5900-520 Excess Emissions Reporting Spreadsheet Template

NESHAP for Chemical Recovery Combustion Sources at Kraft, Soda, Sulfite, and Stand-Alone Semichemical Pulp Mills (40 CFR part 63, subpart MM) (Renewal)

Copy of 63.867_Semiannual_ExcessEmissions_Report_2021_07_16.xlsm

OMB: 2060-0377

Document [xlsx]
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CMS_Detail (_____)
EE_Detail (_____)
Failures (_____)

Sheet 1: Welcome

63.860(c) Excess Emissions Report
OMB No.: 2060-0377 Form 5900-520 For further Paperwork Reduction Act information see:
40 CFR Part 63, Subpart MM -- Pulp and Paper Combustion Sources
Excess Emissions Reporting Spreadsheet Template
Welcome and Instructions
This spreadsheet template was designed by the U.S. EPA to facilitate semiannual excess emissions reporting under 40 CFR part 63, subpart MM.
The semiannual reporting requirements included in this report are found in §63.867(c) and (d).
Electronic reporting:
Electronic submission of semiannual excess emissions reports through the EPA's Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting (CEDRI) is required under §63.867(d)(2).
CEDRI is accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange: https://cdx.epa.gov
This spreadsheet template may be uploaded to CEDRI to fulfill the electronic reporting requirement under §63.867(d)(2).
For semiannual report, you may reference a single file attachment that includes additional information on the "Facility_Info" tab.
Do not submit information you claim as confidential business information (CBI) to EPA via CEDRI. EPA will make all the information submitted through CEDRI available to the public without further notice to you. Anything submitted using CEDRI cannot later be claimed to be CBI. Furthermore, under CAA section 114(c) emissions data is not entitled to confidential treatment and requires EPA to make emissions data available to the public. Thus, emissions data will not be protected as CBI and will be made publicly available.
Although we do not expect persons to assert a claim of CBI, if persons wish to assert a CBI claim, you must submit the report via CEDRI with the CBI omitted and mail a complete report, including any information claimed to be CBI, to EPA on a compact disc, flash drive, or other commonly used electronic storage media via U.S. postal service. You must mark the outside of the digital storage media as CBI and then identify electronically within the digital storage media the specific information that is claimed as CBI. Mail the media to the address in the referencing federal regulation. If no address is specified, mail the media to:

U.S. EPA/OAQPS/CORE CBI Office Attention: Group Leader,
Measurement Policy Group MD C404-02
4930 Old Page Rd
Durham, North Carolina 27703
IMPORTANT: The spreadsheet must be uploaded into CEDRI as a single ZIP file, which must include this Excel workbook and any related attachments that were referenced in the workbook (i.e., additional information file found in the "Company Information" worksheet).

Note: If you are uploading file attachments for your report, the uploaded files may be in any format (e.g., zip, docx, PDF). If you would like to include an Excel file(s) as an attachment, you must first zip the excel file(s) into a separate ZIP file to the master ZIP file that will be uploaded into CEDRI.
Once all data have been entered in the worksheet, combine this Excel workbook and all attachment files (including any ZIP file containing separate excel file(s), if applicable) into a single ZIP file for upload to CEDRI.

Please ensure your report includes all of the required data elements found in the listed citations below for this spreadsheet upload submission.
Template Navigation and Tabs to Complete:
Gray tabs: All semiannual excess emissions reports will include information in the gray tabs (Facility_Info, Unit_Info, and Monitoring_Equipment). The information in the gray tabs varies very little from one semiannual reporting period to the next. You can complete the gray tabs once and save the workbook for subsequent reporting periods in which you would only need to review the data provided and update it if needed.
Green tabs: In addition to the gray tabs, the green tabs (COMS1 through COMS10, CPMS1 through CPMS10, CMS_Process_Control_Changes, and Certification) comprise the Summary Report - Gaseous and Opacity Excess Emissions and Continuous Monitoring Systems Performance Report required under §63.867(c)(1). Each semiannual report must include the summary information for each emission unit and required monitoring system. Green tabs for continuous opacity (COMS1 through COMS10) or parameter monitors (CPMS1 through CPMS10) appear depending on your selections within the Unit_Info tab.
The CMS_Process_Control_Changes tab is available to describe any process control changes over the reporting period per §63.867(c)(1)(ix).
The Certification tab contains the certification statements of §63.10(e)(v) that must be indicated if they are applicable each semiannual report.
Orange tabs: A detailed report titled Excess Emissions and Continuous Monitoring System Performance Report is required under §63.867(c)(3) if:
● Total CMS downtime is 5 percent or greater of the total source operating time during the reporting period, or
● The CMS shows excess emissions for 1 percent or more of the operating time in the reporting period, or
● There was a violation according to 40 CFR 63.864(k)(2) of subpart MM.
Submit the detailed report using the format provided in the orange tabs in this spreadsheet (CMS Detail, EE Detail, and Failures), or you may upload a separate file into CEDRI containing the information required for the detailed report in an alternative file format. If you populate the orange tabs in ths spreadsheet, copy/paste extra template tabs as needed for different process units and monitors that require detailed reporting.
Reporting the information in the Failures tab is required when a violation of the standards has occurred.
The information in the orange tabs must be provided in addition to completing the gray and green summary report tabs when detailed reports are required.
Certification per §63.867(c)(1)(x):
Certification of your report in CEDRI satisfies the requirement in §63.867(c)(1)(x) that a certifying official certify based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements and information in the document are true, accurate, and complete.

Sheet 2: Facility_Info

Summary Report – Gaseous and Opacity Excess Emissions and Continuous Monitoring
System Performance
Facility Information
Provide the company name, facility site name associated with the affected facility, the FRS ID, and the address of the
affected facility. If an address is not available for the site, include a description of the site location and provide the
latitude and longitude coordinates of the site in decimal degrees to an accuracy and precision of five (5) decimals of
a degree using the North American Datum of 1983. [§63.867(c)(1)(i)]
Additional information and any additonal files may be specified below.
1. Company Name:
2. Facility site name associated with the affected facility:
3. Facility Registry Service (FRS) number for the affected facility:
4. Address of the affected facility:
A. Address1
B. Address2
C. City
D. County
E. State Abbreviation
F. Zip Code
5. If an address is not available for the site, include a description of the site location and provide the latitude and
longitude coordinates of the site:
A. Description of the site location:
B. Latitude:
C. Longitude:
Reporting Period Dates
Provide the beginning and ending date of the reporting period in MM/DD/YYYY format. [§63.867(c)(1)(ii)]
1. Beginning date:
2. Ending date:
Additional Information
Provide any additional information and the filenames of any attached files related to this report below.
1. Additional Information
2. Name of Additonal File

Sheet 3: Unit_Info

Summary Report – Gaseous and Opacity Excess Emissions and Continuous Monitoring System Performance

Process Unit Information -- 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart MM

Facility: 0--0

Reporting period: -

Identify each affected process unit being included in the semiannual excess emissions report

Describe each process unit included in this semiannual excess emissions report below. Select the "Process Unit Type" from the dropdown menu (e.g., recovery furnace, smelt dissolving tank, or lime kiln). The "Process Unit ID" should correspond to the ID in the Title V permit (e.g., EU28). The "Source ID" should correspond to the commonly used description of the unit (e.g., recovery furnace 04). The "Process Unit Description" should describe what the process unit is. [§63.867(c)(1)(iii)-(iv)] Identify the applicable emission limits for each process unit. [§63.867(c)(1)(iv)] Indicate "Yes" in column M or N if you are required to report continuous opacity monitoring system (COMS) or continuous parameter monitoring system (CPMS) data. A green COMS or CPMS reporting tab will appear when "Yes" is selected. APCD = air pollution control device, ESP - electrostatic precipitator, RTO = regenerative thermal oxidizer, Other = write in control device type

Process Unit ID Process Unit Type Source ID Process Unit Description New or Existing Unit Multiple Process Unit Stacks APCD Type Operating Scenario PM emission limit (numeric) PM limit units of measure Gaseous organic HAP limit (numeric) Gaseous organic HAP limit units of measure Is the Process Unit included in the subpart MM PM bubble compliance alternative in §63.862(a)(1)(ii)? Does the Process Unit use an Administrator-approved air pollution control system other than an ESP, wet scrubber, RTO, or fabric filter per §63.864(e)(14)? Tab no. Does the Process Unit require COMS reporting? Does the Process Unit require CPMS reporting? COMS Tab Name CPMS Tab Name
ProcessUnitId ProcessUnitType SourceID ProcessUnitDesc NewExist MultiStack ApcdType OpScenario PmEmLimit PmEmUnit GasHapLimit GasHapUnit ProcessUnitBubComp ProcessUnitApcSystem
ComsReporting CpmsReporting











Sheet 4: Monitoring_Equipment

Summary Report – Gaseous and Opacity Excess Emissions and Continuous Monitoring System Performance

Monitoring Equipment -- 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart MM


Reporting period:

Identify the monitoring equipment and corresponding model number used to comply with subpart MM for each affected emission unit, as well as the date of the last CMS certification or audit. [§63.867(c)(1)(v) and (vi)]

If the process unit has multiple stacks or emission points with different monitors, indicate the emission points in column D. For example: RB1 (stack A), RB1 (stack B)

Process Unit ID Emission Point (Stack) ID Monitoring Equipment Description Monitoring Equipment Manufacturer Model Number Date of Last CMS Certification or Audit
ProcessUnitId EPId MonitorEqDesc MonitorEqMfr ModelNumber CmsCertAudit

Sheet 5: CMS_Process_Control_Changes

CMS, Process, and Control Changes
Description of changes to CMS, processes, or controls since last reporting period.
Describe any CMS, process, or control changes which have occurred since the last reporting period. [§63.867(c)(1)(ix)]

Sheet 6: Certification

Excess Emissions and Continuous Monitoring System Performance Report
Complete this form when you have completed the semiannual compliance report.
* Required Field
Is the statement "There were no excess emissions or exceedances of a parameter during the reporting period." applicable? (§63.10(e)(3)(v))
(Select from dropdown)
Is the statement "During the reporting period, no CMS has been inoperative, out of control, repaired, or adjusted." applicable? (§63.10(e)(3)(v))
(Select from dropdown)
DeviationFlag MonitoringFlag

Sheet 7: CMS_Detail (_____)

Excess Emissions and Continuous Monitoring System Performance Report

CMS Performance Detail Report -- 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart MM

Submit this CMS Detail Report (and the corresponding Excess Emissions Detail Report)* with your Summary Report when [§63.867(c)(3)]:

● Total CMS downtime is 5 or more percent of the total source operating time during the reporting period, or

● The CMS shows excess emissions for 1 or more percent of the operating time in the reporting period, or

● There was a violation according to 40 CFR 63.864(k)(2) of subpart MM.

*You may upload the required information into CEDRI using a separate file or alternative file format that differs from this tab if desired.

Company and Site Name


Reporting period dates (beginning date, ending date)

01/00/1900 - 01/00/1900

Process Unit ID

Process Unit Type

Process Unit Description

Air Pollution Control Device Type

Process Unit Emission Point

CMS Details:


[§63.867(c)(3)(iv)] [§63.867(c)(3)(v)-(vi)] [§63.867(c)(1)(viii)]
Start date* Start time End date* End time Duration (hours) Operating Parameter Monitored CMS inoperative or out of control Nature and Cause of the event Corrective action, preventative measure, CMS repair, or CMS adjustment Type of CMS inoperative or out of control period

Total duration:


*Date and time fields can be combined if necessary (e.g., if combined in facility records).

Insert or hide rows in this table as needed.

Sheet 8: EE_Detail (_____)

Excess Emissions and Continuous Monitoring System Performance Report

Excess Emissions Detail Report -- 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart MM

Submit this Excess Emissions Detail Report (and the corresponding CMS Performance Detail Report)* with your Summary Report when [§63.867(c)(3)]:

● Total CMS downtime is 5 or more percent of the total source operating time during the reporting period, or

● The CMS shows excess emissions for 1 or more percent of the operating time in the reporting period, or

● There was a violation according to 40 CFR 63.864(k)(2) of subpart MM.

Reporting monitoring exceedances does not constitute a violation of the applicable standard unless the criteria in §63.864(k)(2) and (k)(3) are reached.

*You may upload the required information into CEDRI using a separate file or alternative file format that differs from this tab if desired.

Company and Site Name

Reporting period dates
01/00/1900 - 01/00/1900

Process Unit ID

Process Unit Type

Process Unit Description


Process Unit Emission Point

Report excess emissions in the table below, including periods when opacity limits are exceeded or times when operating parameter limits are not met. Insert or hide rows in this table as needed.

§63.867(c)(3)(iii)(A)(5), (C)(3), (D)(3), and (E)(4); (c)(3)(iv); and (c)(3)(v)

Start date/time End date/time Excess emission duration Duration units Operating Parameter Nature and cause of the exceeedance Corrective action or preventative measure Type of exceedance Excluded data1

Total duration: 0

Total duration minus excluded data1 0

1. Excluded data are not required to be reported. The ability to flag data as excluded is for convenience in the case where a system exports all data including excluded data.

Data from the following periods are excluded from data averages:

● Monitoring data recorded during periods of unavoidable CMS breakdowns, out-of-control periods, repairs, maintenance periods, calibration checks, and zero (low-level) and high level adjustments [§63.864(h)]

● Monitoring data recorded during periods when spent liquor solids or lime mud is not fed (as applicable). [§63.864(k)(1), (k)(2)]

Sheet 9: Failures (_____)

Excess Emissions and Continuous Monitoring System Performance Report

Report of Failure to Meet Standards -- 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart MM

Report failures to meet applicable standards in the table below.* [§63.867(c)(4)]

Failures include violations of the emission limits or operating limits under subpart MM.

*You may upload the required information into CEDRI using a separate file or alternative file format that differs from this tab if desired.

Company and Site Name

Reporting period dates
01/00/1900 - 01/00/1900

Process Unit ID

Process Unit Type

Process Unit Description


Process Unit Emission Point

Estimate the quantity of each regulated pollutant emitted over any emission limit:3

Pollutant 13

Pollutant 23

Emission Limit or Operating Limit in Violation1 Start Date2 Start Time2 Duration Duration units Method used to estimate emissions over any emission limit3 Emission Limit Failed Units of emission limit Magnitude of excess emissions (pounds) Emission Limit Failed Units of emission limit Magnitude of excess emissions (pounds)

Total (lbs): -
Total (lbs): 0

Total (tons): 0.00
Total (tons): 0.0
1. When the violation involves a specific number of operating limits, you would record the duration for all of the parameter averages in excess of the operating limit, including the first operating parameter or opacity averages recorded before

a violation is triggered. For example, if your process unit has a 3% opacity monitoring allowance but 4% of 6-minute opacity averages exceed the opacity limit, you would record all 4% of the opacity averages in exceedance in the table.

Similarly, for process units with no more than 6 parameter averages in separate 24-hour periods allowed to be incurred before a violation is triggered, you would record the first 6 and all other parameter average exceedances

regardless of the 24-hour period in which they occurred.

2. Date and time fields can be combined if necessary (e.g., if combined in facility records).

3. These columns apply if you had a failure of one of the subpart MM emission limits for PM (metal HAP), methanol, or total hydrocarbon (THC).

Sheet 10: Revisions

Revision Number Date Revisions
1.00 10/11/2017 Draft version submitted to docket.
Draft 7/16/2021 Second draft version, updated to reflect final rule and industry comments, updated CBI language and instructions on the Welcome tab, fixed spelling errors and erroneous regulatory citations, blank column inserted at left for all parsed sheeets to allow for JSON parsing, added Worksheet Map and Revisions tabs. Updated calculations for opacity corrective action level and 63.864(k)(3) provisions, updated formatting on CPMS adn COMS pages to show blank when no parameter listed.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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