Part 26- Decommissioning Proposed Rule Burden Tables

Copy of Part 26 Burden Tables for the Regulatory Improvements for Production and Utilization Facilities Transitioning to Decommissioning Proposed Rule_February 23 2022.xlsx

10 CFR 26, Fitness for Duty Programs

Part 26- Decommissioning Proposed Rule Burden Tables

OMB: 3150-0146

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One-Time Recordkeeping
Annual Recordkeeping
Annual Reporting
Annual Third-Party Disclosure

Sheet 1: Input

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Decomissioning Proposed Rule

Paperwork Reduction Act - Information Collection Request

Part 26


Name Value Source Notes
Wage rate $288.00

Sheet 2: One-Time Recordkeeping

Table 1 One-Time Recordkeeping
Section Number of Recordkeepers Burden Hours per Recordkeeper Total Burden Hours Total Cost at $288.00/hour Notes
26.27(a): Develop FFD policy statement 0 -112.0 0 $0.00 The basis of all burden hour estimates in spreadsheet is the Part 26 SS (2017).

The proposed rule results in a reduction in the number of respondents for each IC identified in this spreadsheet.

Because there are no anticipated recordkeepers/respondents during the 3-year period covered by this Supporting Statement, there is no anticipated impact on the burden estimates in the existing Clearance.
26.27(a): Develop FFD procedures 0 -212.0 0 $0.00
26.29(a) and (b): Develop FFD training course and exam 0 -100.0 0 $0.00
26.31(b)(1)(v): Develop behavioral observation program (BOP) procedures Burden accounted for under Section 26.27(a)
26.31(d)(1)(i)(C): Develop rigorous testing procedures to ensure that the MRO can evaluate the use of substances not included in the NRC-required testing panel (if additional substance testing is performed)
26.31(d)(1)(i)(D) and (d)(1)(ii): Documentation of forensic toxicologist review and certification of additional drug(s) to be included in the licensee or other entity’s drug testing panel 0 -5.3 0 $0.00
26.31(d)(3)(iii)(A) and (d)(3)(iii)(C): Documentation of forensic toxicologist review and certification of lower drug testing cutoff levels than specified in Part 26, and inclusion of cutoff levels used in the FFD policy and procedures 0 -5.3 0 $0.00
26.37(a): Develop a system of files and procedures to protect personal information collected under Part 26 0 -24.0 0 $0.00
26.39(a) and (b): Develop procedures for the review of a determination that an individual has violated the FFD policy 0 -120.0 0 $0.00
26.85(a): Develop urine collector qualification training 0 -13.3 0 $0.00
26.85(b): Develop alcohol collector qualification training 0 -5.3 0 $0.00
26.127(a) – (e): Develop LTF procedures for specimen handling and chain-of-custody, assays performed, instrument and test setup, and remedial actions for systems and testing device 0 -80.0 0 $0.00
26.137(a): Develop LTF procedures for quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) program 0 -13.3 0 $0.00
26.153(e): Record of pre-award inspection of new HHS lab (completed prior to awarding contract for testing services) 0 -13.3 0 $0.00
26.153(f): Record that Part 26 specified requirements included in a licensee’s or other entity’s contract with a new HHS lab 0 -13.3 0 $0.00
26.155(a)(1), (a)(3) – (a)(5), (b), (c), (e), and (f): Confirm HHS lab personnel qualifications and procedures pursuant to HHS laboratory certification also meet Part 26 requirements (new HHS lab) Burden accounted for under Section 26.153(e)
26.157(a) – (e): Confirm HHS lab procedures in place for accession, receipt, shipment, and testing of specimens pursuant to HHS laboratory certification also meet Part 26 requirements (new HHS lab)
26.159(a), (c), (e), (f): Confirm HHS lab procedures for specimen security, chain of custody, and preservation in place pursuant to HHS laboratory certification requirements also meet Part 26 requirements (new HHS lab)
26.203(a): Prepare fatigue management policy (in addition to 26.27 burden) 0 -7.3 0 $0.00
26.203(b): Prepare fatigue management procedures (in addition to 26.27 burden) 0 -1.7 0 $0.00
26.203(c): Prepare training on fatigue management 0 -2.0 0 $0.00
26.205(b): Develop work hour tracking system 0 -7.7 0 $0.00
26.205(c): Develop individual work scheduling system 0 -2.0 0 $0.00
26.713(g): Documentation on testing for additional drugs as permitted under section 26.31(d)(1), use of more stringent testing cutoff levels as permitted under section 26.31(d)(3), or both. Burden accounted for under Section 26.31(d)(1)(i)(D) and (d)(1)(ii), and Section 26.31(d)(3)(iii)(A) and (d)(3)(iii)(c)
Table 1 Total

0 $0.00

* Information collections that will not result in a burden in the relevant three-year window were included in the table to indicate the potential for a burden associated with a new or modified information collection in the future.

Sheet 3: Annual Recordkeeping

Table 2 Annual Recordkeeping
Section Number of Recordkeepers Burden Hours per Recordkeeper Total Burden Hours Total Cost at $288.00/hour
26.4(j): For personnel granted authorization by a licensee, who are covered by the D&A testing program regulated by a State or Federal agency – (1) record of training that demonstrates section 26.29(a) training requirements met (if not already covered by the program); (2) record of notice of any FFD policy violation 0 -2.0 0 $0.00
26.27(b): Make FFD policy statement readily available to subject personnel 0 -16.0 0 $0.00
26.27(c): Updates to FFD policy and procedures 0 -80.0

26.27(d): Provide FFD policy and procedures to NRC for review (performed during periodic inspections) 0 -4 0 $0.00
26.29(b): Record of training completion (initial training on FFD policy) and results of comprehensive examination 0 -104.1 0 $0.00
26.29(c)(2): Record of training completion (annual refresher training on FFD policy) 0 -133.2 0 $0.00
26.29(d): Record acceptance of FFD training from other licensees’ programs 0 -4.0 0 $0.00
26.31(b)(1)(i): Records of background investigations, credit and criminal history checks, and psychological assessments performed on individuals designated as FFD personnel 0 -16.0 0 $0.00
26.31(b)(1)(v): Record results of behavioral observation for FFD program personnel Burden accounted for under Section 26.189(c)
26.31(d)(3)(ii): Document LTF technician qualifications to perform validity and drug tests Burden accounted for under Section 26.125(b) and (c)
26.33: Behavioral observation records Burden accounted for under Section 26.189(c)
26.35(c): Record of written waiver of right to privacy from individuals given to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) 0 -2.0 0 $0.00
26.35(c): Record of EAP disclosure to a licensee or other entity that an individual poses an immediate hazard, or who has waived in writing the right to privacy 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.37(b)(1): Record of signed consent from individual to disclose information collected under Part 26 to the individual’s representative on an FFD matter 0 -2.5 0 $0.00
26.37(c): Record of signed release from subject individual to disclose personal information collected under Part 26 to other licensees or other entities 0 -40.0 0 $0.00
26.37(d): FFD management provides records to individual on an FFD violation 0 -40.0 0 $0.00
26.39(a): Maintain procedures for the review of FFD violation determinations Burden accounted for under Section 26.27(c)
26.39(b): D&A testing program provides notice to an individual of the grounds of an FFD policy violation determination and review procedures 0 -87.3 0 $0.00
26.39(d): If a review of an FFD violation finds in favor of the individual, the licensee or other entity updates records (delete or correct all inaccurate information) 0 -16.0 0 $0.00
26.39(e): C/V with a D&A testing program provides review procedures to each individual that has violated the FFD policy 0 -0.5 0 $0.00
26.41(a), (b), and (c): Record of audits Burden accounted for under Section 26.41(f) and (g)
26.41(d): Record of review of C/V audit results 0 -40.0 0 $0.00
26.41(f): Document and report audit results 0 -40.0 0 $0.00
26.41(g): Sharing of audit reports – D&A testing programs may jointly conduct audits or accept audits of C/Vs and HHS labs conducted by other D&A testing programs (if the audit addresses the same services utilized by each D&A testing program) 0 -40.0 0 $0.00
26.53(e)(2): Record that C/V informed licensee of the denial or termination of an individual’s authorization 0 -13.0 0 $0.00
26.53(g): Record that C/Vs and other licensees informed of Part 26 violations 0 -8.0 0 $0.00
26.53(h): Obtain and retain written consent from each individual before initiating any actions under Subpart C of Part 26 0 -156.2 0 $0.00
26.53(i): Individual applying for authorization is informed in writing of the reason(s) for the denial or termination of authorization 0 -21.8 0 $0.00
26.55(a)(1) – (a)(2): Initial authorization
26.57(a)(1) – (a)(2): Authorization update
26.59(a)(1) – (a)(2): Authorization reinstatement
For each individual applying for authorization, a record of a completed self-disclosure, employment history, and suitable inquiry is maintained
Burden accounted for under Sections 26.61
26.59(c)(1): Obtain, review, and retain an applicant’s self-disclosure Burden accounted for under Section 26.61(a), (a)(1), and (a)(2)
26.61(a), (a)(1), and (a)(2): Obtain, review, and retain an applicant’s written self-disclosure and employment history 0 -1,561.9 0 $0.00
26.61(b) and (c): Specify the information to be collected in the self-disclosure and employment history Burden accounted for under Section 26.61(a), (a)(1), and (a)(2)
26.63(a), (c), and (e): Obtain, review, and retain an applicant’s suitable inquiry 0 -1,516.9 0 $0.00
26.63(c)(2): Obtain, review, and retain information on an applicant’s U.S. military service (i.e., form DD 214) 0 -4.0 0 $0.00
26.63(c)(3): Document inability to obtain information from an applicant’s past employer(s) 0 -3.0 0 $0.00
26.63(d) and (e): Maintain documentation of denial or unfavorable termination of authorization from other FFD programs 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.63(f): Specifies the time periods that a suitable inquiry must cover (for initial authorization, authorization update, and authorization reinstatement) Burden accounted for under Section 26.63(a), (c), and (e)
26.65(d) and (e): Record of reinstatement or administrative withdrawal of authorization 0 -4.0 0 $0.00
26.65(f): Authorization reinstatement after an interruption – record of administrative withdrawal of authorization under section 26.65(d)(1)(ii) or (e)(2)(iii)(B) 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.67 Record of random D&A testing of persons who have applied for authorization and who have received a pre-access test, but who have yet to be granted authorization Burden accounted for under Section 26.183(d)(2)(i)
26.69(b) and (c)(1): Authorization following a 1st or 2nd positive drug or alcohol test result, or if other PDI is identified – obtain, review, and retain an applicant’s self-disclosure and employment history Burden accounted for under Section 26.61(a)
26.69(c)(2): Record that the licensee or other entity identified and resolved PDI (not reviewed and favorably resolved by a previous licensee or other entity) 0 -62.5 0 $0.00
26.69(c)(3): Record that the licensee or other entity verified that an applicant with a prior FFD testing violation (i.e., a 5-year denial for a 2nd positive result) has abstained from substance abuse for at least 5 years Burden accounted for under Section 26.69(c)(4)
26.69(c)(4): Record that an SAE conducted a determination of fitness and concluded that an applicant with PDI is fit to safely and competently perform duties (i.e., evaluated clinically appropriate treatment and follow-up testing plans were developed by an SAE – for an applicant with a prior 1st positive result; ensured treatment recommendations and follow-up testing from an SAE’s determination of fitness are initiated – for an applicant with a prior 2nd positive result; or verified the applicant is in compliance with and successfully completed any follow-up testing and treatment plans) 0 -40.0 0 $0.00
26.69(c)(5): Record of negative results for pre-access D&A testing (needed prior to granting authorization) 0 -52.1 0 $0.00
26.69(d): Record of reviewing official’s determination on an applicant’s request for access authorization 0 -24.0 0 $0.00
26.69(e): Record that follow-up testing and treatment plan for an applicant from the D&A testing program of another licensee or other entity has been verified (that is treatment and follow-up testing successfully completed) 0 -8.0 0 $0.00
26.69(e)(1): Record that information transmitted on testing and treatment plans to other FFD programs (at donor request) 0 -8.0 0 $0.00
26.75(a) – (e), and (g): Records of sanctions for FFD violations Burden accounted for under Section 26.39(b)
26.75(h): Record that an individual’s authorization was administratively withdrawn due to impairment confirmed under section 26.189, or because the individual posed a safety hazard 0 -15.6 0 $0.00
26.75(i): Record of temporary administrative withdrawal of an individual’s authorization due to an initial positive test result for marijuana and/or cocaine at an LTF 0 -80.0 0 $0.00
26.75(i)(3): Eliminate from an individual’s record any references to a temporary administrative withdrawal of authorization due to an initial positive marijuana and/or cocaine test result at an LTF that did not confirm positive after testing at an HHS lab 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.85(a) and (b): Training of urine and alcohol collectors and maintain training records in personnel files 0 -80.0 0 $0.00
26.87(d)(3): If a collection site cannot be dedicated solely to collecting specimens, secure the portion of the facility when a specimen collection is in process and post a sign indicating access permitted only to authorized personnel 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.87(f)(1) and (f)(3) – (f)(5): Post a sign outside the collection area (if a public restroom used) and document on the custody-and-control form (CCF) the name of a same gender observer (in the exceptional event that a designated collection site is inaccessible, the collector is not the same gender as the donor, and a urine specimen must be immediately collected) 0 -0.5 0 $0.00
26.89(a): Collector notifies FFD management that a donor failed to report to the collection site 0 -0.3 0 $0.00
26.89(b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(4): Record that ID and consent-to-testing form obtained 0 -1.5 0 $0.00
26.89(b)(3): Record that FFD management informed that an individual did not present identification (pre-access testing) 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.89(c): Collector documents on CCF a donor’s refusal to cooperate with the collection process Burden accounted for under Section 26.107(b)
26.91(c)(1) – (c)(3): Record of evidential breath testing (EBT) device test results Burden accounted for under Section 26.715(b)(2)
26.91(e)(4): Record that results cancelled after EBT calibration check failure 0 -6.0 0 $0.00
26.91(e)(5): EBT maintenance records 0 -6.0 0 $0.00
26.93(a)(6): Document that alcohol pre-test questions communicated to the donor 0 -47.1 0 $0.00
26.95(b)(5): Record donor identity for initial alcohol breath test 0 -47.1 0 $0.00
26.97(b)(2): Record reason for new oral fluid alcohol test 0 -0.3 0 $0.00
26.97(c)(1): Document reason for failure of second oral fluid collection attempt 0 -0.3 0 $0.00
26.97(d): Record results and alcohol oral fluid screening device used 0 -0.3 0 $0.00
26.99(b): Record time of initial alcohol test of 0.02 percent or higher blood alcohol concentration (BAC) Burden accounted for under Section 26.715(b)(2)
26.101(b)(7): Record time and BAC result of confirmatory alcohol test
26.103(b): Record that FFD management notified of a confirmatory alcohol test result of 0.01 to 0.02 percent BAC 0 -0.3 0 $0.00
26.107(b): Collector documents on CCF any donor conduct during collection process indicating an attempt to tamper with a specimen, and notifies FFD management 0 -0.3 0 $0.00
26.109(b)(3): Collector documents on CCF that donor was unable to provide a specimen in the 3-hour time allotted (i.e., a shy bladder), and notifies FFD management 0 -0.3 0 $0.00
26.109(b)(4): Collector documents on CCF if a specimen (less than 30 mL) appears to be tampered with and/or donor behavior during collection indicated a possible subversion attempt, and notifies FFD management Burden accounted for under Section 26.107(b)
26.111(b): Collector documents on CCF if specimen characteristics (color, clarity) indicate possible tampering by the donor
26.111(c): Collector documents on CCF unusual specimen temperature and/or observations during the collection indicating possible tampering, and notifies FFD management.
26.113(b)(3): Collector completes CCF for split-specimen collection Burden accounted for under Section 26.117(c)-(e)
26.115(b): Collector documents on CCF approval from FFD manager or MRO to collect a specimen under direct observation 0 -0.5 0 $0.00
26.115(d): Collector documents on CCF that observed collection performed and reason for the observed collection Burden accounted for under Section 26.115(b)
26.115(f)(3): Collector documents on CCF the name of observer of directly observed collection
26.117(c) – (e): Collector prepares ID labels and CCF for specimen shipment 0 -188.2 0 $0.00
26.119(a), (e), and (f): Written evaluation from the physician who performed a medical evaluation of a donor with a shy bladder (i.e., unable to provide a specimen of adequate volume in the allotted 3-hours) 0 -2.0 0 $0.00
26.119(b): Record that MRO provided information and instructions to the physician who is to perform the examination of a donor with a shy bladder 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.125(b) and (c): Records on the proficiency and qualifications of LTF personnel 0 -16.0 0 $0.00
26.127(a) – (e): Maintaining LTF written procedures on the handling of specimens, chain-of-custody procedures, testing assays, instrument and device setup, and remedial actions for systems and testing devices. 0 -40.0 0 $0.00
26.129(a): Maintain documentation of access to secure areas of an LTF by all authorized individuals (i.e., an access log) 0 -4.0 0 $0.00
26.129(b): LTF inspects specimen packages, CCFs, and obtains memorandum from specimen collectors to correct identified discrepancies 0 -0.5 0 $0.00
26.129(b)(1): LTF record of report to senior licensee or other entity management of attempts to tamper with specimens in transit 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.129(d): LTF procedures for tracking specimen CCFs 0 -80.0 0 $0.00
26.135(b): LTF record of direction from MRO to send the Bottle B of a split specimen to a second HHS lab for testing 0 -0.5 0 $0.00
26.137(a): Record of QA/QC program and procedures for LTF 0 -4.0 0 $0.00
26.137(b)(1)(ii): LTF documentation of performance testing of a device not approved by SAMHSA for point-of-collection testing 0 -40.0 0 $0.00
26.137(b)(1)(iii): LTF documentation of annual test results for a device not approved by SAMHSA for point-of-collection testing 0 -20.0 0 $0.00
26.137(b)(3): LTF records that 1 in 10 specimens that test negative on validity screening testing are sent to an HHS lab for testing as part of the LTF’s QA program 0 -40.0 0 $0.00
26.137(d)(6): LTF records that 1 in 10 specimens that test negative on initial validity testing are sent to an HHS lab for testing as part of the LTF’s QA program 0 -40.0 0 $0.00
26.137(e)(7): LTF documented procedures to protect against carryover material Burden accounted for under Section 26.127(a)-(e)
26.137(f)(5): LTF records on testing errors 0 -8.0 0 $0.00
26.137(h): LTF labeling of standards and controls 0 -40.0 0 $0.00
26.139(d): Record that the LTF prepared a summary of test results for inclusion in the FFD annual program performance report submitted under section 26.717 0 -40.0 0 $0.00
26.153(g): Record of memorandum sent to the HHS lab explaining the use of non-Federal CCF 0 -0.5 0 $0.00
26.159(b)(1): Record that the licensee or other entity received notice from the HHS lab within 24 hours of the lab identifying evidence of tampering of a specimen 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.159(i): Record of written authorization to store specimens other than 1 year 0 -0.5 0 $0.00
26.163(a)(2): Record that special analyses testing conducted on a dilute specimen and report of the test results Burden accounted for under Section 26.169(c)(1)
26.165(b)(1): Record of a donor request for the retesting of an aliquot of a single specimen or the testing of the Bottle B split specimen at a second HHS lab Burden accounted for under Section 26.165(b)(6)
26.165(b)(2): Record that MRO informed the donor of the opportunity to request the retesting of an aliquot of a single specimen or the testing of the Bottle B split specimen at a second HHS lab Burden accounted for under Section 26.185(c)
26.165(b)(3): Donor's written permission provided to the MRO for the retesting of an aliquot of a single specimen or testing of the Bottle B split specimen at a second HHS lab Burden accounted for under Section 26.165(b)(6)
26.165(b)(4): Record that the donor presented documentation to the MRO on the inability to submit a timely request to initiate specimen retesting at a second HHS lab Burden accounted for under Section 26.185(c)
26.165(b)(6): MRO reviews HHS lab results on the retesting of an aliquot of a single specimen or testing of the Bottle B split specimen, informs the donor of the results, and notifies FFD management 0 -1.2 0 $0.00
26.165(c)(4): Results report received from the second HHS lab that performed retesting an aliquot of a single specimen or the testing of the Bottle B split specimen Burden accounted for under Section 26.165(b)(6)
26.165(f)(1): Adjustments to personnel files and written notifications regarding the results of retesting an aliquot of a single specimen or testing of the Bottle B split specimen, including temporary administrative actions 0 -6.0 0 $0.00
26.165(f)(1)(iv) and (f)(2): Written record and notice that records purged of references to temporary administrative action 0 -8.0 0 $0.00
26.167(f)(3): Record received from the Responsible Person of an HHS lab on a false positive BPTS testing error (determined to be technical or methodological), demonstrating that retesting of all positive, adulterated, substituted, and invalid specimens from the time of final resolution of the error back to the time of the last satisfactory performance test cycle has been completed 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.168(a): Maintain documentation of HHS lab certification of BPTS formulation 0 -2.6 0 $0.00
26.168(i)(2): Licensee or other entity completes CCF for a BPTS, places fictional initials on specimen labels, and indicates on the MRO copy of the CCF that the specimen is a BPTS 0 -34.4 0 $0.00
26.169(a): Records of reports of test results by HHS lab Burden accounted for under Section 26.183(c)(1)
26.169(c)(1): Records of HHS lab reports of positive, adulterated, substituted, dilute, and invalid test results received by the MRO
26.169(c)(2): Records of HHS lab reports of the numerical values of all positive drug test results (i.e., quantitative test results requested by MRO)
26.169(c)(2): Records of HHS lab reports of quantitative test results for opiates to MRO
26.169(c)(3): Records of HHS lab reports of quantitative test results for adulterated or substituted test results
26.169(c)(4): MRO discusses with HHS lab whether additional testing at a second HHS lab on a specimen with an invalid result is warranted, and documents the determination Burden accounted for under Section 26.185(f)(1)
26.169(c)(5): Records of HHS lab reports of concentrations exceeding linear range Burden accounted for under Section 26.183(c)(1)
26.169(f): Records of HHS lab transmittals of CCF copies for negative test results to the MRO 0 -47.1 0 $0.00
26.169(g): HHS lab copy of the original CCF for each positive, adulterated, substituted, dilute, and invalid test results to the MRO Burden accounted for under Section 26.169(c)(1)
26.169(h): Record of HHS lab statistical summary report of urinalysis testing results (for the calendar year) 0 -2.0 0 $0.00
26.183(a): Documentation of MRO qualifications 0 -4.0 0 $0.00
26.183(c)(1): MRO review of HHS lab test result record for a positive, adulterated, substituted, invalid, or at the licensee’s or other entity’s discretion, dilute specimen 0 -2.0 0 $0.00
26.183(d)(1)(ii)(D): Record of MRO report of confirmed drug positive, adulterated, substituted, or refusal to test result to the licensee’s designated reviewing official 0 -2.0 0 $0.00
26.183(d)(2)(i): Record of MRO staff review and report of negative test results to FFD management 0 -282.4 0 $0.00
26.183(d)(2)(ii): Record of MRO staff review of CCFs for positive, adulterated, substituted and invalid results and forwards changes to MRO for review 0 -2.4 0 $0.00
26.185(a) Record of MRO review of a drug positive, adulterated, substituted, dilute, or invalid HHS lab test result Burden accounted for under Section 26.183(c)(1)
26.185(c): Record of MRO discussion of positive, adulterated, substituted, dilute, or invalid test result with donor 0 -11.9 0 $0.00
26.185(d)(1): Documentation that donor declined to discuss test results with MRO Burden accounted for under Section 26.185(c)
26.185(e): Documentation reviewed by the MRO on a donor’s inability to discuss test results and a request to reopen proceeding 0 -0.5 0 $0.00
26.185(f)(1): Record of MRO consultation with HHS lab to determine whether additional testing at another HHS lab is needed for a specimen with an invalid result 0 -0.5 0 $0.00
26.185(f)(2): Record of MRO contact with donor about an invalid test result, and medical information received Burden accounted for under Section 26.185(c)
26.185(h)(1): Record of MRO contact with donor about a substituted test result, and medical information received
26.185(h)(2): Record of MRO confirmation of a substituted test result (no legitimate medical explanation) Burden accounted for under Section 26.183(d)(1)(ii)(D)
26.185(h)(3): MRO record of determination of a legitimate medical explanation for a substituted test result Burden accounted for under Section 26.183(d)(2)(i)
26.185(i)(1): Record of MRO contact with donor about an adulterated test result, and medical information received Burden accounted for under Section 26.185(c)
26.185(i)(2): Record of MRO confirmation of an adulterated test result (no legitimate medical explanation) Burden accounted for under Section 26.183(d)(1)(ii)(D)
26.185(i)(3): MRO record of determination of a legitimate medical explanation for an adulterated test result Burden accounted for under Section 26.183(d)(2)(i)
26.185(j): Prescription medication drug positives (applies to amphetamine, morphine, and codeine results) – records of MRO review of HHS lab result, discussion of positive result with donor, and review of medication information from the donor 0 -2.3 0 $0.00
26.185(k): Record of MRO report to licensee that no FFD policy violation has occurred (i.e., legitimate prescription medication used in a manner and at the dosage prescribed). If the individual poses a potential risk to public health and safety because of impairment while on duty – the MRO will ensure that a determination of fitness is performed) Burden accounted for under sections 26.183(d)(2)(i) and 26.185(c)
26.185(m): Record of MRO review of inspection and audit reports, QC data, multiple specimens, and other data to determine if positive, adulterated, substituted, or invalid result is scientifically insufficient for determination of FFD policy violation 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.185(n): Record of MRO review of a positive, adulterated or substituted test result from a second HHS lab (results of retesting a single specimen or testing of a Bottle B split specimen), and MRO communication of the test result to the donor, and report results to FFD management 0 -0.6 0 $0.00
26.185(o): Record of MRO request and HHS lab report of quantitation test results for testing performed on a specimen from a donor applying for reauthorization following a 1st positive drug test result 0 -0.5 0 $0.00
26.185(p): MRO written notice to licensee or other entity of a positive, adulterated, substituted, or invalid test result Burden accounted for under Section 26.185(c)
26.187(d): SAE training requirements 0 -20.0 0 $0.00
26.187(f): Documentation of SAE credentials and training 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.189(b): Determination of fitness record 0 -80.0 0 $0.00
26.189(c): Record of for cause determination of fitness 0 -15.6 0 $0.00
26.189(d): Record of modification of an initial determination of fitness 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.203(a): Prepare fatigue management policy (in addition to 26.27 burden) 0 -7.3 0 $0.00
26.203(b): Prepare fatigue management procedures (in addition to 26.27 burden) 0 -1.7 0 $0.00
26.203(c): Prepare training on fatigue management. 0 -2.0 0 $0.00
26.203(d)(1) and (d)(2): Records of work hours, shift schedules, and shift cycles Burden accounted for under Section 26.205(c), (d)(1), and (e)(4)
26.203(d)(3): Documentation of waivers Burden accounted for under Section 26.207(a)(4)
26.203(d)(4): Documentation of work hour reviews Burden accounted for under Section 26.205(d)(2), (e)(3) and (e)(4)
26.203(d)(5): Documentation of fatigue assessment Burden accounted for under Section 26.211(f)
26.205(b): Record of calculation of work hours 0 -160.0 0 $0.00
26.205(c): Schedule work hours 0 -2,080.0 0 $0.00
26.205(d)(1): Record of implementation of work hour controls 0 -50.0 0 $0.00
26.205(d)(2): Record of adequate rest breaks 0 -50.0 0 $0.00
26.205(e)(1) and (2): Record of review of control of work hours twice per calendar year 0 -40.0 0 $0.00
26.205(e)(3): Document methods for reviews 0 -20.0 0 $0.00
26.205(e)(4): Record and trend problems in regarding work hours 0 -20.0 0 $0.00
26.207(a)(4): Document basis for waiver 0 -6.0 0 $0.00
26.211(f): Document results of fatigue assessments 0 -50.0 0 $0.00
26.713(a)(1): Records of self-disclosures, employment histories, and suitable inquiries (under sections 26.55, 26.57, 26.59, and 26.69) that result in the granting of authorization Burden accounted for under Section 26.61(a), and Section 26.63(a), (c), and (e)
26.713(a)(2): Records pertaining to the determination of a violation of FFD policy and related management actions Burden accounted for under Section 26.39(b)
26.713(a)(3): Documentation of the granting and termination of authorization 0 -80.0 0 $0.00
26.713(a)(4): Records of determinations of fitness performed under section 26.189 (including recommendations for treatment and follow-up testing plans) 0 -80.0 0 $0.00
26.713(b)(1): Records of FFD training and examinations conducted under section 26.29 Burden accounted for under Section 26.29(a) and (b)
26.713(b)(2): Records of audits, audit findings, and corrective actions taken under section 26.41 Burden accounted for under Sections 26.41(a) – (d), (f) and (g)
26.713(c): Records on 5-year and permanent denials of authorization Burden accounted for under Section 26.39(b)
26.713(d): Records of superseded versions of FFD policies and procedures 0 -8.0 0 $0.00
26.713(e): Records of written agreements for services under Part 26 0 -16.0 0 $0.00
26.713(f): Records of background investigations, credit and criminal history checks, and psychological assessments of FFD program personnel conducted under section 26.31(b)(1)(i) Burden accounted for under Section 26.31(b)(1)(i)
26.715(a): Documentation of all aspects of testing process at LTFs and collection sites (not otherwise specified in section 26.715(b)) 0 -40.0 0 $0.00
26.715(b)(1): Retain personnel files on staff at collection sites and LTFs 0 -20.0 0 $0.00
26.715(b)(2): Retain collection site and LTF lab chain-of-custody documents 0 -240.0 0 $0.00
26.715(b)(3): Retain LTF QA/QC records 0 -120.0 0 $0.00
26.715(b)(4): Retain superseded procedures (LTFs and collection sites) 0 -40.0 0 $0.00
26.715(b)(5): Retain all test data from LTF (including calibration curves and any calculations used in determining test results) 0 -240.0 0 $0.00
26.715(b)(6): LTF test reports 0 -240.0 0 $0.00
26.715(b)(7): LTF performance testing records 0 -80.0 0 $0.00
26.715(b)(8): Records from LTF and HHS lab on the investigation of testing errors or unsatisfactory performance, and any corrective actions taken 0 -40.0 0 $0.00
26.715(b)(10): Records of preventative maintenance on LTF instruments 0 -40.0 0 $0.00
26.715(b)(11): Retain records that summarize any test results the MRO determined to be scientifically insufficient for further action 0 -3.0 0 $0.00
26.715(b)(12): LTF retains computer-generated data 0 -120.0 0 $0.00
26.715(b)(13): Retain records (e.g., an access log) of authorized visitors, maintenance personnel, and service personnel who accessed secure areas at the LTF Burden accounted for under Section 26.129(a)
26.715(b)(14): Retain records of the inspection, maintenance and calibration of EBTs (collection sites) 0 -20.0 0 $0.00
26.717(a) and (b): Collect FFD performance data for D&A testing program 0 -100.0 0 $0.00
26.717(a) and (b): Collect FFD performance data for fatigue management program 0 -100.0 0 $0.00
26.717(c): Analyze D&A testing program FFD data annually 0 -40.0 0 $0.00
26.717(c): Analyze fatigue management program data annually 0 -40.0 0 $0.00
26.717(d): D&A test results leading to termination 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.717(g): Collect and report D&A testing program data to the NRC (for C/V with a testing program) Burden already accounted for under Section 26.717(a) and (b)
26.719(b): Maintain documentation developed to make a 24-hour event report to the NRC 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.719 (c): Prepare 30-day event report documentation 0 -40.0 0 $0.00
26.719(d): Document non-reportable indicators of FFD program weaknesses 0 -20.0 0 $0.00
26.821(a): Provide NRC with access to records (to inspect, copy, or take away records) 0 -4.0 0 $0.00
26.821(b): Written agreement between C/Vs and licensees to permit authorized NRC representatives to inspect, copy, or take away copies of C/Vs documents, records, and reports 0 -4.0 0 $0.00
Table 2 Total

0 $0.00

* Information collections that will not result in a burden in the relevant three-year window were included in the table to indicate the potential for a burden associated with a new or modified information collection in the future.

Sheet 4: Annual Reporting

Table 3 Annual Reporting
Section Number of Respondents Responses per Respondent Total Responses Burden Hours per Response Total Burden Hours Total Cost at $288.00/hour
26.9: Application to NRC for exemption 0 1 0 0.0 0 $0.00
26.77(c): Report impaired NRC employee 0 0 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.137(b)(3): Report false negative LTF validity screening result No LTF conducts validity screening testing (if any did, burden would be accounted for under Section 26.719(c)(3)
26.203(e)(1): Prepare information on waivers of work hour controls for inclusion in fatigue program performance report to NRC required by section 26.717 0 1 0 -50.0 0 $0.00
26.203(e)(2): Prepare summary of fatigue corrective actions for inclusion in fatigue program performance report to NRC required by section 26.717 0 1 0 -6.0 0 $0.00
26.717: Annual FFD program performance report for fatigue management programs 0 1 0 -8.0 0 $0.00
26.717: Annual FFD program performance report for D&A testing programs 0 1 0 -60.0 0 $0.00
26.719(a): Report a significant FFD program violation, programmatic failure, or D&A testing error Burden accounted for under sections 26.719(b), and (c)(1) – (c)(3)
26.719(b): Report to the NRC by telephone within 24 hours of identifying a significant D&A testing program violation 0 1 0 -4.0 0 $0.00
26.719(c)(1): Submit a report to the NRC within 30 days of completing an investigation into an LTF or HHS lab testing error 0 1 0 -24 0 $0.00
26.719(c)(2): Notify the NRC by telephone within 24 hours of receiving notice of a false positive on a BPTS test result 0 1 0 -4.0 0 $0.00
26.719(c)(3): Notify the NRC by telephone within 24 hours of receiving a false negative test result on a QA check of a validity screening test from an LTF 0 1 0 -4.0 0 $0.00
Table 3 Total

0 $0.00

* Information collections that will not result in a burden in the relevant three-year window were included in the table to indicate the potential for a burden associated with a new or modified information collection in the future.

Sheet 5: Annual Third-Party Disclosure

Table 4 Annual Third-Party Disclosure
Section Number of Responses Burden Hours per Response Total Burden Hours Total Cost at $288.00/hour
26.4(j): For personnel granted authorization by a licensee, who are covered by a D&A testing program regulated by a State or Federal agency – (1) provision of training record to the licensee to demonstrate section 26.29(a) training requirements met (if not already covered in the existing program); (2) notification of any FFD policy violations by those granted authorization by the licensee or other entity 0 -2.0 0 $0.00
26.29(b): Complete initial training on FFD policy and take comprehensive examination 0 -2.0 0 $0.00
26.29(c)(2): Complete annual refresher training on FFD policy 0 -1.5 0 $0.00
26.31(b)(1)(i): Individual applying for access to serve as FFD program personnel provides background check information for the background investigation, credit and criminal history checks, and psychological assessment) 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.35(a): Employee assistance program (EAP) records 0 -32.0 0 $0.00
26.35(c): Individual completes and provides the EAP with a written waiver of right to privacy to share information with FFD management 0 -0.3 0 $0.00
26.35(c): Record of EAP disclosure to FFD management about an individual that poses an immediate hazard 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.37(b): Individual provides signed consent for release of information 0 -0.3 0 $0.00
26.37(b)(1): Individual provides signed designation of personal representative for an FFD matter 0 -0.3 0 $0.00
26.37(d): Request by donor or donor’s presentative to the licensee or other entity to provide personal records collected under Part 26 0 -0.3 0 $0.00
26.53(h): Applicant provides written consent before any actions are initiated under Subpart C of Part 26 0 -0.3 0 $0.00
26.55(a)(1) – (a)(2): Initial authorization
26.57(a)(1) – (a)(2): Authorization update
26.59(a)(1) – (a)(2): Authorization reinstatement

Each individual applying for authorization must complete a self-disclosure, employment history, and suitable inquiry
Burden accounted for under sections 26.61(a), and 26.63(a), (c) and (e)
26.59(c)(1): Applicant prepares self-disclosure (for authorization reinstatement period of interruption of no more than 30 days) Burden accounted for under Section 26.61(a)
26.61(a): Applicant prepares self-disclosure and employment history 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.63(a), (c), and (e): Former employer(s) provide information to the licensee or other entity to verify an applicant’s suitable inquiry information on previous authorization(s) 0 -0.8 0 $0.00
26.63(c)(2): U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) provides licensee or other entity with form DD 214 which details an applicant’s military service record Burden of supplying DD 214 affects DOD, or is accounted for under section 26.61(a) (if supplied by the applicant)
26.63(c)(3): Former employer refuses to provide information to the licensee or other entity about an applicant’s prior employment history 0 -0.1 0 $0.00
26.67: Records of random D&A testing of persons who have applied for authorization, but who have not been granted unescorted access authorization 0 -0.5 0 $0.00
26.69(b) and (c)(1): Applicant provides written self-disclosure and employment history to the licensee or other entity (for authorization following a 1st or 2nd positive drug or alcohol test result, or if other PDI is identified) Burden accounted for under Section 26.61(a)
26.69(c)(2): Former employer(s) of an applicant provide response to licensee or other entity request to confirm suitable inquiry information for an applicant with PDI 0 -2.0 0 $0.00
26.85(c): Alternative collectors not employed by licensee provide proof of qualification 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.85(e): Maintain personnel files for alternative collectors 0 -4.0 0 $0.00
26.89(a): Record that a donor did not appear for testing (non-licensee collection site) 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.89(b)(3): Record that FFD management informed that an individual did not present identification (non-licensee collection site) 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.89(c): Record that FFD management informed that a donor refused to cooperate with the collection procedures (non-licensee collection site) 0 -0.3 0 $0.00
26.91(e)(4): Record that results cancelled after EBT calibration check failure (non-licensee collection site) 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.91(e)(5): Prepare record of EBT maintenance (non-licensee collection site) 0 -4.0 0 $0.00
26.93(a)(6): Document alcohol pre-test questions asked and answered (non-licensee collection site) 0 0.3 0 $0.00
26.95(b)(5): Record donor identity for initial alcohol breath test (non-licensee collection site) 0 -0.3 0 $0.00
26.97(b)(2): Record reason for new oral fluid alcohol test (non-licensee collection site) 0 -0.5 0 $0.00
26.97(c)(1): Document reason for failure of second collection attempt (non-licensee collection site) 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.97(d): Record results and alcohol screening device used (non-licensee collection site) 0 -0.3 0 $0.00
26.99(b): Record test time of initial test with 0.02 percent BAC or higher (non-licensee collection site) Burden accounted for under Section 26.715(b)(2)
26.101(b)(7): EBT printout of confirmatory alcohol test result includes time of test (non-licensee collection site)
26.103(b): Collector informs FFD management of result between 0.01 and 0.02 percent BAC when donor in work status 3 or more hours (non-licensee collection site) 0 -0.3 0 $0.00
26.107(b): Collector documents tampering attempt on CCF form (non-licensee collection site) Burden accounted for under Section 26.111(b)
26.109(b)(3): Collector documents on CCF shy-bladder situation and notifies FFD management (non-licensee collection site) 0 -0.3 0 $0.00
26.109(b)(4): Collector documents on CCF confirmation from FFD management to conduct a an observed collection (non-licensee collection site) 0 -0.3 0 $0.00
26.111(b): Collector documents on CCF if specimen characteristics (color, clarity) indicate possible tampering by the donor (non-licensee collection site) 0 -0.3 0 $0.00
26.111(c): Collector documents on CCF unusual specimen temperature and/or other observations made during the collection of possible tampering attempt and notifies FFD management (non-licensee collection site) 0 -0.3 0 $0.00
26.113(b)(3): Collector completes CCF for split-specimen collection (non-licensee collection site) Burden accounted for under Section 26.117(c) – (e)
26.115(b): Collector documents on CCF approval from FFD manager or MRO to collect a specimen under direct observation (non-licensee collection site) 0 -0.3 0 $0.00
26.115(d): Collector documents on CCF directly observed collection performed and the reason for the observed collection (non-licensee collection site) Burden accounted for under Section 26.115(b)
26.115(f)(3): Record of name of observer (non-licensee collection site) 0 -0.3 0 $0.00
26.117(c) – (e): Collector prepares ID labels and CCF for specimen shipment (non-licensee collection site) 0 -0.3 0 $0.00
26.119(a), (e), and (f): Physician evaluating shy-bladder claim prepares report of medical examination of donor and provides this information to the MRO 0 -2.0 0 $0.00
26.129(b): Collector prepares memorandum and sends to LTF documenting investigation of discrepancies between specimen bottle and CCF (non-licensee collection site) 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.135(b): Donor request to MRO for the retesting of an aliquot of a single specimen or the testing of the Bottle B split specimen at a second HHS lab (initial specimen testing performed at an LTF) Burden accounted for under Section 26.165(b)(1)
26.153(g): Supply memorandum to HHS lab explaining use of non-federal CCF (non-licensee collection site) 0 -0.5 0 $0.00
26.155(a)(1): Documentation of HHS lab manager qualifications Burdens covered by HHS lab certification requirements OMB Clearance No. 0930-0158
26.155(a)(3): HHS lab personnel training documentation
26.155(a)(4): HHS lab manager reviews and signs lab procedures
26.155(a)(5): HHS lab manager maintains QA program
26.155(b): Certifying scientist at HHS lab certified test results
26.155(c): Supervise technical analysts at HHS lab
26.155(e): Continuing education of HHS lab staff
26.155(f): HHS lab personnel records
26.157(a): Written HHS lab procedures for accession, receipt, shipment, and testing of urine specimens
26.157(b): Written HHS lab chain-of-custody procedures
26.157(c): Written HHS lab procedures for each testing assay performed
26.157(d): Written HHS lab procedures for device set-up and operation
26.157(e): Written HHS lab procedures for remedial actions to address systems and instrument errors
26.159(a): Retain records (e.g., an access log) of authorized visitors, maintenance personnel, and service personnel who accessed secure areas of HHS lab
26.159(b)(1): Record that the HHS lab notified the licensee or other entity within 24 hours of identifying evidence of specimen tampering 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.159(c) – (e): Use and storage of CCFs at HHS lab Burden accounted for under Section 26.715(b)(2)
26.159(f): Use of CCF by HHS lab when shipping a specimen to another HHS lab Burden accounted for under Section 26.165(b)(1)
26.165(b)(1): At the direction of the MRO, the initial HHS lab that conducted testing sends a donor’s specimen (i.e., an aliquot of a single specimen or Bottle B of the split specimen) to a second HHS lab for further testing 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.165(b)(3): Donor provides written request to the MRO for the retesting of an aliquot of a single specimen or the testing of the Bottle B split specimen 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.165(b)(4): Donor presents documentation to the MRO on the reason for not being able to make a timely retest request Burden accounted for under Section 26.185(e)
26.165(b)(6): HHS lab provides report to the MRO of the quantitative test results of the retesting of aliquot of a single specimen or the testing of the Bottle B split specimen Burden accounted for under Section 26.185(n)
26.167(a): HHS lab documents QA program (encompasses all aspects of the testing process) Burdens covered by HHS lab certification requirements OMB Clearance No. 0930 0158
26.167(c)(2)(i): Refractometer at the HHS lab must display specific gravity to 4 decimals and be interfaced with laboratory information management system or computer and/or document result by hard copy or electronic display
26.167(f)(3): False positive error on BPTS test and the error is technical or methodological, the HHS lab Responsible Person must document that retesting of all positive, adulterated, substituted, and invalid specimens from the time of final resolution of the error back to the time of the last satisfactory performance test cycle has been completed, as requested by the licensee or other entity 0 -8.0 0 $0.00
26.167(h): HHS lab labels standards and controls Burden covered by HHS lab certification requirements OMB Clearance No. 0930 0158
26.168(a): Blind performance test sample (BPTS) supplier provides HHS lab certification letter of BPTS formulation to licensee or other entity 0 -8.0 0 $0.00
26.168(h)(2): BPTS sample supplier provides expiration date on each BPTS 0 -8.0 0 $0.00
26.169(a): HHS lab reports test results to the MRO of the licensee or other entity MRO Burden covered under Section 26.169(c)(1)
26.169(c)(1): HHS lab provides record to the MRO for each positive, adulterated, substituted, dilute, and invalid test result 0 -0.3 0 $0.00
26.169(c)(2): HHS lab provides quantitative test result record for positive drug test (at the request of the MRO) Burden accounted for under Section 26.169(c)(1)
26.169(c)(3): HHS lab provides quantitative test result record for adulterated or substituted test results (at the request of the MRO)
26.169(c)(4): HHS lab record of contact with MRO to discuss if additional testing by another HHS lab should be conducted on a specimen with an invalid test result 0 -0.5 0 $0.00
26.169(f): HHS lab transmits to the MRO a copy of CCF for specimens with negative test results Burden accounted for under Section 26.715(b)(2)
26.169(g): HHS lab transmits a copy of the original CCF signed by the certifying scientist (for positive, adulterated, substituted, dilute and invalid test result) Burden accounted for under Section 26.169(c)(1)
26.169(h): HHS lab prepares and submits annual statistical summary report of urinalysis testing results 0 -2.0 0 $0.00
26.185(c): Donor discussion with MRO of positive, adulterated, substituted, dilute, or invalid test result 0 -0.5 0 $0.00
26.185(e): Donor provides documentation to the MRO demonstrating an inability to discuss test results and requesting the test result determination be reopened 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.185(f)(1): HHS lab consultation with MRO on whether additional testing of a specimen with an invalid test result should be performed at a second HHS lab 0 -0.5 0 $0.00
26.185(f)(2): Donor discussion with MRO regarding an invalid test result Burden accounted for under Section 26.185(c)
26.185(h)(1): Donor discussion with MRO regarding a substituted test result
26.185(i)(1): Donor discussion with MRO regarding an adulterated test result Burden accounted for under Section 26.185(c)
26.185(j): Donor discussion with MRO regarding a positive test result from use of a prescription medication (amphetamine, morphine, codeine), and donor provides documentation on medication use to the MRO (e.g., prescription information and pharmacy, prescribing physician information) 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.185(n): Second HHS lab provides the MRO with test result report (for retesting of an aliquot of a single specimen or the testing of a Bottle B split specimen) 0 -0.3 0 $0.00
26.185(o): HHS lab provides report with quantitative test results for a specimen from a donor applying for reauthorization following a 1st positive drug test result (at MRO request) Burden accounted for under Section 26.169(c)(1)
26.189(b): If a qualified treatment professional other than the MRO or SAE performs a determination of fitness on an individual, that treatment professional completes and provides a written determination to the MRO 0 -1.0 0 $0.00
26.209(a): Individual declares that due to fatigue, he or she is unable to safety and competently perform his or her duties 0 -0.3 0 $0.00
26.715(a): Documentation of all aspects of HHS lab testing process, not specified elsewhere in section 26.715(b) Burden covered by HHS lab certification requirements OMB Clearance No. 0930-0158
26.715(b)(1): Retain personnel files on HHS lab staff
26.715(b)(2): Retain HHS lab chain-of-custody documents 0 -240.0 0 $0.00
26.715(b)(3): Retain HHS lab QA/QC records Burden covered by HHS lab certification requirements OMB Clearance No. 0930-0158
26.715(b)(4): Retain HHS lab superseded procedures 0 -40.0 0 $0.00
26.715(b)(5) Retain all test data from HHS lab (including calibration curves and any calculations used in determining test results) Burden covered by HHS lab certification requirements OMB Clearance No. 0930-0158
26.715(b)(6): HHS lab test reports 0 -240.0 0 $0.00
26.715(b)(7): HHS lab performance testing records Burden covered by HHS lab certification requirements OMB Clearance No. 0930-0158
26.719(c): HHS lab provides information to the licensee or other entity on investigation completed on a testing error (information for 30-day event report to NRC) 0 -8.0 0 $0.00
26.821(b): Written agreement between C/Vs and licensees to retain Part 26 records and to permit authorized NRC representatives access to those records for inspection 0 -4.0 0 $0.00
Table 4 Total

0 $0.00

* Information collections that will not result in a burden in the relevant three-year window were included in the table to indicate the potential for a burden associated with a new or modified information collection in the future.

Sheet 6: TOTAL

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Decomissioning Proposed Rule

Paperwork Reduction Act - Information Collection Request

Part 26

QUESTION 12: Estimated Burden and Burden Hour Cost

2024-2026 Burden Totals

Table Description Burden Hours Cost of $288.00/hr

1 One-Time Recordkeeping 0.0 $0.00

2 Annual Recordkeeping 0.0 $0.00
Annual Respondents 0

3 Annual Reporting 0.0 $0.00

4 Annual Third-Party Disclosure 0.0 $0.00
Annual Reporting Responses 0

TOTAL 0.0 $0.00
Annual Recordkeeping Responses 0

QUESTION 14 Estimated Annualized Cost to the Federal Governement

Annualized NRC Cost Reduction

NRC Action Rule Text Provision No. Actions/Year Reduced Burden Hours/Action Total Reduced Hours Total Cost Reduction

Process exemption requests 26.9 0 16 0 $0.00

Review FFD policies and procedures 26.27(d) 0 8 0 $0.00

Review records 26.27(h) 0 4 0 $0.00

Review and evaluate report 26.77(c) 0 4 0 $0.00

Review documentation provided by SAE 26.187(f) 0 4 0 $0.00

Review and analyze annual fatigue management performance report 26.717 0 10 0 $0.00

Review and analyze annual FFD program performance report 26.717 0 12 0 $0.00

Review, evaluate, and respond to 24-hour report on significant FFD policy violation or programmatic failure 26.719(b) 0 8 0 $0.00

Review, evaluate, respond to a 30-day report detailing investigation of any testing errors or unsatisfactory performance 26.719(c) 0 4 0 $0.00


0 $0.00

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