
Employee Plans Compliance Resolution System (EPCRS)


OMB: 1545-1673

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Instructions for Form 8950

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service

(Rev. January 2019)

Application for Voluntary Correction Program (VCP)
Under the Employee Plans Compliance
Resolution System (EPCRS)
Section references are to the Internal
Revenue Code (IRC) unless otherwise
Future developments. For the latest
information about developments related to
Form 8950 and its instructions, such as
legislation enacted after they were
published, go to IRS.gov/Form8950.

What's New

Rev. Proc. 2018-52, 2018-42 I.R.B. 611,
updates and replaces Rev. Proc. 2016-51,
2016-42 I.R.B. 465. Modifications have
been made to improve the Employee
Plans Compliance Resolution System
(EPCRS) by making changes to:
• Accommodate revisions to the IRS's
Voluntary Correction Program (VCP), and
• Update various references and add
other miscellaneous changes.

Confidentiality and

The Voluntary Correction Program (VCP)
submission, including Form 8950, isn’t
open to public inspection or disclosure.
The use of the VCP relates directly to
the enforcement of the IRC qualification
requirements. The information received or
generated by the IRS under the VCP is
subject to the confidentiality requirements
of section 6103 and isn’t a written
determination within the meaning of
section 6110. See Rev. Proc. 2018-52,
section 6.12.

Disclosure Request by

The Tax Reform Act of 1976 permits a
taxpayer to request the IRS to disclose
and discuss the taxpayer's return and/or
return information with any person(s) the
taxpayer designates in a written request.
Use Form 8821, Tax Information
Authorization, for this purpose.

General Instructions
Purpose of Form

Form 8950 must be filed using Pay.gov as
part of a VCP submission in order to
request written approval from the IRS for
correction of a qualified plan, 403(b) plan,
failed to comply with the applicable
Dec 28, 2018

requirements of the IRC. The VCP is part
of the Employee Plans Compliance
Resolution System (EPCRS), currently set
forth in Rev. Proc. 2018-52, which is
available at IRS.gov/Retirement-Plans/
Correcting-Plan Errors.
A VCP submission includes Form 8950
and all of the other required items stated in
Rev. Proc. 2018-52, section 11.

Types of Retirement Plans
Eligible for Corrections

The VCP is open to certain tax-favored
retirement plans established under
sections 401(a), 403(a), 403(b), 408(k), or
408(p). Under limited circumstances, the
IRS may also consider submissions
outside of EPCRS that involve section
457(b) plans on a provisional basis.
Generally, such submissions are for
section 457(b) plans sponsored by a
governmental entity defined in section
414(d). See Rev. Proc. 2018-52, section
4.09, for details and limitations.

Eligibility Requirements
for the Use of VCP

The VCP is open to eligible retirement
plans (see Types of Retirement Plans
Eligible for Corrections, above) that
incurred any one of the following
qualification failures: (a) Plan Document
Failure, (b) Operational Failure, (c)
Demographic Failure, or (d) Employer
Eligibility Failure. The VCP is also
available for plan loans that didn’t comply
with the requirements of section 72(p)(2).
See Rev. Proc. 2018-52, sections 4.01,
5.01, 5.02, 6.07, 6.10, and 6.11, for
additional details. The VCP is also
available to terminated plans regardless of
whether all plan assets have been
Correction under the VCP isn’t
available if the plan or plan sponsor is
under examination. The Form 8950 and
the VCP submission must be submitted to
the IRS prior to the time the plan or plan
sponsor is under examination, as
defined in Rev. Proc. 2018-52, section
5.08. For purposes of the VCP, a plan or
plan sponsor will be considered to be
under examination if any of the following
situations apply.
• The plan sponsor is under any type of
examination conducted by IRS Employee
Cat. No. 57357G

Plans, including examination of a Form
5500 series return;
• The plan sponsor is under any type of
examination conducted by IRS Exempt
• The plan sponsor or a representative
has received verbal or written notification
from IRS Employee Plans or Exempt
Organizations of an impending
examination or of any impending referral
for such examination;
• The subject plan is currently under
investigation by the Criminal Investigation
Division of the IRS; or
• Certain other situations specified in
Rev. Proc. 2018-52, section 5.08.
The VCP isn’t available to correct
failures relating to the diversion or misuse
of plan assets. The VCP may not be
available if the plan sponsor has engaged
in an abusive tax avoidance transaction.
See Rev. Proc. 2018-52, sections 4.11
and 4.12. In a particular case, the IRS may
decline to make the VCP available in the
interest of sound tax administration. See
Rev. Proc. 2018-52, section 4.01(5).

Who May File

Form 8950 and the accompanying VCP
submission may be filed only by the
following parties.
• In general, an employer or plan
sponsor, including a sole proprietor,
partnership, or corporation. Generally,
estates and/or beneficiaries may not file a
submission under the VCP.
• For multiple employer or multiemployer
plans, the plan administrator (rather than
any contributing or adopting employer).
The VCP submission must be for the plan,
rather than a portion of the plan affecting
any particular employer.
• For group submissions, an eligible
organization, as defined in Rev. Proc.
2018-52, section 10.10, if the applicable
conditions for group submissions have
been met. See Group Submissions, later.
• Anonymous submissions must be filed
by an authorized representative. However,
the representative must be designated on
a power of attorney by the employer (or in
the case of a multiple employer or
multiemployer plan, the plan
administrator) and must be willing to
submit a signed Form 2848, Power of
Attorney and Declaration of
Representative, if identifying information is
ultimately submitted to the IRS. See
Anonymous Submissions, later.

• For orphan plans, an authorized eligible
party. See Orphan Plans, later.
• Representatives of plan sponsors. See
Plan Sponsor Authorization, below.

beneficiary of a plan that provided benefits
to a participant who was (i) the sole owner
of the business that sponsored the plan
and (ii) the only participant in the plan.

Plan Sponsor Authorization

The applicant must include a written
letter indicating that the submission
concerns an orphan plan, and must
provide documentation that establishes
that the applicant is an eligible party. See
Rev. Proc. 2018-52, sections 5.03 and

Applicants may authorize their legal
representative to sign and file the VCP
submission on their behalf using Pay.gov.
If this will apply, be sure the following
documents are included with the VCP
Declaration. A signed and dated
declaration by the plan sponsor that
provides “Under penalties of perjury, I
declare that I have examined this
submission, including accompanying
documents, and, to the best of my
knowledge and belief, the facts presented
in support of this submission are true,
correct, and complete.” This statement
can't be signed by the plan sponsor's
Authorization. A properly completed
Form 2848 that provides specific
authorization to an individual to take this
action. To grant this authorization,
complete Form 2848, lines 3 and 5 in the
following way:
• Line 3 — For Description of Matter,
enter “Voluntary Correction Program
submission per Rev. Proc. 2018-52”. For
Tax Form Number, enter “8950”. Leave
Year(s) or Period(s) blank.
• Line 5a — Check the box for Other acts
authorized and enter “The signing and
filing of the Form 8950 and accompanying
documents as part of a VCP submission”.
This option isn’t available to any
individual listed on a Form 8821.

Orphan Plans

For the VCP, orphan plan means any
tax-favored retirement plan for which an
eligible party (defined below) has
determined that the plan sponsor (a) no
longer exists, (b) can’t be located, or (c) is
unable to maintain the plan. However, a
retirement plan subject to Title I of the
Employee Retirement Income Security Act
of 1974 (ERISA) isn’t an orphan plan if it is
terminated according to the Department of
Labor (DOL) Regulations section 2578.1
governing the termination of abandoned
individual account plans.
An eligible party for an orphan plan is
defined as one of the following.
• A court-appointed representative with
specific authority to terminate the plan and
dispose of the plan’s assets;
• In the case of an orphan plan under
investigation by the DOL, a person or
entity determined by the DOL to have
accepted responsibility for terminating the
plan and distributing the plan's assets; or
• In the case of a qualified plan to which
Title I of ERISA has never applied, a
surviving spouse who is the sole

Anonymous Submissions

Taxpayers have the option of submitting a
VCP submission on an anonymous basis.
Applicable VCP submission documents
may be submitted on a redacted basis. In
terms of completing Form 8950 on
Pay.gov, special instructions apply.
However, once the IRS and the applicant
agree on the correction methodology that
would resolve the qualification failure that
is the subject of the VCP submission, the
identity of the plan sponsor and the plan
must be disclosed to the IRS, along with a
signed Form 2848 and applicable penalty
of perjury statements. See Rev. Proc.
2018-52, section 10.09.
An anonymous submission and Form
8950 will include a signed statement
indicating that the representative has been
authorized by the plan sponsor, is able to
legally represent the plan sponsor, and is
willing to submit a signed Form 2848 if
identifying information is ultimately
submitted to the IRS. See Rev. Proc.
2018-52, section 10.09. Representatives
who submit an anonymous submission will
include the following signed statement:
“Under penalties of perjury, I declare
that I am an authorized representative of
the plan sponsor who complies with the
power of attorney requirements described
in Rev. Proc. 2018-52, section 11.08. I will
submit an executed Form 2848 upon the
disclosure of the identity of the plan
sponsor to the IRS.”
This statement has been incorporated
into the penalty of perjury statement on the
Pay.gov version of Form 8950 that will be
signed and dated by the representative.

Group Submissions

For failures affecting a large number of
individual plans, an eligible organization
may make a group submission. The
failures in the submission must result from
a systemic error involving the eligible
organization that affects at least 20 plans
and that results in at least 20 plans
implementing correction.

An eligible organization is defined as
• A sponsor, as defined in Rev. Proc.
2015-36, 2015-27 I.R.B. 20, section 4.07;
• A volume submitter practitioner (VS
Practitioner), as defined in Rev. Proc.
2015-36, section 13.05;

• A provider or mass submitter, as
defined in Rev. Proc. 2017-41, 2017-29
I.R.B. 92, sections 4.04 and 4.08;
• An insurance company or other entity
that has issued annuity contracts or
provides services relating to assets for
403(b) plans; or
• An entity that provides its clients with
administrative services relating to qualified
plans, 403(b) plans, SEPs, SARSEPs, or
For special rules and procedures that
are applicable to group submissions, see
Rev. Proc. 2018-52, section 10.10 and the
annual Employee Plans revenue

How To File

Form 8950 and related VCP submission
documents can be filed electronically only
by going to IRS.gov/Form8950 or Pay.gov
(enter the term “Form 8950” in the search
box). Paper copies of this form and related
VCP submission documents won’t be
accepted. However, see Note below.
Before completing Form 8950, be sure
you have:
• Established a Pay.gov account.
• Created a PDF file that contains all VCP
submission attachments and the required
documents specified in these instructions
and in section 11 of Rev. Proc. 2018-52.
See What To File for additional details.

Note. Between January 1, 2019 and
March 31, 2019, you don't have to use
Pay.gov to make VCP submissions to the
IRS. Instead, applicants may submit paper
VCP submissions to the IRS by following
the previous version of these instructions
(Rev. November 2017) and Rev. Proc.
2016-51, section 11. Use the November
2017 version of Form 8950 and include a
check for the user fee along with Form
8951 (Rev. September 2016), User Fee
for Application for Voluntary Correction
Program (VCP). Paper VCP submissions
mailed to the IRS on or after April 1, 2019,
won’t be processed and will be returned.

User Fee

A user fee is required to process your VCP
submission. This fee must be paid through
Pay.gov when you file your application.
However, see Note above regarding
paper submissions. For current user fees,
go to Appendix A of Rev. Proc. 2019-4 (or
its annual successor) or go to IRS.gov/
You can also call 877-829-5500. At the
end of the Pay.gov application process,
you will receive a payment confirmation
receipt from Pay.gov. The Pay.gov
Tracking ID Number on the receipt is used
by the IRS to track your VCP submission
and will be the control number used to
refer to the VCP submission.

Instructions for Form 8950 (Rev. January 2019)

How To Complete the

An appropriate response must be entered
for each line (unless instructed otherwise).
In completing Form 8950, pay careful
attention to the following.
• N/A (not applicable) is accepted as a
response only if an N/A block is provided;
• If a number is requested, enter the
appropriate number;
• If a line provides a choice of boxes to
check, check only one box unless
instructed otherwise; and
• If a line provides a box to check, written
responses and attachments aren’t
acceptable unless instructed otherwise.

What To File

Applicants will go to Pay.gov to complete
Form 8950, attach a PDF file that includes
all other required VCP submission
documents, and pay the applicable user
fee. The PDF file that will be attached to
Form 8950 should include the following
All failures and correction methodology
descriptions, information, documents,
sample computations (if applicable),
attachments, and representations required
by Rev. Proc. 2018-52, section 11.04. In
order to assist VCP applicants, the IRS
encourages the use of Form 14568, Model
VCP Compliance Statement, including its
supporting schedules reflected on Forms
14568-A through 14568-I, available in
electronic format at IRS.gov/RetirementPlans/Correcting-Plan-Errors. The
documents in this PDF file should be
presented in the order specified in Rev.
Proc. 2018-52, section 11.11.
Attachments and written explanations
that are included with the submission
should include the full name of the plan,
employer identification number (EIN), and
plan number. For assistance in
determining what documents and
attachments are needed, refer to the
EPCRS revenue procedure and the
correcting plan errors webpage on
The size of the PDF file that includes all
VCP submission documents can't exceed
15MB. If your PDF file exceeds this limit,
remove documents or portions of
documents so that the PDF file doesn’t
exceed 15MB.
The documents that can’t be included
in the PDF file due to the 15MB file size
limitation may be faxed directly to the IRS
at 855-203-6996. They should be faxed to
the IRS shortly after the Form 8950 and
attached PDF file were successfully filed
and the Pay.gov payment confirmation
has been generated. The applicant must
include the Pay.gov Tracking ID Number,
EIN, applicant name, and plan name on
the fax coversheet.

Who Must Sign

Form 8950 must be electronically signed
and submitted by:
• The employer (including a sole
proprietor or partnership) maintaining a
single-employer plan;
• The plan administrator of a
multiple-employer plan or a multiemployer
• The eligible organization filing a group
submission; or
• The eligible person who is filing a VCP
submission on behalf of an orphan plan.
For corporations, partnerships, and
organizations, the application must be
electronically signed by an officer or
partner with legal authority to bind the plan
For anonymous submissions, the
applicant’s representative will
electronically submit and sign the
application. See Anonymous
Submissions, earlier.
If specifically authorized, and at the
option of the VCP applicant, Form 8950
can be electronically signed and
submitted by its legal representative if
certain conditions are met. See Plan
Sponsor Authorization, and Rev. Proc.
2018-52, section 11.08.

Specific Instructions
to Complete Form
Lines 1a–l. Enter the name, address,
telephone number, and fax number of the
plan sponsor. This applies even if the VCP
submission is being filed by the plan
sponsor’s representative. The name of the
plan sponsor is limited to 120 characters,
including spaces. The information entered
should be the same information used on
the applicable filed Form 5500, Annual
Return/Report of Employee Benefit Plan;
Form 5500-EZ, Annual Return of A
One-Participant (Owners/Partners and
Their Spouses) Retirement Plan or A
Foreign Plan; or Form 5500-SF, Short
Form Annual Return/Report of Small
Employee Benefit Plan.
The plan sponsor is:
1. For a plan maintained by a single
employer, the employer;
2. For a plan maintained by two or
more unrelated employers (a
multiple-employer plan or multiemployer
plan), enter the name of the plan
administrator as if the plan administrator
were the plan sponsor (see Regulations
section 1.414(g)-1). Lines 1b–1k should
be completed as if the plan administrator
were the plan sponsor;
3. For a plan sponsored by two or
more entities required to be combined

Instructions for Form 8950 (Rev. January 2019)


under sections 414(b), (c), or (m), one of
the members participating in the plan;
4. For a plan that covers the
employees and/or partners of a
partnership, the partnership;
5. For an orphan plan, the name of the
eligible party. Include a court order or
other evidence documenting that the VCP
applicant is an eligible party. See Rev.
Proc. 2018-52, section 11.04(14);
6. For an anonymous submission,
enter “Anonymous” and include the
specific name of the plan sponsor’s
authorized representative as well as the
unique identifying number the
representative has assigned to the
specific submission, as required by Rev.
Proc. 2018-52, section 10.09. Enter this
information on line 1a. The identifying
number shouldn’t be used for any other
anonymous submission. Lines 1b–1l
should be completed as if the
representative were the plan sponsor.
Enter the plan sponsor’s NAICS business
code in 1l; and
7. For a group submission, enter the
name of the eligible organization. Enter
this information on line 1a. Lines 1b–1l
should be completed as if the eligible
organization were the plan sponsor.
Address. Enter the address of the plan
sponsor. If applicable, include the suite,
room, or other unit number after the street
address. If the Post Office doesn’t deliver
mail to that address, show the box number
instead of the street address.
Foreign address. If the plan sponsor has
a foreign address, complete lines 1f, 1g,
and 1h. Don’t abbreviate the country
name. Follow the country's practice for
entering the postal code and the name of
the province, county, or state.
Line 1i. Enter the nine-digit EIN assigned
to the applicant. For those applicants
required to file a Form 5500 series return,
the EIN should be the same EIN that is
used when the Form 5500 series return is
If this is an anonymous submission,
enter the EIN of the authorized
representative's employer.
Don’t use a social security number or
trust EIN.
An applicant must have an EIN. If you
don’t have an EIN, you may apply for one
online. Go to the IRS website at IRS.gov/
Businesses/Small and click on the
Employer ID Numbers (EINs) link.
Alternatively, an applicant can apply for an
EIN by mailing or faxing a completed Form
SS-4, Application for Employer
Identification Number, to the IRS.
Line 1l. Enter the six-digit applicable
code that best describes the nature of the
plan sponsor's business. This number can

be copied from the most recently filed
Form 5500 series return for the plan. If no
Form 5500 has been filed, click on the “?”
and you will be taken to a listing of these
Line 2a. If a Form 2848 is included with
your submission, you may leave this
section blank and check the box. If you
want the IRS to mail copies of
correspondence to any other individual
(including a different employee of the plan
sponsor listed on line 1), include a
completed Form 8821 with your
submission and complete this section.
The individual listed on a Form 8821 isn’t
a representative, and therefore isn’t
permitted to submit information or
otherwise contact the IRS if questions or
issues arise during the processing of a
VCP submission. You may leave this
section blank if a Form 8821 isn’t enclosed
with your submission.
Line 3. Choose a submission type that
best describes the type of submission that
is being submitted to the IRS. Most
submissions will be regular VCP
submissions. VCP group submissions,
anonymous submissions, or non-VCP
submissions involving 457(b) plans should
be identified by clicking on the appropriate
Line 4a. Enter the full name of the plan,
as shown on Form 5500 or other
documents. For example, you can enter
the XYZ Company Profit-Sharing Plan. If
this is an anonymous submission, enter
“Anonymous Plan”. Include the unique
identifying number from line 1 as part of
the plan name.
Line 4b. Enter the plan’s three-digit plan
number. Typically, three-digit plan
numbers begin with “001” and continue in
numerical order for each plan that has
been adopted by the plan sponsor. The
number you assign to a plan must not be
changed or used for any other plan. For
those plan sponsors required to file a
Form 5500 series return, the plan number
entered on Form 8950 should be the same
as the plan number that was or will be
used when the Form 5500 series return is
filed. If your plan is a SEP, SARSEP, or
SIMPLE IRA, and there are no other plans,
enter “990”.
For anonymous submissions, enter
“401” for the first anonymous submission
made by the authorized representative
using Form 8950. For subsequent
anonymous submissions made by the
authorized representative’s firm, the plan
number to be entered on each Form 8950
will be the next number following 401 (for
example, 402, 403, 404, etc.) resulting in
unique plan numbers for each subsequent
anonymous submission. The plan number
assigned to a specific anonymous
submission must not be changed or used

for any other anonymous submission
made by the authorized representative’s
For group submissions, enter “901” for
the first group submission made to the
IRS. For subsequent group submissions
made by the eligible organization, the plan
number to be entered on each Form 8950
will be the next number following 901 (for
example, 902, 903, 904, etc.) resulting in
unique plan numbers for each subsequent
group submission. The plan number
assigned to a specific group submission
must not be changed or used for any other
group submission made by the eligible
Line 4c. Enter the total dollar value of the
retirement plan’s assets. For Form 5500
series filers, this information comes from
the most recently filed return for the plan
determined as of the date the Form 8950
is submitted to the IRS. For plans that are
exempt from filing a Form 5500 series
return, enter the total dollar value of the
retirement plan assets determined as of
the last day of the most recently
completed plan year. However, if this
information isn’t available at the time the
VCP submission is made to the IRS, it is
acceptable to use the most recently ended
prior plan year for which information on the
amount of plan assets is available. The
exception doesn’t apply if the VCP
submission is made to the IRS more than
7 months after the close of the most
recently ended plan year preceding the
date of the VCP submission. Look to
Appendix A of Rev. Proc. 2019-4 (or its
annual successor) for additional details.
Plans that have terminated and filed a
final Form 5500 series return should enter
the amount of plan assets reported on the
return filed for the year prior to the year all
assets were distributed.
This requirement applies to anonymous
This requirement applies to SEP or
SIMPLE IRA plans. The applicant must
make a good faith estimate of the value of
all IRA accounts currently associated with
the SEP or SIMPLE IRA plan.
For a group submission, the eligible
organization must provide a good faith
estimate of the value of the retirement plan
assets that are associated with the
individual retirement plans that are (or are
expected to be) part of the group
Line 4d. Enter the total number of plan
participants. For Form 5500 series filers,
this information is on the most recently
filed return for the plan determined as of
the date the VCP submission is made to
the IRS through Pay.gov.
For applicants that are exempt from
filing a Form 5500 series return, enter the
number of plan participants determined as

of the last day of the most recently ended
plan year. However, if this information isn’t
available at the time the VCP submission
is made to the IRS, it is acceptable to use
the most recently ended prior plan year for
which information on the number of plan
participants is available. The exception
doesn’t apply if the VCP submission is
made to the IRS more than 7 months after
the close of the most recently ended plan
year preceding the date of the VCP
Plans that have terminated and filed a
final Form 5500 series return should enter
the number of participants on the return
filed for the year prior to the year all assets
were distributed.
For group submissions, the eligible
organization must provide a good faith
estimate of the number of plan participants
associated with the individual retirement
plans that are part of the group
This requirement applies to SEP and
SIMPLE IRA plans as well as anonymous
Line 5. Review all possible choices
before selecting an answer. Enter the type
of plan that is the subject of this VCP
submission by selecting the appropriate
number from the choices associated with
this line.
For this purpose, governmental section
414(d) plans are section 401(a) plans
sponsored by a governmental entity, as
defined in section 414(d).
For this purpose, there are only two
choices viable for VCP group
If your plan type isn’t listed among the
various available choices, enter “99” and
attach a detailed description of your plan.
It is expected that plan type 99 would be
used in very rare circumstances.
Line 6a. VCP submissions made by an
eligible party that involve terminating
orphan plans may answer “Yes” to this
question if they wish to request a waiver of
the VCP user fee. Attach an explanation
that justifies the waiver request and
evidence that the applicant is an eligible
party. See Rev. Proc. 2018-52, sections
4.08 and 11.04(14). All other applicants
will answer “No” to this question. (See
Orphan Plans, earlier.)
Line 6b. The user fee owed for this
application will be calculated automatically
based upon the type of submission or
amount of plan assets entered on line 4c.
See User Fee, earlier, for additional
information on user fees for VCP
Line 7. If “Yes,” be sure to include a copy
of the corrective plan amendment(s) with
your submission. Don’t include a
determination letter application with your

Instructions for Form 8950 (Rev. January 2019)

VCP submission. See Rev. Proc. 2016-37
and Rev. Proc. 2019-4 (or its annual
successor) for information as to when
determination applications, unrelated to
the VCP submission, may be submitted to
the IRS. With regard to 403(b) plans, the
amendment can’t be effective prior to
January 1, 2009, or the effective date of
the plan, if later.
Line 8. If “Yes,” attach a written
explanation that provides details of the
transaction(s). See Rev. Proc. 2018-52,
section 4.12. Include the applicant’s
name, plan number, and EIN at the top of
the attachment.
Line 10. See Eligibility Requirements for
the Use of VCP, earlier, and Rev. Proc.
2018-52, section 4.02.
Line 11. This question should be
answered “Yes,” if:
• A past determination letter application
was withdrawn by the plan sponsor, or
• A past determination letter application
was closed as incomplete due to a failure
to respond to a question and the VCP
submission includes qualification failures
that were identified during the application
process or would’ve been discovered by
the IRS had the application not been
withdrawn or closed as incomplete.
If line 11 was checked “Yes,” attach an
explanation. Include the applicant's name,
plan number, and EIN at the top of the
Consider the following example. Plan
Sponsor X submits a determination letter
application to the IRS. During the review
process, additional information is solicited
in order to determine whether the plan had
been timely amended for past tax law
changes. The determination letter
application is withdrawn by Plan Sponsor
X. Two months later, Plan Sponsor X
submits a VCP submission to the IRS
indicating the plan document wasn’t timely
updated for various specified tax law
changes. When completing Form 8950,
Plan Sponsor X should answer “Yes” to
question 11 and include a written
attachment that explains why the
determination letter application was

Sign the Form

See Who Must Sign, earlier, for additional
information on who must the sign Form
8950. To sign the form, check the box next
to the penalty of perjury statement, and
enter your name and title in the applicable
boxes. This information will automatically
show up in the SIGN HERE box. We
recommend you preview and print a copy
of your completed Form 8950 for your
records before submitting it electronically.
Click on Continue.

Attach Required PDF File
to Your VCP Application

Click on Browse and on your computer
locate the PDF file that contains all VCP
submission attachments and the required
documents specified in these instructions
and in section 11 of Rev. Proc. 2018-52.
Then click on Attach. The PDF file should
appear. The PDF file can't exceed 15MB
in terms of its size. See What To File for
additional details. Then click on Next.

Pay the User Fee

Enter the necessary information to pay the
applicable user fee for the VCP
submission. During the review and
submission process on Pay.gov, you will
get a Pay.gov confirmation of the paid
user fee by email. You also can have
Pay.gov send copies of this confirmation
email to other parties if you supply the
necessary email addresses.

Retain Pay.gov Payment
Confirmation Receipt

If you successfully submitted a user fee
payment, Pay.gov will generate a payment
confirmation receipt for the VCP
application after the VCP submission has
been filed. Print a copy of this confirmation
for your records. The IRS will use the
Pay.gov Tracking ID Number on the
receipt as the control number to identify
this VCP submission. Use this number to
identify your VCP submission if you need
to contact the IRS. The payment
confirmation receipt is considered an
acknowledgement that a VCP submission
has been made to the IRS. If a Pay.gov
confirmation receipt isn’t generated, then
no VCP application has been submitted to
the IRS. For those submissions involving
terminated orphan plans or 457(b) plans,
no receipt will be generated as no upfront
fee is required. However, Pay.gov will
indicate that the submission was made
successfully and provide a Pay.gov
Tracking ID Number.
If you had VCP submission documents
that couldn’t be included in the submitted
PDF file due to the 15MB file size
limitation, fax them to the IRS at
855-203-6996. Include the EIN, Applicant
Name, Plan Name, and the Pay.gov
Tracking ID Number (for example, this is
the IRS Control Number) on the fax
coversheet. This fax number is used only
to submit documents that couldn’t be
included in the PDF due to the 15MB file
size limitation.

Status Inquiries

If you successfully made a VCP
submission to the IRS, you may call
626-927–2011 (not a toll free number) to
inquire about the status of your case if you

Instructions for Form 8950 (Rev. January 2019)


haven’t been contacted by the IRS within
6 months from the submission date. If you
need to revise or supplement the VCP
submission, don’t submit a new Pay.gov
Form 8950 application. Call the status line
and the IRS will discuss with you the best
way to submit the new or revised

Additional User Fee

You may determine that the proper user
fee wasn’t paid due to an error in
completing Form 8950. Alternatively, the
IRS's office of Employee Plans Voluntary
Compliance System may contact you
regarding additional fees that may be
owed on a previously submitted VCP
case. In either case, don't file a new Form
8950. Instead go to Pay.gov and submit
the additional user fee by using Form
8951, Additional User Fee Payment for
Open Application for Voluntary Correction
Program (VCP), under EPCRS. Previous
versions of Form 8951 that exist outside of
Pay.gov can't be used. All user fee
payments must be made through Pay.gov.
Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction
Act Notice. We ask for the information on
this form to carry out the Internal Revenue
laws of the United States. Sections 72,
401, 403, 408, 409, 457, 4972, 4973,
4974, and 4979 and their regulations
authorize us to ask for this information.
You aren’t required to apply for this
correction program; however, if you do,
you are required to give us the information
requested on this form. We need it to
determine whether your correction
proposals meet the legal requirements
applicable to your retirement plan. Section
6109 and its regulations require you to
provide your identifying number. Failure to
provide the information requested on this
form could delay or prevent processing of
your application; providing fraudulent
information could subject you to penalties.
You aren’t required to provide the
information requested on a form that is
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act
unless the form displays a valid OMB
control number. Books or records relating
to a form or its instructions must be
retained as long as their contents may
become material in the administration of
any internal revenue law. Generally, tax
returns and return information are
confidential, as required by section 6103.
However, we may give the information to
the Department of Justice for civil and
criminal litigation, and to other federal
agencies, as provided by law. We may
give it to cities, states, the District of
Columbia, and U.S. commonwealths or
possessions to administer their tax laws.
We may also disclose this information to
other countries under a tax treaty, to
federal and state agencies to enforce

nontax criminal laws, and to federal law
enforcement and intelligence agencies to
combat terrorism.
The time needed to complete and file
this form will vary depending on individual
circumstances. The estimated average
time is:
Recordkeeping . . . . . . . .
Learning about the law or
the form . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 hr. , 15 min.

Preparing the form . . . . .

2 hr. , 21 min.

2 hr. , 10 min.

If you have comments concerning the
accuracy of these time estimates or
suggestions for making this form simpler,
we would be happy to hear from you. You
can send us comments from IRS.gov/
FormComment. Or you can write to:

Don’t send Form 8950 to this address.
Instead, see How To File, earlier.

Internal Revenue Service
Tax Forms and Publications Division
1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526
Washington, DC 20224


Instructions for Form 8950 (Rev. January 2019)

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleInstructions for Form 8950 (Rev. January 2019)
SubjectInstructions for Form 8950, Application for Voluntary Correction Program (VCP) Under the Employee Plans Compliance Resolution S
File Modified2018-12-28
File Created2018-12-28

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