NLRAD ELR Lab Requirements Survey - SLT

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery - APHIS

0377 NLRAD ELR Lab Requirements Survey

NLRAD ELR Lab Requirements Survey - SLT

OMB: 0579-0377

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OMB Approved 0579-0377, exp. 02/2022

NLRAD Electronic Lab Reporting Project

Questions for Laboratories

Surveillance Design and Analysis

2150 Centre Ave Bldg B

Fort Collins, CO 80526

USDA APHIS Veterinary Services (VS) is starting a new project to have Laboratories report test findings electronically to satisfy the U.S. National List of Reportable Animal Diseases (NLRAD) system standards. We would like to gather your input about what you would like from this system.

The NLRAD Standards will require information to be collected for two categories: Notifiable Diseases and Conditions and Monitored Diseases (Figure 1). Within the Notifiable Diseases and Conditions category, three sub-categories of diseases have been identified: emergency incidents (such as foreign animal disease investigations, e.g., Rift Valley fever, Virulent Newcastle disease, African swine fever), emerging disease incidents (e.g., SARS-CoV-2/Cov-19 Virus), and regulated disease incidents (e.g., Spring viremia of carp, equine infectious anemia, Pullorum disease). Monitored diseases generally are those that are endemic (present) in the United States (e.g., Bovine viral diarrhea, Tularemia, Enzootic abortion of ewes).

Figure 1. NLRAD disease list structure.


This first section of questions will discuss notifiable diseases. These include emergency, emerging disease, and regulated disease incidents. When answering the questions below please think about your current practices with reporting test findings on notifiable diseases to any State (SAHO), Tribal (TAHO), or Federal Animal Health Official. We understand that your current practices with reporting information on notifiable diseases may be dependent on the disease or preferences of each animal health official. Therefore, answer the questions below for any reporting practice performed across diseases and animal health officials.

  1. How does your lab report results to any SAHO, TAHO, or Federal Animal Health Official for NOTIFIABLE diseases? Please check all that apply.

Lab electronically messages results directly to a state, tribal, or APHIS database or system as an HL7 message

Lab electronically reports results directly to a state, tribal, or APHIS database or system as a spreadsheet

Lab manually enters results to a state, tribal, or APHIS system and the animal health official downloads or views the report, such as a spreadsheet

Lab calls Animal Health Official’s office with preliminary results

Lab emails preliminary report to Animal Health Official’s office, such as an attached pdf or spreadsheet

Lab calls Animal Health Official’s office with final results

Lab sends final report to Animal Health Official’s office by regular mail

Lab emails final report to Animal Health Official’s office, such as an attached pdf or spreadsheet

Other, Please Specify

  1. Are there any differences in laboratory reporting for the three categories of notifiable diseases: emergency incidents (such as foreign animal disease investigations), emerging disease incidents, and regulated disease incidents?



  1. If you answered YES to #2 and you believe there are differences in reporting across notifiable diseases, please explain in more detail below:


This section of questions will focus on monitored diseases. Monitored diseases are generally those that are present in the U.S. and are reported to OIE in 6-month and annual reports. APHIS uses the data it gathers to monitor disease trends. For NLRAD monitored diseases, SAHOs are required to report disease occurrence (e.g. presence/absence) monthly; however additional information may be requested or provided voluntarily to monitor disease trends and enhance response and control efforts. When answering the questions below please think about your current practices with reporting results on monitored diseases to SAHOs or AHPIS. We understand that your current practices with reporting results may be dependent on the disease being reported or preferences of the SAHO or APHIS. Therefore, answer the questions below for any reporting practice performed across diseases and SAHOs or APHIS.

  1. How does your lab report results to any SAHO or to APHIS for MONITORED diseases? Please check all that apply.

Lab electronically messages results directly to a state or APHIS database or system as an HL7 message

Lab electronically reports results directly to a state or APHIS database or system as a spreadsheet

Lab manually enters results to a state or APHIS system and the state or APHIS Animal Health Official downloads or views the report, such as a spreadsheet

Lab calls SAHO’s office with preliminary results

Lab emails preliminary report to SAHO’s office, such as an attached pdf or spreadsheet

Lab calls SAHO’s office with final results

Lab sends final report to SAHO’s office by regular mail

Lab emails final report to SAHO’s office, such as an attached pdf or spreadsheet

Other, Please Specify

Current Reporting

Please provide responses regarding your current reporting system for both notifiable and monitored diseases.

  1. What system do you use now to manage the laboratory data (e.g. Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) or equivalent)?







☐Custom built LIMS

☐Don’t have a LIMS

☐Don’t know

☐Other, Please Specify

  1. Do you have any current challenges with the way lab results are reported and your ability to transfer this data into a state or APHIS system?



  1. If you answered YES to # 6 and you believe there are challenges with the way lab information is reported and your ability to transfer this data into a state or APHIS system, please explain in more detail below:

Future Reporting

The goal of this project is to improve NLRAD test result reporting to APHIS and Animal Health Official’s IT systems. For the next set of questions, please provide responses regarding how you would like to report information in the future.

  1. In the future, what information could your lab potentially supply by way of HL7 messaging, transfer of spreadsheets, or manual data entry to support decision making on NOTIFIABLE diseases? Please check all that apply.

Data Field

Data Field

Animal ID

Sample ID assigned by sample collector

Animal species

Sample type (example: nasal swab, lung, etc.)

Animal Location: Premises ID

Date Sample was collected

Animal Location: State

Lab accession number

Animal Location: Zip Code

Sample ID assigned by laboratory

Animal Location: Address

Diagnostic Test: Type

Animal age

Diagnostic Test: Date performed

Clinical signs

Diagnostic Test: Result

Case/herd history

Diagnostic Test: Interpretation

Herd type

Other, please specify

Vaccination history

Owner: Name

Owner: Address

Reason for sample submission

  1. In the future, what information could your lab potentially supply by way of HL7 messaging, transfer of spreadsheets, or manual data entry to support decision making on MONITORED diseases? Please check all that apply.

Data Field

Data Field

Animal ID

Sample ID assigned by sample collector

Animal species

Sample type (example: nasal swab, lung, etc.)

Animal Location: Premises ID

Date Sample was collected

Animal Location: State

Lab accession number

Animal Location: Zip Code

Sample ID assigned by laboratory

Animal Location: Address

Diagnostic Test: Type

Animal age

Diagnostic Test: Date performed

Clinical signs

Diagnostic Test: Result

Case/herd history

Diagnostic Test: Interpretation

Herd type

Monthly number of diagnostic tests conducted

Vaccination history

Monthly number of confirmed cases

Owner: Name

Monthly number of susceptible animals

Owner: Address

Other, please specify

Reason for sample submission

  1. For the options listed below, please rank the top 3 ways you would like to see future reporting of NLRAD lab results with the selection placed in the top position being your highest priority


No change to the current process: continue to have your lab send results to State and Federal Animal Health Officials


Provide results on a spreadsheet to APHIS which will then then route results to the state system or make them available to State and Federal Officials based on their preference


Manually enter results into an APHIS system which will then route results to the state system or make them available to State and Federal Officials based on their preference


Have your lab electronically message (i.e. HL7) results to APHIS which will then route results to the state system or make them available to State and Federal Officials based on their preference

  1. Is there any other option you would prefer for reporting of NLRAD lab results that is not listed above?

  1. Is there anything else that would help you with reporting NLRAD lab results?



  1. If you answered YES to #12, and have suggestions on how to improve the reporting of NLRAD results, please provide your suggestions below:

If you would like to contact us with any additional questions or input below are contact names and information

Leah Estberg, DVM, MPVM, PhD

VMO Veterinary Informaticist

Center for Informatics (CFI)

Strategy and Policy

USDA APHIS Veterinary Services

Mobile: 970-631-6517


Jane A. Rooney, D.V.M.

Veterinary Medical Officer (Epidemiology)

NLRAD Coordinator

Center for Epidemiology and Animal Health

Strategy and Policy

USDA APHIS Veterinary Services

Ph: 970-494-7397

Mobile: 301-789-3064


According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0579-0377. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collected.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorHarris, Beth N - APHIS
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2022-02-09

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