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pdfFederal Register / Vol. 87, No. 113 / Monday, June 13, 2022 / Notices
B. Submitting Comments
The NRC encourages electronic
comment submission through the
Federal rulemaking website (https:// Please include
Docket ID NRC–2022–0119 in your
comment submission.
The NRC cautions you not to include
identifying or contact information that
you do not want to be publicly
disclosed in your comment submission.
The NRC will post all comment
submissions at https:// as well as enter the
comment submissions into ADAMS.
The NRC does not routinely edit
comment submissions to remove
identifying or contact information.
If you are requesting or aggregating
comments from other persons for
submission to the NRC, then you should
inform those persons not to include
identifying or contact information that
they do not want to be publicly
disclosed in their comment submission.
Your request should state that the NRC
does not routinely edit comment
submissions to remove such information
before making the comment
submissions available to the public or
entering the comment into ADAMS.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
II. Background
The NRC, in collaboration with the
Department of Homeland Security, has
identified several instances where a
licensee has failed to appropriately
verify that the claimed non-immigration
status of foreign nationals seeking UA
and/or UAA is correct. Consequently,
foreign nationals have been granted UA
and UAA at United States nuclear
power plants for the purpose of work
using visa categories that do not permit
foreign nationals to work in the United
The NRC issues RISs to communicate
with stakeholders on a broad range of
matters. This may include
communication and clarification of NRC
technical or policy positions on
regulatory matters that have not been
communicated to or are not broadly
understood by the nuclear industry.
As noted in 83 FR 20858 (May 8,
2018), this document is being published
in the Proposed Rules section of the
Federal Register to comply with
publication requirements under 1 CFR
chapter I.
III. Proposed Action
The NRC is requesting public
comments on the draft RIS. All
comments that are to receive
consideration in the final RIS must be
submitted electronically or in writing as
indicated in the ADDRESSES section of
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this document. The NRC staff will make
a final determination regarding issuance
of the RIS after it considers any public
comments received in response to this
Dated: June 7, 2022.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Lisa M. Regner,
Chief, Generic Communications and
Operating Experience Branch, Division of
Reactor Oversight, Office of Nuclear Reactor
[FR Doc. 2022–12611 Filed 6–10–22; 8:45 am]
Submission for Review: Request To
Reinstate a Previous Approved
Information Request, Claim for Unpaid
Compensation for Deceased Civilian
Office of Personnel
ACTION: 30-Day notice and request for
The Merit System
Accountability and Compliance, Office
of Personnel Management (OPM) offers
the general public and other federal
agencies the opportunity to comment on
a previously approved information
collection request (ICR) 3206–0234,
Standard Form 1153, Claim for Unpaid
Compensation for Deceased Civilian
Employee. As required by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, as
amended by the Clinger-Cohen Act,
OPM is soliciting comments for this
collection. The information collection
was previously published in the Federal
Register on February/16/2022 at
Volume # 87 8881–8882 allowing for a
60-day public comment period. No
comments were received for this
information collection. The purpose of
this notice is to allow an additional 30
days for public comments.
DATES: Comments are encouraged and
will be accepted until July 13, 2022.
This process is conducted in accordance
with 5 CFR 1320.1.
ADDRESSES: Interested persons are
invited to submit written comments on
the proposed information collection to
the Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Office of Management Budget,
725 17th Street NW, Washington, DC
20503, Attention: Desk Officer for the
Office of Personnel Management or sent
via electronic mail to oira_submission@ or faxed to (202) 395–6974.
copy of this ICR, with applicable
supporting documentation, may be
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obtained by contacting the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Office of Management Budget, 725 17th
Street NW, Washington, DC 20503,
Attention: Desk Officer for the Office of
Personnel Management or sent via
electronic mail to oira_submission@ or faxed to (202) 395–6974.
The Office
of Management and Budget is
particularly interested in comments
1. Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility;
2. Evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
3. Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
4. Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submissions
of responses.
Standard Form 1153, Claim for
Unpaid Compensation for Deceased
Civilian Employee, is used to collect
information from individuals who have
been designated as beneficiaries of the
unpaid compensation of a deceased
Federal employee or who believe that
their relationship to the deceased
entitles them to receive the unpaid
compensation of the deceased Federal
employee. OPM needs this information
in order to adjudicate the claim and
properly assign a deceased Federal
employee’s unpaid compensation to the
appropriate individual(s).
Agency: Merit System Accountability
and Compliance, Office of Personnel
Title: Standard Form 1153, Claim for
Unpaid Compensation of Deceased
Civilian Employee.
OMB Number: 3206–0234.
Affected Public: Federal Employees
and Retirees.
Number of Respondents: 3,000.
Estimated Time per Respondent: 15
Total Burden Hours: 750 hours.
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 113 / Monday, June 13, 2022 / Notices
U.S. Office of Personnel Management.
Kellie Cosgrove Riley,
Director, Office of Privacy and Information
[FR Doc. 2022–12680 Filed 6–10–22; 8:45 am]
[Docket Nos. MC2022–64 and CP2022–70]
New Postal Products
Postal Regulatory Commission.
The Commission is noticing a
recent Postal Service filing for the
Commission’s consideration concerning
a negotiated service agreement. This
notice informs the public of the filing,
invites public comment, and takes other
administrative steps.
DATES: Comments are due: June 15,
Submit comments
electronically via the Commission’s
Filing Online system at http:// Those who cannot submit
comments electronically should contact
the person identified in the FOR FURTHER
telephone for advice on filing
David A. Trissell, General Counsel, at
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Docketed Proceeding(s)
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
I. Introduction
The Commission gives notice that the
Postal Service filed request(s) for the
Commission to consider matters related
to negotiated service agreement(s). The
request(s) may propose the addition or
removal of a negotiated service
agreement from the market dominant or
the competitive product list, or the
modification of an existing product
currently appearing on the market
dominant or the competitive product
Section II identifies the docket
number(s) associated with each Postal
Service request, the title of each Postal
Service request, the request’s acceptance
date, and the authority cited by the
Postal Service for each request. For each
request, the Commission appoints an
officer of the Commission to represent
the interests of the general public in the
proceeding, pursuant to 39 U.S.C. 505
(Public Representative). Section II also
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establishes comment deadline(s)
pertaining to each request.
The public portions of the Postal
Service’s request(s) can be accessed via
the Commission’s website (http:// Non-public portions of
the Postal Service’s request(s), if any,
can be accessed through compliance
with the requirements of 39 CFR
The Commission invites comments on
whether the Postal Service’s request(s)
in the captioned docket(s) are consistent
with the policies of title 39. For
request(s) that the Postal Service states
concern market dominant product(s),
applicable statutory and regulatory
requirements include 39 U.S.C. 3622, 39
U.S.C. 3642, 39 CFR part 3030, and 39
CFR part 3040, subpart B. For request(s)
that the Postal Service states concern
competitive product(s), applicable
statutory and regulatory requirements
include 39 U.S.C. 3632, 39 U.S.C. 3633,
39 U.S.C. 3642, 39 CFR part 3035, and
39 CFR part 3040, subpart B. Comment
deadline(s) for each request appear in
section II.
II. Docketed Proceeding(s)
1. Docket No(s).: MC2022–64 and
CP2022–70; Filing Title: USPS Request
to Add Priority Mail Contract 744 to
Competitive Product List and Notice of
Filing Materials Under Seal; Filing
Acceptance Date: June 7, 2022; Filing
Authority: 39 U.S.C. 3642, 39 CFR
3040.130 through 3040.135, and 39 CFR
3035.105; Public Representative: Katalin
K. Clendenin; Comments Due: June 15,
This Notice will be published in the
Federal Register.
storage, specific to the Informed
Delivery® feature.
DATES: These revisions will become
effective without further notice on July
13, 2022, unless in response to
comments received on or before that
date result in a contrary determination.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be
submitted via email to the Privacy and
Records Management Office, United
States Postal Service Headquarters
( To facilitate public
inspection, arrangements to view copies
of any written comments received will
be made upon request.
Janine Castorina, Chief Privacy and
Records Management Officer, Privacy
and Records Management Office, 202–
268–3069 or
notice is in accordance with the Privacy
Act requirement that agencies publish
their systems of records in the Federal
Register when there is a revision,
change, or addition, or when the agency
establishes a new system of records. The
Postal Service has determined that
Customer Privacy Act System of
Records, USPS 820.300 Informed
Delivery, should be revised to
implement a new retention period for
cloud-based mailpiece image storage.
I. Background
The Postal Service has determined
that Customer Privacy Act Systems of
Records (SOR), USPS 820.300 Informed
Delivery, should be revised to
implement a new retention period of 14
days for cloud-based mailpiece image
Erica A. Barker,
II. Rationale for Changes to USPS
Privacy Act Systems of Records
[FR Doc. 2022–12691 Filed 6–10–22; 8:45 am]
The Postal Service constantly seeks to
improve efficiency and customer
satisfaction. The Postal Service recently
revised this Informed Delivery System
of Records to implement a new cloudbased storage solution for mail images.
In consideration of comments received
to this previous notice, a new retention
period has been established relating
specifically to the storage of these
mailpiece images.
Privacy Act of 1974; System of
Postal Service®.
Notice of modified systems of
III. Description of the Modified System
of Records
1 See Docket No. RM2018–3, Order Adopting
Final Rules Relating to Non-Public Information,
June 27, 2018, Attachment A at 19–22 (Order No.
To implement the change to a cloudbased platform, this System of Records
will be modified to include one new
retention period of 14 days relating to
the cloud-based storage of Informed
Delivery mailpiece images.
Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(e)(11),
interested persons are invited to submit
written data, views, or arguments on
The United States Postal
Service® (Postal Service) is proposing to
revise a Customer Privacy Act System of
Records (SOR). This modification is
being made to establish a new retention
period for cloud-based mailpiece image
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File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2022-06-11 |
File Created | 2022-06-11 |