- JANUARY 1, |
OMB No. 0535-0213 Approval Expires: 6/30/2017 Project Code: 155 QID: 303011 SMetaKey: 1849
United States Department of Agriculture |
USDA/NASS National Operations Division 9700 Page Avenue, Suite 400 St. Louis, MO 63132-1547 Phone: 1-888-424-7828 Fax: 1-855-415-3687 E-mail: |
The information you provide will be used for statistical purposes only. In accordance with the Confidential Information Protection provisions of Title V, Subtitle A, Public Law 107–347 and other applicable Federal laws, your responses will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed in identifiable form to anyone other than employees or agents. By law, every employee and agent has taken an oath and is subject to a jail term, a fine, or both if he or she willfully discloses ANY identifiable information about you or your operation. Response is voluntary. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB number is 0535-0213. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. |
State |
Tract |
Subtr. |
__ __ |
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ |
__ __ |
__ __ |
1. [Verify name and mailing address of this operation. Make any corrections necessary (including the correct operation name) on the label and continue.] |
[Check if name label verified] |
2. Did this operation own or custom feed any sheep or lambs, regardless of location: (Include Barbados and all hair breed sheep.)
Yes [Go to Item 3.] |
No [Go to Item 2a.] |
a. Did this operation own any goats or kids, regardless of location:
- on January
- at any time during -
or will there be any at any time during |
Yes [Go to Item 3.] |
No [Go to Item 2b.] |
b. Were you (the individual named on the label) operating a farm or ranch
on January 1,
Yes [Go to Section 4.] |
No [Go to Section 3.] |
2. Were any sheep, lambs, goats or kids, regardless of ownership: (Include Barbados and all hair breed sheep.) - on this operation on January 1, 2020? - on this operation at any time during 2019? - or will there be any on this operation at any time during 2020? ☐ Yes - [Go to Item 3.] ☐ No - [Go to Item 2a.]
one individual, a hired manager, or partners? [Check one] |
One individual – [Go to Section 1.] A hired manager – [Go to Section 1.] Partners – How many partners make the day-to-day decisions? |
Number of Partners |
[Enter number of partners, including the partner named on the label. Identify the other person(s) in this partnership in the boxes on the next page, then continue with Section 1.] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
Continue on Next Page |
Office Use |
9921 |
9930 |
9941 |
Please identify the other person(s) in this partnership, then continue. [Verify partners’ names and make necessary corrections if names have already been entered.] |
[Check if verified] |
Office Use |
Name: |
__________________________________ |
Phone: (______) __________________ |
Stratum |
(First) (Middle) (Last) |
9922 |
Address: |
__________________________________ |
___________________ |
____ |
_______ |
Ind. Op. |
(Rt or St.) |
(City) |
(State) |
(Zip) |
9924 |
Did this partner operate land individually on June 1, |
Yes No |
[Check if verified] |
Office Use |
Name: |
__________________________________ |
Phone: (______) __________________ |
Stratum |
(First) (Middle) (Last) |
9923 |
Address: |
__________________________________ |
___________________ |
____ |
_______ |
Ind. Op. |
(Rt or St.) |
(City) |
(State) |
(Zip) |
9924 |
Did this partner operate land individually on June 1, |
Yes No |
[Check if verified] |
Office Use |
Name: |
__________________________________ |
Phone: (______) __________________ |
Stratum |
(First) (Middle) (Last) |
9927 |
Address: |
__________________________________ |
___________________ |
____ |
_______ |
Ind. Op. |
(Rt or St.) |
(City) |
(State) |
(Zip) |
9924 |
Did this partner operate land individually on June 1, |
Yes No |
[Check if verified] |
Office Use |
Name: |
__________________________________ |
Phone: (______) __________________ |
Stratum |
(First) (Middle) (Last) |
9928 |
Address: |
__________________________________ |
___________________ |
____ |
_______ |
Ind. Op. |
(Rt or St.) |
(City) |
(State) |
(Zip) |
9924 |
Did this partner operate land individually on June 1, |
Yes No |
Section 1 - Sheep and Lambs |
1. On
1, (Include Barbados and all hair breed sheep.) |
Yes - [Go to Item 2.] |
No - [Go to Item 1a.] |
a. Will
this operation own or custom feed sheep or lambs, regardless of
location, during |
494 |
b. Did this operation own or custom feed any sheep or lambs, regardless of location,
at any time during |
Yes - [Go to Item 7.] |
No - [Go to Section 2.] |
Sheep and Lambs for Breeding |
2. Of the sheep and lambs for breeding owned by this operation on January 1, how many were: |
a. Ewes 1 year old and older?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
+ |
281 |
b. Rams 1 year old and older?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
+ |
282 |
c. Replacement lambs less than 1 year old (including unweaned lambs kept for breeding)?. . . . . |
+ |
285 |
Sheep and Lambs Custom Fed By Others |
3. On January 1, were any sheep and lambs for market being custom fed for you by someone else? |
1 Yes - a. How many were being fed for you by someone else?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
695 |
b. Who was the custom feeder?. . . |
Name: ________________________ |
3 No - [Continue] |
Address: _______________________ |
Sheep and Lambs for Market |
4. Of the sheep and lambs for market owned or custom fed by this operation on January 1 (excluding the Item 3a. sheep and lambs custom fed by someone else), how many were: |
a. Market lambs less than 1 year old and: |
(i) Under 65 pounds (including unweaned market lambs)?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
+ |
836 |
(ii) 65 to 84 pounds?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
+ |
837 |
(iii) 85 to 105 pounds?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
+ |
838 |
(iv) Over 105 pounds?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
+ |
839 |
b. Market sheep 1 year old and older (not used for breeding)?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
+ |
287 |
Total Sheep and Lambs |
5. [Add Items 2a through 4b and verify total.] [Exclude sheep and lambs custom fed by someone else, reported in Item 3a.] |
Then the total sheep and lambs owned or custom fed by this operation on January 1 was:. . . . . . . |
= |
280 |
6. Were any of the [Item 5]
sheep and lambs in another State on January 1, |
1 Yes - How many were in another State? [Record number of head by State.] |
State: |
Number: |
State: |
Number: |
385 |
State: |
Number: |
3 No - [Continue] |
Section 1 - Sheep and Lambs - Continued |
Lamb Crop for (Include lambs born on grazing land leased on a fee per head or animal unit month (AUM) basis.) |
7. How
many lambs dropped during |
288 |
Deaths and Losses During (Include sheep and lambs that died or were lost on grazing land leased on a fee per head or animal unit month (AUM) basis.) |
8. How
many lambs died or were lost from all causes before being marked,
docked, or branded during |
269 |
9. How
many lambs died or were lost from all causes after being marked,
docked, or branded during |
270 |
10. How
many sheep died or were lost from all causes during |
271 |
Wool Production in (Report sheep and lambs only once if sheared both Spring and Fall.) |
How many sheep and lambs (breeding & market) were shorn in
Head |
215 |
a. How many pounds of wool were shorn from these sheep and
lambs in |
Pounds |
216 |
Or – Average weight per fleece |
217 |
.__ |
Wool Price in |
12. What
was the average price received per pound for wool sold in (Include marketing charges for commissions, coring, and grading) . . . . . . . . . . |
Dollars and Cents |
. __ __ |
Inventory Values for Sheep
& Lambs on Hand on January
1, |
13. What is the average value per head of the following: (Report to nearest dollar) |
a. Breeding ewes 1 year old and older?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
$ |
680 |
b. Breeding rams 1 year old and older?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
$ |
681 |
c. Breeding replacement lambs less than 1 year old?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
$ |
679 |
d. Market lambs less than 1 year old?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
$ |
845 |
e. Market sheep 1 year old and older?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
$ |
846 |
Slaughter for Consumption by this Operation (regardless of ownership) |
Lambs |
Sheep |
14. During
1206 |
1205 |
15. During
1201 |
1202 |
Include mobile slaughtering. Exclude custom slaughter at commercial establishments. |
Office Use |
1 – Incomplete, has sheep or lambs 2 – Incomplete, presence of sheep or lambs unknown |
291 |
3 – Valid Zero |
Section 2 - Goats and Kids |
1. On
1, |
Yes - [Go to Item 2.] |
No - [Go to Item 1a.] |
a. Will
this operation own goats or kids, regardless of location, during
1171 |
b. Did
this operation own any goats or kids, regardless of location, at
any time during |
Yes - [Go to Item 5.] |
No - [Go to Section 4.] |
2. Goats & Kids for Breeding – Of the goats and kids for breeding owned by this operation on January 1, how many were: |
(** Report based on utilization regardless of breed **) |
Angora |
Milk |
Meat & Other |
a. Does 1 year old and older?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
+ |
1172 |
1180 |
1186 |
What percent of these (Item 2a) Angora does, were, or will be bred to pure bred Angora billies to produce kids for mohair production? |
What percent of these (Item 2a) Angora does, were, or will be bred to boers or meat type billies to produce meat type kids? |
b. Bucks 1 year old and older?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
+ |
1175 |
1181 |
1187 |
c. Replacement kids less than 1 year old?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
+ |
1176 |
1182 |
1188 |
3. Goats & Kids for Market – Of the goats and kids for market owned by this operation on January 1, how many were: |
a. Market kids less than 1 year old?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
+ |
1177 |
1183 |
1189 |
b. Market goats 1 year old and older (not used for breeding)? |
+ |
1178 |
1184 |
1190 |
4. Total Goats & Kids |
= |
1179 |
1185 |
1191 |
[Add Items 2a through 3b and verify.] Then the total goats and kids owned by this operation on January 1 was:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
Kid Crop for |
Angora |
Milk |
Meat & Other |
5. How
many kids were born on this operation during |
1101 |
1104 |
1107 |
Deaths and Losses During |
Angora |
Milk |
Meat & Other |
6. How
many kids were lost or
died from all causes
being weaned during |
1110 |
1113 |
1115 |
7. How
many kids were lost or
died from all causes
being weaned during |
1111 |
1114 |
1116 |
8. How
many goats were lost or
died from all causes
during |
1103 |
1106 |
1109 |
Inventory Values for Goats
and Kids on Hand on January
1, |
9. What is the average value per head of the following: (Report to nearest dollar) |
Angora |
Milk |
Meat & Other |
a. Breeding does 1 year old and older?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
$ |
1120 |
$ |
1125 |
$ |
1130 |
b. Breeding bucks 1 year old and older?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
$ |
1121 |
$ |
1126 |
$ |
1131 |
c. Breeding replacement kids less than 1 year old?. . . . . . |
$ |
1122 |
$ |
1127 |
$ |
1132 |
d. Market kids less than 1 year old?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
$ |
1123 |
$ |
1128 |
$ |
1133 |
e. Market goats 1 year old and older?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
$ |
1124 |
$ |
1129 |
$ |
1134 |
Section 2 - Goats and Kids - continued |
Slaughter for Consumption by this Operation (regardless of ownership) |
Kids |
Adult Goats |
10. During
1208 |
1207 |
11. During
1203 |
1204 |
Include mobile slaughtering. Exclude custom slaughter at commercial establishments. |
Mohair Production in |
How many Angora goats and kids were clipped in |
Head |
278 |
a. How many pounds of mohair were clipped from these
Angora goats and kids in |
Pounds |
279 |
Or – Average weight per fleece |
205 |
. __ |
Mohair Price in |
What was the average price received per pound for mohair sold in
(Include marketing charges for commissions, coring, and grading.). . . . . . . . . . . . |
Dollars and cents |
297 |
. __ __ |
Office Use |
1 – Incomplete, has goats or kids 2 – Incomplete, presence of goats or kids unknown |
1112 |
3 – Valid Zero |
Section 2 - Goats and Kids - continued |
Deaths and Losses During Include goats and kids that died or were lost on grazing land leased on a fee per head or animal unit month (AUM) basis.
How many goats and kids that were lost or died as a result of each of the following causes in 2020? The total number that died or were lost in each column should equal the amount reported in Items 6, 7, and 8, respectively.
14. Predator Causes |
Kids, less than 1 year old, before being weaned |
Kids, less than 1 year old, after being weaned |
Adult Goats, 1 year or older |
a. Coyotes |
+ |
403 |
433 |
153 |
b. Dogs |
+ |
404 |
434 |
154 |
c. Foxes |
+ |
405 |
435 |
156 |
d. Wolves |
+ |
407 |
437 |
157 |
e. Bobcats or lynx |
+ |
402 |
432 |
152 |
f. Mountain lions, cougars, or pumas |
+ |
406 |
436 |
155 |
g. Bears |
+ |
401 |
431 |
151 |
h. Black vultures |
+ |
408 |
438 |
160 |
i. Ravens |
+ |
409 |
439 |
158 |
j. Eagles |
+ |
411 |
441 |
159 |
k. Mexican Eagle aka Caracaras |
+ |
j. Other predatory birds [specify] XXX____________________ |
+ |
l. Feral pigs |
+ |
410 |
440 |
470 |
m. Other known predators [specify] XXX____________________ |
+ |
412 |
442 |
161 |
n. Unknown predators |
+ |
413 |
443 |
162 |
15. Non-predator Causes |
a. Internal parasites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
+ |
415 |
445 |
472 |
b. Enterotoxemia (overeating) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
+ |
414 |
444 |
471 |
c. Other digestive problems (bloat, scours, acidosis, etc.). . . . . . . |
+ |
416 |
446 |
223 |
d. Respiratory problems (pneumonia, shipping fever, etc.). . . . . . |
+ |
417 |
447 |
224 |
e. Metabolic problems (milk fever, etc.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
+ |
418 |
448 |
225 |
f. Pregnancy toxemia |
+ |
474 |
h. Footrot |
+ |
g. Other disease problems (mastitis, etc.) [specify most common] XXX_________________________ |
+ |
419 |
449 |
226 |
i. Lameness (joint swelling, wounds, accidents due to farm equipment, fencing, other livestock, etc.) |
+ |
j. Problems related to or during kidding (dystocia, floppy kid syndrome, etc.) |
+ |
422 |
228 |
k. Starvation |
+ |
421 |
451 |
473 |
l. Poisoning (nitrate, noxious feeds, noxious weeds, etc.) |
+ |
424 |
454 |
231 |
m. Weather related (chilling, drowning, lightning, etc.) |
+ |
420 |
450 |
227 |
n. Fire (barn fire, pasture fire, etc.) |
+ |
o. Theft (stolen) |
+ |
425 |
455 |
232 |
p. Other known non-predator causes [specify] XXX_____________________________________ |
+ |
426 |
456 |
233 |
q. Unknown non-predator causes |
16. Undetermined causes |
a. Found dead (undetermined cause) |
+ |
427 |
457 |
475 |
b. Missing, unknown status |
+ |
17. Total goats and kids that were lost or died due to all causes. The total number in each column should equal the amount reported in Items 6, 7, and 8, respectively |
= |
[If Items 14a-14n all equal “0”, Go to Item 19. If at least one is greater than “0”, continue to Item 18.] |
18. Were any of the predator-related losses above confirmed by first-hand sightings? |
[If Items 15a-15q all equal “0”, Go to Item 16. If at least one is greater than “0”, continue to Item 21.] |
19. Were any of the non-predator-related losses above confirmed by laboratory testing or necropsy? |
2 Don’t Know |
20. Were any of the disease- or parasite-related deaths (Items 15a-15h) the result of transmission from wildlife? [specify wildlife] XXX_______________________________ |
1 Yes - [Continue] 3 No - [Go to Item 21] 2 Don’t Know - [Go to Item 21] |
Number |
a. Of the (Items 15a-15h) deaths due to disease- or parasite-related causes, how many were the result of transmission from wildlife? |
[If Item 21 is “Yes”, Go to Item 22. Otherwise, continue to Item 21.] |
21. How concerned are you
that the goats or kids on your operation could contract a disease
transmitted by wildlife? |
[specify wildlife] XXX_______________________________ |
Kids, less than 1 year old, before being weaned |
Kids, less than 1 year old, after being weaned |
Adult Goats, 1 year or older |
22. How many goats and kids
were injured but not killed by predators during |
478 |
479 |
237 |
23. How many of the goats and kids that were injured but not killed by predators during 2020 were euthanized as a direct result of the predator-related injury?
Include indirect predator causes of death (e.g., chasing a goat into a fence, resulting in the goat’s death) even if the death is not immediate but was ultimately attributable to the predator (e.g., if the goat was euthanized as a result of an attack by a predator). |
Head |
24. During 2020, how many kids were born dead (stillborn, aborted, mummified fetuses, etc.)? |
Section 2 - Goats and Kids - continued |
25. Which
of the following nonlethal predator control methods did you use to
prevent predator-caused losses on your goat operation during |
a. Dogs for guarding goats and kids |
1 Yes |
3 No |
b. Llamas or alpacas for guarding goats and kids |
1 Yes |
3 No |
c. Donkeys for guarding goats and kids |
1 Yes |
3 No |
d. Other animals for guarding goats and kids [specify] XXX________________ |
1 Yes |
3 No |
e. Fencing (including predator exclusion and electric fencing) |
1 Yes |
3 No |
f. Shed for kidding does |
1 Yes |
3 No |
g. Herding (by you or anyone employed or authorized by you, especially during the day) |
1 Yes |
3 No |
h. Night penning |
1 Yes |
3 No |
i. Fright tactics (sound, movement – such as flapping objects – lights, etc.) |
1 Yes |
3 No |
j. Removing carrion (including placentas from kidding areas) |
1 Yes |
3 No |
k. Culling older, weak, or sick goats to prevent death loss |
1 Yes |
3 No |
l. Changing bedding grounds (that is, moving where goats and kids bed down) |
1 Yes |
3 No |
m. Habitat management (trimming brush from perimeter of the property, barns, pens, etc.) |
1 Yes |
3 No |
n. More frequent checks in high predation areas/seasons |
1 Yes |
3 No |
o. Camera systems |
1 Yes |
3 No |
p. Altered breeding practices (changing breeding season so kids are not born when predators such as coyotes are feeding their young, etc.) |
1 Yes |
3 No |
q. Other nonlethal method [specify] XXX______________________________ |
1 Yes |
3 No |
If Items 25a-25q all equal “No” then go to Item 30. If at least one is equal to “Yes”, continue to Item 26. |
Did you spend any money on nonlethal
predator-control measures for goats and kids during |
248 |
1 Yes - [Continue] |
3 No - [Go to Item 27] |
Dollars |
a. How
much was spent on nonlethal predator-control measures for
goats and kids by this operation during |
249 |
27. Did you (or any person(s) employed or authorized by you) spend any time on nonlethal predator control measures for goats and kids during 2020? (This includes time on tasks such as building and maintaining fencing, checking on goats and kids in high predation areas/seasons, setting up lighting or camera systems, removing carrion, etc.) |
1 Yes - [Continue] |
3 No - [Go to Item 30] |
Section 2 - Goats and Kids – continued |
Hours |
a. How much time (total hours in 2020) did you (and any persons employed or authorized by you) spend on nonlethal predator control measures for goats and kids during 2020? |
you use any lethal predator-control measures for goats and
kids during |
1 Yes - [Continue] |
3 No - [Go to Item 31] |
250 |
1 Yes - [Continue] |
3 No - [Go to Item 31] |
Dollars |
by this operation during |
251 |
29. Did you (or any person(s) employed or authorized by you) spend any time on lethal predator control measures for goats and kids during 2020?(This includes tasks such as making and monitoring traps, hunting or euthanizing predators, etc.)
1 Yes - [Continue] |
3 No - [Go to Item29] |
Hours |
30. Were you aware that assistance of a State or Federal wildlife damage management specialist was available? |
1 Yes - [Continue] |
3 No - [Go to Item 32] |
Did you have the assistance of a State or Federal wildlife damage
management specialist in controlling predators of goats and kids
in |
252 |
1 Yes - [Go to Item 32] |
3 No - [Continue] |
a. If no, Why? |
Specify: XXX______________________________________________________________________ |
32. Did you use an official ID, such as an eartag with the US shield or a Scrapie tag, to individually identify any goats or kids on your operation during 2020? |
1 Yes |
3 No |
33. Did any goats or kids permanently leave the operation during 2020 (not including deaths)? |
1 Yes - [Continue] |
3 No - [Go to Section 3] |
1 – Incomplete, has goats or kids losses 2 – Incomplete, goats or kids losses unknown |
116 |
3 – Valid Zero |
Section 3 – Change in Operator |
● [Complete this section only if all questions in Item 2 on the front page are answered “No”.] |
1. Has the operation named on the label been sold, rented, or turned over to someone else? |
Yes - [Continue] No - [Go to Item 1a.] |
1a. Will the land be used for any agricultural purpose by you (the operator), or anyone else in the next year? (Including growing crops or raising livestock.)
Yes Don't Know No
[Regardless of answer to above, write a note to explain the situation, then go to Section 4.] __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ |
2. Was the operator (name on label) operating a farm or ranch
on June 1, |
Yes - [Continue] No - [Continue] |
3. Please provide the following information for the operation that has taken over the land: |
a. What is the name and address of the new operation? Operation Name: _____________________________ Operator Name: ______________________________ Address: ____________________________________ City: ___________________ State: _______ Zip: ___ Phone: _________________________ |
b. Was the [Item 3a] new
operation in business before June 1, |
Yes - [Go to Section 4.] No - [Continue] |
c. Is the [Item 3a] new operation managed? |
Yes - [Go to Section 4.] No - [Continue] |
d. Were any individuals
associated with the [Item 3a] operation operating land
individually before June 1, |
Yes - [Go to Section 4.] No - [Go to Section 4.] |
Section 4 – Conclusion
1. Do you (the operator named on the label) make any day-to-day decisions for another farm or ranch? Yes - [Continue.] No - [Go to Item 2.] |
a. What is the name of the other operation(s)? . . . . . . . |
Operation Name: ________________________________ |
b. Was this additional operation in business
before June 1, Yes - [Continue.] No - [Continue.] |
Address: ______________________________________ |
City: __________________ |
State: __ |
ZIP: ______ |
Phone: (______) __________________ |
2. SURVEY RESULTS: To receive the complete results of this survey on the release date, go to:
Would you rather have a brief summary mailed to you at a later date? |
Yes - [Enter code 1.] No - [Enter code 3.]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
9990 |
Respondent Name: |
9911 |
9910 MM DD YY |
Phone: ( ) |
Date: __ __ __ __ __ __ |
This completes the survey. Thank you for your help.
For Wildlife Services (WS) assistance in your State, call toll-free (866)-4USDA-WS (866-487-3297). |
Response |
Respondent |
Mode |
Enum. |
Eval. |
Change |
Office Use for POID |
1-Comp 2-R 3-Inac 4-Office Hold 5-R – Est 6-Inac – Est 7-Off Hold – Est
9901 |
1-Op/Mgr 2-Sp 3-Acct/Bkpr 4-Partner 9-Oth
9902 |
1-Mail 2-Tel 3-Face-to-Face 4-CATI 5-Web 6-e-mail 7-Fax 8-CAPI 19-Other |
9903 |
9998 |
9900 |
9985 |
__ __ __ - __ __ __ - __ __ __ |
Optional Use |
9907 |
9908 |
9906 |
9916 |
S/E Name |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | murpdi |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2022-03-07 |