Form DS-7794 Electronic Medical Examination for Visa Applicant

Electronic Medical Examination for Visa Applicant

DS-7794 Draft Screen Shots

Electronic Medical Examination for Visa Applicant

OMB: 1405-0230

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Pre exam: Health case details
Panel Physician Report on Medical Examination and Vaccination Record
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Estimated Burden

Client personal details

60 minutes

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of birth
Birth date

Country of (Country) Birth Birthplace City of Birth Birthplace (City) * Prior Country of Residence * Select an Option Country of Nationality * Select an Option Document type presented Identity document Original Passport Number Document / IDNumber Issuing Country Date of issue
Date of expiry
Source Other Identifiers Identifier type Identifier value Case ID 456789456 CEAC barcode 8978335 Client visa details Applicant Category NIV - Non-Immigrant Visa Health case details: Record results Client declaration * I declare that NAME (or their parent/guardian) has read and understands the information provided by the U.S. Department of State regarding eMedical and has agreed to his/her medical information being submitted electronically to the Department, with this consent to be recorded by this clinic in eMedical. Name of parent/guardian Pre exam  Relationship to the client Health case details  View client declaration Confirm Identity  All Exams All exams summary Select an Option Contact Channels ? Current exams 501 Medical Examination Confirm identity Delete Past Medical History Basic questions Detailed questions Review exam details Classification and Examiner Declaration Contact Channel Contact details Primary Comments eMail (Personal) Yes - Address (Home) Somewhere, Else, ACT, AUSTRALIA Yes - Address (Intended) 298 West 33rd Street,New York, NY 10001, USA No - Edit 502 Chest X-ray Examination Pregnancy declaration Confirm identity Attach X-ray image Chest X-ray findings Review exam details Examiner Declaration 603 Respiratory Specialist investigation on current state of tuberculosis 607 Continued anti-tuberculosis treatment 712 Syphilis test (VDRL or RPR) 713 Gonorrhea 714 Hansen’s Disease 719 TB screening test – TST or IGRA Paperwork Reduction Act statement Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 60 minutes per response, including time required for searching existing data sources, gathering the necessary documentation, providing the information and/or documents required, and reviewing the final collection. You do not have to supply this information unless this collection displays a currently valid OMB control number. If you have comments on the accuracy of this burden estimate and/or recommendations for reducing it, please send them to: Confidentiality statement INA Section 222(f) provides that visa issuance and refusal records shall be considered confidential and shall be used only for the formulation, amendment, administration, or enforcement of the immigration, nationality, and other laws of the United States. The U.S. Department of State uses the information provided on this form primarily to determine an individual’s eligibility for a U.S. visa. Certified copies of visa records may be made available to a court which certifies that the information contained in such records is needed in a case pending before the court. The information provided may also be released to federal agencies for law enforcement, counterterrorism and homeland security purposes; to Congress and courts within their sphere of jurisdiction; and to other federal agencies who may need the information to administer or enforce U.S. laws. Although furnishing this information is voluntary , individuals who fail to submit this form or who do not provide all the requested information may be denied a U.S. visa or cause processing delays. 951 Vaccinations 106 Mental Health report Back Close Save Next 501 Medical Examination: Past medical history Answer ‘No’ to all Record Medical History (Past or present) General Illness or injury requiring hospitalization (including psychiatric) * Not selected No Yes Hypertension * Not selected No Yes Congestive heart failure or coronary artery disease * Not selected No Yes Arrhythmia * Not selected No Yes Rheumatic heart disease * Not selected No Yes Congenital heart disease * Not selected No Yes Current Tobacco use * Not selected No Yes Former Tobacco use * Not selected No Yes Asthma * Not selected No Yes Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease * Not selected No Yes History of Tuberculosis * Not selected No Yes No Yes Cardiology Pulmonology Diagnosed (mm-yyyy) Treatment ? Treatment completed (mm-yyyy) Add - Select an option - Not selected Anatomic site of disease * Treatment * Not selected No Fever * Not selected No Cough * Not selected No Yes Night sweats * Not selected No Yes Weight loss * Not selected No Yes Signs or symptoms of TB * Not selected No Yes Recent contact with known TB case * Not selected No Yes Page-54: Record results Contact’s Name Current Started but not finished Completed Yes * Contact’s case or Alien number, if known Pre exam  Health case details  Confirm Identity  All Exams All exams summary Select an Option Applicant’s relationship to Contact * Provide details * Date contact ended * 20Jun2015 Type of source case TB * Select an Option Psychiatry * Not selected No Yes Major impairment in learning, intelligence, self-care, memory or communication * Not selected No Yes Use of substances other than those required for medical reasons * Not selected No Yes Substance use or substance induced disorders of substances on the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) * Not selected No Yes Detailed questions Referral made to mental health specialist * Not selected No Yes Review exam details Any physical or mental disorder (excluding addiction or abuse of specific substance on the Controlled Substances Act, but including other substance-related disorder) * Not selected No Yes Not selected No Yes Not selected No Yes Current exams 501 Medical Examination Confirm identity Past Medical History Basic questions Classification and Examiner Declaration 502 Chest X-ray Examination Pregnancy declaration Psychological/Psychiatric Disorder (including major depression, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia) Class A, with harmful behaviour * List disorder(s) * Confirm identity Attach X-ray image Chest X-ray findings Review exam details Examiner Declaration 603 Respiratory Specialist investigation on current state of tuberculosis Class B, without harmful behaviour * List disorder(s) * Addiction or abuse of specific substance on the Controlled Substances Act * Not selected No Yes 607 Continued anti-tuberculosis treatment Class A * Not selected No Yes 712 Syphilis test (VDRL or RPR) List substance(s) * Class B, in remission * Not selected No Yes List substance(s) * 713 Gonorrhea 714 Hansen’s Disease 719 TB screening test – TST or IGRA 951 Vaccinations 106 Mental Health report Back Close Save Next 501 Medical Examination: Past medical history Substance use or substance induced disorders of substances not on the CSA (including alcohol) * Not selected No Yes Ever caused serious injury to others, caused major property damage or had trouble with the law because of medical condition, mental disorder, or influence of alcohol or drugs * Not selected No Yes Ever had thoughts of harming yourself * Not selected No Yes * Not selected No Yes * Not selected No Yes * Not selected No Yes Ever acted on those thoughts Ever had thoughts of harming others Ever acted on those thoughts Neurology History of stroke Not selected No Yes Seizure disorder Not selected No Yes Obstetrics Pregnant, on the day of exam? Not selected Estimated Delivery Date No Yes 25Jun2012 * LMP Fundal Height (in cm) Normal / Abnormal * Previous live births: * Birth dates: Not selected Normal Abnormal No Yes None * Dd Mmm yyyy Dd Mmm yyyy Dd Mmm yyyy ? Sexually Transmitted Diseases Syphilis * Not selected ? Previous treatment for Syphilis Treatment Medication Start End dd Mmm yyyy dd Mmm yyyy Dose Frequency 10mg 1x3/day Gonorrhea Previous treatment for Gonorrhea Not selected * Treatment Medication Start End dd Mmm yyyy dd Mmm yyyy Side effects Dose Frequency 10mg 1x3/day No Yes ? Side effects Endocrinology Diabetes * Not selected No Yes Thyroid disease * Not selected No Yes Anemia * Not selected No Yes Sickle Cell Disease * Not selected No Yes Thalassemia * Not selected No Yes Other hemoglobinopathy * Not selected No Yes Hematologic/Lymphatic Hansen’s Disease Hansen’s Disease history * Diagnosed (mm yyyy) * Not selected No ? Yes 20Jun2015 20Jun2015 Treatment completed (mm yyyy) Initial Diagnosis Test name * Date result reported * 20Jun2015 Test Result * Not selected Positive Made by * Not selected Panel Physician Negative Non-panel physician prior to current evaluation 2005 Year of diagnosis * Type of Hansen’s disease * Not selected Multibacillary Paucibacillary Treatment * Not selected None Partial ( ≥7 days) Treated by panel physician? * Not selected No Yes Referred for treatment? * Not selected No Yes Referral facility * Treatment 501 - Past medical history - US: Record results Pre exam  Health case details  Confirm Identity  Treatment Medication Start dd Mmm yyyy dd Mmm yyyy Dose Frequency 10mg 1x3/day Side effects Other An abnormal or reactive HIV blood test All Exams End Completed Diagnosed (mm-yyyy) Malignancy All exams summary * Not selected No Yes * Not selected No Yes ? * Specify Current exams 501 Medical Examination Confirm identity Kidney or Bladder disease * Not selected No Yes Medical history History Past medical Chronic liver disease (Including hepatitis B or C) * Not selected No Yes Food or drug allergies * Not selected No Yes * Not selected No Yes * Not selected No Yes * Not selected Basic questions Detailed questions Specify Review exam details Classification and Examiner Declaration 502 Chest X-ray Examination Pregnancy declaration Confirm identity Other medical conditions requiring treatment Specify Attach X-ray image Chest X-ray findings Review exam details Disabilities (including loss of arms or legs) Examiner Declaration 603 Respiratory Specialist investigation on current state of tuberculosis 607 Continued anti-tuberculosis treatment 712 Syphilis test (VDRL or RPR) Specify Current medications (List all current medications) Previous surgeries (List all previous surgeries) 713 Gonorrhea 714 Hansen’s Disease 719 TB screening test – TST or IGRA Doctor declaration Applicant appears to be providing unreliable or false information No Yes Specify 951 Vaccinations 106 Mental Health report Back Close Save Next 501- Medical Examination: questions 501 Basic Questions - US:Basic Record results Basic Questions Exam date Height and Weight Height In centimeters Weight In kilograms BMI Pre exam  Blood Pressure Health case details  Initial blood pressure Systolic Confirm Identity All Exams All exams summary Current exams 501 Medical Examination Confirm identity Past Medical History Basic questions questions Basic Detailed questions Review exam details Classification and Examiner Declaration 502 Chest X-ray Examination Pregnancy declaration Confirm identity  Diastolic Pulse Vital signs Temperature In oC Respiratory rate / min Eyes Visual acuity testing * Left eye: * 6/36 Right eye: * 6/24 Not selected Uncorrected Corrected No (applicant under 4) Attach X-ray image Chest X-ray findings Review exam details Examiner Declaration 603 Respiratory Specialist investigation on current state of tuberculosis 607 Continued anti-tuberculosis treatment 712 Syphilis test (VDRL or RPR) 713 Gonorrhea 714 Hansen’s Disease 719 TB screening test – TST or IGRA 951 Vaccinations 106 Mental Health report Back Close Save Next 501 Medical - Detailed Examination: Questions - Detailed US: Record questions results Answer ‘Normal’ to all All systems General appearance * Not selected Normal Abnormal Nutritional status (including acute wasting and or chronic stunting malnutrition) * Not selected Normal Abnormal Cardiovascular system rub) Heart (S1, S2, murmur, * Not selected Normal Abnormal Provide details Pre exam  Health case details  Confirm Identity All Exams All exams summary Current exams 501 Medical Examination Confirm identity  * Respiratory system Lungs (auscultation) * Not selected Normal Abnormal Nervous system: Sequalae of stroke or cerebral palsy, other neurological disabilities * Not selected Normal Abnormal Gastrointestinal system Abdomen (including liver, spleen) * Not selected Normal Abnormal mobility for all persons 60 or more years of age) Musculoskeletal system (including gait) * Not selected Normal Abnormal Extremities (including pulses, edema) * Not selected Normal Abnormal Hematologic * Not selected Normal Abnormal * Not selected Normal Abnormal Brain and cognition Mental and status (including mood, intelligence, perception, thought processes, and behaviour during examination) Mental cognitive status Eyes, ears, nose, throat and mouth Past Medical History Eyes * Not selected Normal Abnormal Basic questions Nose, mouth and throat (include dental) * Not selected Normal Abnormal Detailed questions questions Detailed Hearing and ears * Not selected Normal Abnormal Not selected Normal Abnormal Not selected Normal Abnormal Review exam details Classification and Examiner Declaration Miscellaneous 502 Chest X-ray Examination Exposed Skin Hearing * Pregnancy declaration Lymph nodes * Confirm identity Attach X-ray image Chest X-ray findings Remarks Review exam details Examiner Declaration 603 Respiratory Specialist investigation on current state of tuberculosis 607 Continued anti-tuberculosis treatment 712 Syphilis test (VDRL or RPR) 713 Gonorrhea 714 Hansen’s Disease 719 TB screening test – TST or IGRA 951 Vaccinations 106 Mental Health report Back Close Save Next 501 Medical Examination: Classification and Examiner Declaration Provide Classification Please complete the 501 Medical Examination. If you have completed the exam and you are ready to provide the Classification, press the ‘Prepare for Classification’ button Prepare for classification Classification Class A Conditions Tuberculosis disease (1A1) Syphilis, untreated (1A1) Gonorrhea, untreated (1A1) Hansen’s Disease, untreated multibacillary or paucibacillary (1A1) Any physical or mental disorder (excluding addiction or abuse of specific substance on the Controlled Substances Act but including other substance-related disorder) with harmful behavior or history of such behavior likely to recur (1A3) Addiction or abuse of specific substance on the Controlled Substances Act (1A4) ? Immigrant visa applicant refuses vaccinations (1A2) Class B Conditions Tuberculosis B0 TB, Pulmonary ? B1 TB, Pulmonary B1 TB, Extrapulmonary ? Anatomic site of disease * Treatment * Not selected No Current Started but not finished Completed ? B2 TB: LTBI evaluation LTBI treatment * Not selected No Current Treated by Panel Physician * Not selected No Yes No Window prophylaxis LTBI regimen * Details * Treatment started Started but did not finish Completed Select an Option * Treatment ended ? B3 TB: Contact 501 - Classification: RecordEvaluation results Preventative treatment * Prophylaxis Regime * Details * Treatment started * Not selected Select an Option Treatment ended Pre exam  Health case details  Confirm Identity  Syphilis, treated within last year Gonorrhea, treated within last year Hansen’s Disease Treated multibacillary Treated paucibacillary Any physical or mental disorder (excluding addiction or abuse of specific substance on the Controlled Substances Act but including other substance-related disorder) without harmful behavior or history of such behavior unlikely to recur Sustained, full remission of addiction or abuse of specific substance on the Controlled Substances Act All Exams All exams summary Current exams 501 Medical Examination Confirm identity Past Medical History Class B Other Details * Mandatory if ticked Basic questions Detailed questions Review exam details Classification Classification and and Examiner Examiner Declaration Declaration 502 Chest X-ray Examination No apparent defect, disease or disability Remarks Pregnancy declaration Confirm identity General supporting comments Attach X-ray image Chest X-ray findings Review exam details Examiner Declaration 603 Respiratory Specialist investigation on current state of tuberculosis 607 Continued anti-tuberculosis treatment 712 Syphilis test (VDRL or RPR) 713 Gonorrhea 714 Hansen’s Disease 719 TB screening test – TST or IGRA 951 Vaccinations 106 Mental Health report If you wish to update the examination answers then press the ‘Edit exam’ button. Edit exam Examiner declaration I attest that I performed this examination, have reviewed all test results, and that the medical classification is correct in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Technical Instructions for panel physicians. I further attest that I have a current panel physician agreement with the Department of State. Completed by Date of declaration Back Close Save Submit Exam Next Prepare for classification Classification Class A Conditions Tuberculosis disease (1A1) Syphilis, untreated (1A1) Gonorrhea, untreated (1A1) 501 - Classification ('happy'untreated case): Record resultsor paucibacillary (1A1) Hansen’s Disease, multibacillary Any physical or mental disorder (excluding addiction or abuse of specific substance on the Controlled Substances Act but including other substance-related disorder) with harmful behavior or history of such behavior likely to recur (1A3) Addiction or abuse of specific substance on the Controlled Substances Act (1A4) Immigrant visa applicant refuses vaccinations (1A2) Class B Conditions Tuberculosis B0 TB, Pulmonary Pre exam  Health case details  Confirm Identity  All Exams All exams summary Current exams 501 Medical Examination  Confirm identity  Past Medical History  Basic questions  Detailed questions  Review exam details Classification Classification and and Examiner Examiner Declaration Declaration  502 Chest X-ray Examination  Pregnancy declaration  Confirm identity  Attach X-ray image  Chest X-ray findings  Review exam details  Examiner Declaration  B1 TB, Pulmonary B1 TB, Extrapulmonary B2 TB: LTBI evaluation B3 TB: Contact Evaluation Syphilis, treated within last year Gonorrhea, treated within last year Hansen’s Disease Treated multibacillary Treated paucibacillary Any physical or mental disorder (excluding addiction or abuse of specific substance on the Controlled Substances Act but including other substance-related disorder) without harmful behavior or history of such behavior unlikely to recur Sustained, full remission of addiction or abuse of specific substance on the Controlled Substances Act Class B Other No apparent defect, disease or disability Remarks General supporting comments 106 report 603 Psychiatrist’s Respiratory Specialist  investigation on current state 712 Syphilis test (VDRL or RPR)  of tuberculosis 713 Gonorrhea 607 Continued anti-tuberculosis  treatment 951 Vaccinations  712 Syphilis test (VDRL or RPR) 713 Gonorrhea 714 Hansen’s Disease 719 TB screening test – TST or IGRA 951 Vaccinations 106 Mental Health report If you wish to update the examination answers then press the ‘Edit exam’ button. Edit exam Examiner declaration I attest that I performed this examination, have reviewed all test results, and that the medical classification is correct in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Technical Instructions for panel physicians. I further attest that I have a current panel physician agreement with the Department of State. Completed by Date of declaration Back Close Save Submit Exam Next 502 Chest - Pregnancy X-ray Examination: declaration: Record Pregnancy results Declaration Is Pregnancy, the client pregnant? current Not selected Estimated date (mm-dd-yyyy) When doesdelivery the client expect to give birth? Does the client wish to proceed with the required X-ray examination(s)? Pre exam  Health case details  Confirm Identity  No Yes No Yes 25Jun2012 Not selected All Exams All exams summary Current exams 501 Medical Examination Confirm identity Past Medical History Basic questions Detailed questions Review exam details Classification and Examiner Declaration 502 Chest X-ray Examination Pregnancy declaration Confirm identity Attach X-ray image Chest X-ray findings Review exam details Examiner Declaration 603 Respiratory Specialist investigation on current state of tuberculosis 607 Continued anti-tuberculosis treatment 712 Syphilis test (VDRL or RPR) 713 Gonorrhea 714 Hansen’s Disease 719 TB screening test – TST or IGRA 951 Vaccinations 106 Mental Health report Back Close Save Next 502 Chest - Attach X-ray X-ray Examination: images: Record Attach results x-ray images Attach x-ray images Date of x-ray * Attachments ? Link to existing Delete Pre exam  Health case details  Confirm Identity  ? Add new Document type Details Attachment type Sending method File name Edit No documents have been attached All Exams All exams summary Current exams 501 Medical Examination Confirm identity Past Medical History Basic questions Detailed questions Review exam details Classification and Examiner Declaration 502 Chest X-ray Examination Pregnancy declaration Confirm identity Attach X-ray images image Chest X-ray findings Review exam details Examiner Declaration 603 Respiratory Specialist investigation on current state of tuberculosis 607 Continued anti-tuberculosis treatment 712 Syphilis test (VDRL or RPR) 713 Gonorrhea 714 Hansen’s Disease 719 TB screening test – TST or IGRA 951 Vaccinations 106 Mental Health report Back Close Save Next 502 Chest - ChestX-ray X-rayExamination: Findings: Record Findings results Record results Exam date * Findings * Mark all that apply Pre exam  Health case details  Confirm Identity  Abnormal Infiltrate or consolidation Pleural effusion Discrete nodule(s) without calcification Reticular markings suggestive of fibrosis Hilar / mediastinal adenopathy Volume loss or retraction Cavitary lesion Miliary findings Irregular thick pleural reaction Nodule or mass with poorly defined margins (such as tuberculoma) Discrete linear opacity Other Smears and Cultures not required Cardiac All exams summary Musculoskeletal Current exams Other 501 Medical Examination Smooth pleural thickening (if at CPA, must confirm is not effusion [do lateral or decubitus radiograph or ultrasound]) Diaphragmatic tenting Single or scattered calcified pulmonary nodule(s) Calcified lymph node(s) Confirm identity Basic questions Normal Suggests Tuberculosis (will require Smears and Cultures) All Exams Past Medical History Not selected Remarks Detailed questions Review exam details Classification and Examiner Declaration 502 Chest X-ray Examination Pregnancy declaration Confirm identity Attach X-ray image Chest X-ray findings Review exam details Examiner Declaration 603 Respiratory Specialist investigation on current state of tuberculosis 607 Continued anti-tuberculosis treatment 712 Syphilis test (VDRL or RPR) 713 Gonorrhea 714 Hansen’s Disease 719 TB screening test – TST or IGRA 951 Vaccinations 106 Mental Health report Back Close Save Next 502 Chest - Examiner X-rayDeclaration: Examination: Record Examiner results Declaration Prepare for Declaration General supporting comments Pre exam  Health case details  Confirm Identity  All Exams Prepare for Declaration If you wish to update the examination answers then press the ‘Edit exam’ button Edit Exam All exams summary Current exams 501 Medical Examination Confirm identity Past Medical History Examiner declaration I declare that this chest x-ray examination report is a true and correct record of my findings Basic questions Detailed questions Review exam details Completed by Date of declaration Classification and Examiner Declaration 502 Chest X-ray Examination Pregnancy declaration Confirm identity Attach X-ray image Chest X-ray findings Review exam details Examiner Examiner Declaration Declaration 603 Respiratory Specialist investigation on current state of tuberculosis 607 Continued anti-tuberculosis treatment 712 Syphilis test (VDRL or RPR) 713 Gonorrhea 714 Hansen’s Disease 719 TB screening test – TST or IGRA 951 Vaccinations 106 Mental Health report Back Close Save Submit Exam Next 603 Respiratory Specialist investigation on current state of tuberculos: Record results Record results Exam date * Investigation required to determine the current status regarding tuberculosis. Please include the following information: -Results of 3 current smears and cultures (sputum samples taken on 3 consecutive working mornings, or other appropriate specimens as clinically indicated) and cultures for Mycobacterium tuberculosis (plus drug susceptibility testing (DST) if cultures are positive), -Old chest x-rays for comparison (if available). Reports can be submitted if images available are not digital, -Any previous reports regarding any treatment of tuberculosis. Exam description 603 Respiratory investigation on current state of tuberculos: Record results Sputum SmearsSpecialist and Cultures Sputum Smear Laboratory * Sputum Culture Laboratory * ? Pre exam  Health case details  Specimen obtained Test date Test name Result Remarks
Sputum Smear Positive -
Culture Negative Path lab closed Recording of Laboratory Tests is complete Clinical diagnosis of TB? Confirm Identity All Exams All exams summary Current exams 501 Medical Examination  * Not selected Yes No Drug susceptibility tests Method of DST * Date specimen obtained * Date specimen reported * Drug Susceptibility Test Laboratory * Select an option Confirm identity Past Medical History Basic questions ? Detailed questions Review exam details Classification and Examiner Declaration Drug Finding Isoniazid 502 Chest X-ray Examination Pregnancy declaration Confirm identity Attach X-ray image Molecular tests Used in addition? * Not selected Yes No Chest X-ray findings Review exam details Molecular Test Mycobacteruim Tuberculosis Rifampin resistance Isoniazid resistance Hain Line Probe Assay GeneXpert Examiner Declaration 603 Respiratory Specialist investigation on current state of tuberculosis state of tuberculosis 607 Continued anti-tuberculosis treatment 712 Syphilis test (VDRL or RPR) 713 Gonorrhea 714 Hansen’s Disease 719 TB screening test – TST or IGRA Attachments General Supporting Comments 951 Vaccinations 106 Mental Health report Back Close Save Next + Add / Edit Molecular test Molecular test * Other * Select an Option Mycobacterium Tuberculosis * Not selected Positive Negative Not tested Rifampin Resistance * Not selected Positive Negative Not tested Isoniazid Resistance * Not selected Positive Negative Not tested Cancel OK X 607 Continued tuberculosis treatment: Record results Record results Exam date * Exam Description Positive sputum smears/cultures or commencement of TB treatment advice noted with thanks. Await final report with repeat chest x-ray upon completion of TB treatment. Treatment Treatment Medication Start dd Mmm yyyy dd Mmm yyyy Treated at approved DOT site? * End Not selected No Dose Frequency 10mg 1x3/day Side effects Yes Recording of Treatment is complete Post-treatment Clinical diagnosis (for Radiologist to complete) Date radiograph obtained * Findings suggestive of TB? * Findings present 20Jun2017 Not selected No Yes Suggests Tuberculosis * Infiltrate or consolidation Pleural effusion Discrete nodule(s) without calcification Reticular markings suggestive of fibrosis Hilar / mediastinal adenopathy Volume loss or retraction Cavitary lesion Miliary findings Irregular thick pleural reaction Nodule(s) or mass with poorly defined margins (such as tuberculoma) Discrete linear opacity Other Does not suggest Tuberculosis Cardiac Smooth pleural thickening (if at CPA, must confirm is not effusion [do lateral or decubitus radiograph or ultrasound]) Musculoskeletal Diaphragmatic tenting Other Single or scattered calcified pulmonary nodule(s) Calcified lymph node(s) Remarks Interpreted by Date radiograph interpreted 23Jun2017 * I declare that these are a true and correct record of my findings Sputum Smears and Cultures Sputum Smear Laboratory * Sputum Culture Laboratory * ? Date Specimen obtained Specimen Report date Test name Result Remarks
Sputum Smear Positive -
Culture Negative Path lab closed Recording of Laboratory Tests is complete Clinical diagnosis of TB? Not selected * Yes No Drug susceptibility tests 607 Continued tuberculosis treatment: Record results Select an option Method of DST * Date specimen obtained * Date specimen reported * Drug Susceptibility Test Laboratory * Required for first-line DST Pre exam  Health case details  Confirm Identity  All Exams Isoniazid * Not selected Susceptible Resistant Rifampin * Not selected Susceptible Resistant Ethambutol * Not selected Susceptible Resistant Pyrazinamide * Not selected Susceptible Resistant Required for multidrug-resistant cases Ethionamide * Not selected Susceptible Resistant Capreomycin * Not selected Susceptible Resistant Amikacin * Not selected Susceptible Resistant Para-aminosalycylic acid (PAS) * Not selected Susceptible Resistant Past Medical History Fluoroquinolone * Not selected Susceptible Resistant Basic questions Specify * All exams summary Current exams 501 Medical Examination Confirm identity Detailed questions Review exam details Classification and Examiner Declaration 502 Chest X-ray Examination Pregnancy declaration Confirm identity Attach X-ray image Chest X-ray findings Review exam details Examiner Declaration 603 Respiratory Specialist investigation on current state of tuberculosis 607 Continued tuberculosis anti-tuberculosis treatment 712 Syphilis test (VDRL or RPR) 713 Gonorrhea 714 Hansen’s Disease 719 TB screening test – TST or IGRA 951 Vaccinations 106 Mental Health report Susceptibility to other drugs Other drug 1 Finding 1 Not selected Susceptible Resistant Not selected Susceptible Resistant Not selected Susceptible Resistant Not selected Susceptible Resistant Not selected Susceptible Resistant Other drug 2 Finding 2 Other drug 3 Finding 3 Other drug 4 Finding 4 Other drug 5 Finding 5 Attachments General Supporting Comments Back Close Save Next 712 Syphilis test (VDRL or RPR): Record results Record results Exam date * Syphilis testing and results are required Exam description Screening Pre exam  Health case details  Confirm Identity  All Exams All exams summary Current exams 501 Medical Examination Confirm identity Past Medical History Test name * Date specimen reported * Syphilis test result * Not selected Titer * Select an Option Non-reactive Reactive Non-reactive Reactive Confirmatory Test name * Date specimen reported * Repeat Syphilis test result * Repeat Titer * Select an Option Clinical judgment on result * Not selected Stage of Syphilis * Select an Option Applicant elects to undergo treatment? * Not selected Treatment warranted Previous treatment, no new risk factors since treatment Basic questions Detailed questions Review exam details Classification and Examiner Declaration 502 Chest X-ray Examination Not selected No Yes Treatment ? Pregnancy declaration Confirm identity Treatment Medication Start End Attach X-ray image dd Mmm yyyy dd Mmm yyyy Dose Frequency 10mg 1x3/day Side effects Chest X-ray findings Review exam details By Panel Physician? * Examiner Declaration Not selected No Yes Recording of Treatment is complete 603 Respiratory Specialist investigation on current state of tuberculosis 607 Continued anti-tuberculosis treatment Attachments 712 Syphilis test (VDRL or RPR) 713 Gonorrhea 714 Hansen’s Disease General Supporting Comments 719 TB screening test – TST or IGRA 951 Vaccinations 106 Mental Health report Back Close Save Next 713 Gonorrhea: Record results Record results Exam Date 20Jun2015 * Exam description Record testing and treatment for Gonorrhea Was laboratory testing performed * Not selected No Yes Screening Pre exam  Health case details  Confirm Identity  Date specimen reported * Test name * Gonorrhea test result * Applicant elects to undergo treatment? * Not selected Not selected Positive No Negative Yes All Exams All exams summary Treatment Current exams 501 Medical Examination Confirm identity Past Medical History Treatment Medication Start dd Mmm yyyy dd Mmm yyyy Basic questions End Dose Frequency 10mg 1x3/day Side effects Recording of Treatment is complete Detailed questions Review exam details Classification and Examiner Declaration Attachments 502 Chest X-ray Examination Pregnancy declaration Confirm identity General Supporting Comments Attach X-ray image Chest X-ray findings Review exam details Examiner Declaration 603 Respiratory Specialist investigation on current state of tuberculosis 607 Continued anti-tuberculosis treatment 712 Syphilis test (VDRL or RPR) 713 Gonorrhea 714 Hansen’s Disease 719 TB screening test – TST or IGRA 951 Vaccinations 106 Mental Health report Back Close Save Next 714 Hansen's Disease: Record results Record results ? Exam Date * Exam description 20Jun2015 Record diagnosis and treatment for Hansen’s Disease Initial Diagnosis Test name * 20Jun2015 Pre exam  Date result reported * Health case details  Test Result * Not selected Positive Confirm Identity  Made by * Not selected Panel Physician Year of diagnosis * Type of Hansen’s disease * Not selected Multibacillary Paucibacillary All Exams All exams summary Current exams 501 Medical Examination Confirm identity Negative Non-panel physician prior to current evaluation 2005 Treatment Past Medical History Treatment * Not selected None Partial ( ≥7 days) Basic questions Treated by panel physician? * Not selected No Yes Review exam details Referred for treatment? * Not selected No Yes Classification and Examiner Declaration Referral facility * Detailed questions Completed 502 Chest X-ray Examination Pregnancy declaration Confirm identity Treatment Medication Start dd Mmm yyyy dd Mmm yyyy End Dose Frequency 10mg 1x3/day Side effects Attach X-ray image Chest X-ray findings Review exam details Examiner Declaration 603 Respiratory Specialist investigation on current state of tuberculosis Attachments General Supporting Comments 607 Continued anti-tuberculosis treatment 712 Syphilis test (VDRL or RPR) 713 Gonorrhea 714 Hansen’s Hansen's Disease 719 TB screening test – TST or IGRA 951 Vaccinations 106 Mental Health report Back Close Save Next 719 TB screening test - TST or IGRA: Record results Record results Exam Date (date drawn/applied) * Exam description Pre exam  Health case details  Confirm Identity All Exams All exams summary Current exams 501 Medical Examination Confirm identity Past Medical History Basic questions Detailed questions Review exam details Classification and Examiner Declaration  Provide current results of tuberculin skin test (TST) or Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA). Type of exam conducted * Date of Reading * Millimetres of induration * Type of IGRA test * Result * * TB antigen 1 * TB antigen 2 * Mitogen Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) 27Jun2015 Select an Option Not selected Negative Indeterminate, Borderline or Equivocal Positive * T-Spot (Spot count for each) Nil Control * Panel A * Panel B * Attach X-ray image Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) QuantiFERON (optimal density value [IU/ml] for each) Nil 502 Chest X-ray Examination Chest X-ray findings Not selected ? Pregnancy declaration Confirm identity 20Jun2015 General supporting comments Review exam details Examiner Declaration 603 Respiratory Specialist investigation on current state of tuberculosis 607 Continued anti-tuberculosis treatment 712 Syphilis test (VDRL or RPR) Attachments Link to existing Delete Add new Document type Details Attachment type Sending method File name ? Edit No documents have been attached 713 Gonorrhea 714 Hansen’s Disease 719 TB screening test -– TST TST or IGRA 951 Vaccinations 106 Mental Health report Back Close Save Next 951 951 Vaccination: Vaccination: Record Record results results Record results Exam date * Exam Description Disease Pre exam  Health case details  Confirm Identity  All Exams Applicant's full vaccination history is required Vaccine Vaccination history Administered by clinic Immunity Positive History Waiver reasons dd Mmm yyyy dd Mmm yyyy dd Mmm yyyy dd Mmm yyyy dd Mmm yyyy dd Mmm yyyy dd Mmm yyyy dd Mmm yyyy Contra-indicated Flu Vaccine not available Yes Vaccination Documentation Vaccination requirements complete? * Not selected Reason * Select an Option All exams summary No Yes ? Refugee, follow to join Asylee/Refugee (V92/93) applicant not required to meet vaccination requirements Current exams 501 Medical Examination K-Visa applicant electing to not be vaccinated at this examination Confirm identity Other NIV applicant not required to meet vaccination requirements Past Medical History Basic questions Immigrant Visa or Parolee applicant completed vaccination requirements Detailed questions Review exam details K Visa applicant voluntarily completed vaccination requirements Classification and Examiner Declaration 502 Chest X-ray Examination Current Pregnancy Contra-indications Pregnancy declaration Immune compromised Confirm identity History of severe allergic reaction to vaccine or vaccine component Attach X-ray image Other severe reaction to vaccine Chest X-ray findings Review exam details Current moderate to severe illness Examiner Declaration Other 603 Respiratory Specialist investigation on current state of tuberculosis 607 Continued anti-tuberculosis treatment Other Contra-indication * Remarks 712 Syphilis test (VDRL or RPR) 713 Gonorrhea 714 Hansen’s Disease Attachments 719 TB screening test – TST or IGRA 951 Vaccinations Vaccination 106 Mental Health report Back Close Save Next 106 Mental Health report: Record results Record results Exam date * Mental health questions must be answered by panel physician. If applicant is referred to a mental health specialist for further evaluation, panel physician must attach report. Exam description Any physical or mental disorder (excluding addiction or abuse of specific substance on the Controlled Substances Act, but including other substancerelated disorder) * Pre exam  Health case details  Confirm Identity  All Exams Class A, with harmful behaviour * List disorder(s) * Class B, without harmful behaviour * List disorder(s) * Not selected No Yes Not selected No Yes Not selected No Yes All exams summary Current exams 501 Medical Examination Confirm identity Past Medical History Basic questions Detailed questions Review exam details Classification and Examiner Declaration Addiction or abuse of specific substance on the Controlled Substances Act * Current addiction or abuse? Details of substances Not selected No Yes Not selected No Yes Not selected No Yes * 502 Chest X-ray Examination Pregnancy declaration Confirm identity Attach X-ray image Sustained, full remission? * Details of substances * Chest X-ray findings Review exam details Examiner Declaration 603 Respiratory Specialist investigation on current state of tuberculosis Attachments 607 Continued anti-tuberculosis treatment 712 Syphilis test (VDRL or RPR) General Supporting Comments 713 Gonorrhea 714 Hansen’s Disease 719 TB screening test – TST or IGRA 951 Vaccinations 106 Mental Health report Back Close Save Next
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File TitleVisio-eMedical - Examinations - Screens - USA - OMB - Nov 2020.vsd
File Modified2020-02-21
File Created2020-02-21

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