6200-13 BF AWP Reporting Form & Instructions 6200-13

Brownfields Programs - Accomplishment Reporting (Renewal)

BF AWP Reporting Form & Instructions 6200-13

Non-Profit Reporting

OMB: 2050-0192

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OMB Control No. 2050-0192
Approval expires mm-dd-yyyy
EPA Form 6200-13

This collection of information is approved by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
(OMB Control No. 2050-0192). Responses to this collection of information are mandatory (2 CFR 200.328, 2
CFR 200.333, 2 CFR 200.335, 40 CFR 30-31). An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The
public reporting and recordkeeping burden for this collection of information is estimated to be approximately 1
hour per response. Send comments on the Agency’s need for this information, the accuracy of the provided
burden estimates and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden to the Regulatory Support
Division Director, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2821T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington,
D.C. 20460. Include the OMB control number in any correspondence. Do not send the completed form to this

As specified in the cooperative agreement terms and conditions, all Brownfields Area-Wide
Planning (BF AWP) cooperative agreement recipients (CARs) must report to EPA no later than
30 days after the end of each reporting quarter.

All CARs must complete and regularly maintain a BF AWP Cooperative Agreement
Reporting Form.


The CAR must use the Brownfields Program on-line reporting system, known as
Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES), to associate to
the BF AWP grant all relevant property records (such as site assessments and cleanups)
that are already in ACRES. o If the CAR is also a recipient of an EPA Brownfields
assessment, cleanup or revolving loan fund (RLF) grant for a property within the BF
AWP project area, then the CAR must first create property record(s) in ACRES and
complete a Brownfields Property Profile Form as required under their assessment,
cleanup or RLF grant, and then associate the appropriate property record(s) with ACRES
ID to the BF AWP grant record. o The CAR will not create any new ACRES ID property
records as part of their BF AWP grant record.
o If EPA provides a Targeted Brownfields Assessment (TBA) within the BF AWP
project area, the CAR will work with EPA to associate this TBA to the BF AWP


The CAR must also track and report all leveraging information (resources) and
accomplishments for the BF AWP project area. The CAR will ensure that any leveraging
that is already otherwise associated to a particular property in ACRES is not double
counted (e.g., the same leveraging resource and amount should not be captured for both
the BF AWP grant and any associated assessment, cleanup or revolving loan fund

OMB Control No. 2050-0192
Approval expires mm-dd-yyyy
EPA Form 6200-13


When to submit:
o The original BF AWP Cooperative Agreement Reporting Form must be
submitted when the cooperative agreement recipient starts using EPA funds to
pay for eligible BF AWP activities. o The CAR will update this form and
ACRES as new activities, accomplishments, leveraged resources, associated
properties and changes pertaining to revitalizing the BF AWP project area are
available. o The CAR will update this form upon completion of the brownfields
area-wide plan and when the cooperative agreement is being closed out. o The
CAR should continue to update the form as plan implementation actions are taken
and new investments occur within the BF AWP project area. If the CAR has
project area updates to report after the closeout of the cooperative agreement but
is unable to make updates in ACRES, please contact the ACRES Help desk at


To whom to submit: CARs must submit their BF AWP Cooperative Agreement
Reporting Form to their EPA Regional Representative identified in the terms and
conditions of the cooperative agreement. If data is entered online it will automatically be
delivered to the EPA Regional Representative.


How to submit: ACRES is available online and is the preferred method for all CARs to
enter and electronically submit the BF AWP Cooperative Agreement Reporting Form.
The form may also be submitted in hard copy with the next required quarterly progress
report or submitted via e-mail to the EPA Regional Representative.

Additional reporting requirements may be included in the terms and conditions of the
cooperative agreement.
This Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
approved reporting form (OMB Form 2050-0192, EPA Form 6200-14), supplements the
required quarterly progress reports. Please note that in most instances, all reported information is
accessible to the public under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and may be distributed by
EPA to the public unless one of the FOIA exclusions is applicable.
Detailed Instructions for Completing Each Item on the Form
The BF AWP Cooperative Agreement Reporting Form is divided into five parts. Unless
otherwise indicated, reporting in each section is mandatory for all CARs. Some questions need
only be answered once; other questions should be updated when conditions change within the BF
AWP project area. Additional instructions and definitions for completing this form are provided

OMB Control No. 2050-0192
Approval expires mm-dd-yyyy
EPA Form 6200-13

below. Please contact your EPA Regional Representative if you have any questions when
completing this form.
Cooperative Agreement Recipient Information
1. Cooperative Agreement Recipient Name. Enter the CAR name. Use the official name of the
CAR as written in the cooperative agreement documentation, unless otherwise directed by the
EPA Regional Representative.
2a-d. City, County, State and Zip Code. Enter the city, county, state and zip code for the CAR.
Cooperative Agreement Number. Enter the number of the cooperative agreement as
provided in the cooperative agreement documentation (e.g., BF 00000000).
Indicate if this form is the initial or updated form. Indicate if this is the first BF AWP
Cooperative Agreement Reporting Form being submitted or an updated version of a previously
submitted form.
Part I – BF AWP Project Area Information
5. Name of BF AWP Project Area. If the project area has a specific name, enter it here.
6a. Boundaries of the BF AWP Project Area. Enter geographic boundaries of your BF AWP
project area. Use street names and/or natural or constructed boundaries (such as a river or
railroad). Be specific as these boundaries will be used for mapping and other analysis.
6b. Insert map of project area within broader context of the city or larger community.
Copy and paste a map with clear scale and street-level detail, which precisely delineates your BF
AWP project area boundaries within the context of the city or larger community.
7. Project area size (in acres). Enter approximate acreage of your project area.
8. Project area description. Provide a brief description of the project area, highlighting a few
key identifying features, area characteristics, typical land uses and general population.
ACRES - Associated Brownfields Properties
9. Number of brownfields properties within the BF AWP project area that have an ACRES
ID. Enter the number of properties within the project area that already have an ACRES ID
because they have received EPA brownfields resources for assessment and/or cleanup. If you

OMB Control No. 2050-0192
Approval expires mm-dd-yyyy
EPA Form 6200-13

answered one or more to question 9, answer items pertaining to question 10 as needed 10a.
Associated brownfields site 1. Enter the ACRES ID for the first associated brownfields site.
If needed, add information for additional associated properties
10b. Associated brownfields site 2 (or 3, 4, 5, etc). Enter the ACRES ID for the any additional
associated brownfields site(s). If needed, use 10.c for site 3, 10.d. for site 4, 10.e. for site 5, etc.
Catalyst Site(s)
11. Number of catalyst/high priority brownfield site(s) within BF AWP project area. Enter
the number of properties within the project area that are considered to be the catalyst/high
priority sites within the BF AWP project area, as identified in the grant workplan. Please note
that a catalyst/ high priority brownfield site may or may not already have an ACRES ID.
If you answered one or more to question 11, answer items pertaining to question 12 as needed
For each site that is considered a catalyst/high priority brownfield within the BF AWP project
area, specify whether the site has an ACRES ID. If a site does not have an ACRES ID, provide
the site name, address and size (in acres).
12a. Catalyst/high priority site 1. Enter the ACRES ID, or if the site does not have an ACRES
ID enter the site name, address and site size (in acres).
If needed, add information for additional sites
12b. Catalyst/high priority site 2 (or 3, 4, 5, etc). Enter the ACRES ID, or if the site does not
have an ACRES ID enter the site name, address and site size (in acres). If needed, use 12.c for
site 3, 12.d. for site 4, 12.e. for site 5, etc.
Part II: Leveraged Resources
The table in this section collects information pertaining to resources that have been or are being
leveraged to support revitalization outcomes within the BF AWP project area that are consistent
with the goals of the brownfields area-wide plan. Resources reported here as leveraging must be
used to support outputs related to the BF AWP cooperative agreement-funded and/or outcomes
related to the broader project area revitalization efforts.
Leveraged resources includes funds (private or public investment, grant funds, etc), related
technical assistance, and other resources provided in-kind. Leveraged funds may be used to
support allowable activities (e.g., inventory, assessment, cleanup) and activities that cannot be
funded by the EPA cooperative agreement (e.g., demolition, property preparation,
redevelopment construction, transportation improvements, marketing, etc) that should be
reported in this section.

OMB Control No. 2050-0192
Approval expires mm-dd-yyyy
EPA Form 6200-13

To be reportable, there must be a demonstrable link or connection between the EPA-funded
activity and the leveraged resource. The leveraged resource should be reported only when
awarded and manifested. Given that in many cases the BF AWP effort happened as a result of or
alongside other project area revitalization efforts, leveraged resources reported here may pre-date
the award of the BF AWP cooperative agreement. Therefore it is imperative that the CAR report
the year the resources were awarded or provided.
CARs should take great care to ensure that leveraged resources are not double-counted. Any
leveraged resource that is already reported in ACRES as part of a specific property record (e.g.,
reported as part of an assessment or cleanup site and is associated to the BF AWP grant) must
not be reported in this section. Site-specific leveraging that is already reported in ACRES as part
of a specific property record will be captured as part of the property record’s association to the
BF AWP grant.
Table A: Leveraged Resources
The table in this section collects the Source of Resources, name of the entity(ies) providing
resources, the year resources awarded or provided, how the resources are used, and the amount
of resources leveraged to support the BF AWP project or BF AWP project area revitalization.
Please use a separate line for each resource listed. The Source of Resources funding categories
• Other Federal. Select if any other federal resources were leveraged beyond the BF AWP
grant and any associated brownfields listed under item 10. Other federal resources
include, for example, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Community
Development Block Grant, U.S. Economic Development Administration Public Works
grant, EPA technical assistance project, U.S. Department of Transportation Investment
Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER), etc.
• State/Tribal Funding. Select if any state and tribal resources (exclusive of state and
tribal property-specific 128(a) cooperative agreement funds) were leveraged (e.g., state
brownfields grant, state economic development grant).
• Local Government. Select if any local resources were leveraged (e.g., local bond/tax
increment financing).
• Private/Other. Select if any private resources were leveraged (e.g., company X,
developer Y, non-profit Z).
Name of Entity Providing Resources. Indicate the name of the entity that provided resources.
Year Resources Awarded/Provided. Use the dropdown boxes to select the year the leveraged
resources were awarded or provided to assist with BF AWP project area revitalization. For grant

OMB Control No. 2050-0192
Approval expires mm-dd-yyyy
EPA Form 6200-13

funds or technical assistance, select the year the leveraged resources were awarded. For other
resources including leveraging from private investment, select the year the leverage resources
were provided within the BF AWP project area.
Resources used for. Select one of the dropdown categories for items that were not paid under
the BF AWP grant:
• Infrastructure improvement: e.g. transportation, utility, broadband improvements
• Supporting study: e.g. a market or renewable energy study of the project area
• Community outreach/education: e.g., donated meeting space or events used for BF AWP
community sessions; free advertising to the community of BF AWP events; community
• Recreation/greenspace improvements: e.g., development of park or recreation space
within the BF AWP project area
• Building (new/rehab): e.g, development of new or rehabilitated buildings within the BF
AWP project area
• Other
Also provide a specific yet brief description of how the resources were used in support of the BF
AWP project outputs and/or BF AWP project area revitalization outcomes.
Amount of Resources Leveraged in Support of BF AWP Project/Area-wide Revitalization.
Enter the amount of resources that were used in support of BF AWP project outputs or BF AWP
project area revitalization outcomes. Only the amount that is specific to the BF AWP project area
should be captured here. If the leveraged resources is designated for an area larger than the BF
AWP project area (e.g. if the resources was provided for a city-wide improvement), include here
only the amount used within the BF AWP project area.
Estimates are accepted but the methodology for apportionment of funds must be documented in
the grant file.
Part III: Brownfields Area-Wide Planning Documents
Provide weblink to final brownfields area-wide plan document(s). Enter the weblink
where the final brownfields area-wide plan and related documents can be accessed.
Provide weblink for project photographs. Enter the weblink where photographs from
the project can be accessed.
Share highlights from the final brownfields area-wide plan. Include a brief summary
that highlights the community and project area goals identified in the final brownfields areawide plan, including the overall BF AWP project approach.

OMB Control No. 2050-0192
Approval expires mm-dd-yyyy
EPA Form 6200-13

Describe past uses and planned future uses within the BF AWP project area.
Indicate within the tables the type and amount (select acres or square footage) for:
• Past/existing land uses within the BF AWP project area, and
• Planned future land uses within the BF AWP project area (as described within the
brownfields area-wide plan)
Land use categories include:
• Greenspace: agricultural site, field, forest, nature trails, park, playing fields, playground,
pond, recreational area, stormwater management areas, green roof, urban forest canopy,
wetland, wildlife refuge;
• Residential: housing;
• Industrial: chemical plant, foundry, machine shop, incineration, landfill, manufacturing
(general), mill (general), mining, petroleum (distribution/storage), power generating
plant, utility, warehouse, water treatment/sewage plant, wood products site; and
• Commercial: automotive (dealership), dry cleaning facility, bank, museum, office,
laundry, recycling, retail, service station, storage, public services, places of worship,
schools, transportation center (bus, rail, etc.).
• Other: include other land use types not already described in the above categories, and
further describe the specific type of land use
• For properties with more than one future use (i.e., mixed use), check all categories that
apply and indicate the proportional acreage of each use.

Part IV: Implementation Activities
Which of these plan implementation activities relate to your BF AWP project area?
Check all that apply. Select Completed, Underway, Not Yet Started & Not Applicable from the
 Conducting brownfield site assessments, cleanup or other site preparation activities within
the project area
 Continuing to reach out to community members and project partners, and create
opportunities to be involved with plan implementation
 Working with local property owners, developers, and/or securing parcels as needed, to
prepare brownfields for reuse
 Targeting infrastructure and housing improvements (including
design/construction/abatement activities) to the project area


OMB Control No. 2050-0192
Approval expires mm-dd-yyyy
EPA Form 6200-13

 Tying the BF AWP implementation efforts to other city or regional planning efforts
 Changing/updating policy: e.g., local zoning, creating tax increment (or similar) financing
or business improvement districts, adopting the brownfields area-wide plan, making other
 Leveraging infrastructure investments that enable revitalization
 Securing grants or technical assistance opportunities to help further implementation
 Securing nonprofit or private funds to help further implementation
 Working with developers to help further implementation
 Strengthening relationships with federal, state, tribal, regional and local partners to
continue support for the BF AWP revitalization goals
 List other implementation activities
dropdown menu. In the space next to each selection, provide one or more specific examples of
how you are working on or completed the BF AWP plan implementation activity. Add a new
line to list any activity not listed.
Have any catalyst/high priority sites and/or other associated brownfield properties
within the BF AWP project area been redeveloped or reused consistent with the goals of
the brownfields area-wide plan? Select Yes, No or Underway from the dropdown boxes to
indicate whether any catalyst/high priority sites or other associated brownfields properties
within the BF AWP project area have been or are being redeveloped/reused consistent with the
goals of the brownfields area-wide plan
If you answered Yes or Underway question 18, answer items pertaining to question 19 as needed
19a-1. Catalyst/high priority site 1. The information from item 12a will automatically appear.
Select how this property has been redeveloped/reused using the dropdown land use categories.
Select all land use categories that apply, and enter the associated acreage or square footage. If
needed, information from the additional catalyst/high priority sites will appear as 19a-2 (or
3,4,5, etc).
19a-2. Catalyst/high priority site 2. The information from item 12b will automatically appear.
Select how this property has been redeveloped/reused using the dropdown land use categories.
Select all land use categories that apply, and enter the associated acreage or square footage.

OMB Control No. 2050-0192
Approval expires mm-dd-yyyy
EPA Form 6200-13

19b-1. Associated brownfields site 1. The information from item 10a will automatically appear.
Select how this property has been redeveloped/reused using the dropdown land use categories.
Select all land use categories that apply, and enter the associated acreage or square footage.
If needed, information from the additional associated brownfield sites will appear as 19b-2 (or
3,4,5, etc).
19b-2. Associated brownfields site 2. The information from item 10b will automatically appear.
Select how this property has been redeveloped/reused using the dropdown land use categories.
Select all land use categories that apply, and enter the associated acreage or square footage.
Land use categories include:
• Greenspace: agricultural site, field, forest, nature trails, park, playing fields, playground,
pond, recreational area, stormwater management areas, green roof, urban forest canopy,
wetland, wildlife refuge;
• Residential: housing;
• Industrial: chemical plant, foundry, machine shop, incineration, landfill, manufacturing
(general), mill (general), mining, petroleum (distribution/storage), power generating
plant, utility, warehouse, water treatment/sewage plant, wood products site; and
• Commercial: automotive (dealership), dry cleaning facility, bank, museum, office,
laundry, recycling, retail, service station, storage, public services, places of worship,
schools, transportation center (bus, rail, etc.).
• Other: include other land use types not already described in the above categories, and
further describe the specific type of land use
• For properties with more than one future use (i.e., mixed use), check all categories that
apply and indicate the proportional acreage of each use.
Part V: Successes, Challenges and Lessons Learned
Share one or more activities and/or approaches that worked well for your BF AWP
project. Provide one or more “best practice” activity or approach that contributed to the success
of your project.
Share one or more major challenges and/or barriers identified during the BF AWP
project. Provide one or more challenge/barrier/obstacle you faced during your BF AWP project.
Also include if/how you were able to work through each challenge/barrier/obstacle.
Share key lessons learned and/or any advice you would give to future BF AWP
cooperative agreement recipients. Provide a short summary of lessons learned during your BF

OMB Control No. 2050-0192
Approval expires mm-dd-yyyy
EPA Form 6200-13

AWP project. Also include some words of advice to future CARs that will help them learn from
your BF AWP grantee experience.
Describe how the cooperative agreement term & condition for considering changing
climate conditions was met during the BF AWP process. Include a brief statement describing
how you met the term & condition for considering changing climate conditions.
• CARs need to document in their BF AWP cooperative agreement file how they met this
term & condition.
• CARs are encouraged to use and include in their BF AWP cooperative agreement file the
BF AWP GRANTEE CHECKLIST: How to Address Changing Climate Concerns in Your
Brownfields Area-Wide Planning Project found at
• The term & condition for considering changing climate conditions states: “As recipients
develop the brownfields area-wide plan and implementation strategy, they must consider
whether the proposed reuses for brownfield site(s) and other land in the project area are
appropriate, given local changing climate conditions (e.g., sea level rise, site proximity to
a flood plain, likelihood of increased major storm events, drought conditions, etc.).
Recipients may additionally consider the degree to which the proposed reuses in the
project area can be designed to reduce greenhouse gas discharges, reduce energy use or
employ alternative energy sources, reduce volume of wastewater generated/disposed,
reduce volume of materials taken to landfills, reduce stormwater run-off, improve air
quality, and recycle and re-use materials generated during the cleanup and reuse process,
to the maximum extent practicable.”
Cooperative Agreement Recipient Project Manager. Type or print the name of the
cooperative agreement recipient project manager. The project manager should also sign and
date the completed form before submission.
U.S. EPA Regional Representative. Type or print the name of the EPA Regional
representative. The EPA representative should also sign and date the reviewed form.


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorStorm, Aimee
File Modified2020-12-17
File Created2020-12-16

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