Appendix A - NSR EFL Descriptors

1830-0027 Appendix A - NRS EFL Descriptors.pdf

Measures and Methods for the National Reporting System for Adult Education

Appendix A - NSR EFL Descriptors

OMB: 1830-0027

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OMB 1830-0027
Appendix A
Educational Functioning Level Descriptors for
Adult Basic Education (ABE)
English as a Second Language (ESL)

Educational Functioning Level Descriptors for
Adult Basic Education (ABE)

Literacy/English Language Arts
The Educational Functional Level (EFL) Descriptors for Literacy/English Language Arts are
intended to guide both teaching and assessment for adult learners. They are divided into six
EFLs: Beginning Literacy; Beginning Basic; Low Intermediate; High Intermediate; Low Adult
Secondary; and High Adult Secondary. The descriptors do not provide a complete or
comprehensive delineation of all of the skills at any given level but provide examples of the most
critical concepts and skills for the level.
While these narrative descriptors address the most critical concepts for assessment and
instruction for adult learners, lesson plans and test items should be based on additional critical
concepts from state instructional frameworks and standards, as appropriate for the learner and
state requirements.
The EFLs for Literacy/English Language arts are organized into reading, writing, speaking and
listening, and language domains. Emphasis was placed on reading and writing because most
instruction and assessment attention will be paid to these domains for ABE students. In addition,
the descriptors were further informed by OCTAE’s Framework for Employability Skills to
ensure the levels paid adequate attention to workforce preparation.
The reading sections of the descriptors are consistently more comprehensive than the other
domains. Reading is a critical area for college and career readiness. One of the elements in the
reading descriptors that draws clear distinctions between competencies required at each level is
the complexity of the text that students are to be reading. The EFLs specify a staircase of
increasing text complexity for students to master from beginning basic reading through the
college and career readiness level. The comprehension skills of reading are to be applied to levelappropriate complex text. The reading domain elements of the descriptors carry within it
references to other key skills from the other domains and workforce preparation skills. Examples
of this include listening comprehension as a supplement to reading comprehension at levels 1
and 2 so students can work with the richer ideas adult student can handle intellectually, if not yet
independently through their own reading. It also includes integrating and evaluating information
from a variety of media, including translating quantitative or technical information presented
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Educational Functioning Level Descriptors for Adult Basic Education
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visually or in words. Learning to work with diverse media is an important job skill as well as a
critical applied academic skill. Another example is an emphasis on research that includes a
combination of reading, writing, and speaking and listening skills—again as a way to connect the
domains in important ways and to create the EFLs as a focused and useful document.
Details about the level of writing proficiency required at each level have been pared to draw
clear distinctions between competencies required at each level. The descriptors emphasize
writing arguments and writing to inform and explain from Level 3 and beyond. Both writing
types stress writing to sources, and asking students to draw evidence from texts is emphasized in
the descriptors. With writing, many of the process standards were not included because process
proficiency is hard to measure. In addition, reference is consistently made to research skills in
both the reading and writing sections of each level, as these skills are important to writing.
Speaking and Listening
The speaking and listening descriptors at each level ware connected closely to workforce
preparation and the Employability Skills Framework. These skills have the benefit of both being
measurable and clearly related to citizenship, work and life success. Collaborative conversations
and teamwork are emphasized at every level, as is students' use of evidence. In this context of
speaking and listening, the descriptors reflect use of listening comprehension capacities
(particularly in Levels 1 and 2 to augment students’ lower reading comprehension abilities),
evidence in conversation, ability to evaluate what others are saying, and the capacity to share
information effectively with others.
In the language domain, descriptors consistent with workforce preparation from the
Employability Skills Framework and are vital to attaining college and career readiness from each
level such as a growth in students’ grammar and punctuation skills, as well as their growth in
Level 1: Beginning Literacy
Reading: Individuals ready to exit the Beginning Literacy Level comprehend how print corresponds
to spoken language and are able to demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and
sound-letter relationships (phonetic patterns), including consonant digraphs and blends. In particular,
students at this level are able to recognize and produce rhyming words, blend and segment onsets
and rhymes, isolate and pronounce initial, medial, and final sounds, add or substitute individual
sounds, and blend and segment single syllable words. They are able to decode two-syllable words
following basic patterns as well as recognize common high frequency words by sight. Individuals are
able to read simple decodable texts with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression. They are able to
determine the meaning of words and phrases in texts with clear and explicit context.
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Individuals ready to exit this level are able to determine main ideas, retell key details, and ask and
answer questions about key details in simple texts. Individuals are also able to use the illustrations in
the text(s), whether print or digital, to describe its key ideas (e.g., maps, charts, photographs,
cartoons). They also are able to use text features, both print and digital, to locate key facts or
information. When listening to text above their current independent reading level, they are able to
identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text, describe the connections between
ideas within a text, and examine the basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the
same topic.
Writing: Individuals ready to exit the Beginning Literacy Level are able to write basic sight words
and familiar words and phrases as they compose simple sentences or phrases. This includes writing
simple informative texts in which they supply some facts about a topic and narratives that include
some details regarding what happened. They use simple transition and temporal words to signal
event order (e.g., so, and, because, when, next, finally). With support, they are able to gather and use
information from provided sources, both print and digital, to answer a simple research question.
Speaking and Listening: Individuals ready to exit this level are able to participate in conversations
of short duration, collaborating with diverse partners and groups, while respecting individual
differences. This includes following agreed upon rules for discussion and responding to the
comments of others through multiple exchanges. Individuals are able to describe people, places,
things, and events with relevant details, producing complete sentences when appropriate to task and
situation. They can discuss what they have heard read aloud and ask and answer questions about it.
Language: When writing and speaking, individuals ready to exit this level are able to correctly use
frequently occurring nouns, verbs (past, present, and future), adjectives, pronouns, prepositions and
conjunctions. When writing sentences individuals correctly use capitalization, ending punctuation,
and commas in dates and to separate single words in a series. They are able to spell words with
common patterns and frequently occurring irregular words. Other words they spell phonetically. In
response to prompts, they are able to produce and expand complete simple and compound
declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences orally. Individuals are able to
determine the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words, by applying their knowledge of
frequently occurring roots and affixes, as well as sentence-level context. They are able to distinguish
shades of meaning among verbs (e.g., look, glance, stare, glare) and adjectives differing in intensity
(e.g., large, gigantic) by choosing them or acting out their meanings.

Level 2: Beginning Basic
Reading: Individuals ready to exit the Beginning Basic Level are able to decode multi-syllable
words, distinguish long and short vowels when reading regularly spelled one-syllable words, and
recognize the spelling-sound correspondences for common vowel teams. They also are able to
identify and understand the meaning of the most common prefixes and suffixes. They can read
common irregular sight words. Individuals are able to read level appropriate texts (e.g., texts with a

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Lexile Measure of between 420 – 820) with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression.1 They are
able to determine the meaning of words and phrases in level-appropriate complex texts. Individuals
ready to exit this level are able to determine main ideas, ask and answer questions about key details
in texts and show how those details support the main idea. Individuals also are able to explain how
specific aspects of both digital and print illustrations contribute to what is conveyed by the words of
a text. They are able to compare and contrast the most important points and key details of two texts
on the same topic. When listening to text above their current independent reading level, they are able
to describe the relationship between ideas in a text in terms of time, sequence, and cause/effect, as
well as use text features and search tools, both print and digital, to locate information relevant to a
given topic efficiently. They also are able to describe how reasons support specific points an author
makes in a text and identify the author’s main purpose or what the author wants to answer, explain or
describe, as well as distinguish their own point of view from that of the author’s.
Writing: Individuals ready to exit the Beginning Basic Level are able to write opinion pieces on
topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons. They are able to write simple informative
texts in which they examine a topic and convey information clearly. They also are able to write
narratives with details that describe actions, thoughts, and feelings. They use transition and temporal
words (e.g., also, another, more, but) to link ideas and signal event order. Individuals ready to exit
this level are able to use technology to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and
collaborate with others. They are able to conduct short research projects and summarize their
learning in print. This includes taking brief notes from both print and digital sources, and sorting
evidence into provided categories.
Speaking and Listening: Individuals ready to exit this level are able to participate in a range of
collaborative conversations with diverse partners and groups, respecting individual differences. This
includes gaining the floor in respectful way, linking their comments to the remarks of others, and
expressing their own ideas, clearly in light of the discussions. Individuals are able to report on a
topic or text or recount an experience, with appropriate facts, and relevant, descriptive details. They
are able to speak in complete sentences appropriate to task and situation in order to provide
requested detail or clarification. They can discuss what they have heard read aloud and provide the
main ideas and appropriate elaboration and detail about the information presented.
Language: When writing and speaking, individuals ready to exit this level are able to correctly use
regular and irregular nouns and verbs, comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs, and
coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. When writing simple, compound and complex
sentences, individuals use correct subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement. They also use
correct capitalization, ending punctuation, commas, and apostrophes to form contractions and
possessives. They also are able to spell words with conventional patterns and suffixes. They are able
to use spelling patterns and generalizations (e.g., word patterns, ending rules) in writing words. In
response to prompts, they are able to produce, expand, and rearrange simple and compound
sentences. Individuals are able to determine the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words in

Refer to the Text Complexity Chart at the end of this section for the College and Career Readiness (CCR) standards for adult education for the
appropriate range of complexity for this level.

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level-appropriate complex texts, including academic words, by applying their knowledge of roots and
affixes, as well as sentence-level context. They are able to distinguish literal from non-literal
meaning of words, and shades of meaning among related words that describe states of mind or
degrees of certainty (e.g., knew, believed, wondered, suspected). They are able to demonstrate
understanding of and use general academic words that signal spatial and temporal relationships.

Level 3: Low Intermediate
Reading: Individuals ready to exit the Low Intermediate Level are able to read fluently text of the
complexity demanded of this level (e.g., a Lexile Measure of between 740 – 1010).2 They are able to
use knowledge of letter-sound correspondences, syllabication patterns, and roots and affixes to
accurately decode unfamiliar words. They are able to determine the meaning of words and phrases
(e.g., metaphors and similes) in level-appropriate complex texts. Individuals ready to exit this level
are able to make logical inferences, summarize central ideas or themes, and explain how they are
supported by key details. They are able to explain events, procedures, or ideas in historical, scientific,
or technical texts, including what happened and why. They are able to describe the overall structure
of a text and compare and contrast the structures of two texts. Individuals ready to exit this level are
also able to interpret information presented visually, orally or quantitatively to find an answer to a
question or solve a problem. They display this facility with both print and digital media. Individuals
are able to explain how authors use reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text and
can integrate information from several texts, whether print, media, or a mix, on the same topic. They
are able to describe how point of view influences how events are described. They are able to analyze
multiple accounts of the same event or topic, noting similarities and differences. They are able to
produce valid evidence for their findings and assertions.
Writing: Individuals ready to exit the Low Intermediate Level are able to write opinion pieces on
topics or texts, supporting a point of view with facts and logically ordered reasons. They are able to
produce informative texts in which they develop a topic with concrete facts and details. They
convey information clearly with precise language and well-organized paragraphs. They link ideas,
opinions and reasons with words, phrases, and clauses (e.g., another, specifically, consequently,
because). They are also able to use technology (including the Internet) to produce and publish
writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others. They are able to conduct short research
projects, making frequent use of on-line as well as print sources. This includes the ability to draw
evidence from several texts to support an analysis. They are able to summarize or paraphrase
information from and provide a list of those sources.
Speaking and Listening: Individuals ready to exit this level are able to participate in a range of
collaborative conversations with diverse partners and groups, respecting individual differences. This
includes demonstrating an understanding of teamwork and working well with others by carrying out
their assigned roles, and posing and responding to specific questions, and making comments that
contribute to and elaborate on the remarks of others. Individuals are able to report on a topic or text
or present an opinion, sequencing ideas logically and providing appropriate facts, and relevant,

Refer to the Text Complexity Chart at the end of this document for the CCR standards for adult education for the appropriate range of
complexity for this level.

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descriptive details that support the main ideas or themes. They are able to differentiate between
contexts that call for formal English and situations where informal discourse is appropriate. They
also are able to paraphrase and summarize what they have heard aloud and explain how each claim
is supported by reasons and evidence.
Language: When writing and speaking, individuals ready to exit this level are able to use verb tenses
to convey various times, sequences, states, and conditions correctly and recognize inappropriate
shifts in verb tense. They use prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections properly. Individuals write
simple, compound and complex sentences and use correct subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent
agreement throughout a piece of writing. They also use correct capitalization, commas, and
underlining, quotation marks, and italics to indicate titles of works. They are able to correctly use
frequently confused words (e.g., to, too, two; there, their) and spell correctly, consulting references as
needed. They are able to produce complete sentences, recognizing and correcting inappropriate
fragments and run-ons as well as expand, combine and reduce sentences for meaning, reader interest
and style. Individuals are able to determine the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words in
level-appropriate complex texts, including academic words, by applying their knowledge of roots and
affixes, as well as sentence-level context. Individuals are able to interpret figurative language,
Including similes and metaphors. They also are able to recognize and explain the meaning of
common idioms, adages, and proverbs. They are able to demonstrate understanding of and use
general academic words that signal precise actions or emotions (e.g., whined, stammered), signal
contrast (e.g., however, nevertheless), or other logical relationships (e.g., however, similarly), and are
basic to a particular topic (e.g. endangered when discussing animal preservation).

Level 4: High Intermediate
Reading: Individuals who are ready to exit the High Intermediate Level are able to read fluently text
of the complexity demanded of this level (e.g., a Lexile Measure of between 925 – 1185).3 They
display increasing facility with academic vocabulary and are able to analyze the impact of a specific
word choice on meaning and tone in level-appropriate complex texts.
Individuals are able to make logical inferences by offering several pieces of textual evidence. This
includes citing evidence to support the analysis of primary and secondary sources in history, as well
as analysis of science and technical texts. They are able to summarize and analyze central ideas,
including how they are conveyed through particular details in the text. They also are able to analyze
how a text makes connections among and distinctions between ideas or events and how major
sections of a text contribute to the development of the ideas. They also are able to follow multistep
procedures. Individuals are able to identify aspects of a text that reveal point of view and assess how
point of view shapes style and content in texts. In addition, they are able to evaluate the validity of
specific claims an author makes through the sufficiency of the reasoning and evidence supplied in
the text. This includes analyzing how an author responds to conflicting evidence or viewpoints. They
are able to analyze how multiple texts address similar themes, including how authors acknowledge
and respond to conflicting evidence or viewpoints and include or avoid particular facts. Individuals

Refer to the Text Complexity Chart at the end of this document for the CCR standards for adult education for the appropriate range of
complexity for this level.

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are also able to analyze the purpose of information presented in diverse media as well as integrate
and evaluate content from those sources, including quantitative or technical information presented
visually and in words. They are able to produce valid evidence for their findings and assertions,
make sound decisions, and solve problems.
Writing: Writing in response to one or more text(s), individuals ready to exit this level are able to
compose arguments and informative texts (this includes the narration of historical events, scientific
procedures/ experiments, or technical processes). When writing arguments, they are able to
introduce claims, acknowledge alternate or opposing claims, support claims with clear reasons and
relevant evidence, and organize them logically in a manner that demonstrates an understanding of
the topic. When writing informative texts, individuals are able to examine a topic through the
selection, organization, and analysis of relevant facts, concrete details, quotations and other
information to aid comprehension. Individuals create cohesion in their writing by clarifying the
relationships among ideas, reasons, and evidence; using appropriate transitions; and including a
logical progression of ideas, and maintaining consistency in style and tone. Individuals are able to
use specific word choices appropriate for the topic, purpose, and audience. They also are able to use
technology to produce and publish writing and link to and cite sources. They conduct short research
projects, drawing on several sources. This includes the ability to draw evidence from several texts
to support an analysis. It also includes the ability to locate and organize information, assess the
credibility and accuracy of each source, and communicate the data and conclusions of others while
avoiding plagiarism.
Speaking and Listening: Individuals ready to exit the High Intermediate level collaborate well as a
member of team by building on others’ ideas, expressing their own clearly and maintaining a
positive attitude. This includes following the rules for collegial discussions and decision-making
and tracking progress toward specific goals and deadlines. It also includes the ability to pose
questions that connect the ideas of several speakers and respond to others’ questions and comments
with relevant evidence and ideas. During these discussions, individuals are able to qualify, alter, or
justify their own views in light of the evidence presented by others. Just as in writing, individuals
are able to delineate a speaker’s argument, evaluating the soundness of the reasoning and relevance
of the evidence. They are able to identify when irrelevant evidence is introduced. They also are able
to present their own claims and findings that emphasize salient points in a focused and coherent
manner, with relevant evidence, valid reasoning, and well-chosen details. Individuals adapt their
speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating a command of formal English when
indicated or appropriate.
Language: When writing and speaking, individuals ready to exit the High Intermediate level are
able to ensure pronouns are in the proper case, recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in pronoun
number and person, and correct vague or unclear pronouns. They know how to form all verb tenses,
and recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in verb voice and mood. They know how to
recognize and correct misplaced and dangling modifiers. They are able to adapt their speech to a
variety of contexts and tasks when indicated. They are able to choose language that expresses ideas
precisely and concisely, recognizing and eliminating redundancy and wordiness as well as
maintaining consistency in style and tone. Though errors may be present, the meaning of their
written and oral communications is clear. Individuals are able to determine the meaning of
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unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases as they are used in level–appropriate complex
texts through context clues, knowledge of affixes and roots, and use of reference materials.

Level 5: Low Adult Secondary
Reading: Individuals who are ready to exit Low Adult Secondary Level are able to read fluently texts
that measure at the secondary level of complexity (e.g., a Lexile Measure of between 1050 – 1335).4
This includes increasing facility with academic vocabulary and figurative language in levelappropriate complex texts. This includes determining the meaning of symbols and key terms used in
a specific scientific or technical context. They are able to analyze the cumulative impact of specific
word choices on meaning and tone. Individuals are able to make logical and well-supported
inferences about those complex texts. They are able to analyze the development of central ideas over
the course of a text and explain how they are refined by particular sentences, paragraphs, or portions
of text. They are able to provide an objective summary of a text. They are able to analyze in detail a
series of events described in text and determine whether earlier events caused later ones or simply
preceded them. They also are able to follow complex multistep directions or procedures. Individuals
are able to compare the point of view of two or more authors writing about the same or similar
topics. They are able to evaluate the validity of specific claims an author makes through the
sufficiency and relevance of the reasoning and evidence supplied. They also are able to identify false
statements and fallacious reasoning. They are able to analyze how multiple texts address related
themes and concepts, including challenging texts, such as seminal US documents of historical and
literary significance (e.g., Washington’s Farewell Address, the Gettysburg Address). In addition,
they are able to contrast the findings presented in a text, noting whether those findings support or
contradict previous explanations or accounts. Individuals are also able to translate quantitative or
technical information expressed in words in a text into visual form (e.g., a table or chart) and
translate information expressed visually or mathematically into words. Through their reading and
research, they are able to cite strong and thorough textual evidence for their findings and assertions
to make informed decisions and solve problems.
Writing: Writing in response to one or more text(s), individuals ready to exit this level are able to
compose arguments and informative texts (this includes the narration of historical events, scientific
procedures/ experiments, or technical processes). When writing arguments, they are able to
introduce precise claims, distinguish the claims from alternate or opposing claims, and support
claims with clear reasons and relevant and sufficient evidence. When writing informative texts, they
are able to examine a topic through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of well
chosen, relevant, and sufficient facts appropriate to the audience’s knowledge of the topic. They use
appropriate and varied transitions as well as consistency in style and tone to link major sections of
the text, create cohesion, and establish clear relationships among claims, reasons, and evidence.
Individuals use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to manage the complexity of the
topic. They are also able to take advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other information and
display information flexibly and dynamically. They conduct short research projects as well as more
sustained research projects to make informed decisions and solve problems. This includes the ability

Refer to the Text Complexity Chart at the end of this document for the CCR standards for adult education for the appropriate range of
complexity for this level.

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to draw evidence from several texts to support an analysis. It also includes the ability to gather and
organize information, assess the credibility, accuracy, and usefulness of each source, and
communicate the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism.
Speaking and Listening: Individuals ready to exit the Low Adult Secondary level are able to
participate in a thoughtful, respectful, and well-reasoned exchange of ideas as a member of a team.
As they collaborate with peers, they are able to set rules for collegial discussions and decisionmaking, clear goals and deadlines. They are able to propel these conversations forward by
clarifying, verifying or challenging ideas that are presented, actively incorporating others into the
discussion, responding thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, and summarizing points of agreement
and disagreement. They also are able to qualify, alter, or justify their own views and understanding
in light of the evidence and reasoning presented by others. Just as in writing, individuals are able to
evaluate a speaker’s point of view, and in particular, assess the links among ideas, word choice, and
points of emphasis and tone used. They also are able to present their own findings and supporting
evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning.
Individuals adapt their speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating a command of
formal English when indicated or appropriate.
Language: Individuals ready to exit the Low Adult Secondary level demonstrate strong control of
English grammar, usage, and mechanics and use these elements to enhance the presentation of ideas
both in speech and writing. This includes the use of parallel structure and the correct use of various
types of phrases and clauses to convey specific meanings. They are able to adapt their speech to a
variety of contexts and tasks when indicated. Though some errors may be present, meaning of their
written and oral communications is clear. Individuals are able to determine the meaning of unknown
and multiple-meaning words and phrases as they are used in level-appropriate complex texts
through context clues, knowledge of affixes and roots, and use of reference materials.

Level 6: High Adult Secondary
Reading: Individuals who are ready to exit High Adult Secondary Level are able to read fluently at
the college and career readiness level of text complexity (e.g., a Lexile Measure between 1185 –
1385).5 This includes increasing facility with academic vocabulary and figurative language
sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level. They
are able to analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone. Individuals
are able to make logical and well-supported inferences about those complex texts. They are able to
summarize the challenging ideas, concepts or processes contained within them. They are able to
paraphrase texts in simpler but still accurate terms. Whether they are conducting analyses of
complex primary and secondary sources in history or in scientific and technical texts, they are able
to analyze how the ideas and concepts within them develop and interact. Individuals are able to
assess how points of view shape style and content in texts with particular attention to distinguishing
what is directly stated in a text from what is really meant (e.g., satire, sarcasm, irony, or
understatement). Individuals are able to analyze how multiple texts address related themes and

Refer to the Text Complexity Chart at the end of this document for the CCR standards for adult education for the appropriate range of
complexity for this level.

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concepts, including challenging texts such as US founding documents (Declaration of
Independence, the Bill of Rights). In addition, they are able to compare and contrast treatments of
the same topic in several primary and secondary sources. Individuals are also able to integrate and
evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media in order to address a question.
Through their reading and research at complex levels, they are able to cite strong and thorough
textual evidence for their findings and assertions to make sound decisions and solve problems.
Writing: Writing in response to one or more text(s), individuals ready to exit this level are able to
compose arguments and informative texts (this includes the narration of historical events, scientific
procedures/ experiments, or technical processes). When writing arguments, they are able to create
an organization that establishes clear relationships among the claim(s), counterclaim(s), reasons and
evidence. They fully develop claims and counterclaims, supplying evidence for each while pointing
out the strengths and limitations of both in a manner that anticipates the audience’s knowledge level
and concerns. When writing informative texts, they are able to organize complex ideas, concepts,
and information to make important connections and distinctions through the effective selection and
analysis of content. They use appropriate and varied transitions to clarify the relationships among
complex ideas, create cohesion, and link major sections of the text. Individuals are able to maintain
a formal style while they attend to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are
writing. They are also able to take advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other information
and display information flexibly and dynamically. They conduct short research projects as well as
more sustained research projects that require the synthesis of multiple complex sources to make
informed decisions and solve problems. This includes the ability to draw evidence from several texts
to support an analysis. It also includes the ability to gather and organize information, assess the
credibility, accuracy, and usefulness of each source in answering the research question, noting any
discrepancies among the data collected.
Speaking and Listening: Individuals ready to exit the High Adult Secondary level demonstrate
flexibility, integrity, and initiative when collaborating as an effective member of a team. They are
able to manage their time and other resources wisely in order to contribute to the team’s overarching
goal(s) and meet the agreed upon deadlines. This includes the ability to exercise leadership, resolve
conflicts as they arise, and pose and respond to questions that relate the current discussion to
broader themes or larger ideas. They are able to express alternative views clearly and persuasively,
verify or challenge others’ ideas and conclusions, and think creatively and critically in light of the
evidence and reasoning presented. Just as in writing, individuals are able to evaluate a speaker’s
point of view, stance, premises, evidence, reasoning, rhetoric, and tone. They also are able to
present their own findings and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that
listeners can follow the line of reasoning, making strategic use of digital media Individuals adapt
their speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating a command of formal English when
indicated or appropriate.
Language: Individuals ready to exit the High Adult Secondary level demonstrate strong control of
English grammar, usage, and mechanics and use these elements to enhance the presentation of ideas
both in speech and writing. This includes the use of parallel structure and the correct use of various
types of phrases and clauses to convey specific meanings. They are able to adapt their speech to a
variety of contexts and tasks when indicated. The meaning of their written and oral communications
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is clear. Individuals are able to determine the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words
and phrases as they are used in level-appropriate complex texts through context clues, knowledge of
affixes and roots, and use of reference materials.
Resource: Quantitative Analysis Chart for Determining Text Complexity6

CCR Levels
of Learning


Degrees of

B (Level 2)

2.75 – 5.14

42 – 54

1.98 – 5.34

420 – 820

3.53 – 6.13

C (Level 3)

4.97 – 7.03

52 – 60

4.51 – 7.73

740 – 1010

5.42 – 7.92

D (Level 4)

7.00 – 9.98

57 – 67

6.51 – 10.34

925 – 1185

7.04 – 9.57

E (Level 5)

9.67 – 12.01

62 – 72

8.32 – 12.12

1050 – 1335

8.41 – 10.81

E (Level 6)

11.20 – 14.10

67 – 74

10.34 – 14.2

1185 – 1385

9.57 – 12.00


The Lexile



This chart only identifies text complexity for levels B through E. At level A, students are just learning how to
read, so it is not appropriate to focus on the complexity of the text until level B.

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Educational Functioning Level Descriptors for Adult Basic Education
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Introduction and Process
The Educational Functioning Level (EFL) Descriptors for Mathematics are written using the
College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education (CCR) as the foundation. They are
intended to guide both teaching and assessment for adult learners. While these narrative
descriptors address the most critical concepts for adult learners (as defined in the Major Work of
the Level), there are additional concepts found in the CCR standards that support the major work
for each level, and that are included in these descriptors. Lesson plans and assessment items for
adult learners should be based on the full text of the CCR standards for each level, using these
critical concepts as the foundation for lesson development and assessment.
The mathematics descriptors are divided into six educational functioning levels. The levels are
Beginning Literacy (corresponding to Level A of the CCR); Beginning Basic (corresponding to
Level B of the CCR); Low Intermediate (corresponding to Level C of the CCR); Middle
Intermediate (corresponding to part of the Level D CCR), High Intermediate (corresponding to
the remainder of the Level D CCR); and Adult Secondary (corresponding to Level E of the
CCR). Each of the levels corresponds roughly to two grade levels, in K-12 terms, except for
Level E, which combines the critical concepts of all of grades 9 through 12. Within each level
the descriptors are further divided by domain: The Mathematical Practices, Number Sense and
Operations, Algebraic Thinking, Geometry (and Measurement), and Data Analysis (Statistics
and Probability).
The descriptors do not provide a complete or comprehensive delineation of all of the skills at any
given level but provide examples of the most critical concepts and skills for the level to guide
assessment and instruction. Assessment of the Mathematical Practice descriptors are best
performed in the classroom using assessments that could be formative or summative and may be
informal. It should be noted that mathematics placement decisions should take into account the
reading level of the adult student. Verbally presented application problems at all mathematics
levels require a minimum reading level.
Level 1: Beginning Literacy
The Mathematical Practices: Students prepared to exit this level are able to decipher a simple
problem presented in a context and reason about and apply correct units to the results. They can
visualize a situation using manipulatives or drawings and explain their processes and results
using mathematical terms and symbols appropriate for the level. They recognize errors in the
work and reasoning of others. They are able to strategically select and use appropriate tools to
aid in their work, such as pencil/paper, measuring devices, and/or manipulatives. They can see
patterns and structure in sets of numbers and geometric shapes and use those insights to work
more efficiently.
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Number Sense and Operations: Students prepared to exit this level have an understanding of
whole number place value for tens and ones and are able to use their understanding of place
value to compare two-digit numbers. They are able to add whole numbers within 100 and
explain their reasoning, e.g., using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place
value and/or properties of operations. They are able to apply their knowledge of whole number
addition and subtraction to represent and solve word problems that call for addition of three
whole numbers whose sum is less than 20 by using such problem-solving tools as objects,
drawings, and/or simple equations.
Algebraic Thinking: Students prepared to exit this level understand and apply the properties of
operations to addition and subtraction problems. They understand the relationship between the
two operations and can determine the unknown number in addition or subtraction equations.
Geometry and Measurement: Students prepared to exit this level can analyze and compare 2dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes based on their attributes, such as their shape, size,
orientation, the number of sides and/or vertices (angles), or the lengths of their sides. They can
reason with two-dimensional shapes (e.g., quadrilaterals and half- and quarter-circles) and with
three-dimensional shapes (e.g., right prisms, cones, and cylinders) to create composite shapes.
They are able to measure the length of an object as a whole number of units, which are not
necessarily standard units, for example measuring the length of a pencil using a paper clip as the
length unit.
Data Analysis: Students prepared to exit this level are able to organize, represent, and interpret
simple data sets (e.g., lists of numbers, shapes, or items) using up to three categories. They can
answer basic questions related to the total number of data points in a set and the number of data
points in each category, and can compare the number of data points in the different categories.
Level 2: Beginning Basic
The Mathematical Practices: Students prepared to exit this level are able to decipher two-step
problems presented in a context, visualizing a situation using diagrams or sketches, and
reasoning about and applying the correct units and the proper degree of precision to the results.
They can explain their processes and results using mathematical terms and symbols appropriate
for the level and recognize errors in the reasoning of others. They strategically select and use the
appropriate tools to aid in their work, such as pencil/paper, measuring devices, manipulatives,
and/or calculators. They are able to see patterns and structure in sets of numbers, including in
multiplication or addition tables, and use those insights to work more efficiently.
Number Sense and Operations: Students prepared to exit this level understand place value for
whole numbers to 1000 and can use that understanding to read, write, count, compare, and round
three-digit whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100. They are able to compute fluently with all
four operations with whole numbers within 100. They use place value and properties of
operations to explain why addition and subtraction strategies work, and can demonstrate an
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understanding of the inverse relationship between multiplication and division. They can solve
one- and two-step word problems involving all four operations within 100 and identify and
explain arithmetic patterns. They have an understanding of fractions, especially unit fractions,
and can represent simple fractions on a number line. They understand and can explain
equivalence of fractions, can recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions, and can
compare two fractions with the same numerator or denominator by reasoning about their size.
Algebraic Thinking: Students prepared to exit this level apply the properties of operations to
multiplication and division of whole numbers. They understand the relationship between
multiplication and division and can determine the unknown number in multiplication or division
Geometry and Measurement: Students prepared to exit this level are able to reason about
geometric shapes and their attributes. They can demonstrate an understanding that different
shapes might share common attributes (e.g., four sides) and can compare and classify twodimensional shapes, particularly quadrilaterals. They are able to partition shapes into parts with
equal areas and express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole. They can use
common U.S. Customary and metric units for linear measurements (e.g., inches, feet,
centimeters, and meters) and solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals
of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects. They understand the concept of area and can
relate it to addition and multiplication to solve real-world problems. They also understand, and
can solve, real-world and mathematical problems involving perimeter of polygons.
Data Analysis: Students prepared to exit this level are able to draw and interpret simple graphs
(e.g., bar graphs, picture graphs, and number line diagrams) including scaled bar and picture
graphs. They can solve one- and two-step problems using scaled bar graphs. They can generate
measurement data by measuring lengths to the nearest half- and quarter-inch and display that
data by making a line plot marked off in appropriate units.
Level 3: Low Intermediate
The Mathematical Practices: Students prepared to exit this level are able to decipher multi-step
problems presented in a context and reason about and apply the correct units and the proper
degree of precision to the results. They can visualize a situation using diagrams or sketches, see
multiple strategies for solving a problem, explain their processes and results, and recognize
errors in the work and reasoning of others. They can express themselves using mathematical
terms and notation appropriate for the level and can strategically select and use tools to aid in
their work, such as pencil/paper, measuring devices, and/or technology. They are able to see
patterns and structure in sets of numbers and geometric shapes and use those insights to work
more efficiently.
Number Sense and Operations: Students prepared to exit this level understand place value for
both multi-digit whole numbers and decimals to thousandths, and use their understanding to
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read, write, compare, and round decimals. They are able to use their place value understanding
and properties of operations to fluently perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers and
decimals. They can find common factors, common multiples, and understand fraction concepts,
including fraction equivalence and comparison. They can add, subtract, multiply and divide with
fractions and mixed numbers. They are able to solve multi-step word problems posed with
whole numbers and fractions, using the four operations. They also have an understanding of ratio
concepts and can use ratio language to describe a relationship between two quantities, including
the concept of a unit rate associated with a ratio.
Algebraic Thinking: Students prepared to exit this level are able to apply and extend their
understanding of arithmetic to algebraic expressions, using a symbol to represent an unknown
value. They can write, evaluate, and interpret expressions and equations, including expressions
that arise from formulas used in real-world problems. They can solve real-world and
mathematical problems by writing and solving simple one-variable equations and write a simple
inequality that represents a constraint or condition in a real-world or mathematical problem.
They can represent and analyze quantitative relationships between dependent and independent
Geometry and Measurement: Students prepared to exit this level have a basic understanding of
the coordinate plane and can plot points (i.e., ordered pairs) and place polygons in the coordinate
plane to solve real-world and mathematical problems. They can classify two-dimensional shapes
and use formulas to determine the area of two-dimensional shapes such as triangles and
quadrilaterals. They can determine the surface area of three-dimensional shapes composed of
rectangles and triangles, and find the volume of right rectangular prisms. They are able to
convert like measurement units within a given measurement system (e.g., convert 5 cm to 0.05
m) and use these conversions to solve multi-step, real-world problems. They are also able to
solve measurement word problems (such as those that involve area, perimeter, distance, time
intervals, liquid volumes, mass, and money) that involve simple fractions or decimals.
Data Analysis and Statistics: Students prepared to exit this level have a basic conceptual
understanding of statistical variability, including such concepts as center, spread, and the overall
shape of a distribution of data. They can present data using displays such as dot plots,
histograms, and box plots.
Level 4: Middle Intermediate
The Mathematical Practices: Students prepared to exit this level are able to think critically,
determine an efficient strategy (from among multiple possible strategies) for solving a multi-step
problem, and persevere in solving challenging problems. They can express themselves using the
mathematical terms and notation appropriate to the level. They are able to defend their findings
and critique the reasoning of others. They are accurate in their calculations and use estimation
strategies to assess the reasonableness of their results. They can create algebraic and geometric
models and use them to answer questions and solve problems. They can strategically select and
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use tools to aid in their work, such as pencil/paper, measuring devices, calculators, and/or
spreadsheets. They are able to see patterns and structure in number sets, data, expressions and
equations, and geometric figures.
Number Sense and Operations: Students prepared to exit this level have an understanding of the
rational number system, including how rational numbers can be represented on a number line
and pairs of rational numbers can be represented on a coordinate plane. They can apply the
concept of absolute value to find horizontal and vertical distances. They are able to apply the
properties of integer exponents and evaluate, estimate, and compare simple square roots and
cube roots. Individuals at this level also understand ratio, rate, and percent concepts, as well as
proportional relationships.
Algebraic Thinking: Students prepared to exit this level understand the connections between
proportional relationships, lines, and linear equations. They understand numerical and algebraic
expressions, and equations and are able to use them to solve real-world and mathematical
problems. They are able to analyze and solve linear equations and pairs of simultaneous linear
equations. Individuals at this level are able to define, interpret, and compare linear functions.
Geometry: Students prepared to exit this level can solve real-world and mathematical problems
that involve angle measure, circumference, and area of 2-dimensional figures. They are able to
solve problems involving scale drawings of 2-dimensional geometric figures. They understand
the concepts of congruence and similarity with respect to 2-dimensional figures. They
understand the Pythagorean theorem and can apply it to determine missing lengths in right
Statistics and Probability: Students prepared to exit this level can summarize and describe
numerical data sets in relation to their context, including determining measures of center and
variability and describing patterns and/or striking deviations from patterns. They understand and
can apply the concept of chance, or probability. They are able to use scatter plots for bivariate
measurement data to describe patterns of association between two quantities (such as clustering,
outliers, positive or negative association, linear or non-linear association).
Level 5: High Intermediate
The Mathematical Practices: Students prepared to exit this level are able to think critically,
determine an efficient strategy (from among multiple possible strategies) for solving a multi-step
problem, and persevere in solving challenging problems. They can reason quantitatively,
including using units as a way to solve problems. They are able to defend their findings and
critique the reasoning of others. They are accurate in their calculations and use estimation
strategies to assess the reasonableness of their results. They can create algebraic and geometric
models and use them to answer questions and solve problems. They can strategically select and
use tools to aid in their work, such as graphing calculators, spreadsheets, and/or computer
software. They are able to make generalizations based on patterns and structure they discover in
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number sets, data, expressions and equations, and geometric figures and use these insights to
work more efficiently.
Number Sense and Operations: Students prepared to exit this level can reason about and solve
real-world and mathematical problems that involve the four operations with rational numbers.
They can apply the concept of absolute value to demonstrate on a number line their
understanding of addition and subtraction with negative and positive rational numbers.
Individuals at this level can apply ratio and percent concepts, including using rates and
proportional relationships to solve multi-step real-world and mathematical problems.
Algebraic Thinking: Students prepared to exit this level are able to use algebraic and graphical
representations to solve real-world and mathematical problems, involving linear equations,
inequalities, and pairs of simultaneous linear equations. Individuals at this level are able to use
linear functions to describe, analyze, and model linear relationships between quantities.
Geometry: Students prepared to exit this level can solve real-world and mathematical problems
that involve volume and surface area of 3-dimensional geometric figures. They can use informal
arguments to establish facts about various angle relationships such as the relationships between
angles created when parallel lines are cut by a transversal. They apply the Pythagorean theorem
to determine lengths in real-world contexts and distances in the coordinate plane.
Statistics and Probability: Students prepared to exit this level can use random sampling to draw
inferences about a population and are able to draw informal comparative inferences about two
populations using measures of center and measures of variability for numerical data from
random samples. They can develop, use, and evaluate probability models. They are able to use
scatter plots for bivariate measurement data to interpret patterns of association between two
quantities (such as clustering, outliers, positive or negative association, linear or non-linear
association) and a 2-way table to summarize and interpret bivariate categorical data.
Level 6: Adult Secondary
The Mathematical Practices: Students prepared to exit this level are able to think critically, make
assumptions based on a situation, select an efficient strategy from multiple possible problemsolving strategies, plan a solution pathway, and make adjustments as needed when solving
problems. They persevere in solving challenging problems, including considering analogous,
simpler problems as a way to solving a more complex one. They can reason quantitatively,
including through the use of units, and can express themselves using the precise definitions and
mathematical terms and notation appropriate to the level. They are accurate in their calculations,
use an appropriate level of precision in finding solutions and reporting results, and use estimation
strategies to assess the reasonableness of their results. They are able to make conjectures, use
logic to defend their conclusions, and can detect faulty thinking and errors caused by improper
use of technology. They can create algebraic and geometric models and use them to answer
questions, interpret data, make predictions, and solve problems. They can create algebraic and
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geometric models and use them to answer questions, interpret data, make predictions, and solve
problems. They can strategically select and use tools, such as measuring devices, calculators,
spreadsheets, and/or computer software, to aid in their work. They are able to see patterns and
structure in calculations, expressions, and equations and make connections to algebraic
generalizations, which they use to work more efficiently.
Number Sense and Operations: Students prepared to exit this level have extended their number
sense to include irrational numbers, radicals, and rational exponents and understand and use the
set of real numbers. They are able to assess the reasonableness of calculation results based on the
limitations of technology or given units and quantities and give results with the appropriate
degree of precision.
Algebraic Thinking: Students prepared to exit this level understand the structure of expressions
and can use that structure to rewrite linear, exponential, and quadratic expressions. They can
add, subtract, and multiply polynomials that involve linear and/or quadratic expressions. They
are also able to create linear equations and inequalities and quadratic and simple exponential
equations to represent relationships between quantities and can represent constraints by linear
equations or inequalities, or by systems of linear equations and/or inequalities. They can interpret
the structure of polynomial and rational expressions and use that structure to identify ways to
rewrite and operate accurately with them. They can add, subtract, and multiply polynomials that
extend beyond quadratics. They are able to rearrange formulas to highlight a quantity of interest,
for example rearranging Ohm’s law, V = IR, to highlight resistance R. They are also able to
create equations and inequalities representing relationships between quantities, including those
that extend beyond equations or inequalities arising from linear, quadratic, and simple
exponential functions to include those arising from simple rational functions. They are able to
use these equations/inequalities to solve problems both algebraically and graphically. They can
solve linear equations and inequalities; systems of linear equations; quadratic, simple rational,
and radical equations in one variable; and recognize how and when extraneous solutions may
Students prepared to exit this level also have a basic understanding of functions, can use function
notation properly, and use such notation to write a function describing a relationship between
two quantities. They are able to evaluate functions for inputs in their domains and interpret
linear, quadratic, and exponential functions that arise in applications in terms of the context.
They are able to construct, graph, compare, and interpret functions (including, but not limited to,
linear, quadratic, and exponential). They can sketch graphs given a verbal description of the
relationship and identify and interpret key features of the graphs of functions that arise in
applications in a context. They are able to select or define a function that appropriately models a
relationship and to compare properties of two functions each represented in a different way
(algebraically, graphically, numerically in tables, or by verbal description).
Geometry: Students prepared to exit this level can solve problems involving similarity and
congruence criteria for triangles and use volume formulas for cylinders, pyramids, cones, and
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spheres to solve problems. They can apply the concepts of density based on area and volume in
modeling situations (e.g., persons per square mile, BTU’s per cubic foot).
Data Analysis and Statistics: Students prepared to exit this level can summarize, represent, and
interpret data based on two categorical and quantitative variables, including by using frequency
tables. They can compare data sets by looking at commonalities and differences in shape, center,
and spread. They can recognize possible associations and trends in data, in particular in linear
models, and distinguish between correlation and causation. They interpret one- and two-variable
data, including those with linear and non-linear relationships. They interpret the slope (rate of
change) and intercept (constant term) for a line of best fit and in the context of the data. They
understand and account for extreme points of data in their analysis and interpret relative
frequencies (joint, marginal and conditional).

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Educational Functioning Level Descriptors for
English as a Second Language (ESL)
In the National Reporting System for Adult Education (NRS), the Educational Functioning Level
(EFL) descriptors are intended to guide teaching and assessment for adult learners. The descriptors
for English as a second language (ESL) 7 are divided into six educational functioning levels:
Beginning ESL Literacy, Low Beginning ESL, High Beginning ESL, Low Intermediate ESL, High
Intermediate ESL, and Advanced ESL. The descriptors do not provide a complete or comprehensive
delineation of all of the skills at any given level but rather provide a description of the most critical
concepts and skills for the level.
Although these narrative descriptors address the most critical concepts for assessment and instruction
for adult learners, lesson plans and test items should be based on additional critical concepts from
state instructional frameworks and standards, as appropriate for the learner and state requirements.
The EFLs for ESL are organized into three modalities: interpretive, productive, and interactive.
These modalities include the domains of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. These modalities
allow for an integrated or holistic approach to teaching and assessing English language learners
(ELLs) in the adult education setting.

Interpretive refers to the learner’s ability to process, understand, interpret, or engage with
level-appropriate literary and informational written and spoken text to construct meaning. For
example, an ELL exiting from the Low Intermediate ESL classroom should be able to, with
support, explain the reasons an author or a speaker gives to support a claim and identify one or
two reasons an author or a speaker gives to support the main point.


Productive refers to the learner’s ability to produce level-appropriate written and spoken text
such that it meaningfully transmits meaning. For example, an ELL exiting from the Low
Beginning ESL classroom should be able to, with support, communicate information and
feelings about familiar texts, topics, and experiences.


Interactive refers to the learner’s ability to process and produce level-appropriate written and
spoken text interactively with the purpose of understanding, interpreting, engaging in, and
transmitting meaning. For example, ELLs exiting from the High Beginning ESL classroom
should be able to, with support, gather information from provided print and digital sources,
record information in simple notes, and summarize data and information.

Text Complexity and Familiar Topics
Teachers and assessment developers must select appropriately complex literary and informational
texts, topics, and events to prepare learners for success. Complexity should show progress within


These revised ESL descriptors will not be implemented until the Secretary of Education has determined that there
is at least one assessment that is aligned with the descriptors and suitable for use in the NRS.

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EFLs and in successive levels that reflect increasingly complex and cognitively demanding language
structures, academic vocabulary, and concepts.
Language in the revised NRS EFLs for ESL calls for progressive complexity without being
prescriptive about the specific complexity measures at each EFL. Terminology in the EFLs such as
emerging, developing, increasing, and growing are guides to indicate the needed progression of
complexity from level to level.8
Instruction and assessment also should involve a progression of topics, from the more familiar to
substantive and academic topics, with increasing levels of complexity within and across levels.
Teachers and test developers are encouraged to refer to the guiding principles found in the English
Language Proficiency Standards for Adult Education. The guiding principles recommend that
instruction also include the use of digital tools and resources; academic language; a variety of
informational texts and content areas, including science, technology, engineering, and mathematics;
and college and career readiness skills as appropriate to learners at a given level.

Level 1: Beginning ESL Literacy
Interpretive: The ability to process, understand, interpret and/or engage with levelappropriate literary and informational written and spoken text to construct meaning (1, 6, 7,
ELLs ready to exit the Beginning ESL Literacy Level are able to, with prompting and support
(including context, and visual aids), identify a few key words and phrases from read alouds, visual
images, and oral presentations using a very limited set of strategies.
ELLs ready to exit this level can, with prompting and support (including context and visual aids),
recognize the meaning of a few frequently occurring words and phrases in simple oral presentations
and read alouds about familiar topics, experiences, and events. They can recognize the meaning of
some words learned through conversations, reading, and being read to.
Productive: The ability to produce level-appropriate written and spoken text such that it
meaningfully transmits meaning (3, 4, 7, 9, 10)
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to, with prompting and support (including context and visual
aids), communicate simple information or feelings about familiar topics, events, or experiences. They
can express a preference or opinion about a familiar topic.
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to show limited awareness of differences between informal and
formal language use.

Additional guidance about text complexity in adult education may be found in the College and Career Readiness
Standards for Adult Education, “Appendix D—Understanding Text Complexity.”


Numbers in parentheses represent ELP Standards

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With support (including context and visual aids), ELLs ready to exit this level are able to recognize
and use a small number of frequently occurring nouns and verbs, use a narrow range of vocabulary
and syntactically simple sentences, and understand and respond to simple questions.
Interactive: The ability to process and produce level-appropriate written and spoken text
interactively with the purpose of understanding, interpreting, engaging in and transmitting
meaning (2, 5)
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to, with limited involvement, participate in short conversations
and written exchanges about familiar topics and in familiar contexts. They can respond to simple
yes/no questions and some wh- questions.
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to, with prompting and support, participate in short, shared
research projects, gather information from a few provided sources, and label some key information.

Level 2: Low Beginning ESL
(ELP Standards for AE Level 1)
Interpretive: The ability to process, understand, interpret and/or engage with levelappropriate literary and informational written and spoken text to construct meaning (1, 6, 7, 8)
ELLs ready to exit the Low Beginning ESL Level are able to identify a few key words and phrases in
oral communications and simple spoken and written texts using a very limited set of strategies. They
can recognize the meaning of some words learned through conversations, reading, and being read to.
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to, with support, identify a point an author or a speaker makes.
Relying heavily on context, questioning, and knowledge of morphology in their native language(s),
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to recognize the meaning of a few frequently occurring words,
simple phrases, and formulaic expressions in spoken and written texts about familiar topics,
experiences, or events.
Productive: The ability to produce level-appropriate written and spoken text such that it
meaningfully transmits meaning (3, 4, 7, 9, 10)
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to, with support, communicate information and feelings about
familiar texts, topics, and experiences.
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to express an opinion about a familiar topic, experience, or
event and give a reason for the opinion.
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to show emerging awareness of differences between informal
and formal language use.

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ELLs ready to exit this level are able to, with support, use a narrow range of vocabulary and
syntactically simple sentences. They can, with support, recognize and use a small number of
frequently occurring nouns, noun phrases, verbs, conjunctions, and prepositions and understand and
respond to simple questions
Interactive: The ability to process and produce level-appropriate written and spoken text
interactively with the purpose of understanding, interpreting, engaging in and transmitting
meaning (2, 5)
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to actively listen to others. They can participate in short
conversations and written exchanges about familiar topics and in familiar contexts. They can present
simple information and respond to simple yes/no questions and some wh- questions.
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to, with support, carry out short, shared research projects. They
can, with support, gather information from a few provided print and digital sources, label collected
information, experiences, or events, and recall information from experience or from a provided

Level 3: High Beginning ESL
(ELP Standards for AE Level 2)
Interpretive: The ability to process, understand, interpret and/or engage with levelappropriate literary and informational written and spoken text to construct meaning (1, 6, 8)
ELLs ready to exit the High Beginning ESL Level are able to identify the main topic in oral
presentations and simple spoken and written texts and retell a few key details using an emerging set
of strategies.
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to, with support, identify the main argument an author or
speaker makes. They can, with support, identify one reason an author or a speaker gives to support
the argument.
Using context, questioning, and knowledge of morphology in their native language(s),
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to determine the meaning of frequently occurring words,
phrases, and expressions in spoken and written texts about familiar topics, experiences, or events.
Productive: The ability to produce level-appropriate written and spoken text such that it
meaningfully transmits meaning (3, 4, 7, 9, 10)
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to, with support, deliver short oral presentations and compose
simple written narratives or informational texts about familiar texts, topics, experiences, or events.

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ELLs ready to exit this level are able to construct a claim about familiar topics, experiences, or
events. They can introduce a familiar topic, experience, or event, give a reason to support a claim,
and provide a concluding statement.
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to, with support, recount a short sequence of events in order.
They can, with support, introduce an informational topic, provide one or two facts about the topic,
and use common linking words to connect events and ideas.
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to show increasing awareness of differences between informal
and formal language use. They can adapt language choices to task and audience with emerging
control in various social and academic contexts.
ELLs ready to exit this level can begin to use some frequently occurring general academic and
content-specific words.
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to, with support, use frequently occurring verbs, nouns,
adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions. They can, with support, produce simple and
compound sentences.
Interactive: The ability to process and produce level-appropriate written and spoken text
interactively with the purpose of understanding, interpreting, engaging in and transmitting
meaning (2, 5)
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to participate in conversations and written exchanges about
familiar topics and texts. They can present information and ideas, appropriately take turns in
interactions with others, and respond to simple questions and wh- questions.
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to, with support, carry out short individual or shared research
projects. They can, with support, gather information from provided print and digital sources, record
information in simple notes, and summarize data and information.

Level 4: Low Intermediate ESL
(ELP Standards for AE Level 3)
Interpretive: The ability to process, understand, interpret and/or engage with levelappropriate literary and informational written and spoken text to construct meaning (1, 6, 8)
ELLs ready to exit the Low Intermediate ESL Level are able to determine a central idea or theme in
oral presentations and spoken and written texts, retell key details, answer questions about key details,
explain how the theme is developed by specific details in texts, and summarize part of a text using a
developing set of strategies.
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to, with support, explain the reasons an author or a speaker
gives to support a claim and identify one or two reasons an author or a speaker gives to support the
main point.
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Using context, questioning, and a developing knowledge of English and their native language(s)'
morphology, ELLs ready to exit this level are able to determine the meaning of general academic and
content-specific words and phrases and frequently occurring expressions in spoken and written texts
about familiar topics, experiences, or events.
Productive: The ability to produce level-appropriate written and spoken text such that it
meaningfully transmits meaning (3, 4, 7, 9, 10)
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to, with support, deliver short oral presentations and compose
written informational texts about familiar texts, topics, or events. This includes developing the topic
with a few details.
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to construct a claim about familiar topics. They can introduce
the topic, provide sufficient reasons or facts to support the claim, and provide a concluding
When producing written and spoken texts, ELLs ready to exit this level are able to, with support,
recount a sequence of events, with a beginning, middle, and end. They can introduce and develop an
informational topic with facts and details, use common transitional words and phrases to connect
events, ideas, and opinions, and provide a conclusion.
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to adapt language choices and style according to purpose, task,
and audience with developing ease in various social and academic contexts and show developing
control of style and tone in spoken and written texts.
In their spoken and written texts, ELLs ready to exit this level can use an increasing number of
general academic and content-specific words and expressions.
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to, with support, use simple phrases and clauses. They can
produce and expand simple, compound, and a few complex sentences.
Interactive: The ability to process and produce level-appropriate written and spoken text
interactively with the purpose of understanding, interpreting, engaging in and transmitting
meaning (2, 5)
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to, participate in conversations, discussions, and written
exchanges about familiar topics, texts, and issues. They can build on the ideas of others, express their
own ideas, ask and answer relevant questions, add relevant information and evidence, restate some of
the key ideas expressed, follow rules for discussion, and ask questions to gain information or clarify
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to, with support, carry out short research projects to answer a
question. They can, with support, gather information from multiple provided print and digital
sources, paraphrase key information in a short written or oral report, include illustrations, diagrams,
or other graphics as appropriate, and provide a list of sources.
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Level 5: High Intermediate ESL
(ELP Standards for AE Level 4)
Interpretive: The ability to process, understand, interpret and/or engage with levelappropriate literary and informational written and spoken text to construct meaning (1, 6, 8)
ELLs ready to exit the High intermediate ESL Level are able to determine a central idea or theme in
oral presentations and spoken and written texts using an increasing range of strategies. They can
analyze the development of the themes/ideas, cite specific details and evidence from texts to support
the analysis, and summarize a text.
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to analyze the reasoning in persuasive spoken and written texts
and determine whether the evidence is sufficient to support the claim. They can cite textual evidence
to support the analysis.
Using context, questioning, and an increasing knowledge of English morphology, ELLs ready to exit
this level can determine the meaning of general academic and content-specific words and phrases,
figurative and connotative language, and a growing number of idiomatic expressions in spoken and
written texts about a variety of topics, experiences, or events
Productive: The ability to produce level-appropriate written and spoken text such that it
meaningfully transmits meaning (3, 4, 7, 9, 10)
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to deliver oral presentations and compose written informational
texts about a variety of texts, topics, or events. This includes developing the topic with some relevant
details, concepts, examples, and information and integrating graphics or multimedia when
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to construct a claim about a variety of topics. They can
construct a claim, introduce the topic, provide logically ordered reasons or facts that effectively
support the claim, and provide a concluding statement.
When producing written and spoken texts, ELLs ready to exit this level can recount a longer, more
detailed sequence of events or steps in a process, with a clear sequential or chronological structure.
They can introduce and develop an informational topic with facts, details, and evidence, and provide
a concluding section or statement.
ELLs ready to exit this level can also adapt language choices and style according to purpose, task,
and audience in various social and academic contexts and adopt and maintain a formal and informal
style and tone in spoken and written texts, as appropriate.
In their spoken and written texts, ELLs ready to exit this level can also use a wider range of complex
general academic and content-specific words and phrases.

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Educational Functioning Level Descriptors for English as a Second Language
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ELLs ready to exit this level will use increasingly complex phrases and clauses, produce and expand
simple, compound, and complex sentences, and use a variety of more complex transitions to link the
major sections of speech and text and to clarify relationships among events and ideas.
Interactive: The ability to process and produce level-appropriate written and spoken text
interactively with the purpose of understanding, interpreting, engaging in and transmitting
meaning (2, 5)
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to participate in conversations, discussions, and written
exchanges about a range of topics, texts, and issues. They can build on the ideas of others, express
his or her own ideas, clearly support points with specific and relevant evidence, ask and answer
questions to clarify ideas and conclusions, and summarize the key points expressed.
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to carry out both short and more sustained research projects to
answer a question, gather information from multiple print and digital sources, evaluate the reliability
of each source, and use search terms effectively. They are able to synthesize information from
multiple print and digital sources, integrate information into an organized oral or written report,
include illustrations, diagrams, or other graphics as appropriate, and cite sources appropriately.

Level 6: Advanced ESL
(ELP Standards for AE Level 5)
Interpretive: The ability to process, understand, interpret and/or engage with levelappropriate literary and informational written and spoken text to construct meaning (1, 6, 8)
ELLs ready to exit the Advanced ESL Level are able to determine central ideas or themes in oral
presentations and spoken and written texts using a wide range of strategies. They can analyze the
development of the themes/ideas, cite specific details and evidence from texts to support the analysis,
and summarize a text.
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to analyze and evaluate the reasoning in persuasive spoken and
written texts, determine whether the evidence is sufficient to support the claim, and cite specific
textual evidence to thoroughly support the analysis.
Using context, questioning, and consistent knowledge of English morphology, ELLs ready to exit
this level are able to determine the meaning of general academic and content-specific words and
phrases, figurative and connotative language, and idiomatic expressions in spoken and written texts
about a variety of topics, experiences, or events,
Productive: The ability to produce level-appropriate written and spoken text such that it
meaningfully transmits meaning (3, 4, 7, 9, 10)
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to deliver oral presentations and compose written informational
texts about a variety of texts, topics or events. They can fully develop the topic with relevant details,
concepts, examples, and information, and integrate graphics or multimedia when appropriate.
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ELLs ready to exit this level are able to construct a substantive claim about a variety of topics. They
can introduce the claim and distinguish it from a counter-claim. They are able to provide logically
ordered and relevant reasons and evidence to support the claim and to refute the counter-claim, and
provide a conclusion that summarizes the argument presented.
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to recount a complex and detailed sequence of events or steps in
a process, with an effective sequential or chronological order. They can introduce and effectively
develop an informational topic with facts, details, and evidence, use complex and varied transitions
to link the major sections of speech and text and to clarify relationships among events and ideas, and
provide a concluding section or statement.
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to adapt language choices and style according to purpose, task,
and audience with ease in various social and academic contexts. They can employ both formal and
more informal styles and tones effectively in spoken and written texts, as appropriate
In their spoken and written texts, ELLs ready to exit this level can use a wide variety of complex
general academic and content-specific words and phrases.
ELLs ready to exit this level will use complex phrases and clauses and produce and expand simple,
compound, and complex sentences.
Interactive: The ability to process and produce level-appropriate written and spoken text
interactively with the purpose of understanding, interpreting, engaging in and transmitting
meaning (2, 5)
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to participate in conversations, extended discussions, and
written exchanges about a range of substantive topics, texts, and issues. They can build on the ideas
of others, express their own ideas clearly and persuasively, refer to specific and relevant evidence
from texts or research to support their ideas, ask and answer questions that probe reasoning and
claims, and summarize the key points and evidence discussed.
ELLs ready to exit this level are able to carry out both short and more sustained research projects to
answer a question or solve a problem. They can gather information from multiple print and digital
sources, evaluate the reliability of each source, and use advanced search terms effectively. They can
synthesize information from multiple print and digital sources, analyze and integrate information into
clearly organized spoken and written texts, include illustrations, diagrams, or other graphics as
appropriate, and cite sources appropriately

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Educational Functioning Level Descriptors for English as a Second Language
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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - 1830-0027 Appendix A - NRS EFL Descriptors (3).doc
File Modified2020-11-13
File Created2017-12-15

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