220603_EDA Workforce Data Collection Instrument_CLEAN

EDA Workforce Data Collection Instrument

220603_EDA Workforce Data Collection Instrument_CLEAN

OMB: 0610-0109

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EDA Workforce Data Collection Instrument

Notes to Inform the Reasoning of Questionnaires Design

  • Reasonable opportunity to measure quality and mobility job metrics with individual tracking vs inclusion in the survey

  • It is important we measure demographics against outcomes, over time to see equity variables. We would do this at the individual level. Very hard to do at the training provider level.

  • Ideally, we use a data survey platform that would store permanent answers to data fields e.g., core characteristics and use pipe text/auto fill from grant applicant information we already have

Good Jobs Challenge: Draft Questionnaires for System(s), Training Provider(s), and Participant(s)

Basic Definitions

System Lead: Lead entity of a regional workforce system.

Training Provider: all organizations/institutions training and preparing participants for successful employment and direct placement into jobs

Participants: all individuals participating in training and employment opportunities funded directly through GJC

Backbone Organization: Entity that manages each sectoral partnership

System Questionnaire – Good Jobs Challenge

Cadence: Every 6 months

System Lead Characteristics

System Lead

Organization Name

Key Point of Contact


Executive Team

Number and Demographic Makeup (% - race, ethnicity, and gender)

Board Members

Number and Demographic Makeup (% - race, ethnicity, and gender)

Type of Organization

Drop down:

Special District Government

City or Township Government

County Government

State Government

Chamber of Commerce

Workforce Development Board

Local Economic Development Agency

Other Regional Organization

Public/State Controlled Institution of Higher Education

Private Institution of Higher Education

Nonprofit with 501C3 IRS Status (Other than Institution of Higher Education)

Other nonprofit or community-based organization

Indian/Native American Tribal Government (Federally Recognized)

Indian/Native American Tribally Designated Organization Part B Institution (a historically Black college or university) Hispanic-serving institution

Tribal College or University

Alaska Native-serving institution or a Native Hawaiian-serving institution

Predominantly Black institution

Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-serving institution

Native American-serving nontribal institution Other

How does your organization’s mission align to the stated outcomes of the Good Jobs Challenge?

{text box, 100-character limit)


  • If not included optional question to provide counties served

Good Jobs Program Budget Total

Actual $

What was the number of loans, grants, or contracts (excluding from government sources) obtained in support of this program (as a result of the assistance under the EDA grant)?

* Total sum of funding secured from a non-government source(s):

Number of loans:

Number of grants:

Number of contracts:

What was the number of grants, contracts, or other funding obtained from government sources (including EDA)?

* Total sum of funding secured from a government source(s):

Number of grants/contracts/other funding:

Type of government funding secured (multi-select):




Did EDA help you to identify federal sources of financing over the past year?


Did you assist your stakeholders in any of the following efforts to build regional economic resilience?


  • Broaden the industrial base with diversification initiatives (e.g., development of emerging clusters or industries)

  • Pan for a resilient workforce (e.g., through skills strategies in growing industries)

  • Conduct pre- or post-disaster recovery planning

  • Establish a process for regular communication, monitoring, and updating of business community needs and issues

  • N/A

  • Other (please specify)

What is the status of the system’s overall development?

System Development

Not Started, In Progress, Complete

Program Design

Not Started, In Progress, Complete

Program Implementation

Not Started, In Progress, Complete

For each sectoral partnership in the system, provide the following characteristics:

Sectoral Partnership Name


Backbone Organization

Organization Name

Key Point of Contact

Name, email, phone number

Executive Team

Number and Demographic Makeup (% - race, ethnicity, and gender)

Board Members

Number and Demographic Makeup (% - race, ethnicity, and gender)

Type of Organization

Drop down:

Special District Government

City or Township Government

County Government

State Government

Chamber of Commerce

Workforce Development Board

Local Economic Development Agency

Other Regional Organization

Public/State Controlled Institution of Higher Education

Private Institution of Higher Education

Nonprofit with 501C3 IRS Status (Other than Institution of Higher Education)

Other nonprofit or community-based organization

Indian/Native American Tribal Government (Federally Recognized)

Indian/Native American Tribally Designated Organization Part B Institution (a historically Black college or university) Hispanic-serving institution

Tribal College or University

Alaska Native-serving institution or a Native Hawaiian-serving institution

Predominantly Black institution

Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-serving institution

Native American-serving nontribal institution Other

How does the sectoral partnership’s mission align to the stated outcomes of the Good Jobs Challenge?

{text box, 100-character limit)

Status of Sectoral Partnership

Select phase and enter the estimated time frame before entering the next phase.

Dropdown (multi-select):

System Design

Program Design

Program Implementation

FIPS Code of Area Served

  • If not included optional question to provide counties served or Native American reservation/trust land/area names

Good Jobs Program Budget Total

Actual $

Participants Targeted

Dropdown (multi-select):

COVID-impacted workers

Underemployed workers

Long-term unemployed

Short-term unemployed individuals

Incumbent workers


Black or African American

American Indian or Alaska Native


Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

People living in rural communities

People living in coal communities


Military spouses

Persons with disabilities

Disconnected youth

Individuals in substance abuse recovery

Individuals participating in TANF, SNAP, WIC

Individuals with past criminal records (e.g., justice impacted, reentry participants)

Other (25-character text box)

Industry Supporting

Dropdown (multi-select):

Aerospace and Defense

Agriculture or Food Production



Retail or Wholesale Trade

Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics

Leisure and Hospitality (including food service)


Healthcare and Health Services

Information Services (Publishing and Media)

Professional Services (Legal, Accounting, Finance, Architecture)

IT & Digital Skills (Programming, Systems)Cybersecurity

Blue Economy

Energy & Resilience

Other (25-character text box)

Recruitment Strategy

Rank the most effective recruitment strategies for general enrollment:

Community Partnerships

Union Membership

Non-profit Partnerships

Partnerships with Institutions of Higher Education

Traditional Advertisement



Social Media

Friends/Family Referrals

Third Party Referrals

Faith-based institutions

Alumni Referrals Other (25-character text box)

Recruitment Strategy

Rank the most effective recruitment strategies in serving underserved workers:

Community Partnerships

Union Membership

Non-profit Partnerships

Partnerships with Institutions of Higher Education

Traditional Advertisement



Social Media

Friends/Family Referrals

Third Party Referrals

Alumni ReferralsOther (25-character text box)

What is the current staffing capacity for recruitment?

Text Box (100-word limit)

For each sectoral partnership in the system, provide the following:

Sectoral Partnership Name


For each sectoral partnership in the system: Out of the stakeholders that are part of your system, in the past 6 months, how many:

Were added to the system?

Name of partner

Dropped out of the system?

Name of partner

  • Primary reasons for dropping out?

Dropdown, choose all that apply:

Lack of staff capacity

Lack of time

Not aligned with program efforts

Cannot deliver services needed

Coordination efforts are not feasible/strong

Change in organization priorities

Financial trouble in the organization

Other (text box, 25-character limit)

Invested financial resources in the partnership/system efforts

Estimated $

Invested in-kind resources in the partnership/system efforts (excludes the lead grantee or backbone organizations, includes employers)

Estimated $

For each sectoral partnership in the system: Proposed good job opportunities

Target number of new job placements (at end of grant period).

New job placements are defined as any work placement across hiring pathways and industries during the grant period.


Have you had to change strategies in the last 6 months to hit your job placement goals? If so, why and what have you changed?

Text box

In the last 6 months, are your employer partners committed to hire and/or are actively hiring GJC participants?


Has this target number changed over the last 6 months?

  • If Y, why?


Text box (100-word limit)

What are the top industries for job placements in the last 6 months?

Dropdown, choose all that apply:

Aerospace and Defense

Agriculture or Food Production



Retail or Wholesale Trade

Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics

Leisure and Hospitality (including food service)


Healthcare and Health Services

Information Services (Publishing and Media)

Professional Services (Legal, Accounting, Finance, Architecture)

IT & Digital Skills (Programming, Systems)


Blue Economy

Energy & Resilience

Other (text box 25-character limit)

For each industry selected, provide the top five expected job titles and wages in the last 6 months

Job; Wage

Job; Wage

Job; Wage

Job; Wage

Job; Wage

Training Provider Questionnaire – Good Jobs Challenge

Cadence: Quarterly, Collected in aggregate for all training providers by the EDA Grantee (System Lead Entity or Backbone Organization) using a unique and consistent identifier for each training provider

Institutional Information – Provide for every training program in the system, even if led by the same provider

Name of Training Provider


Name of Training Program


Length of Program


Less than 3 months

3-6 months

7 – 12 months

13 – 24 months

25 – 36 months

37 48 months

Environment Type



Hybrid in-person and remote

Permanently remote

Remote only due to Covid

Program Hours

Dropdown (choose all that apply):

Full time program

Part time program

Program has the option to take breaks and return

Job Prep Supports Provided (pre- or post-training)

Dropdown (choose all that apply):

Career coaching

Resume review

Interview prep


Does your training program include soft skill training?


Does your training program include job prep support?


Does your program include work-based learning opportunities as defined as on-the-job training for more than 6 weeks?


Program Tuition Cost

Actual cost

Other Supplementary Costs

Actual cost

Type of Credential Attained (based on WIOA statutory definitions)


Title IV Degree (Post-secondary educational degrees and certifications)

Title IV Certificate (Post-secondary educational degrees and certifications)

Non-Title IV Degree (Post-secondary educational degrees and certifications)

Non-Title IV Certifications (Post-secondary educational degrees and certifications)

Micro-credentials (MOOC Providers)

Degrees from Foreign Universities (MOOC Providers)

Course Completion Certifications (MOOC Providers)

Occupational Licenses (Non-Academic Organizations)

Occupational Certificates (Non-Academic Organizations)

Registered Apprenticeships (Non-Academic Organizations)

Unregistered Apprenticeships (Non-Academic Organizations)

Coding Bootcamp Course Completion Certificate (Non-Academic Organizations)

Online Course Completion Certificate (Non-Academic Organizations)

Public School District Diplomas (Secondary Schools)

Private School Diplomas (Secondary Schools)

How many of your participants report using new skills acquired (from activities sponsored under the EDA grant)?

# of participants using new skills

Types of new skills acquired (multi-select):

Data analytics


Project management


Engineering/computer science


Product development

Business analytics

Business development

Information technology

Other (place specify); if industry specific, please provide NAICS code(s) or descriptions

Participant Information


How many GJC Participants were recruited this quarter?


How many GJC Participants were admitted this quarter?


How many GJC Participants were enrolled this quarter?


Training Completion:

How many Participants were funded through the GJC completed training in the program?


How many GJC Participants completed training on-time?


How many GJC Participants completed training, but training was not continuous?


How many GJC Participants did not complete training in the program?


What was the reason for non-completion?

Provide the numerical total per non-completion reason:

__ Participant(s) could not meet the technical requirements for graduation

__ Participant(s) withdrew due to family obligations

__ Participant(s) withdrew due to physical health reasons

__ Participant(s) withdrew due to mental health reasons

__ Participant(s) withdrew due to lack of adequate transportation

__ Participant(s) withdrew due to lack of childcare

__ Participant(s) withdrew due to financial obligations e.g., had to get a full-time job

__ Participant(s) were dismissed due to behavior

__ Participant(s) did not meet attendance requirements

__ Participant(s) withdrew because they started a new job during training

__ Other______________


What is the employment status of Good Jobs Challenge-funded Participants after 6 months of program completion?

Provide the numerical total per graduated GJC Participant:

__Employed In-field by an employer who partners with your training program

__Employed In-field by an employer who doesn’t partner with your training program

__Still seeking employment in-field

__Not seeking employment in-field

__Could not contact

Employment Type

Provide the numerical total per graduated GJC Participant:

__ Full-time employment

__ Part-time employment

__ Seasonal employment

__ Earn and Learn employment

__ Other

If Earn and Learn employment, provide the number of the type of Earn and Learn model

__ Registered Apprenticeship

__ Non-registered Apprenticeship

__ Internship

__ Customized Training

__ Incumbent Worker Training

__ Transitional Jobs

__ Cooperatives

__ Practicums, Residences, or Fellowships

__ Other

List the top three job occupations graduated GJC Participants are employed in after 6 months.

Please use NAICS codes of the occupations, if possible.

List the top three employers of Good Jobs Challenge-funded Participants are employed with after 6 months.

Salaries of participants

Provide the median for each:

__ Median salary for full-time employment

__ Median salary for part-time employment

__ Median salary for Seasonal Employment

__ Median salary for Earn and Learn employment

__ Other

What percent of employed Participants reported their salaries?


What career and job preparation does your program provide during the training program?

Rank the effectiveness of the services you provide to participants seeking employment, dropdown:

Mock Interviews



Job Referrals

Networking Opportunities

Direct employment onramps/pathways to hire

Resume and Portfolio Support

Job Shadow Opportunities


What career and job preparation does your program provide after completion of the program?

Rank the effectiveness of the services you provide to participants seeking employment, dropdown:

Mock Interviews



Job Referrals

Networking Opportunities

Direct employment onramps/pathways to hire

Resume and Portfolio Support

Job Shadow Opportunities


Wraparound Services

What wraparound services/non-technical services do you directly provide?

Dropdown (multi-select):



Health Services

Legal Services


Education Services




Other learning equipment

Work Supplies

Financial and budgeting resources


How many GJC Participants used these services?


What was the total cost of these services provided?


What was the median cost per person of these services?


What wraparound services/non-technical services did you partner or fund with other organizations?




Health Services

Legal Services


Education Services




Other learning equipment

Work Supplies

Financial and budgeting resources


How many GJC Participants used these services?


What was the total cost of these services provided?



  1. What is the total institutional cost spent per Participant from recruitment to placement?

    1. Total people that successfully completed the program:

    2. Total people that successfully placed into a job 6 months after completion:

    3. Total people that successfully placed into a job 12 months after completion:

    4. Total program cost:

  1. For each student in your program:

  • Training start date

  • Training end date

  • Completed training (Y/N)

  • Job start date

  • Legal Name (First)

  • Legal Name (Middle)

  • Legal Name (Last)

  • Date of Birth

  • Physical Address of Residence

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorHaynes, Courtney (Federal)
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2022-08-26

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