

USMC Suicide Prevention Stakeholder Survey

OMB: 0703-0084

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If the collection of information employs statistical methods, the following information
should be provided in this Supporting Statement:
1. Description of the Activity
Marine and Reserve Affairs, Marine and Family Programs (MF) is evaluating its Suicide
Prevention Capability (SPC). One component of this effort involves gathering information from
various stakeholders who contribute directly or indirectly to suicide prevention efforts in the
Marine Corps. Stakeholders will be asked about priorities in suicide prevention, job duties
related to suicide prevention, communication with other stakeholders, perceived successes and
perceived barriers in suicide prevention.
The results are primarily for use by MF Behavioral Programs (MFC) branch to better
support staff and Marines. Findings will be used to identify gaps in the suicide prevention
system, best practices for suicide prevention, challenges or barriers to executing suicide
prevention efforts across the fleet, and the types of activities stakeholders engage in support of
suicide prevention.
This data will be used to meet the need for regular and ongoing evaluation of behavioral
health programs for the purpose of continuous quality improvement. Aggregated data and
reports may be provided to MFC program managers in the fleet to help inform local program
2. Procedures for the Collection of Information
Describe any of the following if they are used in the collection of information:
a. Statistical methodologies for stratification and sample selection;
The study team designed the sample size of data collection for this study to reach as
many primary suicide prevention stakeholders as possible using purposive and snowball
sampling. Given the breadth of stakeholders, the study team is confident the sample size is
adequate to meet the aims of the study and provide robust data on the USMC MCCS Suicide
Prevention System.
b. Estimation procedures;
Survey results will not be adjusted or weighted because it is not intended to be
representative of a population. The results are primarily for internal consumption. The results of
the survey will help MFC better support staff and Marines. Aggregated data and reports may be

provided to MFC program managers in the fleet to help inform local program operations. This
survey is part of an effort toward continuous quality improvement.
c. Degree of accuracy needed for the Purpose discussed in the justification;
Study participants will be provided information about the study, including the risks
and benefits of participation, confidentiality, and the voluntary nature of study participation.
Beyond the presentation of this information the study team will not use any methods to further
maximize response rates. There is currently no plan to conduct an analysis for non-response.
d. Unusual problems requiring specialized sampling procedures;
e. Use of periodic or cyclical data collections to reduce respondent burden;
This is a one-time information collection.
3. Maximization of Response Rates, Non-response, and Reliability
The study team will provide information directly to participants and commanders for
snowball sampling. The study will be entirely volunteer and participants will receive an
electronic consent brief prior to participating. Installation, Major Subordinate Command (MSC),
and Marine Expeditionary (MEF) level Commanders will be notified via Department of Navy
Task, Records, and Consolidated Knowledge Enterprise Repository (DONTRACKER) of the
study and asked to pass along the invitation to participate via snowball sampling. Participants
will also be recruited via e-mail invitation through coordination with appropriate points of
contact at Headquarters Marine Corps, as permitted.
4. Tests of Procedures
Stakeholder Survey: In this survey, we would like to gain feedback from individuals
who contribute in some way to the broader efforts toward suicide prevention in the Marine
Corps. In order to understand the Marine Corps' system for suicide prevention, we wish to gain
input from stakeholders across a wide range of billets and professional focus, including those
who may not be directly tasked with suicide prevention. The results of this survey will help
Headquarters Marine Corps better support staff, Marines, and Families in the suicide prevention
mission. The survey is anonymous and participation is completely voluntary.
This information will be used by the study team to inform the development of
recommendations for the USMC suicide prevention program. The results of the survey will help
MFC better support staff, Marines, and Families. Aggregated data and reports may be provided
to MFC program managers in the fleet to help inform local program operations. This survey is
part of an effort toward continuous quality improvement. The results of the survey may be used
to inform testimony, articles, and other reports.

Analysis may include the use of basic descriptive statistics such as measures of
central tendency, shape, and spread. Inferential techniques may also be utilized to analyze the
data that is collected. These include, but are not limited to, the use of various measures of
correlation such as factor analysis, principal components analysis, regression analysis, and cross
tabulation. Additionally, Open-ended responses will be reviewed and compiled with notation of
any potential themes in the responses. Qualitative methodology will include, but is not limited,
the use of content analysis, thematic analysis, and narrative analysis.
5. Statistical Consultation and Information Analysis
Provide name and organization of person(s) who will actually collect and analyze the
collected information.
Corey A. Pavlich, Ph.D.
Social Scientist
Research and Program Evaluation, Behavioral Programs
Marine and Family Programs Division
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps
Angela Whittaker
Research Analyst
Research and Program Evaluation, Behavioral Programs
Marine and Family Programs
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps
Lindey Maza-Collins
Research Analyst
Research and Program Evaluation, Behavioral Programs
Marine and Family Programs
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorPatricia Toppings
File Modified2022-01-03
File Created2022-01-03

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