United States Environmental Protection Agency
Voluntary Information Collection for the
National Fish Advisory Program Evaluation
EPA is collecting the following information from states1 and tribes on a voluntary basis, once during the three-year period of this ICR. Specifically, EPA is interested in fish program information for the National Fish Advisory Program Evaluation, from state or tribal agencies responsible for issuing noncommercial (sportfishing/subsistence) fish/shellfish advisories or closures for chemical contamination in fish and shellfish.
EPA aims to advance efforts to support equity and environmental justice in fish advisory programs by ensuring that recreational and subsistence fishers and other underserved populations are protected from consumption of contaminated fish. EPA will analyze the collected information to determine what science, guidance, technical assistance, and nationwide information are needed to help state and tribes have equitable and effective fish advisory programs. In addition, EPA will also use the information provided to facilitate information sharing and to ensure guidance documents are useful and technically accurate.
EPA greatly appreciates your assistance and thanks you for your continued support of USEPA’s National Fish Program. For questions regarding this program evaluation, please contact CDR Samantha Fontenelle at fontenelle.samantha@epa.gov.
Sara Hisel-McCoy
Director, Standards and Health Protection Division
Office of Water, Office of Science and Technology
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Agency Name
E-mail Address
Phone Number
Fish Tissue Monitoring Program
__ Yes __ No __Not applicable
What kind of data does your state or tribal agency collect to evaluate contaminant levels in fish? (Please check all that apply.)
__ Captures fish and sends tissues to a lab to determine contaminant concentrations
__ Monitors water quality and uses data to estimate contaminant concentrations in fish
__ Monitor sediments and uses data to estimate contaminant concentrations in fish
__ Other methods (please specify)
__ Not applicable
How does your state or tribe conduct monitoring of contaminants in fish tissue for fish advisories? (Please check all that apply)
__ Conducts one-time, nonrecurring or special surveys in particular fishing areas, watersheds, or basins
__ Monitors the same fishing areas, watersheds, or basins at regular intervals
__ Other methods (please specify)
__ Not applicable
In the last three years, please estimate the number of stations from which your state or tribal agency collected fish tissue that was analyzed for contaminants and/or was used for the fish advisory program.
__ 0 stations __ 31-50 stations
__ 1-10 stations __ 51-100 stations
__ 11-20 stations __ >100 stations
__ 21-30 stations __ Not applicable
How frequently does your state or tribe typically resample fish from waterbodies where advisories are in effect?
__ Every year
__ Every 2 years
__ Every 3 years
__ Every 4 years
__ Every 5 years
__ Every 6 to 10 years
__ On an as-needed basis (no set schedule)
__ Other (please specify)
__ Not applicable
In approximately how many waterbodies was fish tissue monitoring conducted within your state or tribe in the last three years?
__ 1-10 waterbodies
__ 11-20 waterbodies
__ 21-30 waterbodies
__ 31-40 waterbodies
__ >40 (specify number) (please specify)
__ Not applicable
Please check how your state or tribe determines which sites to monitor contaminants in fish tissue (Please check all that apply)
of site
of concern
pollution potential at the site
or Agency request
fishery resource
of angling pressure the site receives Other
method (please specify)
selected sites __
Not Applicable
Answers to questions 8 through 11 should be based on your Agency’s evaluation of fish tissue monitoring data. Sediment analysis or water quality monitoring data may be included in your evaluation only if they are used as the basis for determining when an advisory is needed. Note: For these questions, you may need to consult with other individuals in your state or tribal organization.
How many river, stream, or canal miles were monitored at least once during the last three years specifically for the fish advisory program?
many lake or reservoir acres were monitored at least once during
the past three years
for the fish advisory
How many square miles of estuarine waters were monitored at least once during the past three years specifically for the fish advisory program?
square miles
many miles of marine coastline (coastal waters) were monitored at
least once during the
past three
years specifically for the fish advisory
Types of Fish Advisories
Does your state or tribe issue fish consumption advisories advising individuals to restrict fish consumption for a particular waterbody?
__ Yes __ No __ Not applicable
Does your state or tribe issue fish consumption advisories advising individuals not to consume any fish or any fish of a particular species from a particular waterbody?
__ Yes __ No __ Not applicable
Fish consumption advisories issued in your state or tribe pertain to: (Please check all that apply)
__ Specific fish species analyzed by the state (e.g., largemouth bass)
__ Specified size class(es) for the given species analyzed (e.g., largemouth bass 15-20 inches)
__ Selected trophic groups (e.g., game fish, bottom feeders, or panfish)
__ The entire fish community (e.g., all fish)
__ Certain fish species purchased in stores and restaurants
__ Other (please specify)
__ Not applicable
Does your state or tribe issue statewide or regionwide or tribal area-wide “blanket” advisories based on your sampling effort? (A regionwide advisory may be issued for an individual HUC, river drainage basin or portion of the state.)
State or tribe wide: |
__ Yes |
__ No |
__ Not applicable |
Regionwide: |
__ Yes |
__ No |
__ Not applicable |
__ Yes __ No
Does your state or tribe issue fish and/or shellfish advisories (closures) for microbial contamination (e.g., bacteria or viruses) of a waterbody?
__ Yes __ No __ Not applicable
Does your state or tribe also issue fish and/or shellfish advisories (closures) for algal toxin contamination (e.g., cyanotoxins) of a waterbody?
__ Yes __ No __ Not applicable
Sample Preparation and Analyses Procedures
Fish consumption advisories (“no” consumption and/or restricted consumption advisories) issued in your state or tribe are based on the analysis of: (Please check all that apply)
__ Fillet samples (skin on)
__ Fillet samples (skin off)
__ Muscle plug samples
__ Whole-fish samples (skin on)
__ Whole-fish samples (skin off)
__ Other sample types (please specify)
__ Not applicable
Does your state or tribe target the collection of particular indicator fish/shellfish species, and on what is this decision based? (Please check all that apply)
__ State/Tribe does not target collection of indicator species
__ State/Tribes targets collection of indicator species based on:
__ Angler survey data
__ Availability of the species
__ Desire to maintain consistency with past collections
__ EPA target species recommendations based on bioaccumulation potential/trophic groups
__ Citizen requests
__ Other reasons (please specify)
__ Not applicable
Which particular indicator fish species does your state or tribe target for monitoring?
(Please specify)____________________________________________________________________________
Does your state or tribe collect multiple size classes, by species, and submit these individual size classes for contaminant analyses?
__ Yes __ No __ Not applicable
Are individual fish samples or composite samples submitted for contaminant analyses in your state or tribe?
__ Individual fish samples only
__ Composite samples only
__ Both individual and composite samples are used
__ Not applicable
If individual fish samples are used, how many “individual fish” typically are needed to support an advisory determination in a waterbody?
__ 1 fish
__ 3 fish
__ 5 fish
__ 6 to 10 fish
__ 11 to 20 fish
__ > 20 fish
__ Other number (please specify)
__ Not applicable; state uses only composite fish samples
If composite samples are used, how many “individual fish” typically are combined in each state or tribal composite samples for contaminant analysis?
__ 2 fish
__ 3 fish
__ 4 fish
__ 5 fish
__ Other number (please specify)
__ Not applicable; state uses only individual fish samples
If composite samples are used, how many composite samples are needed to support an advisory determination in a waterbody?
__ 1 composite sample __ 2 composite samples __ 3 composite samples
__ Variable; no set number
__ Other number (please specify)
__ Not applicable; state uses only individual fish samples
__ 1 year
__ 2 years
__ 3 or more years
__ Site-specific decision; no set time period established
__ Other (please specify)
__ Not applicable
Once an advisory is issued for a specific waterbody, what must occur for the state or tribe to rescind the advisory?
__ Contaminant levels of the chemical must decline below the benchmark or screening level for at least 1 year
__ Contaminant levels of the chemical must decline below the benchmark or screening level for at least 2 years
__ Contaminant levels of the pollutant must decline below the benchmark or screening level for at least 3 years
__ Site-specific decision; no set time period established
__ Other schedule or procedure (please specify)
__ Not applicable
In the last three years, please estimate the number of fish tissue samples that were submitted for chemical analyses by your state or tribal agency?
__ <20 samples
__ 21-30 samples
__ 31-40 samples
__ 41-50 samples
__ 51-60 samples
__ >60 samples (please specify number)
__ Not applicable
What pollutants did your state or tribe screen for in fish tissue samples in the last three years? (Please check all that apply)
__ Aldrin
__ Arsenic
__ Cadmium
__ Chlordane __ Chlorpyrifos __ Chromium __ DDT and its
__ Diazinon
__ Dicofol
__ Dieldrin
__ Dioxins/Furans
__ Disulfoton
__ Endosulfan
__ Endrin
__ Ethion
__ Heptachlor or Heptachlor epoxide
__ Hexachlorobenzene
__ Lead
__ Lindane
__ Mercury
__ Methoxychlor
__ Mirex
__ Nonachlor __ Oxyfluorfen __ PAHs
__ PCBs
__ Pentachloroanisole
__ Selenium
__ Terbufos __ Toxaphene __ Tributyltin __ Trifluralin
__ Other
(please specify)
Of the pollutants listed, which ones are of primary human health concern in your state or tribal waters (specify up to 5 pollutants).
__ Aldrin
__ Arsenic
__ Cadmium
__ Chlordane __ Chlorpyrifos __ Chromium __ DDT and its
__ Diazinon
__ Dicofol
__ Dieldrin
__ Dioxins/Furans
__ Disulfoton
__ Endosulfan
__ Endrin
__ Ethion
__ Heptachlor or Heptachlor epoxide
__ Hexachlorobenzene
__ Lead
__ Lindane
__ Mercury
__ Methoxychlor
__ Mirex
__ Nonachlor __ Oxyfluorfen __ PAHs
__ PCBs
__ Pentachloroanisole
__ Selenium
__ Terbufos __ Toxaphene __ Tributyltin __ Trifluralin
__ Other
(please specify)
If your state or tribe analyzes for PCBs, what specifically is analyzed? (Please check all that apply)
__ Individual congeners
__ All 209 congeners
__ All Aroclor groups
__ Selected Aroclor groups
__ A combination of both Aroclors and congeners
__ Others (please specify)
__ Not applicable
If your state or tribe analyzes for PFAS, which PFAS compound specifically is
analyzed? Check all that apply.
__ Perfluorobutyric acid (PFBA)
__ Perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS)
__ Perfluoropentanoic acid (PFPeA)
__ Perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA)
__ Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS)
__ Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA)
__ Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA)
__ Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS)
__ Perfluorooctanesulfonamide (PFOSA)
__ Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA)
__ Perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA)
__ Perfluoroundecanoic acid (PFUnA)
__ Perfluorododecanoic acid (PFDoA)
__ Other (please specify)_____________________________________________________________
State or Tribal Fish Advisory Program Funding
How many dollars are spent annually in your state or tribe on routine fish tissue field collection activities?
__ <$1,000 __ $10,000 to $24,999
__ $1,000 to $4,999 __ $25,000 to $50,000
__ $5,000 to $9,999 __ >$50,000 (please specify)
__ Not applicable
What was the funding source for your state or tribal fish tissue collection activities in the last three years? (Please check all that apply)
__ State or tribal general funds
__ State or tribal fishing license revenues
__ State or tribal sales tax
__ EPA Section 106 funds
__ EPA Section 205j funds
__ EPA Region funds
__ EPA Grant funds
__ Other (please specify)
How many dollars are spent annually in your state or tribe on laboratory analyses of fish tissue samples?
__ <$1,000 __ $10,000 to $24,999
__ $1,000 to $4,999 __ $25,000 to $50,000
__ $5,000 to $9,999 __ >$50,000 (please specify)
__ Not applicable
What was the funding source for your state or tribal laboratory analyses of fish tissue samples in the last three years? (Please check all that apply)
__ State or tribal general funds
__ State or tribal fishing license revenues
__ State or tribal sales tax
__ EPA Section 106 funds
__ EPA Section 205j funds
__ EPA Region funds
__ EPA Grant funds
__ Other (please specify)
__ Not applicable
If no funding is currently available, is your state or tribe seeking funding to conduct a fish tissue monitoring and assessment program?
__ Yes __ No __ Not applicable
Other Uses of State or Tribal Advisory Data
For your state or tribal biennial 305(b) water quality report, what assignment is made for a waterbody with a fish consumption advisory?
__ |
Fully supporting |
__ |
Threatened |
__ |
Partially supporting |
__ |
Not supporting |
__ |
No assessments were made |
__ |
Not applicable |
If fish consumption advisories have been issued for waterbodies in your state or tribe, does your state or tribe place these waterbodies on the 303(d) list of impaired waters?
__ Yes __ No __ Not applicable
Is “fish consumption” an assigned designated use for waters in your state or tribe?
__ Yes __ No
Risk Assessment Methodology
What method(s) does your state or tribe currently use to calculate “carcinogenic” health risks and issue advisories for individuals who consume fish harvested from state or tribal waters? (Please specify all current methods used)
__ EPA Fish Advisory Guidance Document
__ State or Tribal developed risk assessment methodology
__ Great Lakes Consortium Protocols and Best Practices for Uniform Fish Advisories
__ Food and Drug Administration (FDA) action levels
__ None
__ Other approach (please specify)
__ Not applicable
What carcinogenic risk level (i.e., individual risk within an exposed population) does your state or tribe use to issue advisories?
__ 1:10,000 (10-4)
__ 1:100,000 (10-5)
__ 1:1,000,000(10-6)
__ Other (please specify)
__ Not applicable
What source(s) does your state or tribe use to obtain cancer potency factors to help calculate “carcinogenic” health risks? (Please check all that apply)
__ ATSDR Toxicological Profiles
__ EPA Fish Advisory Guidance Document
__ EPA Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
__ EPA Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
__ Great Lakes Consortium Protocols and Best Practices for Uniform Fish Advisories
__ Hazardous Substance Data Bank (HSDB)/PubChem
__ International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Monographs
__ Other sources (please specify)
__ Not applicable
What method(s) does your state or tribe currently use to calculate “noncarcinogenic” benchmarks or screening levels for issuing fish advisories for individuals who consume fish harvested from state or tribal waters? (Please specify all current methods used)
__ EPA Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
__ EPA Fish Advisory Guidance Document
__ ATSDR Toxicological Profiles
__ FDA Action Levels
__ Great Lakes Consortium Protocols and Best Practices for Uniform Fish Advisories
__ Other approach (please specify)
__ Not applicable
__ None
If your state or tribe does not calculate its own benchmark or screening levels, what noncarcinogenic benchmark or screening level (i.e., individual risk within an exposed population) does your state use to issue advisories?
__ Hazard index (please specify if hazard index is >, =, or < 1)
__ FDA action levels
__ Other (please specify)
__ Not applicable
What source(s) does your state or tribe use to obtain reference dose to help calculate noncarcinogenic health benchmark or screening level? (Please check all that apply)
__ ATSDR Toxicological Profiles
__ EPA Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
__ EPA Health Effects Assessment Summary Table (HEAST)
__ EPA Fish Advisory Guidance Document
__ Great Lakes Consortium Protocols and Best Practices for Uniform Fish Advisories
__ Hazardous Substance Data Bank (HSDB)/PubChem
__ Other sources (please specify)
__ Not applicable
Of all the fish advisories currently in effect in your jurisdiction, including those issued last year and in earlier years, what percentage were issued based on each of these methods?
(Please provide your best estimate of the percentage for each method)
__ % of advisories now in effect were issued using EPA Fish Advisory Guidance document
__ % of advisories now in effect were issued using FDA action levels.
__ % of advisories now in effect were issued using state or tribal methods specified in question 42
__ % of advisories now in effect were issued using other methods specified in question 42 and 44
__ Not applicable
What default value does your state or tribe use in the risk assessments as a daily fish consumption rate for recreational fishers?
__ 6.5 g/day
__ 17.5 g/day
__ 22 g/day
__ 32 g/day (a nutritionally y focused fish consumption rate consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, equivalent to one eight-ounce meal of fish and shellfish per week)
__ 142 g/day (fish consumption rate for “high consumers” described in the EPA 2000 Human Health Methodology)
__ 175 g/day (fish consumption rate used by EPA and some states for high frequency consumers or subsistence fishers in the Pacific Northwest)
__ Other consumption rates (please specify value in g/day)
__ Not applicable
What default value does your state or tribe use in the risk assessments as a daily fish consumption rate for subsistence or high frequency fish consumers?
__ 6.5 g/day
__ 17.5 g/day
__ 22 g/day
__ 32 g/day (a nutritionally focused fish consumption rate consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, equivalent to one eight-ounce meal of fish and shellfish per week)
__ 142 g/day (fish consumption rate for “high consumers” described in the EPA 2000 Human Health Methodology)
__ 175 g/day (fish consumption rate used by EPA and some states/tribes for high frequency consumers or subsistence fishers in the Pacific Northwest in the Water Quality Standards Program)
__ Other consumption rates (please specify value in g/day)
__ Not applicable
What default value does your state or tribe use in the risk assessments as a daily fish consumption rate for children?
__ 2.0 g/day
__ 4.0 g/day
__ 6.5 g/day
__ Other consumption rates (please specify value in g/day)
__ Not applicable
What default value does your state or tribe use for exposure duration in its cancer risk assessments?
__ 30 years
__ 70 years
__ 75 years
__ Other exposure duration (please specify value in years)
__ Not applicable
What default value does your state or tribe use to estimate life expectancy in its risk assessments?
__ 70 years
__ 75 years
__ 80 years
__ Other life expectancy (please specify value in years)
__ Not applicable
Does your state or tribe recommend a meal frequency format or number of meals over time in its advisories (e.g., number of meals per month or meals per week)?
__ Yes __ No __ Not applicable
What number of meals over time (e.g., per month) does your state or tribe use in its advisories?
__ 1 meal per week
__ 4 meals per month
__ Other (please specify) _________________
If the response to question 54 is yes, what assumption does your state or tribe make in its risk assessments about meal size or portion for adults? (Please specify all that apply)
__ 4 oz (114 g)
__ 8 oz (227 g)
__ 12 oz (341 g)
__ 16 oz (454 g)
__ Other (please specify value in grams)
__ Not applicable
If the response to question 54 is yes, what assumption does your state or tribe make in its risk assessments about meal size or portion for children? (Please specify all that apply)
__ 4 oz (114 g)
__ 8 oz (227 g)
__ 12 oz (341 g)
__ 16 oz (454 g)
__ Other (please specify value in grams)
__ Not applicable
What default value does your state or tribe use for body weight of an average adult consumer in its risk assessments?
__ 80 kg
__ 71 kg
__ 70 kg
__ 71 kg
__ 65 kg
__ Other weight (please specify value in kg)
__ Not applicable
What default value does your state or tribe use for body weight of a pregnant person and nursing mothers in its risk assessments?
__ 80 kg
__ 75 kg
__ 70 kg
__ 65 kg
__ 62 kg
__ Other weight (please specify value in kg)
__ Not applicable
What default value does your state or tribe use for body weight of a child in its risk assessments?
__ 10 kg
__ 14.5 kg
__ 15.5 kg
__ Other weight (please specify value in kg) ________________________________________________
__ Risk assessments not conducted for children
Please specify what age range or ranges your state or tribe uses to calculate risk with respect to children. (Please specify all age ranges used in your state’s risk assessments for children.)
__ <1 year
__ <6 years
__ <7 years
__ <12 years
__ <15 years
__ <18 years
__ Other age ranges (please specify)
__ Risk assessments not conducted for children
__ Not applicable
Does your state or tribal agency have a plan to reevaluate data from sites where outdated assessment methods were used to issue fish advisories?
__ Yes __ No __ Not applicable
Is your state or tribe currently re-evaluating the overall method or approach used to establish fish advisories?
__ Yes __ No __ Not applicable
What assumption does your state make in its risk assessments about the amount of the pollutant absorbed by the body after ingestion (percent absorption by the gut) (e.g., in pharmacokinetic modeling)?
__ 100% for all pollutants
__ 75% for all pollutants
__ 50% for all pollutants
__ Chemical-specific % based on available data
__ Other (please specify)
__ Not applicable
Does your state or tribe use “contaminant reduction factors” in its risk calculations to account for contaminant losses of PCBs and other organochlorine pollutants from fish tissues during cleaning, preparation, and cooking of the fish?
__ Yes __ No __ Not applicable
If yes, what are the pollutants and their associated contaminant reduction factors (% reduction in pollutant level resulting from cleaning, preparing, and cooking of fish) assumed by your state or tribe?
__ % chlordane
__ % DDE
__ % DDT
__ % dieldrin
__ % heptachlor epoxide
__ Not applicable
__ % mercury
__ % mirex
__ % total PCBs
__ % toxaphene
__ % other (please specify) ___________________
If contaminant reduction factors are used, what are their basis?
__ EPA Fish Advisory Guidance Documents
__ Great Lakes Consortium Protocols and Best Practices for Uniform Fish Advisories
__ Scientific literature review
__ Conducted own research
__ Other (please specify)
__ Not applicable
Is relative source contribution (RSC) used to account for other sources or pathways of exposure (e.g., drinking water, other foods) used in fish advisories?
__ Yes __ No
If the response to question 68 is yes, specify the RSC used for the following contaminants:
______Hg ______PCBs ______PFAS
How does your state or tribe evaluate health risks for fish samples contaminated with multiple chemicals with the same human health endpoints (e.g., two organochlorine pesticides)?
__ Cumulative risk (add individual contaminant risks from each chemical together)
__ Calculate single contaminant risk based on the most conservative carcinogenic risk or noncancer benchmark value
__ Either cumulative risk or single contaminant risk depending on the chemicals involved
__ Other method (please specify)
__ State or tribe does not evaluate health risks for multiple contaminants
__ Not applicable
Regarding mercury, does your state or tribe use the EPA RfD (0.1 ug/kg/day) for different populations (i.e., for women of child-bearing age, children and adults in the general population)?
__ Yes __ No (specify, women of child-bearing age) _____________________
(specify, children)_____________________
(specify, adults in the general population) _____________________
Regarding PFOS, does your state or tribe use the EPA RfD (0.02 ug/kg/day)?
__ Yes __ No (specify)_____________________
Does your state or tribe use the cancer or non-cancer value for PCBs in fish advisories?
__ Cancer __ Non-cancer __ Other (please specify)_____________ __ Not applicable
When your state or tribe receives method detection limits (MDLs) as the reportable concentration for contaminants from the laboratory, what value are used for non-detects in your risk assessment?
__ Zero
__ Pollutant’s MDL
__ Half the pollutant’s MDL
__ Other value (please specify)
__ Maximum likelihood indicator
__ Not applicable
Does your state or tribe screen for some or all of the PFAS compounds in question 33 (excluding PFOS and PFOA) in its fish tissue samples?
__ Yes __ No
What risk assessment method does your state or tribe use for these PFAS compounds since there are no associated reference doses developed by EPA? (Please specify assessment method used)
__ Not applicable
Targeting Fish Consumers
Are health risks being assessed by your state or tribe for target groups of people who may consume higher amounts of fish or prepare fish differently than the general population?
__ Yes __ No __ Not applicable
Has your state or tribe identified the primary waterbodies fished by these target population(s)?
__ Yes __ No __ Not applicable
Has your state or tribe made efforts to identify the fish species and the sizes of fish consumed by these target populations?
__ Yes __ No __ Not applicable
If yes, has your state or tribe used any of the following procedures to obtain information from these target populations? (Please check all that apply)
__ Local fish consumption surveys (creel surveys)
__ Fishing license surveys
__ Anecdotal information from populations of interest
__ Behavioral risk surveillance surveys funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
__ Other (please specify) _____________________________________________________________________
__ Not applicable
Has your state or tribe altered its monitoring approach to address the needs of these target populations?
__ Yes __ No __ Not applicable
If your state or tribe has altered its monitoring approach to address the needs of these target populations, what actions have been taken? (Please check all that apply)
__ Added stations in waterbodies where the targeted populations frequently fish
__ Collected species consumed by the target populations for contaminant analyses
__ Other actions (please specify)
__ Not applicable
If your state or tribe is not currently addressing the concerns of populations with a perceived higher risk, is there a plan to do so in the future?
__ Yes __ No __ Not applicable
Risk Management
Who prepares risk assessments on behalf of your state or tribal fish advisory program? (Please check all that apply)
__ State or Tribal Environmental Agency/Department
__ State or Tribal Public Health Agency/Department
__ State or Tribal Fisheries Agency/Department
__ Consultant
__ University
__ Other (please specify)
__ Not applicable
Does your state or tribe have written procedures for evaluating the health risks associated with consumption of contaminated fish?
__ Yes __ No __ Not applicable
Does your state or tribe have a group or committee that oversees the fish advisory program/processes?
__ Yes __ No __ Not applicable
If the answer to question 86 is yes, what professional disciplines are represented on that committee? (Please check all that apply)
__ Toxicology/epidemiology
__ Fisheries biologist
__ Water pollution assessment/control
__ Hazardous waste management
__ Analytical chemist
__ Risk communication
__ Other disciplines (please specify)
__ Not applicable
Who in your state or tribe makes the ultimate risk management decision to issue, modify, or rescind fish advisories?
__ Head of Environmental Agency/Department
__ Head of Public Health Agency/Department
__ Head of Fisheries Agency/Department
__ Governor’s Office or Tribal Chief’s/President’s Office
__ Other (please specify)
__ Not applicable
Risk Communication Procedures
Is your state or tribe aware of recently released update to EPA’s Risk Communication Guidance (Volume 4) ?
__ Yes __ No
If your response to question 89 is yes, is the guidance useful?
__ Yes __ No
Provide Comments:_________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
How often does your Agency revise the fish consumption advisory listings and release the information to the public? (Please check all that apply)
__ Annually; released on (specify date: Day/Month)
__ Whenever data become available (on an as-needed basis)
__ Other schedules (please specify)
__ Not applicable
How are your Agency's fish advisories communicated to the public? (Please check all that apply)
__ Social Media (specify)________________________
__ Mailed to public upon request
__ Press releases distributed to media sources
__ Targeted newspaper stories
__ Published articles in ethnic newspapers
__ Videos for ethnic groups
__ Radio announcements
__ Television announcements __ Radio/television talk shows
__ Internet site
__ Agency telephone information service (i.e., hotlines)
__ Agency magazine
__ Posted signs (at boat launches, stream access points, public docks, etc.)
__ Posted information where fishing licenses issued __ Posters in public places (libraries, town halls, etc) __ Annual fishing regulations booklet
__ Generic statewide listing booklet separate from fishing regulations
__ Printed pamphlets or fact sheets
__ Information presented at public meetings
__ Publication of articles in state medical journal
__ Publication of articles in agency annual monitoring report
__ Publication of information in state 305(b) report
__ Flyers distributed with trout and salmon stamps
__ GIS maps posted
__ Other methods (please specify)
__ Not applicable
Where can the public obtain copies of your agency’s printed advisory materials? (Please check all that apply)
__ Local public health departments
__ State or tribal public health departments
__ State or tribal Internet site
__ Other State agencies
__ Doctors' offices
__ Local businesses (e.g., hair styling salons)
__ Businesses that issue fishing licenses (e.g., bait and tackle shops)
__ WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) clinics
__ Welfare offices
__ Organizations (e.g., sporting or women's clubs)
__ Tourist offices
__ State or tribal fisheries offices
__ Town halls
__ Law enforcement officers
__ Other sources (please specify)
__ Not applicable
Does your state or tribal fish advisory outreach or communication plan specifically target some populations to receive advisory information?
__ Yes __ No __ Not applicable
If yes, please identify all targeted populations. (Please check all that apply)
__ Sport fishers
__ Subsistence fishers
__ Specific racial/ethnic groups (please specify)
__ Women of child-bearing age
__ Pregnant or nursing women
__ New parents
__ Tourists
__ Members of the general population
__ Others (please specify)
__ Not applicable
Are your state or tribal fish consumption advisories available to the public in languages other than English?
__ Yes __ No __ Not applicable
__ |
Alaskan native languages |
__ |
Llacano |
__ |
Bosnian |
__ |
Ojibwa |
__ |
Cambodian |
__ |
Portuguese |
__ |
Chinese |
__ |
Russian |
__ |
Creole |
__ |
Spanish |
__ |
Hmong |
__ |
Tagalog |
__ |
Japanese |
__ |
Thai |
__ |
Korean |
__ |
Vietnamese |
__ |
Laotian |
__ |
Others (please specify) |
__ |
Not applicable |
98. Does your state or tribe evaluate the effectiveness of the fish consumption advisories?
__ Yes __ No __ Not applicable
99. If yes, how is their effectiveness determined? (Please check all that apply)
__ Feedback form/postcard in regulation pamphlet
__ Questions included in creel census program
__ Questions included in state BRFS (Behavior Risk Factor Survey)
__ Focus groups
__ Mailed questionnaires (to whom?)
__ Telephone surveys (of whom?)
__ Other methods (please specify)
__ Not applicable
100. To your knowledge, have there been any studies in your state (including federal, tribal, and university-based studies) to evaluate the effectiveness of fish consumption advisories?
__ Don’t know
__ No
__ Yes (please specify)
101. To your knowledge, have there been any studies in your state (including federal, tribal, and university-based studies) to evaluate human tissue contaminant levels (e.g., in blood, urine, breast milk, or adipose tissues) or adverse human health effects related to fish consumption?
__ Don’t know
__ No
__ Yes (please specify organization or agency)
1 “States” in this document includes the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Appendix B |
Author | Fontenelle, Samantha |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2022-03-01 |