StatA 46 CFR Part 46

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Plan Approval and Records for Load Lines -- Title 46 CFR Subchapter E

StatA 46 CFR Part 46

OMB: 1625-0013

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Pt. 46

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–09 Edition)

lines must be permanently marked. The
‘‘MS’’ loadline shall be assigned only to
those particular vessels that qualify under
the regulations.
(2) The ‘‘SW’’ marks need only be assigned
to Great Lakes vessels loading in salt water
of the St. Lawrence River west of a straight
line from Cap de Rosiers to West Point Anticosti Island, and west of a line along longitude 63 degrees west from Anticosti Island
to the north shore of the St. Lawrence River.
In such cases these limits shall be indicated
on the certificate.
(3) The load line assignment given by this
certificate necessarily assumes that the nature and stowage of cargo, ballast, etc., are
such as to secure sufficient stability for the
vessel. Accordingly, it is the owner’s responsibility to furnish the Master of the vessel
with stability information and instructions
when this is necessary to maintenance of
sufficient stability.
(On the reverse side of the load line certificate, or on a separate sheet, attached and
forming part of the certificate, provision is
to be made for annual inspection and renewal endorsements.)

46.10–55 Logbook entries.
46.10–60 Control.
46.10–65 Construction.
46.10–70 Plans and inspections of new and
converted vessels.

Subpart 46.15—Subdivision Load Lines for
Passenger Vessels Engaged in Foreign,
Coastwise, and Great Lakes Voyages
46.15–1 Procedure for determination of subdivision load line.
46.15–5 Engineering requirements.
46.15–10 Subdivision load lines.
AUTHORITY: 46 U.S.C. 3306; 46 U.S.C. 5101–
5116; E.O. 12234, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; Department of Homeland Security Delegation
No. 0170.1.
SOURCE: CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16769, Dec. 30,
1965, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart 46.01—Purpose
§ 46.01–1 Purpose.
(a) The purpose of the regulations in
this part is to set forth uniform minimum requirements applicable to passenger vessels required to have subdivision load lines. These requirements
deal with the following:
(1) Load line requirements applicable
before a passenger vessel will be
marked with and certificated as to subdivision load lines.
(2) Assigning, marking, and recording
of subdivision load lines.
(3) Administration of subdivision
load lines.
(4) Application of requirements to
passenger vessels.

Subpart 46.01—Purpose
46.01–1 Purpose.
46.01–15 Application of regulations.
46.01–20 Penalties for violations.

Subpart 46.05—Definitions Used in This Part
46.05–1 Passenger vessel.
46.05–10 Foreign voyage.
46.05–15 Coastwise voyages.
46.05–20 Great Lakes voyage.
46.05–25 New passenger vessel.
46.05–30 Existing passenger vessel.

§ 46.01–15 Application of regulations.
(a) The regulations in this part establish subdivision load lines required on
passenger vessels engaged in foreign
voyages, as well as on passenger vessels
of 150 gross tons or over engaged in
coastwise or Great Lakes voyages.
(b) When engaged in voyages subject
to this part, no passenger vessel required to be marked with subdivision
load lines shall depart from or arrive at
any port or place under the jurisdiction
of the United States, nor shall such
United States vessel operate on the
high seas nor the Great Lakes, unless
such vessel has been marked with subdivision load lines in accordance with
the regulations in this part, has on
board a valid certificate certifying to

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Subpart 46.10—Administration
46.10–1 Relaxation from regulations.
46.10–5 Load line requirements for subdivision.
46.10–10 Marks to indicate subdivision load
46.10–15 Survey for the establishment and
renewal of subdivision load line marks.
46.10–20 Application for the assignment and
renewal of subdivision load lines.
46.10–25 Equivalents.
46.10–30 Subdivision load line certificates.
46.10–35 Validity of subdivision load line
46.10–40 Nonsubmergence subdivision load
line (Great Lakes).
46.10–45 Nonsubmergence subdivision load
lines in salt water.
46.10–50 Drills and inspections.


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security

§ 46.05–15

shall be those set forth in the load line
act applicable to the vessel.
(b) For a further description of the
actions which may be taken see § 42.07–
50, of this subchapter. The procedures
governing the assessment, collection,
remission and mitigation of any monetary penalty imposed for a violation of
a law or the regulations prescribed
thereunder in this part, as well as the
appeal procedures followed, are in subpart 2.50 of part 2 of subchapter A (Procedures Applicable to the Public) of
this chapter.

the correctness of the location of such
subdivision load line marks, and is otherwise in compliance with the applicable requirements of law and regulations in this part.
(c) No passenger vessel of the United
States of 150 gross tons or over and
subject to 46 U.S.C. 5101–5116, shall engage in coastwise voyages or voyages
on the Great Lakes unless such vessel
has been marked with subdivision load
lines in accordance with the regulations in this part and has on board a
valid certificate certifying to the correctness of the location of such subdivision load line marks.
(d) No foreign passenger vessel belonging to a country that has ratified
or acceded to the applicable International Convention for Safety of Life
at Sea shall arrive or depart from any
port or place under the jurisdiction of
the United States, and no foreign passenger vessel subject to 46 U.S.C. 5101–
5116, shall arrive or depart from any
port or place under the jurisdiction of
the United States, including ports on
the Great Lakes, unless that vessel has
been marked with subdivision load
lines in accordance with the regulations in this part and has on board a
valid certificate certifying to the correctness of the location of such subdivision load line marks.
(e) Subdivision load lines shall be
marked on both sides of passenger vessels where determined and in a manner
described in subpart 46.15 as applicable
to the vessel’s service. The subdivision
load line certificates shall be in accordance with §§ 46.10–30 and 46.10–35.

[CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16769, Dec. 30, 1965, as
amended by CGFR 68–60, 33 FR 10077, July 12,
1968; CGD 80–120, 47 FR 5723, Feb. 8, 1982; CGD
97–057, 62 FR 51044, Sept. 30, 1997]

Subpart 46.05—Definitions Used in
This Part
§ 46.05–1

Passenger vessel.

(a) For the purpose of the regulations
in this part, a vessel is a passenger vessel if:
(1) Engaged on an international voyage by sea, it carries or is authorized
to carry more than 12 passengers; or,
(2) Engaged on a coastwise voyage by
sea or a voyage on the Great Lakes, it
carries or is authorized to carry more
than 16 persons in addition to the crew.
§ 46.05–10

[CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16769, Dec. 30, 1965 as
amended by CGD 80–120, 47 FR 5723, Feb. 8,
1982; CGD 97–057, 62 FR 51044, Sept. 30, 1997;
USCG–1998–4442, 63 FR 52190, Sept. 30, 1998]

§ 46.05–15

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§ 46.01–20

Foreign voyage.

(a) A foreign voyage for the purpose
of marking passenger vessels with subdivision load lines is a voyage by sea
between a port under the jurisdiction
of the United States and a port of a foreign country, its colonies, territories,
or protectorates, or conversely (a voyage exclusively on the Great Lakes excepted).

Penalties for violations.

Coastwise voyages.

(a) A coastwise voyage by sea, for the
purpose of marking passenger vessels
with subdivision load lines, is a voyage
in which a vessel in the usual course of
her employment proceeds from one
port or place in the United States to
another port or place in the United
States or from a port or place in a possession to another port or place in the
same possession, and passes outside the
line dividing inland waters from the
high seas (a voyage exclusively on the

(a) Penalties for violations of the
regulations in this part by passenger
vessels of the United States engaged in
foreign voyages shall be in accordance
with those laws which require the inspection and certification of the vessel.
In addition, for passenger vessels subject to 46 U.S.C. 5101–5116, which engage
in voyages described in § 42.03–5, § 42.03–
10, or § 45.01–1, the penalties for violations of the regulations in this part


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§ 46.05–20

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–09 Edition)

Great Lakes excepted), as well as a
voyage in which a vessel proceeds from
a port or place in the United States or
her possessions and passes outside the
line dividing inland waters from the
high seas and navigates on the high
seas, and then returns to the same port
or place.
§ 46.05–20

§ 46.10–5 Load line requirements for
(a) The load line requirements of
parts 42, 44, 45 of this subchapter as applicable to the passenger vessel and her
service, shall be complied with before a
passenger vessel will be marked with
and certificated as to subdivision load

Great Lakes voyage.

[CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16769, Dec. 30, 1965, as
amended by CGFR 68–60, 33 FR 10077, July 12,

A Great Lakes voyage is any voyage
from a United States port or place on
the Great Lakes to another United
States port or place on the Great
Lakes or to a Canadian port or place on
the Great Lakes, or conversely.
§ 46.05–25

§ 46.10–10 Marks to indicate subdivision load lines.
(a) Marks to indicate the maximum
mean draft to which a passenger vessel
may be lawfully submerged shall be
permanently marked on each side of
the passenger vessel in the form, manner, and location provided in this part.
(b) The Commandant, U.S. Coast
Guard, will determine the position of
the subdivision load lines by the application of the requirements contained
in this part and parts 170 and 171 of this
chapter. The correct marking of subdivision load lines will be certified by
the American Bureau of Shipping or a
classification society approved by the
Commandant for that purpose.
(c) Certificates certifying to the correctness of subdivision load line marks
shall not be furnished until it is determined that the marks have been correctly placed upon the passenger vessel.
(d) In the case of passenger vessels
that are required by the International
Convention for Safety of Life at Sea to
have on board a safety certificate, the
certification of subdivision, load line
marks shall be made by letter to the
cognizant Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, U.S. Coast Guard.

New passenger vessel.

A new passenger vessel is a vessel
whose keel was laid or was a vessel
converted into a passenger vessel on or
after May 26, 1965.
[CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16769, Dec. 30, 1965, as
amended by CGFR 68–60, 33 FR 10077, July 12,

§ 46.05–30

Existing passenger vessel.

An existing passenger vessel in respect to its voyage is any passenger
vessel that is not a new passenger vessel as defined in § 46.05–25.

Subpart 46.10—Administration

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§ 46.10–1

Relaxation from regulations.

(a) New passenger vessels making foreign voyages by sea shall comply with
the requirements in this part. An existing passenger vessel engaged in foreign
voyages by sea may be permitted relaxation from the requirements of this
part if, in the opinion of the Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard, such requirements are unreasonable or impracticable.
(b) A new passenger vessel making
coastwise voyages by sea or making
Great Lakes voyages shall comply with
the requirements in this part. An existing passenger vessel making coastwise
voyages by sea or Great Lakes voyages
may be permitted relaxation from the
requirements of this part if, in the
opinion of the Commandant, U.S. Coast
Guard, such requirements are unreasonable or impracticable.

[CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16769, Dec. 30, 1965, as
amended by CGFR 68–60, 33 FR 10077, July 12,
1968; CGD 79–023, 48 FR 51007, Nov. 4, 1983;
CGD 88–070, 53 FR 34534, Sept. 7, 1988; USCG–
2009–0702, 74 FR 49228, Sept. 25, 2009]

§ 46.10–15 Survey for the establishment and renewal of subdivision
load line marks.
(a) Every passenger vessel to be
marked with and certificated for subdivision load lines must comply with
the requirements as set forth in subchapter H (Passenger Vessels) of this


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security

tion, arrangement, fitting, or appliance, or type thereof, such substitution
may be made if approved by the Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard, provided
the degree of safety provided by this
part is obtained.

chapter for ocean, coastwise, and Great
Lakes service as applicable to the particular vessel and the service in which
she is to be employed.
(b) Every passenger vessel marked
with a subdivision load line shall be
subjected to the surveys specified in
this paragraph. The details of the surveys or inspections indicated in paragraphs (b)(1) through (3) of this section
shall be as set forth in the applicable
sections of part 71 of subchapter H
(Passenger Vessels) of this chapter.
(1) A survey before the vessel is put
in service.
(2) A periodical survey once every 12
(3) Additional surveys as occasion
(4) Surveys required by part 42, part
44, or part 45 of this subchapter.

§ 46.10–30 Subdivision load line certificates.
(a) Passenger vessels engaged in foreign voyages by sea shall have their
subdivision load lines certified on the
safety certificate required by the International Convention for Safety of Life
at Sea, 1960. Safety certificates shall be
issued by the Commandant, U.S. Coast
Guard, for a period not to exceed one
year. These vessels will also be provided with the load line certificate required by part 42 of this subchapter,
the minimum freeboard shown thereon
to be not less than the minimum
freeboard corresponding to the principal passenger condition. The fact
that they are subdivision load lines is
to be noted on the load line certificate.
(b) Passenger vessels engaged on
coastwise voyages by sea or Great
Lakes voyages shall have the position
of their subdivision load lines recorded
on a load line certificate in the form
required by part 42 or part 45 of this
subchapter. The fact that they are subdivision load lines is to be noted on the
load line certificate.
(c) A note shall be added to the load
line certificate below the signature of
the assigning—authority in the following form:

[CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16769, Dec. 30, 1965, as
amended by CGFR 68–60, 33 FR 10077, July 12,

§ 46.10–20 Application for the assignment and renewal of subdivision
load lines.
(a) Application for assignment and
renewal of subdivision load lines and
certification thereof shall be made in
writing to the Commandant, U.S. Coast
Guard, Washington, D.C. 20593–0001.
[CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16769, Dec. 30, 1965, as
amended by CGFR 68–60, 33 FR 10077, July 12,
1968; CGD 88–070, 53 FR 34534, Sept. 7, 1988]

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§ 46.10–30

§ 46.10–25 Equivalents.
(a) Where in the regulations in this
part it is provided that a particular fitting, appliance, apparatus, or type
thereof, shall be fitted or carried in a
vessel engaged on foreign voyages by
sea or that any particular arrangement
shall be adopted, there may be substituted any other fitting or appliance
or type thereof or any other arrangement provided that the Commandant,
U.S. Coast Guard, shall have been satisfied by suitable trials that the fitting, appliance, or apparatus, or type
thereof, or that the arrangement substituted is at least as effective as that
specified in this part.
(b) Where, in the application of the
regulations in this part to passenger
vessels engaged in coastwise voyages
by sea and on Great Lakes voyages, it
is desired to substitute other construc-

The bulkhead deck used for determining
the position of the subdivision load lines certified above is lllllllllllll (here
described bulkhead deck).

(d) Annual inspections of passenger
vessels shall be as required by §§ 42.09–
40 and 46.10–15 of this subchapter and
renewal of passenger vessels’ load line
certificates shall be as required by
§§ 42.09–15 and 42.09–20.
(e) Each new passenger vessel which
receives its first load line certificate
shall also be provided with a copy of
the load line survey report as required


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§ 46.10–35

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–09 Edition)

by § 42.09–1(c) or § 45.01–30 of this subchapter.

water in which the vessel is floating
but not for the weight of fuel, water,
etc., required for consumption between
the point of departure and the open
sea, and no allowance is to be made for
bilge or ballast water that may be in
the passenger vessel at the time of departure.

[CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16769, Dec. 30, 1965, as
amended by CGFR 68–60, 33 FR 10077, July 12,
1968; CGFR 68–126, 34 FR 9019, June 5, 1969;
CGD 80–120, 47 FR 5723, Feb. 8, 1982; CGD 88–
070, 53 FR 34534, Sept. 7, 1988]

§ 46.10–35 Validity of subdivision load
line certificates.
(a) Subdivision load line certificates
issued to passenger vessels shall only
be valid during the time for which the
certificates are issued.
(b) If, due to any cause, the conditions as required by this part are
changed, or the regulations in this part
are not carried out, the load line certificate may be cancelled and the load
lines considered nonexistent: Provided,
That if the conditions causing the cancellation of the certificate are satisfactorily corrected, the load line certificate shall be reinstated for the remainder of its term.
(c) A valid subdivision load line certificate for foreign voyages by sea shall
be valid for coastwise voyages by sea
and Great Lakes voyages. A valid subdivision load line certificate for coastwise voyages by sea shall be valid for
Great Lakes voyages but not for foreign voyages by sea. A valid subdivision load line certificate for Great
Lakes voyages shall not be valid for
foreign or coastwise voyages by sea.

§ 46.10–50

§ 46.10–55

Logbook entries.

(a) For required logbook entries to be
made on passenger vessels, see subpart
78.17 of subchapter H (Passenger Vessels) of this chapter.
§ 46.10–60


(a) The District Director of Customs
or the Coast Guard District Commander may detain a passenger vessel
for a survey if there is reason to believe that such a vessel is proceeding
on her journey in excess of the draft allowed by the regulations in this part as
indicated by the vessel’s load lines certified on the safety certificate, load
line certificate, or otherwise. The
Coast Guard District Commander may
detain a passenger vessel if it is so
loaded as to be manifestly unsafe to
proceed to sea. Except as otherwise required by this section, § 42.07–60 if this
subchapter applies to all passenger vessels assigned load lines under the load
line acts and the regulations of this

§ 46.10–40 Nonsubmergence
subdivision load line (Great Lakes).
(a) Passenger vessels on the Great
Lakes of 150 gross tons or over shall
not submerge the subdivision load line
applicable to the voyage.

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Drills and inspections.

(a) For the required drills and inspections to be conducted on passenger vessels, see subpart 78.17 of subchapter H
(Passenger Vessels) of this chapter.

§ 46.10–45 Nonsubmergence
subdivision load lines in salt water.
(a) Passenger vessels required to be
marked with subdivision load lines, engaged on foreign and coastwise voyages
other than the Great Lakes voyages,
shall not submerge in salt water the
subdivision load line applicable to the
voyage. Passenger vessels engaged on
ocean, foreign or coastwise voyages
may be marked with fresh water load
lines. A passenger vessel on foreign or
coastwise voyages (except Great Lakes
voyages) may have an allowance made
for the degree of brackishness of the

[CGFR 68–126, 34 FR 9019, June 5, 1969]

§ 46.10–65


(a) The watertight subdivision of
every passenger vessel must be as efficient as possible, having regard to its
intended service. This principle is
given effect by applying the requirements in part 171 of this chapter.
(b) Passenger vessels engaged in foreign voyages by sea or coastwise voyages by sea or voyages on the Great
Lakes, to be marked with subdivision


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security

(b) The length, width, and manner of
marking the lines shall be as provided
in subpart 42.13 of this subchapter.
(c) No subdivision load line is to be
placed so that the freeboard is reduced
from that determined by the highest
seasonal mark permitted by part 42.
(d) When the highest subdivision load
line is located on a vessel used as a passenger vessel in a position between the
highest and lowest seasonal load line
marks, the seasonal load line marks
above the subdivision load line will be
omitted and those below will be
(e) When the freeboard from the highest subdivision load line on a vessel
used as a passenger vessel is greater
than the freeboard from the lowest
load line permitted by part 42 of this
subchapter, the load lines required by
part 42 of this subchapter shall be
omitted and the disk with its horizontal line located in line with the
highest subdivision load line.
(f) One fresh water line shall be
marked. When a subdivision and a normal load line are combined, the normal
fresh water line only shall be used unless the position of the subdivision load
line is such that confusion will result,
in which case a subdivision fresh water
line may be used, marked FC1 and the
normal fresh water line omitted.
(g) Subdivision load lines shall be aft
of the vertical line. The vertical line
shall be extended as necessary to connect the lowest and highest load lines
marked on the vessel.
(h) When a vessel has spaces used for
cargo and passengers alternatively so
that the position of the subdivision
load line varies with the service, subdivision load lines for the principal
passenger condition shall be marked
and denoted by C1 and the alternative
conditions marked and denoted by C2,
C3, etc. The position of each load line
and the conditions under which a particular load line is applicable shall be
noted in the certificate.
(i) The principal passenger condition
for a vessel having spaces used for passengers and cargo alternatively is the
condition where only those spaces appropriated exclusively to passengers
are taken into consideration for determination of the subdivision load line.

load lines shall comply with the requirements in this part.
[CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16769, Dec. 30, 1965, as
amended by CGD 79–023, 48 FR 51007, Nov. 4,

§ 46.10–70 Plans and inspections
new and converted vessels.


(a) Plans for a new passenger vessel
or a vessel to be converted to a passenger vessel shall be submitted to the
Commandant as required by subpart
71.65 of subchapter H (Passenger Vessels) of this chapter.
(b) Inspections shall be made during
the construction or conversion of the
vessel as required by subpart 71.20 of
subchapter H (Passenger Vessels) of
this chapter.
(c) Upon completion of construction
or conversion of a passenger vessel, a
stability test must be performed and
stability information must be supplied
to the operator as required by part 170
of this chapter.
[CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16769, Dec. 30, 1965, as
amended by CGD 79–023, 48 FR 51007, Nov. 4,

Subpart 46.15—Subdivision Load
Lines for Passenger Vessels
Engaged in Foreign, Coastwise, and Great Lakes Voyages
§ 46.15–1 Procedure for determination
of subdivision load line.
The procedure for determining the
subdivision load line as well as special
construction features of the vessel
must be as set forth in subpart 72.01
and parts 170 and 171 of this chapter.
[CGD 79–023, 48 FR 51007, Nov. 4, 1983]

§ 46.15–5

Engineering requirements.

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(a) Bilge and ballast systems, piping,
inlets and discharges, ash chutes,
astern power, and auxiliary steering
shall be in accordance with the provisions of subchapter F (Marine Engineering) of this chapter.
§ 46.15–10

§ 46.15–10

Subdivision load lines.

(a) Subdivision load lines shall be located by measuring vertically down
from the deck line required by part 42
of this subchapter.


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Pt. 47

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–09 Edition)

(j) For Great Lakes vessels, references to part 42 shall read part 45 and
a ‘‘diamond’’ shall be substituted for
the ‘‘disk’’. No ‘‘fresh water’’ line will
be marked.

sively on the Great Lakes is excepted);
(2) A voyage that proceeds beyond 20
nautical miles from the territorial sea
(b) Great Lakes service means a voyage
from a United States port or place on
the Great Lakes to another United
States port or place on the Great
Lakes or to a Canadian port or place on
the Great Lakes, or conversely. In concurrence with related Canadian regulations, the waters of the St. Lawrence
River west of a rhumb line drawn from
Cap de Rosiers to West Point, Anticosti
Island, and west of a line along 63° W.
Longitude from Anticosti Island to the
north shore of the St. Lawrence River
shall be considered as part of the Great
Lakes. In addition, the Victoria Bridge,
Montreal, Canada, is the dividing line
between fresh water and salt water in
the St. Lawrence River.

[CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16769, Dec. 30, 1965, as
amended by CGFR 68–60, 33 FR 10077, July 12,

Subpart A—General

Definitions used in this part.

Subparts B–E [Reserved]
Subpart F—International and Great Lakes
Service; Stability Limited Deck Cargo

Description of service.
Conditions of assignment.
Load line marks.
Form of certificate.

Subparts B–E [Reserved]
Great Lakes Service; Stability
Limited Deck Cargo Barges

Subpart G [Reserved]

§ 47.600 Description of service.
This subpart applies to deck cargo
barges operating in International and
Great Lakes service and meeting the
conditions of assignment in § 47.610 of
this subpart.

AUTHORITY: 46 U.S.C. 5115; Department of
Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.
SOURCE: CGD 86–016, 51 FR 9962, Mar. 24,
1986, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart A—General

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§ 47.100 Purpose.
(a) The purpose of the regulations in
this part is to set forth simplified alternative marking schemes for those
vessels operating in more than one
service. Operating requirements for a
given vessel could vary depending on
the service, the season of the year, stability requirements, manning requirements and tonnage requirements. The
conditions of assignment, restrictions
applicable, form of the certificate and
the load line marks are described.

§ 47.610 Conditions of assignment.
Owners or operators of deck cargo
barges which are draft limited by the
intact stability requirements of 46 CFR
174.015 (a)(1) and (a)(2) may elect to be
assigned load lines under this subpart
in order to load to a draft corresponding to the intact stability requirement of 10 foot-degrees (46 CFR
174.015(a)(2)) while engaging in Great
Lakes service during the summer season.
§ 47.620 Load line marks.
(a) A plimsoll mark (disc and line
through center) applicable to International service must be placed at the
draft corresponding to 15-degrees of
righting energy as calculated in fulfilling the requirements of 46 CFR

§ 47.110 Definitions used in this part.
(a) International service means:
(1) A voyage by sea between a port
under the jurisdiction of the United
States and a port of a foreign country,
its colonies, territories, or protectorates, or conversely (a voyage exclu-


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