SECAS Survey updated 09302022 OIRA2 final 02242023

Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy (SECAS) Social Network Analysis Survey

SECAS Survey updated 09302022 OIRA2 final 02242023

OMB: 1018-0187

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(Shape59 Rev. 02/2023) OMB Control No. 1018-####

U .S. Department of the Interior Expires ##/##/20##

S outheast Conservation Adaptation Strategy (SECAS)

Social Network Analysis

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Section 1: Introduction 


Thank you for participating in this survey. Our goal is to better understand the many people, organizations, and partnerships that are working to advance conservation across the US Southeast and the tools and services they need to succeed.  

The Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy (SECAS) partnership seeks to support conservation through: (1) a regional forum for collaboration, and (2) a decision-support hub. To improve those services, this project aims to clarify who is involved in various conservation efforts/forums and understand how those efforts are connected to one another. Understanding these connections can enhance how the SECAS partnership facilitates effective collaboration and decision-support products and services. 

This is a joint research effort from The University of Texas, The University of Montana, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). The project is being co-led by experts in partnership- and network-based governance and will use social network analysis (SNA) as a tool to depict the people and organizations who are currently contributing to landscape-scale conservation across the region.

This survey should take you about 15 minutes to complete. Your participation is completely voluntary, survey questions are optional and may be skipped, and you may stop the survey at any time. Your answers will remain confidential and the data collected from this survey is protected under the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at the University of Texas. Any information shared with the USFWS will be protected according to FOIA and the Privacy Act. Contact information that is collected will not be shared without your consent and will be primarily used to contact you if there are any questions about the information provided on the survey. We thank you in advance for your participation as your responses are essential to enhance the future SECAS partnership efforts. 

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Patrick Bixler at

Advance to the next page to start the survey.

Section 2 begins on the next page

Section 2. Familiarity and Engagement with SECAS


The following set of questions are about your familiarity and engagement with the Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy (SECAS).

Are you familiar with SECAS?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not sure

*If no, skips to Q2.4


What aspects of SECAS do you engage with?

  • Decision-support hub

  • Regional forum

  • The Southeast Conservation Blueprint

  • Goal tracking report

  • Specific project: __________

  • Other: ____________


Rate your level of satisfaction with:

Answers from Q2.2

will carry over here

Very Dissatisfied



Very Satisfied

Decision-support hub

Regional forum

The Southeast Conservation Blueprint

Goal tracking report

Specific project: _____

Other: _____________

Q2.4 *This question is only for those who answered “No” to Q2.1

Would you be interested in engaging with SECAS in any of the following ways?

  • Decision-support hub

  • Regional forum

  • The Southeast Conservation Blueprint

  • Goal tracking report

  • Specific project: __________

  • Other: ____________

  • None


SECAS has a vision of a connected network of lands and waters that supports thriving fish and wildlife populations and improved quality of life for people. As part of that vision, 15 regional indicators track goals related to the vision. What level of importance do you think each indicator should have to SECAS? [hover over definition of each]

Not considered

Minimally important

Moderately important


Critically important

Coastal shoreline condition

Equitable access to potential parks

Estuarine coastal condition

Fire frequency

Greenways and trails

Imperiled aquatic species

Intact habitat cores

Natural landcover in floodplains

Stream/River network complexity

Permeable surface

Resilient coastal sites

Resilient terrestrial sites


Stable marsh

Urban park size

Section 3 begins on the next page

Section 3. Organizational Conservation Priorities


The questions will refer to your "organization". By organization, we are referring to your group, institution, business, or agency. If agency, please consider your unit when answering questions (i.e., district, station, etc.). Hereafter, we will refer to your organization.

What is the name of your organization?



Below, you will find a general list of collaboration and partnership issues relevant to efforts in the Southeast. Specific to the work of your organization, how important are the following priorities?

The following definitions apply: Not considered: Not important at all; Minimally important: Little consideration, only as an ancillary topic; Moderately important: Somewhat considered in my work; Important: Highly considered in my work; Critically important: Foundational to determining decisions in my work.

Not considered

Minimally important

Moderately important


Critically important

Equity and/or environmental justice

Partnership-based or collaborative approaches that focus on multiple issues and multiple outcomes

Working across diverse land ownerships at the landscape scale

Working with diverse interests and agencies

Other: ____________


Below, you will find a general list of conservation issues relevant to efforts in the Southeast. Specific to the work of your organization, how important are the following conservation issues?

The following definitions apply: Not considered: Not important at all; Minimally important: Little consideration, only as an ancillary topic; Moderately important: Somewhat considered in my work; Important: Highly considered in my work; Critically important: Foundational to determining decisions in my work.

Not considered

Minimally important

Moderately important


Critically important

Climate resilience

Cultural resources

Ecosystem services

Equity and access to nature

Habitat connectivity (terrestrial and aquatic)

Species conservation

Working lands

Other: ____________

Q3.4 *This question is only for those who answered “Yes” or “Not sure” to Q2.1

How useful have SECAS resources been for your work on the following conservation issues?

Answers from Q3.2

will carry over here

Not considered

Minimally useful

Moderately useful


Critically useful

Climate resilience

Cultural resources

Ecosystem services

Equity and access to nature

Habitat connectivity (terrestrial and aquatic)

Species conservation

Working lands

Other: ____________

Q3.5 *This question is only for those who answered “No” to Q2.1

How useful would SECAS resources be for your work on the following conservation issues?

Answers from Q3.2

will carry over here

Not considered

Minimally useful

Moderately useful


Critically useful

Climate resilience

Cultural resources

Ecosystem services

Equity and access to nature

Habitat connectivity (terrestrial and aquatic)

Species conservation

Working lands

Other: ____________

Q3.6 *This question is only for those who answered “Yes” or “Not sure” to Q2.1

How reliant are you on the products and resources from SECAS for the following topics?

Answers from Q3.2

will carry over here

Not considered

Minimally reliant

Moderately reliant


Critically reliant

Climate resilience

Cultural resources

Ecosystem services

Equity and access to nature

Habitat connectivity (terrestrial and aquatic)

Species conservation

Working lands

Other: ____________

Section 4 begins on the next page

Section 4: Conservation Partnerships


Are there any “forums” or “venues” where you go to interact with others, exchange knowledge and information? These can be virtual or in-person. If so, please list below (separate multiple entries by a comma; if no forums or venues come to mind please leave blank).



Who are your main partners to address the conservation issues important to your organization?

Please list one partner per box and click next after you've finished your list (fill in as many partners as you can think of, up to 15 responses).

If your organization shares information with more than 15, please list the first 15 that come to mind.

Please list groups below: 


Partner Group #1:


Partner Group #2:


Partner Group #3:


Partner Group #4:


Partner Group #5:


Partner Group #6:


Partner Group #7:


Partner Group #8:


Partner Group #9:


Partner Group #10:


Partner Group #11:


Partner Group #12:


Partner Group #13:


Partner Group #14:


Partner Group #15:


Indicate which Southeastern landscape issue(s) is the focus of the partnership you previously listed. Check all that apply.

*Answers from Q4.1 will carry over here to the first column, while the answers from Q3.3 will carry over to the first row

Climate resilience

Cultural resources

Ecosystem services

Equity and access to nature

Habitat connectivity (terrestrial and aquatic)

Species conservation

Working lands



Partner Group #1:

Partner Group #2:

Partner Group #3:

Partner Group #4:

Partner Group #5:

Partner Group #6:

Partner Group #7:

Partner Group #8:

Partner Group #9:

Partner Group #10:

Partner Group #11:

Partner Group #12:

Partner Group #13:

Partner Group #14:

Partner Group #15:


Can you think of other partners that you’d like to list? These may be non-traditional conservation partners (e.g., transportation, Tribes, municipalities, etc.) or other partners to list because fifteen spaces was too limiting in the previous question. Do more partners come to mind?

  • Yes

  • No

*If no, skips to Q4.7

Q4.5. Please list additional partners here:


Partner Group #16:


Partner Group #17:


Partner Group #18:


Partner Group #19:


Partner Group #20:


Partner Group #21:


Partner Group #22:


Partner Group #23:


Partner Group #24:


Partner Group #25:


Indicate which Southeastern landscape issue(s) is the focus of the partnership you previously listed. Check all that apply.

*Answers from Q4.4 will carry over here to the first column, while the answers from Q3.3 will carry over to the first row

Climate resilience

Cultural resources

Ecosystem services

Equity and access to nature

Habitat connectivity (terrestrial and aquatic)

Species conservation

Working lands



Partner Group #16:

Partner Group #17:

Partner Group #18:

Partner Group #19:

Partner Group #20:

Partner Group #21:

Partner Group #22:

Partner Group #23:

Partner Group #24:

Partner Group #25:


We'd like to extend the survey to the groups you work with. If possible, please provide a contact email for each partner group. 

*The groups answered for Q4.2 and Q4.4 will be listed here.


Partner Group #1:


Partner Group #2:


Partner Group #3:


Partner Group #4:


Partner Group #5:


Partner Group #6:


Partner Group #7:


Partner Group #8:


Partner Group #9:


Partner Group #10:


Partner Group #11:


Partner Group #12:


Partner Group #13:


Partner Group #14:


Partner Group #15:


Partner Group #16:


Partner Group #17:


Partner Group #18:


Partner Group #19:


Partner Group #20:


Partner Group #21:


Partner Group #22:


Partner Group #23:


Partner Group #24:


Partner Group #25:

Section 5 begins on the next page

Section 5: Information About Your Organization 

The last section! The following section will ask some questions about your organization. 


What organization are you affiliated with? Please select one from the list that best represents you.

  • Tribal Agency/Organization

  • Local Agency/Organization

  • State Agency/Organization

  • Federal Agency/Organization

  • Non-profit Organization

  • University-based Organization

  • Private Landowner

  • Private Sector

  • General Public

  • Other (please specify)



Which of the following best describes your scope of work? Please select one from the list that best represents you.

  • Local

  • Regional

  • National


Which of the following best describes your organization’s conservation connection?

  • My organization connects with others to support our site-specific, on the ground conservation efforts

  • My organization connects with others to build bridges between on the ground efforts and larger conservation efforts across the landscape

  • My organization connects with others on landscape-scale conservation efforts using strategic conservation approaches to prioritize efforts and identify gaps across the landscape

  • Other: _______________________


Website of organization (if available)



If we have additional questions, is it okay if we follow-up with you?

  • Yes

  • No

*Survey skips to the end if “No” is answered


Personal Contact Information 

Your personal information will remain confidential, and we will not share identifying information with anyone outside of the research team. We may contact you if we have questions about information you provide on this survey.

Your Name: 



Your Phone Number (if different from organization): 



Your E-Mail (if different from organization): 


Section 6: End of Survey


Thank you for participating in this survey. SECAS values your feedback, so if you have additional comments on the survey or Southeastern conservation in general, please use the space below.




We are collecting this information subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) to provide the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service the information necessary to address gaps in conservation network understanding and will serve to advance the Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy’s (SECAS) leadership role as a regional forum and decision-support hub. Information requested in this form is purely voluntary. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. OMB has approved this collection of information and assigned Control No. 1018-####.


We estimate public reporting for this collection of information to average 15 minutes, including time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data and completing and reviewing the form. Direct comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of the form to the Service Information Clearance Officer, Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, 5275 Leesburg Pike, MS: PRB (JAO/3W), Falls Church, VA 22041-3803, or via email at Please do not send your completed survey to this address.

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