[This is the page people will see when they first arrive on our website. Black text is what the participant will see. Blue text in square brackets is not part of the survey. Blue text is instructions for coding the online survey or explanations of the survey. This is the revised draft as of April 12, 2021.]
A federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a current valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is 2126-XXXX. Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be approximately 15 to 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. All responses to this collection of information are voluntary. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collection Clearance Officer, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, MC-RRA, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, D.C. 20590.
Survey on Crime Prevention for Truckers
[The objective of this project is to examine the prevalence of crimes that happen to female and minority male truck drivers and compare it with a control group of non-minority male truck drivers. This document details the survey questions that we will present to the three truck driver categories, namely: 1) female drivers, 2) minority male drivers, and 3) non-minority male drivers. To conveniently administer the survey to the targeted driver categories, Battelle will develop three separate surveys. The majority of the survey questions (Q8 through Q39) will be the same for all driver categories. However, the survey introduction and screening questions (Q1 through Q7) will be customized as detailed below.]
Introduction for Female and Minority Truck Drivers
Hi. We’re interested in learning about harassment and assaults against female and minority truck drivers. We want to know when and where these things happen. We want to know about the types of people who do these things. If you are a female or minority male truck driver, please take this survey even if you have not experienced harassment or crime yourself. It will take 15 to 20 minutes.
Informed Consent
We are from Battelle, a research and development company, and we are conducting this survey for the United States Department of Transportation.
This is an anonymous survey. We will do everything we can to protect your identity. We won’t ask your name. We will not attempt to track the device on which you took the survey. Please don’t tell us anything else that could identify you. Don’t tell us your employer’s name or the name of anybody you work with. We will read your answers and try to remove any names or other identifying information you accidentally give.
We will use this information to understand the prevalence of harassment and assault. We believe that you sharing your experiences will help us think of ways to make a safer environment for all drivers. We want to know what kinds of crimes happen to female and minority drivers.
The results of this survey will be available from the Department of Transportation. No personally identifiable information will be provided in these results.
We will ask you a few questions to see if you are eligible for the survey. If you are not eligible, the survey will excuse you with our thanks for your willingness to participate.
We recognize that questions include sensitive or personal topics which may be upsetting as you try to remember your experiences. You may skip any question you do not want to answer but we encourage you to answer as many as possible. There are minimal requirements we have for your overall survey response to count. Honest and complete information will best help inform future efforts to take action to prevent harassment and assault against truck drivers.
If you have questions about the survey, please contact Lana Nichols from the Women in Trucking Association at 920-737-9490 or lana@womenintrucking.org. Women in Trucking is helping Battelle in administering this survey. [The contact is from the Women in Trucking office.]
When you finish the survey, we will offer you a $25 gift card from Amazon. To obtain a code for the gift card, you will go to a separate website where you will provide your e-mail address. The gift card code will be sent by e-mail. All your survey responses will be separated from the website where you provide your e-mail for the gift card. We do not want to know anything that could identify you in our survey.
This survey is voluntary. If you are willing to take part in our survey, please click Continue.
[Participants who click Continue begin the survey.]
Introduction for Control Group (Non-Minority Male Truckers)
Hi. We’re interested in learning about harassment and assaults against truck drivers. We want to know when and where these things happen. We want to know about the types of people who do these things.. It will take 15 to 20 minutes.
Informed Consent
We are from Battelle, a research and development company, and we are conducting this survey for the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT).
This is an anonymous survey. We will do everything we can to protect your identity. We will not ask for your name. We will not collect your phone or computer information. Please do not tell us anything else that could identify you. Do not tell us your employer’s name or the name of anybody you work with. We will read your answers and try to remove any names or other identifying information that you might accidentally provide.
We will use this information to gain an understanding of the prevalence of harassment and assault. We want to understand what kinds of crimes are perpetrated on drivers. By sharing these experiences, it will aid us in developing recommendations to the USDOT that are aimed at creating a safer environment for all drivers.
The results of this survey will be available from the USDOT. No personally identifiable information will be provided in these results.
We will ask you a few questions to see if you are eligible for the survey. If you are not eligible, the survey will excuse you with our thanks for your willingness to participate.
We recognize that questions include sensitive or personal topics which may be upsetting as you try to remember your experiences. You may skip any question you do not want to answer but we encourage you to answer as many as possible. There are minimal requirements we have for your overall survey response to count. Honest and complete information will best help inform future efforts to take action to prevent harassment and assault against truck drivers.
If you have questions about the survey, please contact Lana Nichols from the Women in Trucking Association at 920-737-9490 or lana@womenintrucking.org. Women in Trucking is helping Battelle in administering this survey. [The contact is from the Women in Trucking office.]
At the end of the survey, we will offer you a $25 gift card from Amazon. When you finish the survey, you will switch to a separate website where you can provide your e-mail address to receive the gift card code by e-mail. All your survey responses will be separated from the website where you provide your e-mail for the gift card. We do not want to know anything that could identify you in our survey.
This survey is voluntary. If you are willing to take part in our survey, please click Continue.
[Participants who click Continue begin the survey.]
[Q1 through Q7 and Q12 screen for eligibility. Participants can proceed only if they answer all of these questions and meet all of the criteria.
Q8 through Q11 are background. Answers are not required.
Q13 through Q21 are the basic questions of what happened. Participants must answer them to receive the incentive.
Q22 and onward probe for details of what, who, where, and so forth. Participants may skip questions they do not wish to answer.]
First, we need to know your background. This is anonymous. We do NOT want personal information that could identify who you are.
Commercial Driver’s License Class A (CDL-A) [Skip to Q3]
Commercial Driver’s License Class B (CDL-B) [Skip to Q3]
Commercial Driver’s License Class C (CDL-C) [Skip to Q3]
Regular driver’s license.
In the past two years, have you driven a truck with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of more than 10,000 pounds as part of your job? [require one answer]
Yes [Skip to Q4]
No [Skip
to Exit Page A for participants who do not qualify.]
No [Skip to Exit Page A for participants who do not qualify.]
[The following question is adapted from the National Crime Victimization Survey NCVS-500 Control Card (2010 Sample Design) https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/ncvs500_2016.pdf.]
younger than 18 years old [Skip to Exit Page A for participants who do not qualify.]
18-24 years old
25-34 years old
35-49 years old
50-65 years old
66 years old or older
[The following three questions come from the National Crime Victimization Survey NCVS-500 Control Card (2010 Sample Design) https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/ncvs500_2016.pdf. The American Community Survey requires one of two choices for sex. https://www.census.gov/acs/www/about/why-we-ask-each-question/sex/ According to a January 26, 2018, memo for the 2020 census, the 2020 census will allow multiple Hispanic ethnicities and add a write-in area and provide examples for some racial categories. Those additions will not be on this survey. https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/decennial/2020/program-management/memo-series/2020-memo-2018_02.pdf]
Female Group Survey
Male [Skip to Exit Page A for participants who do not qualify.]
[After we reach 440 completed surveys from females, we will stop accepting them. Also, we will stop accepting after we reach 400 in female category who have experienced an event (Case 1 following Q14 through Q19). Skip to Exit Page A.]
Please choose one or more races that you consider yourself to be. [require at least one answer; allow more than one answer]
Black or African American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Other [blank to fill in]
[Participants who are current truck drivers from the desired demographic groups will continue.]
Minority Male Group Survey
Q5. Are you [require one answer]
Female [Skip to Exit Page A for participants who do not qualify.]
[After we reach 440 completed surveys from minority males, we will stop accepting them. Also, we will stop accepting after we reach 400 in minority male category who have experienced an event (Case 1 following Q14 through Q19). Skip to Exit Page A.]
Q6. Are you Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino? [require one answer]
Q7. Please choose one or more races that you consider yourself to be. [require at least one answer; allow more than one answer]
White [Skip to Exit Page A for participants who do not qualify.]
Black or African American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Other [blank to fill in]
[If the answer to Q5 is Male and the answer to Q6 is No and the answer to Q7 is a single check on White, then skip to Exit Page A for participants who do not qualify.]
[Participants who are current truck drivers from the desired demographic groups will continue.]
Control Group Survey
Q5. Are you [require one answer]
Female [Skip to Exit Page A for participants who do not qualify.]
[After we reach 440 completed surveys from non-minority males, we will stop accepting them. Also, we will stop accepting after we reach 400 in non-minority male category who have experienced an event (Case 1 following Q14 through Q19). Skip to Exit Page A.]
Q6. Are you Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino? [require one answer]
Yes [Skip to Exit Page A for participants who do not qualify.]
Q7. Please choose one or more races that you consider yourself to be. [require at least one answer; allow more than one answer]
Black or African American [Skip to Exit Page A for participants who do not qualify.]
American Indian or Alaska Native [Skip to Exit Page A for participants who do not qualify.]
Asian [Skip to Exit Page A for participants who do not qualify.]
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander [Skip to Exit Page A for participants who do not qualify.]
Other [blank to fill in] [Skip to Exit Page A for participants who do not qualify.]
[Participants who are current truck drivers from the desired demographic groups will continue.]
[Q8 through Q39 will be asked to all driver categories]
Over the road
Short haul
Pickup and delivery
Independent contractor
Have you had any training in self-defense for drivers? [allow one answer]
Do you do any of these things for personal protection? (choose all that apply) [allow more than one answer]
I pay attention to always be aware of what is happening around me
I stick to lighted areas.
I stay around other people.
Other [blank to fill in]
Just checking. Do these questions sound familiar to you? Is it because you have taken this survey before? [require one answer]
Yes [Skip to Exit Page B for participants who do not qualify.]
[On each row, the driver will be able to select exactly one item: a check in one of the first two blanks or a number in the third blank. Put the matrix (Q13 through Q19) and the yes-no question (Q20) and the extra question (Q21) if it appears all on one page. Have a “continue” button at the bottom.]
Truck drivers sometimes experience harassment or even violence. Please tell us about threats or crimes that happened to you. Think of what happens as it directly relates to your work as a driver. Include both on-duty and off-duty time. Off-duty responses only apply if they relate to your work as a driver. If you want to receive the gift card, please put a check on every row, whether something happened to you or not.
In the past two years . . . |
It did not happen to me. |
It happened once. |
If it happened more than once, try to remember how many times |
We listed a few things that might have happened to you. Maybe you
have faced some other form of threat or assault. Would you be
willing to tell us about it? [allow one
Yes [Show Q21. Do not leave this page until the participant clicks Continue.]
No [Do not leave this page until the
participant clicks Continue.]
What happened? Please remember not to write anyone’s name. Do not use a company’s name. Use words like my supervisor, a dispatcher, my trainer, or a mechanic.
[Provide a space for 5000 characters of text.]
[When the participant clicks Continue, we will have one of three cases:
Case 1: The participant said there was at least one instance of something more serious than name calling (that is, at least one of Q14 through Q19 has a check in other than the far left box) or the participant entered text in the box for Q21. In this case, proceed to the dotted line after these three cases.
Case 2: If nothing happened (i.e., Q14 through Q19 are all “It did not happen to me” and Q21 is blank) or the only event was name calling on the first row (Q13), we thank and dismiss the participant. We will offer the incentive to the participant. Skip to Q39, which is the open-ended question before the Normal Exit Page.
Case 3: One or more rows in the matrix are missing an answer. If so, leave the above questions visible and put the statement below.]
You left some blanks. We would like a response to all questions to ensure questions were not skipped. If an event never happened, please go back and check the “It did not happen to me” answer choice and click Continue again. Or you may click this button to Stop here.
[If the participant clicks Stop here, go to Exit Page B. If the participant clicks Continue again and Case 1 or Case 2 applies, proceed accordingly. If the participant clicks Continue but rows are still blank, emphasize the statement above. If the participant clicks Continue a second time with blank rows, go to Exit Page B.]
[Arrive here if the previous set of questions resulted in Case 1, something significant happened. The rest of the survey is asking for details on one of the items from the previous page. We will ask about the one the participant took the time to write out if the participant did so. If the participant answered no for Q20 or wrote nothing in the box for Q21, then we will ask about one of the listed items. If the participant marked that only one of the items happened, that’s the one. If the participant marked more than one, we will randomly select the one to pursue. There are three cases.]
[Case A: If the participant filled in the box for Q21, put up this message and the Intro for Q22.]
We want to ask a few more questions about the situation you described.
[Case B: If the participant entered nothing for Q21 and marked “It did not happen to me” on all but one of Q14 through Q19, then display the one where something happened. Display one of the following and the Intro for Q22.]
We want to ask you a few more questions regarding your indication of
somebody saying threatening words to you.
We want to ask you a
few more questions regarding your indication of your truck or cargo
being vandalized.
We want to ask you a few more questions
regarding your indication of somebody physically hurting you.
want to ask you a few more questions regarding your indication of
somebody threatening you with a weapon.
We want to ask you a few
more questions regarding your indication of somebody rubbing your
clothes in a bad way.
We want to ask you a few more questions
regarding your indication of somebody touching your personal body
We want to ask you a few more questions regarding your
indication of being raped.
We want to ask you a few more
questions regarding your report of being subjected to human
trafficking or forced labor.
[Case C: If the participant marked an occurrence for more than one of Q14 through Q19, then we will randomly select one for follow-up. Select from among the events the participant experienced at least once. Display the above sentence that was randomly chosen and the Intro for Q22.]
[Intro for Q22. Display this message and Q22 along with the message for Case A, B, or C.]
If you don’t want to answer a question, please skip it.
[All of the remaining questions are optional; the participant may skip any of them. In most cases, if the participant does not answer a question, proceed to the next question. If an unanswered question is followed by an unconditional skip, take the skip. The instructions note some exceptions where the survey will skip to a different question if the participant chooses not to answer.]
In the next few questions, if something happened several times, please choose all of the answers that apply. Try to remember what happened in the past two years.
On my company’s property
At a place where I picked up or delivered
At a truck stop
At a fueling station
At a public rest area
At a weigh station or border crossing
At an overnight parking location other than a truck stop or rest area
While I was driving
While I was riding in the truck and somebody else was driving
Someplace else [a blank to fill in]
Where on the property was it? (choose all that apply) [allow more than one answer]
In the parking lot
Outdoors away from buildings
Around the fuel pumps
By the loading dock or in the warehouse
In the restaurant or lobby or laundry
In my truck
In a truck I was being trained in
In somebody else’s truck
In a meeting or training room
In a break room or waiting area
In the restroom or shower or locker room
In the maintenance shop
Someplace else [a blank to fill in]
Were/Are you aware of the place having a no harassment policy? [allow one answer]
Don’t know
Do you know if the place has (choose all that apply) [allow more than one answer]
Security cameras?
Alarm boxes?
A guard stationed somewhere?
Something else [a blank to fill in]
Don’t know
What type of area did it happen in? (choose all that apply)
[allow more than one answer]
[The question about state is patterned after question 8 in the National Crime Victimization Survey NCVS-2 Crime Incident Report https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/ncvs16_cir.pdf. The time of day follows the pattern of question 6 on that survey.]
Which state
did this happen? (choose more than one state if it happened more
than once) [have a dropdown box with 50
states, District of Columbia]
About when did it happen? (Or when did it happen most often?)
Month [dropdown]
Day of the week
Time [dropdown
like this]
During the day
after 6 a.m. - 12 noon
after 12 noon
– 3 p.m.
after 3 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Don’t know
what time of day
At night
after 6 p.m. - 9 p.m.
after 9 p.m. - 12
after 12 midnight - 6 a.m.
Don’t know what
time of night
Don’t know whether day or night
Before the
event, did you have concerns something might happen? (choose all
that apply) [allow more than one answer]
Somebody told me they would get me.
Somebody was following me around.
There had been things happening all along.
The whole place bothered me, but I had to go there for my job.
Something else [a blank to fill in]
Think of all the people who have done this to you in the past two
years. Who were they? (choose all that apply) [allow
more than one answer]
Another driver at my company
Somebody who was training me
A boss at my company
Some other employee at my company
Somebody at a customer’s place
A truck stop employee
Some other driver
Somebody else (give their job or relationship, not their name) [a blank to fill in]
Don’t know
[The questions about the perpetrator are based on the Supplemental Victimization Survey (SVS) to the National Crime Victimization Survey 2006 https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/svs1_06.pdf, questions 4 through 9. The questions about the perpetrator’s demographics are not identical to those about the participant. The SVS does not ask ethnicity and offers fewer choices for race. Question 10 in the SVS is about the relationship of the perpetrator to the victim. That question appears in the same order here, but the choices are different.]
Before the event, did you already know this person? [allow one answer]
I recognized them but don’t know their name.
Don’t know
Does this person have a reputation or history of doing this? [allow one answer]
Don’t know
[The next series of questions is based on the Supplemental Victimization Survey (SVS) to the National Crime Victimization Survey 2006 https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/svs1_06.pdf.]
Did you report any of the attacks or the threats? [allow
one answer]
No [Skip to Q38]
[If the participant chooses not to answer, skip to Q39,
which is the open-ended question before the Normal Exit Page.]
Where did you report it? (choose all that apply)
[allow more than one answer]
To the police
To my employer
To the site manager
To a social agency
To a friend or coworker
Other [blank to fill in]
Did anything happen after you reported it? [allow
one answer]
No [Skip to Q39, which is the open-ended question before the Normal Exit Page.]
Don’t know [Skip to Q39, which is the open-ended question before the Normal Exit Page.]
Tell us briefly what happened after you reported it. Remember not to
use any names.
[blank to fill in]
How satisfied were you with the response? [allow
one answer]
Very dissatisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Very satisfied
[Skip to Q39, which is the open-ended question before the Normal Exit Page.]
I didn’t know where to report it.
I thought I would lose my job.
I wanted to but never got around to it.
It’s too embarrassing to talk about.
I did not think that it would make a difference.
That’s the way it is. I have to deal with it.
Other (Please do not tell us a person’s name or a company name.) [a blank to fill in]
[These are the final questions. A participant can arrive here by completing the survey, or by answering Q13 through Q20 but not giving an answer that required follow-up.]
Is there anything we missed, or anything you’d like to share? Do you have a recommendation to make things better? Feel free to say what’s on your mind, but please don’t write any names. Use words like my supervisor, a dispatcher, my trainer, or a mechanic. [open-ended text box]
Q40. Could you please tell us how you heard about this survey?
Invitation by email or social media posting from Women In Trucking Association
Invitation by email or social media posting from the National Transportation Consultants
Invitation by flyer at a truck stop
Colleague or co-worker
Other (please specify)
[This is the Normal Exit Page. This page is for participants who were eligible (as determined by Q1 through Q7) and answered the basic questions about their experiences (Q13 through Q20). It thanks the participant and offers the gift card as an incentive for completing the survey. The two other exit pages are for participants who begin the survey but are ineligible to take the survey or choose not to complete the required questions.]
Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. We understand it may have been difficult for you. Your answers will help us better understand the situation. We believe that you sharing your experiences will help us think of ways to make a safer environment for all drivers.
[We plan to list several places people can go if they need help dealing with their situation in one way or another. The organizations here are only examples as placeholders.]
If you would like help dealing with any of these matters, here are some places to contact:
RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) Trained support
specialists provide support, information, advice, or a referral by
telephone or an online chat.
EEOC (United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) https://www.eeoc.gov/employees/howtofile.cfm You can file a charge of employment discrimination on the basis of race, sex, or other reasons. You can call 1-800-669-4000 to discuss your situation.
If you have questions about the survey, please contact Lana Nichols from the Women in Trucking Association at 920-737-9490 or lana@womenintrucking.org [The contact is from the Women in Trucking office.]
We appreciate the time you took to complete this survey and would like to offer you a $25 gift card from Amazon. To obtain a code for this, please click on the button below Your responses to the survey questions are not linked to the website used for issuing the gift card.
Click here for your gift card code. You will receive the code within 24-48 hours. [The participant goes to a totally different website. See the final page of the questionnaire.]
[Exit Page A. This is the page for people who begin the survey but do not meet the selection criteria. Participants reach this page because one of their answers to the screening questions on profession or demographics excluded them (Q1 through Q7). They come to this page as soon as we learn they are ineligible. They are not offered the gift card.]
Thank you for taking time to visit. We have enough responses from people in your group.
If you have questions, please contact Lana Nichols from the Women in Trucking Association at 920-737-9490 or lana@womenintrucking.org [The contact is from the Women in Trucking office.]
[Display the same list of places to go for help.]
[Exit Page B. Participants reach this page if they have taken the survey before (Q12) or if they decide not to finish answering the basic questions (Q21). They do not take the main part of the survey and they are not offered the gift card.]
Thank you for taking time to visit.
If you have questions, please contact Lana Nichols from the Women in Trucking Association at 920-737-9490 or lana@womenintrucking.org [The contact is from the Women in Trucking office.]
[Display the same list of places to go for help.]
[This is the totally different website. It will be on a different domain than the survey. Even this page will not collect any information to identify the participant.]
Thank you for completing the survey. We would like to give you a gift card code for $25. Please click the button below. You will be taken to a different website for your gift card code. Your responses to the survey questions are not linked to the website used for issuing the gift card code. [The participant goes to a totally different website.]
[Amazon gift card codes will be provided. Participants will provide their e-mail address so the gift card code can be sent to them.]
[Separate Website for Gift Card]
Thank you for your time in completing the survey. For confidentiality purposes, your responses to the survey are not linked to your e-mail address.
Please provide your e-mail address below so we can send you a code for a $25 Amazon gift card. Once you receive the e-mail with the code, you can use the code in the “Enter Code” in the Payment Method section of your Amazon purchase. The e-mail will be from [xxxx@battelle.org] with the subject line “Thank you for your participation in our survey.”
[E-mail message for sending gift card code]
Thank you for completing our survey on Crime Prevention for Truckers.
Below is your Amazon gift card code for $25.
You can enter this code in the “Enter Code” page in the Payment Method section of your Amazon purchase.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-12-09 |