18 Cfr 37.6

18 CFR 37.6 (up to date as of 7-05-2022).pdf

FERC-516, (NOPR RM22-14) Electric Rate Schedules and Tariff Filings

18 CFR 37.6

OMB: 1902-0096

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18 CFR 37.6 (up to date as of 7/05/2022)
Information to be posted on the OASIS.

18 CFR 37.6

This content is from the eCFR and is authoritative but unofficial.

Title 18 - Conservation of Power and Water Resources
Chapter I - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Department of Energy
Subchapter B - Regulations Under the Federal Power Act
Part 37 - Open Access Same-Time Information Systems
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 791-825r, 2601-2645; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 42 U.S.C. 7101-7352.
Source: Order 889, 61 FR 21764, May 10, 1996, unless otherwise noted.

§ 37.6 Information to be posted on the OASIS.
(a) The information posted on the OASIS must be in such detail and the OASIS must have such capabilities
as to allow Transmission Customers to:
(1) Make requests for transmission services offered by Transmission Providers, Resellers and other
providers of ancillary services, request the designation of a network resource, and request the
termination of the designation of a network resource;
(2) View and download in standard formats, using standard protocols, information regarding the
transmission system necessary to enable prudent business decision making;
(3) Post, view, upload and download information regarding available products and desired services;
(4) Clearly identify the degree to which transmission service requests or schedules were denied or
(5) Obtain access, in electronic format, to information to support available transmission capability
calculations and historical transmission service requests and schedules for various audit purposes;
(6) Make file transfers and automated computer-to-computer file transfers and queries as defined by the
Standards and Communications Protocols Document.
(b) Posting transfer capability. The available transfer capability on the Transmission Provider's system (ATC)
and the total transfer capability (TTC) of that system shall be calculated and posted for each Posted Path
as set out in this section.
(1) Definitions. For purposes of this section the terms listed below have the following meanings:

Posted path means any control area to control area interconnection; any path for which service
is denied, curtailed or interrupted for more than 24 hours in the past 12 months; and any path
for which a customer requests to have ATC or TTC posted. For this last category, the posting
must continue for 180 days and thereafter until 180 days have elapsed from the most recent
request for service over the requested path. For purposes of this definition, an hour includes
any part of an hour during which service was denied, curtailed or interrupted.

(ii) Constrained posted path means any posted path having an ATC less than or equal to 25 percent
of TTC at any time during the preceding 168 hours or for which ATC has been calculated to be
less than or equal to 25 percent of TTC for any period during the current hour or the next 168
(iii) Unconstrained posted path means any posted path not determined to be a constrained posted
18 CFR 37.6(b)(1)(iii) (enhanced display)

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18 CFR 37.6 (up to date as of 7/05/2022)
Information to be posted on the OASIS.

18 CFR 37.6(b)(1)(iv)

(iv) The word interconnection, as used in the definition of “posted path”, means all facilities
connecting two adjacent systems or control areas.
(v) Available transfer capability or ATC means the transfer capability remaining in the physical
transmission network for further commercial activity over and above already committed uses,
or such definition as contained in Commission-approved Reliability Standards.
(vi) Total transfer capability or TTC means the amount of electric power that can be moved or
transferred reliably from one area to another area of the interconnected transmission systems
by way of all transmission lines (or paths) between those areas under specified system
conditions, or such definition as contained in Commission-approved Reliability Standards.
(vii) Capacity Benefit Margin or CBM means the amount of TTC preserved by the Transmission
Provider for load-serving entities, whose loads are located on that Transmission Provider's
system, to enable access by the load-serving entities to generation from interconnected
systems to meet generation reliability requirements, or such definition as contained in
Commission-approved Reliability Standards.
(viii) Transmission Reliability Margin or TRM means the amount of TTC necessary to provide
reasonable assurance that the interconnected transmission network will be secure, or such
definition as contained in Commission-approved Reliability Standards.
(2) Calculation methods, availability of information, and requests.

Information used to calculate any posting of ATC and TTC must be dated and time-stamped
and all calculations shall be performed according to consistently applied methodologies
referenced in the Transmission Provider's transmission tariff and shall be based on
Commission-approved Reliability Standards, business practice and electronic communication
standards, and related implementation documents, as well as current industry practices,
standards and criteria. Such calculations shall be conducted in a manner that is transparent,
consistent with anticipated system conditions and outages for the relevant timeframe, and not
unduly discriminatory or preferential.

(ii) On request, the Responsible Party must make all data used to calculate ATC, TTC, CBM, and
TRM for any constrained posted paths publicly available (including the limiting element(s) and
the cause of the limit (e.g., thermal, voltage, stability), as well as load forecast assumptions) in
electronic form within one week of the posting. The information is required to be provided only
in the electronic format in which it was created, along with any necessary decoding
instructions, at a cost limited to the cost of reproducing the material. This information is to be
retained for six months after the applicable posting period.
(iii) System planning studies, facilities studies, and specific network impact studies performed for
customers or the Transmission Provider's own network resources are to be made publicly
available in electronic form on request and a list of such studies shall be posted on the OASIS.
A study is required to be provided only in the electronic format in which it was created, along
with any necessary decoding instructions, at a cost limited to the cost of reproducing the
material. These studies are to be retained for five years.
(3) Posting. The ATC, TTC, CBM, and TRM for all Posted Paths must be posted in megawatts by specific
direction and in the manner prescribed in this subsection.

Constrained posted paths -

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18 CFR 37.6 (up to date as of 7/05/2022)
Information to be posted on the OASIS.

18 CFR 37.6(b)(3)(i)(A)

(A) For firm ATC and TTC.
(1) The posting shall show ATC, TTC, CBM, and TRM for a 30-day period. For this period
postings shall be: by the hour, for the current hour and the 168 hours next following;
and thereafter, by the day. If the Transmission Provider charges separately for onpeak and off-peak periods in its tariff, ATC, TTC, CBM, and TRM will be posted daily
for each period.
(2) Postings shall also be made by the month, showing for the current month and the 12
months next following.
(3) If planning and specific requested transmission studies have been done, seasonal
capability shall be posted for the year following the current year and for each year
following to the end of the planning horizon but not to exceed 10 years.
(B) For non-firm ATC and TTC. The posting shall show ATC, TTC, CBM and TRM for a 30-day
period by the hour and days prescribed under paragraph (b)(3)(i)(A)(1) of this section and,
if so requested, by the month and year as prescribed under paragraph (b)(3)(i)(A) (2) and
(3) of this section. The posting of non-firm ATC and TTC shall show CBM as zero.
(C) Updating posted information for constrained paths.
(1) The capability posted under paragraphs (b)(3)(i)(A) and (B) of this section must be
updated when transactions are reserved or service ends or whenever the estimate for
the path changes by more than 10 percent.
(2) All updating of hourly information shall be made on the hour.
(3) When the monthly and yearly capability posted under paragraphs (b)(3)(i)(A) and (B)
of this section are updated because of a change in TTC by more than 10 percent, the
Transmission Provider shall post a brief, but specific, narrative explanation of the
reason for the update. This narrative should include, the specific events which gave
rise to the update (e.g., scheduling of planned outages and occurrence of forced
transmission outages, de-ratings of transmission facilities, scheduling of planned
generation outages and occurrence of forced generation outages, changes in load
forecast, changes in new facilities' in-service dates, or other events or assumption
changes) and new values for ATC on the path (as opposed to all points on the
(4) When the monthly and yearly capability posted under paragraphs (b)(3)(i)(A) and (B)
of this section remain unchanged at a value of zero for a period of six months, the
Transmission Provider shall post a brief, but specific, narrative explanation of the
reason for the unavailability of ATC.
(ii) Unconstrained posted paths.
(A) Postings of firm and nonfirm ATC, TTC, CBM, and TRM shall be posted separately by the
day, showing for the current day and the next six days following and thereafter, by the
month for the 12 months next following. If the Transmission Provider charges separately
for on-peak and off-peak periods in its tariff, ATC, TTC, CBM, and TRM will be posted
separately for the current day and the next six days following for each period. These
postings are to be updated whenever the ATC changes by more than 20 percent of the
Path's TTC.
18 CFR 37.6(b)(3)(ii)(A) (enhanced display)

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Information to be posted on the OASIS.

18 CFR 37.6(b)(3)(ii)(B)

(B) If planning and specific requested transmission studies have been done, seasonal
capability shall be posted for the year following the current year and for each year
following until the end of the planning horizon but not to exceed 10 years.
(iii) Calculation of CBM.
(A) The Transmission Provider must reevaluate its CBM needs at least every year.
(B) The Transmission Provider must post its practices for reevaluating its CBM needs.
(iv) Daily load. The Transmission Provider must post on a daily basis, its load forecast, including
underlying assumptions, and actual daily peak load for the prior day.
(c) Posting Transmission Service Products and Prices.
(1) Transmission Providers must post prices and a summary of the terms and conditions associated
with all transmission products offered to Transmission Customers.
(2) Transmission Providers must provide a downloadable file of their complete tariffs in the same
electronic format as the tariff that is filed with the Commission. Transmission Providers also must
provide a link to all of the rules, standards and practices that relate to transmission services posted
on the Transmission Providers' public Web sites.
(3) Any offer of a discount for any transmission service made by the Transmission Provider must be
announced to all potential customers solely by posting on the OASIS.
(4) For any transaction for transmission service agreed to by the Transmission Provider and a customer,
the Transmission Provider (at the time when ATC must be adjusted in response to the transaction),
must post on the OASIS (and make available for download) information describing the transaction
(including: price; quantity; points of receipt and delivery; length and type of service; identification of
whether the transaction involves the Transmission Provider's wholesale merchant function or any
affiliate; identification of what, if any, ancillary service transactions are associated with this
transmission service transaction; and any other relevant terms and conditions) and shall keep such
information posted on the OASIS for at least 30 days. A record of the transaction must be retained
and kept available as part of the audit log required in § 37.7.
(5) Customers choosing to use the OASIS to offer for resale transmission capacity they have purchased
must post relevant information to the same OASIS as used by the Transmission Provider from whom
the Reseller purchased the transmission capacity. This information must be posted on the same
display page, using the same tables, as similar capability being sold by the Transmission Provider,
and the information must be contained in the same downloadable files as the Transmission
Provider's own available capability.
(d) Posting Ancillary Service Offerings and Prices.
(1) Any ancillary service required to be provided or offered under the pro forma tariff prescribed by part
35 of this chapter must be posted with the price of that service.
(2) Any offer of a discount for any ancillary service made by the Transmission Provider must be
announced to all potential customers solely by posting on the OASIS.
(3) For any transaction for ancillary service agreed to by the Transmission Provider and a customer, the
Transmission Provider (at the time when ATC must be adjusted in response to an associated
transmission service transaction, if any), must post on the OASIS (and make available for download)
information describing the transaction (including: date and time when the agreement was entered
18 CFR 37.6(d)(3) (enhanced display)

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18 CFR 37.6 (up to date as of 7/05/2022)
Information to be posted on the OASIS.

18 CFR 37.6(d)(4)

into; price; quantity; length and type of service; identification of whether the transaction involves the
Transmission Provider's wholesale merchant function or any affiliate; identification of what, if any,
transmission service transactions are associated with this ancillary service transaction; and any
other relevant terms and conditions) and shall keep such information posted on the OASIS for at
least 30 days. A record of the transaction must be retained and kept available as part of the audit log
required in § 37.7.
(4) Any other interconnected operations service offered by the Transmission Provider may be posted,
with the price for that service.
(5) Any entity offering an ancillary service shall have the right to post the offering of that service on the
OASIS if the service is one required to be offered by the Transmission Provider under the pro forma
tariff prescribed by part 35 of this chapter. Any entity may also post any other interconnected
operations service voluntarily offered by the Transmission Provider. Postings by customers and third
parties must be on the same page, and in the same format, as postings of the Transmission
(e) Posting specific transmission and ancillary service requests and responses (1) General rules.

All requests for transmission and ancillary service offered by Transmission Providers under the
pro forma tariff, including requests for discounts, and all requests to designate or terminate a
network resource, must be made on the OASIS and posted prior to the Transmission Provider
responding to the request, except as discussed in paragraphs (e)(1)(ii) and (iii) of this section.
The Transmission Provider must post all requests for transmission service, for ancillary service,
and for the designation or termination of a network resource comparably. Requests for
transmission service, ancillary service, and to designate and terminate a network resource, as
well as the responses to such requests, must be conducted in accordance with the
Transmission Provider's tariff, the Federal Power Act, and Commission regulations.

(ii) The requirement in paragraph (e)(1)(i) of this section, to post requests for transmission and
ancillary service offered by Transmission Providers under the pro forma tariff, including
requests for discounts, prior to the Transmission Provider responding to the request, does not
apply to requests for next-hour service made during Phase I.
(iii) In the event that a discount is being requested for ancillary services that are not in support of
basic transmission service provided by the Transmission Provider, such request need not be
posted on the OASIS.
(iv) In processing a request for transmission or ancillary service, the Responsible Party shall post
the same information as required in paragraphs (c)(4) and (d)(3) of this section, and the
following information: the date and time when the request is made, its place in any queue, the
status of that request, and the result (accepted, denied, withdrawn). In processing a request to
designate or terminate the designation of a network resource, the Responsible Party shall post
the date and time when the request is made.
(v) For any request to designate or terminate a network resource, the Transmission Provider (at the
time when the request is received), must post on the OASIS (and make available for download)
information describing the request (including: name of requestor, identification of the resource,
effective time for the designation or termination, identification of whether the transaction
involves the Transmission Provider's wholesale merchant function or any affiliate; and any other
18 CFR 37.6(e)(1)(v) (enhanced display)

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Information to be posted on the OASIS.

18 CFR 37.6(e)(1)(vi)

relevant terms and conditions) and shall keep such information posted on the OASIS for at
least 30 days. A record of the transaction must be retained and kept available as part of the
audit log required in § 37.7.
(vi) The Transmission Provider shall post a list of its current designated network resources and all
network customers' current designated network resources on OASIS. The list of network
resources should include the name of the resource, its geographic and electrical location, its
total installed capacity, and the amount of capacity to be designated as a network resource.
(2) Posting when a request for transmission service is denied.

When a request for service is denied, the Responsible Party must provide the reason for that
denial as part of any response to the request.

(ii) Information to support the reason for the denial, including the operating status of relevant
facilities, must be maintained for five years and provided, upon request, to the potential
Transmission Customer and the Commission's Staff.
(iii) Any offer to adjust operation of the Transmission Provider's System to accommodate the
denied request must be posted and made available to all Transmission Customers at the same
(3) Posting when a transaction is curtailed or interrupted.

When any transaction is curtailed or interrupted, the Transmission Provider must post notice of
the curtailment or interruption on the OASIS, and the Transmission Provider must state on the
OASIS the reason why the transaction could not be continued or completed.

(ii) Information to support any such curtailment or interruption, including the operating status of
the facilities involved in the constraint or interruption, must be maintained and made available
upon request, to the curtailed or interrupted customer, the Commission's Staff, and any other
person who requests it, for five years.
(iii) Any offer to adjust the operation of the Transmission Provider's system to restore a curtailed or
interrupted transaction must be posted and made available to all curtailed and interrupted
Transmission Customers at the same time.

Posting Transmission Service Schedules Information. Information on transmission service schedules
must be recorded by the entity scheduling the transmission service and must be available on the OASIS
for download. Transmission service schedules must be posted no later than seven calendar days from the
start of the transmission service.

(g) Posting Other Transmission-Related Communications.
(1) The posting of other communications related to transmission services must be provided for by the
Responsible Party. These communications may include “want ads” and “other communications”
(such as using the OASIS as a Transmission-related conference space or to provide transmissionrelated messaging services between OASIS users). Such postings carry no obligation to respond on
the part of any market participant.
(2) The Responsible Party is responsible for posting other transmission-related communications in
conformance with the instructions provided by the third party on whose behalf the communication is
posted. It is the responsibility of the third party requesting such a posting to ensure the accuracy of
the information to be posted.
18 CFR 37.6(g)(2) (enhanced display)

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Information to be posted on the OASIS.

18 CFR 37.6(g)(3)

(3) Notices of transfers of personnel shall be posted as described in § 358.4(c). The posting
requirements are the same as those provided in § 37.7 for audit data postings.
(4) Logs detailing the circumstances and manner in which a Transmission Provider or Responsible
Party exercised its discretion under any terms of the tariff shall be posted as described in §
358.5(c)(4). The posting requirements are the same as those provided in § 37.7 for audit data
(h) Posting information summarizing the time to complete transmission service request studies.
(1) For each calendar quarter, the Responsible Party must post the set of measures detailed in
paragraph (h)(1)(i) through paragraph (h)(1)(vi) of this section related to the Responsible Party's
processing of transmission service request system impact studies and facilities studies. The
Responsible Party must calculate and post the measures in paragraph (h)(1)(i) through paragraph
(h)(1)(vi) of this section for requests for short-term firm point-to-point transmission service, requests
for long-term firm point-to-point transmission service, and requests to designate a new network
resource or network load. When calculating the measures in paragraph (h)(1)(i) through paragraph
(h)(1)(iv) of this section, the Responsible Party may aggregate requests for short-term firm point-topoint service and requests for long-term firm point-to-point service, but must calculate and post
measures separately for transmission service requests from Affiliates and transmission service
requests from Transmission Customers who are not Affiliates. The Responsible Party is required to
include in the calculations of the measures in paragraph (h)(1)(i) through paragraph (h)(1)(vi) of this
section all studies the Responsible Party conducts of transmission service requests on another
Transmission Provider's OASIS.

Process time from initial service request to offer of system impact study agreement.
(A) Number of new system impact study agreements delivered during the reporting quarter to
entities that request transmission service,
(B) Number of new system impact study agreements delivered during the reporting quarter to
entities that request transmission service more than thirty (30) days after the Responsible
Party received the request for transmission service,
(C) Mean time (in days), for all requests acted on by the Responsible Party during the
reporting quarter, from the date when the Responsible Party received the request for
transmission service to when the Responsible Party changed the transmission service
request status to indicate that the Responsible Party could offer transmission service or
needed to perform a system impact study,
(D) Mean time (in days), for all system impact study agreements delivered by the Responsible
Party during the reporting quarter, from the date when the Responsible Party received the
request for transmission service to the date when the Responsible Party delivered a
system impact study agreement, and
(E) Number of new system impact study agreements executed during the reporting quarter.

(ii) System impact study processing time.
(A) Number of system impact studies completed by the Responsible Party during the
reporting quarter,

18 CFR 37.6(h)(1)(ii)(A) (enhanced display)

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Information to be posted on the OASIS.

18 CFR 37.6(h)(1)(ii)(B)

(B) Number of system impact studies completed by the Responsible Party during the
reporting quarter more than 60 days after the Responsible Party received an executed
system impact study agreement,
(C) For all system impact studies completed more than 60 days after receipt of an executed
system impact study agreement, average number of days study was delayed due to
transmission customer's actions (e.g., delays in providing needed data),
(D) Mean time (in days), for all system impact studies completed by the Responsible Party
during the reporting quarter, from the date when the Responsible Party received the
executed system impact study agreement to the date when the Responsible Party
provided the system impact study to the entity who executed the system impact study
agreement, and
(E) Mean cost of system impact studies completed by the Responsible Party during the
reporting quarter.
(iii) Transmission service requests withdrawn from the system impact study queue.
(A) Number of transmission service requests withdrawn from the Responsible Party's system
impact study queue during the reporting quarter,
(B) Number of transmission service requests withdrawn from the Responsible Party's system
impact study queue during the reporting quarter more than 60 days after the Responsible
Party received the executed system impact study agreement, and
(C) Mean time (in days), for all transmission service requests withdrawn from the Responsible
Party's system impact study queue during the reporting quarter, from the date the
Responsible Party received the executed system impact study agreement to date when
request was withdrawn from the Responsible Party's system impact study queue.
(iv) Process time from completed system impact study to offer of facilities study.
(A) Number of new facilities study agreements delivered during the reporting quarter to
entities that request transmission service,
(B) Number of new facilities study agreements delivered during the reporting quarter to
entities that request transmission service more than thirty (30) days after the Responsible
Party completed the system impact study,
(C) Mean time (in days), for all facilities study agreements delivered by the Responsible Party
during the reporting quarter, from the date when the Responsible Party completed the
system impact study to the date when the Responsible Party delivered a facilities study
agreement, and
(D) Number of new facilities study agreements executed during the reporting quarter.
(v) Facilities study processing time.
(A) Number of facilities studies completed by the Responsible Party during the reporting
(B) Number of facilities studies completed by the Responsible Party during the reporting
quarter more than 60 days after the Responsible Party received an executed facilities
study agreement,
18 CFR 37.6(h)(1)(v)(B) (enhanced display)

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Information to be posted on the OASIS.

18 CFR 37.6(h)(1)(v)(C)

(C) For all facilities studies completed more than 60 days after receipt of an executed
facilities study agreement, average number of days study was delayed due to
transmission customer's actions (e.g., delays in providing needed data),
(D) Mean time (in days), for all facilities studies completed by the Responsible Party during
the reporting quarter, from the date when the Responsible Party received the executed
facilities study agreement to the date when the Responsible Party provided the facilities
study to the entity who executed the facilities study agreement,
(E) Mean cost of facilities studies completed by the Responsible Party during the reporting
quarter, and
(F) Mean cost of upgrades recommended in facilities studies completed during the reporting
(vi) Service requests withdrawn from facilities study queue.
(A) Number of transmission service requests withdrawn from the Responsible Party's
facilities study queue during the reporting quarter,
(B) Number of transmission service requests withdrawn from the Responsible Party's
facilities study queue during the reporting quarter more than 60 days after the
Responsible Party received the executed facilities study agreement, and
(C) Mean time (in days), for all transmission service requests withdrawn from the Responsible
Party's facilities study queue during the reporting quarter, from the date the Responsible
Party received the executed facilities study agreement to date when request was
withdrawn from the Responsible Party's facilities study queue.
(2) The Responsible Party is required to post the measures in paragraph (h)(1)(i) through paragraph
(h)(1)(vi) of this section for each calendar quarter within 15 days of the end of the calendar quarter.
The Responsible Party will keep the quarterly measures posted on OASIS for three calendar years.
(3) The Responsible Party will be required to post on OASIS the measures in paragraph (h)(3)(i) through
paragraph (h)(3)(iv) of this section in the event the Responsible Party, for two consecutive calendar
quarters, completes more than twenty (20) percent of the studies associated with requests for
transmission service from entities that are not Affiliates of the Responsible Party more than sixty
(60) days after the Responsible Party delivers the appropriate study agreement. The Responsible
Party will have to post the measures in paragraph (h)(3)(i) through paragraph (h)(3)(iv) of this
section until it processes at least ninety (90) percent of all studies within 60 days after it has
received the appropriate executed study agreement. For the purposes of calculating the percent of
studies completed more than sixty (60) days after the Responsible Party delivers the appropriate
study agreement, the Responsible Party should aggregate all system impact studies and facilities
studies that it completes during the reporting quarter.

Mean, across all system impact studies the Responsible Party completes during the reporting
quarter, of the employee-hours expended per system impact study the Responsible Party
completes during reporting period;

(ii) Mean, across all facilities studies the Responsible Party completes during the reporting quarter,
of the employee-hours expended per facilities study the Responsible Party completes during
reporting period;

18 CFR 37.6(h)(3)(ii) (enhanced display)

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Information to be posted on the OASIS.

18 CFR 37.6(h)(3)(iii)

(iii) The number of employees the Responsible Party has assigned to process system impact
(iv) The number of employees the Responsible Party has assigned to process facilities studies.
(4) The Responsible Party is required to post the measures in paragraph (h)(3)(i) through paragraph
(h)(3)(iv) of this section for each calendar quarter within 15 days of the end of the calendar quarter.
The Responsible Party will keep the quarterly measures posted on OASIS for five calendar years.

Posting data related to grants and denials of service. The Responsible Party is required to post data each
month listing, by path or flowgate, the number of transmission service requests that have been accepted
and the number of transmission service requests that have been denied during the prior month. This
posting must distinguish between the length of the service request (e.g., short-term or long-term
requests) and between the type of service requested (e.g., firm point-to-point, non-firm point-to-point or
network service). The posted data must show:
(1) The number of non-Affiliate requests for transmission service that have been rejected,
(2) The total number of non-Affiliate requests for transmission service that have been made,
(3) The number of Affiliate requests for transmission service, including requests by the transmission
provider's merchant function to designate a network resource or to procure secondary network
service, that have been rejected, and
(4) The total number of Affiliate requests for transmission service, including requests by the
transmission provider's merchant function to designate, or terminate the designation of, a network
resource or to procure secondary network service, that have been made.


Posting redispatch data.
(1) The Transmission Provider must allow the posting on OASIS of any third party offer to relieve a
specified congested transmission facility.
(2) The Transmission Provider must post on OASIS

its monthly average cost of planning and reliability redispatch, for which it invoices customers,
at each internal transmission facility or interface over which it provides redispatch service and

(ii) a high and low redispatch cost for the month for each of these same transmission facilities.
The transmission provider must post this data on OASIS as soon as practical after the end of
each month, but no later than when it sends invoices to transmission customers for redispatchrelated services.
(k) Posting of historical area control error data. The Transmission Provider must post on OASIS historical
one-minute and ten-minute area control error data for the most recent calendar year, and update this
posting once per year.
[Order 889, 61 FR 21764, May 10, 1996, as amended by Order 889-A, 62 FR 12503, Mar. 14, 1997; Order 605, 64 FR 34124, June
25, 1999; Order 2004, 68 FR 69157, Dec. 11, 2003; Order 890, 72 FR 12493, Mar. 15, 2007; Order 890-A, 73 FR 3111, Jan. 16, 2008;
Order 784, 78 FR 46210, July 30, 2013; Order 676-J, 86 FR 29502, June 2, 2021]

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