Appendix E- Surveys_v3

APPENDIX E - Surveys_mh_v3_Clean_updated2.docx

National Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Registry

Appendix E- Surveys_v3

OMB: 0923-0041

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Modified 3/2021





Questionnaire to be divided into Essential Questionnaire (Part I) and Follow-up Questions (Part II) by topic

General Instructions (on a separate screen before starting the survey)

How to fill in answers:

  • Please read each survey question carefully and answer to the best of your knowledge.

  • Answers to questions come in several formats:

  • Radio button and drop-down selections allow only one input per question.

  • Check box selections allow multiple answers per question.

  • Text boxes allow you to type in an answer. Text box entries are identified as an empty box or selection labeled “Other (specify)”.

  • Some questions within each survey will appear “grayed-out” because of your answer to an earlier question. These questions do not apply to you and you can continue onto the next survey question or page.

How the system works:

  • When Essential Questionnaire (Part I) is completed and submitted, it’ll be followed by set of additional questions (Part II) asking for more detailed information regarding your demography, lifestyle, environmental, and ALS-associated factors. Follow-up questions are based on the responses from Part I.

  • Each time you go to the next page of a survey your answers to the previous page are saved.

  • You are given the option to save and quit a survey at anytime. Once you decide to save and quit the survey your responses are saved and you can finish the survey later.

  • At the end of each survey, you are given the option to review and change your answers. You can also print a copy of your answers. Once you submit your answers, you will not be able to change or print them later.

  • There is no time limit to take surveys. However, if you stay logged in and do not work on the survey an alert will display. You will be informed that your session will time out if no further activity takes place.

The purpose of this questionnaire is to obtain some general information about your demography, as well as information on lifestyle, environmental, and ALS-associated factors.








    Username (or REG_ID)



    Date of diagnosis




    Date of Registration





    1 Mr

    2 Ms

    3 Miss

    4 Mrs

    5 Dr


    First name



    Middle initial



    Last name




    1 Jr

    2 Sr

    3 I

    4 II

    5 III

    6 IV



    Last 5 digits of SSN



    Current country



    Current state/province (in US/Canada)



    Current province (outside US/Canada



    Current City






    Are you interested in receiving any of the following? (check all that apply)

    0 No

    1 Registry email

    2 Research notification information



    Have you participated in any ALS research studies?

    1 Yes

    2 No

    9 Don’t know

    Survey 17


    Are you interest in participating in any ALS research studies

    1 Yes

    2 No

    9 Don’t know

    Survey 17










1 Male

2 Female

Survey 1

Survey 12


Birth month

1 January

2 February

3 March

4 April

5 May

6 June

7 July

8 August

9 September

10 October

11 November

12 December



Birth year



Current marital status

1 Never married

2 Married

3 Separated

4 Divorced

5 Widowed

6 Living with partner

Survey 1


Highest level of education attained

1 Did not complete High School; Less than 12th grade

2 High school diploma or GED

3 Technical or trade school diploma

4 Some college credit or AA degree

5 College degree

6 Graduate School degree

7 Other

Survey 1


Do you consider yourself Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino/Latina?

1 No

2 Puerto Rican

3 Mexican, Mexican-American, Chicano

4 Cuban

5 Other Spanish, Hispanic (specify)

Survey 1

Question 7


What do you consider to be your race or ethnic group? (Check all that apply)

1 White

2 African American

3 Native American/Alaskan Native

4 Asian Indian

5 Chinese

6 Filipino

7 Japanese

8 Korean

9 Vietnamese

10 Other Asian (specify)

11 Native Hawaiian

12 Guamanian or Chamorro

13 Samoan

14 Another Pacific Islander (specify)

15 Don’t know

Survey 1


Country of birth

Survey 1








Current height (ft)

Survey 1


Current height (in)

Survey 1


Current weight (pounds)

Survey 1


Have you ever smoked one or more cigarettes per day for 6 months or longer?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

Survey 4

Question 2-6


Did you ever drink alcoholic beverages such as wine, beer and spirits at least once a month for 6 months or more

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

Survey 4

Question 8-10


Have you ever engaged in vigorous leisure-time physical activity for at least 10 minutes that caused heavy sweating or large increases in breathing or heart rate

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

Survey 5

Question 2


Did you ever drink caffeinated beverage? (Check all that apply)

0 No

1 Espresso or expresso drinks (Latte, Americano)

2 Regular coffee

3 Hot or cold tea (Black, green)

4 Highly caffeinated (Jolt®, Surge®, Mountain Dew MDX®, Red Bull® or other energy drinks)

5 Regular soda (Barq’s Root Beer ® or regular Mountain Dew®)

6 Don’t know

Survey 13

Box Row 1

Box Row 2

Box Row 3

Box Row 4

Box Row 5


Have you participated in organized or professional sports? (Check all that apply)

0 No

1 Football

2 Hockey

3 Boxing

4 Soccer

5 Other sports

6 Don’t know

Survey 18

Question 2-6

Question 7-12

Question 13-15

Question 16-21

Question 22-42


Have you ever had an injury to your head or neck due to the following? (Check all that apply)

0 No

1 Childhood injuries

2 Falling or being hit or playing sports

3 Fights/Violence

4 Car or moving vehicle

5 Explosion/Blast

6 Other

7 Don’t know

Survey 14 (1)

Box Row 1

Box Row 3

Box Row 4

Box Row 2

Box Row 5


Have you ever received any electrical shock that resulted in the following? (Check all that apply)

0 No

1 Unconsciousness

2 Burn

3 Just the electrical shock

4 Don’t know

Survey 14 (2)

Box Row 1

Box Row 2

Box Row 3


What kind of health insurance or health care coverage do you have? Exclude private plans that only provide extra cash while hospitalized. If you have more than one kind of health insurance, please check the box next to each plan that you have. (Check all that apply)


2 Private health insurance (non-HMO employer-sponsored)

3 Medicare

4 Medi- GAP (private insurance that supplements Medicare)

5 Medicaid

6 VA (Veteran’s Administration)

7 Other military health care (CHAMP, TRICARE, Department of Defense health plans)

8 Indian Health Service 9 State-sponsored health plan

10 Other government program (specify)

11 Other health insurance plan: (specify)

12 No health care coverage of any type

13 Don’t know

Survey 15








What is your current employment status?

1 Full-time employed

2 Part-time employed

3 Retired

4 Disabled

5 Full-time student

6 Homemaker

7 Unemployed

8 Other (specify)

Survey 2

Question 2-5


Were you ever a member of the armed forces? (Check all that apply)

0 No

1 Army

2 Navy

3 Marines

4 Air Force

5 Reserves/National Guard

6 Coast Guard

7 Don’t know

Survey 3


Were you ever deployed to a war arena? (Check all that apply)

0 No

1 World War II

2 Korean Conflict

3 Vietnam War

4 Persian Gulf

5 Afghanistan War

6 Persian Gulf II

7 Other (specify)

Survey 3


Over your lifetime (at least 100 days or more), have you ever had a job where you worked with the following pesticides? (Check all that apply)

0 No

1 Herbicides

2 Fungicides

3 Insecticides

4 Rodenticides

5 Fumigants

6 Don’t know

Survey 9

Box Row 1

Box Row 2

Box Row 3

Box Row 4

Box Row 5


Over your lifetime (at least 100 days or more), have you ever had a job where you were exposed to the following chemicals? (Check all that apply)

0 No

1 Glues or adhesives

2 Solvents and degreasers

3 Unleaded gasoline

4 Unleaded paint

5 Formaldehyde

6 Other chemicals (specify)

7 Don’t know

Survey 9

Box Row 6

Box Row 7

Box Row 8

Box Row 10

Box Row 12

Box Row 16


Over your lifetime (at least 100 days or more), have you ever had a job where you were exposed to the following metals/metal work? (Check all that apply)

0 No

1 Leaded gasoline

2 Lead paint

3 Soldering

4 Welding/brazing/flame cutting

5 Metal dust or fume

6 Don’t know

Survey 9

Box Row 9

Box Row 11

Box Row 13

Box Row 14

Box Row 15


Have you ever personally handled any of the following outside work (such as home or garden) for a potential exposure to pesticides? (Check all that apply)

0 No

1 Herbicides

2 Fungicides

3 Insecticides

4 Gardening

5 Don’t know

Survey 10

Survey 11

Row 3

Row 4

Row 1 and 2

Box Row 9


Have you ever personally handled any of the following outside work (such as home or garden) for a potential exposure to chemicals? (Check all that apply)

0 No

1 Pet tick/flea treatment (soaps, shampoos, dips, or powder)

2 Leatherwork

3 Oil-based painting

4 Woodworking

5 Car repairing/restoring

6 Using glue to build wooden/plastic models

7 Developing photographs

8 Don’t know

Survey 10

Survey 11

Row 5

Box Row 1

Box Row 3

Box Row 5

Box Row 6

Box Row 7

Box Row 8


Have you ever personally handled any of the following outside work (such as home or garden) for a potential exposure to metals? (Check all that apply)

0 No

1 Glazing pottery/ceramics

2 Remodeling/paint scraping on homes built before 1960

3 Soldering, welding, metal work

4 Outdoor hunting or shooting

5 Indoor range gun shooting

6 Bullet casting or reloading

7 Fishing with lead weights/sinkers

8 Knitting and jewelry making

9 Other hobbies (specify)

10 Don’t know

Survey 11

Box Row 2

Box Row 4

Box Row 10

Box Row 11

Box Row 12

Box Row 13

Box Row 14

Box Row 15

Box Row 16


To the best of your knowledge, have you ever lived for more than 6 months in areas with following environment? (Check all that apply)

0 No

1 Farm or ranch

2 Private well as source of water

3 Within ¼ miles of agricultural area sprayed with pesticides/herbicides

6 Don’t know

Survey 8

Question 4 1,2, 3

Question 5 1,2, 3

Question 6/6a 1,2, 3








Has any member of your immediate biological family member diagnosed with ALS, Parkinson’s, or Alzheimer’s disease? (Check all that apply)

0 No

1 Mother

2 Father

3 Sister

4 Brother

5 Children

6 Don’t know

Survey 6

Question M1-4

Question F1-4

Question 1, S1-4

Question 2, B1-4

Question 3, C1-5


Compared with the time before you had symptoms of ALS or another motor neuron disease: have you noticed changes in the following? (Check all that apply)

0 No

1 Speech

2 Amount of saliva

3 Swallowing

4 Handwriting

5 Ways of getting nutrition

6 Cutting food and handling utensils

7 Feeding tube use

8 Getting dressed and performing self-care activities

9 Turning in bed and adjusting bed sheet/blanket

10 Walking

11 Climbing stairs

12 Breathing and shortness of breath

13 Requiring respiratory support (BiPAP®)

14 Don’t know

Survey 7

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

Question 6

Question 7

Question 8

Question 9

Question 10

Question 11

Question 12-13

Question 14


In what part of the body did you first notice weakness that was diagnosed as ALS. (Check all that apply)

0 Not applicable

1 Speech and or swallowing muscles

2 Arm or hand

3 Neck, back or abdominal area

4 Leg or foot

5 Breathing muscles

6 All over my body

7 Don’t know

Survey 17

Question 1 (IF ANY)


Before you noticed weakness that turned out to be ALS, did you experience any of the following? (Check all that apply)

0 No

1 Cramps or muscle spasm

2 Scattered muscle twitching

3 Difficulty swallowing

4 Problems with speech

5 Difficulty controlling bowels or bladder

6 Don’t know

Survey 17

Question 3

Box Row 1

Box Row 2

Box Row 3

Box Row 4

Box Row 5


Have you ever used/had the following? (Check all that supply)

0 No

1 Wheelchair/Electric scooter

2 Breathing equipment (BiPap®)

3 Tracheostomy

4 Communication device

5 Hospice program

6 Don’t know

Survey 17

Question 5

Box Row 1

Box Row 2

Box Row 3

Box Row 4

Box Row 5


Since you developed ALS, have you had any of the following? (Check all that apply)

0 No

1 Pneumonia

2 Falls

3 Blood clot

4 Don’t know

Survey 17

Question 6


Have you taken the either riluzole (Rilutek®) and/or edaravone (Radicava®)?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

Survey 17

Question 4

Greyed out items are questions already covered in the Essential Questionnaire



No follow up questions.



1. What is your date of birth?  

Month Year

2. How old are you today?  years old

3. How old were you when you were told by a neurologist that you had ALS?  years old

4. What is your gender? 1 Male 2 Female

5. What is your current marital status?

1 Never married 2 Married 3 Separated

4 Divorced 5 Widowed 6 Living with partner

6. What is the highest level of education that you have completed?

15 Did not complete High School – Specify highest grad completed 55

2 High school diploma or GED

3 Technical or trade school diploma

4 Some college credit

5 College degree (AA, BA, BS, etc)

6 Graduate school degree 7 Other (specify):________________

7. Do you consider yourself Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino/Latina?

1 No 2 Yes, Puerto Rican

3 Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano 4 Yes, Cuban

5 Yes, other Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino/Latina (specify):

8. What do you consider to be your race or ethnic group? If you belong to more than one of these groups, please indicate all groups that apply to you.

1 White 2 Black or African-American

3 Native American or Alaska Native 4 Asian Indian

5 Chinese 6 Filipino

7 Japanese 8 Korean

9 Vietnamese 10 Other Asian (specify):_______________

11 Native Hawaiian 12 Guamanian or Chamorro

13 Samoan 14 Other Pacific Islander


99 Don’t know

19. In what country were you born?



We are now going to ask you to answer a few questions about your health-related lifestyle factors.


10. What is your current height? (ft)  (in)

11. What is your current weight?  (lbs)

12. What was your height at age 40 years? (ft)  (in)

13. What was your weight at age 40 years?  (lbs)


1. Have you ever smoked one or more cigarettes per day for six months or longer?

1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

2. If yes, how old were you when you first started smoking one or more cigarettes per day?  years old

3. Are you still a cigarette smoker?

1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

4. If no, at what age did you last stop smoking cigarettes?

 years old

5. During periods when you smoked, for how many years in total did you smoke cigarettes?

 years

6. During periods when you smoked, how many cigarettes did you usually smoke in a day? One pack contains 20 cigarettes.

 number cigarettes per day


7. Did you ever drink alcoholic beverages such as wine, beer and spirits at least once a month for 6 months or more?

1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

8. Are you still drinking alcoholic beverages at least once per month?

1 Yes 2 No

9. During periods when you were drinking alcoholic beverages, for how many years in total did you drink alcoholic beverages?  years

10. During periods when you were drinking, how many alcoholic beverages did you usually have in a week OR month? A drink is 12 oz. beer, 4 ounces of wine or a drink containing 1 oz. of liquor. Please select week or month.

 number of drinks per 1 week OR 2 month


1. Have you ever engaged in a routine that includes vigorous leisure-time physical activity for at least 10 minutes a day that caused heavy sweating or large increases in breathing or heart rate?

1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

2. If yes, please indicate the number of times per week, month OR year that you engaged in vigorous activity for at least 10 minutes for each age period (up to your current age period).

Age period

Engaged in Physical Activity

Number of Times

Please check one

Week Month Year

15-24 years

1 Yes 2 No


1 2 3

25-34 years

1 Yes 2 No 3 Age not applicable


1 2 3

35-44 years

1 Yes 2 No 3 Age not applicable


1 2 3

45-54 years

1 Yes 2 No 3 Age not applicable


1 2 3

55-64 years

1 Yes 2 No 3 Age not applicable


1 2 3

65 years or older

1 Yes 2 No 3 Age not applicable


1 2 3


The next questions pertain to your usual caffeine habits as an adult. By usual, we mean drinking the beverage at least once a month for six months or more.

Did you ever drink espresso or espresso drinks (Latte, Mocha, Americano)? A serving of espresso is 1 shot.


2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST drink espresso or espresso drinks at least once per month?

Age 

Are you still drinking espresso or espresso drinks at least once per month?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

If no, at what age did you LAST drink espresso or espresso drinks at least once per month?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. Were there any periods of time during these __ __ years when you did NOT drink espresso or espresso drinks? If no, then record as 00 years).

 Years

During the periods when you did drink espresso, how often (per day, week, month or year) did you drink them?

 number of drinks per

Please check one

1 day OR 2 week OR

3 month OR 4 year

Did you ever drink caffeinated coffee? A serving of coffee is 8 ounces.


2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST drink caffeinated coffee at least once per month?

Age 

Are you still drinking caffeinated coffee at least once per month?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

If no, at what age did you LAST drink caffeinated coffee at least once per month?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT drink caffeinated coffee?

 Years

During the periods when you did drink caffeinated coffee, how often (per day, week, month or year) did you drink it?

 number of drinks per

Please check one

1 day OR 2 week OR

3 month OR 4 year

Did you ever drink caffeinated tea (green or black), hot or iced? A serving of tea is 8 oz.


2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST drink caffeinated tea at least once per month?

Age 

Are you still drinking caffeinated tea at least once per month?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

If no, at what age did you LAST drink caffeinated tea at least once per month?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT drink caffeinated tea?

 Years

During the periods when you did drink caffeinated tea, how often (per day, week, month or year) did you drink them?

 number of drinks per

Please check one

1 day OR 2 week OR

3 month OR 4 year

Did you ever drink highly caffeinated drinks, including Jolt®, Surge®, Mountain Dew MDX®, Red Bull®? A serving of these drinks is a 12 oz can.


2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST drink highly caffeinated drinks at least once per month?

Age 

Are you still drinking highly caffeinated drinks at least once per month?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

If no, at what age did you LAST drink highly caffeinated drinks at least once per month?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT drink highly caffeinated drinks?

 Years

During the periods when you did drink highly caffeinated drinks, how often (per day, week, month or year) did you drink them?

1 number of drinks per

Please check one

1 day OR 2 week OR

3 month OR 4 year

Did you ever drink caffeinated soda, including colas, Barq’s Root Beer ® or regular Mountain Dew®? A serving of colas or root beer is a 12 oz can.


2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST drink caffeinated soda at least once per month?

Age 

Are you still drinking caffeinated soda at least once per month?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

If no, at what age did you LAST drink caffeinated soda at least once per month?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT drink caffeinated soda?

 Years

During the periods when you did drink caffeinated soda, how often (per day, week, month or year) did you drink them?

 number of drinks per

Please check one

1 day OR 2 week OR

3 month OR 4 year



The next questions are about injuries to your head and/or neck that that you may have had at anytime in your life. These may have occurred during sporting activities, from falls, violence, car accidents or other accidents. Please include injuries from both childhood and adulthood.

Have you ever had an injury to your head or neck? Think about any childhood injuries you remember or were told about.


2 No

9 Don’t know


How many head or neck injuries have you had?

Num. 

At what age did the FIRST injury occur?


Did you lose consciousness from this injury?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know


How long were you unconscious?

1 Less than 5 minutes

2 5-59 minutes

3 1-24 hours

4 Longer than a day

9 Don’t know

Did you go to the emergency room or were you hospitalized for this injury?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

From this injury, did you have any of the following (check all that apply)?

1 Skull fracture

2 Seizure

3 Memory loss, amnesia

4 None of the above

9 Don’t know

Have you ever injured your head or neck in a car accident or from some other moving vehicle accident (e.g. motorcycle, ATV)?


2 No

9 Don’t know


How many accidents have you had?

Num. 

At what age did the FIRST accident occur?


Did you lose consciousness from this accident?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know


How long were you unconscious?

1 Less than 5 minutes

2 5-59 minutes

3 1-24 hours

4 Longer than a day

9 Don’t know

Did you go to the emergency room or were you hospitalized for this injury?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

From this injury, did you have any of the following (check all that apply)?

1 Skull fracture

2 Seizure

3 Memory loss, amnesia

4 None of the above

9 Don’t know

Have you ever injured your head or neck in a fall or from being hit by something (e.g., falling from a bike, horse, or rollerblades, falling on ice, being hit by a rock)? Have you ever injured your head or neck playing sports or on the playground?


2 No

9 Don’t know


How many head or neck injuries from a fall or being hit by something have you had?

Num. 

At what age did the FIRST head or neck injury from a fall or being hit by something occur?


Did you lose consciousness from this injury?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know


How long were you unconscious?

1 Less than 5 minutes

2 5-59 minutes

3 1-24 hours

4 Longer than a day

9 Don’t know

Did you go to the emergency room or were you hospitalized for this injury?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

From this injury, did you have any of the following (check all that apply)?

1 Skull fracture

2 Seizure

3 Memory loss, amnesia

4 None of the above

9 Don’t know

Have you ever injured your head or neck in a fight, from being hit by someone, or from being shaken violently? Have you ever been shot in the head?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know


How many head or neck injuries have you had in a fight or from other violence?

Num. 

At what age did the FIRST head or neck injury in a fight or from other violence occur?


Did you lose consciousness from this injury?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know


How long were you unconscious?

1 Less than 5 minutes

2 5-59 minutes

3 1-24 hours

4 Longer than a day

9 Don’t know

Did you go to the emergency room or were you hospitalized for this injury?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

From this injury, did you have any of the following (check all that apply)?

1 Skull fracture

2 Seizure

3 Memory loss, amnesia

4 None of the above

9 Don’t know

Have you ever been nearby when an explosion or blast occurred? If you served in the military, think about any combat, or training related incidents?


2 No

9 Don’t know


How many times were you near an explosion or blast?

Num. 

At what age did the FIRST head or neck injury from an explosion or blast occur?

Age 

Did you lose consciousness from this injury?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know


How long were you unconscious?

1 Less than 5 minutes

2 5-59 minutes

3 1-24 hours

4 Longer than a day

9 Don’t know

Did you go to the emergency room or were you hospitalized for this injury?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

From this injury, did you have any of the following (check all that apply)?

1 Skull fracture

2 Seizure

3 Memory loss, amnesia

4 None of the above

9 Don’t know


Have you ever received a severe electrical shock that resulted in unconsciousness?


2 No

9 Don’t know


How many shocks of this type have you received?

Number of times

At what age did you FIRST receive a shock that resulted in unconsciousness?

Age 

Have you ever received a severe electrical shock that resulted in a burn?


2 No

9 Don’t know


How many shocks of this type have you received?

Number of times

At what age did you FIRST receive a shock that resulted in a burn?

Age 

Have you ever received a severe electrical shock that did not result in unconsciousness or a burn?


2 No

9 Don’t know


How many shocks of this type have you received?

Number of times 

At what age did you FIRST receive a shock that did not result in unconsciousness or a burn?

Age 


What kind of health insurance or health care coverage do you have? Exclude private plans that only provide extra cash while hospitalized. If you have more than one kind of health insurance, please check the box next to each plan that you have.

Please mark all that apply


Private health insurance (non-HMO employer-sponsored) 2


MEDI-GAP (private insurance that supplements Medicare) 4


VA (Veteran’s Administration) 6

Other military health care (CHAMP, TRICARE, Department of Defense health plans) 7

Indian Health Service 8

State-sponsored health plan 9

Other government program (specify: _______________________________________) 10

Other health insurance plan: (specify: ______________________________________) 13

No health care coverage of any type 11

Don’t know 12



1. What is your current employment status?

1 Full-time employed 2 Part-time employed

3 Retired 4 Disabled

5 Full-time student 6 Homemaker

7 Unemployed 8 Other (specify):________________

2. If currently employed, what is your occupation? Please indicate your job title and the industry in which you work.





3. For how many years have you been employed in this occupation?  years

4. Thinking about your entire working career, in which job were you employed for the longest period of time? Please indicate your job title, occupation, and the industry in which you worked.





5. For how many years were you employed in this occupation?  years


1. Were you ever a member of the armed forces?

1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

2. If yes, in which branch of service were you employed?

1 Army 2 Navy 3 Marines

4 Air Force 5 Reserves/National Guard 6 Coast Guard

3. Were you ever deployed to a war arena?

1 Yes 2 No

4. If yes, to which war arena were you deployed?

1 World War II 2 Korean Conflict

3 Vietnam War 4 Persian Gulf

5 Afghanistan War 6 Persian Gulf II

7 Other (specify):________________


We are interested in the location of your residences for all the places where you lived for a period of 6 months or longer. Starting with the place where you were born, indicate the city and state (or country) of each place where you lived for 6 months or longer. If you lived on a farm, please give the nearest city or town. If you moved to a different residence within the same city, please include each home or dwelling as a separate entry.

Helpful Hint: Consider making a list of places you have lived before you start this survey.

1. At what age did you move to your next residence of 6 months or longer?

2. In what city or town was this residence?

3. In what state (or country) was this residence?

4. Was this residence a farm or a ranch?

5. Was your main source of drinking water at this residence a private well?

6. Was this residence within ¼ mile of an agricultural area that was sprayed with pesticides or herbicides?

6a. IF YES

How often did the pesticide or herbicide spraying happen?




1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

1 < 1 time/year

2 1-3 times/year

3 > 4 times/year

9 Don’t know

AFTER EVERY RESIDENCE ASK: Was this your current or most recent residence? 1 Yes 2 No (if no go to Next Residence)

 years old



1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

1 < 1 time/year

2 1-3 times/year

3 > 4 times/year

9 Don’t know

 years old



1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

1 < 1 time/year

2 1-3 times/year

3 > 4 times/year

9 Don’t know

 years old



1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

1 < 1 time/year

2 1-3 times/year

3 > 4 times/year

9 Don’t know

 years old



1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

1 < 1 time/year

2 1-3 times/year

3 > 4 times/year

9 Don’t know


The following questions ask about pesticides or chemicals that you may have used at work during at least 100 days or more during your lifetime.


We are interested in those pesticide products that you personally handled on the JOB, either by preparing them prior to application, by applying them yourself or by helping to clean up after they were applied.

Over your lifetime (at least 100 days or more), have you ever had a JOB where you handled HERBICIDES (to kill weeds)?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST handle herbicides?


At what age did you LAST handle herbicides?


This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT use herbicides?

Years 

Over your lifetime (at least 100 days or more), have you ever had a JOB where you handled FUNGICIDES (to control mildew, mold or rot)?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST handle fungicides?


At what age did you LAST handle fungicides?


This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT use fungicides?

Years 

Over your lifetime (at least 100 days or more), have you ever had a JOB where you handled INSECTICIDES (to control insects or pests)?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST handle insecticides?


At what age did you LAST handle insecticides?


This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT use insecticides?

Years 

Over your lifetime (at least 100 days or more), have you ever had a JOB where you handled RODENTICIDES (to kill rats or mice)?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST handle rodenticides?


At what age did you LAST handle rodenticides?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT use rodenticides?

Years 

Over your lifetime (at least 100 days or more), have you ever had a JOB where you handled FUMIGANTS (gas used to kill fungus, mold or insects)?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST handle fumigants?


At what age did you LAST handle fumigants?


This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT use fumigants?

Years 


Over your lifetime (at least 100 days or more), have you ever had a JOB where you used GLUES OR ADHESIVES?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST use glues or adhesives?


At what age did you LAST use glues or adhesives?


This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT use glues or adhesives?

Years 

Over your lifetime (at least 100 days or more), have you ever had a JOB where you used SOLVENTS AND DEGREASERS?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST use solvents and degreasers?


At what age did you LAST use solvents and degreasers?


This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT use solvents and degreasers?

Years 

Over your lifetime (at least 100 days or more), have you ever had a JOB where you worked with UNLEADED GASOLINE?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST work with unleaded gasoline?


At what age did you LAST work with unleaded gasoline?


This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT use unleaded gasoline?

Years 

Over your lifetime (at least 100 days or more), have you ever had a JOB where you worked with LEADED GASOLINE?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST work with leaded gasoline?


At what age did you LAST work with leaded gasoline?


This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT use leaded gasoline?

Years 

Over your lifetime (at least 100 days or more), have you ever had a JOB where you used UNLEADED PAINT?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST use unleaded paint?


At what age did you LAST use unleaded paint?


This is a total of __ __ years For how many of those years did you NOT use unleaded paint?

Years 

Over your lifetime (at least 100 days or more), have you ever had a JOB where you used LEADED PAINT?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST use leaded paint?


At what age did you LAST use leaded paint?


This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT use leaded paint?

Years 

Over your lifetime (at least 100 days or more), have you ever had a JOB where you used FORMALDEHYDE?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST use formaldehyde?


At what age did you LAST use formaldehyde?


This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT use formaldehyde?

Years 


Over your lifetime (at least 100 days or more), have you ever had a JOB where you SOLDERED?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST solder?

Age 

At what age did you LAST solder?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT solder?

Years 

What specific metals or materials did you solder?

Tin: 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

Silver: 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

Other metals or alloy: 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

IF OTHER: Specify:


Over your lifetime (at least 100 days or more), have you ever had a JOB where you WELDED, BRAZED OR FLAME CUT METALS?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST weld, braze or flame cut metals?

Age 

At what age did you LAST weld, braze or flame cut metals?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT weld, braze or flame cut metals?

Years 

What specific metals or materials did you weld, braze or flame cut?

Steel: 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

Iron, copper or aluminum 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

Brass or bronze 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

Lead 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

Other metals or alloy: 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

IF OTHER: Specify:


Over your lifetime (at least 100 days or more), have you ever had a JOB where you were exposed to METAL DUST OR METAL FUMES?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age were you FIRST exposed to metal dust of metal fumes?


At what age were you LAST exposed to metal dust of metal fumes?


This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years were you NOT exposed to metal dust of metal fumes?

Years 

To which specific metal dust or metal fumes were you exposed?

Steel: 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

Iron, copper or aluminum 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

Brass or bronze 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

Lead 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

Other metals or alloy: 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

IF OTHER: Specify:



Over your lifetime (at least 100 days or more), have you ever had a JOB where you worked with ANY OTHER CHEMICAL?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know


Please specify:




At what age did you FIRST work with this chemical?


At what age did you LAST work with this chemical?


This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT use this chemical?

Years 

Over your lifetime (at least 100 days or more), have you ever had a JOB where you worked with ANY OTHER CHEMICAL?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know


Please specify:




At what age did you FIRST work with this chemical?


At what age did you LAST work with this chemical?


This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT use this chemical?

Years 


The following questions are about chemicals or home pesticides that you used to kill insects, plants, weeds, mold or mildew, or other pests in or around any house or apartment where you lived. We are interested only in those products that you personally handled, either by preparing them prior to application, by applying them yourself, or by helping to clean up after they were applied. Please consider products that you have personally handled at any time in your life.

Please consider only the time from 10 years of age to the present.

Have you ever personally handled insecticides to control insects and pests in your home?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you first handle insecticides in the home?

Age 

At what age did you last handle insecticides in the home?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you not handle insecticides in your home?

Age 

During the periods when you did use insecticides in the home, how many days per year did you use them?

 days per year

Have you ever personally handled insecticides to control insects and pests in your lawn or garden?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you first handle insecticides in the lawn or garden?

Age 

At what age did you last handle insecticides in the lawn or garden?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you not handle insecticides in the lawn or garden?

Age 

During the periods when you did use insecticides in the lawn or garden, how many days per year did you use them?

 days per year

Have you ever used herbicides or weed killers to control weeds or plants in your lawn, garden, or other areas around the home?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you first handle herbicides in the lawn or garden?

Age 

At what age did you last handle herbicides in the lawn or garden?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you not use herbicides in the lawn or garden?

Age 

During the periods when you did use herbicides in the lawn or garden, how many days per year did you use them?

 days per year

Have you ever used fungicides to control mildew or rot in your home or plant mold in the garden?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you first handle fungicides in the home or garden?

Age 

At what age did you last handle fungicides in the home or garden?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you not use fungicides?

Age 

During the periods when you did use fungicides in the home or garden, how many days per year did you use them?

 days per year

Have you ever personally applied chemical soaps, shampoos, dips or powders to kill fleas, ticks or other insects on a pet, such as a dog or a cat?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you first apply these substances to your pet(s)?

Age 

At what age did you last apply these substances to your pet(s)?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you not apply these substances to your pets?

Age 

During the periods when you did use these substances, how many days per year did you apply them to your pet(s)?

 days per year


The following questions are about home activities and hobbies you have performed on a regular basis, that is, for at least one hour each month for at least one year or more. Please consider only the time from when you were 10 years old to the present.

Have you ever done leather work (such as making belts, purses etc.)?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST do leather work?

Age 

At what age did you LAST do leather work?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT do leather work?

Years 

During the period when you did leather work, how many hours each month did you perform the activity?

 hours/month

Have you ever lead glazed pottery or other ceramics?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST glaze pottery or other ceramics?

Age 

At what age did you LAST glaze pottery or other ceramics?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT glaze pottery or other ceramics?

Years 

During the period when you did glaze pottery or other ceramics, how many hours each month did you perform the activity?

 hours/month

Have you ever painted pictures or furniture with oil-based paint?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST paint pictures or furniture with oil-based paint?

Age 

At what age did you LAST paint pictures or furniture with oil-based paint?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT paint pictures or furniture with oil-based paint?

Years 

During the period when you did paint pictures or furniture with oil-based paint, how many hours each month did you perform the activity?

 hours/month

Have you ever done home remodeling projects that involved scraping, stripping, burning and sanding paint? Please count only houses built before 1960.

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST do home remodeling projects that involved scraping, stripping, burning and sanding paint on houses built before 1960?

Age 

At what age did you LAST do home remodeling projects that involved scraping, stripping, burning and sanding paint on houses built before 1960?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT do home remodeling projects that involved scraping, stripping, burning and sanding paint on houses built before 1960?

Years 

During the period when you did home remodeling projects that involved scraping, stripping, burning and sanding paint on houses built before 1960, how many hours each month did you perform the activity?

 hours/month

Have you ever done woodworking?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST do woodworking?

Age 

At what age did you LAST do woodworking?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT do woodworking?

Years 

During the period when you did woodworking, how many hours each month did you perform the activity?

 hours/month

Have you ever painted, repaired or restored old cars, other than fixing a flat tire or changing oil?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST paint, repair or restore old cars, other than fixing a flat tire or changing oil?

Age 

At what age did you LAST paint, repair or restore old cars, other than fixing a flat tire or changing oil?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT paint, repair or restore old cars, other than fixing a flat tire or changing oil?

Years 

During the period when you did paint, repair or restore old cars, other than fixing a flat tire or changing oil, how many hours each month did you perform the activity?

 hours/month

Have you ever built wooden or plastic models using glue?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST build wooden or plastic models using glue?

Age 

At what age did you LAST build wooden or plastic models using glue?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT build wooden or plastic models using glue?

Years 

During the period when you did build wooden or plastic models using glue, how many hours each month did you perform the activity?

 hours/month

Have you ever developed photographs?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST develop photographs?

Age 

At what age did you LAST develop photographs?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT develop photographs?

Years 

During the period when you did develop photographs, how many hours each month did you perform the activity?

 hours/month

Have you ever done gardening?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST do gardening?

Age 

At what age did you LAST do gardening?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT do gardening?

Years 

During the period when you did gardening, how many hours each month did you perform the activity?

 hours/month

Have you done soldering, welding, or metal work (such as sculpting, garden structures, etc.)?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST solder, weld, or do metal work?

Age 

At what age did you LAST solder, weld, or do metal work?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT solder, weld, or do metal work?

Years 

During the period when you did solder, weld, or do metal work, how many hours each month did you perform the activity?

 hours/month

Have you ever done outdoor hunting or shooting with guns, including animals, skeet, trap or targets?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST do outdoor hunting or shooting with guns, including animals, skeet, trap or targets?

Age 

At what age did you LAST do outdoor hunting or shooting with guns, including animals, skeet, trap or targets?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT do outdoor hunting or shooting with guns, including animals, skeet, trap or targets?

Years 

During the period when you did outdoor hunting or shooting with guns, including animals, skeet, trap or targets, how many hours each year did you perform the activity?

 hours/year

Have you ever done gun shooting in an indoor pistol or rifle range?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST do gun shooting in an indoor pistol or rifle range?

Age 

At what age did you LAST do gun shooting in an indoor pistol or rifle range?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT do gun shooting in an indoor pistol or rifle range?

Years 

During the period when you did gun shooting in an indoor pistol or rifle range, how many hours each month did you perform the activity?

 hours/month

Have you ever done casting of bullets or reloading of ammunition?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST do casting of bullets or reloading of ammunition?

Age 

At what age did you LAST do casting of bullets or reloading of ammunition?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT do casting of bullets or reloading of ammunition?

Years 

During the period when you did casting of bullets or reloading of ammunition, how many hours each month did you perform the activity?

 hours/month

Have you ever done fishing using lead weights or sinkers?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

At what age did you FIRST do fishing using lead weights or sinkers?

Age 

At what age did you LAST do fishing using lead weights or sinkers?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT do fishing using lead weights or sinkers?

Years 

During the period when you did fishing using lead weights or sinkers, how many hours each month did you perform the activity?

 hours/month

Have you ever done any other HOBBY, such as knitting, making jewelry? Please DO NOT consider physical activity, electronic games, writing as hobbies.

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

If Yes, please specify hobby:


At what age did you FIRST do this HOBBY?

Age 

At what age did you LAST do this HOBBY?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT do this HOBBY?

Years 

During the period when you did this HOBBY, how many hours each month did you perform the activity?

 hours/month

Have you ever done any other HOBBY such as knitting, making jewelry? Please DO NOT consider physical activity, electronic games, writing as hobbies.

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

If Yes, please specify hobby:


At what age did you FIRST do this HOBBY?

Age 

At what age did you LAST do this HOBBY?

Age 

This is a total of __ __ years. For how many of those years did you NOT do this HOBBY?

Years 

During the period when you did this HOBBY, how many hours each month did you perform the activity?

 hours/month


The following questions are about your menstrual periods.

How old were you when you had your first menstrual period?

Age 

Have you had at least one menstrual period in the past 12 months? Please do not include bleedings caused by medical conditions, hormone therapy, or surgeries.

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know


What is the reason that you have not had a period in the past 12 months?

1 Pregnancy

2 Breast feeding

3 Menopause/Hysterectomy

4 Medical conditions/Treatments

5 Other: Please specify


9 Don’t know

How old were you when you had your LAST menstrual period?

Age 

The next questions are about your pregnancy and childbirth history.

Have you ever been pregnant?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know


How many times have you been pregnant? Please count all pregnancies including, live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies or abortions)

Number of pregnancies 

Are you currently pregnant?

1 Yes

2 No

9 Don’t know

How many deliveries resulted in a live birth?

Number of live births 

How old were you at the time of your FIRST live birth?

Age 

How old were you at the time of your LAST live birth?

Age 



1. Have you ever participated in organized sports?

1Shape1 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, END survey

NOTE: Organized sports are those that are played within a school or league setting. This does not include casual playing at home or in your community.


2. Did you play organized football?

1Shape4 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 7

2a. At what age did you FIRST start playing football?

Shape7 Shape8 Age

2b. At what age did you LAST play football?

Shape9 Shape10 Age

3. Did you play football professionally or semi-professionally?

(Note: this does not include college football)

1Shape11 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 4

3a. At what age did you FIRST start playing professional or semi-professional football?

Shape14 Shape15 Age

3b. At what age did you LAST play professional or semi-professional football?

Shape16 Shape17 Age

3c. In what league did you play while playing football professionally or semi-professionally?

(Select all that apply)



2Shape19 AFL

3Shape21 Shape20 CFL

4Shape22 NFL Europe

5Shape23 Arena League

6Shape24 XFL

7Shape25 Other: _________

9 Don’t know

*Specify other

3d. While playing professional or semi-professional football what did you play?

1Shape27 Shape26 Offense

2 Defense

3Shape29 Shape28 Special Teams

9 Don’t know

If Don’t know, skip to Question 4

3di. Answer if you played an OFFENSIVE position.

What primary offensive position did you play while playing professional or semi-professional football?

1Shape30 Tackle

2Shape31 Guard

3Shape33 Shape32 Center

4Shape34 Tight End

5 Other Offensive

Shape35 Linemen

6Shape36 Quarterback

7 Half Back

8Shape37 Full Back

9Shape38 Running Back

1Shape40 Shape39 0 Slot Back

1Shape41 1 Wide Receiver

12 Other:_________

9Shape42 9 Don’t know

*Specify other

3dii. Answer if you played a DEFENSIVE position.

What primary defensive position did you play while playing professional or semi-professional football?

1Shape43 Defensive Tackle

2Shape44 Defensive Guard

3Shape46 Shape45 Nose Guard

4Shape47 Nose Tackle

5 Other Defensive

Shape48 Linemen

6 Middle Linebacker

7Shape49 Strong Side


8Shape50 Weak Side


9Shape51 Outside


1Shape53 Shape52 0 Other Linebacker

1Shape54 1 Cornerback

12 Safety

1Shape55 3 Strong Safety

1Shape56 4 Free Safety

1Shape57 5 Other Defensive

Shape58 Back

16 Other:_________

9Shape59 9 Don’t know

*Specify other

3diii. Answer if you played a SPECIAL TEAMS position.

What primary special teams position did you play while playing professional or semi-professional football?

1Shape60 Punter

2Shape61 Kicker

3Shape63 Shape62 Kick Returner

4Shape64 Gunner

5Shape65 Wedge Buster

6Shape66 Return Blocker

7Shape67 Kick Coverage

8Shape68 FT/PAT Lineman

9Shape69 Other: _________

99 Don’t know

*Specify other

4. Did you play football in college?

1Shape70 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 5

4a. At what age did you FIRST start playing college football?

Shape73 Shape74 Age

4b. At what age did you LAST college football?

Shape75 Shape76 Age

4c. In what league did you play while playing college football?

(Select all that apply)


1 Division I/FBS

2Shape78 Division II/FCS

3Shape80 Shape79 Division II

4Shape81 Division III

5Shape82 NAIA

6 Other: ________

9Shape83 Don’t know

*Specify other

4d. While playing college football what did you play?

1Shape84 Offense

2Shape85 Defense

3Shape87 Shape86 Special Teams

9 Don’t know

If Don’t know, skip to Question 5

4di. Answer if you played an OFFENSIVE position.

What primary offensive position did you play while playing college football?

1Shape88 Tackle

2Shape89 Guard

3Shape91 Shape90 Center

4Shape92 Tight End

5 Other Offensive

Shape93 Linemen

6Shape94 Quarterback

7 Half Back

8Shape95 Full Back

9Shape96 Running Back

1Shape98 Shape97 0 Slot Back

1Shape99 1 Wide Receiver

12 Other:_________

9Shape100 Don’t know

*Specify other

4dii. Answer if you played a DEFENSIVE position.

What primary defensive position did you play while playing college football?

1Shape101 Defensive Tackle

2Shape102 Defensive Guard

3Shape104 Shape103 Nose Guard

4Shape105 Nose Tackle

5 Other Defensive

Shape106 Linemen

6 Middle Linebacker

7Shape107 Strong Side


8Shape108 Weak Side


9Shape109 Outside


1Shape111 Shape110 0 Other Linebacker

1Shape112 1 Cornerback

12 Safety

1Shape113 3 Strong Safety

1Shape114 4 Free Safety

1Shape115 5 Other Defensive

Shape116 Back

16 Other:_________

9Shape117 Don’t know

*Specify other

4diii. Answer if you played a SPECIAL TEAMS position.

What primary special teams position did you play while playing college football?

1Shape118 Punter

2Shape119 Kicker

3Shape121 Shape120 Kick Returner

4Shape122 Gunner

5Shape123 Wedge Buster

6Shape124 Return Blocker

7 Kick Coverage

8Shape125 FT/PAT Lineman

9Shape126 Shape127 Other: _________

9 Don’t know

*Specify other

5. Did you play football in high school?

1Shape128 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 6

5a. At what age did you FIRST start playing high school football?

Shape132 Shape131 Age

5b. At what age did you LAST high school football?

Shape134 Shape133 Age

5c. While playing high school football what did you play?

1Shape135 Offense

2Shape136 Defense

3Shape138 Shape137 Special Teams

9 Don’t know

If Don’t know, skip to Question 6

5ci. Answer if you played an OFFENSIVE position.

What primary offensive position did you play while playing high school football?

1Shape139 Tackle

2Shape140 Guard

3Shape142 Shape141 Center

4Shape143 Tight End

5 Other Offensive

Shape144 Linemen

6Shape145 Quarterback

7 Half Back

8Shape146 Full Back

9Shape147 Running Back

1Shape149 Shape148 0 Slot Back

1Shape150 1 Wide Receiver

12 Other:_________

9Shape151 9 Don’t know

*Specify other

5cii. Answer if you played a DEFENSIVE position.

What primary defensive position did you play while playing high school football?

1Shape152 Defensive Tackle

2Shape153 Defensive Guard

3Shape155 Shape154 Nose Guard

4Shape156 Nose Tackle

5 Other Defensive

Shape157 Linemen

6 Middle Linebacker

7Shape158 Strong Side


8Shape159 Weak Side


9Shape160 Outside


1Shape162 Shape161 0 Other Linebacker

1Shape163 1 Cornerback

12 Safety

1Shape164 3 Strong Safety

1Shape165 4 Free Safety

1Shape166 5 Other Defensive

Shape167 Back

16 Other:_________

9Shape168 9 Don’t know

*Specify other

5ciii. Answer if you played a SPECIAL TEAMS position.

What primary special teams position did you play while playing high school football?

1Shape169 Punter

2Shape170 Kicker

3Shape172 Shape171 Kick Returner

4Shape173 Gunner

5Shape174 Wedge Buster

6Shape175 Return Blocker

7Shape176 Kick Coverage

8Shape177 FT/PAT Lineman

9 Other: ___________________

9Shape178 9 Don’t know

*Specify other

6. Did you play football prior to high school?

1Shape179 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 7

6a. At what age did you FIRST start playing football prior to high school?

Shape183 Shape182 Age

6b. At what age did you LAST start playing football prior to high school?

Shape185 Shape184 Age

6c. While playing football prior to high school what did you play?

1Shape186 Offense

2Shape187 Defense

3Shape189 Shape188 Special Teams

9 Don’t know

If Don’t know, skip to Question 7

6ci. Answer if you played an OFFENSIVE position.

What primary offensive position did you play while playing high school football?

1Shape190 Tackle

2Shape191 Guard

3Shape193 Shape192 Center

4Shape194 Tight End

5 Other Offensive

Shape195 Linemen

6Shape196 Quarterback

7 Half Back

8Shape197 Full Back

9Shape198 Running Back

1Shape200 Shape199 0 Slot Back

1Shape201 1 Wide Receiver

12 Other:_________

9Shape202 9 Don’t know

*Specify other

6cii. Answer if you played a DEFENSIVE position.

What primary defensive position did you play while playing high school football?

1Shape203 Defensive Tackle

2Shape204 Defensive Guard

3Shape205 Nose Guard

4Shape206 Nose Tackle

5Shape207 Other Defensive

Shape208 Linemen

6 Middle Linebacker

7Shape209 Strong Side


8Shape210 Weak Side


9Shape211 Outside


1Shape213 Shape212 0 Other Linebacker

1Shape214 1 Cornerback

12 Safety

1Shape215 3 Strong Safety

1Shape216 4 Free Safety

1Shape217 5 Other Defensive

Shape218 Back

16 Other:_________

9Shape219 9 Don’t know

*Specify other

6ciii. Answer if you played a SPECIAL TEAMS position.

What primary special teams position did you play while playing high school football?

1Shape220 Punter

2Shape221 Kicker

3Shape223 Shape222 Kick Returner

4Shape224 Gunner

5Shape225 Wedge Buster

6Shape226 Return Blocker

7Shape227 Kick Coverage

8Shape228 FT/PAT Lineman

9 Other: __________________

9Shape229 9 Don’t know

*Specify other


7. Did you play organized hockey?

1Shape230 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 14

7a. At what age did you FIRST start playing hockey?

Shape233 Shape234 Age

7b. At what age did you LAST play hockey?

Shape235 Shape236 Age

8. Did you play hockey professionally?

(Note: this ONLY refers to playing in the NHL, AHL, or ECHL)

1Shape237 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 9

8a. At what age did you FIRST start playing professional hockey?

Shape240 Shape241 Age

8b. At what age did you LAST play professional hockey?

Shape242 Shape243 Age

8c. In what league did you play while playing professional hockey?

(Select all that apply)



2Shape245 AHL

3Shape246 ECHL Shape247

4 Other: _________

*Specify other

8d. What primary position did you play while playing professional hockey?

1Shape248 Lt Wing

2Shape249 Rt Wing

3Shape251 Shape250 Wing

4Shape252 Forward

5 Center

6Shape253 Lt Defensemen

7Shape254 Rt Defensemen

8Shape256 Shape255 Defensemen

9 Goalie

1Shape258 Shape257 0 Other: ___________________

99 Don’t know

*Specify other

8e. Were you ever an enforcer while playing professional hockey?

1Shape259 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

9. Did you play hockey semi-professionally or at the junior level?

(Note: this does NOT include college or high school teams)

1Shape262 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 10

9a. At what age did you FIRST start playing semi-professional or junior level hockey?

Shape266 Shape265 Age

9b. At what age did you LAST play semi-professional or junior level hockey?

Shape267 Shape268 Age

9c. What primary position did you play while playing hockey semi-professionally or at the junior level?

1Shape269 Lt Wing

2Shape270 Rt Wing

3Shape272 Shape271 Wing

4Shape273 Forward

5 Center

6Shape274 Lt Defensemen

7Shape275 Rt Defensemen

8Shape276 Defensemen

9Shape277 Goalie

1Shape278 Shape279 0 Other: _________

99 Don’t know

*Specify other

9d. Were you ever an enforcer while playing hockey semi-professionally or at the junior level?

1Shape280 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

10. Did you play hockey in college?

1Shape283 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 11

10a. At what age did you FIRST start playing college hockey?

Shape286 Shape287 Age

*Please do not include years possibly covered by time playing semi-professional or junior level hockey

10b. At what age did you LAST play college hockey?

Shape288 Shape289 Age

*Please do not include years possibly covered by time playing semi-professional or junior level hockey

10c. In what league did you play while playing college hockey?

(Select all that apply)


1 Division I

2Shape291 Division II

3Shape292 Division IIIShape293

4 NShape294 AIA

5 Other: _________

9Shape295 Don’t know

*Specify other

10d. What primary position did you play while playing college hockey?

1Shape296 Lt Wing

2Shape297 Rt Wing

3Shape299 Shape298 Wing

4Shape300 Forward

5 Center

6Shape301 Lt. Defensemen

7Shape302 Rt. Defensemen

8Shape304 Shape303 Defensemen

9 Goalie

1Shape305 0 Other: ___________________

9Shape306 9 Don’t know

*Specify other

10e. Were you ever an enforcer while playing college hockey?

1Shape307 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

11. Did you play hockey in high school?


1 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 12

11a. At what age did you FIRST start playing high school hockey?

Shape314 Shape313 Age

Please include post-graduate year if applicable, but not time played at any previously mentioned level.

11b. At what age did you LAST play high school hockey?

Shape316 Shape315 Age

Please include post-graduate year if applicable, but not time played at any previously mentioned level.

11c. What primary position did you play while playing high school hockey?

1Shape317 Lt Wing

2Shape318 Rt Wing

3Shape320 Shape319 Wing

4Shape321 Forward

5 Center

6Shape322 Lt Defensemen

7Shape323 Rt Defensemen

8Shape324 Defensemen

9Shape325 Goalie

1Shape326 0 Other: ____________________

9Shape327 9 Don’t know

*Specify other

12. Did you play hockey prior to high school?

1Shape328 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 13

12a. At what age did you FIRST start playing hockey prior to high school?

Shape331 Shape332 Age

Please include post-graduate year if applicable, but not time played at any previously mentioned level.

12b. At what age did you LAST start playing hockey prior to high school?

Shape333 Shape334 Age

Please include post-graduate year if applicable, but not time played at any previously mentioned level.

12c. What primary position did you play while playing hockey prior to high school?

1Shape335 Lt Wing

2Shape336 Rt Wing

3Shape338 Shape337 Wing

4Shape339 Forward

5 Center

6Shape340 Lt Defensemen

7Shape341 Rt Defensemen

8Shape342 Defensemen

9Shape343 Goalie

1Shape345 Shape344 0 Other: __________________

99 Don’t know

*Specify other


13. Were you ever a boxer?

1Shape346 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

Note: That boxer refers ONLY to professional or amateur boxing in which you competed in refereed bouts.

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 16

13a. At what age did you FIRST start boxing?

Shape349 Shape350 Age

13b. At what age did you LAST box?

Shape351 Shape352 Age

14. Did you ever box professionally?

1Shape353 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 15

14a. How many total bouts or matches did you compete in while boxing professionally?

Shape357 Shape358 Shape356

14b. In what weight class did you compete while boxing professionally?

1Shape360 Shape359 Heavyweight

2 Cruiserweight/junior heavyweight

3Shape362 Shape361 Light heavyweight

4Shape363 Super middleweight

5Shape364 Middleweight

6 Super welterweight, junior/light middleweight

7Shape365 Welterweight

8Shape366 Super lightweight or junior/light welterweight

9Shape368 Shape367 Lightweight

1Shape369 0 Super featherweight/junior lightweight

1Shape370 1 Featherweight

1Shape371 2 Super bantamweight/junior featherweight

1Shape372 3 Bantamweight

1Shape373 4 Super flyweight/junior bantamweight

1Shape374 5 Flyweight

1Shape375 6 Light flyweight/junior flyweight

1Shape376 7 Minimumweight/mini flyweight/strawweight

18 Light minimumweight/Atomweight

1Shape378 Shape377 9 Other: ______________________

99 Don’t know

*Specify other

15. Did you ever box as an amateur?

1Shape379 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 16

15a. How many total bouts or matches did you compete in while boxing as an amateur?

Shape383 Shape384 Shape382

15b. In what weight class did you compete while boxing as an amateur?

1Shape386 Shape385 Heavyweight

2 Cruiserweight/junior heavyweight

3Shape388 Shape387 Light heavyweight

4Shape389 Super middleweight

5Shape390 Middleweight

6 Super welterweight, junior/light middleweight

7Shape391 Welterweight

8Shape392 Super lightweight or junior/light welterweight

9Shape394 Shape393 Lightweight

1Shape395 0 Super featherweight/junior lightweight

1Shape396 1 Featherweight

1Shape397 2 Super bantamweight/junior featherweight

1Shape398 3 Bantamweight

1Shape399 4 Super flyweight/junior bantamweight

1Shape400 5 Flyweight

1Shape401 6 Light flyweight/junior flyweight

1Shape402 7 Minimum weight/mini flyweight/straw weight

18 Light minimumweight/Atomweight

1Shape404 Shape403 9 Other: ______________________

99 Don’t know

*Specify other


16. Did you ever play organized soccer?

1Shape405 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 22

16a. At what age did you FIRST start playing soccer?

Shape408 Shape409 Age

16b. At what age did you LAST play soccer?

Shape410 Shape411 Age

17. Did you play soccer professionally or semi-professionally?

1Shape412 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 18

17a. At what age did you FIRST start playing soccer professionally or semi-professionally?

Shape415 Shape416 Age

17b. At what age did you LAST play soccer professionally or semi-professionally?

Shape417 Shape418 Age

17c. In what league(s) did you play while playing soccer professionally or semi-professionally?

1Shape419 North American

2Shape420 South American

3Shape421 European

4Shape422 Asian/Australian

5Shape423 African

6Shape424 Other: _______

9Shape425 Don’t know

*Specify other

17ci. Please specify the league(s) you played professional soccer.

NA: ________________

SA: ________________

Euro: _______________

A&A: _______________

Afr: ________________

Other: ______________

17d. What was the primary position you held while playing soccer professionally or semi-professionally?

1Shape427 Shape426 Defender

2 Center-back

3Shape429 Shape428 Sweeper

4Shape430 Full-back/Lt-back/Rt-back

5Shape431 Wingback

6 Midfielder

7Shape432 Winger/Lt midfield/Rt midfield

8Shape433 Defensive midfielder

9Shape435 Shape434 Attacking midfielder

1Shape436 0 Forward

1Shape437 1 Striker

1Shape438 2 Goalie

13 Shape439 Other: ______________________

99 Don’t know

*Specify other

18. Did you play college soccer?

1Shape440 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 19

18a. At what age did you FIRST start playing college soccer?

Shape443 Shape444 Age

18b. At what age did you LAST play college soccer?

Shape445 Shape446 Age

18c. In what league did you play while playing college soccer?

1Shape448 Shape447 Division I

2 Division II

3Shape450 Shape449 Division III

4Shape451 NAIA

5 OShape452 ther: _______

9 Don’t know

*Specify other

18d. What was the primary position you held while playing college soccer?

1Shape454 Shape453 Defender

2 Center-back

3Shape456 Shape455 Sweeper

4Shape457 Full-back/Lt-back/Rt-back

5Shape458 Wingback

6 Midfielder

7Shape459 Winger/Lt midfield/Rt midfield

8Shape461 Shape460 Defensive midfielder

9Shape462 Attacking midfielder

1Shape463 0 Forward

1Shape464 1 Striker

1Shape465 2 Goalie

1Shape466 3 Other: ______________________

99 Don’t know

*Specify other

19. Did you play soccer in high school?

1Shape467 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 20

19a. At what age did you FIRST start playing soccer in high school?

Shape471 Shape470 Age

19b. At what age did you LAST play soccer in high school?

Shape473 Shape472 Age

19c. What was the primary position you held while playing soccer in high school?

1Shape475 Shape474 Defender

2Shape476 Center-back

3Shape477 Sweeper

4Shape478 Full-back/Lt-back/Rt-back

5Shape479 Wingback

6 Midfielder

7Shape481 Shape480 Winger/Lt midfield/Rt midfield

8Shape482 Defensive midfielder

9Shape483 Attacking midfielder

1Shape484 0 Forward

1Shape485 1 Striker

1Shape486 2 Goalie

1Shape487 3 Other: ______________________

99 Don’t know

*Specify other

20. Did you play soccer prior to high school?

1Shape488 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 21

20a. At what age did you FIRST start playing soccer prior to high school?

Shape492 Shape491 Age

20b. At what age did you LAST play soccer prior to high school?

Shape494 Shape493 Age

20c. What was the primary position you held while playing soccer prior to high school?

1Shape496 Shape495 Defender

2 Center-back

3Shape498 Shape497 Sweeper

4Shape499 Full-back/Lt-back/Rt-back

5Shape500 Wingback

6Shape501 Midfielder

7Shape502 Winger/Lt midfield/Rt midfield

8 Defensive midfielder

9Shape504 Shape503 Attacking midfielder

1Shape505 0 Forward

1Shape506 1 Striker

1Shape507 2 Goalie

1Shape508 3 Other: ______________________

99 Don’t know

*Specify other

21. Did you play soccer at another level?


1 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 22

21a. At what age did you FIRST start playing soccer at another level?

Shape513 Shape512 Age

21b. At what age did you LAST play soccer at another level?

Shape515 Shape514 Age

21c. What was the primary position you held while playing soccer at another level?

1Shape517 Shape516 Defender

2 Center-back

3Shape519 Shape518 Sweeper

4Shape520 Full-back/Lt-back/Rt-back

5Shape521 Wingback

6 Midfielder

7Shape522 Winger/Lt midfield/Rt midfield

8Shape523 Defensive midfielder

9Shape525 Shape524 Attacking midfielder

1Shape526 0 Forward

1Shape527 1 Striker

1Shape528 2 Goalie

13 Shape529 Other: ______________________

99 Don’t know

*Specify other


22. Did you play any other organized sports?

1Shape530 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, END SURVEY.

22a. What was your next, major, organized sport played?

1Shape534 Shape533 Amateur Wrestling

2 Auto Racing

3Shape536 Shape535 Bandy

4Shape537 Baseball

5Shape538 Basketball

6 Bodybuilding

7Shape539 Bowling

8Shape540 Bull Riding

9Shape542 Shape541 Distance Running

1Shape543 0 Crew

1Shape544 1 Cross County

1Shape545 2 Cycling

1Shape546 3 Decathlon

1Shape547 4 Diving

1Shape548 5 Equestrian

1Shape549 6 Field Hockey

1Shape550 7 Flag Football

18 Floor Hockey

­Shape552 Shape551 ­19 Golf

2Shape553 0 Gymnastics

2Shape554 1 Horse Jumping

2Shape555 2 Ice Skating

2Shape556 3 Inline Skating

24 Karate

­Shape557 ­25 Kickball

*Specify other

2Shape559 Shape558 6 Lacrosse

27 Martial Arts

2Shape561 Shape560 8 Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

2Shape562 9 Motorcycle Racing

3Shape563 0 Mountaineering

31 Parachuting

3Shape564 2 Pentathlon

3Shape565 3 Power Lifting

3Shape567 Shape566 4 Entertainment Wrestling

3Shape568 5 Racquetball

3Shape569 6 Roller Hockey

3Shape570 7 Rugby

3Shape571 8 Skiing

3Shape572 9 Snowboarding

4Shape573 0 Softball

4Shape574 1 Squash

4Shape575 2 Strongman

43 Swimming

­Shape577 Shape576 ­44 Tennis

4Shape578 5 Track and Field

4Shape579 6 Triathlon

4Shape580 7 Ultimate Frisbee

4Shape581 8 Water Polo

49 Water Skiing

­Shape582 ­50 Other: _________________

22b. At what age did you FIRST start playing this organized sport?

Shape583 Shape584 Age

22c. At what age did you LAST play this organized sport?

Shape585 Shape586 Age

23. Did you play this organized sport professionally?

1Shape587 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 24

23a. How many years did you play this organized sport professionally?


Shape591 Years

23b. What was the primary position you played while playing this organized sport professionally?

*If the sport does not have positions please respond N/A

24. Did you play this organized sport semi-professionally?

1Shape592 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 25

24a. How many years did you play this organized sport semi-professionally?

Shape596 Shape595


24b. What was the primary position you played while playing this organized sport semi-professionally?

*If the sport does not have positions please respond N/A

25. Did you play this organized sport in college?

1Shape597 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 26

25a. How many years did you play this organized sport in college?


Shape601 Years

25b. What was the primary position you played while playing this organized sport in college?

*If the sport does not have positions please respond N/A

26. Did you play this organized sport in high school?

1Shape602 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 27

26a. How many years did you play this organized sport in high school?


Shape606 Years

26b. What was the primary position you played while playing this organized sport in high school?

*If the sport does not have positions please respond N/A

27. Did you play this organized sport before high school?

1Shape607 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 28

27a. How many years did you play this organized sport before high school?

Shape610 Shape611


27b. What was the primary position you played while playing this organized sport before high school?

*If the sport does not have positions please respond N/A

28. Did you play this organized sport at another level?

1Shape612 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 29

28a. How many years did you play this organized sport at another level?

Please specify the level:


Shape615 Shape616


28b. What was the primary position you played while playing this organized sport before high school?

*If the sport does not have positions please respond N/A


29. Did you play any other organized sports?

1Shape617 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, END SURVEY.

29a. What was your next, major, organized sport played?

1Shape621 Shape620 Amateur Wrestling

2 Auto Racing

3Shape623 Shape622 Bandy

4Shape624 Baseball

5Shape625 Basketball

6 Bodybuilding

7Shape626 Bowling

8Shape627 Bull Riding

9Shape629 Shape628 Distance Running

1Shape630 0 Crew

1Shape631 1 Cross County

1Shape632 2 Cycling

1Shape633 3 Decathlon

1Shape634 4 Diving

1Shape635 5 Equestrian

1Shape636 6 Field Hockey

1Shape637 7 Flag Football

18 Floor Hockey

­Shape639 Shape638 ­19 Golf

2Shape640 0 Gymnastics

2Shape641 1 Horse Jumping

2Shape642 2 Ice Skating

2Shape643 3 Inline Skating

24 Karate

­Shape644 ­25 Kickball

*Specify other

2Shape646 Shape645 6 Lacrosse

27 Martial Arts

2Shape648 Shape647 8 Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

2Shape649 9 Motorcycle Racing

3Shape650 0 Mountaineering

31 Parachuting

3Shape651 2 Pentathlon

3Shape652 3 Power Lifting

3Shape654 Shape653 4 Entertainment Wrestling

3Shape655 5 Racquetball

3Shape656 6 Roller Hockey

3Shape657 7 Rugby

3Shape658 8 Skiing

3Shape659 9 Snowboarding

4Shape660 0 Softball

4Shape661 1 Squash

4Shape662 2 Strongman

43 Swimming

­Shape664 Shape663 ­44 Tennis

4Shape665 5 Track and Field

4Shape666 6 Triathlon

4Shape667 7 Ultimate Frisbee

4Shape668 8 Water Polo

49 Water Skiing

­Shape669 ­50 Other: _________________

29b. At what age did you FIRST start playing this organized sport?

Shape670 Shape671 Age

29c. At what age did you LAST play this organized sport?

Shape672 Shape673 Age

30. Did you play this organized sport professionally?

1Shape674 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 31

30a. How many years did you play this organized sport professionally?

Shape677 Shape678


30b. What was the primary position you played while playing this organized sport professionally?

*If the sport does not have positions please respond N/A

31. Did you play this organized sport semi-professionally?

1Shape679 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 32

31a. How many years did you play this organized sport semi-professionally?

Shape682 Shape683


31b. What was the primary position you played while playing this organized sport semi-professionally?

*If the sport does not have positions please respond N/A

32. Did you play this organized sport in college?

1Shape684 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 33

32a. How many years did you play this organized sport in college?

Shape687 Shape688


32b. What was the primary position you played while playing this organized sport in college?

*If the sport does not have positions please respond N/A

33. Did you play this organized sport in high school?

1Shape689 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 34

33a. How many years did you play this organized sport in high school?

Shape692 Shape693


33b. What was the primary position you played while playing this organized sport in high school?

*If the sport does not have positions please respond N/A

34. Did you play this organized sport before high school?


1 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 35

34a. How many years did you play this organized sport before high school?

Shape697 Shape698


34b. What was the primary position you played while playing this organized sport before high school?

*If the sport does not have positions please respond N/A

35. Did you play this organized sport at another level?


1 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 36

35a. How many years did you play this organized sport at another level?

Please specify the level:


Shape702 Shape703


35b. What was the primary position you played while playing this organized sport before high school?

*If the sport does not have positions please respond N/A


36. Did you play any other organized sports?

1Shape704 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, END SURVEY

36a. What was your next, major, organized sport played?

1Shape708 Shape707 Amateur Wrestling

2 Auto Racing

3Shape710 Shape709 Bandy

4Shape711 Baseball

5Shape712 Basketball

6 Bodybuilding

7Shape713 Bowling

8Shape714 Bull Riding

9Shape715 Shape716 Distance Running

1Shape717 0 Crew

1Shape718 1 Cross County

1Shape719 2 Cycling

1Shape720 3 Decathlon

1Shape721 4 Diving

1Shape722 5 Equestrian

1Shape723 6 Field Hockey

1Shape724 7 Flag Football

18 Floor Hockey

­Shape726 Shape725 ­19 Golf

2Shape727 0 Gymnastics

2Shape728 1 Horse Jumping

2Shape729 2 Ice Skating

2Shape730 3 Inline Skating

24 Karate

­Shape731 ­25 Kickball

*Specify other

2Shape733 Shape732 6 Lacrosse

27 Martial Arts

2Shape735 Shape734 8 Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

2Shape736 9 Motorcycle Racing

3Shape737 0 Mountaineering

31 Parachuting

3Shape738 2 Pentathlon

3Shape739 3 Power Lifting

3Shape741 Shape740 4 Entertainment Wrestling

3Shape742 5 Racquetball

3Shape743 6 Roller Hockey

3Shape744 7 Rugby

3Shape745 8 Skiing

3Shape746 9 Snowboarding

4Shape747 0 Softball

4Shape748 1 Squash

4Shape749 2 Strongman

43 Swimming

­Shape751 Shape750 ­44 Tennis

4Shape752 5 Track and Field

4Shape753 6 Triathlon

4Shape754 7 Ultimate Frisbee

4Shape755 8 Water Polo

49 Water Skiing

­Shape756 ­50 Other: _________________

36b. At what age did you FIRST start playing this organized sport?

Shape757 Shape758 Age

36c. At what age did you LAST play this organized sport?

Shape759 Shape760 Age

37. Did you play this organized sport professionally?

1Shape761 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 38

37a. How many years did you play this organized sport professionally?

Shape764 Shape765


37b. What was the primary position you played while playing this organized sport professionally?

*If the sport does not have positions please respond N/A

38. Did you play this organized sport semi-professionally?

1Shape766 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 39

38a. How many years did you play this organized sport semi-professionally?

Shape769 Shape770


38b. What was the primary position you played while playing this organized sport semi-professionally?

*If the sport does not have positions please respond N/A

39. Did you play this organized sport in college?

1Shape771 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 40

39a. How many years did you play this organized sport in college?

Shape774 Shape775


39b. What was the primary position you played while playing this organized sport in college?

*If the sport does not have positions please respond N/A

40. Did you play this organized sport in high school?

1Shape776 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 41

40a. How many years did you play this organized sport in high school?

Shape779 Shape780


40b. What was the primary position you played while playing this organized sport in high school?

*If the sport does not have positions please respond N/A

41. Did you play this organized sport before high school?

1Shape781 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 42

41a. How many years did you play this organized sport before high school?

Shape784 Shape785


41b. What was the primary position you played while playing this organized sport before high school?

*If the sport does not have positions please respond N/A

42. Did you play this organized sport at another level?

1Shape786 Yes


2 No


9 Don’t know

42a. How many years did you play this organized sport at another level?

Please specify the level:


Shape789 Shape790


42b. What was the primary position you played while playing this organized sport before high school?

*If the sport does not have positions please respond N/A



The following questions relate to biological family members including parents, sisters and brothers (including half siblings) and children. Please do not include adopted relatives.

1. How many biological sisters (including half-sisters) do you have, living or deceased?

 number

2. How many biological brothers (including half-brothers) do you have, living or deceased?

 number

3. How many biological children do you have, living or deceased?

 number

Please complete a few questions about each of your immediate relatives with respect to particular medical conditions they may have had. Among your biological relatives, including your parents, sisters, brothers and children, has anyone ever been diagnosed by a physician with any of the following conditions?

Relationship: Mother

1. Is your mother still living?

1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

2. What is your mother’s current age or age at her death?  years old

3. Has your mother ever been diagnosed by a physician with any of the following medical conditions?

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

Alzheimer’s disease: 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

Parkinson’s disease: 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

4. At what age was she diagnosed with the condition?

 age (ALS) Don’t know

 age (Alzheimer’s) Don’t know

 age (Parkinson’s) Don’t know

Relationship: Father

1. Is your father still living?

1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

2. What is your father’s current age or age at his death?  years old

3. Has your father ever been diagnosed by a physician with any of the following medical conditions?

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

Alzheimer’s disease: 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

Parkinson’s disease: 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

4. At what age was he diagnosed with the condition?

 age (ALS) Don’t know

 age (Alzheimer’s) Don’t know

 age (Parkinson’s) Don’t know

Relationship: Sibling (sister)

1. Is your sister still living?

1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

2. What is your sister’s current age or age at her death?  years old

3. Has your sister ever been diagnosed by a physician with any of the following medical conditions?

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

Alzheimer’s disease: 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

Parkinson’s disease: 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

4. At what age was she diagnosed with the condition?

 age (ALS) Don’t know

 age (Alzheimer’s) Don’t know

 age (Parkinson’s) Don’t know

Relationship: Sibling (brother)

1. Is your brother still living?

1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

2. What is your brother’s current age or age at his death?  years old

3. Has your brother ever been diagnosed by a physician with any of the following medical conditions?

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

Alzheimer’s disease: 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

Parkinson’s disease: 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

4. At what age was he diagnosed with the condition?

 age (ALS) Don’t know

 age (Alzheimer’s) Don’t know

 age (Parkinson’s) Don’t know

Relationship: Children

1. Relationship: 1 Daughter 2 Son

2. Is your child still living? 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

3. What is your child’s current age or the age at his/her death?  years old

4. Has your child ever been diagnosed by a physician with any of the following medical conditions?

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

Alzheimer’s disease: 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

Parkinson’s disease: 1 Yes 2 No 9 Don’t know

  1. At what age was he/she diagnosed with the condition?

 age (ALS) Don’t know

 age (Alzheimer’s) Don’t know

 age (Parkinson’s) Don’t know

Note Survey 7 is at the end because it is the only survey taken more than once.


1. When did you first notice weakness that was later diagnosed as ALS?

 /  Don’t know


2. In what part of the body did you first notice weakness that was diagnosed as ALS?

Speech and/or swallowing muscles

Arm or hand

Neck, back or abdominal area

Leg or foot

Breathing muscles

All over my body

3. Before you noticed weakness that turned out to be ALS, did you experience any of the following?

Cramps or muscle spasms?


2 No

9 Don’t know


In what month and year did you first experience cramps or muscle spasms?

 /  Don’t know


Scattered muscle twitching?


2 No

9 Don’t know


In what month and year did you first experience scattered muscle twitching?

 /  Don’t know


Difficulty swallowing?


2 No

9 Don’t know


In what month and year did you first experience difficulty swallowing?

 /  Don’t know


Problems with speech?


2 No

9 Don’t know


In what month and year did you first experience problems with speech?

 /  Don’t know


Difficulty controlling bowels or bladder?


2 No

9 Don’t know


In what month and year did you first experience difficulty controlling bowels or bladder?

 /  Don’t know


4. The following questions are about ALS specific medications you may have taken:

4a. Have you taken the drug riluzole (Rilutek®)?

I have never taken riluzole

I used to take riluzole but discontinued it

I am currently taking riluzole

Don’t know

4b. Have you taken the drug edaravone (Radicava®)?

I have never taken edaravone

I used to take edaravone but discontinued it

I am currently taking edaravone

Don’t know

5. The following questions are about assistive devices or programs you may have used.

Have you ever used a power wheelchair or electric scooter?


2 No

9 Don’t know


In what month and year did you first use a power wheelchair or electric scooter?

 /  Don’t know


Have you ever used noninvasive breathing equipment, such as Bi-Pap (Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure)?


2 No

9 Don’t know


In what month and year did you first use noninvasive breathing equipment such as Bi-Pap?

 /  Don’t know


Have you ever had a tracheostomy?


2 No

9 Don’t know


In what month and year did you have the tracheostomy?

 /  Don’t know


Have you ever used an augmentative and alternative communication device?

Yes _text box_

2 No

9 Don’t know


In what month and year did you first use an augmentative and alternative communication device?

 /  Don’t know


Have you ever been enrolled in a hospice program?


2 No

9 Don’t know


In what month and year did you first enroll in a hospice program?

 /  Don’t know


6. Since you developed ALS, have you had any of the following (mark all that apply):

Pneumonia that required treatment with prescription medication yes/no/don’t know

Falls that caused injury significant enough that you were seen by a physician yes/no/don’t know

A blood clot in an arm, leg or in the lung that required treatment with blood thinner medication yes/no/don’t know

7. Have you participated in any ALS research studies?


Don’t know

Would you potentially be interested in participating in ALS research studies?


Don’t know

8. A multidisciplinary ALS clinic is a clinic in which specialized medical care is provided at a medical facility by a team of healthcare professionals. This team may include a neurologist, nurse, physical therapist, occupational therapist, respiratory therapist, speech-language pathologist, nutritionist or dietitian and social worker.

Have you attended an ALS multidisciplinary clinic?

I have never attended a multidisciplinary ALS clinic

I currently attend a multidisciplinary ALS clinic

I previously attended a multidisciplinary ALS clinic but do not plan to attend any further visits

Don’t know

9. Which hand do/did you write with?



Can use either equally well

10. Do you have advance directives established, such as a living will?


Don’t know

11. Have you had genetic test for inherited traits that can cause ALS?


Don’t know

Self-Administered Rating Scale (to be completed 3 times in the first year and ever 6 months thereafter)


The following rating scale is used to assess changes in physical functioning in persons with ALS and other motor neuron diseases.

The questions refer to how you are currently functioning at home. Please read each item carefully and base your answers on your functioning today compared to the time before you had any symptoms of ALS or another motor neuron disease. Please choose the answer that best fits your functional status today.

Compared with the time before you had symptoms of ALS or another motor neuron disease:

1. Have you noticed any changes in your speech?

No change

I have a noticeable speech difference.

My speech has changed. I am asked often to repeat words or phrases.

My speech has changed. I sometimes need the use of alternative communication methods (i.e. computer, writing pad, letter board or eye chart).

I am unable to communicate verbally.

2. Have you noticed any changes (increases) in the amount of saliva in your mouth (regardless of any medication use)?

No change

I have slight but definite excess of saliva with or without night time drooling.

I have moderate amounts of excessive saliva with or without minimal day time drooling.

I have marked amounts of excessive saliva with some daytime drooling.

I have marked excessive saliva with marked drooling requiring a constant tissue or handkerchief.

Compared with the time before you had symptoms of ALS or another motor neuron disease:

3. Have there been any changes in your ability to swallow?

No changes for all foods and liquids

I have some changes in swallowing or occasional choking episodes (including coughing during swallowing).

I am unable to eat all consistencies of food and have modified the consistency of foods eaten.

I use a feeding tube (PEG) to supplement what is eaten by mouth.

I do not eat anything by mouth and receive all nutrition through a feeding tube (PEG).

4. Has your handwriting changed? Please choose the best answer that describes your handwriting with your dominant (usual) hand without a cuff or brace.

No changes

My handwriting is slower and/or sloppier but all the words are legible.

Not all my words are legible.

I am able to hold a pen but unable to write.

I am unable to hold a pen.

The following question refers to your ability to cut foods and handle utensils (feed yourself).

Compared with the time before you had symptoms of ALS or another motor neuron disease:

5. How do you get most of your nutrition?

Eat most of my meals by mouth

Get most of my nutrition through a feeding tube (PEG)

6. Cutting food and handling utensils:

No change

My cutting food or handling utensils is somewhat slow and clumsy (or different than before) but I do not need assistance or adaptive equipment.

I sometimes need help with cutting more difficult foods.

My food must be cut by someone else but I can feed myself slowly without assistance.

I need to be fed.

7. Using a feeding tube (PEG)

I use a PEG without assistance or difficulty.

I use a PEG without assistance however I may be slow and /or clumsy.

I require assistance with closures and fasteners.

I provide minimal assistance to a caregiver.

I am unable to perform any of the manipulations.

Compared with the time before you had symptoms of ALS or another motor neuron disease:

8. Has your ability to dress and perform self-care activities (i.e. bathing, teeth brushing, shaving, combing your hair, other hygienic activities) changed?

No change

I perform self-care activities without assistance but with increased effort or decreased efficiency.

I require intermittent assistance or use different methods (i.e. sit down to get dressed, fasten buttons with a fastener or your non-dominant hand).

I require daily assistance.

I do not perform self-care activities and am completely dependent on caregiver.

9. Has your ability to turn in bed and adjust the bed clothes (i.e. cover yourself with the sheet or blanket) changed?

No change

I can turn in bed and adjust the bed clothes without assistance but it is slower or more clumsy.

I can turn in bed or adjust the bed clothes without assistance but with great difficulty.

I can initiate turning in bed or adjusting the bed clothes but require assistance to complete the task.

I am helpless in bed.

Compared with the time before you had symptoms of ALS or another motor neuron disease:

10. Has your ability to walk changed?

No change

My walking has changed but I do not require any assistance or devices (i.e. foot brace, cane, or walker).

I require assistance to walk (i.e. cane, walker, foot brace or hand held assistance).

I can move my legs or stand up but am unable to walk from room to room.

I cannot walk or move my legs.

11. Has your ability to climb stairs changed?

No change

I am slower.

I am unsteady and/or more fatigued.

I require assistance (i.e. using the handrail, cane or person).

I cannot climb stairs.

Compared with the time before you had symptoms of ALS or another motor neuron disease:

12. Do you experience shortness of breath or have difficulty breathing?

No change

I have shortness of breath only with walking.

I have shortness of breath with minimal exertion (i.e. talking, eating, bathing or dressing).

I have shortness of breath at rest while either sitting or lying down.

I have significant shortness of breath (all of the time) and considering using mechanical ventilation.

13. Do you experience shortness of breath or have difficulty breathing while lying down on your back?

No change

I occasionally have shortness of breath while lying on back but don’t routinely use more that two (2) pillows to sleep.

I have shortness of breath while lying on back and require more than two pillows (or an equivalent) to sleep.

I can only sleep sitting up due to shortness of breath.

I require the use of respiratory (breathing) support (BiPAP® or invasive ventilation via tracheostomy) to sleep and do not sleep without it.

14. Do you require respiratory (breathing) support?

I need no respiratory support.

I need intermittent use of BiPAP®.

I need continuous use of BiPAP® at night.

I need continuous use of BiPAP® at night and during the day (nearly 24 hours per day).

I need mechanical ventilation by intubation or tracheostomy.

15. Please indicate who completed this survey:

I completed the survey (patient).

I completed the survey with assistance.

I completed the survey with assistance from caregiver or family member.

The caregiver completed the survey alone.

16. What is your current weight? __ __ __ lbs

17. Have you been hospitalized in the past 6 months? Yes No

18. If yes, how many times were you in the hospital? __ __ number of times

19. How many days were you hospitalized? __ __ total number of days

20. Have you gone to the Emergency Room in the past 6 months? Yes No

21. If yes, how many times have you visited the Emergency Room? __ __ number of times


1. Please enter your ideas or thoughts regarding the factors that may have caused your ALS.










2. Please enter any ideas about factors that may cause ALS in general.











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