1219-0030 PUBLISHED 60 Day FRN 1-26-2022

1219-0030 PUBLISHED 60 Day FRN 1-26-2022.pdf

Main Fan Operation and Inspection (I-A, II-A, III, and V-A mines)

1219-0030 PUBLISHED 60 Day FRN 1-26-2022

OMB: 1219-0030

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 17 / Wednesday, January 26, 2022 / Notices

information to the Secretary of Labor
(Secretary). Section 101(a) of the Mine
Act, 30 U.S.C. 811(a), authorizes the
Secretary to develop, promulgate, and
revise as may be appropriate, improved
mandatory health or safety standards for
the protection of life and prevention of
injuries in coal or other mines.
Each operator of a surface coal mine
is required under 30 CFR 77.1000 to
establish and follow a ground control
plan for highwalls, pits, and spoil banks
that is consistent with prudent
engineering design and which will
ensure safe working conditions. The
mine operator is required by section
77.1000–1 to file the ground control
plan with the appropriate District
Manager. The mining methods
employed by the operator are selected to
ensure highwall, pit, and spoil bank
stability. In the event of a highwall
failure or material dislodgment, there
may be very little time to escape
possible injury; therefore, preventive
measures must be taken. Each plan is
based on the type of strata expected to
be encountered, the height and angle of
highwalls and spoil banks, and the
equipment to be used at the mine. The
plan is used to show how the mine
operator will maintain safe working
conditions around the highwalls, pits,
and spoil banks. Each plan is reviewed
by MSHA to ensure that highwalls, pits,
and spoil banks are maintained in a safe
condition through implementation of
sound engineering design.

khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES

II. Desired Focus of Comments
MSHA is soliciting comments
concerning the proposed information
collection related to Ground Control for
Surface Coal Mines and Surface Work
Areas of Underground Coal Mines.
MSHA is particularly interested in
comments that:
• Evaluate whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
Agency, including whether the
information has practical utility;
• Evaluate the accuracy of MSHA’s
estimate of the burden related to the
information collection, including the
validity of the methodology and
assumptions used in the estimate;
• Suggest methods to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and
• Minimize the burden of the
information collection on those who are
to respond, including through the use of
appropriate automated, electronic,
mechanical, or other technological
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology, e.g., permitting
electronic submission of responses.

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Background documents related to this
information collection request are
available at https://regulations.gov and
at DOL–MSHA located at 201 12th
Street South, Suite 4E401, Arlington,
VA 22202–5452. Questions about the
information collection requirements
may be directed to the person listed in
section of this notice.
III. Current Actions
This information collection request
concerns provisions for ground control
for surface coal mines and surface work
areas of underground coal mines. MSHA
has updated the data with respect to the
number of respondents, responses,
burden hours, and burden costs
supporting this information collection
request from the previous information
collection request.
Type of Review: Extension, without
change, of a currently approved
Agency: Mine Safety and Health
OMB Number: 1219–0026.
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit.
Number of Respondents: 287.
Frequency: On occasion.
Number of Responses: 287.
Annual Burden Hours: 1,962 hours.
Annual Respondent or Recordkeeper
Cost: $545.
Comments submitted in response to
this notice will be summarized in the
request for Office of Management and
Budget approval of the proposed
information collection request; they will
become a matter of public record and
will be available at https://
Song-ae Aromie Noe,
Certifying Officer.
[FR Doc. 2022–01451 Filed 1–25–22; 8:45 am]

Mine Safety and Health Administration
[OMB Control No. 1219–0030]

Proposed Extension of Information
Collection; Main Fan Operation and
Inspection (I–A, II–A, III, and V–A
Mine Safety and Health
Administration, Labor.
ACTION: Request for public comments.

The Department of Labor, as
part of its continuing effort to reduce
paperwork and respondent burden,
conducts a pre-clearance request for

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Electronic Submissions
Submit electronic comments in the
following way:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal:
https://www.regulations.gov. Follow the
instructions for submitting comments
for MSHA–2021–0040. Comments
submitted electronically, including
attachments, to https://
www.regulations.gov will be posted to
the docket, with no changes. Because
your comment will be made public, you
are responsible for ensuring that your
comment does not include any
confidential information that you or a
third party may not wish to be posted,
such as your or anyone else’s Social
Security number or confidential
business information.
• If your comment includes
confidential information that you do not
wish to be made available to the public,
submit the comment as a written/paper
Written/Paper Submissions



comment to provide the general public
and Federal agencies with an
opportunity to comment on proposed
collections of information in accordance
with the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995. This request helps to ensure that:
Requested data can be provided in the
desired format; reporting burden (time
and financial resources) is minimized;
collection instruments are clearly
understood; and the impact of collection
requirements on respondents can be
properly assessed. Currently, the Mine
Safety and Health Administration
(MSHA) is soliciting comments on the
information collection for Main fan
operation and inspection (I–A, II–A, III,
and V–A mines).
DATES: All comments must be received
on or before March 28, 2022.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comment
as follows. Please note that late,
untimely filed comments will not be

Submit written/paper submissions in
the following way:
• Mail/Hand Delivery: Mail or visit
DOL–MSHA, Office of Standards,
Regulations, and Variances, 201 12th
Street South, Suite 4E401, Arlington,
VA 22202–5452. Before visiting MSHA
in person, call 202–693–9455 to make
an appointment, in keeping with the
Department of Labor’s COVID–19
policy. Special health precautions may
be required.
• MSHA will post your comment as
well as any attachments, except for
information submitted and marked as
confidential, in the docket at https://



Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 17 / Wednesday, January 26, 2022 / Notices
Aromie Noe, Acting Director, Office of
Standards, Regulations, and Variances,
MSHA, at
(email); (202) 693–9440 (voice); or (202)
693–9441 (facsimile).

I. Background
Section 103(h) of the Federal Mine
Safety and Health Act of 1977 (Mine
Act), 30 U.S.C. 813(h), authorizes the
MSHA to collect information necessary
to carry out its duty in protecting the
safety and health of miners. Further,
section 101(a) of the Mine Act, 30 U.S.C.
811(a), authorizes the Secretary of Labor
(Secretary) to develop, promulgate, and
revise as may be appropriate, improved
mandatory health or safety standards for
the protection of life and prevention of
injuries in coal and metal and nonmetal
Potentially gassy (explosive)
conditions underground are largely
controlled by the main fans. When
accumulations of explosive gases, such
as methane, are not swept from the mine
by the main fans, they may reasonably
be expected to contact an ignition
source. The results of such contacts are
usually disastrous, and multiple
fatalities may be reasonably expected to
occur. The standard contains
significantly more stringent
requirements for main fans in ‘‘gassy’’
mines than for main fans in other mines.
Title 30 CFR 57.22204, which only
applies to metal and nonmetal
underground mines that are categorized
as ‘‘gassy,’’ requires main fans to have
pressure-recording systems. This
standard also requires main fans to be
inspected daily while operating if
persons are underground and
certification made of such inspections
by signature and date. Certifications and
pressure recordings must be retained for
one year and made available to
authorized representatives of the

khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES

II. Desired Focus of Comments
MSHA is soliciting comments
concerning the proposed information
collection related to Main fan operation
and inspection (I–A, II–A, III, and V–A
mines). MSHA is particularly interested
in comments that:
• Evaluate whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
Agency, including whether the
information has practical utility;
• Evaluate the accuracy of MSHA’s
estimate of the burden related to the
information collection, including the

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validity of the methodology and
assumptions used in the estimate;
• Suggest methods to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and
• Minimize the burden of the
information collection on those who are
to respond, including through the use of
appropriate automated, electronic,
mechanical, or other technological
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology, e.g., permitting
electronic submission of responses.
Background documents related to this
information collection request are
available at https://regulations.gov and
at DOL–MSHA located at 201 12th
Street South, Suite 4E401, Arlington,
VA 22202–5452. Questions about the
information collection requirements
may be directed to the person listed in
this notice.
III. Current Actions
This information collection request
concerns provisions for main fan
operation and inspection in I–A, II–A,
III, and V–A mines. MSHA has updated
the data with respect to the number of
respondents, responses, burden hours,
and burden costs supporting this
information collection request from the
previous information collection request.
Type of Review: Extension, without
change, of a currently approved
Agency: Mine Safety and Health
OMB Number: 1219–0030.
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit.
Number of Respondents: 6.
Frequency: On occasion.
Number of Responses: 5,940.
Annual Burden Hours: 2,046 hours.
Annual Respondent or Recordkeeper
Cost: $6,000.
Comments submitted in response to
this notice will be summarized in the
request for Office of Management and
Budget approval of the proposed
information collection request; they will
become a matter of public record and
will be available at https://
Song-ae Aromie Noe,
Certifying Officer.
[FR Doc. 2022–01450 Filed 1–25–22; 8:45 am]

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Occupational Safety and Health
[Docket No. OSHA–2016–0022]

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories
Corp.: Grant of Expansion of
Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA), Labor.
ACTION: Notice.

In this notice, OSHA
announces the final decision to expand
the scope of recognition for Bay Area
Compliance Laboratories Corp. as a
Nationally Recognized Testing
Laboratory (NRTL).
DATES: The expansion of the scope of
recognition becomes effective on
January 26, 2022.
Information regarding this notice is
available from the following sources:
Press inquiries: Contact Mr. Frank
Meilinger, Director, OSHA Office of
Communications, U.S. Department of
Labor; telephone: (202) 693–1999;
email: meilinger.francis2@dol.gov.
General and technical information:
Contact Mr. Kevin Robinson, Director,
Office of Technical Programs and
Coordination Activities, Directorate of
Technical Support and Emergency
Management, Occupational Safety and
Health Administration, U.S. Department
of Labor; telephone: (202) 693–2110;
email: robinson.kevin@dol.gov. OSHA’s
website includes information about the
NRTL Program (see http://


I. Notice of Final Decision
OSHA hereby gives notice of the
expansion of the scope of recognition of
Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.
(BACL) as a NRTL. BACL’s expansion
covers the addition of seven recognized
testing standards to the NRTL scope of
OSHA recognition of a NRTL signifies
that the organization meets the
requirements specified in 29 CFR
1910.7. Recognition is an
acknowledgment that the organization
can perform independent safety testing
and certification of the specific products
covered within the scope of recognition,
and is not a delegation or grant of
government authority. As a result of
recognition, employers may use
products properly approved by the
NRTL to meet OSHA standards that
require testing and certification.



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File Created2022-01-26

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