No. XXXX-XXXX Expiration
Date: xx/xx/20xx
Home Evaluation
Grantee Survey
April 2022
OMB control number for this collection is 1290-xxxx
and expires on [month/day/year].
to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no person is required to
respond to a collection of information unless such collection
displays a valid OMB control number. Collection of this
information is authorized by Section 169 of the Workforce Innovation
and Opportunity Act (WIOA]. The obligation to respond to this
collection is voluntary. We estimate it takes about 30 minutes
to complete this collection of information, including time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering
and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of
information. Please send comments regarding the burden
estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information to
the U.S. Department of Labor, Chief Evaluation Office, 200
Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20210, or email
and reference OMB control number 1290-xxxx.
ORGANIZATION NAME = Grantee organization name
PROGRAM NAME = Grantee’s Pathway Home program name
INTERMEDIARY GRANTEE NAME = Organization name of the intermediary grantee that sub received grant from
UNIVERSAL SOFT CHECK IF TEXT IS ENTERED INTO OTHER SPECIFY BOX AND YES/NO IS NOT SELECTED: Please indicate Yes or No for the specified answer you provided.
UNIVERSAL SOFT CHECK IF NO RESPONSE ON GRID QUESTIONS: One or more responses are missing. Please provide an answer to this question and continue or click the “Next” button to move to the next question.
Thank you for your participation in this survey.
Mathematica and its research partners, Social Policy Research Associates, and the Council of State Governments Justice Center, are evaluating the Pathway Home grant program on behalf of the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). As part of the evaluation, we are asking Pathway Home grantees to complete a brief survey about their program.
The survey covers several topics, including the structure and main features of your program under the DOL grant, your partnerships, and the challenges and successes you have encountered so far.
This study will help DOL better understand how the grants are being implemented across the country. We will use the results from the survey for research purposes and, after removing your name and contact information, we will provide the results to DOL in a report that summarizes the findings across grantees.
The survey should take about 30 minutes to complete. If there are questions you are not able to answer, please feel free to draw on the expertise and knowledge of others within your program. You may also want to refer to program documentation. If your grant operates in more than one location, please answer the questions based on your experience implementing the program across all locations.
If you have any questions or concerns as you complete this survey, please contact Betsy Santos at Mathematica at (609) 750-2018 or
all |
The first few questions collect some basic background information about you and your organization.
A1. According to our records, the name of your organization is [ORGANIZATION NAME]. Is this correct?
Yes, this is correct 1
No, this is our organization, but there’s an error in the name 2
No, this is not our organization 3
A1 =2 or 3 |
A1a. Please provide the correct name for your organization.
all |
A2. According to our records, the name of your Pathway Home program is [PROGRAM NAME]. Is this correct?
Yes, this is correct 1
No, this is our program name, but there’s an error in the name 2
No, this is not our program name 3
A2 = 2 or 3 |
A2a. Please provide the correct name for your Pathway Home program.
all |
A3. Please provide the following contact information.
Your name:
A5. Your phone number:
A6. Your email address:
all |
A7. Please select the type of organization that best represents your organization.
Select all that apply
Community college 1
Four-year college or university 2
For-profit educational institution 3
Nonprofit organization 4
State government agency 5
Local government agency 6
Workforce development agency/workforce development board (WDB) 7
Tribal government 8
Chamber of Commerce 9
Employer or industry group 10
Trade association 11
Private, for-profit business 12
Other (SPECIFY) 99
Specify (STRING 255)
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
A8. Does your organization provide services to participants?
Select one only
Yes, my organization provides direct services 1
No, my organization contracts with a different organization to provide direct services 2
if GRANT TYPE = 3 (subgrantee) |
A9. According to our records, you received your Pathway Home grant from [INTERMEDIARY GRANTEE NAME]. Is this correct?
Yes, this is correct 1
No, this is our intermediary grantee, but there’s an error in the name 2
No, this is not our intermediary grantee 3
if A9 = 2 or 3 |
A9a. Please provide the correct name for your intermediary grantee.
aLL |
A10. We are interested in your organization’s experiences with a variety of activities.
Please enter the number of years of experience your organization has with each type of activity.
Your best estimate is fine.
Number of years (insert number of years; if less than one year, enter 1) |
A11. Which sources currently provide funding to support services directly provided by your Pathway Home program other than the DOL grant? Please include only sources that provide at least 10 percent of your Pathway Home program funding.
Select all that apply
U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) grant 1
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) grants other than Pathway Home 2
U.S. Department of Education Federal Perkins funds 3
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds 4
Other federal government agencies 5
State department of labor 6
State department of labor (other than WIOA) 7
State department of corrections 14
Other state government agencies 8
Local government agencies 9
Institutions of higher education 10
Foundations 11
Individual or corporate donors 12
Charitable or religious organizations 13
Other organizations (SPECIFY) 99
Specify (STRING 255)
All funding comes from Department of Labor (DOL) Pathway Home grant
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
The next questions are about your Pathway Home program and staff.
B1. Does your Pathway Home post-release program serve an entirely urban/suburban community, an entirely rural community, or a community that is a mix of urban/suburban and rural? By rural, we mean any population, housing, or territory, NOT in an urban/suburban area.
Select one only
Entirely urban/suburban 1
Entirely rural 2
Both urban/suburban and rural 3
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
B2. Think about all of the full-time equivalent (FTE) staff who are funded through your Pathway Home grant and indicate the number of staff providing direct services who work exclusively pre-release, exclusively post-release, or both. Please exclude staff who do not interact with participants.
Please enter “0” if you don’t have staff in this category for Pathway Home.
a. Staff who work exclusively pre-release |
![]() ![]() ![]()
b. Staff who work exclusively post-release |
c. Staff who work both pre- and post-release |
[Display sum total] |
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
B3. Have any of your Pathway Home program staff had prior involvement with the justice system?
By prior involvement in the justice system, we mean people who ever have been arrested, detained, or incarcerated in juvenile or adult correctional facilities. Please do not include staff who have worked within the justice system, but do not have lived experience.
[IF GRANT TYPE = 2, DISPLAY: The next questions are about your Pathway Home subgrantees’ program and staff.]
[IF A8 = 2, DISPLAY: When answering these questions, please consider the training or professional development offered by the organization(s) you contract with to provide direct services to Pathway Home participants.]
B4a. Does your organization currently offer or plan to offer training or professional development to Pathway Home staff on the following topics?
Select one per row |
Yes |
No |
a. Planning for program implementation and start-up activities |
1 |
0 |
b. Working with local juvenile and/or criminal justice system partners |
1 |
0 |
c. Serving justice-involved individuals |
1 |
0 |
d. Engaging employers |
1 |
0 |
B4b. Does your organization currently offer or plan to offer training or professional development to Pathway Home staff on the following topics? |
Select one per row |
Yes |
No |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
B4c. Does your organization currently offer or plan to off training or professional development to Pathway Home staff on the following topics?
Select one per row |
Yes |
No |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
B4d. Does your organization currently offer or plan to offer training or professional development to Pathway Home staff on the following topics?
Select one per row |
Yes |
No |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
![]() (STRING 255)
1 |
0 |
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
B5. When hiring Pathway Home staff who work with participants (through internal assignment or external hiring), which qualifications did you prioritize? (Choose up to five.)
Select the top five responses
Prior personal involvement with the justice system (such as people who were formerly incarcerated or on parole or probation supervision) 1
No prior personal involvement with the justice system 2
Prior experience working with people with criminal justice involvement 3
Prior experience working in incarceration facilities 4
Prior experience working with employers 5
Quality of past work experience 6
Length of past work experience 7
Education level and professional certifications (LCSW, LCPC, etc.) 8
Familiarity with neighborhood and services in the community 9
Ability to manage competing priorities 10
Length of case management experience 11
Good communication skills 12
Ability to work effectively in a collaborative work environment 13
Good critical thinking skills 14
Ability to work effectively with people from diverse backgrounds and with diverse perspectives 15
Willingness to be a strong advocate for participants 16
Willingness to foster self-sufficiency in participants 17
Some other characteristic? (please specify) 99
Specify (STRING 255)
My organization was not involved in the hiring process
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
[IF A8 = 2, DISPLAY: When answering this question, please consider the services provided by organization(s) you contract with to provide direct services to Pathway Home participants].
B6. Next, we have some questions about how you recruit individuals into your program.
First, what methods are being used to inform potential participants about the services being provided under the Pathway Home grant?
Select all that apply
Flyers posted inside the facility 1
Informational sessions inside the facility 2
Informational packets distributed to people in custody 3
Ads on Facility video/TV channels/radio broadcast 4
Word-of-mouth from past/current participants 5
Recruitment email sent to people in custody 6
[program name] staff reach out to individuals 7
Corrections staff tell people about the program 8
other service providers tell people about the program 9
Another way (please specify) 99
Specify (STRING 255)
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
B7. How do people in custody express interest in your program?
Select all that apply
Fill out a form/ sign-up sheet 1
Email 2
Speak to a corrections officer 3
Speak to correctional case management staff 4
Walk-in or directly approach program staff 5
Attend orientation or information session 6
Some other way (SPECIFY) 99
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
B8. Which of the following are sources of referrals to your program?
Select all that apply
self referrals from potential participants 1
INDIVIDUAL REFERRALS from other service providers 2
INDIVIDUAL REFERRALS from Corrections staff 3
Facility shares lists of potentially eligible people 4
Another source of referrals (please specify) 99
Specify (STRING 255)
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
Display only those responses SELECTED IN B8 |
B8a. Of the referral sources you identified, which two are the most common?
Select up to two
self referrals from potential participants 1
INDIVIDUAL REFERRALS from other service providers 2
INDIVIDUAL REFERRALS from Corrections staff 3
Facility shares lists of potentially eligible people 4
[FILL FROM B8 IF SELECTED. IF BLANK, SHOW Other source of referrals] 99
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
B9. Next, do any of the following influence whether a person can enroll in the [PROGRAM NAME] program?
Select one per row |
Yes |
No |
a. A person’s mental or physical health |
1 |
0 |
b. A person’s offense history or security level |
1 |
0 |
c. A person’s record of disciplinary infractions |
1 |
0 |
d. A person’s projected release date |
1 |
0 |
e. The unit in which a person is housed |
1 |
0 |
f. Another factor that influences access to [PROGRAM NAME] services? (Please specify the reason) (STRING 255)
1 |
0 |
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee); direct grantees and subgrantees answer section c (exclude intermediaries) |
C1. The next few questions are about your partners for the Pathway Home grant.
What types of organizations are critical partners for your Pathway Home grant?
Select all that apply
Institutions of higher education 1
Corrections agencies (other than the facilities where your program operates) 2
Courts 3
Legal service providers 4
Education or training providers 5
Employers 6
Health care-related organizations 7
Workforce development boards or American Job Centers 8
Economic development agencies 9
Housing services/agencies 10
Reentry networks OR Councils 11
Other (please specify) 99
Specify (STRING 255)
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
IF ORGANIZATION HAS ANY PARTNERSHIPS (if c1 any =1, then Display C2 for each selected response in c1) |
C2. Of your critical partnerships, which were newly established as a result of the Pathway Home grant?
Select all that apply
Institutions of higher education 1
Corrections agencies 2
Courts 3
Legal service providers 4
Education or training providers 5
Employers 6
Health care-related organizations 7
Workforce development boards or American Job Centers 8
Economic development agencies 9
Housing services/agencies 10
Reentry networks OR Councils 11
Other (please specify) 99
[FILL FROM C1 IF SELECTED or Other source of referrals]
None 13
Next, we would like to ask you some questions about the different types of services your Pathway Home program offers to its participants.
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
D1a. Please indicate which of the following services are offered as part of your Pathway Home program and whether they are offered pre-release or post-release. Please include services funded through the DOL grant and other sources.
[IF A8=2, DISPLAY: When answering this question, please consider the services provided by the organization(s) you contract with to provide direct services to Pathway Home participants].
Select all that apply per row |
Offered pre-release |
Offered post-release |
REO_D1. Education or employment services |
1. Individualized Career Plan (ICP) or Individualized Development Plan (IDP) |
1 □ |
2 □ |
2. Job/Work readiness training* |
1 □ |
2 □ |
3. Group or individual job shadowing |
1 □ |
2 □ |
4. Employment barrier identification |
1 □ |
2 □ |
5. Occupational/vocational skills training |
1 □ |
2 □ |
6. Career and Technical Education (CTE) that leads to an industry recognized credential |
1 □ |
2 □ |
7. Work release |
1 □ |
2 □ |
8. Institutional work details (e.g., kitchen detail, laundry, barbering, etc.) |
1 □ |
2 □ |
9. Job-search assistance |
1 □ |
2 □ |
10. Job placement |
1 □ |
2 □ |
11. Support for participants’ job retention |
1 □ |
2 □ |
12 Supports to employers of program participants |
1 □ |
2 □ |
13. Subsidized employment |
1 □ |
2 □ |
14. Subsidized training |
1 □ |
2 □ |
15. Career advancement and mentoring |
1 □ |
2 □ |
16. Apprenticeships |
1 □ |
2 □ |
17. Adult basic education (ABE), literacy classes |
1 □ |
2 □ |
18. High school education |
1 □ |
2 □ |
19. General equivalency degree (GED, TASC) |
1 □ |
2 □ |
20. English as a second language (ESL) |
1 □ |
2 □ |
21. Post-secondary education |
1 □ |
2 □ |
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
D1b. Please indicate which of the following services are offered as part of your Pathway Home program and whether they are offered pre-release or post-release. Please include services funded through the DOL grant and other sources.
[IF A8=2, DISPLAY: When answering this question, please consider the services provided by the organization(s) you contract with to provide direct services to Pathway Home participants].
Select all that apply per row |
Offered pre-release |
Offered post-release |
REO_D1. Other services |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
![]() (STRING 255)
1 □ |
2 □ |
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
D1c. Please indicate which of the following services are offered as part of your Pathway Home program and whether they are offered pre-release or post-release. Please include services funded through the DOL grant and other sources.
[IF A8=2, DISPLAY: When answering this question, please consider the services provided by the organization(s) you contract with to provide direct services to Pathway Home participants].
Select all that apply per row |
Offered pre-release |
Offered post-release |
REO_D1. Transition services |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
![]() (STRING 255)
1 □ |
2 □ |
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) AND A8 = 1 |
display only those responses selected in D1a |
D2a. Next, we want to know whether the service offered as part of your Pathway Home program are funded through the Pathway Home grant or other funding sources, or both.
Select all that apply per row |
Funded through Pathway Home grant |
Funded by other sources |
REO_D1. Education or employment services |
1. Individualized Career Plan (ICP) or Individualized Development Plan (IDP) |
1 □ |
2 □ |
2. Job/Work readiness training* |
1 □ |
2 □ |
3. Group or individual job shadowing |
1 □ |
2 □ |
4. Employment barrier identification |
1 □ |
2 □ |
5. Occupational/vocational skills training |
1 □ |
2 □ |
6. Career and Technical Education (CTE) that leads to an industry recognized credential |
1 □ |
2 □ |
7. Work release |
1 □ |
2 □ |
8. Institutional work details (e.g., kitchen detail, laundry, barbering, etc.) |
1 □ |
2 □ |
9. Job-search assistance |
1 □ |
2 □ |
10. Job placement |
1 □ |
2 □ |
11. Support for participants’ job retention support |
1 □ |
2 □ |
12 Support for employers of program participants |
1 □ |
2 □ |
13. Subsidized employment |
1 □ |
2 □ |
14. Subsidized training |
1 □ |
2 □ |
15. Career advancement and mentoring |
1 □ |
2 □ |
16. Apprenticeships |
1 □ |
2 □ |
17. Adult basic education (ABE), literacy classes |
1 □ |
2 □ |
18. High school education |
1 □ |
2 □ |
19. General equivalency degree (GED, TASC) |
1 □ |
2 □ |
20. English as a second language (ESL) |
1 □ |
2 □ |
21. Post-secondary education |
1 □ |
2 □ |
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) AND A8 = 1 |
display only those responses selected in d1b |
D2b. For the services offered as part of the Pathway Home program, please indicate whether they are funded through the Pathway Home grant or other funding sources. [Display ALL items selected IN D1b]
Select all that apply per row |
Funded through Pathway Home grant |
Funded by other sources |
REO_D1. Other services |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
![]() (STRING 255)
1 □ |
2 □ |
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) AND A8 = 1 |
display only those responses selected in d1c |
D2c. For the services offered as part of the Pathway Home program, please indicate whether they are funded through the Pathway Home grant or other funding sources.
Select all that apply per row |
Funded through Pathway Home grant |
Funded by other sources |
REO_D1. Transition services |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
![]() (STRING 255)
1 □ |
2 □ |
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
D3. Please indicate whether your Pathway Home program provides any of the following types of services remotely or virtually (such as by phone, video, or other means).
[IF A8=2, DISPLAY: When answering this question, please consider the services provided by the organization(s) you contract with to provide direct services to Pathway Home participants].
Select one per row |
NO |
a. Education services (ABE, GED, or literacy classes) |
1 □ |
0 □ |
b. Employment services (work readiness courses) |
1 □ |
0 □ |
c. Occupational training services |
1 □ |
0 □ |
d. Case management |
1 □ |
0 □ |
f. Other services |
1 □ |
0 □ |
![]() (STRING 255)
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
D4. Please indicate whether your Pathway Home program uses any of the following assessments for screening individuals before enrollment into the program, or for developing or updating Individual Development Plans (IDPs), or if you don’t use any assessments in your Pathway Home program.
[IF A8=2, DISPLAY: When answering this question, please consider the assessments used by the organization(s) you contract with to provide direct services to Pathway Home participants].
Select all that apply per row |
Used for screening |
Used to develop or update an IDP |
Not used |
Risk-assessment models |
a. Risk Needs Responsivity [HOVER DEFINITION] |
1 □ |
2 □ |
3 □ |
b. Dynamic Risk and Needs Assessment [HOVER DEFINITION] |
1 □ |
2 □ |
3 □ |
c. Integrated Risk and Employment Strategy [HOVER DEFINITION] |
1 □ |
2 □ |
3 □ |
d. Resource Allocation and Service Matching [HOVER DEFINITION] |
1 □ |
2 □ |
3 □ |
e. Other risk-assessment model (please specify) |
1 □ |
2 □ |
![]() (STRING 255)
Risk Needs Responsivity: A model that tailors services to a person's risk of reoffending and individual needs.
Dynamic Risk and Needs Assessment: An assessment that classifies individuals based on a series of dynamic risk factors (which can change over time) in addition to static risk factors. Individuals' risk levels may increase or decrease over time.
Integrated Risk and Employment Strategy: An approach that develops an individual case plan based on assessment of both criminogenic risk/needs and workforce readiness.
Resource Allocation and Service Matching: A tool that sorts individuals into four groupings based on job readiness and risk of reincarceration.]
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
[IF A8=2, DISPLAY: When answering this question, please consider the case management models used by the organization(s) you contract with to provide direct services to Pathway Home participants].
D5. Do you use any of the following case management models in your Pathway Home program?
Select all that apply
Positive YOUTH Development 1
Motivational Interviewing 2
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Coaching such as Thinking for a Change, CBI-EMP, MRT, or Reason and rehabilitation 3
Trauma-Informed Care 4
Other case management model (please specify) 99
Specify (STRING 255)
No case management models used 5
Don’t know dk
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
[IF A8=2, DISPLAY: When answering this question, please consider the employment program models used by the organization(s) you contract with to provide direct services to Pathway Home participants].
D6. Do you use any of the following employment program models in your Pathway Home program?
Select all that apply
Supported Employment [HOVER DEFINITION] 1
Employer-Driven Model for Justice-Involved Individuals [HOVER DEFINITION] 2
Sectoral Employment and Training Model [HOVer definition] 3
Active Career Exploration Model 4
Ready4Work [hover definition] 5
Alliance for Career Pathways Framework [hover definition] 6
Transitions to Success [hover definition] 7
Other employment and training model (please specify) 99
Specify (STRING 255)
No employment models used 8
Don’t know dk
Supported Employment: An approach that helps people with mental illness and other disabilities obtain competitive work and provides the supports necessary to ensure their success in the workplace.
Employer-Driven Model for Justice-Involved Individuals: An approach that focuses on the needs and expectations of specific employers when preparing individuals for employment.
Sectoral Employment and Training Model: An approach that focuses on the needs and input of local employers in high-demand sectors.
Ready4Work: A branded intervention that provides soft skills training (such as resume writing), mentoring, job training, job placement, and case management.
Alliance for Career Pathways Framework: A framework for programs, employers, and other partners to connect progressive levels of education, training, support services, and credentials for specific occupations.
Transitions to Success: A branded intervention that treats poverty as an environmentally based medical condition by creating a coordinated system of care across healthcare, human service, government, education, and faith-based organizations.]
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
The next questions are about challenges you might have encountered when setting up or implementing your Pathway Home program.
[IF A8=2, DISPLAY: When answering these questions, please consider the challenges encountered by the organization(s) you contract with to provide direct services to Pathway Home participants].
D7a. Please indicate if you have experienced any of the following staff-related challenges.
Select one per row |
NO |
Staff-related challenges |
a. Finding staff with necessary experience |
1 □ |
0 □ |
b. Staff turnover |
1 □ |
0 □ |
c. Competing demands on staff or administrators’ time |
1 □ |
0 □ |
d. Security clearances for staff |
1 □ |
0 □ |
e. Staffing needs across multiple program locations |
1 □ |
0 □ |
f. Other staff-related challenges (specify) |
1 □ |
0 □ |
![]() (STRING 255)
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
D7b. Please indicate if you have experienced any of the following challenges related to your partners.
Select one per row |
NO |
Challenges related to partners |
a. Sharing data across partners |
1 □ |
0 □ |
b. Engaging and retaining employer partners |
1 □ |
0 □ |
c. Engaging and retaining non-employer partners |
1 □ |
0 □ |
d. Enrollment in partner service offerings |
1 □ |
0 □ |
e. Other partner-related challenges (specify) |
1 □ |
0 □ |
![]() (STRING 255)
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
D7c. Please indicate if you have experienced any of the following challenges related to other aspects of your program.
Select one per row |
NO |
Other challenges |
a. Tracking participants’ data, such as placements, retention, and recidivism |
1 □ |
0 □ |
b. Meeting federal reporting requirements |
1 □ |
0 □ |
c. Lack of funds or limitations on how funds can be used |
1 □ |
0 □ |
d. Lack of or limited nonfinancial resources (such as space or equipment) |
1 □ |
0 □ |
e. Technological limitations in facilities (such as access to internet or virtual meeting platforms) |
1 □ |
0 □ |
f. Navigating within the corrections culture |
1 □ |
0 □ |
g. Other (specify) |
1 □ |
0 □ |
![]() (STRING 255)
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
D7d. Please indicate which of the following have been challenging for your program in providing services pre-release.
Select one per row |
Have you experienced any challenges with: |
NO |
1 □ |
0 □ |
b. Recruiting and enrolling participants |
1 □ |
0 □ |
c. Engaging and retaining participants pre-release |
1 □ |
0 □ |
d. Participants’ readiness for change |
1 □ |
0 □ |
e. Providing training services that lead to an industry recognized credential |
1 □ |
0 □ |
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
D7e. Please indicate which of the following have been challenging for your program in providing services pre-release.
Select one per row |
Have you experienced any challenges with: |
NO |
1 □ |
0 □ |
1 □ |
0 □ |
1 □ |
0 □ |
1 □ |
0 □ |
1 □ |
0 □ |
1 □ |
0 □ |
![]() (STRING 255)
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
D7f. Please indicate which of the following have been challenging for your program in providing services post-release.
Select one per row |
Have you experienced any challenges with: |
NO |
a. Engaging participants in post-release services |
1 □ |
0 □ |
b. Retaining participants in post-release services |
1 □ |
0 □ |
c. Providing high quality education-related activities post-release |
1 □ |
0 □ |
d. Providing access to high quality legal services post-release |
1 □ |
0 □ |
e. Providing access to high quality financial support services |
1 □ |
0 □ |
f. Providing access to high quality health and well-being services post-release |
1 □ |
0 □ |
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
D7g. Please indicate which of the following have been challenging for your program in providing services post-release.
Select one per row |
Have you experienced any challenges with: |
NO |
![]() (STRING 255)
1 □ |
0 □ |
1 □ |
0 □ |
1 □ |
0 □ |
1 □ |
0 □ |
1 □ |
0 □ |
1 □ |
0 □ |
![]() (STRING 255)
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
D8. Did you face challenges related to any of the following?
Select one per row |
Yes |
No |
a. Participants access to [PROGRAM NAME] program services during lockdowns |
1 □ |
0 □ |
b. Participants coming to [PROGRAM NAME] workshops on time |
1 □ |
0 □ |
c. Allowing all eligible people in custody who expressed interest in [PROGRAM NAME] to access services |
1 □ |
0 □ |
d. Allowing people in custody to carry program materials with them outside of [PROGRAM NAME] workshops |
1 □ |
0 □ |
e. Allowing [PROGRAM NAME] staff to bring training materials into the facility |
1 □ |
0 □ |
f. Any other challenges? (Specify) (STRING 255)
1 □ |
0 □ |
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) AND D8a = 1 |
D9. On average, how often do lockdowns restrict access to [PROGRAM NAME] services?
Select one only
Daily 1
Weekly 2
Every two weeks 3
Monthly 4
Quarterly 5
Other (specify time period) 99
(STRING 255)
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
D10a. In your view, did the following increase, decrease, or stay the same as the result of the grant?
Select one per row |
Increased |
Decreased |
No change |
a. Your capacity to serve justice-involved individuals pre-release |
1 □ |
2 □ |
3 □ |
b. Your capacity to serve justice-involved individuals post-release |
1 □ |
2 □ |
3 □ |
c. Your capacity to provide employment and training services pre-release |
1 □ |
2 □ |
3 □ |
d. Your relationships with local criminal justice systems |
1 □ |
2 □ |
3 □ |
IF GRANT TYPE = 1 (PRIMARy) or 3 (subgrantee) |
D10b. Did the following increase, decrease, or stay the same as the result of the grant?
Select one per row |
Increased |
Decreased |
No change |
1 □ |
2 □ |
3 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
3 □ |
1 □ |
2 □ |
3 □ |
![]() (STRING 255)
1 □ |
2 □ |
3 □ |
We are interested in understanding [Program Name]’s sustainability plan.
E1. Do you plan to continue offering the program after your Pathway Home grant ends?
NO 0
IF E1 = 1 |
E2. Which of the following services do you plan to continue after the Pathway Home grant ends?
Plan to continue offering |
a. Pre-release career services |
1 □ |
b. Post-release career services |
2 □ |
c. Other pre-release services |
3 □ |
d. Other post-release services |
4 □ |
e. Transition to community services |
5 □ |
f. Engagement with employers |
6 □ |
g. Collaboration with correctional staff |
7 □ |
h. Collaboration with parole and probation officers |
8 □ |
i. Key staff positions |
9 □ |
j. Other (specify) |
99 □ |
![]() (STRING 255)
[IF grant type = 1, DISPLAY: This concludes the survey. Thank you very much for participating.]
F1. Did you specify the program model that subgrantees are supposed to use?
NO 0
IF grant type = 2 |
F2. Other than assessing the eligibility requirements set by DOL, do you require your subgrantees to follow a specific intake or screening process?
NO 0
if grant type = 2 |
F3. Please indicate whether your organization offers technical assistance to subgrantees on the following topics:
Select all that apply
Planning start-up activities 1
Hiring and retaining staff 2
Obtaining additional funding to support the program 3
Working with local criminal justice system partners 4
Working with workforce partners 5
Working with education partners 6
Working with other types of partners 7
Engaging employers 8
Legal barriers to employment 9
Working with justice-involved populations on prosocial skill development 10
Motivational interviewing 11
Cognitive behavioral therapy 12
Trauma-informed care 13
Recruiting and enrolling participants 14
Retaining participants 15
Implementing the program model 16
Providing specific types of direct services 17
Providing information about eligibility for benefits and other resources after release 18
Conducting follow-up activities 19
Collecting data and obtaining data from partners 20
Generating and using reports for performance management 21
Other technical assistance (specify) 22
Specify (STRING 255)
[IF GRANT TYPE = 2, DISPLAY: This concludes the survey. Thank you very much for participating.]
if grant type = 3 (Subgrantees ONLY FOR ALL OF SECTION G) |
G1. Please indicate whether your intermediary organization has provided, or indicated that it plans to provide your organization technical assistance on the following topics:
Select all that apply
Planning start-up activities 1
Hiring and retaining staff 2
Obtaining additional funding to support the program 3
Working with local criminal justice system partners 4
Working with workforce partners 5
Working with education partners 6
Working with other types of partners 7
Engaging employers 8
Legal barriers to employment 9
Working with justice-involved populations on prosocial skill development 10
Motivational Interviewing 11
Cognitive behavioral therapy 12
Trauma-informed care 13
Recruiting and enrolling participants 14
Retaining participants 15
Implementing the program model 16
Providing specific types of direct services 17
Providing information about eligibility for benefits and other resources after release 18
Conducting follow-up activities 19
Collecting data and obtaining data from partners 20
Generating and using reports for performance management 21
Other technical assistance (specify) 22
Specify (STRING 255)
Our intermediary organization does not offer technical assistance 0
if grant type = 3 |
G2. Please indicate whether you would like additional technical assistance on any of the following topics:
Select all that apply
Planning start-up activities 1
Hiring and retaining staff 2
Obtaining additional funding to support the program 3
Working with local criminal justice system partners 4
Working with workforce partners 5
Working with education partners 6
Working with other types of partners 7
Engaging employers 8
Legal barriers to employment 9
Working with justice-involved populations on prosocial skill development 10
Motivational INTERVIEWING 11
Cognitive behavioral therapy 12
Trauma-informed care 13
Recruiting and enrolling participants 14
Retaining participants 15
Implementing the program model 16
Providing specific types of direct services 17
Providing information about eligibility for benefits and other resources after release 18
Conducting follow-up activities 19
Collecting data and obtaining data from partners 20
Generating and using reports for performance management 21
Other technical assistance (specify) 22
Specify (STRING 255)
Our intermediary organization does not offer technical assistance 0
[IF grant type = 3, DISPLAY: This concludes the survey. Thank you very much for participating.]
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | REO Grantee Survey Hardcopy |
Subject | CATI |
Author | Mathematica |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2022-09-05 |