FLDRS User Guide

Collection of High Resolution Spatial and Temporal Fishery Dependent Data to Support Scientific Research

FLDRS User Guide

OMB: 0648-0803

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Version 4.1.9


About FLDRS ................................................................................................................ 1
What’s new in FLDRS 4 ...................................................................................... 1
Using FLDRS ................................................................................................................. 1
Set up FLDRS ....................................................................................................... 2
Start FLDRS and log in ........................................................................................ 2
Trip Tab ......................................................................................................................... 4
Effort Tab ...................................................................................................................... 6
Catch Tab ...................................................................................................................... 8
Enter kept amounts ............................................................................................... 9
Enter discarded amounts..................................................................................... 10
Landings Tab ............................................................................................................... 11
Choose landing details ........................................................................................ 11
Change the port of landing ................................................................................. 12
Add another landing ........................................................................................... 12
Offloading catch in multiple ports...................................................................... 13
Allocating the catch ............................................................................................ 14
Set the dealer name ............................................................................................. 14
Set the date of the sale ........................................................................................ 15
Set the landed amount of a species ..................................................................... 15
Split up a species ................................................................................................ 16
Split up a species between ports ......................................................................... 16
Finishing Up ................................................................................................................ 17
Enter trip notes.................................................................................................... 17
Check the data .................................................................................................... 17
Partial trip reporting............................................................................................ 18
Check report data ................................................................................................ 18
Preview the data.................................................................................................. 19
Transmit the data ................................................................................................ 20
Set FLDRS Defaults .................................................................................................... 22
Review the defaults ............................................................................................ 22
Set defaults for a vessel ...................................................................................... 23
Set defaults for FLDRS ...................................................................................... 23
Set the default vessel .......................................................................................... 24
Set the Operators ................................................................................................ 24
Vessels ................................................................................................................ 26
Species lists......................................................................................................... 31

Gear..................................................................................................................... 34
Dealers ................................................................................................................ 36
Other FLDRS Tasks ................................................................................................... 39
Edit a saved trip .................................................................................................. 39
Delete a trip ........................................................................................................ 39
Manage trips ....................................................................................................... 40
Close down FLDRS ............................................................................................ 42
Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................... 43
Logging in........................................................................................................... 43
System crash ....................................................................................................... 43
Fishing effort ...................................................................................................... 43
GPS ..................................................................................................................... 41
Depth sounder ..................................................................................................... 41
Allocating to dealers ........................................................................................... 41
Transmitting data ................................................................................................ 42
Hardware............................................................................................................. 43
Digital Signing Ceremony .......................................................................................... 43
Your eVTR password ......................................................................................... 43
FLDRS Error Messages ............................................................................................. 44
Appendix 1 ..................................................................................................................... 7
Using FLDRS in the Surf Clam / Ocean Quahog fisheries .................................. 7


Using FLDRS

The Fisheries Logbook Data Recording Software (FLDRS) is a tool to assist the fishing industry
in collecting more accurate and timelier fisheries data while at sea. FLDRS can record data for
fishing gear such as trawl hauls, longline sets, gillnet sets, or pot strings. The data describe both
individual fishing efforts (gear, duration, location, etc.) and the entire trip (departure and landings,
ports, dealers, etc.). The user can collect data in two ways: either by recording each haul and its
catch separately (haul-by-haul), or by aggregating the catch made during one segment of the trip

What’s new in FLDRS 4
Version 4 of FLDRS adds these features:

More robust backup can allow quicker crash recovery, if you back up your data regularly;
see ‘Recover a trip’ on page 39.


FLDRS automatically generates a trip report after each trip, saving it as a PDF on the local
hard drive.


Improved software stability and user experience.

Version 4.1.9 of FLDRS adds these features:

Ability for automatic submission of GPS Polling data.


Ability to use FLDRS in the Surf Clam Ocean Quahog fisheries.

To use FLDRS, the fisherman completes these steps:
1. Before using FLDRS for the first time on a fishing trip, make time to set up FLDRS with
your Logbook technician. Although the setup may seem long and tedious, putting in the
time up front means a lot less typing and data entry at sea.
2. When the vessel leaves port, start FLDRS and record details of the trip—vessel name,
operator, time of departure, program, etc. Leave FLDRS running all through the trip,
closing it only when you reach the final port.
3. If you are using the Logbook to record haul-by-haul data, enter the haul details—time and
location of the set and haul, average fishing depth, etc.—every time a haul is made. If you
are using the Logbook to record subtrip data, enter the haul details whenever you change
the fishing area, gear, or mesh size.
4. After completing each haul record, enter the details of the catch—the species names, and
the amounts kept and discarded.
5. When the catch is landed, enter landing details—how much was sold to each dealer, kept
for bait, etc. If you land at several ports, record each one separately.
6. Check the data, and fix any errors. You may also view the trip data in a format that looks
like a paper VTR.
7. Complete the optional signing ceremony for electronic VTR filing. Users who do not wish
to use FLDRS to submit VTR trips electronically can file them manually.
8. Transmit the data.

Using FLDRS

The next part of this manual explains how to complete these steps.

Set up FLDRS
To set FLDRS up before the first trip, you work with a Logbook technician to record basic data
about operators, vessels, gear, typical species caught, dealers, etc. You also choose defaults, so that
your usual choice appears automatically. For instance, if you use three seafood dealers, but you
sell the majority of your catch to a single dealer, you would make that dealer the default.
Spending time making the default choices the right choices saves a lot of data entry time at sea,
though you can always adjust defaults later; see “Set FLDRS Defaults” on page 22.
If you plan to submit your VTR electronically, obtain your NMFS-supplied password; see “Your
eVTR password” on page 43.

Start FLDRS and log in
As soon as the lines come off the dock, start FLDRS so you can use the sailing date and times
automatically generated by FLDRS, instead of having to enter them by hand.
1. On the Windows desktop, find the FLDRS icon:

2. Double-click on the icon. The main FLDRS window appears.

3. Click the Login button.
4. Enter your user name and password, and then click the Login button. (If you have trouble
with this, see “Logging in” on page 40.)


Using FLDRS

The Fisheries Logbook Data Recording Software window appears.

Decide what to do next:
Start a new trip.
Read the next section. It explains how to enter trip data.
Edit or view an old trip.
See “Edit a saved trip” on page 36.
Change or set up defaults.
See “Set defaults for FLDRS” on page 22.
View this manual.
Click the Help button.
Close FLDRS.
See “Close down FLDRS” on page 39.


Using FLDRS

Trip Tab
To enter data for a new trip:
1. Click the Start Trip button at the bottom of the main FLDRS window. The Select Program
for Current Trip dialog box appears.

2. Choose the fishery program that you are participating in during this trip, and click the OK
button. The FLDRS window appears, with the Trip tab open and the default details for the
trip filled in.

3. Review the details, and correct any errors:

Change the trip type by selecting from the dropdown menu.


Change the crew numbers by clicking the up and down arrows.


For party or charter trips, select the number of anglers by clicking on the up and
down arrows. This field is invisible for commercial trips.


Change the operator by selecting another name from the list.


Change the departure date by clicking on the calendar icon, selecting the date and
time, and clicking OK.


Change the departure time by clicking on the calendar icon, selecting the date and


Using FLDRS

time, and clicking Save.

If you see a Set Identifier button at the top of the window, you must set the trip
identifier manually. The first six digits of the ID are your vessel’s federal permit
number, and the last eight digits of the ID are the date and time when you set it.
The trip ID identifies this trip uniquely and links various databases together. You
can set the trip ID any time before you make a landing.
If you see an Additional Data button on the window,
click it to provide data values. A red check mark means the data is required.
Decide what to do next:
I am only setting up the trip and have no fishing data to enter yet.
Click the Exit and Save button. Do not close down FLDRS. When you are ready to add
fishing data, click the Edit Trip button; see “Edit a saved trip” on page 36.
I made a mistake, and I don’t want to keep this trip data.
Click the Exit without saving button. Click OK in the warning message.
I am ready to enter fishing data.
Keep reading.


Using FLDRS

Effort Tab
Next, you enter details about each subtrip or haul in the Effort tab.
Why call it a “fishing effort”? Because fishing gear and techniques vary so much between
different fisheries, and FLDRS supports them all. Examples of various fishing efforts are: an
individual otter trawl tow/haul, a scallop dredge haul, a longline set, a string of pots, or one
harpoon throw.
To record the fishing effort, you select the type of gear, record the setting and hauling, and the

Choosing fishing details
To record the gear and geographic information for a fishing effort:
1. If you need to open the trip, see “Edit a saved trip” on page 36. If the trip is already open,
go on to the next step.
2. In the FLDRS window, click the Effort tab.
3. In the middle of the window, click the New Effort button. The default gear values for the
vessel appear.

4. Check the gear details (i.e., gear size, quantity, mesh size), or choose another gear
configuration if you are not using your default gear. If you select a gear other than your
default, FLDRS uses that gear for the rest of this trip, but your usual default gear returns
on the next trip. If you can’t find the gear you are using for this effort, go back to the Trip
tab, click Exit and Save, and see “Add new gear” on page 31.
The buttons you see depend on the fishery program you are currently engaged in and the
gear you are using on the effort. In general, you should use the buttons this way:

When you start to set the gear, click the Set—Start button.


When the gear starts fishing, click the Set—End button.


When the gear stops fishing, click the Haul—Start button.


When the gear hits the deck, click the Haul—End button.

Using FLDRS

Clicking the Set and Haul buttons gets precise times and positions from the GPS unit. If
GPS is not integrated, time and location values will have to be manually entered.
Typically, if you are using fixed gear (e.g., gillnet, longline, or pot gear), you see only the
Haul—Start and Haul—End buttons. If you are entering data for a subtrip, you see only
the Haul-Start button. If you need to set the times for a set or haul manually, see “Fishing
effort” on page 40.
To clear all the values for an entry, click its hand icon.
If you forget to click a button, enter estimates by using the clock and globe icons in the
same row as the forgotten button; see “Fishing effort” on page 40. If you estimate,
mention that in the Trip Notes; see “Enter trip notes” on page 17.
5. If the Average Depth field is blank, you must enter a value. Enter the average gear depth,
not the average water depth. For fixed gear such as pots, longline or gillnets, enter the
average depth from anchor to anchor. For mobile gear such as trawls or dredges, enter the
average depth fished between the end of the set and the start of the haul.
6. Check the value in the Stat Area field. FLDRS will use the location entered for Haul—
Start to determine the Stat Area value. The Stat Area value can be selected from the
dropdown menu if the user disagrees with the calculated Stat Area assignment


Using FLDRS

Catch Tab
To record the species caught in this fishing effort:
1. Click the Catch tab.
2. If you caught nothing at all for a particular effort, just click the Water Haul button. You
are done with this effort, though you can describe what happened in the Trip Notes
section; see “Enter trip notes” on page 17. IF NO CATCH WAS EXPECTED BECAUSE
3. Highlight the effort or subtrip in the Efforts List near the top of the window. The species
that you expect to catch with the gear appear in two lists at the bottom of the window. The
left side shows the species you retained and the right side shows the species you

4. Check the list of species names. It should include everything you caught. If you need to add
species to the list:

Click the Add Species button. The Add Species window appears.


Highlight the name of the species, grade code, market category, and unit of
measure to add. To jump to a name, click in the Search field and type the first
few letters of the species name.


Click the appropriate Add to button.


Click Exit when you are done adding species. FLDRS adds the items to the
bottom of the list, in the order you added them. Use the Sort By radio buttons
to organize the list. The species stay on your short list for the rest of this trip,
and for all subsequent trips.

TIPS: To use a different set of species, go to the Trip tab, click Exit and Save,
click Software Setup, go to the Gear tab, and pick a different species list. Then
exit from Software Setup and click the Edit Trip button to resume work on your
trip report. See “Species lists” on page 31 for more information.


Using FLDRS

To change the disposition for retained or discarded catch, double-click in the
appropriate Disposition field for the species, select the new disposition, and click
the Set Disposition button.

You may delete a species by clicking the Delete Species button, then selecting the
species name and clicking the appropriate Delete button. This step is optional,
since FLDRS drops species from the report if the amount is zero.

Enter kept amounts
To enter amounts for species you kept:
1. Highlight the fishing effort in the top half of the window. The species expected in that
effort appear in the lower half of the window.

2. In the Retained Catch list, click on the Amount field for the species.
3. Enter the amount of this species that you kept, checking the grade and the units of
4. If your program includes setting a disposition for the species:

Double-click on the species name to see a dialog box for selecting the
disposition. (If the list is empty or has one entry, you cannot enter dispositions;
just click Exit and go on to the next step.)

Using FLDRS

Set the disposition by selecting the species name and then double-clicking on
the disposition.


Click the Exit button to return to the Catch tab.

5. Click on the species name or press the Tab key to move to the next species.
6. Repeat these steps for each species that you kept.
If you need to add a species, just click the Add Species button to include it in the list, and then
enter values for the amounts that you kept and/or discarded.
TIP: With the numeric pad, you can use the mouse to enter values
To open the pad, click the View No Pad button.
It works like a calculator. Use the < and > to move to the species, click each
digit of the amount, click either Retain or Discard to load the value into the
appropriate field, and then click Set Quantity to record the value. For example,
to record that you discarded 24 pounds of round Atlantic cod, you would click >
until Cod, Atlantic – round appeared at the bottom of the numeric pad. Then
you would click 2, then 4, then Discard, and then Set Quantity. You can also use
the numeric pad to fill in the Effort tab.

Enter discarded amounts
To enter amounts for species you discarded:
1. Make sure the desired fishing effort is highlighted in the top half of the window.
2. In the Discarded Catch list, click on the Amount field for the species.
3. Enter the amount of this species that you discarded, checking to make sure you are
entering the amount for the correct grade and units of measure.
4. If your program includes setting a disposition for the species:

Double-click on the species name to see a dialog box for selecting the
disposition. (If the list is empty or has a single entry, you cannot enter
dispositions; just click the Exit button and go on to the next step.)


Set the disposition by selecting the species name and then double-clicking on
the disposition.

5. Enter quantities and dispositions for all the species that you discarded.
TIP: To see the total hail weight of all species recorded on this trip, click the Trip
Totals button.
When you have recorded every species, decide what to do next:
I want to record another fishing effort.
Go back to the Effort tab. Click the New Effort button to clear the fields, and follow the
steps in “Effort Tab” on page 6 again.
I don’t plan another fishing effort soon, but I haven’t landed yet.
Save the trip by clicking on the Effort tab. Do not log out of FLDRS.

Using FLDRS

I am done fishing and ready to add landing data.
Keep reading.

Landings Tab
In the Landings tab, you describe the fate of the retained catch, listing the ports where you
offloaded fish and the names of the dealers who bought the fish at each individual port of landing.
If you did not sell all the catch, but used it for bait, home consumption, etc., you must report that.
All kept poundage must be recorded. However, the hail estimates you made on the Catch tab need not
match the dealer slips; please do not go back and make adjustments.
A landing is still required if your entire trip was a bust (no catch for the
entire trip) or no catch was expected because your trip was a “no-effort” trip.

Choose landing details
To enter landing details:
1. Click the Landings tab at the top of the window.
2. Click the New Landing button on the left side of the window. FLDRS asks you if all your
catch will be offloaded at this port. If you are not certain that you will land your entire
catch at this port, see “Add another landing” on page 12.

3. Check that the defaults are correct.
Decide what to do next:
I sold my entire catch to my default dealer on the default date.
Go to “Finishing Up” on page 17.
I split my catch between several dealers.
Go to “Allocating the catch” on page 14.
I plan to land fish at several ports.
Go to “Add another landing” on page 12, and then go to “Split up a species” on page 16.

Using FLDRS

Change the port of landing
If you are not landing your fish at the default port:
1. Double-click on the Port Landed cell.

2. Select the state where you landed, and then highlight the port where you landed. Click the
Select button.

3. To change the landing date and time, double-click on the Time Landed column header.
Use the calendar and clock to set the new date and time.

Add another landing
If you land your catch in more than one port, VTR regulations require that you report the
disposition of the entire catch when you land at the first port. Since you can’t know exactly what
will happen, you have to estimate.
To record landing data for more than one port:
1. Click the Landings tab. If you need to open the trip first, see “Edit a saved trip” on page
2. Clear the End of Trip checkbox.

3. Click the New Landing button in the bottom left corner of the window.
FLDRS asks you if the landing is the last one for the trip. If you are not sure yet, choose
Yes; you can easily change it later by unchecking the End of Trip? checkbox.
4. If you did not land at the default port, double-click the Port Landed field, choose the port
where you landed, and click the Select button.
5. If you did not land at the default date and/or time, set the actual date and time by doubleclicking on the Date Landed and Time Landed fields. FLDRS prompts you to set the
correct date or time.
If you plan to land at another port, allocate what you landed at this port, and then estimate data for
the next port(s). Do your best with the estimates, ensuring that the values for the ports add up, to

Using FLDRS

avoid having to edit the VTR data after it has been submitted.

Offloading catch in multiple ports
You must create a landing event for each port where fish was offloaded. Therefore, if you intend
to offload catch at multiple ports, you have to create multiple landing events.
To create a new landing:
1. On the Landings tab, click the New Landing button. FLDRS asks you if all the catch will
be offloaded at the current port:

Click yes to end the trip and prevent any additional landing events from being


If you will be offloading additional catch at another port, click No.

2. FLDRS creates the first landing event with the End of Trip field unchecked, and with the
total amount caught for each species. Since you are planning to land at multiple ports, you
need to change these values, by clicking the Amount field for each species and entering
the amount that you offloaded at this port. Since VTR requirements state that a trip must
be closed out once fish is first offloaded, you must create the remaining landing events at
this time.

3. To create another landing event, click the New Landing button again. As before, click Yes
if this second landing will be the final offload, or No if you will be offloading at a third
port. Choosing Yes marks this second landing as the end of the trip.
4. FLDRS creates a second landing event using defaults, which you need to review and edit:

Edit the Port and Dealer values by clicking the relevant cells and then changing the


Since this landing has not yet occurred, you must estimate the value for the Time
Landed field. Also, if you expect the additional landing to occur on a different
calendar day, you must change the Date Sold value for the species, too.


Using FLDRS

At this time, FLDRS does not check that the various amounts you enter in multiple
landings match the totals you entered for the catch. Since mismatching amounts
will likely cause VTR submissions to be returned and changes may need to be made
through the web portal, please check these amounts carefully.
5. Repeat these steps for each additional landing, until all catch is reported as offloaded and
all poundage is accounted for.

Allocating the catch
For each species, you must select:

the dealer who purchased your fish


the date of the sale


the amount you sold

Set the dealer name
The name of your usual dealer should appear in the Dealer Name field.
If you disposed of some fish in other ways—for example, for bait or home consumption—use the
special “dealer names” for these uses.
If you did not sell to the default dealer, choose the dealer who bought the fish:
1. Locate the species name in the list.
2. Double-click on the dealer name for that species.
3. Choose the new dealer name in the dialog box. To use this dealer for all the sales in t h e
t rip, check the Change dealer for all species landings box.


Using FLDRS

TIP: If you don’t see the dealer’s name in the list, you can add it. Click on the Trip
tab, click Exit and Save, and then follow the instructions in “Add a dealer” on
page 33. After you add the dealer name and close Software Setup, click the Edit
Trip button and return to the Landings tab to record the sale.

Set the date of the sale
Next, set the date of the sale. Use the actual date of the transaction (local time, not UTC); for
example, if you land late at night on the 5th and do not offload until the 6th, enter the 6th as the sale
By default, FLDRS uses the system clock’s date. To change the sale date:
1. Locate the species name in the list.
2. Double-click on the Date Sold cell for the species, select the date, and click OK.


Set the landed amount of a species
Finally, set the amounts in the sale. If you sold the entire amount of one species to one dealer,
skip to “Finishing Up” on page 17. Otherwise, you can split the species among multiple dealers.
TIP: Use the Convert Species button to change the unit of measure for a species.
For example, you estimate your scallop catch as shell-on scallops by the bushel,
but you sell scallop meats to the dealer by the pound. To convert a species,
highlight the species name and then click Convert Species. FLDRS prompts you to
record quantities of each grade; the grading depends on the species you selected.


Using FLDRS

Split up a species
If you split up a species to sell to dealers in the same port, or reserved part of the species for home
consumption or bait, you must allocate the proper amounts.
To allocate a species between two dealers:
1. In the Landings tab, select the species name in the list.
2. Click the Split Species button to add another entry for the species.
3. Double-click on the Dealer Name field for the new species entry.
4. Choose the new dealer name from the list, and click OK. Now you can enter the amount to
allocate to the new dealer:

Click on the Amount field for the species, which shows the hail estimate you
made while fishing.


Enter the amount of fish sold to this dealer. Your hail estimate (the amount you
entered while fishing) does not have to match the dealer sale you enter here;
please do not go back and change your estimates. For more information, see
“Troubleshooting” on page 40.


Click another entry in the list, to update the fields.

If you mistakenly add an extra entry for a species, highlight it in the list and then click the Delete
Species button. You cannot delete the only entry for a species, though.
If you mistakenly delete a species, see “Troubleshooting” on page 40.

Split up a species between ports
If you landed fish in more than one port, and split up a species to sell to different dealers in
different ports:
1. Select the port. In the Port Landed list, highlight the name of the port.
2. Next, adjust the amount for a species:

In the Description of Species list, click on the Amount field.


Enter the amount of fish sold to this dealer.


Recalculate the values. The hail estimates you entered on the Catch tab do not
have to match the dealer sale exactly; see “Troubleshooting” on page 40.

3. If you need to change the dealer, double-click on the Dealer Name field for the new entry,
choose a different dealer and click OK.
4. Repeat these steps for each species. Tip:


Using FLDRS

Finishing Up
When the entire catch has been allocated, you are almost done. The last few steps are:

Adding trip notes—optional


Checking the data


Previewing the trip report—optional


Completing the optional signing ceremony by providing your NMFS-supplied electronic
VTR password; see “Your eVTR password” on page 43.


Transmitting the data

Enter trip notes
In the Trip Notes tab, you can enter brief comments or notes. They are optional, but any
information that helps with interpreting the data is very welcome.
You can enter trip notes at any point throughout the trip. You do not need to wait until the end of
the trip.
To enter notes:
1. Click the Trip Notes tab.
2. Type your comments into the field. You can enter up to 255 characters. FLDRS saves
your entry when you click on another tab.

Check the data
Before you send a trip report, make sure that the data are valid (no errors) and correct (true).



Using FLDRS

Partial trip reporting
If your fishery requires you to submit your catch data before the end of the trip (e.g., you have
daily reporting requirements), you can transmit partial trip reports. If you submit only full trips,
skip ahead to “Check report data” on page 18. In both cases, FLDRS may prompt you to complete
a signing ceremony; see “Digital signing ceremony” on page 43.
To transmit a partial trip report:
1. Make sure that all the efforts are complete (all fields are filled in and all catch records have
been entered).
2. When you are ready to transmit the partial trip, click on the Transmit tab and click the
Check Trip button. FLDRS warns you that the trip record has no landing:

3. Click the Yes button and then click Export Trip. You may be prompted to enter and
confirm the password that NMFS gave you for electronic VTR reporting; see “Your
eVTR password” on page 43:

FLDRS exports the data to a file with a suffix that shows the segment of the trip. For
example, the file 12345609043018_3.gpgcontains data for the third segment of the trip.
NMFS validates the password upon receipt of the file.
4. Launch your satellite communication device software (if it’s not already running) and then
click the OK button. You can then go back and resume entering data for the trip.
Once you transmit the catch and associated data for a haul, you cannot change it in the Logbook.

Check report data
To review the data:
1. Click the Transmit tab at the top of the window.
2. Click the Check Trip button at the bottom of the window.

Using FLDRS

A message tells you when the check is complete. It may contain information about errors.
For more information, see “FLDRS Error Messages” on page 45.

You must fix all the errors before you can transmit the report, and you cannot start another
trip report until you transmit this one.
When the check runs without errors, you get this message:

Now the other buttons on the Transmit tab are available.

Preview the data
To review the trip data in a format similar to the paper Fishing Vessel Trip Report (VTR), click
the Preview button.

The buttons on the Preview window allow you to export the trip data to Crystal Reports, print it,
navigate around the report, and zoom in and out.
Click the X (Close) button in the top right corner when you are done with the report.
If you need to change a value, return to the tab where you entered the value and change it. After
that, return to the Transmit tab and check the trip again before you transmit it.


Using FLDRS

Transmit the data
After the data have been checked and found error-free, you may complete the optional signing
ceremony (see “Digital signing ceremony” on page 43) and then transmit the report. FLDRS
formats the data and then uses your vessel’s satellite communication system to transmit the data.


To send the data:
1. If you previewed the report, click Close on the Preview window.
2. In the Transmit tab, check the backup file destination. You may edit the path to store the
backup file in a different location.

3. Make sure that your satellite communication system is running, or computer has a wireless
signal, and then click the Export Trip button.
If you are filing an eVTR, FLDRS prompt you to enter and confirm your NMFS-supplied
password (see “Your eVTR password” on page 43):


Using FLDRS

4. Click OK. FLDRS sends a confirmation message, and files the trip data.

You can never edit the trip again, but you can view it in a format similar to the paper
Fishing Vessel Trip Report (VTR); see “View or print trip reports” on page 37.
5. Click the Exit and Save button to return to the FLDRS window. Now that the trip is
complete, you may log out and exit FLDRS.


Using FLDRS

Set FLDRS Defaults
When you record a trip, FLDRS automatically provides default values for most of the trip data.
For each item, the default value should be the one you use the most often, so you never have to type
or select that value. If you keep on having to select different values, you can adjust the defaults so
you have less typing to do.
Some values can only be set or added by the Logbook technician. Here are the defaults you can
set from within the Logbook:

Operator name. See “Operators” on page 24.


Vessel name. See “Vessels” on page 26.


Fishing gear type, description, and details. See “Gear” on page 31.


Lists of species that you usually catch with a particular type of gear. See “Species lists” on
page 28.


All the dealers you use. See “Dealers” on page 33.


Settings that affect how FLDRS works, such as the default program, the default vessel, the
use of depth sounder data, etc. See “Set defaults for FLDRS” on page 23.

Review the defaults
For each vessel, FLDRS keeps a set of default values that includes gear, port of landing, usual
dealer, trip type, crew size, etc.
To see or edit the current defaults for a vessel:
1. On the main FLDRS window, click the Software Setup button. The Software Setup
window appears, with the Operator tab open.
2. Click on the Defaults tab. This tab shows vessel names on the left, with default values for
the selected vessel on the right.

3. To see the defaults for a vessel, click its name in the list on the left. The defaults for the
vessel appear on the right.

Using FLDRS

Set defaults for a vessel
When you select a vessel for a trip, FLDRS uses the default details for that vessel. The details
include the usual ports for departure and landing, along with crew count and the type of trip.
To set different defaults for a vessel:
1. On the main FLDRS window, click the Software Setup button. The Software Setup
window appears, with the Operator tab open.
2. Click on the Defaults tab. The current defaults for the first vessel in your short list appear.
3. Highlight the vessel name in the list on the left side of the window:
4. Set the defaults according to following table
Default Vessel
To use this vessel whenever when you start a trip, check the
checkbox below the list of vessel names.

To have FLDRS generate your Trip Identifier automatically at the start
of the trip, check the checkbox. To generate the Trip Identifier manually
at some point during the trip, leave this box unchecked.


Choose the operator who usually captains this vessel.

Default Port of
Departure (Port
and State)

In the field, click the moon icon. Click the appropriate state/ province
button, select the port name from the list, and then click Select.

Default Port of
Landing (Port
and State)

In the field, click the moon icon. Click the appropriate state/ province
button, select the port name from the list, and then click Select.

Default Crew

In the field, enter the usual number of crew members (including the

Choose the dealer who primarily purchases landings from this vessel.

Set defaults for FLDRS
The Defaults tab also includes settings that affect the way FLDRS works, regardless of the vessel
you have selected.
To set defaults for all of FLDRS:
1. On the main FLDRS window, click the Software Setup button. The Software Setup
window appears, with the Operator tab open.
2. Click on the Defaults tab.
3. Set the defaults:

In the Default Units for Depth Entry field, choose the units of measure for entering
or viewing fishing depth (feet, meters, or fathoms).


In the Default Trip Type field, select the usual purpose of the trip (commercial,
party, or charter).


In the Autopopulate Avg Depth field, choose ‘On’ to use the vessel’s depth
sounder to fill in the Average Depth Fished field on the Effort window. This
setting is only appropriate for a vessel using gear that fishes on the bottom. If the

Using FLDRS

vessel is fishing midwater or surface gear, set Autopopulate Avg Depth to ‘Off’
and enter the fishing depth manually. FLDRS must be configured to autopopulate
the Average Depth Fished field; ask your Logbook technician.

In the Current Program field, select the name of the program in which you are
participating. If you are not sure which program to choose, select the generic
program. You cannot change programs while a trip is active.

FLDRS saves your changes when you click on another field, go to another tab, or select another
default to edit.

Set the default vessel
When you start a new trip, the details for the default (active) vessel appear automatically. Only
one vessel can be active at a given time, and you cannot change vessels during a trip. To use a
different vessel:
1. On the main FLDRS window, click the Software Setup button. The Software Setup
window appears, with the Operator tab open.
2. Click on the Defaults tab. Highlight the name of the vessel to use as the default (active)
3. Check the Default Vessel checkbox. Now FLDRS uses this vessel whenever you start a
FLDRS saves the details when you click on another tab.

Set the Operators
For FLDRS, the operator, or captain of the vessel, is the holder of a federal operator’s permit. To
use the Logbook, you need to set up a short list of operators likely to be captaining your vessel.
Add an operator to the short list
You can add an operator to the short list, if the operator’s name and details are already in the
To choose a new operator:
1. On the main FLDRS window, click the Software Setup button. The Software Setup
window appears, with the Operator tab open to show the full list of operators and the
current short list
2. In the Available Operators list, click the operator’s name.
3. Click the Select Operator button.
4. The operator’s name appears in the Operator Short List in the lower half of the window.


Using FLDRS

FLDRS saves the new details when you click on another tab or click the Select Operator button
Delete an operator from the short list
If you don’t want an operator name to appear in your short list, you can delete it. Deleting the
name only removes it from the short list in the lower half of the window; the name still appears in
the Available Operators list in the top half of the window.
To delete an operator name:
1. On the main FLDRS window, click the Software Setup button. The Software Setup
window appears, with the Operator tab open to show the list of available operators and
your short list.
2. Highlight the operator's name.
3. Click the Delete button. In the warning message, click Yes to delete the operator from the
short list, or click No to keep it.
Use an operator as the default
When you select a vessel for a trip, FLDRS shows the name of the vessel’s default operator. To
make a different vessel operator the default operator for a vessel:
1. On the main FLDRS window, click the Software Setup button. The Software Setup
window appears, with the Operator tab open.
2. Click on the Defaults tab. The current list of default values appears.
3. In the Name of Vessel list on the left, select the vessel.
4. In the Default Operator list on the right, select the operator name.
5. FLDRS saves your changes when you click on another field, go to another tab, or select
another default to edit.
Next time you enter a trip and select this vessel, the details for this operator appear automatically.


Using FLDRS

When you enter a trip, the active vessel is automatically selected, and FLDRS sets these values
based on your chosen defaults:

The operator (the vessel captain)


The crew count (the usual number of crew members)


The type of trip (party, commercial, or charter)


The gear type (the gear configuration used most often)


The dealer (the dealer to whom catches are most often sold)


The departure port (the port where most trips start)


The landing port (the port where most trips end)

Add a new vessel
Select the vessel(s) that you plan to use with FLDRS. To add a new vessel to your short list:
1. On the main FLDRS window, click the Software Setup button. The Software Setup
window appears, with the Operator tab open.
2. Click on the Vessel tab. The current list of vessels appears.

3. Highlight the name of the vessel you want to add to your short list.
4. Click the Select Vessel button.
5. FLDRS saves your changes when you click on another tab, select another vessel, or click
the Select Vessel button again.
You must set default values for each vessel; see “Set defaults for a vessel” on page 23.
Delete a vessel
To delete a vessel:
1. On the main FLDRS window, click the Software Setup button. The Software Setup
window appears, with the Operator tab open.
2. Click on the Vessel tab. The current list of vessels appears.

Using FLDRS

3. In the vessel short list, highlight the name of the vessel.
4. Click the Delete Vessel button. In the warning message, click Yes if you want to delete the
vessel, or No to keep it.
If you are working on a trip that is using this vessel, you cannot delete the vessel until the trip is
either completed or deleted.

Species lists
Species lists can make recording species in a catch much quicker. When you record a fishing
effort, FLDRS provides a list of typically caught species in the Catch tab, so you don’t have to
enter them each time. The list of species is created in the Species List tab, and then associated
with a particular gear configuration in the Gear tab.
The species list is a shortcut way of associating the same group of species with a variety of
different gear configurations. If you have several gear types that usually catch the same species,
you can use just one list of species, and associate it with the different types of gear.
To create and use a species list, use the Species List tab to create a list that contains species you
typically catch, along with dispositions for the discards. Next, associate the list with one or more
gear types, using the Gear tab. You can use the Species List tab to view, edit, and delete the lists.
You should include both kept and discarded species in your species lists. For example, a flat- net
species list could include yellowtail flounder, winter flounder, little skates, winter skates, spiny
dogfish, Loligo squid, lobster, sea scallops, etc.
TIP: Don’t hesitate to add occasionally caught species to a species list. FLDRS
shows all the species in the species list in the Catch tab, but it drops species with
weights of zero from the final report. It’s probably quicker to include species just
in case, instead of having to add them when you catch them.
Create a new species list
To create a new list of species:
1. On the main FLDRS window, click the Software Setup button. The Software Setup
window appears, with the Operator tab open.
2. Click on the Species Lists tab.


Using FLDRS

The list on the left shows all the species lists. The Retained and Discarded lists on the right
show the species that are included in the highlighted list.
3. Click the Create List button at the bottom of the window. FLDRS prompts you to name
the list. Choose something memorable and descriptive, and click Save.

FLDRS adds the new name to the list on the left side of the window, and shows its content
in the two lists on the right side of the window. In this example, the species list named
Temporary List is still empty.

4. To add species to the list, click the Add Species button at the bottom of the window. The
Select a Species dialog box appears:


Using FLDRS

5. Click the check box next to all the species to add, and then click either the Add to
Retained, Add to Discarded, or Add to Both button.
Each time you click an Add to button, FLDRS adds the highlighted species to the lists on the
window below the dialog box.
6. When your list is complete, click the Exit button.
FLDRS saves your choices when you go to a different tab or click the Exit Setup button.
TIP: You can make a new list that is very similar to a list that already exists, by
copying the existing list into the new one. To create a new list and fill it with the
contents of an existing list:
1. On the main FLDRS window, click the Software Setup button. The Software
Setup window appears, with the Operator tab open.
2. Click on the Species Lists tab.
3. Click the Create List button, and name the new list.
4. Click the Copy List button. The Select Named Short List dialog box appears.
The Name of List box shows all the species lists. Highlight a list to see its
contents in the Description of Species lists.
5. In the Name of List box, highlight the list to include, and click the Select List
button. FLDRS creates the new list, which you can edit using the Species List
Tip: To add multiple instances of the same species with different dispositions,
add 1 instance of a species. Change its disposition. Then add another instance of
the species. Repeat if necessary.
Delete a species from a list
To delete a species from a species list:
1. On the main FLDRS window, click the Software Setup button. The Software Setup
window appears, with the Operator tab open.
2. Click on the Species Lists tab.
3. In the list on the left side of the window, select the name of the species list. The contents
of the list appear on the right side of the window.
4. Click the Delete Species button at the bottom of the window. The Delete from Named List
dialog box shows all the retained and discarded species in the list.
5. Highlight the species to delete, and then click either the Delete Retained or Delete
Discarded button.
6. When you have finished deleting species, click Exit to close the Delete from Named List
Set a priority for a species
You can use the priority number to control the sorting of a species list. By default, FLDRS shows
the species in the order you added them to the list. To change the sorting order, change the
priority of the species in the list. Giving a species a high priority places it closer to the top of the

Using FLDRS

species lists in the Catch tab.
To edit the priority for a species:
1. On the main FLDRS window, click the Software Setup button. The Software Setupwindow
appears, with the Operator tab open.

2. Click on the Species Lists tab.
3. In the list on the left side of the window, select the name of the species list. The items in the
species list appear in the lists on the right side of the window.
4. In the lists on the right, click on the Priority field for the species, and enter a new value. 1
is the highest priority. To update the list, tab to another species in the list.

FLDRS keeps a separate record for each type of gear configuration you discussed with the
Logbook technician at setup time. All variations of the same basic gear are treated as separate
gear configurations, with unique names and details for each of them. Don’t be afraid to include all
the possible configurations for the gear you use—it speeds up data entry during fishing. Use the
Species List tab to associate a gear type with the group of species the gear usually catches.
Add new gear
To add a new type of gear:
1. On the main FLDRS window, click the Software Setup button. The Software Setup
window appears, with the Operator tab open.


Using FLDRS

1. Click on the Gear tab. The current list of gear descriptions appears.
2. Select the type of gear to add, and click the New Gear button.
3. Enter the details of the type of gear. Make the description something you can quickly
recognize when you are selecting gear types during a trip.
4. If you have set up a species list appropriate for this gear, use the Species List box in the
lower right side of this window to associate the list with this gear definition. For more on
species lists, see “Species lists” on page 28.
5. FLDRS saves your changes when you click on another tab, select another gear type, or
click the New Gear button again.
TIP: Try narrowing down the gear choices:
Click on the list in the top right corner, next to the All Categories button. The list shows
basic gear types such as trawl, long line, etc. Clicking a gear type shortens the
Description of Gear list, so it shows only that specific type of gear. To see the full list
again, click All Categories.

Edit gear details
If you notice that the details for an item of gear are incorrect, edit the entry immediately.
To change an item of gear:
1. On the main FLDRS window, click the Software Setup button. The Software Setup
window appears, with the Operator tab open.
2. Click on the Gear tab. The current list of gear descriptions appears.
3. In the list on the left side of the window, highlight the name of the gear.
4. At the bottom of the window, change the details.
5. FLDRS saves the details when you click on another gear item name, go to a different tab,
or click the New Gear button.
Delete gear
To delete a piece of gear:
1. On the main FLDRS window, click the Software Setup button. The Software Setup
window appears, with the Operator tab open.
2. Click on the Gear tab. The current list of gear descriptions appears.
3. In the list on the left side of the window, highlight the name of the piece of gear.
4. Click the Delete Gear button. In the warning message, click Yes to delete the gear, or
click No to keep it.
If you are working on a trip that uses this gear configuration, you cannot delete the gear until the
trip is over.


Using FLDRS

Use a gear configuration as the default
The particular configuration of gear that you usually fish should be set up as the default gear. That
way, it appears automatically when you start entering a fishing effort. If your habits or gear
change, you can change the default.
To use gear as the default for a vessel:
1. On the main FLDRS window, click the Software Setup button. The Software Setup
window appears, with the Operator tab open.
2. Click on the Defaults tab. The current list of defaults appears.

3. In the list on the left side of the window, select the vessel name.
4. In the Default Gear Type list, select the gear to use as the default.
5. FLDRS saves your choice when you click on another default, go to a different tab, or click
the Exit Setup button.

The term “dealer” may cover any fate for the fish. It can include sale to a dealer, home use, bait,
etc. For some fisheries, you may be able to specify both a disposition and a dealer. On the
Landings tab, double-clicking on the Disposition field shows the options for your fishery.
Add a dealer
To add a dealer:
1. On the main FLDRS window, click the Software Setup button. The Software Setup
window appears, with the Operator tab open.
2. Click on the Dealers tab. The required dealers appear in the list in the top half of the
window. Dealers that you have already added appear in the list in the lower half of the


Using FLDRS

3. Select the dealer’s state from the dropdown menu. All the permitted dealers in that state
appear in the list below the state buttons.
4. Highlight the dealer name.
5. Click the Select Dealer button, or just double-click the dealer name. The dealer’s name
appears in the list at the bottom of the window.

FLDRS saves your selections when you go to a different tab or click the Exit Setup button.
Delete a dealer
To delete a dealer:
1. On the main FLDRS window, click the Software Setup button. The Software Setup
window appears, with the Operator tab open.
2. Click on the Dealers tab.
3. In the Dealer Name list at the bottom of the window, highlight the dealer name.

Using FLDRS

4. Click the Delete Dealer button. In the warning message, click Yes to delete the dealer or
No to keep it.
Use a dealer as the default
The dealer to whom you usually sell your catch should be set up as the default dealer. That way,
the dealer name appears automatically when you start entering a landing. If your habits change,
you can change the default.
To make a dealer appear as the default when you record a landing:
1. On the main FLDRS window, click the Software Setup button. The Software Setup
window appears, with the Operator tab open.
2. Click on the Defaults tab.
3. In the list on the left, click the vessel name. The defaults for that vessel appear on the right.
4. Click the Default Dealer list and select the dealer to use as the default.


Using FLDRS

5. FLDRS saves your choice when you go to a different tab or click the Exit Setup button.

Other FLDRS Tasks
In addition to entering trip data and setting up your system, you can use FLDRS for other triprelated tasks. For more information, see:
“Edit a saved trip” on page 36. “Delete a trip” on page 36.
“Manage trips” on page 37.
“Close down FLDRS” on page 39.

Edit a saved trip
FLDRS can save a partly completed trip report so you can edit it when you are ready. FLDRS
keeps only one trip available for editing at a time.
To save a trip to edit later:
1. Click the Trip tab.
2. Click the Exit and Save button. The trip report closes, and the FLDRS window appears.
The New Trip button is replaced by the Edit Trip button.
To edit a saved trip:
1. From the FLDRS window, click the Edit Trip button. The main FLDRS window appears,
with the details of the saved trip.
If the button is labeled New Trip, there is no saved trip to edit—you’ll have to create a new one.
See “Trip Tab” on page 4.

Delete a trip
If you create a trip but don’t want to save it:
1. Click on the Trip tab.
2. Click the Exit Without Saving button. In the warning message, click Yes to delete the trip
record or No if you clicked the Exit Without Saving button by mistake.
The Exit Without Saving button always deletes the current trip report. It does not revert to the last
saved version, but destroys the trip report completely.
If your fishery requires that you transmit partial trips, you may find it helpful to know that
FLDRS informs the shore-side data collection systems of the deletion by sending a deletion
request to the satellite communication system. The file storing that deletion request has the suffix
_d(e.g., 12345609050418_d.gpg).


Using FLDRS

Manage trips
Use Manage Trips to view old trips and their transmission history, to resend a trip, and to recover
backed-up trip data.
View or print trip reports
FLDRS keeps one saved trip and all recently transmitted trips. The transmitted trips can’t be
To view an old trip report:
1. On the main FLDRS window, click the Manage Trips button. A list of trips appears.

2. Highlight the trip report and then click the Reports button.
3. FLDRS gives you options to:

View the trip report in a format similar to a paper VTR.


Save it as an Adobe PDF file.


View a catch summary, which lists the hail weights of all the species recorded
during the trip.

4. Choose a report type and click the OK button.
If the list of trips becomes too long, ask your Logbook technician to delete some trips.
View a list of transmitted trips
You can view the transmission history for your trips, and see summary data to help you identify a
particular trip.
To see the transmission history, highlight the trip and click the Transmissions button. The
Transmission History dialog box appears.


Using FLDRS

If a complete trip was transmitted only once (there were no partial trips), the top section shows a
single record for the transmission, with the middle and bottom sections listing the efforts and
landing records for that transmission.
If there were partial transmissions for the trip, the top section lists all the partial trip
transmissions. Selecting a partial trip transmission in the top section fills the middle and bottom
sections with the effort and landing records sent in that partial trip transmission.
If the trip report is not received, see “Troubleshooting” on page 40.
Retransmit or re-export a trip
If a trip report that was transmitted using a satellite communication system fails to reach its
destination, you can retransmit the report. FLDRS just resends the encrypted file stored in the
backup folder. However, if that encrypted file is corrupted or cannot be found, you can re-export
it, which rebuilds the report from the database and then transmits it.
For partial trips, the Trip Exported? field always records No, regardless of the transmission status.
To retransmit a report:
1. Make sure that the satellite communication system software has been launched and is
running properly.
2. On the main FLDRS window, click the Manage Trips button.
3. Highlight the trip to resend and click the Transmissions button. A list of trips appears,
along with their status.
4. Click the Re-Transmit button.
FLDRS reports that the data has been resent. However, since it relies on the satellite
communication system software, the actual transmission may not occur instantly. If the trip report
is not received, see “Troubleshooting” on page 40.
To re-export a report:
1. Make sure that the satellite communication system software has been launched and is
running properly.
2. On the main FLDRS window, click the Manage Trips button.
3. Highlight the trip to resend and click the Transmissions button. A list of trips appears,
along with their status.
4. Click the Export button.

Using FLDRS

FLDRS rebuilds the trip report by querying the database. It may prompt you to enter and confirm
a NMFS-supplied password, (see “Digital signing ceremony” on page 43), and then report that
the data has been resent.
However, since FLDRS relies on the satellite communication system software, the actual
transmission may not occur instantly. If the trip report is not received, see “Troubleshooting” on
page 40.
Recover a trip
FLDRS includes a trip recovery feature that can help you recover data that was lost because of an
unexpected system crash or data corruption.
To recover data after a system crash:
1. Restart FLDRS and click the Manage Trips button.
2. Click the Recover Trip button and wait for the message stating the trip recovery is
3. Check over the trip data to make sure that all the missing data were successfully recovered.
4. Return to the Trip tab and click the Exit and Save button.
If the data were not recovered, please contact your Logbook technician.

Close down FLDRS
To close down the FLDRS program:
1. Click the Exit and Save button.
2. Click the Logout button. The main FLDRS window appears.
3. Click the Exit button.
To shut down FLDRS from Software Setup:
1. From any tab in Software Setup, click the Exit Setup button. The main FLDRS window
2. Click the Logout button. The main FLDRS window appears.
3. Click the Exit button.


Using FLDRS

Logging in
I’ve tried logging in several times, but keep getting an invalid login message.
If your user name and/or password are wrong, FLDRS displays an Invalid Login message. Check
that you have the correct user name and password, and that Caps Lock is turned off. Restart
FLDRS. If you still cannot log in, contact your Logbook technician.

System crash
I was in the middle of a trip and my computer crashed. When I rebooted the computer,
some of my fishing efforts and catch data were missing.
FLDRS includes a trip recovery feature that helps you recover data that was lost because of an
unexpected system crash or data corruption. After the system crash, re-launch FLDRS and click
the Edit Trip button. In the Trip window, click the Recover Trip button and wait for the message
stating the trip recovery is complete. Check over the trip data to make sure that all the missing data
were successfully recovered. Then return to the Trip tab and click the Exit and Save button. If the
data were not recovered, please contact your Logbook technician.

Fishing effort
I accidentally clicked the Water Haul button.
Click the Water Haul button again. Your list of favorite species for that gear reappears.
I had to change the gear configuration while fishing, and the new gear configuration
does not appear in my list.
Click on the Trip tab, and then click the Exit and Save button. Start Software Setup and create a
new gear configuration; see “Add new gear” on page 31. Close Software Setup, click Edit Trip,
and continue with data entry.
The statistical area returned by the software appears incorrect. What should I do?
If you are fishing on the edges of some statistical areas (e.g. Northeast Region 537, 538, 561, or
562), the software may return an incorrect statistical area. Select the statistical area where you
believe the fishing occurred.
I forgot to click the Set—End and Haul—Start buttons.
In this situation, please make a best estimate and manually enter the positions and times by
clicking the buttons. Please make a comment in the Trip Notes section; see “Enter trip notes” on
page 17.
I forgot to record an entire haul. What should I do?
Do your best to enter the information in the Logbook using manual entry for the haul timing and
position. Please make a note of what happened in the Trip Notes section; see “Enter trip notes” on
page 17.
I started a trip, but was unable to finish it correctly. How do I get rid of it so that I can
start a new trip?
If a federally permitted vessel leaves port it is legally required to file a VTR, if the vessel did not
conduct any fishing activity (ie. gear was never hauled) the vessel still must submit a ‘No Effort’
trip VTR consisting of: Trip level details and Landing details; FLDRS will recognize this and
require the user to select the appropriate reason for the ‘No Effort’ trip.

Using FLDRS

The GPS status at the bottom of the window says “GPS Signal: GPS Off”
First, log out of the Logbook, but don’t click the Exit button on the FLDRS home page. Click the
Login button on the home page. Logging back in should reinitiate the GPS connection if the
software dropped the connection.
If that doesn’t work, check the GPS feed; make sure the GPS unit is turned on and then check
cables and connections. Try unplugging the serial-USB cable and then plugging it back in.
Finally, try restarting the computer that is running FLDRS. If you have to do this, please make a
comment in the Trip Notes section; see “Enter trip notes” on page 17.
In the meantime, if you need location data for a fishing effort, use the globe icons on the Effort tab
to enter the locations manually.

Depth sounder
The depth sounder says FA, but no depth values appear
First, log out of FLDRS, but don’t click the Exit button on the FLDRS home page. Click the Login
button on the home page. Logging back in should reinitiate the depth sounder connection if the
software dropped the connection.
If that doesn’t work, check the depth sounder feed; make sure the unit is turned on, and then check
cables and connections.
Finally, try restarting the computer that is running FLDRS. If you have to do this, please make a
comment in the Trip Notes section; see “Enter trip notes” on page 17.
The depth sounder stopped working. I was using it to fill in the Avg Depth field on the
Effort tab. What do I do now?
Without the depth feed, you must complete the Avg Depth field yourself.
You can use a different unit of measure for entering this data. To change units, go to the Trip tab,
and click the Exit and Save button. Next, click the Software Setup button and then go to the
Defaults tab. Set the Autopopulate Avg Depth field to Off. In the Default Units for Depth Entry
field, click on your choice of units.

Allocating to dealers
I accidentally deleted a species from the landing. How can I get it back?
Unfortunately, you can’t get a deleted species back. Instead, delete the entire landing, create a
new landing, and then reapportion all the species to the correct dealers.
I don’t have the dealer that I need to allocate some of my landings.
To add the dealer, exit and save the trip and then see “Add a dealer” on page 33. If the dealer is
not in the master list, please notify your Logbook technician and make a comment in the Trip
Notes section; see “Enter trip notes” on page 17.
The amounts on my dealer slip do not match my hail weights. Should I go back and
change my hail weights to match the dealer’s weights?
No, please do not change your hail weights. Your independent hail weights for hauls are very
valuable and should not be influenced by the landed weight. However, you may revise the landed
weight to reflect the dealer weigh-out slips.

Using FLDRS

At the end of a trip I realized that I landed a species which did not get recorded in the
individual hauls. What should I do?
If the species only came from a single haul and you are certain which haul the fish came from,
please add it to that haul. If the species was caught on multiple hauls and you are relatively sure
of the proportions, please do your best to estimate the proportions. If you are uncertain, add it to a
single haul that occurred in the statistical area where the species was most likely caught. For all
these cases, please make a note of what happened in the Trip Notes section; see “Enter trip notes”
on page 17.

Transmitting data
I did a few hauls but did not catch anything. Do I still transmit the trip?
Yes, you should still save and transmit the trip. A trip is considered to have taken place as soon as
an attempt is made to catch fish (an effort). Even efforts with no catch (i.e. water haul) provide
useful information. Although there is no catch to allocate, there is still valuable data associated
with the trip such as effort locations, GPS position, temperature, and depth. If there are
mechanical problems that occur as the net is being set, but the net has hit the water, it is still
considered an effort. Any relevant comments can be added in the Trip Notes section; see “Enter
trip notes” on page 17.
I started a trip but had to come back to port before doing any hauls. Do I still transmit
the trip?
No, please do not save or transmit a trip that had no hauls associated with it. If a vessel returns to
port prior to an attempt being made to harvest fish, it is not considered a trip and should not be
I exported a trip that contains some mistakes. How do I fix it?
Contact your Logbook technician.
My satellite communication system indicates that transmission of my trip failed. What
should I do?
Please check with your Logbook technician to verify that the trip was received. If you are in doubt,
you can always retransmit the trip.
I attempted to transmit a trip, but am not sure if it was successful.
Please contact your Logbook technician. The technician can tell you if the trip has been received
at its destination.
I exported a trip, but it was never received. What happened?
Make sure that you remember to launch your satellite communication system software. FLDRS
only exports the trip file to that software—it does not actually transmit it. For the trip to be
transmitted from your vessel, you must launch the satellite communication software on your
computer, and your satellite communication unit must be functioning correctly.
I can’t transmit a trip because I don’t have a NMFS password. What do I do?
Please contact the NMFS Regional Office’s vessel trip reporting information line any time during
normal business hours 8:00 am - 4:30 pm (M-F) at 978-281-9246.
Your password must

Be between 8 and 12 characters long and must contain:


At least one (1) capital alpha

Using FLDRS

At least one (1) lower case alpha


At least one (1) numeric


At least one (1) special character from the following list: ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - +

If the first password entry does not match the second password entry, or the passwords entered do
not match the specified format, you get an error message.


My keyboard is not working properly so I cannot enter data to finish a trip.
For an external keyboard, check all the associated connections. Then enter the data using your
touchpad or mouse by clicking the View Number Pad button on the Effort, Catch and/or Landing
tabs. Notify your Logbook technician, and be sure to make comments in the Trip Notes section;
see “Enter trip notes” on page 17.
My computer is running very slowly.
Contact your Logbook technician and make comments in the Trip Notes section; see “Enter trip
notes” on page 17.

Digital Signing Ceremony
FLDRS includes an optional digital signing ceremony. FLDRS users who are interested in filing
their VTRs electronically should contact the Regional Office’s vessel trip reporting information
line any time during normal business hours 8:00 am - 4:30 pm (M-F) at 978-281-9246.
Your Logbook technician can set up FLDRS to require or skip the ceremony. If FLDRS prompts
you for an eVTR password when you transmit a trip, you must provide it to send the trip data.

Your eVTR password
As part of the security requirements, users filing electronically must complete a signing ceremony
before any trip (or fraction of a trip) can be transmitted. The signing ceremony requires operators
to enter their NMFS-supplied passwords twice, correctly. The password must:

Be between 8 and 12 characters long.


Must contain:

At least one (1) capital alpha.


At least one (1) lower case alpha.


At least one (1) numeric.


At least one (1) special character from the following list: ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - +
= { } [ ] \ | : ; < > , . ? /.

If the first password entry does not match the second password entry, or the passwords entered do
not match the specified format, the user receives an error message.

Using FLDRS

FLDRS Error Messages


A previous transmission exists for
this trip. Deleting this trip will
require completion of the signing
Signing ceremony failed

Because data from this trip has already been transmitted,
the signing ceremony must be performed again to
confirm trip deletion. The deletion notice that is
generated must be transmitted to GARFO.
You have used up all your signing attempts. Reinitiate
the signing ceremony to complete transmission.
Location already in decimal
The location is already in decimal format. You do not
have to enter it in decimal format.
FLDRS 4.0 already running!
Only one instance of FLDRS 4.0 can be open at a time.
Encryption process failed. To
The encryption process failed but the trip information
export trip, install GNU encryption has been saved. Confirm that the encryption software is
software then re-export trip
installed correctly and that the application path is correct
through Manage Trips.
in the Administration Software Setup's Data Export tab.
You can then re-transmit the trip using Managed Trips.
Additionally, ensure the GNU encryption has been
properly configured.
File zip process failed. Make sure
Confirm that 7-Zip is properly installed and that the
7-Zip software is properly
application path is set correctly in the Administration
Software Setup's Data Export tab. The current trip has
been encrypted and stored in the local backup folder in
.gpg form.
Error -- Effort #  Enter a valid soak time.
is missing soak time value
Error -- Effort #  Enter a valid hour value (0-23).
hours is missing a time value
Error -- Effort #  Enter a valid minute value (0-59).
minutes is missing a time value
Error -- Effort #  Enter a valid depth value.
is missing average depth value
Error -- Effort #  Enter a valid gear quantity value.
is missing gear quantity value
Error -- Effort #  Enter a valid haul count value.
is missing haul count value
Error -- Effort #  Check that the effort times and durations are correct.
effort times are out of sequence
Error -- Effort #  Enter a valid date/time value.
is missing date/time value
Error -- Effort #  Enter a valid location value.
is missing location value
Error -- Effort #  Enter valid catch and/or discard data. If effort is a water
contains no catch or discard entries haul, click on on the Water Haul button.
Error -- Effort #  Enter in values for required dynamic data elements.
is missing required catch/discard
dynamic data element


Using FLDRS



Error -- Required effort element
not entered for effort # 
start time of effort  occurs before start of trip

Go to the Effort tab, select the effort, click the
Additional Data button, and enter the required data.

start time of effort  occurs after end of trip

end time of effort  occurs prior to start time of
Error -- Landing #  time of landing occurs
before trip departure
Error -- Landing #  time of landing occurs
after end of trip
Error -- Landing #  is missing required
landing dynamic data element
Error -- Landing #  is missing required
apportionment dynamic data
Can not perform import function
while a trip is active
Entry must be numeric
The converted amount falls outside
of the recommended range
Selected species not listed in
Conversions table.
Mesh size not within accepted
limits for: 

There is a conflict in dates and/or times between the start
of the trip and the start of the effort. Note the effort
number, then go to the Effort tab and check the Set—
Start time and date. If they are correct, go to the Trip tab
and check the departure date and time.
There is a conflict in dates and/or times between the end
of the trip and the start of the effort. Note the effort
number, then go to the Effort tab and check the Set—
Start time and date. If they are correct, go to the
Landings tab and check the date and time of landing at
the end port.
There is a conflict in dates and/or times between the start
and the end of the haul. Note the effort number. Then go
to the Effort tab and make sure that the Set—Start and
Haul—End dates/times are correct.
There is a conflict in dates and/or times between the end
of the trip and the landing. Go to the Landings tab and
check the date and time of landing at the end port.
There is a conflict in dates and/or times between the end
of the trip and the landing. Go to the Landings tab and
check the date and time of landing at the end port.
Go to the Landings tab, select the landing, click the
Additional Data button, and enter the required data.
You must enter additional data for this landing. Go to
the Landings tab, select the landing, click the Additional
Data button, and enter the required data.
Support tables cannot be loaded while there is an active
trip. Close the current trip and try again.
You can only enter numbers in this field.
Please check your conversion to verify that you have
reported the correct amount, grade code and unit of
Ensure that the proper support tables have been loaded.
You may not be able to convert species until new
support tables are loaded.
The values you entered are outside the range of sizes that
FLDRS considers typical. Check the values that you
entered and make sure you are reporting the information
correctly for that field. If you are still certain it is correct,
click the Ignore button.


Using FLDRS



Gear size not within accepted limits The values you entered are outside the range of sizes that
FLDRS considers typical. Check the values that you
entered and make sure you are reporting the information
correctly for that field. If you are still certain it is correct,
click the Ignore button.
Gear quantity not within accepted The values you entered are outside the range of sizes that
limits for: 
FLDRS considers typical. Check the values that you
entered and make sure you are reporting the information
correctly for that field. If you are still certain it is correct,
click the Ignore button.
# of hauls not within accepted
The values you entered are outside the range that
limits for: 
FLDRS can record. Check the values that you entered.
Error starting GPS
FLDRS is unable to receive data from your GPS unit.
Check that the GPS unit is turned on and that all
connections are secure. Additionally, verify that the
correct COM port is selected in Software Setup.
Error starting Depth Sounder
FLDRS is unable to receive data from your depth
sounder. Check that the depth sounder is turned on and
that all connections are secure. Additionally, verify that
the correct COM port is selected in Software Setup.
No species matches search pattern. Check that you have spelled the species name correctly.
If the spelling is correct, the species may not be listed in
the support table. Verify a current species support table
has been loaded.
Password entry must be at least 8
The password for the signing ceremony must meet these
characters in length.
Password entry must be no longer The password for the signing ceremony must meet these
than 12 characters in length.
At least one character must be a
The password for the signing ceremony must meet these
capital letter.
At least one character must be a
The password for the signing ceremony must meet these
lowercase letter.
At least one character must be
The password for the signing ceremony must meet these
At least one character must be non- The password for the signing ceremony must meet these
Single and double quotes may not
The password for the signing ceremony must meet these
be used.
The operator password was not
The password must meet certain requirements; see
confirmed. Please enter again.
“Digital signing ceremony” page 1643. Check your entry
carefully and try again.
No data associated with selected
There is no trip data for the identifier you selected, so
trip identifier
FLDRS cannot export or retransmit trip. The trip may
have been deleted.


Using FLDRS



File already exists

A file already exists with this filename. FLDRS does
not allow more than one file with the same name. You
may need to delete the previous version of the file.
The attempt to retransmit the file failed because the file
could not be copied to the transmission directory. The
trip may have been deleted.
FLDRS cannot find a trip file to retransmit. The trip may
have been deleted.
The transmission method must be set to Boatracs or
Skymate in order to retransmit trip data. Verify
transmission method in Admin Software Setup page.
You have used up all the signing attempts. To complete
the transmission, you have to reinitiate the signing
FLDRS is unable to receive data from your GPS unit.
Check that the GPS unit is turned on and that all
connections are secure. Additionally, verify that correct
COM port is selected.
FLDRS is unable to receive data from your depth
sounder. Check that the depth sounder is turned on and
that all connections are secure. Additionally, verify that
correct COM port is selected.
Only .csv files with proper filenames can be loaded.
Only .csv files with proper filenames can be loaded.
Input can only be a valid decimal value.
Input can only be a valid integer value.
At least one user record must remain in the database.
At least one administrator record must remain in the
The username cannot be blank.
The user record already exists.
The password must meet these requirements.

File not copied

No file matching selected trip
identifier found
Re-Transmit button operational
only for Skymate or Boatracs
transmission methods
Signing ceremony failed

Error starting GPS

Error starting Depth Sounder

Invalid Support Table
Non-Compatible file import
Please enter a valid decimal value
Please enter a valid integer value
Can not delete last user
Cannot delete last administrator

Username must be entered
Cannot add duplicate user
Password entry must be at least 8
characters in length.
At least one character must be non- The password must meet these requirements.
Must confirm password
The password must be entered correctly twice for
FLDRS to save the record to the database.
Cannot change type of user on last At least one administrator record must remain in the
The operator name is already in the shortlist, and
already exists in the shortlist.
FLDRS does not allow duplicates in the list.
Operator is utilized as a default. If You are trying to delete the operator that you set as the
this operator is deleted, a new
default. Although you can go ahead and delete this
default operator must be selected
operator, you must select an operator to use as the
default operator.

Using FLDRS

before trips can be entered.
Continue with delete?
Vessel  already
exists in the shortlist.
There are no vessels in the short
list to delete.
No species list to delete
No species list exists to copy
Cannot add species before at least
1 species list is created
Cannot delete species before at
least 1 species list is created
At least 1 species list must be set up
prior to gear configuration.
Haul Count cannot be null
Please enter a valid decimal value
Please enter a valid integer value

Cannot add duplicate vessel to the short list.
The vessel short list is empty.
There are no species lists.
There is no species list.
Before you can add species, you have to create a species
There is no species list.
You must create a species list before you set up a gear
You must enter a value for the haul count.
Enter a valid number. FLDRS could not interpret your
Enter a valid number. FLDRS could not interpret your
The dealer name is already in the shortlist, and FLDRS
does not allow duplicates in the list.
The dealer shortlist is empty.

Dealer  already
exists in the shortlist.
There are no dealers in the short
list to delete.
There are no gear configurations to The gear configuration shortlist is empty.
Current effort has not ended
Cannot start a new effort until current effort is completed
or deleted.
Cannot start a new effort while a
Once you have recorded a landing, the trip is closed and
landing for the trip exists.
you cannot add more efforts to it.
Location missing. Cannot calculate Input a valid GPS location.
GPS not enabled
FLDRS is unable to receive data from your GPS unit.
Check that the GPS unit is turned on and that all
connections are secure. It may be necessary to physically
unplug the USB cable and plug it back in to reset the
port. Meanwhile, you may be able to enter values by
Error in reading GPS date/time
The GPS is no longer sending data to FLDRS. Check
that all connections are secure. Ensure that the correct
COM port is selected in Software Setup.
GPS signal lost. Manual entry of
The GPS is no longer sending data to FLDRS. Check
location required.
that all connections are secure. You will have to enter
fishing effort locations by hand.
Location value exists. Do you wish If the location value is correct, do not overwrite it.
to overwrite it?

Using FLDRS



Start of set occurs after end of set

There is a conflict in dates and/or times between the start
of the set and the end of the set. Note the effort number,
then go to the Effort tab and check the Set—Start time
and date and Set - End Time.
End of set occurs after start of haul There is a conflict in dates and/or times between the start
of the haul and the end of the set. Note the effort
number, then go to the Effort tab and check the Haul—
Start time and date and Set - End Time.
Start of haul occurs after end of
There is a conflict in dates and/or times between the start
of the haul and the end of the haul. Note the effort
number, then go to the Effort tab and check the Haul—
Start time and date and Haul - End Time.
Current tow duration exceeds 8
The values you entered are outside the range of sizes that
FLDRS considers typical. Check the values that you
entered and make sure you are reporting the information
correctly for that field. If you are still certain it is correct,
click the Ignore button.
Please enter value between 0 and
Minute values must be between 0 and 59.
Please enter a valid decimal value
Enter only numbers within the expected range. The field
must contain numbers and one decimal point.
Please enter a valid integer value
Enter only numbers within the expected range.
Soak Minutes cannot be empty
Enter a valid value for Soak Minutes.
Soak Minutes must be between 0
Minute values must be between 0 and 59.
and 59
Soak Minutes must be an integer
Enter only numbers within the expected range.
Soak Hours cannot be empty
Enter a valid value for Soak Hours.
Soak Hours must be an integer
Enter only numbers within the expected range.
Average Depth cannot be empty
Enter a valid value for Average Depth.
Average Depth must be an integer Enter a valid integer value
Cannot edit catch once a landing
Changes to the catch data cannot be made once a landing
record is created
is generated.
Effort has been transmitted
Selected effort has already been transmitted. Changes to
catch data cannot be made.
Current effort has not ended.
Cannot enter catch data for an effort until effort has
Cannot edit catch data
No landing has been generated.
No landing has been generated.
GNU encryption software not
The encryption process failed but the trip information
located. Trip can be archived but
has been saved. Confirm that the encryption software is
not exported until software is
installed correctly and the application path is set in
properly installed.
Software Setup. Trip can then be re-transmitted through
the Managed Trips function.
7-Zip software not located. File
Confirm 7-Zip is properly installed and application path
compression not possible until
is set correctly.
software is properly installed.

Using FLDRS



There are no new efforts to export

You may not transmit trip data unless you have new
efforts to report.
Signing attempts maxed out. Will need to reinitiate
signing ceremony to complete transmission.
Database could not be backed up. Either the database
could not be found or the System Backup folder not
An error occurred in the trip export process. Verify that
transmission method is set correctly and reattempt
export process.
Trip data does not exist for selected identifier.
Trip data does not exist for selected identifier.
An attempt was made to recover a trip before the active
trip backup file was created. If this is the case, recover
trip not possible.

Signing ceremony failed
Database not successfully backed
Trip was not exported

There are no trips to delete
No Trips for Report Generation.
No active trip backup file yet exists
for this trip


Using FLDRS

Appendix 1
Using FLDRS in the Surf Clam / Ocean Quahog fisheries
As of version 4.1.6, FLDRS can be used to submit vessel trip reports for the Surf Clam and Ocean Quahog
fisheries at the subtrip level. Most reporting requirement and software usage is the same as other fisheries with
two exception. In the Effort Tab, weights should be entered in bushels and not pounds. Also, Surf Clam and
Ocean Quahog fisheries have additional reporting requirements at the species level. This information is entered
on the Landings Tab by clicking on the “Additional Data” button. The following information is required:
Species, Quantity Landed, Dealer, Allocation number, Tag number(s), and Price per bushel.
The software prepopulates Species, Quantity Landed, and Dealer values. The following rules pertain to the
remaining elements.
Allocation Number:
For Surf Clam, allocation number must begin with a capital “C”. For Ocean Quahog, a capital “Q”.
If more than one allocation number is required for an individual species apportionment, that species must first be
“Split” (Page 16) on the Landings Tab prior to clicking on the “Additional Data” button.
Tag Number(s):
Tag numbers can be entered individually, by entering in a range of numbers, or a combination of the two.
Entering tag numbers individually:
Entering tag number ranges:
Entering tag numbers individually and with ranges:
Price per Bushel:
Value must be a valid number.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleFLDRS USER guide
AuthorKatie Burchard
File Modified2022-02-09
File Created2018-04-24

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