 711130, 711190, 7112111, 7112112, 7112119, 7112121, 7112122, 7112123, 7112191, 7112192, 711310, 711320, 711410, 711510, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713110, 713120, 713210, 713290, 713910, 713920, 713930, 713940, 713950, 713990, 721110, 721120, 721191, 721199, 721211, 721214, 721310, 722310, 722320, 722330, 722410, 722511, 722513, 722514, 722515, 811111, 811112, 811113, 811118, 811121, 811122, 811191, 811192, 811198, 811211, 811212, 811213, 811219, 811310, 811411, 811412, 811420, 811430, 811490, 812111, 812112, 812113, 812191, 812199, 812210, 812220, 812310, 812320, 812331, 812332, 812910, 812921, 812922, 812930, 812990, 813110, 813211, 813212, 813219, 813311, 813312, 813319, 813410, 813910, 813920, 813930, 813940, 813990 Major Activity Code Select the Activity Code that best describes the activity of this establishment. 01 - Agricultural production
02 - Agricultural services
03 - Minerals extraction/ore processing
04 - Mining services/oil and gas fiels services
05 - Utilities
06 - Construction
07 - Manufacturing
08 - Merchant wholesaler
09 - Commission merchant/broker/agent/electronic marketer (business to business)
10 - Manufacturers' sale branch/manufacturers' sales office
11 - Retail
12 - Transportation/public warehousing
13 - Information services/publishing/telecommunications
14 - Finance/insurance
15 - Real estate/renting/leasing
16 - Professional/scientific/technical services
17 - Waste management/remediation service/administrative/support services
18 - Educational services
19 - Health care
20 - Social assistance
21 - Arts/entertainment/recreation
22 - Accommodation/food service
23 - Corporate/subsidiary/regional/managing office
24 - Other
MAJOR_ACT_CODE_STAT numeric 2-digit activity code

dropdown list, or radio buttons

2 AIES_Major_Activity_Code
AIES Major Activity Code AIES Major Activity Code Response AIES Major Activity Code Response DROPDOWN DROPDOWN Numeric 2-digit Activity Code DROPDOWN

73 Line of Business Added Estab. Level:
ACES -Employers, ARTS, AWTS, SAS, ASM, Const., MI, select AG, Pub Admin & out of scope NAICS (i.e. the AIES universe)

113110, 113210, 113310, 114111, 114112, 114119, 114210, 115111, 115112, 115113, 115114, 115115, 115116, 115210, 115310, 211120, 211130, 211130, 212111, 212112, 212113, 212210, 212221, 212222, 212230, 212291, 212299, 212311, 212312, 212313, 212319, 212321, 212322, 212324, 212325, 212391, 212392, 212393, 212399, 213111, 213112, 213113, 213114, 213115, 221111, 221112, 221113, 221114, 221115, 221116, 221117, 221118, 221121, 221122, 221210, 221310, 221320, 221330, 236115, 236116, 236117, 236118, 236210, 236220, 237110, 237120, 237130, 237210, 237310, 237990, 238110, 238120, 238130, 238140, 238150, 238160, 238170, 238190, 238210, 238220, 238290, 238310, 238320, 238330, 238340, 238350, 238390, 238910, 238990, 311111, 311119, 311211, 311212, 311213, 311221, 311224, 311225, 311230, 311313, 311314, 311340, 311351, 311352, 311411, 311412, 311421, 311422, 311423, 311511, 311512, 311513, 311514, 311520, 311611, 311612, 311613, 311615, 311710, 311811, 311812, 311813, 311821, 311824, 311830, 311911, 311919, 311920, 311930, 311941, 311942, 311991, 311999, 312111, 312112, 312113, 312120, 312130, 312140, 312230, 313110, 313210, 313220, 313230, 313240, 313310, 313320, 314110, 314120, 314910, 314994, 314999, 315110, 315190, 315210, 315220, 315240, 315280, 315990, 316110, 316210, 316992, 316998, 321113, 321114, 321211, 321212, 321213, 321214, 321219, 321911, 321912, 321918, 321920, 321991, 321992, 321999, 322110, 322121, 322122, 322130, 322211, 322212, 322219, 322220, 322230, 322291, 322299, 323111, 323113, 323117, 323120, 324110, 324121, 324122, 324191, 324199, 325110, 325120, 325130, 325180, 325193, 325194, 325199, 325211, 325212, 325220, 325311, 325312, 325314, 325320, 325411, 325412, 325413, 325414, 325510, 325520, 325611, 325612, 325613, 325620, 325910, 325920, 325991, 325992, 325998, 326111, 326112, 326113, 326121, 326122, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160, 326191, 326199, 326211, 326212, 326220, 326291, 326299, 327110, 327120, 327211, 327212, 327213, 327215, 327310, 327320, 327331, 327332, 327390, 327410, 327420, 327910, 327991, 327992, 327993, 327999, 331110, 331210, 331221, 331222, 331313, 331314, 331315, 331318, 331410, 331420, 331491, 331492, 331511, 331512, 331513, 331523, 331524, 331529, 332111, 332112, 332114, 332117, 332119, 332215, 332216, 332311, 332312, 332313, 332321, 332322, 332323, 332410, 332420, 332431, 332439, 332510, 332613, 332618, 332710, 332721, 332722, 332811, 332812, 332813, 332911, 332912, 332913, 332919, 332991, 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996, 332999, 333111, 333112, 333120, 333131, 333132, 333241, 333242, 333243, 333244, 333249, 333314, 333316, 333318, 333413, 333414, 333415, 333511, 333514, 333515, 333517, 333519, 333611, 333612, 333613, 333618, 333912, 333914, 333921, 333922, 333923, 333924, 333991, 333992, 333993, 333994, 333995, 333996, 333997, 333999, 334111, 334112, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334412, 334413, 334416, 334417, 334418, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334512, 334513, 334514, 334515, 334516, 334517, 334519, 334613, 334614, 335110, 335121, 335122, 335129, 335210, 335220, 335311, 335312, 335313, 335314, 335911, 335912, 335921, 335929, 335931, 335932, 335991, 335999, 336111, 336112, 336120, 336211, 336212, 336213, 336214, 336310, 336320, 336330, 336340, 336350, 336360, 336370, 336390, 336411, 336412, 336413, 336414, 336415, 336419, 336510, 336611, 336612, 336991, 336992, 336999, 337110, 337121, 337122, 337124, 337125, 337127, 337211, 337212, 337214, 337215, 337910, 337920, 339112, 339113, 339114, 339115, 339116, 339910, 339920, 339930, 339940, 339950, 339991, 339992, 339993, 339994, 339995, 339999, 423110, 423120, 423130, 423140, 423210, 423220, 423310, 423320, 423330, 423390, 423410, 423420, 423430, 423440, 423450, 423460, 423490, 423510, 423520, 423610, 423620, 423690, 423710, 423720, 423730, 423740, 423810, 423820, 423830, 423840, 423850, 423860, 423910, 423920, 423930, 423940, 423990, 424110, 424120, 424130, 424210, 424310, 424320, 424330, 424340, 424410, 424420, 424430, 424440, 424450, 424460, 424470, 424480, 424490, 424510, 424520, 424590, 424610, 424690, 424710, 424720, 424810, 424820, 424910, 424920, 424930, 424940, 424950, 424990, 425110, 425120, 441110, 441120, 441210, 441222, 441228, 441310, 441320, 442110, 442210, 442291, 442299, 443141, 443142, 444110, 444120, 444130, 444190, 444210, 444220, 445110, 445120, 445210, 445220, 445230, 445291, 445292, 445299, 445310, 446110, 446120, 446130, 446191, 446199, 447110, 447190, 448110, 448120, 448130, 448140, 448150, 448190, 448210, 448310, 448320, 451110, 451120, 451130, 451140, 451211, 451212, 452210, 452311, 452319, 453110, 453210, 453220, 453310, 453910, 453920, 453930, 453991, 453998, 454110, 454210, 454310, 454390, 481111, 481112, 481211, 481212, 481219, 482111, 482112, 483111, 483112, 483113, 483114, 483211, 483212, 484110, 484121, 484122, 484210, 484220, 484230, 485111, 485112, 485113, 485119, 485210, 485310, 485320, 485410, 485510, 485991, 485999, 486110, 486210, 486910, 486990, 487110, 487210, 487990, 488111, 488119, 488190, 488210, 488310, 488320, 488330, 488390, 488410, 488490, 488510, 488991, 488999, 492110, 492210, 493110, 493120, 493130, 493190, 511110, 511120, 511130, 511140, 511191, 511199, 511210, 512110, 512120, 512131, 512132, 512191, 512199, 512230, 512240, 512250, 512290, 515111, 515112, 515120, 515210, 517311, 517312, 517410, 517911, 517919, 518210, 519110, 519120, 519130, 519190, 521110, 522110, 522120, 522130, 522190, 522210, 522220, 522291, 522292, 522293, 522294, 522298, 522310, 522320, 522390, 523110, 523120, 523130, 523140, 523210, 523910, 523920, 523930, 523991, 523999, 524113, 524114, 524126, 524127, 524128, 524130, 524210, 524291, 524292, 524298, 525110, 525120, 525190, 525910, 525920, 525990, 531110, 531120, 531130, 531190, 531210, 531311, 531312, 531320, 531390, 532111, 532112, 532120, 532210, 532281, 532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 532310, 532411, 532412, 532420, 532490, 533110, 541110, 541191, 541199, 541211, 541213, 541214, 541219, 541310, 541320, 541330, 541340, 541350, 541360, 541370, 541380, 541410, 541420, 541430, 541490, 541511, 541512, 541513, 541519, 541611, 541612, 541613, 541614, 541618, 541620, 541690, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 541810, 541820, 541830, 541840, 541850, 541860, 541870, 541890, 541910, 541921, 541922, 541930, 541940, 541990, 551111, 551112, 551114, 561110, 561210, 561311, 561312, 561320, 561330, 561410, 561421, 561422, 561431, 561439, 561440, 561450, 561491, 561492, 561499, 561510, 561520, 561591, 561599, 561611, 561612, 561613, 561621, 561622, 561710, 561720, 561730, 561740, 561790, 561910, 561920, 561990, 562111, 562112, 562119, 562211, 562212, 562213, 562219, 562910, 562920, 562991, 562998, 611110, 611210, 611310, 611410, 611420, 611430, 611511, 611512, 611513, 611519, 611610, 611620, 611630, 611691, 611692, 611699, 611710, 621111, 621112, 621210, 621310, 621320, 621330, 621340, 621391, 621399, 621410, 621420, 621491, 621492, 621493, 621498, 621511, 621512, 621610, 621910, 621991, 621999, 6221101, 6221102, 6222101, 6222102, 6223101, 6223102, 623110, 623210, 623220, 623311, 623312, 623990, 624110, 624120, 624190, 624210, 624221, 624229, 624230, 624310, 624410, 711110, 711120, 711130, 711190, 7112111, 7112112, 7112119, 7112121, 7112122, 7112123, 7112191, 7112192, 711310, 711320, 711410, 711510, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713110, 713120, 713210, 713290, 713910, 713920, 713930, 713940, 713950, 713990, 721110, 721120, 721191, 721199, 721211, 721214, 721310, 722310, 722320, 722330, 722410, 722511, 722513, 722514, 722515, 811111, 811112, 811113, 811118, 811121, 811122, 811191, 811192, 811198, 811211, 811212, 811213, 811219, 811310, 811411, 811412, 811420, 811430, 811490, 812111, 812112, 812113, 812191, 812199, 812210, 812220, 812310, 812320, 812331, 812332, 812910, 812921, 812922, 812930, 812990, 813110, 813211, 813212, 813219, 813311, 813312, 813319, 813410, 813910, 813920, 813930, 813940, 813990 Major Activity Code: Primary products or services What were the primary products or services of this establishment? N/A MAJOR_ACT_CODE_WRTIN_TXT Text
Maximum length 100 characters.

100 AIES_Major_Activity_Code_Writing_Text
AIES Major Activity Code Writing Text
AIES Major Activity Code Writing Text Response TEXT CHARACTER N/A N/A

74 New/Added Establishment Prior Ownership Info Added Estab. Level:
ACES -Employers, ARTS, AWTS, SAS, ASM, Const., MI, select AG, Pub Admin & out of scope NAICS (i.e. the AIES universe)

113110, 113210, 113310, 114111, 114112, 114119, 114210, 115111, 115112, 115113, 115114, 115115, 115116, 115210, 115310, 211120, 211130, 211130, 212111, 212112, 212113, 212210, 212221, 212222, 212230, 212291, 212299, 212311, 212312, 212313, 212319, 212321, 212322, 212324, 212325, 212391, 212392, 212393, 212399, 213111, 213112, 213113, 213114, 213115, 221111, 221112, 221113, 221114, 221115, 221116, 221117, 221118, 221121, 221122, 221210, 221310, 221320, 221330, 236115, 236116, 236117, 236118, 236210, 236220, 237110, 237120, 237130, 237210, 237310, 237990, 238110, 238120, 238130, 238140, 238150, 238160, 238170, 238190, 238210, 238220, 238290, 238310, 238320, 238330, 238340, 238350, 238390, 238910, 238990, 311111, 311119, 311211, 311212, 311213, 311221, 311224, 311225, 311230, 311313, 311314, 311340, 311351, 311352, 311411, 311412, 311421, 311422, 311423, 311511, 311512, 311513, 311514, 311520, 311611, 311612, 311613, 311615, 311710, 311811, 311812, 311813, 311821, 311824, 311830, 311911, 311919, 311920, 311930, 311941, 311942, 311991, 311999, 312111, 312112, 312113, 312120, 312130, 312140, 312230, 313110, 313210, 313220, 313230, 313240, 313310, 313320, 314110, 314120, 314910, 314994, 314999, 315110, 315190, 315210, 315220, 315240, 315280, 315990, 316110, 316210, 316992, 316998, 321113, 321114, 321211, 321212, 321213, 321214, 321219, 321911, 321912, 321918, 321920, 321991, 321992, 321999, 322110, 322121, 322122, 322130, 322211, 322212, 322219, 322220, 322230, 322291, 322299, 323111, 323113, 323117, 323120, 324110, 324121, 324122, 324191, 324199, 325110, 325120, 325130, 325180, 325193, 325194, 325199, 325211, 325212, 325220, 325311, 325312, 325314, 325320, 325411, 325412, 325413, 325414, 325510, 325520, 325611, 325612, 325613, 325620, 325910, 325920, 325991, 325992, 325998, 326111, 326112, 326113, 326121, 326122, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160, 326191, 326199, 326211, 326212, 326220, 326291, 326299, 327110, 327120, 327211, 327212, 327213, 327215, 327310, 327320, 327331, 327332, 327390, 327410, 327420, 327910, 327991, 327992, 327993, 327999, 331110, 331210, 331221, 331222, 331313, 331314, 331315, 331318, 331410, 331420, 331491, 331492, 331511, 331512, 331513, 331523, 331524, 331529, 332111, 332112, 332114, 332117, 332119, 332215, 332216, 332311, 332312, 332313, 332321, 332322, 332323, 332410, 332420, 332431, 332439, 332510, 332613, 332618, 332710, 332721, 332722, 332811, 332812, 332813, 332911, 332912, 332913, 332919, 332991, 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996, 332999, 333111, 333112, 333120, 333131, 333132, 333241, 333242, 333243, 333244, 333249, 333314, 333316, 333318, 333413, 333414, 333415, 333511, 333514, 333515, 333517, 333519, 333611, 333612, 333613, 333618, 333912, 333914, 333921, 333922, 333923, 333924, 333991, 333992, 333993, 333994, 333995, 333996, 333997, 333999, 334111, 334112, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334412, 334413, 334416, 334417, 334418, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334512, 334513, 334514, 334515, 334516, 334517, 334519, 334613, 334614, 335110, 335121, 335122, 335129, 335210, 335220, 335311, 335312, 335313, 335314, 335911, 335912, 335921, 335929, 335931, 335932, 335991, 335999, 336111, 336112, 336120, 336211, 336212, 336213, 336214, 336310, 336320, 336330, 336340, 336350, 336360, 336370, 336390, 336411, 336412, 336413, 336414, 336415, 336419, 336510, 336611, 336612, 336991, 336992, 336999, 337110, 337121, 337122, 337124, 337125, 337127, 337211, 337212, 337214, 337215, 337910, 337920, 339112, 339113, 339114, 339115, 339116, 339910, 339920, 339930, 339940, 339950, 339991, 339992, 339993, 339994, 339995, 339999, 423110, 423120, 423130, 423140, 423210, 423220, 423310, 423320, 423330, 423390, 423410, 423420, 423430, 423440, 423450, 423460, 423490, 423510, 423520, 423610, 423620, 423690, 423710, 423720, 423730, 423740, 423810, 423820, 423830, 423840, 423850, 423860, 423910, 423920, 423930, 423940, 423990, 424110, 424120, 424130, 424210, 424310, 424320, 424330, 424340, 424410, 424420, 424430, 424440, 424450, 424460, 424470, 424480, 424490, 424510, 424520, 424590, 424610, 424690, 424710, 424720, 424810, 424820, 424910, 424920, 424930, 424940, 424950, 424990, 425110, 425120, 441110, 441120, 441210, 441222, 441228, 441310, 441320, 442110, 442210, 442291, 442299, 443141, 443142, 444110, 444120, 444130, 444190, 444210, 444220, 445110, 445120, 445210, 445220, 445230, 445291, 445292, 445299, 445310, 446110, 446120, 446130, 446191, 446199, 447110, 447190, 448110, 448120, 448130, 448140, 448150, 448190, 448210, 448310, 448320, 451110, 451120, 451130, 451140, 451211, 451212, 452210, 452311, 452319, 453110, 453210, 453220, 453310, 453910, 453920, 453930, 453991, 453998, 454110, 454210, 454310, 454390, 481111, 481112, 481211, 481212, 481219, 482111, 482112, 483111, 483112, 483113, 483114, 483211, 483212, 484110, 484121, 484122, 484210, 484220, 484230, 485111, 485112, 485113, 485119, 485210, 485310, 485320, 485410, 485510, 485991, 485999, 486110, 486210, 486910, 486990, 487110, 487210, 487990, 488111, 488119, 488190, 488210, 488310, 488320, 488330, 488390, 488410, 488490, 488510, 488991, 488999, 492110, 492210, 493110, 493120, 493130, 493190, 511110, 511120, 511130, 511140, 511191, 511199, 511210, 512110, 512120, 512131, 512132, 512191, 512199, 512230, 512240, 512250, 512290, 515111, 515112, 515120, 515210, 517311, 517312, 517410, 517911, 517919, 518210, 519110, 519120, 519130, 519190, 521110, 522110, 522120, 522130, 522190, 522210, 522220, 522291, 522292, 522293, 522294, 522298, 522310, 522320, 522390, 523110, 523120, 523130, 523140, 523210, 523910, 523920, 523930, 523991, 523999, 524113, 524114, 524126, 524127, 524128, 524130, 524210, 524291, 524292, 524298, 525110, 525120, 525190, 525910, 525920, 525990, 531110, 531120, 531130, 531190, 531210, 531311, 531312, 531320, 531390, 532111, 532112, 532120, 532210, 532281, 532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 532310, 532411, 532412, 532420, 532490, 533110, 541110, 541191, 541199, 541211, 541213, 541214, 541219, 541310, 541320, 541330, 541340, 541350, 541360, 541370, 541380, 541410, 541420, 541430, 541490, 541511, 541512, 541513, 541519, 541611, 541612, 541613, 541614, 541618, 541620, 541690, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 541810, 541820, 541830, 541840, 541850, 541860, 541870, 541890, 541910, 541921, 541922, 541930, 541940, 541990, 551111, 551112, 551114, 561110, 561210, 561311, 561312, 561320, 561330, 561410, 561421, 561422, 561431, 561439, 561440, 561450, 561491, 561492, 561499, 561510, 561520, 561591, 561599, 561611, 561612, 561613, 561621, 561622, 561710, 561720, 561730, 561740, 561790, 561910, 561920, 561990, 562111, 562112, 562119, 562211, 562212, 562213, 562219, 562910, 562920, 562991, 562998, 611110, 611210, 611310, 611410, 611420, 611430, 611511, 611512, 611513, 611519, 611610, 611620, 611630, 611691, 611692, 611699, 611710, 621111, 621112, 621210, 621310, 621320, 621330, 621340, 621391, 621399, 621410, 621420, 621491, 621492, 621493, 621498, 621511, 621512, 621610, 621910, 621991, 621999, 6221101, 6221102, 6222101, 6222102, 6223101, 6223102, 623110, 623210, 623220, 623311, 623312, 623990, 624110, 624120, 624190, 624210, 624221, 624229, 624230, 624310, 624410, 711110, 711120, 711130, 711190, 7112111, 7112112, 7112119, 7112121, 7112122, 7112123, 7112191, 7112192, 711310, 711320, 711410, 711510, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713110, 713120, 713210, 713290, 713910, 713920, 713930, 713940, 713950, 713990, 721110, 721120, 721191, 721199, 721211, 721214, 721310, 722310, 722320, 722330, 722410, 722511, 722513, 722514, 722515, 811111, 811112, 811113, 811118, 811121, 811122, 811191, 811192, 811198, 811211, 811212, 811213, 811219, 811310, 811411, 811412, 811420, 811430, 811490, 812111, 812112, 812113, 812191, 812199, 812210, 812220, 812310, 812320, 812331, 812332, 812910, 812921, 812922, 812930, 812990, 813110, 813211, 813212, 813219, 813311, 813312, 813319, 813410, 813910, 813920, 813930, 813940, 813990 New Establishment Acquisition
Was this establishment added as part of a merger or acquisition?
2= No
N/A No
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Industry Level-

1 AIES_Previous_Owner_Status
AIES Previous Owner Status
AIES Previous Owner Status Response RADIOBUTTON RADIOBUTTON Yes equals 1 or No equals 2 RADIOBUTTON

75 New/Added Establishment Prior Ownership Info Added Estab. Level:
ACES -Employers, ARTS, AWTS, SAS, ASM, Const., MI, select AG, Pub Admin & out of scope NAICS (i.e. the AIES universe)

113110, 113210, 113310, 114111, 114112, 114119, 114210, 115111, 115112, 115113, 115114, 115115, 115116, 115210, 115310, 211120, 211130, 211130, 212111, 212112, 212113, 212210, 212221, 212222, 212230, 212291, 212299, 212311, 212312, 212313, 212319, 212321, 212322, 212324, 212325, 212391, 212392, 212393, 212399, 213111, 213112, 213113, 213114, 213115, 221111, 221112, 221113, 221114, 221115, 221116, 221117, 221118, 221121, 221122, 221210, 221310, 221320, 221330, 236115, 236116, 236117, 236118, 236210, 236220, 237110, 237120, 237130, 237210, 237310, 237990, 238110, 238120, 238130, 238140, 238150, 238160, 238170, 238190, 238210, 238220, 238290, 238310, 238320, 238330, 238340, 238350, 238390, 238910, 238990, 311111, 311119, 311211, 311212, 311213, 311221, 311224, 311225, 311230, 311313, 311314, 311340, 311351, 311352, 311411, 311412, 311421, 311422, 311423, 311511, 311512, 311513, 311514, 311520, 311611, 311612, 311613, 311615, 311710, 311811, 311812, 311813, 311821, 311824, 311830, 311911, 311919, 311920, 311930, 311941, 311942, 311991, 311999, 312111, 312112, 312113, 312120, 312130, 312140, 312230, 313110, 313210, 313220, 313230, 313240, 313310, 313320, 314110, 314120, 314910, 314994, 314999, 315110, 315190, 315210, 315220, 315240, 315280, 315990, 316110, 316210, 316992, 316998, 321113, 321114, 321211, 321212, 321213, 321214, 321219, 321911, 321912, 321918, 321920, 321991, 321992, 321999, 322110, 322121, 322122, 322130, 322211, 322212, 322219, 322220, 322230, 322291, 322299, 323111, 323113, 323117, 323120, 324110, 324121, 324122, 324191, 324199, 325110, 325120, 325130, 325180, 325193, 325194, 325199, 325211, 325212, 325220, 325311, 325312, 325314, 325320, 325411, 325412, 325413, 325414, 325510, 325520, 325611, 325612, 325613, 325620, 325910, 325920, 325991, 325992, 325998, 326111, 326112, 326113, 326121, 326122, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160, 326191, 326199, 326211, 326212, 326220, 326291, 326299, 327110, 327120, 327211, 327212, 327213, 327215, 327310, 327320, 327331, 327332, 327390, 327410, 327420, 327910, 327991, 327992, 327993, 327999, 331110, 331210, 331221, 331222, 331313, 331314, 331315, 331318, 331410, 331420, 331491, 331492, 331511, 331512, 331513, 331523, 331524, 331529, 332111, 332112, 332114, 332117, 332119, 332215, 332216, 332311, 332312, 332313, 332321, 332322, 332323, 332410, 332420, 332431, 332439, 332510, 332613, 332618, 332710, 332721, 332722, 332811, 332812, 332813, 332911, 332912, 332913, 332919, 332991, 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996, 332999, 333111, 333112, 333120, 333131, 333132, 333241, 333242, 333243, 333244, 333249, 333314, 333316, 333318, 333413, 333414, 333415, 333511, 333514, 333515, 333517, 333519, 333611, 333612, 333613, 333618, 333912, 333914, 333921, 333922, 333923, 333924, 333991, 333992, 333993, 333994, 333995, 333996, 333997, 333999, 334111, 334112, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334412, 334413, 334416, 334417, 334418, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334512, 334513, 334514, 334515, 334516, 334517, 334519, 334613, 334614, 335110, 335121, 335122, 335129, 335210, 335220, 335311, 335312, 335313, 335314, 335911, 335912, 335921, 335929, 335931, 335932, 335991, 335999, 336111, 336112, 336120, 336211, 336212, 336213, 336214, 336310, 336320, 336330, 336340, 336350, 336360, 336370, 336390, 336411, 336412, 336413, 336414, 336415, 336419, 336510, 336611, 336612, 336991, 336992, 336999, 337110, 337121, 337122, 337124, 337125, 337127, 337211, 337212, 337214, 337215, 337910, 337920, 339112, 339113, 339114, 339115, 339116, 339910, 339920, 339930, 339940, 339950, 339991, 339992, 339993, 339994, 339995, 339999, 423110, 423120, 423130, 423140, 423210, 423220, 423310, 423320, 423330, 423390, 423410, 423420, 423430, 423440, 423450, 423460, 423490, 423510, 423520, 423610, 423620, 423690, 423710, 423720, 423730, 423740, 423810, 423820, 423830, 423840, 423850, 423860, 423910, 423920, 423930, 423940, 423990, 424110, 424120, 424130, 424210, 424310, 424320, 424330, 424340, 424410, 424420, 424430, 424440, 424450, 424460, 424470, 424480, 424490, 424510, 424520, 424590, 424610, 424690, 424710, 424720, 424810, 424820, 424910, 424920, 424930, 424940, 424950, 424990, 425110, 425120, 441110, 441120, 441210, 441222, 441228, 441310, 441320, 442110, 442210, 442291, 442299, 443141, 443142, 444110, 444120, 444130, 444190, 444210, 444220, 445110, 445120, 445210, 445220, 445230, 445291, 445292, 445299, 445310, 446110, 446120, 446130, 446191, 446199, 447110, 447190, 448110, 448120, 448130, 448140, 448150, 448190, 448210, 448310, 448320, 451110, 451120, 451130, 451140, 451211, 451212, 452210, 452311, 452319, 453110, 453210, 453220, 453310, 453910, 453920, 453930, 453991, 453998, 454110, 454210, 454310, 454390, 481111, 481112, 481211, 481212, 481219, 482111, 482112, 483111, 483112, 483113, 483114, 483211, 483212, 484110, 484121, 484122, 484210, 484220, 484230, 485111, 485112, 485113, 485119, 485210, 485310, 485320, 485410, 485510, 485991, 485999, 486110, 486210, 486910, 486990, 487110, 487210, 487990, 488111, 488119, 488190, 488210, 488310, 488320, 488330, 488390, 488410, 488490, 488510, 488991, 488999, 492110, 492210, 493110, 493120, 493130, 493190, 511110, 511120, 511130, 511140, 511191, 511199, 511210, 512110, 512120, 512131, 512132, 512191, 512199, 512230, 512240, 512250, 512290, 515111, 515112, 515120, 515210, 517311, 517312, 517410, 517911, 517919, 518210, 519110, 519120, 519130, 519190, 521110, 522110, 522120, 522130, 522190, 522210, 522220, 522291, 522292, 522293, 522294, 522298, 522310, 522320, 522390, 523110, 523120, 523130, 523140, 523210, 523910, 523920, 523930, 523991, 523999, 524113, 524114, 524126, 524127, 524128, 524130, 524210, 524291, 524292, 524298, 525110, 525120, 525190, 525910, 525920, 525990, 531110, 531120, 531130, 531190, 531210, 531311, 531312, 531320, 531390, 532111, 532112, 532120, 532210, 532281, 532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 532310, 532411, 532412, 532420, 532490, 533110, 541110, 541191, 541199, 541211, 541213, 541214, 541219, 541310, 541320, 541330, 541340, 541350, 541360, 541370, 541380, 541410, 541420, 541430, 541490, 541511, 541512, 541513, 541519, 541611, 541612, 541613, 541614, 541618, 541620, 541690, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 541810, 541820, 541830, 541840, 541850, 541860, 541870, 541890, 541910, 541921, 541922, 541930, 541940, 541990, 551111, 551112, 551114, 561110, 561210, 561311, 561312, 561320, 561330, 561410, 561421, 561422, 561431, 561439, 561440, 561450, 561491, 561492, 561499, 561510, 561520, 561591, 561599, 561611, 561612, 561613, 561621, 561622, 561710, 561720, 561730, 561740, 561790, 561910, 561920, 561990, 562111, 562112, 562119, 562211, 562212, 562213, 562219, 562910, 562920, 562991, 562998, 611110, 611210, 611310, 611410, 611420, 611430, 611511, 611512, 611513, 611519, 611610, 611620, 611630, 611691, 611692, 611699, 611710, 621111, 621112, 621210, 621310, 621320, 621330, 621340, 621391, 621399, 621410, 621420, 621491, 621492, 621493, 621498, 621511, 621512, 621610, 621910, 621991, 621999, 6221101, 6221102, 6222101, 6222102, 6223101, 6223102, 623110, 623210, 623220, 623311, 623312, 623990, 624110, 624120, 624190, 624210, 624221, 624229, 624230, 624310, 624410, 711110, 711120, 711130, 711190, 7112111, 7112112, 7112119, 7112121, 7112122, 7112123, 7112191, 7112192, 711310, 711320, 711410, 711510, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713110, 713120, 713210, 713290, 713910, 713920, 713930, 713940, 713950, 713990, 721110, 721120, 721191, 721199, 721211, 721214, 721310, 722310, 722320, 722330, 722410, 722511, 722513, 722514, 722515, 811111, 811112, 811113, 811118, 811121, 811122, 811191, 811192, 811198, 811211, 811212, 811213, 811219, 811310, 811411, 811412, 811420, 811430, 811490, 812111, 812112, 812113, 812191, 812199, 812210, 812220, 812310, 812320, 812331, 812332, 812910, 812921, 812922, 812930, 812990, 813110, 813211, 813212, 813219, 813311, 813312, 813319, 813410, 813910, 813920, 813930, 813940, 813990 New Establishment: Former Ownership Name1 What was Name1 of former owner or operator? N/A PREV_OWN_RECORD_NAME1_TXT Text
Maximum length is 36 characters
N/A Yes Ask if PREV_OWN_STAT= 1

36 AIES_Previous_Owner_Record_Name1_Text
AIES Previous Owner Record Name One Text
AIES Previous Owner Record Name One Text Response TEXT CHARACTER N/A N/A

76 New/Added Establishment Prior Ownership Info Added Estab. Level:
ACES -Employers, ARTS, AWTS, SAS, ASM, Const., MI, select AG, Pub Admin & out of scope NAICS (i.e. the AIES universe)

113110, 113210, 113310, 114111, 114112, 114119, 114210, 115111, 115112, 115113, 115114, 115115, 115116, 115210, 115310, 211120, 211130, 211130, 212111, 212112, 212113, 212210, 212221, 212222, 212230, 212291, 212299, 212311, 212312, 212313, 212319, 212321, 212322, 212324, 212325, 212391, 212392, 212393, 212399, 213111, 213112, 213113, 213114, 213115, 221111, 221112, 221113, 221114, 221115, 221116, 221117, 221118, 221121, 221122, 221210, 221310, 221320, 221330, 236115, 236116, 236117, 236118, 236210, 236220, 237110, 237120, 237130, 237210, 237310, 237990, 238110, 238120, 238130, 238140, 238150, 238160, 238170, 238190, 238210, 238220, 238290, 238310, 238320, 238330, 238340, 238350, 238390, 238910, 238990, 311111, 311119, 311211, 311212, 311213, 311221, 311224, 311225, 311230, 311313, 311314, 311340, 311351, 311352, 311411, 311412, 311421, 311422, 311423, 311511, 311512, 311513, 311514, 311520, 311611, 311612, 311613, 311615, 311710, 311811, 311812, 311813, 311821, 311824, 311830, 311911, 311919, 311920, 311930, 311941, 311942, 311991, 311999, 312111, 312112, 312113, 312120, 312130, 312140, 312230, 313110, 313210, 313220, 313230, 313240, 313310, 313320, 314110, 314120, 314910, 314994, 314999, 315110, 315190, 315210, 315220, 315240, 315280, 315990, 316110, 316210, 316992, 316998, 321113, 321114, 321211, 321212, 321213, 321214, 321219, 321911, 321912, 321918, 321920, 321991, 321992, 321999, 322110, 322121, 322122, 322130, 322211, 322212, 322219, 322220, 322230, 322291, 322299, 323111, 323113, 323117, 323120, 324110, 324121, 324122, 324191, 324199, 325110, 325120, 325130, 325180, 325193, 325194, 325199, 325211, 325212, 325220, 325311, 325312, 325314, 325320, 325411, 325412, 325413, 325414, 325510, 325520, 325611, 325612, 325613, 325620, 325910, 325920, 325991, 325992, 325998, 326111, 326112, 326113, 326121, 326122, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160, 326191, 326199, 326211, 326212, 326220, 326291, 326299, 327110, 327120, 327211, 327212, 327213, 327215, 327310, 327320, 327331, 327332, 327390, 327410, 327420, 327910, 327991, 327992, 327993, 327999, 331110, 331210, 331221, 331222, 331313, 331314, 331315, 331318, 331410, 331420, 331491, 331492, 331511, 331512, 331513, 331523, 331524, 331529, 332111, 332112, 332114, 332117, 332119, 332215, 332216, 332311, 332312, 332313, 332321, 332322, 332323, 332410, 332420, 332431, 332439, 332510, 332613, 332618, 332710, 332721, 332722, 332811, 332812, 332813, 332911, 332912, 332913, 332919, 332991, 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996, 332999, 333111, 333112, 333120, 333131, 333132, 333241, 333242, 333243, 333244, 333249, 333314, 333316, 333318, 333413, 333414, 333415, 333511, 333514, 333515, 333517, 333519, 333611, 333612, 333613, 333618, 333912, 333914, 333921, 333922, 333923, 333924, 333991, 333992, 333993, 333994, 333995, 333996, 333997, 333999, 334111, 334112, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334412, 334413, 334416, 334417, 334418, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334512, 334513, 334514, 334515, 334516, 334517, 334519, 334613, 334614, 335110, 335121, 335122, 335129, 335210, 335220, 335311, 335312, 335313, 335314, 335911, 335912, 335921, 335929, 335931, 335932, 335991, 335999, 336111, 336112, 336120, 336211, 336212, 336213, 336214, 336310, 336320, 336330, 336340, 336350, 336360, 336370, 336390, 336411, 336412, 336413, 336414, 336415, 336419, 336510, 336611, 336612, 336991, 336992, 336999, 337110, 337121, 337122, 337124, 337125, 337127, 337211, 337212, 337214, 337215, 337910, 337920, 339112, 339113, 339114, 339115, 339116, 339910, 339920, 339930, 339940, 339950, 339991, 339992, 339993, 339994, 339995, 339999, 423110, 423120, 423130, 423140, 423210, 423220, 423310, 423320, 423330, 423390, 423410, 423420, 423430, 423440, 423450, 423460, 423490, 423510, 423520, 423610, 423620, 423690, 423710, 423720, 423730, 423740, 423810, 423820, 423830, 423840, 423850, 423860, 423910, 423920, 423930, 423940, 423990, 424110, 424120, 424130, 424210, 424310, 424320, 424330, 424340, 424410, 424420, 424430, 424440, 424450, 424460, 424470, 424480, 424490, 424510, 424520, 424590, 424610, 424690, 424710, 424720, 424810, 424820, 424910, 424920, 424930, 424940, 424950, 424990, 425110, 425120, 441110, 441120, 441210, 441222, 441228, 441310, 441320, 442110, 442210, 442291, 442299, 443141, 443142, 444110, 444120, 444130, 444190, 444210, 444220, 445110, 445120, 445210, 445220, 445230, 445291, 445292, 445299, 445310, 446110, 446120, 446130, 446191, 446199, 447110, 447190, 448110, 448120, 448130, 448140, 448150, 448190, 448210, 448310, 448320, 451110, 451120, 451130, 451140, 451211, 451212, 452210, 452311, 452319, 453110, 453210, 453220, 453310, 453910, 453920, 453930, 453991, 453998, 454110, 454210, 454310, 454390, 481111, 481112, 481211, 481212, 481219, 482111, 482112, 483111, 483112, 483113, 483114, 483211, 483212, 484110, 484121, 484122, 484210, 484220, 484230, 485111, 485112, 485113, 485119, 485210, 485310, 485320, 485410, 485510, 485991, 485999, 486110, 486210, 486910, 486990, 487110, 487210, 487990, 488111, 488119, 488190, 488210, 488310, 488320, 488330, 488390, 488410, 488490, 488510, 488991, 488999, 492110, 492210, 493110, 493120, 493130, 493190, 511110, 511120, 511130, 511140, 511191, 511199, 511210, 512110, 512120, 512131, 512132, 512191, 512199, 512230, 512240, 512250, 512290, 515111, 515112, 515120, 515210, 517311, 517312, 517410, 517911, 517919, 518210, 519110, 519120, 519130, 519190, 521110, 522110, 522120, 522130, 522190, 522210, 522220, 522291, 522292, 522293, 522294, 522298, 522310, 522320, 522390, 523110, 523120, 523130, 523140, 523210, 523910, 523920, 523930, 523991, 523999, 524113, 524114, 524126, 524127, 524128, 524130, 524210, 524291, 524292, 524298, 525110, 525120, 525190, 525910, 525920, 525990, 531110, 531120, 531130, 531190, 531210, 531311, 531312, 531320, 531390, 532111, 532112, 532120, 532210, 532281, 532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 532310, 532411, 532412, 532420, 532490, 533110, 541110, 541191, 541199, 541211, 541213, 541214, 541219, 541310, 541320, 541330, 541340, 541350, 541360, 541370, 541380, 541410, 541420, 541430, 541490, 541511, 541512, 541513, 541519, 541611, 541612, 541613, 541614, 541618, 541620, 541690, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 541810, 541820, 541830, 541840, 541850, 541860, 541870, 541890, 541910, 541921, 541922, 541930, 541940, 541990, 551111, 551112, 551114, 561110, 561210, 561311, 561312, 561320, 561330, 561410, 561421, 561422, 561431, 561439, 561440, 561450, 561491, 561492, 561499, 561510, 561520, 561591, 561599, 561611, 561612, 561613, 561621, 561622, 561710, 561720, 561730, 561740, 561790, 561910, 561920, 561990, 562111, 562112, 562119, 562211, 562212, 562213, 562219, 562910, 562920, 562991, 562998, 611110, 611210, 611310, 611410, 611420, 611430, 611511, 611512, 611513, 611519, 611610, 611620, 611630, 611691, 611692, 611699, 611710, 621111, 621112, 621210, 621310, 621320, 621330, 621340, 621391, 621399, 621410, 621420, 621491, 621492, 621493, 621498, 621511, 621512, 621610, 621910, 621991, 621999, 6221101, 6221102, 6222101, 6222102, 6223101, 6223102, 623110, 623210, 623220, 623311, 623312, 623990, 624110, 624120, 624190, 624210, 624221, 624229, 624230, 624310, 624410, 711110, 711120, 711130, 711190, 7112111, 7112112, 7112119, 7112121, 7112122, 7112123, 7112191, 7112192, 711310, 711320, 711410, 711510, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713110, 713120, 713210, 713290, 713910, 713920, 713930, 713940, 713950, 713990, 721110, 721120, 721191, 721199, 721211, 721214, 721310, 722310, 722320, 722330, 722410, 722511, 722513, 722514, 722515, 811111, 811112, 811113, 811118, 811121, 811122, 811191, 811192, 811198, 811211, 811212, 811213, 811219, 811310, 811411, 811412, 811420, 811430, 811490, 812111, 812112, 812113, 812191, 812199, 812210, 812220, 812310, 812320, 812331, 812332, 812910, 812921, 812922, 812930, 812990, 813110, 813211, 813212, 813219, 813311, 813312, 813319, 813410, 813910, 813920, 813930, 813940, 813990 New Establishment: Former Ownership Name2 What was Name 2 of former owner or operator? N/A PREV_OWN_RECORD_NAME2_TXT Text
Maximum length is 36 characters
N/A Yes Ask if PREV_OWN_STAT= 1

36 AIES_Previous_Owner_Record_Name2_Text
AIES Previous Owner Record Name Two Text
AIES Previous Owner Record Name Two Text Response TEXT CHARACTER N/A N/A

77 New/Added Establishment Prior Ownership Info Added Estab. Level:
ACES -Employers, ARTS, AWTS, SAS, ASM, Const., MI, select AG, Pub Admin & out of scope NAICS (i.e. the AIES universe)

113110, 113210, 113310, 114111, 114112, 114119, 114210, 115111, 115112, 115113, 115114, 115115, 115116, 115210, 115310, 211120, 211130, 211130, 212111, 212112, 212113, 212210, 212221, 212222, 212230, 212291, 212299, 212311, 212312, 212313, 212319, 212321, 212322, 212324, 212325, 212391, 212392, 212393, 212399, 213111, 213112, 213113, 213114, 213115, 221111, 221112, 221113, 221114, 221115, 221116, 221117, 221118, 221121, 221122, 221210, 221310, 221320, 221330, 236115, 236116, 236117, 236118, 236210, 236220, 237110, 237120, 237130, 237210, 237310, 237990, 238110, 238120, 238130, 238140, 238150, 238160, 238170, 238190, 238210, 238220, 238290, 238310, 238320, 238330, 238340, 238350, 238390, 238910, 238990, 311111, 311119, 311211, 311212, 311213, 311221, 311224, 311225, 311230, 311313, 311314, 311340, 311351, 311352, 311411, 311412, 311421, 311422, 311423, 311511, 311512, 311513, 311514, 311520, 311611, 311612, 311613, 311615, 311710, 311811, 311812, 311813, 311821, 311824, 311830, 311911, 311919, 311920, 311930, 311941, 311942, 311991, 311999, 312111, 312112, 312113, 312120, 312130, 312140, 312230, 313110, 313210, 313220, 313230, 313240, 313310, 313320, 314110, 314120, 314910, 314994, 314999, 315110, 315190, 315210, 315220, 315240, 315280, 315990, 316110, 316210, 316992, 316998, 321113, 321114, 321211, 321212, 321213, 321214, 321219, 321911, 321912, 321918, 321920, 321991, 321992, 321999, 322110, 322121, 322122, 322130, 322211, 322212, 322219, 322220, 322230, 322291, 322299, 323111, 323113, 323117, 323120, 324110, 324121, 324122, 324191, 324199, 325110, 325120, 325130, 325180, 325193, 325194, 325199, 325211, 325212, 325220, 325311, 325312, 325314, 325320, 325411, 325412, 325413, 325414, 325510, 325520, 325611, 325612, 325613, 325620, 325910, 325920, 325991, 325992, 325998, 326111, 326112, 326113, 326121, 326122, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160, 326191, 326199, 326211, 326212, 326220, 326291, 326299, 327110, 327120, 327211, 327212, 327213, 327215, 327310, 327320, 327331, 327332, 327390, 327410, 327420, 327910, 327991, 327992, 327993, 327999, 331110, 331210, 331221, 331222, 331313, 331314, 331315, 331318, 331410, 331420, 331491, 331492, 331511, 331512, 331513, 331523, 331524, 331529, 332111, 332112, 332114, 332117, 332119, 332215, 332216, 332311, 332312, 332313, 332321, 332322, 332323, 332410, 332420, 332431, 332439, 332510, 332613, 332618, 332710, 332721, 332722, 332811, 332812, 332813, 332911, 332912, 332913, 332919, 332991, 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996, 332999, 333111, 333112, 333120, 333131, 333132, 333241, 333242, 333243, 333244, 333249, 333314, 333316, 333318, 333413, 333414, 333415, 333511, 333514, 333515, 333517, 333519, 333611, 333612, 333613, 333618, 333912, 333914, 333921, 333922, 333923, 333924, 333991, 333992, 333993, 333994, 333995, 333996, 333997, 333999, 334111, 334112, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334412, 334413, 334416, 334417, 334418, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334512, 334513, 334514, 334515, 334516, 334517, 334519, 334613, 334614, 335110, 335121, 335122, 335129, 335210, 335220, 335311, 335312, 335313, 335314, 335911, 335912, 335921, 335929, 335931, 335932, 335991, 335999, 336111, 336112, 336120, 336211, 336212, 336213, 336214, 336310, 336320, 336330, 336340, 336350, 336360, 336370, 336390, 336411, 336412, 336413, 336414, 336415, 336419, 336510, 336611, 336612, 336991, 336992, 336999, 337110, 337121, 337122, 337124, 337125, 337127, 337211, 337212, 337214, 337215, 337910, 337920, 339112, 339113, 339114, 339115, 339116, 339910, 339920, 339930, 339940, 339950, 339991, 339992, 339993, 339994, 339995, 339999, 423110, 423120, 423130, 423140, 423210, 423220, 423310, 423320, 423330, 423390, 423410, 423420, 423430, 423440, 423450, 423460, 423490, 423510, 423520, 423610, 423620, 423690, 423710, 423720, 423730, 423740, 423810, 423820, 423830, 423840, 423850, 423860, 423910, 423920, 423930, 423940, 423990, 424110, 424120, 424130, 424210, 424310, 424320, 424330, 424340, 424410, 424420, 424430, 424440, 424450, 424460, 424470, 424480, 424490, 424510, 424520, 424590, 424610, 424690, 424710, 424720, 424810, 424820, 424910, 424920, 424930, 424940, 424950, 424990, 425110, 425120, 441110, 441120, 441210, 441222, 441228, 441310, 441320, 442110, 442210, 442291, 442299, 443141, 443142, 444110, 444120, 444130, 444190, 444210, 444220, 445110, 445120, 445210, 445220, 445230, 445291, 445292, 445299, 445310, 446110, 446120, 446130, 446191, 446199, 447110, 447190, 448110, 448120, 448130, 448140, 448150, 448190, 448210, 448310, 448320, 451110, 451120, 451130, 451140, 451211, 451212, 452210, 452311, 452319, 453110, 453210, 453220, 453310, 453910, 453920, 453930, 453991, 453998, 454110, 454210, 454310, 454390, 481111, 481112, 481211, 481212, 481219, 482111, 482112, 483111, 483112, 483113, 483114, 483211, 483212, 484110, 484121, 484122, 484210, 484220, 484230, 485111, 485112, 485113, 485119, 485210, 485310, 485320, 485410, 485510, 485991, 485999, 486110, 486210, 486910, 486990, 487110, 487210, 487990, 488111, 488119, 488190, 488210, 488310, 488320, 488330, 488390, 488410, 488490, 488510, 488991, 488999, 492110, 492210, 493110, 493120, 493130, 493190, 511110, 511120, 511130, 511140, 511191, 511199, 511210, 512110, 512120, 512131, 512132, 512191, 512199, 512230, 512240, 512250, 512290, 515111, 515112, 515120, 515210, 517311, 517312, 517410, 517911, 517919, 518210, 519110, 519120, 519130, 519190, 521110, 522110, 522120, 522130, 522190, 522210, 522220, 522291, 522292, 522293, 522294, 522298, 522310, 522320, 522390, 523110, 523120, 523130, 523140, 523210, 523910, 523920, 523930, 523991, 523999, 524113, 524114, 524126, 524127, 524128, 524130, 524210, 524291, 524292, 524298, 525110, 525120, 525190, 525910, 525920, 525990, 531110, 531120, 531130, 531190, 531210, 531311, 531312, 531320, 531390, 532111, 532112, 532120, 532210, 532281, 532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 532310, 532411, 532412, 532420, 532490, 533110, 541110, 541191, 541199, 541211, 541213, 541214, 541219, 541310, 541320, 541330, 541340, 541350, 541360, 541370, 541380, 541410, 541420, 541430, 541490, 541511, 541512, 541513, 541519, 541611, 541612, 541613, 541614, 541618, 541620, 541690, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 541810, 541820, 541830, 541840, 541850, 541860, 541870, 541890, 541910, 541921, 541922, 541930, 541940, 541990, 551111, 551112, 551114, 561110, 561210, 561311, 561312, 561320, 561330, 561410, 561421, 561422, 561431, 561439, 561440, 561450, 561491, 561492, 561499, 561510, 561520, 561591, 561599, 561611, 561612, 561613, 561621, 561622, 561710, 561720, 561730, 561740, 561790, 561910, 561920, 561990, 562111, 562112, 562119, 562211, 562212, 562213, 562219, 562910, 562920, 562991, 562998, 611110, 611210, 611310, 611410, 611420, 611430, 611511, 611512, 611513, 611519, 611610, 611620, 611630, 611691, 611692, 611699, 611710, 621111, 621112, 621210, 621310, 621320, 621330, 621340, 621391, 621399, 621410, 621420, 621491, 621492, 621493, 621498, 621511, 621512, 621610, 621910, 621991, 621999, 6221101, 6221102, 6222101, 6222102, 6223101, 6223102, 623110, 623210, 623220, 623311, 623312, 623990, 624110, 624120, 624190, 624210, 624221, 624229, 624230, 624310, 624410, 711110, 711120, 711130, 711190, 7112111, 7112112, 7112119, 7112121, 7112122, 7112123, 7112191, 7112192, 711310, 711320, 711410, 711510, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713110, 713120, 713210, 713290, 713910, 713920, 713930, 713940, 713950, 713990, 721110, 721120, 721191, 721199, 721211, 721214, 721310, 722310, 722320, 722330, 722410, 722511, 722513, 722514, 722515, 811111, 811112, 811113, 811118, 811121, 811122, 811191, 811192, 811198, 811211, 811212, 811213, 811219, 811310, 811411, 811412, 811420, 811430, 811490, 812111, 812112, 812113, 812191, 812199, 812210, 812220, 812310, 812320, 812331, 812332, 812910, 812921, 812922, 812930, 812990, 813110, 813211, 813212, 813219, 813311, 813312, 813319, 813410, 813910, 813920, 813930, 813940, 813990 New Establishment: Former Ownership Store What was store or plant of former owner or operator? N/A PREV_OWN_STORENUM_TXT Text N/A Yes Ask if PREV_OWN_STAT= 1

Text AIES_What_was-Store_or_Plant_of_Former_Owner_or_Operator
AIES What was Store or Plant of Former Owner or Operator
AIES What was Store or Plant of Former Owner or Operator Response TEXT CHARACTER N/A N/A

78 New/Added Establishment Prior Ownership Info Added Estab. Level:
ACES -Employers, ARTS, AWTS, SAS, ASM, Const., MI, select AG, Pub Admin & out of scope NAICS (i.e. the AIES universe)

113110, 113210, 113310, 114111, 114112, 114119, 114210, 115111, 115112, 115113, 115114, 115115, 115116, 115210, 115310, 211120, 211130, 211130, 212111, 212112, 212113, 212210, 212221, 212222, 212230, 212291, 212299, 212311, 212312, 212313, 212319, 212321, 212322, 212324, 212325, 212391, 212392, 212393, 212399, 213111, 213112, 213113, 213114, 213115, 221111, 221112, 221113, 221114, 221115, 221116, 221117, 221118, 221121, 221122, 221210, 221310, 221320, 221330, 236115, 236116, 236117, 236118, 236210, 236220, 237110, 237120, 237130, 237210, 237310, 237990, 238110, 238120, 238130, 238140, 238150, 238160, 238170, 238190, 238210, 238220, 238290, 238310, 238320, 238330, 238340, 238350, 238390, 238910, 238990, 311111, 311119, 311211, 311212, 311213, 311221, 311224, 311225, 311230, 311313, 311314, 311340, 311351, 311352, 311411, 311412, 311421, 311422, 311423, 311511, 311512, 311513, 311514, 311520, 311611, 311612, 311613, 311615, 311710, 311811, 311812, 311813, 311821, 311824, 311830, 311911, 311919, 311920, 311930, 311941, 311942, 311991, 311999, 312111, 312112, 312113, 312120, 312130, 312140, 312230, 313110, 313210, 313220, 313230, 313240, 313310, 313320, 314110, 314120, 314910, 314994, 314999, 315110, 315190, 315210, 315220, 315240, 315280, 315990, 316110, 316210, 316992, 316998, 321113, 321114, 321211, 321212, 321213, 321214, 321219, 321911, 321912, 321918, 321920, 321991, 321992, 321999, 322110, 322121, 322122, 322130, 322211, 322212, 322219, 322220, 322230, 322291, 322299, 323111, 323113, 323117, 323120, 324110, 324121, 324122, 324191, 324199, 325110, 325120, 325130, 325180, 325193, 325194, 325199, 325211, 325212, 325220, 325311, 325312, 325314, 325320, 325411, 325412, 325413, 325414, 325510, 325520, 325611, 325612, 325613, 325620, 325910, 325920, 325991, 325992, 325998, 326111, 326112, 326113, 326121, 326122, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160, 326191, 326199, 326211, 326212, 326220, 326291, 326299, 327110, 327120, 327211, 327212, 327213, 327215, 327310, 327320, 327331, 327332, 327390, 327410, 327420, 327910, 327991, 327992, 327993, 327999, 331110, 331210, 331221, 331222, 331313, 331314, 331315, 331318, 331410, 331420, 331491, 331492, 331511, 331512, 331513, 331523, 331524, 331529, 332111, 332112, 332114, 332117, 332119, 332215, 332216, 332311, 332312, 332313, 332321, 332322, 332323, 332410, 332420, 332431, 332439, 332510, 332613, 332618, 332710, 332721, 332722, 332811, 332812, 332813, 332911, 332912, 332913, 332919, 332991, 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996, 332999, 333111, 333112, 333120, 333131, 333132, 333241, 333242, 333243, 333244, 333249, 333314, 333316, 333318, 333413, 333414, 333415, 333511, 333514, 333515, 333517, 333519, 333611, 333612, 333613, 333618, 333912, 333914, 333921, 333922, 333923, 333924, 333991, 333992, 333993, 333994, 333995, 333996, 333997, 333999, 334111, 334112, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334412, 334413, 334416, 334417, 334418, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334512, 334513, 334514, 334515, 334516, 334517, 334519, 334613, 334614, 335110, 335121, 335122, 335129, 335210, 335220, 335311, 335312, 335313, 335314, 335911, 335912, 335921, 335929, 335931, 335932, 335991, 335999, 336111, 336112, 336120, 336211, 336212, 336213, 336214, 336310, 336320, 336330, 336340, 336350, 336360, 336370, 336390, 336411, 336412, 336413, 336414, 336415, 336419, 336510, 336611, 336612, 336991, 336992, 336999, 337110, 337121, 337122, 337124, 337125, 337127, 337211, 337212, 337214, 337215, 337910, 337920, 339112, 339113, 339114, 339115, 339116, 339910, 339920, 339930, 339940, 339950, 339991, 339992, 339993, 339994, 339995, 339999, 423110, 423120, 423130, 423140, 423210, 423220, 423310, 423320, 423330, 423390, 423410, 423420, 423430, 423440, 423450, 423460, 423490, 423510, 423520, 423610, 423620, 423690, 423710, 423720, 423730, 423740, 423810, 423820, 423830, 423840, 423850, 423860, 423910, 423920, 423930, 423940, 423990, 424110, 424120, 424130, 424210, 424310, 424320, 424330, 424340, 424410, 424420, 424430, 424440, 424450, 424460, 424470, 424480, 424490, 424510, 424520, 424590, 424610, 424690, 424710, 424720, 424810, 424820, 424910, 424920, 424930, 424940, 424950, 424990, 425110, 425120, 441110, 441120, 441210, 441222, 441228, 441310, 441320, 442110, 442210, 442291, 442299, 443141, 443142, 444110, 444120, 444130, 444190, 444210, 444220, 445110, 445120, 445210, 445220, 445230, 445291, 445292, 445299, 445310, 446110, 446120, 446130, 446191, 446199, 447110, 447190, 448110, 448120, 448130, 448140, 448150, 448190, 448210, 448310, 448320, 451110, 451120, 451130, 451140, 451211, 451212, 452210, 452311, 452319, 453110, 453210, 453220, 453310, 453910, 453920, 453930, 453991, 453998, 454110, 454210, 454310, 454390, 481111, 481112, 481211, 481212, 481219, 482111, 482112, 483111, 483112, 483113, 483114, 483211, 483212, 484110, 484121, 484122, 484210, 484220, 484230, 485111, 485112, 485113, 485119, 485210, 485310, 485320, 485410, 485510, 485991, 485999, 486110, 486210, 486910, 486990, 487110, 487210, 487990, 488111, 488119, 488190, 488210, 488310, 488320, 488330, 488390, 488410, 488490, 488510, 488991, 488999, 492110, 492210, 493110, 493120, 493130, 493190, 511110, 511120, 511130, 511140, 511191, 511199, 511210, 512110, 512120, 512131, 512132, 512191, 512199, 512230, 512240, 512250, 512290, 515111, 515112, 515120, 515210, 517311, 517312, 517410, 517911, 517919, 518210, 519110, 519120, 519130, 519190, 521110, 522110, 522120, 522130, 522190, 522210, 522220, 522291, 522292, 522293, 522294, 522298, 522310, 522320, 522390, 523110, 523120, 523130, 523140, 523210, 523910, 523920, 523930, 523991, 523999, 524113, 524114, 524126, 524127, 524128, 524130, 524210, 524291, 524292, 524298, 525110, 525120, 525190, 525910, 525920, 525990, 531110, 531120, 531130, 531190, 531210, 531311, 531312, 531320, 531390, 532111, 532112, 532120, 532210, 532281, 532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 532310, 532411, 532412, 532420, 532490, 533110, 541110, 541191, 541199, 541211, 541213, 541214, 541219, 541310, 541320, 541330, 541340, 541350, 541360, 541370, 541380, 541410, 541420, 541430, 541490, 541511, 541512, 541513, 541519, 541611, 541612, 541613, 541614, 541618, 541620, 541690, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 541810, 541820, 541830, 541840, 541850, 541860, 541870, 541890, 541910, 541921, 541922, 541930, 541940, 541990, 551111, 551112, 551114, 561110, 561210, 561311, 561312, 561320, 561330, 561410, 561421, 561422, 561431, 561439, 561440, 561450, 561491, 561492, 561499, 561510, 561520, 561591, 561599, 561611, 561612, 561613, 561621, 561622, 561710, 561720, 561730, 561740, 561790, 561910, 561920, 561990, 562111, 562112, 562119, 562211, 562212, 562213, 562219, 562910, 562920, 562991, 562998, 611110, 611210, 611310, 611410, 611420, 611430, 611511, 611512, 611513, 611519, 611610, 611620, 611630, 611691, 611692, 611699, 611710, 621111, 621112, 621210, 621310, 621320, 621330, 621340, 621391, 621399, 621410, 621420, 621491, 621492, 621493, 621498, 621511, 621512, 621610, 621910, 621991, 621999, 6221101, 6221102, 6222101, 6222102, 6223101, 6223102, 623110, 623210, 623220, 623311, 623312, 623990, 624110, 624120, 624190, 624210, 624221, 624229, 624230, 624310, 624410, 711110, 711120, 711130, 711190, 7112111, 7112112, 7112119, 7112121, 7112122, 7112123, 7112191, 7112192, 711310, 711320, 711410, 711510, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713110, 713120, 713210, 713290, 713910, 713920, 713930, 713940, 713950, 713990, 721110, 721120, 721191, 721199, 721211, 721214, 721310, 722310, 722320, 722330, 722410, 722511, 722513, 722514, 722515, 811111, 811112, 811113, 811118, 811121, 811122, 811191, 811192, 811198, 811211, 811212, 811213, 811219, 811310, 811411, 811412, 811420, 811430, 811490, 812111, 812112, 812113, 812191, 812199, 812210, 812220, 812310, 812320, 812331, 812332, 812910, 812921, 812922, 812930, 812990, 813110, 813211, 813212, 813219, 813311, 813312, 813319, 813410, 813910, 813920, 813930, 813940, 813990 New Establishment: Former Ownership Street What was number and street of former owner or operator? N/A PREV_OWN_ADDR_STREET_TXT Text
Maximum length is 20 characters
N/A Yes Ask if PREV_OWN_STAT= 1

20 AIES_Previous_Owner_Address_Street_Text
AIES Previous Owner Address Street Text
AIES Previous Owner Address Street Text Response TEXT CHARACTER N/A N/A

79 New/Added Establishment Prior Ownership Info Added Estab. Level:
ACES -Employers, ARTS, AWTS, SAS, ASM, Const., MI, select AG, Pub Admin & out of scope NAICS (i.e. the AIES universe)

113110, 113210, 113310, 114111, 114112, 114119, 114210, 115111, 115112, 115113, 115114, 115115, 115116, 115210, 115310, 211120, 211130, 211130, 212111, 212112, 212113, 212210, 212221, 212222, 212230, 212291, 212299, 212311, 212312, 212313, 212319, 212321, 212322, 212324, 212325, 212391, 212392, 212393, 212399, 213111, 213112, 213113, 213114, 213115, 221111, 221112, 221113, 221114, 221115, 221116, 221117, 221118, 221121, 221122, 221210, 221310, 221320, 221330, 236115, 236116, 236117, 236118, 236210, 236220, 237110, 237120, 237130, 237210, 237310, 237990, 238110, 238120, 238130, 238140, 238150, 238160, 238170, 238190, 238210, 238220, 238290, 238310, 238320, 238330, 238340, 238350, 238390, 238910, 238990, 311111, 311119, 311211, 311212, 311213, 311221, 311224, 311225, 311230, 311313, 311314, 311340, 311351, 311352, 311411, 311412, 311421, 311422, 311423, 311511, 311512, 311513, 311514, 311520, 311611, 311612, 311613, 311615, 311710, 311811, 311812, 311813, 311821, 311824, 311830, 311911, 311919, 311920, 311930, 311941, 311942, 311991, 311999, 312111, 312112, 312113, 312120, 312130, 312140, 312230, 313110, 313210, 313220, 313230, 313240, 313310, 313320, 314110, 314120, 314910, 314994, 314999, 315110, 315190, 315210, 315220, 315240, 315280, 315990, 316110, 316210, 316992, 316998, 321113, 321114, 321211, 321212, 321213, 321214, 321219, 321911, 321912, 321918, 321920, 321991, 321992, 321999, 322110, 322121, 322122, 322130, 322211, 322212, 322219, 322220, 322230, 322291, 322299, 323111, 323113, 323117, 323120, 324110, 324121, 324122, 324191, 324199, 325110, 325120, 325130, 325180, 325193, 325194, 325199, 325211, 325212, 325220, 325311, 325312, 325314, 325320, 325411, 325412, 325413, 325414, 325510, 325520, 325611, 325612, 325613, 325620, 325910, 325920, 325991, 325992, 325998, 326111, 326112, 326113, 326121, 326122, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160, 326191, 326199, 326211, 326212, 326220, 326291, 326299, 327110, 327120, 327211, 327212, 327213, 327215, 327310, 327320, 327331, 327332, 327390, 327410, 327420, 327910, 327991, 327992, 327993, 327999, 331110, 331210, 331221, 331222, 331313, 331314, 331315, 331318, 331410, 331420, 331491, 331492, 331511, 331512, 331513, 331523, 331524, 331529, 332111, 332112, 332114, 332117, 332119, 332215, 332216, 332311, 332312, 332313, 332321, 332322, 332323, 332410, 332420, 332431, 332439, 332510, 332613, 332618, 332710, 332721, 332722, 332811, 332812, 332813, 332911, 332912, 332913, 332919, 332991, 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996, 332999, 333111, 333112, 333120, 333131, 333132, 333241, 333242, 333243, 333244, 333249, 333314, 333316, 333318, 333413, 333414, 333415, 333511, 333514, 333515, 333517, 333519, 333611, 333612, 333613, 333618, 333912, 333914, 333921, 333922, 333923, 333924, 333991, 333992, 333993, 333994, 333995, 333996, 333997, 333999, 334111, 334112, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334412, 334413, 334416, 334417, 334418, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334512, 334513, 334514, 334515, 334516, 334517, 334519, 334613, 334614, 335110, 335121, 335122, 335129, 335210, 335220, 335311, 335312, 335313, 335314, 335911, 335912, 335921, 335929, 335931, 335932, 335991, 335999, 336111, 336112, 336120, 336211, 336212, 336213, 336214, 336310, 336320, 336330, 336340, 336350, 336360, 336370, 336390, 336411, 336412, 336413, 336414, 336415, 336419, 336510, 336611, 336612, 336991, 336992, 336999, 337110, 337121, 337122, 337124, 337125, 337127, 337211, 337212, 337214, 337215, 337910, 337920, 339112, 339113, 339114, 339115, 339116, 339910, 339920, 339930, 339940, 339950, 339991, 339992, 339993, 339994, 339995, 339999, 423110, 423120, 423130, 423140, 423210, 423220, 423310, 423320, 423330, 423390, 423410, 423420, 423430, 423440, 423450, 423460, 423490, 423510, 423520, 423610, 423620, 423690, 423710, 423720, 423730, 423740, 423810, 423820, 423830, 423840, 423850, 423860, 423910, 423920, 423930, 423940, 423990, 424110, 424120, 424130, 424210, 424310, 424320, 424330, 424340, 424410, 424420, 424430, 424440, 424450, 424460, 424470, 424480, 424490, 424510, 424520, 424590, 424610, 424690, 424710, 424720, 424810, 424820, 424910, 424920, 424930, 424940, 424950, 424990, 425110, 425120, 441110, 441120, 441210, 441222, 441228, 441310, 441320, 442110, 442210, 442291, 442299, 443141, 443142, 444110, 444120, 444130, 444190, 444210, 444220, 445110, 445120, 445210, 445220, 445230, 445291, 445292, 445299, 445310, 446110, 446120, 446130, 446191, 446199, 447110, 447190, 448110, 448120, 448130, 448140, 448150, 448190, 448210, 448310, 448320, 451110, 451120, 451130, 451140, 451211, 451212, 452210, 452311, 452319, 453110, 453210, 453220, 453310, 453910, 453920, 453930, 453991, 453998, 454110, 454210, 454310, 454390, 481111, 481112, 481211, 481212, 481219, 482111, 482112, 483111, 483112, 483113, 483114, 483211, 483212, 484110, 484121, 484122, 484210, 484220, 484230, 485111, 485112, 485113, 485119, 485210, 485310, 485320, 485410, 485510, 485991, 485999, 486110, 486210, 486910, 486990, 487110, 487210, 487990, 488111, 488119, 488190, 488210, 488310, 488320, 488330, 488390, 488410, 488490, 488510, 488991, 488999, 492110, 492210, 493110, 493120, 493130, 493190, 511110, 511120, 511130, 511140, 511191, 511199, 511210, 512110, 512120, 512131, 512132, 512191, 512199, 512230, 512240, 512250, 512290, 515111, 515112, 515120, 515210, 517311, 517312, 517410, 517911, 517919, 518210, 519110, 519120, 519130, 519190, 521110, 522110, 522120, 522130, 522190, 522210, 522220, 522291, 522292, 522293, 522294, 522298, 522310, 522320, 522390, 523110, 523120, 523130, 523140, 523210, 523910, 523920, 523930, 523991, 523999, 524113, 524114, 524126, 524127, 524128, 524130, 524210, 524291, 524292, 524298, 525110, 525120, 525190, 525910, 525920, 525990, 531110, 531120, 531130, 531190, 531210, 531311, 531312, 531320, 531390, 532111, 532112, 532120, 532210, 532281, 532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 532310, 532411, 532412, 532420, 532490, 533110, 541110, 541191, 541199, 541211, 541213, 541214, 541219, 541310, 541320, 541330, 541340, 541350, 541360, 541370, 541380, 541410, 541420, 541430, 541490, 541511, 541512, 541513, 541519, 541611, 541612, 541613, 541614, 541618, 541620, 541690, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 541810, 541820, 541830, 541840, 541850, 541860, 541870, 541890, 541910, 541921, 541922, 541930, 541940, 541990, 551111, 551112, 551114, 561110, 561210, 561311, 561312, 561320, 561330, 561410, 561421, 561422, 561431, 561439, 561440, 561450, 561491, 561492, 561499, 561510, 561520, 561591, 561599, 561611, 561612, 561613, 561621, 561622, 561710, 561720, 561730, 561740, 561790, 561910, 561920, 561990, 562111, 562112, 562119, 562211, 562212, 562213, 562219, 562910, 562920, 562991, 562998, 611110, 611210, 611310, 611410, 611420, 611430, 611511, 611512, 611513, 611519, 611610, 611620, 611630, 611691, 611692, 611699, 611710, 621111, 621112, 621210, 621310, 621320, 621330, 621340, 621391, 621399, 621410, 621420, 621491, 621492, 621493, 621498, 621511, 621512, 621610, 621910, 621991, 621999, 6221101, 6221102, 6222101, 6222102, 6223101, 6223102, 623110, 623210, 623220, 623311, 623312, 623990, 624110, 624120, 624190, 624210, 624221, 624229, 624230, 624310, 624410, 711110, 711120, 711130, 711190, 7112111, 7112112, 7112119, 7112121, 7112122, 7112123, 7112191, 7112192, 711310, 711320, 711410, 711510, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713110, 713120, 713210, 713290, 713910, 713920, 713930, 713940, 713950, 713990, 721110, 721120, 721191, 721199, 721211, 721214, 721310, 722310, 722320, 722330, 722410, 722511, 722513, 722514, 722515, 811111, 811112, 811113, 811118, 811121, 811122, 811191, 811192, 811198, 811211, 811212, 811213, 811219, 811310, 811411, 811412, 811420, 811430, 811490, 812111, 812112, 812113, 812191, 812199, 812210, 812220, 812310, 812320, 812331, 812332, 812910, 812921, 812922, 812930, 812990, 813110, 813211, 813212, 813219, 813311, 813312, 813319, 813410, 813910, 813920, 813930, 813940, 813990 New Establishment: Former Ownership City What was city, town, village, etc. of former owner or operator? N/A PREV_OWN_ADDR_CITY_TXT Text
Maximum length is 20 characters
N/A Yes Ask if PREV_OWN_STAT= 1


20 AIES_Previous_Owner_Address_City_Text
AIES Previous Owner Address City Text
AIES Previous Owner Address City Text Response TEXT CHARACTER N/A N/A

80 New/Added Establishment Prior Ownership Info Added Estab. Level:
ACES -Employers, ARTS, AWTS, SAS, ASM, Const., MI, select AG, Pub Admin & out of scope NAICS (i.e. the AIES universe)

113110, 113210, 113310, 114111, 114112, 114119, 114210, 115111, 115112, 115113, 115114, 115115, 115116, 115210, 115310, 211120, 211130, 211130, 212111, 212112, 212113, 212210, 212221, 212222, 212230, 212291, 212299, 212311, 212312, 212313, 212319, 212321, 212322, 212324, 212325, 212391, 212392, 212393, 212399, 213111, 213112, 213113, 213114, 213115, 221111, 221112, 221113, 221114, 221115, 221116, 221117, 221118, 221121, 221122, 221210, 221310, 221320, 221330, 236115, 236116, 236117, 236118, 236210, 236220, 237110, 237120, 237130, 237210, 237310, 237990, 238110, 238120, 238130, 238140, 238150, 238160, 238170, 238190, 238210, 238220, 238290, 238310, 238320, 238330, 238340, 238350, 238390, 238910, 238990, 311111, 311119, 311211, 311212, 311213, 311221, 311224, 311225, 311230, 311313, 311314, 311340, 311351, 311352, 311411, 311412, 311421, 311422, 311423, 311511, 311512, 311513, 311514, 311520, 311611, 311612, 311613, 311615, 311710, 311811, 311812, 311813, 311821, 311824, 311830, 311911, 311919, 311920, 311930, 311941, 311942, 311991, 311999, 312111, 312112, 312113, 312120, 312130, 312140, 312230, 313110, 313210, 313220, 313230, 313240, 313310, 313320, 314110, 314120, 314910, 314994, 314999, 315110, 315190, 315210, 315220, 315240, 315280, 315990, 316110, 316210, 316992, 316998, 321113, 321114, 321211, 321212, 321213, 321214, 321219, 321911, 321912, 321918, 321920, 321991, 321992, 321999, 322110, 322121, 322122, 322130, 322211, 322212, 322219, 322220, 322230, 322291, 322299, 323111, 323113, 323117, 323120, 324110, 324121, 324122, 324191, 324199, 325110, 325120, 325130, 325180, 325193, 325194, 325199, 325211, 325212, 325220, 325311, 325312, 325314, 325320, 325411, 325412, 325413, 325414, 325510, 325520, 325611, 325612, 325613, 325620, 325910, 325920, 325991, 325992, 325998, 326111, 326112, 326113, 326121, 326122, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160, 326191, 326199, 326211, 326212, 326220, 326291, 326299, 327110, 327120, 327211, 327212, 327213, 327215, 327310, 327320, 327331, 327332, 327390, 327410, 327420, 327910, 327991, 327992, 327993, 327999, 331110, 331210, 331221, 331222, 331313, 331314, 331315, 331318, 331410, 331420, 331491, 331492, 331511, 331512, 331513, 331523, 331524, 331529, 332111, 332112, 332114, 332117, 332119, 332215, 332216, 332311, 332312, 332313, 332321, 332322, 332323, 332410, 332420, 332431, 332439, 332510, 332613, 332618, 332710, 332721, 332722, 332811, 332812, 332813, 332911, 332912, 332913, 332919, 332991, 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996, 332999, 333111, 333112, 333120, 333131, 333132, 333241, 333242, 333243, 333244, 333249, 333314, 333316, 333318, 333413, 333414, 333415, 333511, 333514, 333515, 333517, 333519, 333611, 333612, 333613, 333618, 333912, 333914, 333921, 333922, 333923, 333924, 333991, 333992, 333993, 333994, 333995, 333996, 333997, 333999, 334111, 334112, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334412, 334413, 334416, 334417, 334418, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334512, 334513, 334514, 334515, 334516, 334517, 334519, 334613, 334614, 335110, 335121, 335122, 335129, 335210, 335220, 335311, 335312, 335313, 335314, 335911, 335912, 335921, 335929, 335931, 335932, 335991, 335999, 336111, 336112, 336120, 336211, 336212, 336213, 336214, 336310, 336320, 336330, 336340, 336350, 336360, 336370, 336390, 336411, 336412, 336413, 336414, 336415, 336419, 336510, 336611, 336612, 336991, 336992, 336999, 337110, 337121, 337122, 337124, 337125, 337127, 337211, 337212, 337214, 337215, 337910, 337920, 339112, 339113, 339114, 339115, 339116, 339910, 339920, 339930, 339940, 339950, 339991, 339992, 339993, 339994, 339995, 339999, 423110, 423120, 423130, 423140, 423210, 423220, 423310, 423320, 423330, 423390, 423410, 423420, 423430, 423440, 423450, 423460, 423490, 423510, 423520, 423610, 423620, 423690, 423710, 423720, 423730, 423740, 423810, 423820, 423830, 423840, 423850, 423860, 423910, 423920, 423930, 423940, 423990, 424110, 424120, 424130, 424210, 424310, 424320, 424330, 424340, 424410, 424420, 424430, 424440, 424450, 424460, 424470, 424480, 424490, 424510, 424520, 424590, 424610, 424690, 424710, 424720, 424810, 424820, 424910, 424920, 424930, 424940, 424950, 424990, 425110, 425120, 441110, 441120, 441210, 441222, 441228, 441310, 441320, 442110, 442210, 442291, 442299, 443141, 443142, 444110, 444120, 444130, 444190, 444210, 444220, 445110, 445120, 445210, 445220, 445230, 445291, 445292, 445299, 445310, 446110, 446120, 446130, 446191, 446199, 447110, 447190, 448110, 448120, 448130, 448140, 448150, 448190, 448210, 448310, 448320, 451110, 451120, 451130, 451140, 451211, 451212, 452210, 452311, 452319, 453110, 453210, 453220, 453310, 453910, 453920, 453930, 453991, 453998, 454110, 454210, 454310, 454390, 481111, 481112, 481211, 481212, 481219, 482111, 482112, 483111, 483112, 483113, 483114, 483211, 483212, 484110, 484121, 484122, 484210, 484220, 484230, 485111, 485112, 485113, 485119, 485210, 485310, 485320, 485410, 485510, 485991, 485999, 486110, 486210, 486910, 486990, 487110, 487210, 487990, 488111, 488119, 488190, 488210, 488310, 488320, 488330, 488390, 488410, 488490, 488510, 488991, 488999, 492110, 492210, 493110, 493120, 493130, 493190, 511110, 511120, 511130, 511140, 511191, 511199, 511210, 512110, 512120, 512131, 512132, 512191, 512199, 512230, 512240, 512250, 512290, 515111, 515112, 515120, 515210, 517311, 517312, 517410, 517911, 517919, 518210, 519110, 519120, 519130, 519190, 521110, 522110, 522120, 522130, 522190, 522210, 522220, 522291, 522292, 522293, 522294, 522298, 522310, 522320, 522390, 523110, 523120, 523130, 523140, 523210, 523910, 523920, 523930, 523991, 523999, 524113, 524114, 524126, 524127, 524128, 524130, 524210, 524291, 524292, 524298, 525110, 525120, 525190, 525910, 525920, 525990, 531110, 531120, 531130, 531190, 531210, 531311, 531312, 531320, 531390, 532111, 532112, 532120, 532210, 532281, 532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 532310, 532411, 532412, 532420, 532490, 533110, 541110, 541191, 541199, 541211, 541213, 541214, 541219, 541310, 541320, 541330, 541340, 541350, 541360, 541370, 541380, 541410, 541420, 541430, 541490, 541511, 541512, 541513, 541519, 541611, 541612, 541613, 541614, 541618, 541620, 541690, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 541810, 541820, 541830, 541840, 541850, 541860, 541870, 541890, 541910, 541921, 541922, 541930, 541940, 541990, 551111, 551112, 551114, 561110, 561210, 561311, 561312, 561320, 561330, 561410, 561421, 561422, 561431, 561439, 561440, 561450, 561491, 561492, 561499, 561510, 561520, 561591, 561599, 561611, 561612, 561613, 561621, 561622, 561710, 561720, 561730, 561740, 561790, 561910, 561920, 561990, 562111, 562112, 562119, 562211, 562212, 562213, 562219, 562910, 562920, 562991, 562998, 611110, 611210, 611310, 611410, 611420, 611430, 611511, 611512, 611513, 611519, 611610, 611620, 611630, 611691, 611692, 611699, 611710, 621111, 621112, 621210, 621310, 621320, 621330, 621340, 621391, 621399, 621410, 621420, 621491, 621492, 621493, 621498, 621511, 621512, 621610, 621910, 621991, 621999, 6221101, 6221102, 6222101, 6222102, 6223101, 6223102, 623110, 623210, 623220, 623311, 623312, 623990, 624110, 624120, 624190, 624210, 624221, 624229, 624230, 624310, 624410, 711110, 711120, 711130, 711190, 7112111, 7112112, 7112119, 7112121, 7112122, 7112123, 7112191, 7112192, 711310, 711320, 711410, 711510, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713110, 713120, 713210, 713290, 713910, 713920, 713930, 713940, 713950, 713990, 721110, 721120, 721191, 721199, 721211, 721214, 721310, 722310, 722320, 722330, 722410, 722511, 722513, 722514, 722515, 811111, 811112, 811113, 811118, 811121, 811122, 811191, 811192, 811198, 811211, 811212, 811213, 811219, 811310, 811411, 811412, 811420, 811430, 811490, 812111, 812112, 812113, 812191, 812199, 812210, 812220, 812310, 812320, 812331, 812332, 812910, 812921, 812922, 812930, 812990, 813110, 813211, 813212, 813219, 813311, 813312, 813319, 813410, 813910, 813920, 813930, 813940, 813990 New Establishment: Former Ownership ST What was state of former owner or operator? N/A PREV_OWN_ADDR_ST_TXT Use 2-letter state abbreviation
State drop-down
N/A Yes Ask if PREV_OWN_STAT= 1

2 AIES_Previous_Owner_Address_State_Text
AIES Previous Owner Address State Text
AIES Previous Owner Address State Text Response DROPDOWN Drop Down N/A [Threaded comment] Your version of Excel allows you to read this threaded comment; however, any edits to it will get removed if the file is opened in a newer version of Excel. Learn more: Comment: @Lora Rosenberger (CENSUS/ADEP FED) Since this is the 2-letter State abbreviation or "N/A" since that already exists? N/A

81 New/Added Establishment Prior Ownership Info Added Estab. Level:
ACES -Employers, ARTS, AWTS, SAS, ASM, Const., MI, select AG, Pub Admin & out of scope NAICS (i.e. the AIES universe)

113110, 113210, 113310, 114111, 114112, 114119, 114210, 115111, 115112, 115113, 115114, 115115, 115116, 115210, 115310, 211120, 211130, 211130, 212111, 212112, 212113, 212210, 212221, 212222, 212230, 212291, 212299, 212311, 212312, 212313, 212319, 212321, 212322, 212324, 212325, 212391, 212392, 212393, 212399, 213111, 213112, 213113, 213114, 213115, 221111, 221112, 221113, 221114, 221115, 221116, 221117, 221118, 221121, 221122, 221210, 221310, 221320, 221330, 236115, 236116, 236117, 236118, 236210, 236220, 237110, 237120, 237130, 237210, 237310, 237990, 238110, 238120, 238130, 238140, 238150, 238160, 238170, 238190, 238210, 238220, 238290, 238310, 238320, 238330, 238340, 238350, 238390, 238910, 238990, 311111, 311119, 311211, 311212, 311213, 311221, 311224, 311225, 311230, 311313, 311314, 311340, 311351, 311352, 311411, 311412, 311421, 311422, 311423, 311511, 311512, 311513, 311514, 311520, 311611, 311612, 311613, 311615, 311710, 311811, 311812, 311813, 311821, 311824, 311830, 311911, 311919, 311920, 311930, 311941, 311942, 311991, 311999, 312111, 312112, 312113, 312120, 312130, 312140, 312230, 313110, 313210, 313220, 313230, 313240, 313310, 313320, 314110, 314120, 314910, 314994, 314999, 315110, 315190, 315210, 315220, 315240, 315280, 315990, 316110, 316210, 316992, 316998, 321113, 321114, 321211, 321212, 321213, 321214, 321219, 321911, 321912, 321918, 321920, 321991, 321992, 321999, 322110, 322121, 322122, 322130, 322211, 322212, 322219, 322220, 322230, 322291, 322299, 323111, 323113, 323117, 323120, 324110, 324121, 324122, 324191, 324199, 325110, 325120, 325130, 325180, 325193, 325194, 325199, 325211, 325212, 325220, 325311, 325312, 325314, 325320, 325411, 325412, 325413, 325414, 325510, 325520, 325611, 325612, 325613, 325620, 325910, 325920, 325991, 325992, 325998, 326111, 326112, 326113, 326121, 326122, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160, 326191, 326199, 326211, 326212, 326220, 326291, 326299, 327110, 327120, 327211, 327212, 327213, 327215, 327310, 327320, 327331, 327332, 327390, 327410, 327420, 327910, 327991, 327992, 327993, 327999, 331110, 331210, 331221, 331222, 331313, 331314, 331315, 331318, 331410, 331420, 331491, 331492, 331511, 331512, 331513, 331523, 331524, 331529, 332111, 332112, 332114, 332117, 332119, 332215, 332216, 332311, 332312, 332313, 332321, 332322, 332323, 332410, 332420, 332431, 332439, 332510, 332613, 332618, 332710, 332721, 332722, 332811, 332812, 332813, 332911, 332912, 332913, 332919, 332991, 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996, 332999, 333111, 333112, 333120, 333131, 333132, 333241, 333242, 333243, 333244, 333249, 333314, 333316, 333318, 333413, 333414, 333415, 333511, 333514, 333515, 333517, 333519, 333611, 333612, 333613, 333618, 333912, 333914, 333921, 333922, 333923, 333924, 333991, 333992, 333993, 333994, 333995, 333996, 333997, 333999, 334111, 334112, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334412, 334413, 334416, 334417, 334418, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334512, 334513, 334514, 334515, 334516, 334517, 334519, 334613, 334614, 335110, 335121, 335122, 335129, 335210, 335220, 335311, 335312, 335313, 335314, 335911, 335912, 335921, 335929, 335931, 335932, 335991, 335999, 336111, 336112, 336120, 336211, 336212, 336213, 336214, 336310, 336320, 336330, 336340, 336350, 336360, 336370, 336390, 336411, 336412, 336413, 336414, 336415, 336419, 336510, 336611, 336612, 336991, 336992, 336999, 337110, 337121, 337122, 337124, 337125, 337127, 337211, 337212, 337214, 337215, 337910, 337920, 339112, 339113, 339114, 339115, 339116, 339910, 339920, 339930, 339940, 339950, 339991, 339992, 339993, 339994, 339995, 339999, 423110, 423120, 423130, 423140, 423210, 423220, 423310, 423320, 423330, 423390, 423410, 423420, 423430, 423440, 423450, 423460, 423490, 423510, 423520, 423610, 423620, 423690, 423710, 423720, 423730, 423740, 423810, 423820, 423830, 423840, 423850, 423860, 423910, 423920, 423930, 423940, 423990, 424110, 424120, 424130, 424210, 424310, 424320, 424330, 424340, 424410, 424420, 424430, 424440, 424450, 424460, 424470, 424480, 424490, 424510, 424520, 424590, 424610, 424690, 424710, 424720, 424810, 424820, 424910, 424920, 424930, 424940, 424950, 424990, 425110, 425120, 441110, 441120, 441210, 441222, 441228, 441310, 441320, 442110, 442210, 442291, 442299, 443141, 443142, 444110, 444120, 444130, 444190, 444210, 444220, 445110, 445120, 445210, 445220, 445230, 445291, 445292, 445299, 445310, 446110, 446120, 446130, 446191, 446199, 447110, 447190, 448110, 448120, 448130, 448140, 448150, 448190, 448210, 448310, 448320, 451110, 451120, 451130, 451140, 451211, 451212, 452210, 452311, 452319, 453110, 453210, 453220, 453310, 453910, 453920, 453930, 453991, 453998, 454110, 454210, 454310, 454390, 481111, 481112, 481211, 481212, 481219, 482111, 482112, 483111, 483112, 483113, 483114, 483211, 483212, 484110, 484121, 484122, 484210, 484220, 484230, 485111, 485112, 485113, 485119, 485210, 485310, 485320, 485410, 485510, 485991, 485999, 486110, 486210, 486910, 486990, 487110, 487210, 487990, 488111, 488119, 488190, 488210, 488310, 488320, 488330, 488390, 488410, 488490, 488510, 488991, 488999, 492110, 492210, 493110, 493120, 493130, 493190, 511110, 511120, 511130, 511140, 511191, 511199, 511210, 512110, 512120, 512131, 512132, 512191, 512199, 512230, 512240, 512250, 512290, 515111, 515112, 515120, 515210, 517311, 517312, 517410, 517911, 517919, 518210, 519110, 519120, 519130, 519190, 521110, 522110, 522120, 522130, 522190, 522210, 522220, 522291, 522292, 522293, 522294, 522298, 522310, 522320, 522390, 523110, 523120, 523130, 523140, 523210, 523910, 523920, 523930, 523991, 523999, 524113, 524114, 524126, 524127, 524128, 524130, 524210, 524291, 524292, 524298, 525110, 525120, 525190, 525910, 525920, 525990, 531110, 531120, 531130, 531190, 531210, 531311, 531312, 531320, 531390, 532111, 532112, 532120, 532210, 532281, 532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 532310, 532411, 532412, 532420, 532490, 533110, 541110, 541191, 541199, 541211, 541213, 541214, 541219, 541310, 541320, 541330, 541340, 541350, 541360, 541370, 541380, 541410, 541420, 541430, 541490, 541511, 541512, 541513, 541519, 541611, 541612, 541613, 541614, 541618, 541620, 541690, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 541810, 541820, 541830, 541840, 541850, 541860, 541870, 541890, 541910, 541921, 541922, 541930, 541940, 541990, 551111, 551112, 551114, 561110, 561210, 561311, 561312, 561320, 561330, 561410, 561421, 561422, 561431, 561439, 561440, 561450, 561491, 561492, 561499, 561510, 561520, 561591, 561599, 561611, 561612, 561613, 561621, 561622, 561710, 561720, 561730, 561740, 561790, 561910, 561920, 561990, 562111, 562112, 562119, 562211, 562212, 562213, 562219, 562910, 562920, 562991, 562998, 611110, 611210, 611310, 611410, 611420, 611430, 611511, 611512, 611513, 611519, 611610, 611620, 611630, 611691, 611692, 611699, 611710, 621111, 621112, 621210, 621310, 621320, 621330, 621340, 621391, 621399, 621410, 621420, 621491, 621492, 621493, 621498, 621511, 621512, 621610, 621910, 621991, 621999, 6221101, 6221102, 6222101, 6222102, 6223101, 6223102, 623110, 623210, 623220, 623311, 623312, 623990, 624110, 624120, 624190, 624210, 624221, 624229, 624230, 624310, 624410, 711110, 711120, 711130, 711190, 7112111, 7112112, 7112119, 7112121, 7112122, 7112123, 7112191, 7112192, 711310, 711320, 711410, 711510, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713110, 713120, 713210, 713290, 713910, 713920, 713930, 713940, 713950, 713990, 721110, 721120, 721191, 721199, 721211, 721214, 721310, 722310, 722320, 722330, 722410, 722511, 722513, 722514, 722515, 811111, 811112, 811113, 811118, 811121, 811122, 811191, 811192, 811198, 811211, 811212, 811213, 811219, 811310, 811411, 811412, 811420, 811430, 811490, 812111, 812112, 812113, 812191, 812199, 812210, 812220, 812310, 812320, 812331, 812332, 812910, 812921, 812922, 812930, 812990, 813110, 813211, 813212, 813219, 813311, 813312, 813319, 813410, 813910, 813920, 813930, 813940, 813990 New Establishment: Former Ownership ZIP Code What was ZIP Code of former owner or operator? N/A PREV_OWN_ADDR_ZIP_NUM Use 5- or 9-digit ZIP Code N/A Yes Ask if PREV_OWN_STAT= 1

9 AIES_Previous_Owner_Address_Zip_Number
AIES Previous Owner Address Zip Number
AIES Previous Owner Address Zip Number Response TEXT CHARACTER N/A N/A

82 New/Added Establishment Prior Ownership Info Added Estab. Level:
ACES -Employers, ARTS, AWTS, SAS, ASM, Const., MI, select AG, Pub Admin & out of scope NAICS (i.e. the AIES universe)

113110, 113210, 113310, 114111, 114112, 114119, 114210, 115111, 115112, 115113, 115114, 115115, 115116, 115210, 115310, 211120, 211130, 211130, 212111, 212112, 212113, 212210, 212221, 212222, 212230, 212291, 212299, 212311, 212312, 212313, 212319, 212321, 212322, 212324, 212325, 212391, 212392, 212393, 212399, 213111, 213112, 213113, 213114, 213115, 221111, 221112, 221113, 221114, 221115, 221116, 221117, 221118, 221121, 221122, 221210, 221310, 221320, 221330, 236115, 236116, 236117, 236118, 236210, 236220, 237110, 237120, 237130, 237210, 237310, 237990, 238110, 238120, 238130, 238140, 238150, 238160, 238170, 238190, 238210, 238220, 238290, 238310, 238320, 238330, 238340, 238350, 238390, 238910, 238990, 311111, 311119, 311211, 311212, 311213, 311221, 311224, 311225, 311230, 311313, 311314, 311340, 311351, 311352, 311411, 311412, 311421, 311422, 311423, 311511, 311512, 311513, 311514, 311520, 311611, 311612, 311613, 311615, 311710, 311811, 311812, 311813, 311821, 311824, 311830, 311911, 311919, 311920, 311930, 311941, 311942, 311991, 311999, 312111, 312112, 312113, 312120, 312130, 312140, 312230, 313110, 313210, 313220, 313230, 313240, 313310, 313320, 314110, 314120, 314910, 314994, 314999, 315110, 315190, 315210, 315220, 315240, 315280, 315990, 316110, 316210, 316992, 316998, 321113, 321114, 321211, 321212, 321213, 321214, 321219, 321911, 321912, 321918, 321920, 321991, 321992, 321999, 322110, 322121, 322122, 322130, 322211, 322212, 322219, 322220, 322230, 322291, 322299, 323111, 323113, 323117, 323120, 324110, 324121, 324122, 324191, 324199, 325110, 325120, 325130, 325180, 325193, 325194, 325199, 325211, 325212, 325220, 325311, 325312, 325314, 325320, 325411, 325412, 325413, 325414, 325510, 325520, 325611, 325612, 325613, 325620, 325910, 325920, 325991, 325992, 325998, 326111, 326112, 326113, 326121, 326122, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160, 326191, 326199, 326211, 326212, 326220, 326291, 326299, 327110, 327120, 327211, 327212, 327213, 327215, 327310, 327320, 327331, 327332, 327390, 327410, 327420, 327910, 327991, 327992, 327993, 327999, 331110, 331210, 331221, 331222, 331313, 331314, 331315, 331318, 331410, 331420, 331491, 331492, 331511, 331512, 331513, 331523, 331524, 331529, 332111, 332112, 332114, 332117, 332119, 332215, 332216, 332311, 332312, 332313, 332321, 332322, 332323, 332410, 332420, 332431, 332439, 332510, 332613, 332618, 332710, 332721, 332722, 332811, 332812, 332813, 332911, 332912, 332913, 332919, 332991, 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996, 332999, 333111, 333112, 333120, 333131, 333132, 333241, 333242, 333243, 333244, 333249, 333314, 333316, 333318, 333413, 333414, 333415, 333511, 333514, 333515, 333517, 333519, 333611, 333612, 333613, 333618, 333912, 333914, 333921, 333922, 333923, 333924, 333991, 333992, 333993, 333994, 333995, 333996, 333997, 333999, 334111, 334112, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334412, 334413, 334416, 334417, 334418, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334512, 334513, 334514, 334515, 334516, 334517, 334519, 334613, 334614, 335110, 335121, 335122, 335129, 335210, 335220, 335311, 335312, 335313, 335314, 335911, 335912, 335921, 335929, 335931, 335932, 335991, 335999, 336111, 336112, 336120, 336211, 336212, 336213, 336214, 336310, 336320, 336330, 336340, 336350, 336360, 336370, 336390, 336411, 336412, 336413, 336414, 336415, 336419, 336510, 336611, 336612, 336991, 336992, 336999, 337110, 337121, 337122, 337124, 337125, 337127, 337211, 337212, 337214, 337215, 337910, 337920, 339112, 339113, 339114, 339115, 339116, 339910, 339920, 339930, 339940, 339950, 339991, 339992, 339993, 339994, 339995, 339999, 423110, 423120, 423130, 423140, 423210, 423220, 423310, 423320, 423330, 423390, 423410, 423420, 423430, 423440, 423450, 423460, 423490, 423510, 423520, 423610, 423620, 423690, 423710, 423720, 423730, 423740, 423810, 423820, 423830, 423840, 423850, 423860, 423910, 423920, 423930, 423940, 423990, 424110, 424120, 424130, 424210, 424310, 424320, 424330, 424340, 424410, 424420, 424430, 424440, 424450, 424460, 424470, 424480, 424490, 424510, 424520, 424590, 424610, 424690, 424710, 424720, 424810, 424820, 424910, 424920, 424930, 424940, 424950, 424990, 425110, 425120, 441110, 441120, 441210, 441222, 441228, 441310, 441320, 442110, 442210, 442291, 442299, 443141, 443142, 444110, 444120, 444130, 444190, 444210, 444220, 445110, 445120, 445210, 445220, 445230, 445291, 445292, 445299, 445310, 446110, 446120, 446130, 446191, 446199, 447110, 447190, 448110, 448120, 448130, 448140, 448150, 448190, 448210, 448310, 448320, 451110, 451120, 451130, 451140, 451211, 451212, 452210, 452311, 452319, 453110, 453210, 453220, 453310, 453910, 453920, 453930, 453991, 453998, 454110, 454210, 454310, 454390, 481111, 481112, 481211, 481212, 481219, 482111, 482112, 483111, 483112, 483113, 483114, 483211, 483212, 484110, 484121, 484122, 484210, 484220, 484230, 485111, 485112, 485113, 485119, 485210, 485310, 485320, 485410, 485510, 485991, 485999, 486110, 486210, 486910, 486990, 487110, 487210, 487990, 488111, 488119, 488190, 488210, 488310, 488320, 488330, 488390, 488410, 488490, 488510, 488991, 488999, 492110, 492210, 493110, 493120, 493130, 493190, 511110, 511120, 511130, 511140, 511191, 511199, 511210, 512110, 512120, 512131, 512132, 512191, 512199, 512230, 512240, 512250, 512290, 515111, 515112, 515120, 515210, 517311, 517312, 517410, 517911, 517919, 518210, 519110, 519120, 519130, 519190, 521110, 522110, 522120, 522130, 522190, 522210, 522220, 522291, 522292, 522293, 522294, 522298, 522310, 522320, 522390, 523110, 523120, 523130, 523140, 523210, 523910, 523920, 523930, 523991, 523999, 524113, 524114, 524126, 524127, 524128, 524130, 524210, 524291, 524292, 524298, 525110, 525120, 525190, 525910, 525920, 525990, 531110, 531120, 531130, 531190, 531210, 531311, 531312, 531320, 531390, 532111, 532112, 532120, 532210, 532281, 532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 532310, 532411, 532412, 532420, 532490, 533110, 541110, 541191, 541199, 541211, 541213, 541214, 541219, 541310, 541320, 541330, 541340, 541350, 541360, 541370, 541380, 541410, 541420, 541430, 541490, 541511, 541512, 541513, 541519, 541611, 541612, 541613, 541614, 541618, 541620, 541690, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 541810, 541820, 541830, 541840, 541850, 541860, 541870, 541890, 541910, 541921, 541922, 541930, 541940, 541990, 551111, 551112, 551114, 561110, 561210, 561311, 561312, 561320, 561330, 561410, 561421, 561422, 561431, 561439, 561440, 561450, 561491, 561492, 561499, 561510, 561520, 561591, 561599, 561611, 561612, 561613, 561621, 561622, 561710, 561720, 561730, 561740, 561790, 561910, 561920, 561990, 562111, 562112, 562119, 562211, 562212, 562213, 562219, 562910, 562920, 562991, 562998, 611110, 611210, 611310, 611410, 611420, 611430, 611511, 611512, 611513, 611519, 611610, 611620, 611630, 611691, 611692, 611699, 611710, 621111, 621112, 621210, 621310, 621320, 621330, 621340, 621391, 621399, 621410, 621420, 621491, 621492, 621493, 621498, 621511, 621512, 621610, 621910, 621991, 621999, 6221101, 6221102, 6222101, 6222102, 6223101, 6223102, 623110, 623210, 623220, 623311, 623312, 623990, 624110, 624120, 624190, 624210, 624221, 624229, 624230, 624310, 624410, 711110, 711120, 711130, 711190, 7112111, 7112112, 7112119, 7112121, 7112122, 7112123, 7112191, 7112192, 711310, 711320, 711410, 711510, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713110, 713120, 713210, 713290, 713910, 713920, 713930, 713940, 713950, 713990, 721110, 721120, 721191, 721199, 721211, 721214, 721310, 722310, 722320, 722330, 722410, 722511, 722513, 722514, 722515, 811111, 811112, 811113, 811118, 811121, 811122, 811191, 811192, 811198, 811211, 811212, 811213, 811219, 811310, 811411, 811412, 811420, 811430, 811490, 812111, 812112, 812113, 812191, 812199, 812210, 812220, 812310, 812320, 812331, 812332, 812910, 812921, 812922, 812930, 812990, 813110, 813211, 813212, 813219, 813311, 813312, 813319, 813410, 813910, 813920, 813930, 813940, 813990 New Establishment: Former Ownership Country What was county or region of former owner or operator? N/A PREV_OWN_CNTRY_TXT Text N/A Yes Ask if PREV_OWN_STAT= 1

Text AIES_Previous_Owner_Country_Text
AIES Previous Owner Country Text
AIES Previous Owner Country Text Response TEXT CHARACTER N/A N/A

83 New/Added Establishment Prior Ownership Info Added Estab. Level:
ACES -Employers, ARTS, AWTS, SAS, ASM, Const., MI, select AG, Pub Admin & out of scope NAICS (i.e. the AIES universe)

113110, 113210, 113310, 114111, 114112, 114119, 114210, 115111, 115112, 115113, 115114, 115115, 115116, 115210, 115310, 211120, 211130, 211130, 212111, 212112, 212113, 212210, 212221, 212222, 212230, 212291, 212299, 212311, 212312, 212313, 212319, 212321, 212322, 212324, 212325, 212391, 212392, 212393, 212399, 213111, 213112, 213113, 213114, 213115, 221111, 221112, 221113, 221114, 221115, 221116, 221117, 221118, 221121, 221122, 221210, 221310, 221320, 221330, 236115, 236116, 236117, 236118, 236210, 236220, 237110, 237120, 237130, 237210, 237310, 237990, 238110, 238120, 238130, 238140, 238150, 238160, 238170, 238190, 238210, 238220, 238290, 238310, 238320, 238330, 238340, 238350, 238390, 238910, 238990, 311111, 311119, 311211, 311212, 311213, 311221, 311224, 311225, 311230, 311313, 311314, 311340, 311351, 311352, 311411, 311412, 311421, 311422, 311423, 311511, 311512, 311513, 311514, 311520, 311611, 311612, 311613, 311615, 311710, 311811, 311812, 311813, 311821, 311824, 311830, 311911, 311919, 311920, 311930, 311941, 311942, 311991, 311999, 312111, 312112, 312113, 312120, 312130, 312140, 312230, 313110, 313210, 313220, 313230, 313240, 313310, 313320, 314110, 314120, 314910, 314994, 314999, 315110, 315190, 315210, 315220, 315240, 315280, 315990, 316110, 316210, 316992, 316998, 321113, 321114, 321211, 321212, 321213, 321214, 321219, 321911, 321912, 321918, 321920, 321991, 321992, 321999, 322110, 322121, 322122, 322130, 322211, 322212, 322219, 322220, 322230, 322291, 322299, 323111, 323113, 323117, 323120, 324110, 324121, 324122, 324191, 324199, 325110, 325120, 325130, 325180, 325193, 325194, 325199, 325211, 325212, 325220, 325311, 325312, 325314, 325320, 325411, 325412, 325413, 325414, 325510, 325520, 325611, 325612, 325613, 325620, 325910, 325920, 325991, 325992, 325998, 326111, 326112, 326113, 326121, 326122, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160, 326191, 326199, 326211, 326212, 326220, 326291, 326299, 327110, 327120, 327211, 327212, 327213, 327215, 327310, 327320, 327331, 327332, 327390, 327410, 327420, 327910, 327991, 327992, 327993, 327999, 331110, 331210, 331221, 331222, 331313, 331314, 331315, 331318, 331410, 331420, 331491, 331492, 331511, 331512, 331513, 331523, 331524, 331529, 332111, 332112, 332114, 332117, 332119, 332215, 332216, 332311, 332312, 332313, 332321, 332322, 332323, 332410, 332420, 332431, 332439, 332510, 332613, 332618, 332710, 332721, 332722, 332811, 332812, 332813, 332911, 332912, 332913, 332919, 332991, 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996, 332999, 333111, 333112, 333120, 333131, 333132, 333241, 333242, 333243, 333244, 333249, 333314, 333316, 333318, 333413, 333414, 333415, 333511, 333514, 333515, 333517, 333519, 333611, 333612, 333613, 333618, 333912, 333914, 333921, 333922, 333923, 333924, 333991, 333992, 333993, 333994, 333995, 333996, 333997, 333999, 334111, 334112, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334412, 334413, 334416, 334417, 334418, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334512, 334513, 334514, 334515, 334516, 334517, 334519, 334613, 334614, 335110, 335121, 335122, 335129, 335210, 335220, 335311, 335312, 335313, 335314, 335911, 335912, 335921, 335929, 335931, 335932, 335991, 335999, 336111, 336112, 336120, 336211, 336212, 336213, 336214, 336310, 336320, 336330, 336340, 336350, 336360, 336370, 336390, 336411, 336412, 336413, 336414, 336415, 336419, 336510, 336611, 336612, 336991, 336992, 336999, 337110, 337121, 337122, 337124, 337125, 337127, 337211, 337212, 337214, 337215, 337910, 337920, 339112, 339113, 339114, 339115, 339116, 339910, 339920, 339930, 339940, 339950, 339991, 339992, 339993, 339994, 339995, 339999, 423110, 423120, 423130, 423140, 423210, 423220, 423310, 423320, 423330, 423390, 423410, 423420, 423430, 423440, 423450, 423460, 423490, 423510, 423520, 423610, 423620, 423690, 423710, 423720, 423730, 423740, 423810, 423820, 423830, 423840, 423850, 423860, 423910, 423920, 423930, 423940, 423990, 424110, 424120, 424130, 424210, 424310, 424320, 424330, 424340, 424410, 424420, 424430, 424440, 424450, 424460, 424470, 424480, 424490, 424510, 424520, 424590, 424610, 424690, 424710, 424720, 424810, 424820, 424910, 424920, 424930, 424940, 424950, 424990, 425110, 425120, 441110, 441120, 441210, 441222, 441228, 441310, 441320, 442110, 442210, 442291, 442299, 443141, 443142, 444110, 444120, 444130, 444190, 444210, 444220, 445110, 445120, 445210, 445220, 445230, 445291, 445292, 445299, 445310, 446110, 446120, 446130, 446191, 446199, 447110, 447190, 448110, 448120, 448130, 448140, 448150, 448190, 448210, 448310, 448320, 451110, 451120, 451130, 451140, 451211, 451212, 452210, 452311, 452319, 453110, 453210, 453220, 453310, 453910, 453920, 453930, 453991, 453998, 454110, 454210, 454310, 454390, 481111, 481112, 481211, 481212, 481219, 482111, 482112, 483111, 483112, 483113, 483114, 483211, 483212, 484110, 484121, 484122, 484210, 484220, 484230, 485111, 485112, 485113, 485119, 485210, 485310, 485320, 485410, 485510, 485991, 485999, 486110, 486210, 486910, 486990, 487110, 487210, 487990, 488111, 488119, 488190, 488210, 488310, 488320, 488330, 488390, 488410, 488490, 488510, 488991, 488999, 492110, 492210, 493110, 493120, 493130, 493190, 511110, 511120, 511130, 511140, 511191, 511199, 511210, 512110, 512120, 512131, 512132, 512191, 512199, 512230, 512240, 512250, 512290, 515111, 515112, 515120, 515210, 517311, 517312, 517410, 517911, 517919, 518210, 519110, 519120, 519130, 519190, 521110, 522110, 522120, 522130, 522190, 522210, 522220, 522291, 522292, 522293, 522294, 522298, 522310, 522320, 522390, 523110, 523120, 523130, 523140, 523210, 523910, 523920, 523930, 523991, 523999, 524113, 524114, 524126, 524127, 524128, 524130, 524210, 524291, 524292, 524298, 525110, 525120, 525190, 525910, 525920, 525990, 531110, 531120, 531130, 531190, 531210, 531311, 531312, 531320, 531390, 532111, 532112, 532120, 532210, 532281, 532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 532310, 532411, 532412, 532420, 532490, 533110, 541110, 541191, 541199, 541211, 541213, 541214, 541219, 541310, 541320, 541330, 541340, 541350, 541360, 541370, 541380, 541410, 541420, 541430, 541490, 541511, 541512, 541513, 541519, 541611, 541612, 541613, 541614, 541618, 541620, 541690, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 541810, 541820, 541830, 541840, 541850, 541860, 541870, 541890, 541910, 541921, 541922, 541930, 541940, 541990, 551111, 551112, 551114, 561110, 561210, 561311, 561312, 561320, 561330, 561410, 561421, 561422, 561431, 561439, 561440, 561450, 561491, 561492, 561499, 561510, 561520, 561591, 561599, 561611, 561612, 561613, 561621, 561622, 561710, 561720, 561730, 561740, 561790, 561910, 561920, 561990, 562111, 562112, 562119, 562211, 562212, 562213, 562219, 562910, 562920, 562991, 562998, 611110, 611210, 611310, 611410, 611420, 611430, 611511, 611512, 611513, 611519, 611610, 611620, 611630, 611691, 611692, 611699, 611710, 621111, 621112, 621210, 621310, 621320, 621330, 621340, 621391, 621399, 621410, 621420, 621491, 621492, 621493, 621498, 621511, 621512, 621610, 621910, 621991, 621999, 6221101, 6221102, 6222101, 6222102, 6223101, 6223102, 623110, 623210, 623220, 623311, 623312, 623990, 624110, 624120, 624190, 624210, 624221, 624229, 624230, 624310, 624410, 711110, 711120, 711130, 711190, 7112111, 7112112, 7112119, 7112121, 7112122, 7112123, 7112191, 7112192, 711310, 711320, 711410, 711510, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713110, 713120, 713210, 713290, 713910, 713920, 713930, 713940, 713950, 713990, 721110, 721120, 721191, 721199, 721211, 721214, 721310, 722310, 722320, 722330, 722410, 722511, 722513, 722514, 722515, 811111, 811112, 811113, 811118, 811121, 811122, 811191, 811192, 811198, 811211, 811212, 811213, 811219, 811310, 811411, 811412, 811420, 811430, 811490, 812111, 812112, 812113, 812191, 812199, 812210, 812220, 812310, 812320, 812331, 812332, 812910, 812921, 812922, 812930, 812990, 813110, 813211, 813212, 813219, 813311, 813312, 813319, 813410, 813910, 813920, 813930, 813940, 813990 New Establishment: Former Ownership EIN What was the Employer Identification Number (EIN) for the former owner or operator? N/A PREV_OWN_EIN_NUM Enter 9-digit EIN N/A Yes Ask if PREV_OWN_STAT= 1

9 AIES_Previous_Owner_EIN_Number
AIES Previous Owner EIN Number
AIES Previous Owner EIN Number Response TEXT CHARACTER N/A N/A

84 New/Added Establishment Prior Ownership Info Added Estab. Level:
ACES -Employers, ARTS, AWTS, SAS, ASM, Const., MI, select AG, Pub Admin & out of scope NAICS (i.e. the AIES universe)

113110, 113210, 113310, 114111, 114112, 114119, 114210, 115111, 115112, 115113, 115114, 115115, 115116, 115210, 115310, 211120, 211130, 211130, 212111, 212112, 212113, 212210, 212221, 212222, 212230, 212291, 212299, 212311, 212312, 212313, 212319, 212321, 212322, 212324, 212325, 212391, 212392, 212393, 212399, 213111, 213112, 213113, 213114, 213115, 221111, 221112, 221113, 221114, 221115, 221116, 221117, 221118, 221121, 221122, 221210, 221310, 221320, 221330, 236115, 236116, 236117, 236118, 236210, 236220, 237110, 237120, 237130, 237210, 237310, 237990, 238110, 238120, 238130, 238140, 238150, 238160, 238170, 238190, 238210, 238220, 238290, 238310, 238320, 238330, 238340, 238350, 238390, 238910, 238990, 311111, 311119, 311211, 311212, 311213, 311221, 311224, 311225, 311230, 311313, 311314, 311340, 311351, 311352, 311411, 311412, 311421, 311422, 311423, 311511, 311512, 311513, 311514, 311520, 311611, 311612, 311613, 311615, 311710, 311811, 311812, 311813, 311821, 311824, 311830, 311911, 311919, 311920, 311930, 311941, 311942, 311991, 311999, 312111, 312112, 312113, 312120, 312130, 312140, 312230, 313110, 313210, 313220, 313230, 313240, 313310, 313320, 314110, 314120, 314910, 314994, 314999, 315110, 315190, 315210, 315220, 315240, 315280, 315990, 316110, 316210, 316992, 316998, 321113, 321114, 321211, 321212, 321213, 321214, 321219, 321911, 321912, 321918, 321920, 321991, 321992, 321999, 322110, 322121, 322122, 322130, 322211, 322212, 322219, 322220, 322230, 322291, 322299, 323111, 323113, 323117, 323120, 324110, 324121, 324122, 324191, 324199, 325110, 325120, 325130, 325180, 325193, 325194, 325199, 325211, 325212, 325220, 325311, 325312, 325314, 325320, 325411, 325412, 325413, 325414, 325510, 325520, 325611, 325612, 325613, 325620, 325910, 325920, 325991, 325992, 325998, 326111, 326112, 326113, 326121, 326122, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160, 326191, 326199, 326211, 326212, 326220, 326291, 326299, 327110, 327120, 327211, 327212, 327213, 327215, 327310, 327320, 327331, 327332, 327390, 327410, 327420, 327910, 327991, 327992, 327993, 327999, 331110, 331210, 331221, 331222, 331313, 331314, 331315, 331318, 331410, 331420, 331491, 331492, 331511, 331512, 331513, 331523, 331524, 331529, 332111, 332112, 332114, 332117, 332119, 332215, 332216, 332311, 332312, 332313, 332321, 332322, 332323, 332410, 332420, 332431, 332439, 332510, 332613, 332618, 332710, 332721, 332722, 332811, 332812, 332813, 332911, 332912, 332913, 332919, 332991, 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996, 332999, 333111, 333112, 333120, 333131, 333132, 333241, 333242, 333243, 333244, 333249, 333314, 333316, 333318, 333413, 333414, 333415, 333511, 333514, 333515, 333517, 333519, 333611, 333612, 333613, 333618, 333912, 333914, 333921, 333922, 333923, 333924, 333991, 333992, 333993, 333994, 333995, 333996, 333997, 333999, 334111, 334112, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334412, 334413, 334416, 334417, 334418, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334512, 334513, 334514, 334515, 334516, 334517, 334519, 334613, 334614, 335110, 335121, 335122, 335129, 335210, 335220, 335311, 335312, 335313, 335314, 335911, 335912, 335921, 335929, 335931, 335932, 335991, 335999, 336111, 336112, 336120, 336211, 336212, 336213, 336214, 336310, 336320, 336330, 336340, 336350, 336360, 336370, 336390, 336411, 336412, 336413, 336414, 336415, 336419, 336510, 336611, 336612, 336991, 336992, 336999, 337110, 337121, 337122, 337124, 337125, 337127, 337211, 337212, 337214, 337215, 337910, 337920, 339112, 339113, 339114, 339115, 339116, 339910, 339920, 339930, 339940, 339950, 339991, 339992, 339993, 339994, 339995, 339999, 423110, 423120, 423130, 423140, 423210, 423220, 423310, 423320, 423330, 423390, 423410, 423420, 423430, 423440, 423450, 423460, 423490, 423510, 423520, 423610, 423620, 423690, 423710, 423720, 423730, 423740, 423810, 423820, 423830, 423840, 423850, 423860, 423910, 423920, 423930, 423940, 423990, 424110, 424120, 424130, 424210, 424310, 424320, 424330, 424340, 424410, 424420, 424430, 424440, 424450, 424460, 424470, 424480, 424490, 424510, 424520, 424590, 424610, 424690, 424710, 424720, 424810, 424820, 424910, 424920, 424930, 424940, 424950, 424990, 425110, 425120, 441110, 441120, 441210, 441222, 441228, 441310, 441320, 442110, 442210, 442291, 442299, 443141, 443142, 444110, 444120, 444130, 444190, 444210, 444220, 445110, 445120, 445210, 445220, 445230, 445291, 445292, 445299, 445310, 446110, 446120, 446130, 446191, 446199, 447110, 447190, 448110, 448120, 448130, 448140, 448150, 448190, 448210, 448310, 448320, 451110, 451120, 451130, 451140, 451211, 451212, 452210, 452311, 452319, 453110, 453210, 453220, 453310, 453910, 453920, 453930, 453991, 453998, 454110, 454210, 454310, 454390, 481111, 481112, 481211, 481212, 481219, 482111, 482112, 483111, 483112, 483113, 483114, 483211, 483212, 484110, 484121, 484122, 484210, 484220, 484230, 485111, 485112, 485113, 485119, 485210, 485310, 485320, 485410, 485510, 485991, 485999, 486110, 486210, 486910, 486990, 487110, 487210, 487990, 488111, 488119, 488190, 488210, 488310, 488320, 488330, 488390, 488410, 488490, 488510, 488991, 488999, 492110, 492210, 493110, 493120, 493130, 493190, 511110, 511120, 511130, 511140, 511191, 511199, 511210, 512110, 512120, 512131, 512132, 512191, 512199, 512230, 512240, 512250, 512290, 515111, 515112, 515120, 515210, 517311, 517312, 517410, 517911, 517919, 518210, 519110, 519120, 519130, 519190, 521110, 522110, 522120, 522130, 522190, 522210, 522220, 522291, 522292, 522293, 522294, 522298, 522310, 522320, 522390, 523110, 523120, 523130, 523140, 523210, 523910, 523920, 523930, 523991, 523999, 524113, 524114, 524126, 524127, 524128, 524130, 524210, 524291, 524292, 524298, 525110, 525120, 525190, 525910, 525920, 525990, 531110, 531120, 531130, 531190, 531210, 531311, 531312, 531320, 531390, 532111, 532112, 532120, 532210, 532281, 532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 532310, 532411, 532412, 532420, 532490, 533110, 541110, 541191, 541199, 541211, 541213, 541214, 541219, 541310, 541320, 541330, 541340, 541350, 541360, 541370, 541380, 541410, 541420, 541430, 541490, 541511, 541512, 541513, 541519, 541611, 541612, 541613, 541614, 541618, 541620, 541690, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 541810, 541820, 541830, 541840, 541850, 541860, 541870, 541890, 541910, 541921, 541922, 541930, 541940, 541990, 551111, 551112, 551114, 561110, 561210, 561311, 561312, 561320, 561330, 561410, 561421, 561422, 561431, 561439, 561440, 561450, 561491, 561492, 561499, 561510, 561520, 561591, 561599, 561611, 561612, 561613, 561621, 561622, 561710, 561720, 561730, 561740, 561790, 561910, 561920, 561990, 562111, 562112, 562119, 562211, 562212, 562213, 562219, 562910, 562920, 562991, 562998, 611110, 611210, 611310, 611410, 611420, 611430, 611511, 611512, 611513, 611519, 611610, 611620, 611630, 611691, 611692, 611699, 611710, 621111, 621112, 621210, 621310, 621320, 621330, 621340, 621391, 621399, 621410, 621420, 621491, 621492, 621493, 621498, 621511, 621512, 621610, 621910, 621991, 621999, 6221101, 6221102, 6222101, 6222102, 6223101, 6223102, 623110, 623210, 623220, 623311, 623312, 623990, 624110, 624120, 624190, 624210, 624221, 624229, 624230, 624310, 624410, 711110, 711120, 711130, 711190, 7112111, 7112112, 7112119, 7112121, 7112122, 7112123, 7112191, 7112192, 711310, 711320, 711410, 711510, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713110, 713120, 713210, 713290, 713910, 713920, 713930, 713940, 713950, 713990, 721110, 721120, 721191, 721199, 721211, 721214, 721310, 722310, 722320, 722330, 722410, 722511, 722513, 722514, 722515, 811111, 811112, 811113, 811118, 811121, 811122, 811191, 811192, 811198, 811211, 811212, 811213, 811219, 811310, 811411, 811412, 811420, 811430, 811490, 812111, 812112, 812113, 812191, 812199, 812210, 812220, 812310, 812320, 812331, 812332, 812910, 812921, 812922, 812930, 812990, 813110, 813211, 813212, 813219, 813311, 813312, 813319, 813410, 813910, 813920, 813930, 813940, 813990 New Establishment: Acquisition Date When was this establishment acquired? N/A PREV_OWN_ACQ_DATE MM/YYYY N/A Yes Ask if PREV_OWN_STAT= 1

7 AIES_Previous_Owner_Acquired_Date
AIES Previous Owner Acquired Date
AIES Previous Owner Acquired Date Response TEXT CHARACTER N/A N/A

150 Expenses Added Estab. Level:
ACES -Employers, ARTS, AWTS, SAS, ASM, Const., MI, select AG, Pub Admin & out of scope NAICS (i.e. the AIES universe)
Prelisted Estab. Level:
All ASM only
Industry Level:
AIES Universe

113110, 113210, 113310, 114111, 114112, 114119, 114210, 115111, 115112, 115113, 115114, 115115, 115116, 115210, 115310, 211120, 211130, 211130, 212111, 212112, 212113, 212210, 212221, 212222, 212230, 212291, 212299, 212311, 212312, 212313, 212319, 212321, 212322, 212324, 212325, 212391, 212392, 212393, 212399, 213111, 213112, 213113, 213114, 213115, 221111, 221112, 221113, 221114, 221115, 221116, 221117, 221118, 221121, 221122, 221210, 221310, 221320, 221330, 236115, 236116, 236117, 236118, 236210, 236220, 237110, 237120, 237130, 237210, 237310, 237990, 238110, 238120, 238130, 238140, 238150, 238160, 238170, 238190, 238210, 238220, 238290, 238310, 238320, 238330, 238340, 238350, 238390, 238910, 238990, 311111, 311119, 311211, 311212, 311213, 311221, 311224, 311225, 311230, 311313, 311314, 311340, 311351, 311352, 311411, 311412, 311421, 311422, 311423, 311511, 311512, 311513, 311514, 311520, 311611, 311612, 311613, 311615, 311710, 311811, 311812, 311813, 311821, 311824, 311830, 311911, 311919, 311920, 311930, 311941, 311942, 311991, 311999, 312111, 312112, 312113, 312120, 312130, 312140, 312230, 313110, 313210, 313220, 313230, 313240, 313310, 313320, 314110, 314120, 314910, 314994, 314999, 315110, 315190, 315210, 315220, 315240, 315280, 315990, 316110, 316210, 316992, 316998, 321113, 321114, 321211, 321212, 321213, 321214, 321219, 321911, 321912, 321918, 321920, 321991, 321992, 321999, 322110, 322121, 322122, 322130, 322211, 322212, 322219, 322220, 322230, 322291, 322299, 323111, 323113, 323117, 323120, 324110, 324121, 324122, 324191, 324199, 325110, 325120, 325130, 325180, 325193, 325194, 325199, 325211, 325212, 325220, 325311, 325312, 325314, 325320, 325411, 325412, 325413, 325414, 325510, 325520, 325611, 325612, 325613, 325620, 325910, 325920, 325991, 325992, 325998, 326111, 326112, 326113, 326121, 326122, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160, 326191, 326199, 326211, 326212, 326220, 326291, 326299, 327110, 327120, 327211, 327212, 327213, 327215, 327310, 327320, 327331, 327332, 327390, 327410, 327420, 327910, 327991, 327992, 327993, 327999, 331110, 331210, 331221, 331222, 331313, 331314, 331315, 331318, 331410, 331420, 331491, 331492, 331511, 331512, 331513, 331523, 331524, 331529, 332111, 332112, 332114, 332117, 332119, 332215, 332216, 332311, 332312, 332313, 332321, 332322, 332323, 332410, 332420, 332431, 332439, 332510, 332613, 332618, 332710, 332721, 332722, 332811, 332812, 332813, 332911, 332912, 332913, 332919, 332991, 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996, 332999, 333111, 333112, 333120, 333131, 333132, 333241, 333242, 333243, 333244, 333249, 333314, 333316, 333318, 333413, 333414, 333415, 333511, 333514, 333515, 333517, 333519, 333611, 333612, 333613, 333618, 333912, 333914, 333921, 333922, 333923, 333924, 333991, 333992, 333993, 333994, 333995, 333996, 333997, 333999, 334111, 334112, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334412, 334413, 334416, 334417, 334418, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334512, 334513, 334514, 334515, 334516, 334517, 334519, 334613, 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922190, 923110, 923120, 923130, 923140, 924110, 924120, 925110, 925120, 926110, 926120, 926130, 926140, 926150, 927110, 928110, 928120 311111, 311119, 311211, 311212, 311213, 311221, 311224, 311225, 311230, 311313, 311314, 311340, 311351, 311352, 311411, 311412, 311421, 311422, 311423, 311511, 311512, 311513, 311514, 311520, 311611, 311612, 311613, 311615, 311710, 311811, 311812, 311813, 311821, 311824, 311830, 311911, 311919, 311920, 311930, 311941, 311942, 311991, 311999, 312111, 312112, 312113, 312120, 312130, 312140, 312230, 313110, 313210, 313220, 313230, 313240, 313310, 313320, 314110, 314120, 314910, 314994, 314999, 315110, 315190, 315210, 315220, 315240, 315280, 315990, 316110, 316210, 316992, 316998, 321113, 321114, 321211, 321212, 321213, 321214, 321219, 321911, 321912, 321918, 321920, 321991, 321992, 321999, 322110, 322121, 322122, 322130, 322211, 322212, 322219, 322220, 322230, 322291, 322299, 323111, 323113, 323117, 323120, 324110, 324121, 324122, 324191, 324199, 325110, 325120, 325130, 325180, 325193, 325194, 325199, 325211, 325212, 325220, 325311, 325312, 325314, 325320, 325411, 325412, 325413, 325414, 325510, 325520, 325611, 325612, 325613, 325620, 325910, 325920, 325991, 325992, 325998, 326111, 326112, 326113, 326121, 326122, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160, 326191, 326199, 326211, 326212, 326220, 326291, 326299, 327110, 327120, 327211, 327212, 327213, 327215, 327310, 327320, 327331, 327332, 327390, 327410, 327420, 327910, 327991, 327992, 327993, 327999, 331110, 331210, 331221, 331222, 331313, 331314, 331315, 331318, 331410, 331420, 331491, 331492, 331511, 331512, 331513, 331523, 331524, 331529, 332111, 332112, 332114, 332117, 332119, 332215, 332216, 332311, 332312, 332313, 332321, 332322, 332323, 332410, 332420, 332431, 332439, 332510, 332613, 332618, 332710, 332721, 332722, 332811, 332812, 332813, 332911, 332912, 332913, 332919, 332991, 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996, 332999, 333111, 333112, 333120, 333131, 333132, 333241, 333242, 333243, 333244, 333249, 333314, 333316, 333318, 333413, 333414, 333415, 333511, 333514, 333515, 333517, 333519, 333611, 333612, 333613, 333618, 333912, 333914, 333921, 333922, 333923, 333924, 333991, 333992, 333993, 333994, 333995, 333996, 333997, 333999, 334111, 334112, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334412, 334413, 334416, 334417, 334418, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334512, 334513, 334514, 334515, 334516, 334517, 334519, 334613, 334614, 335110, 335121, 335122, 335129, 335210, 335220, 335311, 335312, 335313, 335314, 335911, 335912, 335921, 335929, 335931, 335932, 335991, 335999, 336111, 336112, 336120, 336211, 336212, 336213, 336214, 336310, 336320, 336330, 336340, 336350, 336360, 336370, 336390, 336411, 336412, 336413, 336414, 336415, 336419, 336510, 336611, 336612, 336991, 336992, 336999, 337110, 337121, 337122, 337124, 337125, 337127, 337211, 337212, 337214, 337215, 337910, 337920, 339112, 339113, 339114, 339115, 339116, 339910, 339920, 339930, 339940, 339950, 339991, 339992, 339993, 339994, 339995, 339999 113110, 113210, 113310, 114111, 114112, 114119, 114210, 115111, 115112, 115113, 115114, 115115, 115116, 115210, 115310, 211120, 211130, 211130, 212111, 212112, 212113, 212210, 212221, 212222, 212230, 212291, 212299, 212311, 212312, 212313, 212319, 212321, 212322, 212324, 212325, 212391, 212392, 212393, 212399, 213111, 213112, 213113, 213114, 213115, 221111, 221112, 221113, 221114, 221115, 221116, 221117, 221118, 221121, 221122, 221210, 221310, 221320, 221330, 236115, 236116, 236117, 236118, 236210, 236220, 237110, 237120, 237130, 237210, 237310, 237990, 238110, 238120, 238130, 238140, 238150, 238160, 238170, 238190, 238210, 238220, 238290, 238310, 238320, 238330, 238340, 238350, 238390, 238910, 238990, 311111, 311119, 311211, 311212, 311213, 311221, 311224, 311225, 311230, 311313, 311314, 311340, 311351, 311352, 311411, 311412, 311421, 311422, 311423, 311511, 311512, 311513, 311514, 311520, 311611, 311612, 311613, 311615, 311710, 311811, 311812, 311813, 311821, 311824, 311830, 311911, 311919, 311920, 311930, 311941, 311942, 311991, 311999, 312111, 312112, 312113, 312120, 312130, 312140, 312230, 313110, 313210, 313220, 313230, 313240, 313310, 313320, 314110, 314120, 314910, 314994, 314999, 315110, 315190, 315210, 315220, 315240, 315280, 315990, 316110, 316210, 316992, 316998, 321113, 321114, 321211, 321212, 321213, 321214, 321219, 321911, 321912, 321918, 321920, 321991, 321992, 321999, 322110, 322121, 322122, 322130, 322211, 322212, 322219, 322220, 322230, 322291, 322299, 323111, 323113, 323117, 323120, 324110, 324121, 324122, 324191, 324199, 325110, 325120, 325130, 325180, 325193, 325194, 325199, 325211, 325212, 325220, 325311, 325312, 325314, 325320, 325411, 325412, 325413, 325414, 325510, 325520, 325611, 325612, 325613, 325620, 325910, 325920, 325991, 325992, 325998, 326111, 326112, 326113, 326121, 326122, 326130, 326140, 326150, 326160, 326191, 326199, 326211, 326212, 326220, 326291, 326299, 327110, 327120, 327211, 327212, 327213, 327215, 327310, 327320, 327331, 327332, 327390, 327410, 327420, 327910, 327991, 327992, 327993, 327999, 331110, 331210, 331221, 331222, 331313, 331314, 331315, 331318, 331410, 331420, 331491, 331492, 331511, 331512, 331513, 331523, 331524, 331529, 332111, 332112, 332114, 332117, 332119, 332215, 332216, 332311, 332312, 332313, 332321, 332322, 332323, 332410, 332420, 332431, 332439, 332510, 332613, 332618, 332710, 332721, 332722, 332811, 332812, 332813, 332911, 332912, 332913, 332919, 332991, 332992, 332993, 332994, 332996, 332999, 333111, 333112, 333120, 333131, 333132, 333241, 333242, 333243, 333244, 333249, 333314, 333316, 333318, 333413, 333414, 333415, 333511, 333514, 333515, 333517, 333519, 333611, 333612, 333613, 333618, 333912, 333914, 333921, 333922, 333923, 333924, 333991, 333992, 333993, 333994, 333995, 333996, 333997, 333999, 334111, 334112, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334412, 334413, 334416, 334417, 334418, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334512, 334513, 334514, 334515, 334516, 334517, 334519, 334613, 334614, 335110, 335121, 335122, 335129, 335210, 335220, 335311, 335312, 335313, 335314, 335911, 335912, 335921, 335929, 335931, 335932, 335991, 335999, 336111, 336112, 336120, 336211, 336212, 336213, 336214, 336310, 336320, 336330, 336340, 336350, 336360, 336370, 336390, 336411, 336412, 336413, 336414, 336415, 336419, 336510, 336611, 336612, 336991, 336992, 336999, 337110, 337121, 337122, 337124, 337125, 337127, 337211, 337212, 337214, 337215, 337910, 337920, 339112, 339113, 339114, 339115, 339116, 339910, 339920, 339930, 339940, 339950, 339991, 339992, 339993, 339994, 339995, 339999, 423110, 423120, 423130, 423140, 423210, 423220, 423310, 423320, 423330, 423390, 423410, 423420, 423430, 423440, 423450, 423460, 423490, 423510, 423520, 423610, 423620, 423690, 423710, 423720, 423730, 423740, 423810, 423820, 423830, 423840, 423850, 423860, 423910, 423920, 423930, 423940, 423990, 424110, 424120, 424130, 424210, 424310, 424320, 424330, 424340, 424410, 424420, 424430, 424440, 424450, 424460, 424470, 424480, 424490, 424510, 424520, 424590, 424610, 424690, 424710, 424720, 424810, 424820, 424910, 424920, 424930, 424940, 424950, 424990, 425110, 425120, 441110, 441120, 441210, 441222, 441228, 441310, 441320, 442110, 442210, 442291, 442299, 443141, 443142, 444110, 444120, 444130, 444190, 444210, 444220, 445110, 445120, 445210, 445220, 445230, 445291, 445292, 445299, 445310, 446110, 446120, 446130, 446191, 446199, 447110, 447190, 448110, 448120, 448130, 448140, 448150, 448190, 448210, 448310, 448320, 451110, 451120, 451130, 451140, 451211, 451212, 452210, 452311, 452319, 453110, 453210, 453220, 453310, 453910, 453920, 453930, 453991, 453998, 454110, 454210, 454310, 454390, 481111, 481112, 481211, 481212, 481219, 482111, 482112, 483111, 483112, 483113, 483114, 483211, 483212, 484110, 484121, 484122, 484210, 484220, 484230, 485111, 485112, 485113, 485119, 485210, 485310, 485320, 485410, 485510, 485991, 485999, 486110, 486210, 486910, 486990, 487110, 487210, 487990, 488111, 488119, 488190, 488210, 488310, 488320, 488330, 488390, 488410, 488490, 488510, 488991, 488999, 492110, 492210, 493110, 493120, 493130, 493190, 511110, 511120, 511130, 511140, 511191, 511199, 511210, 512110, 512120, 512131, 512132, 512191, 512199, 512230, 512240, 512250, 512290, 515111, 515112, 515120, 515210, 517311, 517312, 517410, 517911, 517919, 518210, 519110, 519120, 519130, 519190, 521110, 522110, 522120, 522130, 522190, 522210, 522220, 522291, 522292, 522293, 522294, 522298, 522310, 522320, 522390, 523110, 523120, 523130, 523140, 523210, 523910, 523920, 523930, 523991, 523999, 524113, 524114, 524126, 524127, 524128, 524130, 524210, 524291, 524292, 524298, 525110, 525120, 525190, 525910, 525920, 525990, 531110, 531120, 531130, 531190, 531210, 531311, 531312, 531320, 531390, 532111, 532112, 532120, 532210, 532281, 532282, 532283, 532284, 532289, 532310, 532411, 532412, 532420, 532490, 533110, 541110, 541191, 541199, 541211, 541213, 541214, 541219, 541310, 541320, 541330, 541340, 541350, 541360, 541370, 541380, 541410, 541420, 541430, 541490, 541511, 541512, 541513, 541519, 541611, 541612, 541613, 541614, 541618, 541620, 541690, 541713, 541714, 541715, 541720, 541810, 541820, 541830, 541840, 541850, 541860, 541870, 541890, 541910, 541921, 541922, 541930, 541940, 541990, 551111, 551112, 551114, 561110, 561210, 561311, 561312, 561320, 561330, 561410, 561421, 561422, 561431, 561439, 561440, 561450, 561491, 561492, 561499, 561510, 561520, 561591, 561599, 561611, 561612, 561613, 561621, 561622, 561710, 561720, 561730, 561740, 561790, 561910, 561920, 561990, 562111, 562112, 562119, 562211, 562212, 562213, 562219, 562910, 562920, 562991, 562998, 611110, 611210, 611310, 611410, 611420, 611430, 611511, 611512, 611513, 611519, 611610, 611620, 611630, 611691, 611692, 611699, 611710, 621111, 621112, 621210, 621310, 621320, 621330, 621340, 621391, 621399, 621410, 621420, 621491, 621492, 621493, 621498, 621511, 621512, 621610, 621910, 621991, 621999, 6221101, 6221102, 6222101, 6222102, 6223101, 6223102, 623110, 623210, 623220, 623311, 623312, 623990, 624110, 624120, 624190, 624210, 624221, 624229, 624230, 624310, 624410, 711110, 711120, 711130, 711190, 7112111, 7112112, 7112119, 7112121, 7112122, 7112123, 7112191, 7112192, 711310, 711320, 711410, 711510, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713110, 713120, 713210, 713290, 713910, 713920, 713930, 713940, 713950, 713990, 721110, 721120, 721191, 721199, 721211, 721214, 721310, 722310, 722320, 722330, 722410, 722511, 722513, 722514, 722515, 811111, 811112, 811113, 811118, 811121, 811122, 811191, 811192, 811198, 811211, 811212, 811213, 811219, 811310, 811411, 811412, 811420, 811430, 811490, 812111, 812112, 812113, 812191, 812199, 812210, 812220, 812310, 812320, 812331, 812332, 812910, 812921, 812922, 812930, 812990, 813110, 813211, 813212, 813219, 813311, 813312, 813319, 813410, 813910, 813920, 813930, 813940, 813990 Total Operating Expenses What were the total operating expenses in 2021? Include:
• Annual payroll before deductions
• Employer's cost for fringe benefits (e.g., health insurance, pension plans, payroll taxes, and other employer benefits)
• Contract employee expense
• Expensed equipment, materials, parts, and supplies
• Purchased advertising, promotional, technical, and professional services
• Utilities (electricity, nonmotor fuels, water, sewer, and refuse)
• Governmental taxes and license fees
• Depreciation and amortization (except manufacturing)
• Other operating expenses arising from the normal course of business (e.g., communications, repairs, maintenance, leases, commissions to other companies, software, data products)

Finance and Insurance Also Include:
• Interest expense

• Capitalized expenses
• Impairment (reduction in value of long-lived assets due to reappraisals)
• Income, sales, and excise taxes
• Expenses of foreign subsidiaries (those located outside the 50 States, District of Columbia, or U.S. Territories)
• Other nonoperating expenses

Retail, Wholesale, and Services Also Exclude:
• Purchases of goods for resale or cost of goods sold
• Transfers made within the company
• Bad debt/customer-related loss
• Interest expense (except finance and insurance providers)

Finance and Insurance Also Exclude:
• Direct losses incurred and/or benefits paid to policy holders (losses)
EXPS_TOT_VAL Currency - Billions, Millions, Thousands
"Enter 0 if none."
N/A Yes Ask all ACES -Employers,
ASM, Const., MI, AG,
& out of scope NAICS
N/A N/A COPEX RA N/A N/A COPEX OPEX N/A N/A SAS_Expenses_1900 Total select expenses:

Key Code: 0459

Currency - Billions, Millions, Thousands
"Enter 0 if none."
AIES Total Operating Expenses
AIES Total Operating Expenses Response TEXT CURRENCY N/A N/A

Sheet 2: Years 2+

Topic/Q group Jamie Back (CENSUS/EWD FED): AIES Universe = NAICS Universe except 111, 112, 491, 54112, 814 and 92. Who gets it at each level? Company Level
Industry Level
Prelisted Establishment Level
Added Establishment Level
Draft Question Title Question Instructions
Draft Variable Names for AIES
Response Options Notes Additional Notes ACES Annual Variable Name ACES Census Variable Name ARTS Annual Variable Name ARTS Census Variable Name ASM Annual Variable Name ASM Census Variable Name AWTS Annual Variable Name AWTS Census Variable Name COS Annual Variable Name COS Census Variable Name SAS Annual Variable Name SAS Census
Variable Name (EC17)
M3UFO Annual Variable Name M3UFO Census Variable Name
Sales Tax ARTS,
dropped for year 1
never for ASM

dropped for year 1
never for ASM

Sales Tax: Status Were any sales taxes collected in 2021? N/A TAX_SALES_COLL_STAT 1= Yes
2= No


Sales Tax ARTS,
dropped for year 1
never for ASM

dropped for year 1
never for ASM

Sales Tax: Value What were the total sales taxes collected in 2021? N/A TAX_SALES_COLL_VAL Currency: Billions, Millions, Thousands


440000 - 459999

440000 - 459999

Total Purchases For Resale: Cost What was the total cost of all merchandise purchased for resale for which title was taken, whether or not payment was made, in 2021? Include:
• Cash and credit purchases
• Merchandise owned, but in transit
• Freight, delivery, and other transportation costs
• Import duties (if paid separately)
• Parts and supplies used in repair work or other service type activities
• Purchases made by both warehouse(s) and establishment(s)

• Trade and cash discounts, returns and allowances
• Purchases of containers, wrapping, packaging, and selling supplies for own use
• Purchases of merchandise held outside the US
• Expenditures for supplies, equipment, and parts purchased for own use
• Purchases made by other companies operating departments and concessions in this company's establishment(s)
EXPS_PRCH_RESALE_VAL Currency - Billions, Millions, Thousands
"Enter 0 if none."
every 5 yreas?


440000 - 459999

440000 - 459999

Total Purchases For Resale: Explain Cost > Sales Please explain if purchases for resale are greater than sales. N/A EXPS_PRCH_RESALE_TXT Text box ARTS Only
every 5 yreas?


Industry Level:
Selest AWTS: Distribuotors Distributors (1X)

423110, 423120, 423130, 423140, 423210, 423220, 423310, 423320, 423330, 423390, 423410, 423420, 423430, 423440, 423450, 423460, 423490, 423510, 423520, 423610, 423620, 423690, 423710, 423720, 423730, 423740, 423810, 423820, 423830, 423840, 423850, 423860, 423910, 423920, 423930, 423940, 423990, 424110, 424120, 424130, 424210, 424300, 424310, 424320, 424330, 424340, 424410, 424420, 424430, 424440, 424450, 424460, 424470, 424480, 424490, 424510, 424520, 424590, 424610, 424690, 424710, 424720, 424810, 424820, 424910, 424920, 424930, 424940, 424950, 424990

Purchases of Products: Distributors What was the total cost of all products purchased for resale for which this company took title, whether or not payment was made, in 2021? Include:
• Amounts allowed for trade-ins
• Both raw and finished goods
• Products in transit to you for which you have taken title
• Freight, delivery, and other transportation costs included in product cost
• Import duties (if paid separately)
• Value of goods shipped from any foreign manufacturing plants
• The cost of services resold without processing
• Parts and supplies used in repair work or other service type activities

• Returns, allowances, and trade and cash discounts
• Purchases of containers, wrapping, packaging, and selling supplies for own use
• Expenditures for supplies, equipment, and parts purchased for own use
• Taxes (sales, excise, and other) collected directly from customers and paid directly to a Local, State, or Federal tax agency
• Intra-company purchases between establishments of this reporting unit
EXPS_PRCH_RESALE_DIST_VAL Currency - Billions, Millions, Thousands
" Enter 0 if none."
AWTS non-MSBO; Type Operation 1x ONLY
every 5 years? Annually
From form SA-42A (Item 14)
Not on form SA-42A-MSBO


Industry Level:
Selest AWTS: AGBR (4X)

425110, 425120

Purchases of Products: AGBR What was the total cost of all products purchased for resale for which this company's agent, broker, representative, and electronic market locations only took title, whether or not payment was made, in 2021? Include:
• Amounts allowed for trade-ins
• Both raw and finished goods
• Products in transit to you for which you have taken title
• Freight, delivery, and other transportation costs included in product cost
• Import duties (if paid separately)
• Value of goods shipped from any foreign manufacturing plants
• The cost of services resold without processing
• Parts and supplies used in repair work or other service type activities

• Returns, allowances, and trade and cash discounts
• Purchases of containers, wrapping, packaging, and selling supplies
• Expenditures for supplies, equipment, and parts purchased for own use
• Taxes (sales, excise, and other) collected directly from customers and paid directly to a Local, State, or Federal tax agency
• Intra-company purchases between establishments of this reporting unit
EXPS_PRCH_RESALE_AGBR_VAL Currency - Billions, Millions, Thousands
" Enter 0 if none."
Select AWTS
every 5 years? Annually
From form SA-42A-AGBR (Item 14)
Not on form SA-42A=MSBO



ARTS, select AWTS
(AWTS Industry TO= 1x)
440000 - 459999,
420000 - 429999

Commission Expense What was the amount paid for commission expenses in 2021? Include:
• Commission paid to other companies for sale of products owned by this company

• Commission paid to your own employees
EXPS_COMSN_VAL Currency - Billions, Millions, Thousands
"Enter 0 if none."
every 5 years?
Select AWTS every 5 years
Both dropped for year 1?



ARTS, select AWTS
(AWTS Industry TO= 1x)
440000 - 459999,
420000 - 429999

Purchased Transportation, Shipping, and Warehousing Services

What was the amount paid for purchased transportation, shipping, and warehousing services in 2021?
• Cost of postage, delivery expenses, and packaging and containers provided as part of the purchased service

• Cost of shipping using this company's vehicles or employees
EXPS_SHIP_VAL Currency - Billions, Millions, Thousands
"Enter 0 if none."
AWTS every 5 years


Expenses Industry Level:

(ARTS & AWTS every 5 years)

Depreciation and Amortization Charges What was the amount paid for depreciation and amortization charges in 2021? Include:
• Depreciation charges taken against tangible assets owned and used
• Tangible assets and improvements owned within leaseholds by locations within this industry
• Tangible assets obtained through capital lease agreements
• Amortization charges against intangible assets. (e.g., patents, copyrights).

• Impairment (reduction in value of long-lived assets due to reappraisals)
EXPS_DEPR_VAL Currency - Billions, Millions, Thousands
"Enter 0 if none."
Select SAS
AWTS every 5 years)


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