Appendix T Total Public Burden Hours and Cost

Appendix T Total Public Burden Hours and Cost_05032022.xlsx

Food Security Status and Well-Being of Nutrition Assistance Program (NAP) Participants in Puerto Rico (New)

Appendix T Total Public Burden Hours and Cost

OMB: 0584-0674

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Table 1. Total Public Burden Hours and Respondent Costs

Respondent Category Type of Respondent Activity Appendix Sample Size Responsive Nonresponsive Grand Total Annual Burden Estimate (Hours) Hourly Wage Rate Hourly Wage Rate + 33% Benefits Total Annualized Cost of Respondent Burden

Number of Respondents Frequency of Response Total Annual Responses Hours per Response Annual Burden (Hours) Number of
Frequency of Response Total Annual Responses Hours per Response Annual Burden (Hours)

Puerto Rico Government

Puerto Rico Government ADSEF staff Preparations and receiving data from ADSEF J.1. Email to ADSEF 1 1 2 2 0.0835 0.17 0 0 0 0 0 0.17 $49.68 $66.07 $11.03

Call with ADSEF J.2. Agenda for Meeting with ADSEF 1 1 2 2 0.7500 1.50 0 0 0 0 0 1.50 $49.68 $66.07 $99.11

Preparations and sending data J.3. Instructions for Using SFTP Site 1 1 2 2 40.0000 80.00 0 0 0 0 0 80.00 $49.68 $66.07 $5,285.95

ADSEF staff subtotal (unique) 1 1 6 6 13.6112 81.67 0 0 0 0 0 81.67 - - $5,396.10

Human services, education, and healthcare agency staff Concept map: Recruitment K.1. Concept Mapping Recruitment Email 18 14 1 14 0.1503 2.10 4 1 4 0.1002 0.40 2.51 $60.81 $80.88 $202.60
78% of those recruited will participate

K.2. Concept Mapping Informed Consent 18 14 1 14 0.1002 1.40 4 1 4 0.1002 0.40 1.80 $60.81 $80.88 $145.87
78% of those recruited will participate

Concept map: Advance materials for first meeting F.1. Welcome and Scheduling Email 14 14 1 14 0.1670 2.34 0 0 0 0 0 2.34 $60.81 $80.88 $189.09
Those who are recruited will participate in all subsequent activities

F.2. Reminder Email for First Meeting 14 14 1 14 0.0835 1.17 0 0 0 0 0 1.17 $60.81 $80.88 $94.55

F.3. Advance Material for First Meeting 14 14 1 14 1.2500 17.50 0 0 0 0 0 17.50 $60.81 $80.88 $1,415.35

Concept map: First meeting F.4. First Meeting Facilitator Guide 14 14 1 14 1.5000 21.00 0 0 0 0 0 21.00 $60.81 $80.88 $1,698.42

F.5. Additional Ideas Email 14 14 1 14 0.5000 7.00 0 0 0 0 0 7.00 $60.81 $80.88 $566.14

Concept map: Summary of prioritization and sorting results F.6. Instructions for Sorting and Rating Email 14 14 1 14 1.0000 14.00 0 0 0 0 0 14.00 $60.81 $80.88 $1,132.28

Concept map: Advance materials for second virtual meeting F.7. Second Meeting Scheduling Email 14 14 1 14 0.1670 2.34 0 0 0 0 0 2.34 $60.81 $80.88 $189.09

F.8. Reminder Email for Second Meeting 14 14 1 14 0.0835 1.17 0 0 0 0 0 1.17 $60.81 $80.88 $94.55

F.9. Advance Material for Second Meeting 14 14 1 14 1.2500 17.50 0 0 0 0 0 17.50 $60.81 $80.88 $1,415.35

Concept map: Second meeting F.10. Second Meeting Facilitator Guide 14 14 1 14 1.5000 21.00 0 0 0 0 0 21.00 $60.81 $80.88 $1,698.42

Human services, education, and healthcare subtotal (unique) 18 14 12 168 0.6460 108.52 4 2 8 0.1002 0.80 109.32 - - $8,841.72

Puerto Rico Government subtotal (unique) 19 15 11.600 174 1.0930 190.19 4 2 8 0.1002 0.80 190.99 - - $14,237.81

Business and Nonprofit Organizations

Business or Other For Profit

Business or Other For Profit Private business and academia staff Concept map: Recruitment K.1. Concept Mapping Recruitment Email 18 14 1 14 0.1503 2.10 4 1 4 0.1002 0.40 2.51 $60.81 $80.88 $202.60
78% of those recruited will participate

K.2. Concept Mapping Informed Consent 18 14 1 14 0.1002 1.40 4 1 4 0.1002 0.40 1.80 $60.81 $80.88 $145.87
78% of those recruited will participate

Concept map: Advance materials for first meeting F.1. Welcome and Scheduling Email 14 14 1 14 0.1670 2.34 0 0 0 0 0 2.34 $38.15 $50.74 $118.63

F.2. Reminder Email for First Meeting 14 14 1 14 0.0835 1.17 0 0 0 0 0 1.17 $38.15 $50.74 $59.31

F.3. Advance Material for First Meeting 14 14 1 14 1.2500 17.50 0 0 0 0 0 17.50 $38.15 $50.74 $887.94

Concept map: First meeting F.4. First Meeting Facilitator Guide 14 14 1 14 1.5000 21.00 0 0 0 0 0 21.00 $38.15 $50.74 $1,065.53

F.5. Additional Ideas Email 14 14 1 14 0.5000 7.00 0 0 0 0 0 7.00 $38.15 $50.74 $355.18

Concept map: Summary of prioritization and sorting results F.6. Instructions for Sorting and Rating Email 14 14 1 14 1.0000 14.00 0 0 0 0 0 14.00 $38.15 $50.74 $710.35
Those who are recruited will participate in all subsequent activities

Concept map: Advance materials for second virtual meeting F.7. Second Meeting Scheduling Email 14 14 1 14 0.1670 2.34 0 0 0 0 0 2.34 $38.15 $50.74 $118.63

F.8. Reminder Email for Second Meeting 14 14 1 14 0.0835 1.17 0 0 0 0 0 1.17 $38.15 $50.74 $59.31

F.9. Advance Material for Second Meeting 14 14 1 14 1.2500 17.50 0 0 0 0 0 17.50 $38.15 $50.74 $887.94

Concept map: Second meeting F.10. Second Meeting Facilitator Guide 14 14 1 14 1.5000 21.00 0 0 0 0 0 21.00 $38.15 $50.74 $1,065.53

Business or other for profit subtotal (unique) 18 14 12 168 0.6460 108.52 4 2 8 0.1002 0.80 109.32 - - $5,676.83

Nonprofit Organizations

Nonprofit Organizations Advocacy organization, human service provider staff Concept map: Recruitment K.1. Concept Mapping Recruitment Email 18 14 1 14 0.1503 2.10 4 1 4 0.1002 0.40 2.51 $60.81 $80.88 $202.60
78% of those recruited will participate

K.2. Concept Mapping Informed Consent 18 14 1 14 0.1002 1.40 4 1 4 0.1002 0.40 1.80 $60.81 $80.88 $145.87
78% of those recruited will participate

Concept map: Advance materials for first meeting F.1. Welcome and Scheduling Email 14 14 1 14 0.1670 2.34 0 0 0 0 0 2.34 $25.09 $33.37 $78.02

F.2. Reminder Email for First Meeting 14 14 1 14 0.0835 1.17 0 0 0 0 0 1.17 $25.09 $33.37 $39.01

F.3. Advance Material for First Meeting 14 14 1 14 1.2500 17.50 0 0 0 0 0 17.50 $25.09 $33.37 $583.97

Concept map: First meeting F.4. First Meeting Facilitator Guide 14 14 1 14 1.5000 21.00 0 0 0 0 0 21.00 $25.09 $33.37 $700.76

F.5. Additional Ideas Email 14 14 1 14 0.5000 7.00 0 0 0 0 0 7.00 $25.09 $33.37 $233.59

Concept map: Summary of prioritization and sorting results F.6. Instructions for Sorting and Rating Email 14 14 1 14 1.0000 14.00 0 0 0 0 0 14.00 $25.09 $33.37 $467.18
Those who are recruited will participate in all subsequent activities

Concept map: Advance materials for second virtual meeting F.7. Second Meeting Scheduling Email 14 14 1 14 0.1670 2.34 0 0 0 0 0 2.34 $25.09 $33.37 $78.02

F.8. Reminder Email for Second Meeting 14 14 1 14 0.0835 1.17 0 0 0 0 0 1.17 $25.09 $33.37 $39.01

F.9. Advance Material for Second Meeting 14 14 1 14 1.2500 17.50 0 0 0 0 0 17.50 $25.09 $33.37 $583.97

Concept map: Second meeting F.10. Second Meeting Facilitator Guide 14 14 1 14 1.5000 21.00 0 0 0 0 0 21.00 $25.09 $33.37 $700.76

Nonprofit organizations subtotal (unique) 18 14 12 168 0.6460 108.52 4 2 8 0.1002 0.80 109.32 - - $3,852.75

Business and nonprofit organizations subtotal (unique) 36 28 12 336 0.6460 217.04 8 2 16 0.1002 1.60 218.65 - - $9,529.58


Individuals Pretest participants Pretest: In-depth interview protocol E.1/E.2. In-depth Interview Protocol 12 9 1 9 1.5000 13.50 3 1 3 0.1002 0.30 13.80 $7.25 $9.64 $133.07

Pretest: Survey instrument C.1-C.2/D.1-D.2. Household Survey Instrument 12 8 1 8 1.5000 12.00 4 1 4 0.1002 0.40 12.40 $7.25 $9.64 $119.57
16% of those invited through phone will complete the IDI

Pretest participants subtotal (unique) 24 17 1.00 17 1.5000 25.50 7 1.00 7 0.1002 0.70 26.20 - - $252.65

NAP sample Survey: Recruitment G.1./G.12. First Survey Invitation Letter for NAP Participant List Sample 3170 380 1 380 0.0501 19.06 2790 1 2790 0.0167 46.59 65.64 $7.25 $9.64 $632.98
12% of those who get the survey invitation letter will read the letter

G.2/G.13. Reminder Postcard for NAP Participant List Sample 3170 84 1 84 0.0167 1.40 3086 1 3086 0.0167 51.54 52.94 $7.25 $9.64 $510.46
Reminder postcard sent to everyone; 3% will read it

G.3/G.14. Invitation Letter With Mail Survey for NAP Participant List Sample 2706 244 1 244 0.0501 12.20 2462 1 2462 0.0167 41.12 53.32 $7.25 $9.64 $514.16
90% of those who are invited will require follow-up; 9% will read it

G.3/G.14. Invitation Letter With Mail Survey for NAP Participant List Sample 2462 148 1 148 0.0501 7.41 2314 1 2314 0.0167 38.65 46.06 $7.25 $9.64 $444.18
95% of those who received the first survey mailing will require second mailing; 6% will read it

G.4/G.15. Recording for Inbound Calls to Schedule Survey 15 15 1 15 0.0167 0.25 0 0 0 0 0 0.25 $7.25 $9.64 $2.42
Second invitation will include number to call to schedule; per sample table, we expect 66 to complete phone survey; assume inbound is 15 calls

G.5./G.16. Return Call to Schedule Survey 15 15 1 15 0.0501 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0.75 $7.25 $9.64 $7.25

G.6./G.17. Script for Telephone Nonresponse Follow-Up for NAP Participant List Sample 666 51 1 51 0.0501 2.56 615 1 615 0.0167 10.27 12.83 $7.25 $9.64 $123.67
These will be for those who have not completed the survey and the ADSEF file includes a phone number

G.9./G.20. Text for Website (Home Page) 3170 922 1 922 0.0835 76.99 2248 1 2248 0.0167 37.54 114.53 $7.25 $9.64 $1,104.34

G.10./G.21. FAQ Document 3170 922 1 922 0.1002 92.38 2248 1 2248 0.0167 37.54 129.93 $7.25 $9.64 $1,252.81

Survey of health and community well-being C.1-C.2/D.2-D.2. Household Survey Instrument 3170 922 1 922 0.6680 615.64 2248 1 2248 0.0167 37.55 653.19 $7.25 $9.64 $6,298.39
29% of those who are invited will complete the survey

G.11/G.22. Thank you Letter for Survey Participants 922 922 1 922 0.0167 15.40 0 0 0 0 0 15.40 $7.25 $9.64 $148.47

In-depth interview: Recruitment Phone Script for In-Depth Interview Recruitment: EITHER: I.1./I.4. Voicemail Script for In-Depth Interview Recruitment OR I.2./I.5. Script for Answered Call 360 58 1 58 0.0501 2.91 302 1 302 0.0167 5.04 7.95 $7.25 $9.64 $76.65

In-depth interview E.1/E.2. In-depth Interview Protocol 58 58 1 58 1.0000 58.00 0 0 0 0 0 58.00 $7.25 $9.64 $559.27
16% of those invited through phone will complete the IDI

NAP sample subtotal (unique) 3170 922 5.14 4740 0.1909 904.95 2248 8.15 18314 0.0167 305.84 1210.79 - - $11,675.04

Local organization recruitment In-depth interview: Recruitment Phone Script for In-Depth Interview Recruitment: EITHER: I.1./I.4. Voicemail Script for In-Depth Interview Recruitment OR I.2./I.5. Script for Answered Call 145 29 1 29 0.0501 1.45 116 1 116 0.0167 1.94 3.39 $7.25 $9.66 $32.76
20% of those invited through in-person recruitment will complete the in-depth interviews

I.3./I.6. Study Announcement for Local Community Partners 145 29 1 29 0.0167 0.48 116 1 116 0.0167 1.94 2.42 $7.25 $9.66 $23.40

In-depth interview E.1/E.2. In-depth Interview Protocol 29 29 1 29 1.0000 29.00 0 0 0 0 0 29.00 $7.25 $9.66 $280.26

Local organization recruitment subtotal (unique) 145 29 3.00 87 0.3556 30.94 116 2.00 232 0.0167 3.87 34.81 - - $336.43

Area probability sample Survey: Recruitment G.7/G.18. Invitation Letter for Area Probability Sample (In-Person Delivery) (includes time to read G.8/G.19. Script for Data Collectors for Area Probability Sample (In-Person Delivery)) 9110 2642 1 2642 0.1670 441.20 6468 1 6468 0.0167 108.02 549.21 $7.25 $9.64 $5,295.80
Most surveys will be hand-offs, 20% will not be opened (mostly mail dropoffs); burden is assumed to be 5 minutes; please adjust per guidance from Anitza

G.4/G.15. Recording for Inbound Calls to Schedule Survey 91 91 1 91 0.0167 1.52 0 0 0 0 0 1.52 $7.25 $9.64 $14.67
< 1% will schedule inbound calls

G.5./G.16. Return Call to Schedule Survey 91 91 1 91 0.0501 4.56 0 0 0 0 0 4.56 $7.25 $9.64 $43.96
Everyone who has scheduled a call will receive a call; 1% will complete it

G.9./G.20. Text for Website (Home Page) 9110 2733 1 2733 0.0835 228.20 6377 1 6377 0.0167 106.50 334.69 $7.25 $9.64 $3,227.29

G.10./G.21. FAQ Document 9110 2733 1 2733 0.1002 273.84 6377 1 6377 0.0167 106.50 380.33 $7.25 $9.64 $3,667.37

Survey of health and community well-being C.1-C.2/D.2-D.2. Household Survey Instrument 9110 2733 1 2733 0.6680 1825.58 6377 1 6377 0.0167 106.50 1932.07 $7.25 $9.64 $18,630.03

G.11/G.22. Thank you Letter for Survey Participants 2733 2733 1 2733 0.0167 45.64 0 0 0 0 0 45.64 $7.25 $9.64 $440.09

In-depth interview: Recruitment Phone Script for In-Depth Interview Recruitment: EITHER: I.1./I.4. Voicemail Script for In-Depth Interview Recruitment OR I.2./I.5. Script for Answered Call 360 57 1 57 0.0501 2.86 303 1 303 0.0167 5.06 7.92 $7.25 $9.64 $76.33

In-depth interview E.1/E.2. In-depth Interview Protocol 57 57 1 57 1.0000 57.00 0 0 0 0 0 57.00 $7.25 $9.64 $549.62
16% of those invited through phone will complete the IDI

Area probability participant subtotal (unique) 9110 2733 5.08 13870 0.2077 2880.39 6377 4.06 25902 0.0167 432.57 3312.96 - - $31,945.17

All Individuals subtotal (unique) 12449 3701 5.06 18714 0.2053 3841.77 8748 5.08 44455 0.0167 742.99 4584.76 - - $44,209.29

TOTAL 12504 3744 5.1353 19224 0.22102639 4248.9980 8760 5.0773 44479 0.01675820 745.3953 4994.3933 - - $67,976.69


Public agencies, such as human services, education, and healthcare: average hourly earnings of workers in Management Occupations (11-0000): $60.81

Private businesses, such as agribusiness and food retailers; academia, such as nutritionists, economists, and political scientists: average hourly earnings of Life, physical, and social science occupations (19-0000): $38.15

Advocacy organizations, such as neighborhood associations, civic groups, and the faith community; human service providers, such as food banks, workforce development organizations, and community action agencies: average hourly earnings of Community and Social Service Occupations (21-0000): $25.09

Low-income individuals/NAP participants: Federal minimum wage rate $7.25


U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2021). Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics: May 2021 Occupation Profiles.

U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division. (2021). State Minimum Wage Laws.

Total Respondent + Nonrespondent:
Number of respondents 12504

Number of responses per respondent 5.09464107

Total responses 63703

Estimated time per respondent 0.07840074

Total annual burden hours 4994.39334464

Number of responses per PR govt respt 9.57894737

Total PR govt responses 182

Estimated time per PR govt respt 1.04939341

Number of responses per business respt 9.77777778

Total business responses 352

Estimated time per business respt 0.62115114

Number of responses per individual respt 5.07425431

Total individual responses 63169

Estimated time per individual respt 0.07257880

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