OMB Control No. XXX-XXXX Expiration Date: XX/XX/20XX |
Recipient Organization: |
Award Identification Number: |
Recipient Street Address: |
City, State, Zip Code: |
DUNS/UEI Number: |
Period of Performance Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY): |
Report Submission Date (MM/DD/YYYY): |
Period of Performance End Date (MM/DD/YYYY): |
Reporting Period Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY): |
Reporting Period End Date (MM/DD/YYYY): |
1 |
Please use the following table to project project element completion as a percentage of funds spent on project elements over the projected number of six year periods that the project element will take to complete. For project elements which fall into a project milestone category which is not listed on this table, please list this project element in row 1j. Other. |
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Year 3 |
Year 4 |
Period 1 - Projected |
Period 2 - Projected |
Period 1 - Projected |
Period 2 - Projected |
Period 1 - Projected |
Period 2 - Projected |
Period 1 - Projected |
Period 2 - Projected |
1a. Overall Project |
1b. Network Design |
1c. Equipment Procurement |
1d. Network Build (all components - owned, leased, Indefeasible Rights of Use, etc.) |
1e. Broadband Deployment |
1f. Equipment Deployment |
1g. Remote Learning |
1h. Anchor Community Adoption |
1i. Digital Skills/Workforce Development Training |
1j. Other (please specify): |
2a |
Please use the following table to list your organizational partners, the type of organization, the organization's role in completion of project activities, and whether or not the partner has changed their involvement or role in the project within the past six months. |
Partner Type |
Partner Role |
Change in Past Six Months? |
2b |
If you selected "Community Anchor Institution" or "Community-Based Organization" for any of the listed partner organizations, please specify. |
3a |
What types of technology (hardware, software, online platforms) will be deployed to facilitate and improve remote learning infrastructure? |
Technology Type |
Technology Description |
Total Cost |
3b |
What types of professional development training will be implemented to facilitate and improve remote learning infrastructure and IT management? |
Professional Development Training Type |
Number of Participants |
Professional Development Training Description |
4a |
List the anchor community activities your project will carry out over the course of the grant period of performance. |
Anchor Community Activity |
Census Tract |
Target Beneficiary |
Target Output for the Grant Period of Performance |
5a |
Describe the Internet Devices which will be acquired with CMC-provided funds (excluding mobile phones). |
Number of Devices |
Loan or Donation? |
Device Type |
Total Cost |
Recipient |
5b |
If you defined any Device Type as "Other," please explain. |
5c |
Describe the Broadband Subscriptions which will be acquired with CMC-provided funds. |
Number of Subscriptions |
Provider Type |
Average Cost to Recipient |
Total Cost to Institution (If Applicable) |
Recipient |
Speed |
5d |
Describe the Broadband Deployments which will be undertaken with CMC-provided funds. |
Location |
Location Type |
Network Type |
Deployment Cost |
Ongoing Cost |
Description |
6a |
What types of digital skills or workforce development will be offered? |
Type of Training |
Number of Participants |
Participants Who Completed Training |
Participant Type |
Training Objectives |
Training Objectives Met? |
College Credit Awarded? |
6b |
Will participants be awarded a certification upon completion of training? If so, describe the certification. |
7a |
Describe performance measurements which will be utilized to evaluate the project’s effectiveness or the benefits delivered to project beneficiaries. |
Project Purpose |
Benefit |
Beneficiary |
How Will This Be Measured? |
7b |
Describe performance measurements which will be utilized to evaluate the project's impact on digital equity. |
Project Purpose |
Benefit |
Beneficiary |
How Will This Be Measured? |
I certify to the best of knowledge and belief that this report is correct and complete for performance of activities for the purposes set forth in the award documents. |
Typed or printed name and title of Authorized Certifying Official: |
Telephone (area code, number, and extension): |
Signature of Certifying Official: |
Email Address: |
Date: |
OMB Control No. XXX-XXXX Expiration Date: XX/XX/20XX) |
Recipient Organization: |
Award Identification Number: |
Recipient Street Address: |
City, State, Zip Code: |
DUNS/UEI Number: |
Period of Performance Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY): |
Report Submission Date (MM/DD/YYYY): |
Period of Performance End Date (MM/DD/YYYY): |
Reporting Period Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY): |
Final Report |
Yes |
Reporting Period End Date (MM/DD/YYYY): |
No |
1a |
What key milestones have been achieved in the past six months? |
1b |
What barriers or challenges have you encountered in the course of achieving your project milestones? |
1c |
Please describe any issues anticipated during the next reporting period that may impact planned progress against the project milestones. In particular, please identify any areas or issues where technical assistance from NTIA may be useful. |
1d |
What notable successes have been achieved in the project, thus far? |
1e |
Please describe significant project milestones planned for completion during the next reporting period. |
1f |
Is this project a consortium project? |
2a |
Please use the following table to list your organizational partners, the type of organization, the organization's role in completion of project activities, and whether or not the partner has changed their involvement or role in the project within the past six months. |
Partner Type |
Partner Role |
Change in Past Six Months? |
2b |
If you selected "Community Anchor Institution" or "Community-Based Organization" for any of the listed partner organizations, please specify. |
2c |
What barriers or challenges have you encountered in the course of working with any of these project partners that may impact the goals or outcomes of the project? |
3a |
What types of technology (hardware, software, online platforms) have you deployed to facilitate and improve remote learning infrastructure? |
Technology Type |
Technology Description |
Total Cost |
3b |
What types of professional development training have you implemented to facilitate and improve remote learning infrastructure and IT management? |
Professional Development Training Type |
Number of Participants |
Professional Development Training Description |
3c |
What percentage of classes are currently offered remotely? |
3d |
What percentage of classes are currently offered using a hybrid model? |
4a |
List the anchor community activities your project will carry out in the next six months, and the results of those activities. |
Anchor Community Activity |
Census Tract |
Target Beneficiary |
Target Output for Next Six Months |
4b |
Please use the following table to record the requested values for indicators of community broadband adoption. The field "Other outcome not listed here:" may be edited to record an indicator of community adoption you wish to provide to NTIA that may not have been specifically requested. |
Community Adoption Indicator |
Baseline |
Current |
Number of participants enrolled in community-based |
Number of participants who have completed community-based programs |
If applicable, number of participants who have obtained jobs following completion of a community-based program |
Number of anchor community members with a broadband subscription |
Other outcome not listed here: |
4c |
Did the 15-mile radius present any barriers or challenges in the delivery of services, scope of the project, project outcomes, etc.? |
How were these barriers or challenges resolved to meet the project's expected goals? |
5a |
Describe the Internet Devices which will be acquired with CMC-provided funds. |
Number of Devices Purchased |
Loaned or Donated? |
Device Type |
Total Cost |
Recipient |
5b |
If you defined any Device Type as "Other," please explain. |
5c |
Describe the Broadband Subscriptions which will be acquired with CMC-provided funds. |
Number of Subscriptions |
Provider Type |
Average Cost to Recipient |
Total Cost to Institution (If Applicable) |
Recipient |
Speed |
5d |
Describe the Broadband Deployments which will be undertaken with CMC-provided funds. |
Location |
Location Type |
Network Type |
Deployment Cost |
Ongoing Cost |
Description |
5e |
What barriers or challenges have you encountered in the course of implementing project elements associated with the purchase and distribution of Internet Devices? |
5f |
What barriers or challenges have you encountered in the course of implementing project elements associated with the purchase and distribution of broadband subscriptions? |
5g |
What barriers or challenges have you encountered in the course of implementing project elements associated with the purchase and deployment of broadband networks? |
6a |
What types of digital skills or workforce development were offered? |
Type of Training |
Number of Participants |
Participants Who Completed Training |
Participant Type |
Training Objectives |
Training Objectives Met? |
College Credit Awarded? |
6b |
Were participants awarded a certification upon completion of training? If so, describe the certification and the number of recipients? |
6c |
What barriers or challenges have you encountered in the course of implementing project elements associated with digital skills training? |
7a |
Describe performance measurements utilized to evaluate the project’s effectiveness or the benefits delivered to project beneficiaries |
Project Purpose |
Benefit |
Beneficiary |
How Was This Measured? |
7b |
Describe performance measurements utilized to evaluate the project's impact on digital equity. |
Project Purpose |
Benefit |
Beneficiary |
How Was This Measured? |
7c |
How did these activities align with your CMC project narrative goals? |
7d |
Are these activities on track to meet these goals within the timeline? If not, what is the plan to meet these activities' goals within the timeline? |
7e |
If not, what steps will be implemented to meet those goals and outcomes over the next 6 months and/or by the end of the period of performance? |
7f |
Describe any best practices or lessons-learned obtained at this point in the period of performance of the project. |
8 |
Please provide details below on your total budget and total funding expended to date for each budget element, including detailed disbursements of federal funds obligated from project inception through end of this reporting period. Figures should be reported cumulatively from the award start date to the end of the applicable reporting period. |
Grant Program, Function, or Activity |
Total Funds Expended |
8a. Personnel |
$- |
8b. Fringe Benefits |
$- |
8c. Travel |
$- |
8d. Equipment |
$- |
8e. Supplies |
$- |
8f. Contractual |
$- |
8g. Construction |
$- |
8h. Other |
$- |
8i. Total Direct Charges (sum of 13a thru 13h) |
$- |
8j. Indirect Charges |
$- |
8k. Totals (sum of 8i+8j) |
$- |
I certify to the best of knowledge and belief that this report is correct and complete for performance of activities for the purposes set forth in the award documents. |
Typed or printed name and title of Authorized Certifying Official: |
Telephone (area code, number, and extension): |
Signature of Certifying Official: |
Email Address: |
Date: |
OMB Control No. XXX-XXXX Expiration Date: XX/XX/202X |
Recipient Organization: |
Award Identification Number: |
Recipient Street Address: |
City, State, Zip Code: |
DUNS/UEI Number: |
Project Period Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY): |
Report Submission Date (MM/DD/YYYY): |
Project Period End Date (MM/DD/YYYY): |
Award Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY): |
Award End Date (MM/DD/YYYY): |
1 |
Please describe each service provided with grant funds. (600 words or less) |
2 |
If applicable, please list subcontractors and describe how they expended funds. (600 words or less) |
3 |
Please describe how the recipient and subrecipient (if applicable) expended the funds. (600 words or less) |
4 |
If applicable, please list each subrecipient that received a subgrant through funding. (600 words or less) |
5 |
Using the Excel spreadsheet template titled "CMC Reports Addendum", please provide an updated count of Community Anchor Institutions (CAIs) within each of the eligible census block groups along with their Location ID that you connected to a network in column titled '# of Units'. The locations should match and conform to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric, which is a unique identifier the geographic coordinates, and where available, the address(es) associated with each location. |
I certify to the best of knowledge and belief that this report is correct and complete for performance of activities for the purposes set forth in the award documents. |
Typed or printed name and title of Authorized Certifying Official: |
Telephone (area code, number, and extension): |
Signature of Certifying Official: |
Email Address: |
Date: |