Form Approved
OMB No. 0920-0706
Exp. Date XX/XX/XXX
Attachment 3A
NPCR Program Evaluation Instrument
Purpose Statement
The NPCR Program Evaluation Instrument (PEI) is a web-based survey instrument designed to evaluate
NPCR-funded registries’ operational attributes and their progress towards meeting program standards. The PEI also provides information about advanced activities and “Survey Feedback” assists CDC in improving the survey instrument.
Based on CDC’s Updated Guidelines for Evaluating Public Health Surveillance Systems, the PEI monitors the integration of surveillance, registry operations and health information systems, the utilization of established data standards, and the electronic exchange of health data. Data provided by this report can be used for public health action, program planning and evaluation, and research hypothesis formulation.
Specific knowledge about operational activities in which NPCR registries are engaged is used to provide valuable insight to CDC regarding programmatic efficiencies/deficiencies that have contributed to the success/challenges of the NPCR. The results of this instrument inform CDC and NPCR Program Consultants where technical assistance is most needed in order to continue to improve and enhance the NPCR.
Many of the questions in the 2022 PEI provide baseline data that can be used to measure compliance with the NPCR Program Standards. Using all available information as of December 31, 2021, the appropriate Central Cancer Registry (CCR) staff should complete the PEI.
Burden Statement
Public reporting burden of this collection of information varies from 1.5 to 2.5 hours with an estimated average of 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-741, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-0706).
The National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR)
Program Evaluation Instrument (PEI)
of December 31, 2021.
All questions require an answer with the exception of comments,
questions and those indicated as optional.
user can select only one answer.
user can select more than one answer.
user may enter text/number.
Box Response
long description as response.
State / Territory |
NPCR reference year |
Registry reference year |
Registry Program Director |
Cooperative Agreement # 17-1701 |
Most Current Grant Award Amount |
CDC Program Consultant |
Your name |
Title |
Phone number |
Date completed |
The following questions use the concept of a "Full-time Equivalent" also known as an "FTE." In each question you will be asked to report the total number of FTEs (FTE count). To do this, please convert each position to the appropriate FTE using the guidelines below, rounding each position to the nearest quarter of an FTE (e.g., 34 hrs./week would convert to 0.75 FTE, whereas 35 hrs./week would convert to 1.0 FTE):
0.25 FTE = 10 hrs./week
0.50 FTE = 20 hrs./week
0.75 FTE = 30 hrs./week
1.00 FTE = 40 hrs./week
Then add each converted position for the total number of FTEs.
1. On December 31, 20XX, how many total FTE central cancer registry (CCR) staff positions were funded? You may include positions outside the registry ONLY IF the registry pays a portion of the salary. Remember to use the calculation method above when computing partial FTEs.
Total Count FTEs |
Funding Category |
Filled |
Vacant |
Number of NPCR-funded (non-contracted) FTE positions |
_________ |
_________ |
Number of NPCR-funded, FTE positions |
_________ |
_________ |
Number of State-funded (non-contracted) FTE positions |
_________ |
_________ |
Number of State-funded, FTE positions |
_________ |
_________ |
Number of non-contracted FTE positions funded by other sources |
_________ |
_________ |
Number of Contracted FTE positions funded by other sources |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
_________ |
2. Please Indicate number of FTEs in the positions listed below. Please include both filled and vacant, as well as time contributed by non-registry staff (e.g. chronic disease epidemiologist), regardless of funding, in your total FTE count. Use the FTE calculation method as described previously. Please note CTR credentials may be held by several registry positions and should be counted accordingly.
Total Count FTEs |
Position (FTE or percentage of FTE) |
Filled |
Vacant |
Principal Investigator |
_________ |
_________ |
Program Director |
_________ |
_________ |
Program Manager |
_________ |
_________ |
Budget Analyst |
_________ |
_________ |
CTR Quality Control Staff |
_________ |
_________ |
Non-CTR Quality Control Staff |
_________ |
_________ |
CTR Education/Training Staff |
_________ |
_________ |
Epidemiologists |
_________ |
_________ |
Statisticians |
_________ |
_________ |
Computer/ IT |
GIS Specialist |
_________ |
_________ |
Other staff, specify: ______________________ |
_________ |
_________ |
Total Number of Staff |
_________ |
_________ |
Total Number CTRs (of total number of staff) |
_________ |
_________ |
Staffing Section Comments (You may add comments regarding your responses in the “Staffing” section above.)
3. Have any law/regulations been revised to address cancer reporting in the past two years?
Yes; please describe: ____________________________________________________
If there are plans for revisions in the next two years, please provide comment in box below.
Legislation Section Comments (You may add comments regarding your responses and/or any anticipated legislative barriers related to the “Legislation” section above.)
4. Does your CCR maintain an operational manual describing registry operations, policies and procedures that, at a minimum, contains the following? 1. Registry collects and submits data for all reportable cancers and benign neoplasms, including at a minimum, primary site, histology, behavior, date of diagnosis, race and ethnicity, age at diagnosis, gender, stage at diagnosis, and first course of treatment, according to CDC specifications and other information required by CDC. 2. For all CDC-required reportable cases, the registry collects/derives all required data items using standard codes prescribed by CDC.
3. Registry participates in all analytic datasets and Web-based data query systems, according to the annual NPCR CSS Data Release Policy.
Check all that apply.
Yes |
No |
Reporting laws/regulations |
List of reportable diagnoses |
List of required data items |
Data processing operational procedures for (Check all that apply): |
Procedures for Implementing and maintaining a quality assurance/control program including (check all that apply, e-h): |
Procedures for conducting data exchange including a list of states with which case-sharing agreements are in place |
Procedures for conducting data linkages |
Procedures for ensuring confidentiality and data security including disaster planning |
Procedures for data release including access to and disclosure of information |
Procedures for maintaining and updating the operational manual |
5. Does your CCR produce reports that are used to monitor the registry operations and database, including processes and activities? Check all that apply.
Quality control report (central registry)
Quality control report for each facility
Data completeness report for each facility
Timeliness of data report for each facility
Data workflow report
All of the above
Other, specify ______________________
None of the above
6. Does your CCR have an abstracting and coding manual that is provided for use by all reporting sources
Administration Section Comments (You may add comments regarding your responses in the “Administration” section above.)
7. Hospital and Pathology Laboratory Reporting:
Please list the number, by type, that are required to report and the number that were compliant with reporting at the end of 20XX. Also report the number reporting electronically (e.g. in a standardized format that minimizes the need for manual data entry.)
"Hospital cancer registry" is defined as one (single or joint institution) that collects data to be used internally and that would continue to do so regardless of the central cancer registry requirements to collect and report cancer data.
For those types of Hospitals and Pathology Labs which are not applicable to your state/territory (e.g., IHS Hospitals), record zero (0) in "Number Required to Report" and record zero (0) in "Number Compliant with Reporting." In these instances, "Number Reporting Electronically" should also be recorded as zero (0).
Number Required to Report (Denominator) |
Number Compliant with Reporting* at the end of 20XX |
Number Reporting Electronically ** |
Hospitals with a cancer registry (non-federal) |
Hospitals without a cancer registry (non-federal) |
CoC hospitals # |
VA hospitals # |
IHS hospitals # |
Tribal Hospitals # |
Physician offices # |
In-state independent labs |
Out-of-state independent labs |
Other, specify _________________________ |
*ALL facilities that report -- not only those reporting in a timely manner
**Electronic Reporting is the collection and transfer of data from source documents by hospitals, physician offices, clinics or laboratories in a standardized, coded format that does not require manual data entry at the Central Cancer Registry (CCR) level to create an abstracted record.
#Although these groups are not “required” to report in accordance with state law, please indicate the number of known facilities that diagnose or treat cancer for residents of your state.
8. Do you require that non-analytic (classes 30-38) cases be reported to your CCR?
9. Do you receive data from the Department of Defense’s Automated Central Tumor Registry
(ACTUR) dataset? (If No, please skip to Question 12)
10. If Yes, how often? Check only one.
Every 6 months
Other, specify: ___________________________
11. If Yes, have these data proven to be helpful in finding new incident cases?
12. If No, why not? Check all that apply.
Data are incomplete.
Data are not in the proper format for us to consolidate with existing records.
We don’t have time to deal with it.
Other, specify: _____________________________
13a. Do you receive data directly from the Veteran’s Administration’s central cancer registries in your
13b. How many VA facilities currently report to your CCR indirectly from the VA Central Cancer Registry
in Washington, DC? ________________________________
14. Based on historical data, how many cases per diagnosis year do you estimate are missed (i.e.
never received) by your CCR because of non-reporting by VA facilities?
Number of cases missed: ______________
15a. Industrial or Occupational History Data
From what sources are you able to ROUTINELY collect information on industrial or occupational history (without seeking additional data sources for only these variables)? Check all that apply.
Administrative records (e.g., billing or claims databases, or patient forms that are not part of the medical record)
Medical records
Death certificate linkages
Do not collect information on industrial or occupational history
15b. Do you conduct any ADDITIONAL activities (e.g. linkages with external databases) to collect or improve upon industrial or occupational history information?
Yes, please describe_____________________
Please indicate how the following factors influenced the completeness and timeliness of your CCR’s 12-month data submission:
Contributing Factor |
Negative Factor |
Both Contributing and Negative Factor |
Laws and Rules |
Fines and Penalties |
Outsourcing and contracting |
Interstate data exchange |
Other factors, specify |
Reporting Completeness Section Comments (You may add comments regarding your responses in the “Reporting Completeness” section above.)
16. Does your CCR use and require the following standardized, CDC-recommended data formats for
the electronic exchange of cancer data from reporting sources:
Hospital Reports (The NAACCR record layout version specified in Standards for Cancer Registries Volume II: Data Standards and Data Dictionary)?
Pathology reports (NAACCR Standards for Cancer Registries Volume V: Pathology Laboratory Electronic Reporting)?
Not Applicable, not receiving electronic pathology reports
Ambulatory healthcare providers using electronic health records (Implementation Guide for Ambulatory Healthcare Provider Reporting to Central Cancer Registries)?
Not Applicable, not receiving Ambulatory healthcare provider reports
17. Do your interstate data exchange procedures meet the following minimum criteria?
Within 12 months of the close of the diagnosis year, your CCR exchanges that year's data with other central cancer registries where a data-exchange agreement is in place:
Your CCR collects data on all patients diagnosed and/or receiving first course of treatment in your registry’s state/territory regardless of residency:
The recommended frequency of data exchange is at least two times per year. Your CCR exchanges data at the following frequency:
Biannually (two times per year)
Other, specify: ____________________________
Exchange agreements are in place with other central cancer registries:
Yes, with all bordering CCRs plus other non-adjacent CCRs
Yes, with all bordering CCRs but no others
Yes, with some bordering CCRs
Yes, Includes National Interstate Data Exchange Agreement
No, no exchange agreements in place with neighboring states, but some are in place with non-neighboring states
No, no exchange agreements in place
List all existing CCR agreements here: ________________________________
What type of records do you transmit for interstate exchange?
Consolidated cases
Source records with text
Source records without text
Does it include all cases not exchanged previously?
Are NPCR core data items included in the dataset submitted to other states?
Do 99% of data submitted to other states passes an NPCR-prescribed set of standard edits?
Are exchanged data transmitted via a secure encrypted Internet-based system?
Is the standardized, NPCR-recommended data exchange format used to transmit data to other central cancer registries and CDC (The current NAACCR record layout version specified in Standards for Cancer Registries Volume II: Data Standards and Data Dictionary):
18. What type(s) of secure encrypted Internet-based system is used for interstate data exchange?
Check all that apply.
Secure FTP
Web Plus
Secure encrypted e-mail
Data Exchange Section Comments (You may add comments regarding your responses in the “Data Exchange” section above.)
19. Is your CCR able to receive secure, encrypted cancer abstract data from reporting sources via the
Currently being developed and/or implemented
No, not able to receive
No, able to receive, but not receiving
20. What is the primary software system used to process and manage cancer data in your CCR? Check only one.
Commercial Vendor
In-House Software
CRS Plus
21. Which of the following Registry Plus programs do you use? Check all that apply.
Abstract Plus
Prep Plus
CRS Plus
Link Plus
Web Plus
eMaRC Plus
CDA Validation Plus
All of the above
None of the above
Data Content and Format Section Comments (You may add comments regarding your responses in the “Data Content and Format” section above.)
22. Please respond to each of the following statements to describe your CCR's quality assurance
Yes |
No |
A designated CTR is responsible for the quality assurance program |
O |
O |
Qualified, experienced CTRs conduct quality assurance activities |
O |
O |
At least once every 5 years, case-finding and/or re-abstracting audits from a sampling of source documents are conducted for each hospital-based reporting facility. This may include external audits (NPCR/SEER) |
O |
O |
Data consolidation procedures are performed consistently from all source records |
O |
O |
Procedures are in place for follow-back to reporting facilities on quality issues |
O |
23. Does your CCR have a designated CTR education/training coordinator, to provide training to CCR
staff and reporting sources to ensure high quality data?
24. In the past year, which of the following type of quality control audits or activities did your CCR
conduct? Check all that apply.
Case finding
Visual editing
Data Item Consolidation
Other: (specify) ______________________________________________________________
25. Although death certificate processes require matches on all underlying causes of death, does your CCR match all causes of death against your registry data to identify a reportable cancer?
26. During the death certificate linkage, does your CCR match by tumor (site/histology) and not just by patient identifying information?
27a. Does your CCR update the CCR database following death certificate matching within 3 months of
Yes No
Death information (vital status and cause of death) O O
Missing demographic information O O
27b. If yes, what percentage(s) of the updates are performed manually or electronically? (Provide best estimate; may be some overlap between automation and manual review.)
Manually (%) |
Electronically (%) |
Death information: |
_________ |
_________ |
Demographic information: |
_________ |
_________ |
28. Does your CCR perform record consolidation on the following?
Data Group Electronic Manual Both Neither
Patient O O O O
Treatment O O O O
Follow-up O O O O
29a. Does your CCR provide an edit set to your reporting facilities and/or vendors for use prior to data
submissions to your CCR?
29b. If Yes, are facilities required to run prescribed edits prior to their data submission to your CCR?
29c. Does your CCR have an established threshold for percent of records passing edits on incoming
29d. If Yes, what is the threshold?
90% or greater
80% or greater
Less than 80%
29e. How often does your CCR provide feedback to reporting facilities on the quality, completeness, and timeliness of their data?
Every six months
Other, describe: ____________________________________________________
Data Quality Assurance Section Comments (You may add comments regarding your responses in the “Data Quality Assurance” section above.)
30. Within 12 months of the end of the diagnosis year with data that are 90% complete, did your CCR
calculate incidence counts, rates, or proportions in an electronic data file or report for the diagnosis year for Surveillance
Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) site groups to monitor the top cancer sites within
your state/territory?
31a. Within 24 months of the end of the diagnosis year with data that are 95% complete, did your CCR
calculate incidence rates, counts or proportions in an electronic data file or report? (The report should include, at a
minimum, age-adjusted incidence rates, age-adjusted mortality rates, and stage at diagnosis for the diagnosis year for
SEER site groups, and, where applicable, stratified by sex, race, ethnicity, and geographic area.
31b. Within 24 months of the end of the diagnosis year with data that are 95% complete, did the CCR
create biennial reports providing data on stage and incidence by geographic area with an emphasis on
screening-amenable cancers and cancers associated with modifiable risk factors (e.g., tobacco, obesity,
31c. If Yes, indicate what information was included in the report: Check all that apply.
Screening-amenable cancers
Tobacco-related cancers
Obesity- related cancers
HPV-related cancers
All the above
Other, describe _____________________
32a. What is the most current diagnosis year a data file or report is available to the public?
Year: ______________
32b. In what format is this report available? Check all that apply.
Hard (paper) copy
Electronic word-processed file
Web page/query system
33. Indicate the number of times the CCR, state health department, or its designee used registry data
for planning and evaluation of cancer control objectives for each category in the table below:
Data Use Category |
Number per Year |
Comprehensive cancer control detailed incidence/mortality estimates |
_________ |
Detailed incidence/mortality by stage and geographic area |
_________ |
Collaboration, as defined in DP17-1701, with cancer screening programs for breast, colorectal, and cervical cancer |
_________ |
Health event investigation(s) |
_________ |
Needs assessment/program planning (e. g. Community Cancer Profiles) |
_________ |
Program evaluation |
_________ |
Epidemiologic studies |
_________ |
Other, describe: ______________________________ |
_________ |
34a. Have any of the above uses of data been included in a journal publication in the last two years?
34b. If yes, please list the citation(s) in the space provided:
35. During the past year, for which areas of registry data utilization did your CCR acknowledge CDC
NPCR funding, as required in the Notice of Cooperative Agreement Award? Check all that apply.
Publications (e.g.; journal articles, annual report, other reports)
Web site
Presentations, posters
Release of data
Education meeting, training program, conference
Press releases, statements
Requests for proposals, bid solicitations
Data System
Other, specify ____________________________
36. Does your CCR use U.S. Cancer Statistics data when performing comparative analyses?
No, explain ___________________________________________________________
Data Use Section Comments (You may add comments regarding your responses in the “Data Use” section above.)
37a. Has your CCR established and regularly convened an advisory committee to assist in building
consensus, cooperation, and planning for the registry? (Advisory committee structures may include a
CCC Program committee or an advocacy group).
37b. If Yes, the Advisory Committee includes representation from: Check all that apply.
American Cancer Society
American College of Surgeons
Clinical-laboratory personnel
Hospital Cancer Registrars
Representatives from all cancer prevention and control components
Vital Statistics
All the above
Other, specify: _________________________
37c. If you have an Advisory Committee, how often does this group convene, including in-person and
teleconferences? Check only one.
Other, specify: ________________________________
38. In what ways does your CCR collaborate with your state's National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early
Detection Program (NBCCEDP), National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (NCCCP) and other chronic disease programs? Check
all that apply.
Provides assistance in staging NBCCEDP cases
Regular meetings with NBCCEDP, NCCCP and chronic disease departmental staff
Provides training/technical assistance to NBCCEDP, NCCCP and chronic disease staff
Provides data to NBCCEDP, NCCCP and chronic disease
Provides technical material for publications to NBCCEDP, NCCCP and chronic disease
Provides subject matter expertise to NBCCEDP, NCCCP and chronic disease
Data linkage
Partner on collaborative projects
All of the above
Other, specify: _________________________
None of the above, Explain: ___________________________
39. With which other Department of Health programs does your CCR collaborate? Check all that apply.
Environmental Health
Heart Disease and stroke prevention
Infectious Disease (HIV, AIDS, HPV, hepatitis)
Oral Health
Physical Activity and Nutrition/ Obesity
Radiation Control
Tobacco Control
All the above
Other: ________________________________
Collaborative Relationships Section Comments (You may add comments regarding your responses in the “Collaborative Relationship” section above.)
As the capacity of central cancer registries to collect and maintain population-based cancer data increases, so does their ability to engage in new activities designed to improve the completeness, timeliness, quality, and use of their data. In this section, we are interested in learning more about your "advanced activities."
40. If your CCR receives electronic pathology reports, in which format are these received? Check all that
NAACCR, HL7 Format (Volume V), Version 2.x
NAACCR, Pipe Delimited Format (Volume V), Version 2.x
NAACCR, HL7 Format (NAACCR Volume II, Version 11, Chapter VI)
NAACCR, Pipe Delimited Format (NAACCR Volume II, Version 10, Chapter VI)
Other, specify: ____________________
Not applicable
41. For which of the following cancer surveillance needs has your CCR been in contact with your Health
Department's PHIN/ NEDSS staff? Check all that apply.
Pathology laboratory reporting
Physician disease reporting
Other healthcare data reporting. Describe _________________________________
None of the above
42. Does your CCR conduct at least one of the following advanced activities? Check all that apply.
Survival analysis
Quality of care studies
Clinical Studies
Publication of research studies using registry data
Geo-coding to latitude and longitude to enable mapping
Other healthcare data reporting. Describe:_________________________________________
Other innovative uses of registry data such as Survivorship Care Plan.
Describe:_____________________________________________________ _________________________________________
None of the above
43. Does your registry have a system in place for early case capture (rapid case ascertainment)?
43a. If Yes, is early case capture performed for:
All cases
Subset of cases (e. g. Pediatric Cancer): __________________________
Special Studies
Other, specify; _______________________________________________
43b. If yes, within what time frame are cases reported?" Selections could be "30 days, 60 days, other specify, study dependent specify".
30 days
60 days __________________________
Study dependent specify
Other, specify; _______________________________________________
44. How often does your CCR link to the National Death Index (NDI)? Please check only one. (If never,
skip to question 46.)
Every year
Every other year
Every 3-5 years
Other, specify: ___________________
44a. For which of the following has the NDI linkage proven to be useful? Check all that apply.
Data quality
Other, specify: __________________________________________
Not applicable
44b. Does your CCR update your database with vital status and cause of death following NDI linkage?
Not applicable
45. With which databases did your CCR link its records in 20XX-20XX for follow-up or some other purpose?
Check all that apply.
CDC’s National Breast and Cervical Cancer and Early Detection Program
CDC’s National Colorectal Cancer Screening Program
Department of Motor Vehicles
Department of Voter Registration
Hospital Disease Indices
Hospital Discharge Database
Hospital Radiation Therapy Dept.
Indian Health Service
Insurance Claim Databases (E.G. BC&BS, Kaiser, Managed Care Organization, fee for service)
Medicare (Health Care Financing Administration)
Medicare Physician Identification and Eligibility Registry
National Death Index
State Vital Statistics
Other, specify: _________________________________
46. Based on the most recent year of data received from independent (i.e., not hospital-affiliated) pathology laboratories, please list the top five independent laboratories that do NOT report according to the NAACCR Volume V standard. List them in descending order by the percent each represents of the total volume of independent pathology reports received in the most recent year.
___________________________________________: ____________%
___________________________________________: ____________%
___________________________________________: ____________%
___________________________________________: ____________%
___________________________________________: ____________%
Advanced Activities Section Comments (You may add comments regarding your responses in the “Advanced Activities” section above.):
47. Please comment below about your experience completing this evaluation instrument by selecting
the choice which best represents your thoughts and experience:
All or most of the questions are clearly stated.
I understand the importance of all or most of the questions.
For the most part, I found the web technology of the instrument to be user-friendly.
For the most part, I consider the time spent completing the instrument to be a worthwhile contribution to NPCR and the cancer surveillance community.
Our Central Registry uses data that is collected in this instrument.
48. I would like to participate in discussions regarding the 2022 evaluation instrument.
Yes; add name and best contact info here: _____________________________________
49. I have the following suggestions/revisions for the PEI questions or web formatting regarding next year’s evaluation instrument (please comment in the space provided below):
Thank you for participating in the NPCR Program Evaluation!
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | CDC User |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2022-01-17 |