Follow Up Survey for Past NSF CISE REU Participants
Thank you for
your interest in this survey. This survey should take no more than 20
minutes of your time. For accessibility purposes, we recommend using
either Chrome or Firefox web browsers for this survey.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, an information collection unless it displays a valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 3145-XXXX. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions. Send comments regarding the burden estimate and any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: Suzanne H. Plimpton, Reports Clearance Officer, National Science Foundation Alexandria, VA 22314.
Throughout this survey, we
will use the terms "computing"
and "computing-related".
or "computing-related" includes the fields below and other
similar fields:
Computer Science
Computer Engineering
Software Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Systems Engineering
Computer Hardware Engineering
Computing Information Systems
Information Systems, Information Science
Informatics, Bioinformatics
Data Science/Data Analytics
Machine Learning
High Performance Computing
Human-Computer Interaction
Computational Science/Social Science
Computational Biology
Computational Economics
Computational Mathematics
Any other computing & technology field
PROMPT: First, we would like to ask about your academic history.
Some college (no degree earned) [Go to Question 2]
Associate’s degree [Go to Question 5]
Bachelor's degree [Go to Question 9]
Master's degree [Go to Question 9]
Doctoral degree [Go to Question 9]
You selected your highest level of completed education as “some college.” Were you pursuing a degree?
Yes, I was enrolled in a computing-related degree program [Go to Questions 3-4]
Yes, I was enrolled in a non-computing-related degree program [Go to Questions 3-4]
No, I was not enrolled in any degree program (e.g., taking courses only, certificate program, etc.) [Go to Question 28]
[Drop down list of years]
I got a job or started my own company
The courses were too difficult
The math requirements were too hard
I did not like the course material
I was having trouble passing my courses
I did not have any friends in the program
The professors were not supportive
I felt isolated in my program
The department did not make me feel welcome
Scheduling was too difficult (courses are full, not offered frequently enough, etc.)
There was no sense of community in the department
I did not feel safe in the computing department
I experienced health issues that inhibited my ability to feel/be successful
I experienced financial issues that inhibited my ability to complete my program
I had family responsibilities
Other; please specify:
[Displayed if selected Question 1: Associate’s Degree]
[List of fields]
[Drop down list of years]
At which institution did you earn your most recent Associate’s degree? If you do not see your institution on the list, scroll to the bottom of the list and select 'Other'.
[List of institutions]
[Displayed if selected Question 7: Other]
At which institution did you earn your most recent Associate’s degree?
[Displayed if selected Question 1: Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, Doctoral degree]
Note: If you were a double major, use the next drop-down menu to indicate your second major. If you have more than one undergraduate degree, answer these questions for the most recent one.
[List of majors 1]
Use this drop-down menu to indicate your second undergraduate major. If you did not have a second major, simply leave this question blank.
[List of majors 2]
[Drop down list of years]
At which institution did you earn your most recent undergraduate degree? If you do not see your institution on the list, scroll to the bottom of the list and select 'Other'.
[List of institutions]
[Displayed if selected Question 12: Other]
At which institution did you earn your most recent undergraduate degree?
[Displayed if selected Question 1: Master’s degree, Doctoral degree]
How many jobs did you have after you graduated from your undergraduate studies, but before you began your graduate studies?
0 [Go to Question 17]
More than 2
[Displayed if selected Question 14 is “1”, “2” or “More than 2”]
Which of the following apply to the jobs you had after you graduated from your undergraduate studies, but before you began your graduate studies? Please select all that apply.
Computing related
Research focused
Industry position
Academic position
Government labs position
Government position (non-laboratory)
None of the above
Which of the following best explain why you decided to work before going back to graduate school? Please select all that apply.
I needed to save money to help pay for graduate school
I needed to take a break from school
I wanted to get some work experience first
I believed I could get a job that paid well with an undergraduate degree
I wasn’t sure whether graduate school was right for me
The job offer was too good to let go
I needed time to figure out what I wanted to do
I wasn’t interested in graduate school when I finished my undergraduate degree
Other, please specify: ______
[Displayed if selected Question 1: Master’s degree, Doctoral degree]
At which institution did you earn your most recent master’s degree? If you do not see your institution on the list, scroll to the bottom of the list and select 'Other'.
[List of institutions]
[Displayed if selected Question 17: Other]
At which institution did you earn your most recent master’s degree?
In which year did you earn your most recent master’s degree?
[Drop down list of years]
In which field did you earn your master’s degree?
[List of fields]
[Displayed if selected Question 1: Doctoral degree]
Note: A terminal master's degree program is one from which you would have graduated and finished the program with a master's degree.
No [Go to Question 23]
What made you decide to pursue a doctoral program after completing a terminal master’s program?
Wanted to change fields
Wanted to grow expertise in my field
Wanted to pursue a research career
It was required for a position I was interested in
Other; please briefly specify: _____
At which institution did you earn your most recent doctoral degree? If you do not see your institution on the list, scroll to the bottom of the list and select 'Other'.
[List of institutions]
[Displayed if selected Question 23: Other]
At which institution did you earn your most recent doctoral degree?
In which year did you earn your most recent doctoral degree?
[Drop down list of years]
In which field did you earn your doctoral degree?
[List of fields]
In total, how many postdocs have you completed since earning your doctoral degree?
4 or more
Yes, I am currently an undergraduate student [Go to Questions 29-34]
Yes, I am currently a graduate student [Go to Questions 29-34]
Yes, I am currently a non-degree earning student (e.g., taking courses only, certificate program, bootcamps, etc.) [Go to Questions 29-34]
No, I am NOT currently a student (e.g., postdoc, not enrolled in any educational program, working, etc.) [Go to Question 51]
[List of Institutions]
[List of years]
In what year do you expect to complete your current program? If you aren't sure, pick the year that seems most likely.
[List of years; last option = “I am not completing a degree or certificate”]
In which academic term do you expect to complete your current degree? If you aren't sure, pick the option that seems most likely.
I am not completing a degree or certificate
Are you receiving a stipend from your institution?
Yes, I am receiving a stipend [Skip Question 34]
No, I am not
Very difficult
Somewhat difficult
Neither difficult nor easy
Somewhat easy
Very easy
Which type of undergraduate degree will you be earning?
Associate’s degree
Bachelor of Science (BS/SB degree)
Bachelor of Arts (BA/AB degree)
Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA degree)
Are you enrolled in an accelerated or joint bachelor's/master's program?
I have one declared major
I have more than one declared major
I have not declared a major
I have one minor
I have more than one minor
I do not have a minor
[Repeat Q39-42 for each major/minor, if answers to Q37 and Q38 are NOT “I do not have a major” or “I do not have a minor”]
[List of majors]
[If Q39 is Other]
Please specify this major in the space below: __________________________
[If Q39 is NOT computing-related]
Does this major have a strong computing component? (Does not include basic use of computers for your major.)
Not at all committed
Slightly committed
Moderately committed
Quite committed
Extremely committed
Why did you apply to graduate school? Choose up to 3 responses.
I value learning
I wanted to challenge myself to something new
I wanted to make an impact on society with an advanced degree
My friends are enrolled in advanced degrees
I wanted to work with a specific professor
The job market for advanced degrees is promising
My dream job requires an advanced degree
I want a research career
I wanted to work on advanced research projects
An advanced degree will enable me to make a lot of money
My family encouraged me to apply
I was ready to advance my career
I wanted to change careers
Other; please specify:
I don’t remember
Doctoral program (includes those earning a master's degree as part of their doctoral program)
Terminal master's (will graduate and finish with a master's degree)
Joint bachelor's/master's (e.g., accelerated programs)
What is your enrollment status for your current degree program?
Full-time student
Part-time student
Currently on temporary leave of absence
In which field is your current degree program? Choose up to 2 responses. Note: If you do not see your exact program name, please select the option(s) most closely related.
[List of fields]
What is your specialty area(s) or expected specialty area(s)? Please select all that apply.
No specialty
Artificial Intelligence
Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
Computing Education
Data Mining
Databases/Information Retrieval
Distributed Systems
Embedded Systems
Formal Methods/Verification
Human-Computer Interaction
High-Performance Computing
Informatics: Biomedical or Other Science
Information Science
Information Systems
Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing
Operating Systems
Operations Research
Programming Languages/Compilers
Scientific/Numerical Computing
Security/Information Assurance
Social Computing/Social Informatics
Software Engineering
Theory and Algorithms
Other; please specify:
How committed are you to completing your current degree program?
Not at all committed
Slightly committed
Moderately committed
Quite committed
Extremely committed
You indicated you are a non-degree earning student. Which of the following best describes your educational enrollment?
Post-baccalaureate certificate program
Graduate certificate program
Code School, Data Bootcamp, etc.
MOOC or series of MOOCs
Taking courses for a specific skill or interest
Something else; please specify:
which field is your current program? Choose up to 2 responses. Note:
If you do not see your exact field, select the option(s) most
closely related.
[List of fields]
Employed full-time
Employed part-time
Participating in a full-time internship or co-op program
Participating in a part-time internship or co-op program
Volunteering in a field I plan to join in the future
None of the above [Go to Question 74]
PROMPT: Now we would like to ask about your internship or volunteer work.
In which field is your internship or volunteer work? Choose up to 2 responses. Note: If you do not see your exact field, select the option(s) most closely related.
[list of computing-related fields]
[If a non-computing field is selected, go to Question 53; otherwise skip]
Which of the following reasons below best explain why your internship or volunteer work is not in computing? Choose up to 3 responses.
I do not have the required education/training for computing positions
There is nothing available in my geographic location
I applied for a computing position but did not get it
There is nothing available in the field I am interested in
I am not interested in working in computing
Jobs in computing are too stressful
I do not see a place for myself in computing
I have had negative experiences in computing
I have a strong interest in a different field that is not related to computing
I did not earn a degree in computing
I am currently on the job market for a computing job
I am experiencing a two-body problem
I had not considered it
Other, please specify: ______
In which setting is your internship or volunteer work?
Academia, PhD granting institution
Academia, non-PhD granting institution
Government lab
What is the primary focus of your internship or volunteer work? Choose up to 3 responses that best describe the focus of your position.
Skilled labor
Do you receive a stipend or some form of salary for your internship or volunteer work?
Yes, I receive a stipend [Go to Q57]
Yes, I am paid at an hourly rate [Go to Q58]
Yes, I am paid a salary [Go to Q57]
No, I do not earn income from this internship or volunteer work
[Range of dollar amounts]
[Range of dollar amounts]
PROMPT: Now we would like to ask about your current employment status.
Which career level best describes your current professional status?
Entry level
Mid level
Senior level
Executive level
In which field are you currently working? Choose up to 2 responses. Note: If you do not see your exact field, select the option(s) most closely related.
[list of computing-related fields]
[If a non-computing field is selected, go to Question 61; otherwise skip]
Which of the following reasons below best explain why you are not currently working in a computing-related position? Choose up to 3 responses.
I do not have the required education/training for computing positions
There is nothing available in my geographic location
There is nothing available in the field I am interested in
I am not interested in working in computing
Jobs in computing are too stressful
I am experiencing a two-body problem
I do not see a place for myself in computing
I have had negative experiences in computing
I have a strong interest in a different field that is not related to computing
I did not earn a degree in computing
I applied for a computing position but did not get it
I am currently on the job market for a computing job
I had not considered it
Other, please specify: _______
Less than 1 year
1 – 5 years
More than 5 years but less than 10 years
More than 10 years but less than 20 years
20 or more years
What is your specialty area?
No specialty
Artificial Intelligence
Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
Computing Education
Data Mining
Databases/Information Retrieval
Distributed Systems
Embedded Systems
Formal Methods/Verification
Human-Computer Interaction
High-Performance Computing
Informatics: Biomedical or Other Science
Information Science
Information Systems
Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing
Operating Systems
Operations Research
Programming Languages/Compilers
Scientific/Numerical Computing
Security/Information Assurance
Social Computing/Social Informatics
Software Engineering
Theory and Algorithms
Other; please specify: _______________
How long have you been at your current place of employment? If you have been with your current workplace for less than one year, please enter 0 for the year and enter the number of months. Please use numerical values only.
Years: ________
Months: ________
How many times have you moved up in your position and/or been promoted?
Three times
Four or more times
Academia, PhD granting institution [Answer questions 67-68]
Academia, non-PhD granting institution [Answer questions 67-68]
Academia, K-12 [Go to Question 69]
Industry [Go to Question 69]
Government lab [Go to Question 69]
Other [Go to Question 69]
Yes, I am tenured
Yes, I am tenure-track
No, I am neither tenured nor tenure-track
What is your current position? If you do not see your exact title, please select the one that best fits your position.
Technical staff
Administrative staff
Lecturer/Instructor/Adjunct faculty
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Full Professor
Professor of the Practice
Administration/Leadership level position
What is the primary focus of your current position? Choose up to 3 responses that best describe the focus of your position.
Skilled labor
I have received at least one raise
My position is a postdoctoral position [Display if Government/Industry/Other]
I manage or supervise other staff
None of the above
What is your current annual salary, before taxes (in US dollars), for your current position? Note: If you are working in an hourly-rate position, please indicate approximately how much you make in a year.
[list of salary options]
How committed are you to your current position?
Not at all committed
Slightly committed
Moderately committed
Quite committed
Extremely committed
[Ask this section if not currently employed AND not in school]
PROMPT: In this survey, you
indicated you are not currently a student and you are not employed
full-time or part-time.
Which of the following below best explains why you are not employed at the moment? Choose up to 3 responses.
❑ There is nothing available in my geographic location
❑ There is nothing available in my field of interest
I am preparing to apply to or attend graduate school
❑ I am underqualified for the positions I am interested in
❑ I am overqualified for the positions I am interested in
❑ I am experiencing a two-body problem
❑ I am taking a break
❑ I have personal and/or family obligations
❑ I have a health-related issue
❑ I am not interested in working
❑ I am retired
❑ I have been laid off/furloughed
❑ Other; please specify: __________
[if respondent does not have a graduate degree]
Which of the following best explain why you did not go to graduate school? Choose up to 3 responses.
I had personal and/or family obligations
I did not feel academically prepared
I was worried about financial support
I was experiencing a two-body problem
I was not interested in going to school
I am taking a break
I decided to take a job
I could not afford to go back to school
I could not afford the application fees
I did not have time to complete a graduate degree
I did not see the value in completing a graduate degree
I think graduate school would be too difficult and/or stressful
I was not interested in getting another degree
I had already earned the highest degree I planned to attain
I applied, but I did not get into any graduate programs
I had not considered it
Other; please specify: _____
How likely are you to apply for graduate programs in the future?
Not at all likely
A little likely
Moderately likely
Quite a bit likely
Do you plan to attain another degree?
Yes [Answer remaining section questions]
[Skip to “REU History”]
What is the highest degree you plan to attain?
Associate’s degree
Bachelor’s degree
Graduate certificate
Master’s degree
Doctoral degree
In which field do you intend to earn your highest degree? Note: If you do not see your exact field, please select the option most closely related.
[List of fields]
PROMPT: Now, we would like to ask about your previous research experiences.
Unless specified, the next set of questions will focus on your previous formal research experience as an undergraduate student (i.e., REU). Formal REU includes any experience you applied for and through which you worked closely with a mentor or research advisor.
Before we move into questions about formal REUs, please answer the following question.
What other experiences were you involved in during your undergraduate program that were NOT part of a formal REU?
Independent research projects
Internships or co-ops
Research Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Entrepreneurial or consulting projects
K-12 outreach
Computing-related student groups
None of the above
How many formal research experiences did you participate in during your undergraduate program?
Reminder: Formal REU includes any experience you applied for and through which you worked closely with a mentor or research advisor.
4 or more
Which of the following reasons best explain your motivations to participate in a formal REU? Please choose up to 3 responses.
To increase my competitiveness for graduate school
To learn more about what graduate school might be like
To have something to do outside of my coursework
To build work experience and my resume/CV
To participate in something prestigious
To expand on what I had been learning about in my classes
To develop or improve my technical skills
The research project(s) seemed interesting
To learn more about a specific research area of interest to me
To learn more about what being a researcher is like
To build my confidence as a researcher
To better understand the connection between research and real world applications
To build connections and/or collaborate with other student researchers
To build connections and/or collaborate with particular faculty
To have a paid opportunity
To help pay for my living expenses while in college
Other; please specify: _______
[Repeat Q84 – Q88 for each REU]
PROMPT: For these next questions, please think about your [first/second/third/fourth] formal REU.
[List of years]
When did your formal REU take place?
Academic year – fall semester only
Academic year – spring semester only
Academic year – across both fall and spring semesters
Academic year and summer
Summer only
At my home college or university
At another college or university
At a company or organization or government institution outside of my college or university
Somewhere else
[List of institutions]
[If respondent is NSF CISE REU AND (Q86 = “At my home college or university” or “At another college or university”)
Was this an NSF REU?
[If “Yes”] Was this an REU Site or REU Supplement?
Don’t know
PROMPT: For the next set of questions, we would like you think about your [XX REU from XX date] or [earliest formal REU].
What was your academic standing when you started this REU?
How did you learn about this REU? Select all that apply.
My advisor or other mentor told me about it
A peer told me about it who was also looking into REU opportunities
A former REU participant told me about it
I saw an announcement in a mailing list
I learned about it as a participant of a mentoring program
I was familiar with the faculty member’s work, so I looked for REU openings with that faculty member
I was familiar with the institution, so I looked for REU openings there
I have worked with the faculty member before, and the faculty member wanted me to continue our research
I knew the faculty member, so I reached out about opportunities
I searched the list of REU opportunities on the NSF website
I used another search engine to find REU opportunities relevant to me
I don’t remember
Other, please specify: ______
Which of the following apply to this REU experience? Please select all that apply.
It was your first experience with research
It was your first formal REU experience
There was an orientation to introduce you to the program
You were part of a team of students
There were other undergraduate students from your department in your lab
There were undergraduate students from a different department at your school in your lab
There were undergraduate students from other schools in your lab
There were graduate students available for support
There were research staff available for support
There were administrative staff available for support
There were regular technical/research talks or brown bags
There were regular mentoring talks about graduate school or careers
You had an opportunity to continue research with the REU faculty as an intern or in a paid position when the REU ended
I don’t remember
Other, please specify: ______
Which of the following apply to this REU experience? Please select all that apply.
You received a stipend (not including other paid benefits)
You were provided housing
You were provided with a local public transportation pass
You were provided with a meal stipend
You were provided with a computer
You were provided the opportunity to participate in local cultural events and activities
You had a dedicated space to do your work
You had sufficient access to resources you needed to do your work
I don’t remember
Other, please specify: ______
How much was your total stipend amount for this REU (in USD), not including other paid benefits?
Less than $1,000
$1,000 - $2,999
$3,000 - $4,999
$5,000 - $6,999
$7,000 - $8,999
$9,000 - $10,999
$11,000 - $12,999
$13,000 - $14,999
$15,000 or more
I don’t remember
How difficult or easy was it to cover your basic expenses with your REU stipend?
Very difficult
Somewhat difficult
Neither difficult nor easy
Somewhat easy
Very easy
I don’t remember
I did not receive a stipend
You may
have worked with more than one research advisor during your
Think about the research advisor with whom you spent the
most time
and select that person's position from the list below.
Your faculty advisor/the PI
Graduate student
Staff member of your lab
Other; please specify: _____________
I don’t remember
What was your research area for this REU?
Artificial Intelligence
Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
Computing Education
Data Mining
Databases/Information Retrieval
Distributed Systems
Embedded Systems
Formal Methods/Verification
Human-Computer Interaction
High-Performance Computing
Informatics: Biomedical or Other Science
Information Science
Information Systems
Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing
Operating Systems
Operations Research
Programming Languages/Compilers
Scientific/Numerical Computing
Security/Information Assurance
Social Computing/Social Informatics
Software Engineering
Theory and Algorithms
Other; please specify: _______________
I don’t remember
To what extent did your REU give you the opportunity to do the following:
(None at all; A little; A moderate amount; Quite a bit; A great deal; Don’t remember)
Define a research problem
Generate hypotheses
Use scientific methods to test a hypothesis
Collaborate with colleagues
Collect data or conducting experiments
Analyze data with statistics or other tools
Work on open-ended theoretical/mathematical problems
Decide what to do next (e.g., follow-up studies)
To what degree did you build the following skills during your REU?
(Not at all; Somewhat; Moderately; Quite a bit; A great deal; Don’t remember)
Other technical skills
Research design
Data collection and analysis
Scientific writing
Career development
Professional communication
Working effectively with a team
To what degree did you learn the following during your REU?
(Not at all; Somewhat; Moderately; Quite a bit; A great deal; Don’t remember)
How to apply to graduate school
What it’s like to be a graduate student
How to prepare a job application
What it’s like to have a research career
Which of the following were you able to accomplish during, or because of, your REU? Please select all that apply.
Built a software or hardware artifact, or other computational product
Showcased your work at the end of your REU
Wrote a research paper
Submitted a research paper or poster to a conference
Presented a research paper or poster at a conference
Contributed to a research article with your peers and PI
Published your research
I don’t remember
None of the above
Which of the following topics were included in the mentoring you received in your REU?
Applying to grad school (e.g., application process, preparing materials, etc.)
Life as a graduate student
Life in a research career
Work/life balance
The REU student's future career interests
Overcoming personal and professional obstacles
Issues of underrepresentation in computing
My REU did not include a mentoring component
None of the above
To what
extent did your REU help you develop relationships with each of the
(Not at all; A little; A moderate amount; Quite a
bit; Very much)
People with whom you can discuss professional development questions.
A strong network of peers to interact with at conferences.
A strong network of mentors to interact with at conferences.
People who would be excited to learn about your professional successes.
People with whom you can discuss issues you are having.
Mentors with whom you can seek advice and assistance in advancing your career.
Overall, to what degree was your REU experience collaborative?
Not at all
A little
Not applicable – did not work with other students
Overall, to what degree did you feel like you were competing with other undergraduates working on the same project or lab during the research process?
Not at all
A little
Not applicable – did not work with other students
How dissatisfied or satisfied were you with your REU experience overall?
(Very dissatisfied; Somewhat dissatisfied; Neither dissatisfied nor satisfied; Somewhat satisfied; Very satisfied; Don’t remember)
How often are you in touch with the following people from your REU?
(Never; Rarely, Occasionally, Frequently, Very frequently/// Not Applicable)
Your faculty advisor/the PI
A postdoc
Graduate student(s)
A staff member of the lab
Other students from your cohort
In what way did your REU experience impact your subsequent CS elective coursework?
I decided to take fewer CS elective courses
I decided to take more CS elective courses
I decided to take different CS elective courses
My REU did not impact my subsequent CS elective coursework
To what degree did your REU impact your interest in the following?
(Less interested, More interested, No impact – I was never interested, No impact – I was already very interested)
Pursuing more research opportunities
Pursuing a research career
Pursuing a non-research career
Getting a master’s degree
Getting a doctoral degree
Since completing your undergraduate REU(s), have you ever worked on an REU in a supervisory or mentoring role?
No [If
no, skip to next section]
how many REUs have you worked on in a supervisory/mentoring role?
In what setting have you served (or are you serving) as an REU mentor?
As a graduate student
In my current employed position
In a former employed position
Other; please specify: __________
Which of the following apply to the REU projects that you have worked on as a supervisor or mentor?
CISE REU Supplement (summer)
CISE REU Supplement (academic year)
Other summer REU
Other academic year REU
An industry-based REU
Now, we would like to ask about what motivated your decision to be a mentor/supervisor in an REU and its impact on your career development.
To what extent did the following contribute to your decision to be a mentor/supervisor in an REU project?
[Not at all; a little; a moderate amount; Quite a bit, a great deal; I don’t remember]
I wanted to help develop a new generation of researchers in my field
I wanted to give students impactful research experience
I needed to make progress with my research projects
I wanted the additional funding
I wanted to encourage students to purse graduate school
I wanted to find potential graduate students for my department
I wanted to experiment with different research techniques
I believed it would be helpful for my own career
I wanted to develop my mentorship skills
I was inspired to be a mentor because of the strong mentorship I received as an REU participant
I wanted to provide better mentorship than I received when I was an REU participant
In what ways has running REU projects impacted your career? Select all that apply.
I was able to use this as part of my tenure application
I was able to add this to my CV
It opened new collaborations with faculty at my institution
It opened new collaborations with faculty at other institutions
It gave me the resources to expand my lab
It taught me how to be a better mentor for students’ research
It taught me how to be a better mentor for students’ career development
It led to future research with some REU students
It led to more publications
I was able to patent some of my work
None of the above
How would you rate your proficiency to mentor students on their research?
Highly deficient
Highly proficient
How would you rate your proficiency to mentor students on their academic development?
Highly deficient
Highly proficient
How would you rate your proficiency to mentor students on their career development?
Highly deficient
Highly proficient
Pathway 1: Already earned a graduate degree
PROMPT: Earlier in this survey, you indicated that you earned a graduate degree. The next questions will ask about how your REU influenced your decisions.
Note: If you had more than one formal REU, you may think about the impact of all of your experiences in impacting your decisions.
Why did you apply to graduate school? Choose up to 3 responses.
Love of learning
I wanted to challenge myself to something new
My friends were enrolled in advanced degrees
I wanted to work with a specific professor
The job market for advanced degrees was promising
My dream job required an advanced degree
I wanted a research career
I wanted to work on advanced research projects
An advanced degree would enable me to make a lot of money
My family encouraged me to apply
I aspired to make a difference in society with an advanced degree
I was ready to advance my career
I wanted to change careers
Other; please specify:
I don’t remember
To what degree did your REU influence your decision to go to graduate school?
Not at all
A moderate amount
Quite a bit
A great deal
I don’t remember
Which of the following are true for your graduate school application process? Select all that apply.
Your REU mentor wrote a letter of recommendation
You applied to graduate school at the same institution of your REU
You attended graduate school at the same institution of your REU
Your REU connections helped you find a graduate advisor to work with
Your REU experience inspired you to apply to graduate schools that you would not otherwise consider applying to
None of the above
Which of the following are true for your graduate school experience? Select all that apply.
Your graduate advisor was your former REU mentor
Your graduate institution was the same as your REU institution
Your graduate work was in the same area as your REU
None of the above
To what degree did your REU help set you up for success in your graduate program?
Not at all
A moderate amount
Quite a bit
A great deal
I don’t remember
[For those who already have a graduate degree and are also employed, go to next section “Pathway 2: Currently employed”]
Pathway 2: Currently employed
PROMPT: You indicated you are currently employed. The next questions will ask about how your REU influenced your decisions.
Note: If you had more than one formal REU, you may think about the impact of all of your experiences in impacting your decisions.
Which of the following are true for your career pathway? Select all that apply.
Your REU mentor served as a reference for one or more of your jobs
You decided to work in the same research area as your REU
You learned of job opportunities through your connections from your REU
You got a job through your connections from your REU
The skills you gained from your REU helped you get a job
None of the above
To what degree did your REU influence your career pathway?
Not at all
A moderate amount
Quite a bit
A great deal
I don’t remember
To what degree has your REU help set you up for success in your career?
Not at all
A moderate amount
Quite a bit
A great deal
I don’t remember
[Display Q127 – Q131 For those who did not earn a graduate degree]
Which of the following best explain why you did not go to graduate school? Choose up to 3 responses.
I had personal and/or family obligations
I did not feel academically prepared
I was worried about financial support
I was experiencing a two-body problem
I was not interested in going to school
I am taking a break
I decided to take a job
I could not afford to go back to school
I could not afford the application fees
I did not have time to complete a graduate degree
I did not see the value in completing a graduate degree
I think graduate school would be too difficult and/or stressful
I was not interested in getting another degree
I had already earned the highest degree I planned to attain
I applied, but I did not get into any graduate programs
I had not considered it
Other; please specify: _____
How likely are you to apply for graduate programs in the future?
Not at all likely
A little likely
Moderately likely
Quite a bit likely
Do you plan to attain another degree?
Yes [Answer remaining section questions]
[Skip to “General career questions”]
What is the highest degree you plan to attain?
Associate’s degree
Bachelor’s degree
Graduate certificate
Master’s degree
Doctoral degree
In which field do you intend to earn your highest degree? Note: If you do not see your exact field, please select the option most closely related.
[List of fields]
Pathway Option 3
PROMPT: Earlier in this survey, you indicated that you are currently a graduate student. The next questions will ask about how your REU influenced your decisions.
Note: If you had more than one formal REU, you may think about the impact of all of your experiences in impacting your decisions.
To what degree did your REU influence your decision to go to graduate school?
Not at all
A moderate amount
Quite a bit
A great deal
I don’t remember
Which of the following are true for your graduate school application process? Select all that apply.
Your REU mentor wrote a letter of recommendation
You applied to graduate school at the same institution of your REU
You attended graduate school at the same institution of your REU
Your REU connections helped you find a graduate advisor to work with
None of the above
Which of the following are true for your graduate school experience thus far? Select all that apply.
Your graduate advisor is your former REU mentor
Your graduate institution was the same as your REU institution
Your graduate work is in the same area as your REU
None of the above
To what degree has your REU help set you up for success in your graduate program?
Not at all
A moderate amount
Quite a bit
A great deal
I don’t remember
In these last few questions, we would like to ask you some general questions about your career.
(Not at all; A little; A moderate amount; Quite a bit; A great deal)
mentoring others
helping prepare grant proposal(s) (not as a PI or Co-PI)
publishing in tier 1 conferences and journals in my field
leading grants as PI or co-PI
Thank you for your responses so far. Before we collect some demographic information from you, please use the space below to tell us anything else you would like to share about your REU experience and how it did or did not affect the choices you made about your education and career path. This information will help guide future REU program policy:
PROMPT: Thank you for
answering all of those questions! We are almost finished. These
final questions will help us better understand our respondents. You
may skip any question that you wish to not answer.
Are you transgender?
What is your ethnicity? Select all that apply.
Not of Hispanic, Latinx, or Spanish origin
Mexican, Mexican American, Chicanx
Puerto Rican
Another Hispanic, Latinx, or Spanish origin
What is your race? Please select all that apply.
African American/African/Black
American Indian/Alaska Native
Indigenous or First Nations
Arab/Middle Eastern
East Asian (e.g., Chinese, Japanese, Korean)
Southeast Asian (e.g., Cambodian, Vietnamese, Hmong, Filipino)
South Asian (e.g., Indian, Pakistani, Nepalese, Sri Lankan)
Other Asian
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
Something else
Have you ever served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, Reserves, or National Guard?
Never served in the military
Only on active duty for training in the Reserves or National Guard
Now on active duty
On active duty in the past, but not now
U.S. citizen or permanent resident (includes dual-citizenship)
Non-U.S. citizen with temporary visa
Other non-U.S. citizen
[If Q143 is NOT “U.S. citizen or permanent resident (includes dual-citizenship)”]
Of which country are you a citizen?
[Drop down list of countries]
[Drop down list of years]
Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?
Something else
What type of disability do you have? Select all that apply.
I do not have a disability
Attention deficit
Auditory disability
Autism spectrum disorder
Blind or visually impaired (does not include near/far sightedness)
Health-related disability
Learning disability
Mental health disability
Mobility or orthopedic disability
Speech or language disorder
Something else
What is the highest level of education attained by your any of your parent(s)/guardian(s)?
Less than high school
High school graduate or GED
Some college (no degree earned)
Associate’s degree
Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
Doctoral degree
I don’t know
Do any of your parent(s)/guardian(s) currently have, or have held, a career related to the following fields:
Computer science/Information Technology
Any other STEM fields
I don’t know
If you
are interested in being entered in a raffle to win [TBD], please
provide your email address. The email you provide will only be used
to contact you if your name is drawn for the prize; it will not be
used for any other purpose.
Raffle email address:
you for completing our survey!
We contacted you with this
email address: [INSERT EMAIL ADDRESS]. Is this still your primary
email address?
If not, please consider updating your email
address with us below:
Update primary email address:
We would like to follow up with you in the future regarding your career progression. You would receive an online survey similar to this one. If you would like to participate, please provide us with your email address so that we can contact you in the future. Your participation will help inform the computing community about how people make decisions regarding computing careers.
For information on how we will
protect your privacy, please read our privacy policy.
policy linked in-text].
We would prefer a primary email address and a secondary email address as a backup.
Primary email address that you expect to stay active long-term:
Secondary email address:
[end survey]
This survey was developed by Computing Research Association’s (CRA) Center for Evaluating the Research Pipeline (CERP). Please acknowledge CRA and CERP in all publications using this survey and direct other parties interested in obtaining the survey to CERP (
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Burcin Tamer |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-08-05 |