Burden Tables- Part 50 - Decommissioning Proposed Rule

Copy of Part 50 Burden Tables for the Regulatory Improvements for Production and Utilization Facilities Transitioning to Decommissioning Proposed Rule_March 1 2022.xlsx

10 CFR Part 50, Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities

Burden Tables- Part 50 - Decommissioning Proposed Rule

OMB: 3150-0011

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Annual Recordkeeping
Annual Reporting
Part 50 Burden Table_2021

Sheet 1: Inputs

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Decomissioning Proposed Rule

Paperwork Reduction Act - Information Collection Request

Part 50


Name Value Source Notes
Annual Recordkeeping

50.12 -44.46
DTF has been removed
50.90 -123.71

Annual Reporting

50.12 -400.10
DTF has been removed
50.9 -253.10

Wage rate $288.00

Record storage costs 0.0004
A fraction of the recordkeeping hour burden

NRC Costs

50.12 222.30

50.9 185.70

Sheet 2: Annual Recordkeeping

Table 1 Annual Recordkeeping

Section Type of Change
New (N)
Amended (A)
Removed (R)
Change in Respondents (CR)
Number of Recordkeepers Burden Hours per Recordkeeper Total Burden Hours Total Cost at $288.00/hr Basis of Burden Hours Notes Impact of Proposed Rule on Existing Clearance Burden Hour Estimates
Current After Rule Change
Specific exemptions
CR 1 -222.3 -222.3 -$64,022.40 Average RA Model hours for 50.12 exemptions separated between recordkeeping and reporting tabs Covers exemption requests for EP, onsite financial protection, record retention, FOCD Current: 1,200
After rule: 977.7
Change = -222.3

1,200 -222.3 977.7
License amendment
CR 1 -494.8 -494.8 -$142,502.40 Average RA Model hours for 50.90 amendment separated between recordkeeping and reporting tabs Covers license amendments for EP, physical security, and cyber security Current: 31,488
After rule: 30,993.1
Change = -494.8

31,488 -494.8 30993.2
Emergency preparedness

50.47(b)(1)-(16); App. E.IV; App. E.V
Permanently defueled emergency plan (PDEP)
CR 1 -88 -88 -$25,344.00 Burden tables for 10 CFR Part 50 renewal (2017) In 2017 Part 50 renewal tables, 50.47(b), App E, and 50.54 (q-t) are combined for a total of 256 hours. In the 2014 Part 50 SS, 50.47(b) and App E account for 88 hours and 50.54(q)(3)-(6) accounts for 168 hours which equals 256. Current: 7,424
After rule: 7,336
Change = -88
*Other rows in table impact the same existing Clearance burden estimate.

7424 -88 7336
Permanently defueled emergency plan (PDEP)
N 1 76 76 $21,888.00 Burden tables for 10 CFR Part 50 renewal (2017) altered to reflect proposed changes using professional best judgment
Current: 0
After rule: 76
Change = 76

0 76 76
50.47(b)(1)-(16); App. E.IV; App.E.V
Emergency plan requirements after spent fuel is in dry cask storage
CR 0 -88 0 $0.00 Burden tables for 10 CFR Part 50 renewal (2017) Proposed revision to information collection burden in 50.47(b) occurred as the result of a proposed revision in 50.54(q)(7)(iii). No impact

0 0
Emergency plan requirements after spent fuel is in dry cask storage
N 0 60 0 $0.00 Professional best judgment
No impact

0 0
50.47(b)(1)-(16); App. E.IV; App. E.V
Elimination of emergency plan requirements after all spent fuel removed from site
CR 0 -88 0 $0.00 Burden tables for 10 CFR Part 50 renewal (2017) Proposed revision to information collection burden in 50.47(b) occurred as the result of a proposed revision in 50.54(q)(7)(iv)). No impact

0 0
Recording spent fuel decay period analysis
N 0 60 0 $0.00 Professional best judgment Reg Analysis assumes that "each licensee would not submit a site-specific analysis, but instead would wait the pre-determined time, which will be specified by rulemaking, before transitioning from Level 1 to Level 2." No impact

0 0
50.47, 50.54(q & t), Appendix E

Documentation of EP program element review for facilities after permanent shutdown]
CR 1 -80 -80 -$23,040.00 Part 50 Section 8 Final SS (2014) The 2014 SS was relied on for this estimate because the 2017 Part 50 renewal tables combine the IC burden associated with 50.54(t) with other Part 50 requirements, making it difficult to identify the specific hours associated with 50.54(t). Current: 7,424
After rule: 7,344
Change = -80
*Other rows in table impact the same existing Clearance burden estimate.

7424 -80 7344
50.47, 50.54(q & t), Appendix E

Elimination of documentation of program element review for ISFSIs]
CR 0 -80 0 $0.00 Part 50 Section 8 Final SS (2014)
No impact

0 0
App. E.IV.F.2.j
Recording exercises conducted
CR 1 -48 -48 -$13,824.00 Part 50 Section 8 Final SS (2014) ICF did not rely on the 2017 10 CFR Part 50 renewal tables because this information collection is bundled with other EP related information collections in the 2017 tables. Current: 7,424
After rule: 7,376
Change = -48
*Other rows in table impact the same existing Clearance burden estimate.

7424 -48 7376
Recording exercises conducted
N 1 36 36 $10,368.00 Part 50 Section 8 Final SS (2014) burden estimate for App.E.IV.F.2.j (recording exercises conducted) altered to reflect proposed changes using professional best judgment
Current: 0
After rule: 36
Change = 36

0 36 36
Training requirements for CFH

Training and qualification requirements of nuclear power plant personnel
CR 1 -8 -8 -$2,304.00 Professional best judgment
Current: 39,780
After rule: 39,772
Reduction = -8

39,780 -8 39,772
Record retention

Retaining records
A/CR 2 -200 -400 -$115,200.00 Professional best judgment This information collection is bundled with a more significant information collection in the 2017 Part 50 renewal tables Current: 11,800
After rule: 11,400
Reduction = -400

11,800 -400 11400
Table 1 Total
-1229.1 -$353,980.80

* Information collections that will not result in a burden in the relevant three-year window were included in the table to indicate the potential for a burden associated with a new or modified information collection in the future.

Note: The respondents affected by the proposed rule’s 10 CFR part 50 information collections are not new respondents; they are affected by other information collections identified in the existing 10 CFR part 50 clearance.

Sheet 3: Annual Reporting

Table 2 Annual Reporting

Section Type of Change
New (N)
Amended (A)
Removed (R)
Change in Respondents (CR)
Number of Respondents Responses per Respondent Total Responses Burden Hours per Response Total Burden Hours Total Cost at $288.00/hr Basis of Burden Hours Notes Impact of Proposed Rule on Existing Clearance Burden Hour Estimates
Current After Rule Change
Specific exemptions
CR 1 4 4 -400.10 -1600.4 -$460,915.20 Average RA Model hours for 50.12 exemptions separated between recordkeeping and reporting tabs Covers exemption requests for EP, onsite financial protection, record retention, and FOCD Current: 10,800
After rule: 9,199.53
Change = -1,600.47

10800 -1600.4 9199.6
License amendment
CR 1 4 4 -253.1 -1012.4 -$291,571.20 Average RA Model hours for 50.90 amendment separated between recordkeeping and reporting tabs Covers license amendments for EP, physical security, and cyber security Current: 307,992
After rule: 306,980
Change = -1012.4

307992 -1012.4 306979.6
Emergency preparedness

50.47(b)(1)-(16); App. E.IV; App. E.V
Permanently defueled emergency plan (PDEP)
CR 1 1 1 -17.5 -17.5 -$5,040.00 Part 50 Section 8 Final SS (2014) interpreted based on professional best judgment In 2017 Part 50 renewal tables, 50.47(b), App E, and 50.54 (q & t) are combined for a total of 34 hours. Current: 14,790
After rule: 14,773
Change = -17.5
*Other rows in table impact the same existing Clearance burden estimate.

14,790 -17.5 14,773 14790
Permanently defueled emergency plan (PDEP)
N 1 1 1 17.5 17.5 $5,040.00 Part 50 Section 8 Final SS (2014) interpreted based on professional best judgment
Current: 0
After rule: 17.5
Change = 17.5

0 17.5 17.5 0
Reporting spent fuel decay period analysis
N 0 1 0 8 0 $0.00 Professional best judgment Reg Analysis assumes that "each licensee would not submit a site-specific analysis, but instead would wait the pre-determined time, which will be specified by rulemaking, before transitioning from Level 1 to Level 2." No impact

0 0.0 no change
Reporting initial emergency plan changes
N 1 1 1 8 8 $2,304.00 Professional best judgment
Current: 0
After rule: 8
Change = 8

8 8.0 0
50.47, 50.54(q & t), Appendix E

Reporting of program element review]
CR 1 1 1 -80 -80 -$23,040.00 Part 50 Section 8 Final SS (2014)
Current: 14,790
After rule: 14,710
Change = -80
*Other rows in table impact the same existing Clearance burden estimate.

14,790 -80 14,710.0 14790
50.47, 50.54(q & t), Appendix E

Elimination of reporting of program element review for ISFSIs]
CR 0 0 0 -80 0 $0.00 Part 50 Section 8 Final SS (2014)
No impact

0 0.0 no change
App. E.IV.F.2.a,b
Reporting exercises conducted
CR 1 1 1 -40 -40 -$11,520.00 Burden tables for 10 CFR Part 50 renewal (2017)
Current: 1,140
After rule: 1,100
Change = -40
*Other rows in table impact the same existing Clearance burden estimate.

1,140.00 -40 1100
Reporting exercises conducted
N 1 1 1 35 35 $10,080.00 Burden tables for 10 CFR Part 50 renewal (2017) altered to reflect proposed changes using professional best judgment
Current: 0
After rule: 35
Change = 35

35 35 0
Physical security

Summary of analysis completed regarding safeguards effectiveness
N 62 1 62 15 930 $267,840.00 Professional best judgment The number of estimated Respondents was based on the number of estimated Respondents for 50.34(c) &(d) & 50.54(p) physical security and safeguards contingency plans (operating and decommissioned/shutdown power reactors) in the burden tables for 10 CFR Part 50 renewal (2017). Current: 1,798
After rule: 2,728
Change = 930

930 930 use 73.67
Decommissioning funding assurance

Decommissioning trust fund reporting
CR 19 1 19 -6.7 -127.3 -$36,662.40 RA model
Current: 445
After rule: 317.7
Change = -127.3

445 -127.3 317.7
Onsite financial protection

Notification of material change
N 1 1 1 0.8 0.8 $230.40 RA model
Current: 0
After rule: 0.8
Change = 0.8

0.8 0.8 0
Spent fuel management

Irradiated fuel management plan (IFMP)
A 1 1 1 1.1 1.1 $316.80 RA model
Current: 0
After rule: 1.1
Change = 1.1
*Existing Clearance includes a 250 hour per activity burden estimate for the IFMP, but doesn't identify any respondents.

1.1 1.1 No change
Table 2 Total
-1885.2 -$542,937.60

* Information collections that will not result in a burden in the relevant three-year window were included in the table to indicate the potential for a burden associated with a new or modified information collection in the future.

Note: The respondents affected by the proposed rule’s 10 CFR part 50 information collections are not new respondents; they are affected by other information collections identified in the existing 10 CFR part 50 clearance.

Sheet 4: TOTAL

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Decomissioning Proposed Rule

Paperwork Reduction Act - Information Collection Request

Part 50

QUESTION 12 Estimated Burden and Burden Hour Cost

2024-2026 Burden Totals

Table Description Burden Hours Cost of $288.00/hr
Annual Respondents 62

1 Annual Recordkeeping -1229.1 -$353,980.80

2 Annual Reporting -1885.2 -$542,937.60
Annual Reporting Responses 97

TOTAL -3114.3 -$896,918.40
Annual Recordkeeping Responses 2

QUESTION 13 Estimate of Other Additional Costs

Record keeping hours -1229.1

Wage rate $288.00

Record storage costs 0.0004

Total record storage costs ($141.59)

Current record storage costs $273,472

New record storage costs $273,330.41

Source: Current Burden Table of Part 50

QUESTION 14 Estimated Annualized Cost to the Federal Governement

Annualized NRC Cost Reduction

NRC Action Rule Text Provision No. Actions/Year Reduced Burden Hours/Action Total Reduced Hours Total Cost Reduction

Process exemption requests 50.12 4 222.30 889.2 $256,089.60

Process license amendments 50.9 4 185.70 742.8 $213,926.40

Review decommissioning trust fund report 50.75(f)(1) 19 7 133 $38,304.00

Approve CFH training program 50.120 1 164.6 164.6 $47,404.80


1,929.60 $555,724.80

Current cost to the Federal Government*

New cost to the Federal government

*Incorporates revisions to the current annualized cost to the Federal Government included in the Current Burden Table of Part 50

based on the ASME Code Cases Final Rule anticipated to publish at the same time as the Decommissioning Rule.

Sheet 5: Part 50 Burden Table_2021

(Recurring Information Collection Requirements)

Statement Section
Rule Section Description Number of Respondents Responses per
Total Number of
Burden per Response Total Annual Burden Hours Total Cost @

2 50.33(a)-(d), (g), (j) Early Site Permit application - general
- - - 360.0 - $ -

50.33(a)-(d), (j) Standard Design Certification application -
general information
1.0 0.3 0.3 450.0 148.5 $ 41,432

50.33(a)-(d), (g), (j) Combined OL application - general
- - - 2,700.0 - $ -

50.33(a)-(d), (j) Standard Design Approval application -
general information
1.0 0.3 0.3 450.0 148.5 $ 41,432

50.33(a)-(d), (j) Manfacturing License application - general
- - - 450.0 - $ -

50.33(a)-(d), (h), (j) NPUF Construction Permit application -
general information
- - - 2,700.0 - $ -

50.33(a)-(d), (h), (j) NPUF Operating License application -
general information
- - - 2,700.0 - $ -

50.33(a)-(d), (h)-(j) Nuclear Power Plant Construction Permit
application - general information
- - - 2,700.0 - $ -

50.33(a)-(d), (g)-(j) Nuclear Power Plant Operating License
application - technical information
- - - 2,700.0 - $ -

50.33(f) Financial qualification information as
requested by the Commission
- - - 3,580.0 - $ -

50.34 NPUF Construction Permit application -
general information (PSAR)
- - - 14,000.0 - $ -

50.34 NPUF Operating License application -
technical information (FSAR)
- - - 7,000.0 - $ -

50.34 Nuclear Power Plant Construction Permit
application - general information (PSAR)
- - - 90,000.0 - $ -

50.34 Nuclear Power Plant Operating License
application - technical information (FSAR)
- - - 40,000.0 - $ -

50.54(bb) Decommissioned plants submit program
for managing and funding irradiated fuel following permanent cessation of operation of the reactor
- - - 250.0 - $ -

50.59(c), 50.90, 50.91(a), (b) License Amendments 164.0 6.0 984.0 313.0 307,992.0 $ 85,929,768

50.59(c), 50.90, 50.91(a), (b) License Amendments - Topical Reports 15.0 1.0 15.0 400.0 6,000.0 $ 1,674,000

50.74 Notification within 30 days of a change in
status of a licensed reactor operator or senior operator.
201.0 1.0 201.0 1.0 201.0 $ 56,079

50.80(b) License Transfers 8.0 1.0 8.0 540.0 4,320.0 $ 1,205,280

50.36,50.36A, 50.36B &
Appendix I
Technical Specifications 164.0 5.0 820.0 168.0 137,760.0 $ 38,435,040

50.36,50.36A, 50.36B, 50.36C &
Appendix I
Technical Specifications - Risk Informed
Completion Times (RICT) Program
5.0 1.0 5.0 60.0 300.0 $ 83,700

50.34(c) & (d) & 50.54(p) -
Burden covered under 10 CFR
73.67 approved by OMB under Clearance No. 3150-0151
Physical security and safeguards contingency plans (operating power reactors) - 1.0 - 29.0 - $ -

(Recurring Information Collection Requirements)

Statement Section
Rule Section Description Number of Respondents Responses per
Total Number of
Burden per Response Total Annual Burden Hours Total Cost @

50.34(c) & (d) & 50.54(p) -
Burden covered under 10 CFR
73.67 approved by OMB under Clearance No. 3150-0151
Physical security and safeguards
contingency plans (decommissioned/shutdown power reactors)
- - - 29.0 - $ -

50.34(c) & (d) & 50.54(p) -
Burden covered under 10 CFR
73.67 approved by OMB under Clearance No. 3150-0151
Physical security and safeguards contingency plans (nonpower reactors) - 1.0 - 29.0 - $ -

50.35(b) Periodic reports of the progress and results of research and development programs designed to resolve safety
- - - 100.0 - $ -

50.54(w)(3) Annual report on the source of property
and damage insurance
118.0 1.0 118.0 4.0 472.0 $ 131,688

10 CFR 50.54(w)(4) Cleanup plan outlining the steps and costs
needed to complete decontamination and cleanup following an accident
- - - 2,000.0 - $ -

3 50.33(k) Contents of applications 1.0 1.0 1.0 200.0 200.0 $ 55,800

50.75 Decommissioning planning 89.0 1.0 89.0 5.0 445.0 $ 124,155

50.82 Termination of license 5.0 1.0 5.0 680.0 3,400.0 $ 948,600

4 50.71(b)& Appendix C Annual financial reporting 60.0 1.0 60.0 1.0 60.0 $ 16,740

50.76 Submission of financial qualifications
information within 75 days prior to ceasing to be an electric utility
- - - 33.0 - $ -

50.71(e) Updated FSAR (operating reactors) 51.0 1.0 51.0 900.0 45,900.0 $ 12,806,100

50.71(e) Updated FSAR (power reactors that have
ceased operating)
16.0 1.0 16.0 225.0 3,600.0 $ 1,004,400

50.72 & 50.54(z) Notification of Events 120.0 2.0 240.0 1.00 240.0 $ 66,960

10 CFR Part 50, Appendix E, Paragraph E.9.d Daily testing of the ENS system by the
HOO, submission of voluntary reactor status and grid information
91.0 365.0 33,215.0 0.083 2,757.0 $ 769,203

Appendix E, VI.1 Periodic
Quarterly testing of Emergency Response
Data System
120.0 4.0 480.0 2.0 960.0 $ 267,840

Appendix E, VI.3 a&b HW/SW changes affecting ERDS DPLs
and communication
9.0 1.0 9.0 4.0 36.0 $ 10,044

50.72(a) Emergency Response Data System
7.0 1.0 7.0 4.0 28.0 $ 7,812

50.70 Team Inspections 51.0 1.0 51.0 160.0 8,160.0 $ 2,276,640

50.70 Other Inspections (e.g. Resident,
Supplemental, Special and Infrequently Performed, Temporary Instructions, and Reactive)
51.0 1.0 51.0 45.0 2,295.0 $ 640,305

50.69(g) Submission of event report to submit a
licensee event report for any event or condition that would have prevented RISC- 1 and RISC-2 structures, systems, and components from performing a safety- significant function
10.0 1.0 10.0 600.0 6,000.0 $ 1,674,000

(Recurring Information Collection Requirements)

Statement Section
Rule Section Description Number of Respondents Responses per
Total Number of
Burden per Response Total Annual Burden Hours Total Cost @

5 50.54(cc) Bankruptcy Notifications - - - 1.0 - $ -

50.55(e) 48 hour notification (Design and
Construction Deficiencies)
2.0 1.0 2.0 10.0 20.0 $ 5,580

50.55(e) 30-day reports (Design and Construction
2.0 1.0 2.0 70.0 140.0 $ 39,060

50.55(f), Appendices A & B Quality Assurance reports (operating
89.0 1.0 89.0 160.0 14,240.0 $ 3,972,960

50.55(f), Appendices A & B Quality Assurance reports (reactors under
2.0 1.0 2.0 160.0 320.0 $ 89,280

50.55(f), Appendices A & B Quality Assurance reports (Part 52
2.0 1.0 2.0 667.0 1,334.0 $ 372,186

50.55a(z) Alternatives submitted by COLs 2.0 1.0 2.0 230.0 460.0 $ 128,340

50.55a(z) Alternatives submitted by Power Reactors 89.0 3.0 267.0 230.0 61,410.0 $ 17,133,390

50.55a(z) Alternatives submitted for I&C 0.0 0.0 - 230.0 - $ -

50.55a(z)(1) and 50.55a(z)(2) -
Burden covered under 50.55a(z)(1) and 50.55a(z)(2),
approved by OMB under
Clearance No. 3150-0244
Request for Alternatives (Online portal) 89.0 2.4 218.0 230.0 50,140.0 $ 13,989,060

50.55a(f)(5) and (g)(5) Relief requests 89.0 2.0 178.0 230.0 40,940.0 $ 11,422,260

50.55a Codes and Standards 89.0 2.0 178.0 58.0 10,324.0 $ 2,880,396

50.59(c) and d Power reactors - Reports changes in the facility, of changes in procedures, and of tests and experiments and to submit a report containing a brief description of any changes, tests, and experiments, including
a summary of the evaluation of each
118.0 1.0 118.0 380.0 44,840.0 $ 12,510,360

50.59(c) and d Non-power reactors - Reports changes in the facility, of changes in procedures, and of tests and experiments and to submit a report containing a brief description of any changes, tests, and experiments, including
a summary of the evaluation of each
31.0 1.0 31.0 120.0 3,720.0 $ 1,037,880

Appendices G & H, 50.60 Fracture Toughness 22.0 1.0 22.0 102.0 2,244.0 $ 626,076

50.61 Pressurized Thermal Shock 4.0 1.0 4.0 24.0 96.0 $ 26,784

50.64(c)(1) Unique purpose application for highly
enriched uranium
2.0 1.0 2.0 10.0 20.0 $ 5,580

50.64(c)(2)(i) Highly enriched uranium - updated
4.0 1.0 4.0 10.0 40.0 $ 11,160

50.64(c)(2)(ii) Highly enriched uranium - updated
4.0 1.0 4.0 10.0 40.0 $ 11,160

50.64(c)(2)(iii) Highly enriched uranium, safety analyses 3.0 1.0 3.0 333.3 1,000.0 $ 279,000

50.66 Thermal Annealing - - - 6,400.0 -

6 50.12 Exemptions 30.0 1.0 30.0 360.0 10,800.0 $ 3,013,200

(Recurring Information Collection Requirements)

Statement Section
Rule Section Description Number of Respondents Responses per
Total Number of
Burden per Response Total Annual Burden Hours Total Cost @

7 50.34(i) Part 50 applicants provide plans for
implementing rule requirements in application
- - - 300.0 - $ -

50.44(c) Hydrogen Control Requirements - - - 203.0 - $ -

50.46(a)(3)(ii) Annual report of changes to change
evaluation model
104.0 1.0 104.0 20.0 2,080.0 580,320.0

50.46(a)(3)(ii) 30-day report of significant change or error
to evaluation model
52.0 1.0 52.0 20.0 1,040.0 290,160.0

50.46, Appendix K Realistic evaluation model submittal 1.0 1.0 1.0 2,500.0 2,500.0 697,500.0

50.46, Appendix K Modified evaluation model submittal 0.6 1.0 0.6 1,750.0 1,050.0 292,950.0

50.46, Appendix K Schedule for completing actions
associated with 10 CFR 50 Appendix K and 10 CFR 50.46(b)
1.6 1.0 1.6 16.0 25.6 7,142.4

Appendix K, 50.46 ECCS
2.0 - 40.0 - -

50.47, 50.54(q & t), Appendix E Emergency plans (operating power
57.0 25.0 1,425.0 81.0 115,425.0 $ 32,203,575

50.54(q)(4) Submission of proposed changes that
would reduce the effective of approved emergency plans (operating power reactors)
12.0 1.0 12.0 40.0 480.0 $ 133,920

App. E.IV.F.2.a,b Participation Exercise – exercise scenario
28.5 1.0 28.5 40.0 1,140.0 $ 318,060

50.47, 50.54(q & t), Appendix E Emergency plans (operating non-power
31.0 10.0 310.0 2.0 620.0 $ 172,980

50.47, 50.54(q & t), Appendix E Emergency plans (power reactor sites
being decommissioned)
29.0 15.0 435.0 34.0 14,790.0 $ 4,126,410

50.47, 50.54(q & t), Appendix E Emergency plans (non-power reactors
being decommissioned and possession only)
4.0 5.0 20.0 1.0 20.0 $ 5,580

50.47, 50.54(q & t), Appendix E Emergency Planning 116.0 18.0 2,088.0 60.0 125,280.0 $ 34,953,120

Appendix S and 50.54(ff) Earthquake Engineering Criteria, DC
1.0 1.0 1.0 155,000.0 155,000.0 $ 43,245,000

Appendix S and 50.54(ff) Earthquake Engineering Criteria,
Operating Reactors
5.0 1.0 5.0 900.0 4,500.0 $ 1,255,500

1,197,502 $334,102,946

(Recurring Information Collection Requirements)

Statement Section
Section Description Number of Recordkeepers Hours per Recordkeeper Total Annual Burden
Annual Cost @ $279/hr

2 50.33(a)-(d), (g), (j) Early Site Permits (records) - 13.0 - $ -

50.33(a)-(d), (j) Standard Design Certification (records) 1.0 16.5 16.5 $ 4,587

50.33(a)-(d), (g), (j) Combined OL (records) - 99.0 - $ 192,654

50.33(a)-(d), (j) Standard Design Approval (records) 1.0 16.5 16.5 $ 13,761

50.33(a)-(d), (j) Manfacturing License (records) - 16.5 - $-

50.33(a)-(d), (h), (j) NPUF Construction Permit (records) - 99.0 - $ 192,654

50.33(a)-(d), (h), (j) NPUF Operating License (records) - 99.0 - $ 27,522

50.33(a)-(d), (h)-(j) Nuclear Power Plant Construction Permit (records) - 99.0 - $ 137,610

50.33(a)-(d), (g)-(j) Nuclear Power Plant Operating License (records) - 99.0 - $ 27,522

50.59(c), 50.90, 50.91(a), (b) Records License Amendments 164.0 192.0 31,488.0 $ 8,785,152

50.74 - Burden covered under 10
CFR 55.22 approved by OMB under Clearance No. 3150-0024
Records of change in status of a licensed reactor operator or senior operator - - - $ -

50.80(b) License Transfers 8.0 60.0 480.0 $ 133,920

50.36,50.36A, 50.36B & Appendix I Technical Specifications (Operating power reactor) 89.0 2080.0 185,120.0 $ 51,648,480

50.36,50.36A, 50.36B & Appendix I Technical Specifications (operating NPUFs) 31.0 80.0 2,480.0 $ 691,920

50.36,50.36A, 50.36B & Appendix I Technical Specifications (shutdown power reactor) 29.0 208.0 6,032.0 $ 1,682,928

3 50.75 Decommissioning planning 149.0 73.0 10,877.0 $ 3,034,683

4 50.71(b)& Appendix C Financial records 60.0 0.1 6.0 $ 1,674

50.71(e) Records for updated FSAR (operating reactors) 51.0 100.0 5,100.0 $ 1,422,900

50.71(e) Records for updated FSAR (power reactors that have
ceased operating)
16.0 25.0 400.0 $ 111,600

50.72 & 50.54(z) Notification of Events 120.0 0.8 96.0 $ 26,784

Appendix E, VI.1 Periodic Testing Quarterly testing of Emergency Response Data System 120.0 0.2 24.0 $ 6,696

Appendix E, VI.3 a&b HW/SW changes affecting ERDS DPLs and communication 9.0 1.2 10.8 $ 3,013

50.72(a) Emergency Data Response System 7.0 0.4 2.8 $ 781

50.69 Maintain processes to control the inspection, testing, and
corrective actions for structures, systems, and components, other SSC records
10.0 833.0 8,330.0 $ 2,324,070

50.69 (one-time implementation requirements) After approval of application, perform evaluations of the
significance of SSC functions (implementation for the alternative requirements of 10 CFR 50.69 - voluntary)
16.0 920.0 14,720.0 $ 4,106,880

(Recurring Information Collection Requirements)

Statement Section
Section Description Number of Recordkeepers Hours per Recordkeeper Total Annual Burden
Annual Cost @ $279/hr

5 50.54(hh)(1) Procedures for aircraft threat 51.0 40.0 2,040.0 $ 569,160

50.55(e) Retention of evaluations, 50.55(e)(9)(ii) (Design and
Construction Deficiencies)
25.0 2.0 50.0 $ 13,950

50.55(f), Appendices A & B Quality Assurance records (operating reactors, 4 reactors
under construction, 1 ESP, 1 COL)
104.0 10,000.0 1,040,000.0 $ 290,160,000

50.55(f), Appendices A & B Quality Assurance records (shutdown reactors) 29.0 2,500.0 72,500.0 $ 20,227,500

50.55a Records related to Codes and Standards 104.0 2,310.0 240,240.0 $ 67,026,960

50.59(c) and (d) Power reactors - Records of changes in the facility, of
changes in procedures, and of tests and experiments and to submit a report containing a brief description of any changes, tests, and experiments, including a summary of the evaluation of each
118.0 100.0 11,800.0 $ 3,292,200

50.59(c) and (d) Non-power reactors - Records of changes in the facility, of
changes in procedures, and of tests and experiments and to submit a report containing a brief description of any changes, tests, and experiments, including a summary of the evaluation of each
31.0 480.0 14,880.0 $ 4,151,520

Appendices G & H, 50.60 Fracture Toughness 22.0 11.0 242.0 $ 67,518

50.61 Pressurized Thermal Shock 4.0 216.0 864.0 $ 241,056

50.65 Maintenance program records for operating plants 89.0 4,315.0 384,035.0 $ 107,145,765

50.65 Maintenance program records for shutdown plants 29.0 128.0 3,712.0 $ 1,035,648

6 50.12 Exemptions 30.0 40.0 1,200.0 $ 334,800

(Recurring Information Collection Requirements)

Statement Section
Section Description Number of Recordkeepers Hours per Recordkeeper Total Annual Burden
Annual Cost @ $279/hr

7 50.44(c) Hydrogen Control Requirements 89.0 1.0 89.0 $ 24,831

50.47, 50.54(q & t), Appendix E Emergency Planning Records for Operating Power Reactors 114.0 1,090.0 124,260.0 $ 34,668,540

50.47, 50.54(q & t), Appendix E Emergency Planning Records for Operating Non-Power
31.0 589.0 18,259.0 $ 5,094,261

50.47, 50.54(q & t), Appendix E Emergency Planning Records for Power Reactor Sites
Being Decommissioned
29.0 256.0 7,424.0 $ 2,071,296

50.47, 50.54(q & t), Appendix E Emergency Planning Records for Non-Power Reactors
Being Decommissioned and Possession Only
4.0 4.0 16.0 $ 4,464

50.48 (c) One-time transition of records for fire protection to NFPA
- - - $ -

50.48, Appendix R Fire Protection plan records 118.0 84.0 9,912.0 $ 2,765,448

50.49(a),(d),(f) One-time environmental qualification (program
establishment, qualification of equipment), annualized
8.0 793.3 6,346.4 $ 1,770,646

50.49(d),(f),(j) Environmental Qualification 89.0 2,080.0 185,120.0 $ 51,648,480

50.120(b) Training & Qualification Records for Operating Reactors 51.0 780.0 39,780.0 $ 11,098,620

50.120(b) Training & Qualification Records for Applicants - 1,440.0 - $ -

50.155(a)(1) One-time Licensees review rule requirements and update
procedures, programs, or plans
17.0 315.0 5,355.0 $ 1,494,045

50.155(f) Maintain documentation of changes in the implementation of requirements 51.0 100.0 5,100.0 $ 1,422,900

Appendix J Development and Ongoing Analyses & Maintenance of Performance Based Leakage Testing Program 164.0 60.0 9,840.0 $ 2,745,360

Appendix S and 50.54(ff) Earthquake Engineering Criteria, Operating Reactors 5.0 100.0 500.0 $ 139,500

Appendix S and 50.54(ff) Earthquake Engineering Criteria, DC applicants 1.0 100.0 100.0 $ 27,900

Appendix S IV(a)(3) Plant inspection and documentation of inspection following
seismic event
5.0 320.0 1,600.0 $ 446,400

2,450,464.0 $ 683,679,456.00

(Recurring Information Collection Requirements)

Statement Section
Section Description Number of Respondents Responses per
Number of Responses
Burden per Response Total Annual Burden
Cost @

5 50.55a Submission to ASME of
Owner's certificate, AIA agreement (III/NCA-3230)
2.0 1.0 2.0 100.0 200.0 $ 55,800


200.0 $ 55,800

Total Burden and Responses Section 3





Item #13, Other Costs Section 3



Item #14, Costs to the Federal Government, Section 3

Cost @ $279/hr

Staff time

Total Burden and Responses Section 2



Reporting 457,342


Recordkeeping 225,633


TOTAL 682,975


Item #13, Other Costs Section 2

Recordkeeping $ 25,181

TOTAL $ 25,181

Item #14, Costs to the Federal Government, Section 2


Cost @ $279/hr

Staff time 101953

$ 28,444,887

Total Burden and Responses Section 4



Reporting 70,036


Recordkeeping 28,690


TOTAL 98,726


Item #13, Other Costs Section 4

Recordkeeping $3,202

TOTAL $3,202

Item #14, Costs to the Federal Government, Section 4


Cost @ $279/hr

Staff time 41295


Total Burden and Responses Section 5

Hours Responses

231,328 1,128

1,770,363 118

Third Party Disclosure
200 2

2,001,891 1,248

Item #13, Other Costs Section 5



Item #14, Costs to the Federal Government, Section 5

Hours Cost @ $279/hr

Staff time
73,115 $20,399,085

Total Burden and Responses Section 7

Hours Responses

423,951 4,484

413,701 164

837,652 4,648

Item #13, Other Costs Section 7



Item #14, Costs to the Federal Government, Section 7

Hours Cost @ $279/hr

Staff time
20,275 $5,656,725

Total Burden and Responses Section 6

Hours Responses

Reporting 10,800 30

Recordkeeping 1,200 30

TOTAL 12,000 60

Item #13, Other Costs Section 6

Recordkeeping $134

TOTAL $134

Item #14, Costs to the Federal Government, Section 6

Hours Cost @ $279/hr

Staff time 2,250 $627,750


2021 3,648,166 42,244

Previous 3,710,882 43,617

Delta -62,716 -1,373

Item #13, Other Costs Section

Section Costs

2 $25,181

3 $1,214

4 $3,202

5 $197,573

6 $134

7 $46,169

Total $273,472

Item #14, Costs to the Federal Government,

Section Staff Time Hours Cost @ $279/hr

2 101,953 $28,444,887

3 1,526 $425,754

4 41,295 $11,521,305

5 73,115 $20,399,085

6 2,250 $627,750

7 20,275 $5,656,725

Total 240,414 $67,075,506

Burden Hours

Section Reporting Recordkeeping 3rd Party Total Cost

2 457,342 225,633
682,975 $190,550,025

3 4,045 10,877
14,922 $4,163,238

4 70,036 28,690
98,726 $27,544,442

5 231,328 1,770,363 200 2,001,891 $558,527,589

6 10,800 1,200
12,000 $3,348,000

7 423,951 413,701
837,652 $233,704,908

Total 1,197,502 2,450,464 200 3,648,166 $1,017,838,202

Previous total 1,148,086 2,562,696 100 3,710,881.7 $975,961,887

Deltas 49,416 -112,232 100 -62,716 -$17,497,792


Section Reporting Recordkeeping 3rd Party TOTAL

2 2,152 164

3 95 149

4 34,190 120

5 1,128 118 2 1,248

6 30 30

7 4,484 164

2021 TOTAL 42,078 164 2 42,244

Previous total 43,467 149 1 43,617

Deltas -1,389 15 1 -1,373

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